Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim...

Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah

Transcript of Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim...

Page 1: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.

Class Attendance Tracking Database System

Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri

Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah

Page 2: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.

Class Attendance Tracking Database System

Current Attendance Tracking System: Papers

Waste of resources Bins full of papers

Signatures Cheating (Illegal)

Page 3: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Presentation Outline Objective Background

Biometrics Fingerprint Sensors Database Application Server

System Requirements System Architecture Database Design Prototype Implementation

Application Server Fingerprint Terminal Emulator Web Interface

Testing Security Conclusion Demo

Page 4: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



To implement a system that track attendance using: Database system:

Track of all information

Fingerprints: Identity Recognition

Automatically generates absent warning

Page 5: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



Page 6: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



What Biometric is?Types of Biometrics: Properties

Fingerprints Fingerprints are unique for each finger of a person

Face Recognition non-intrusive, hands-free, continuous and accepted by most users

Speaker Recognition Easy to implement

Iris Recognition It does not require physical contact with a scanner, Expensive.

Hand and Finger Geometry These methods of personal authentication are well established.

Signature Verification Uses the dynamic analysis of a signature to authenticate a person.

Page 7: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Fingerprint Sensors

Fingerprint sensors how its work? price

Optical Capture a digital image of the fingerprint. 50 -100 $

Ultrasonic Use very high frequency sound waves to enter the epidermal layer of skin.

500-1000 $

Capacitance Use the principles associated with capacitance in order to form fingerprint images.

100-150 $

Thermal Sensors Use the same pyro-electric material that is used in infrared cameras.

200 $

RF Sensors Low radio frequency (RF) signal is applied to the user’s finger. 200 $

Page 8: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



Files Vs. DBMS Files Complex Code for Queries Security of Data


Page 9: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Application Server

Using PHP under LAMP (GNU/Linux , Apache , MySQL, PHP)

CodeIgniter:- Open source PHP web application framework Small footprint MVC structured code (Model-View-Controller) Internal security features (XSS Filtering,

Encryption classes, input validation classes)

Page 10: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


System Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements Cost-effective

Open source Usability

Page 11: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


System Requirements

Functional Requirements Instructor enable the terminal (tracking) Students register attendance (fingerprint) Record absentees Send notification email to them Generate warnings automatically Instructor detailed reports of attendance in his

classes (web interface)

Page 12: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


System Use-Case Diagram

Page 13: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


ECCE5009 Wednesday 8:00am

Class Started

ECCE5009 Wednesday 10:00am

End of the Class


• Ishaq


• Ishaq

• Al Muatasim

Page 14: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


System Architecture

Decentralized Vs. Centralized. Factors

- Fingerprints Capacity

- Labor work

- Flexibility Centralized Wins !!

Page 15: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


System Architecture

Page 16: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


ER Diagram

Page 17: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Database Design

Page 18: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.




Page 19: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Application Server All responses are encoded in JSON

(JavaScript Object Notation) Binary Data are Base64 encoded

Provide a pre-defined tasks to the fingerprint terminal Authorize instructors Provide a list of students along with their

fingerprints in the current class using instructor id & current date and time

Add absent students to the database. Limit what users can do with the database.

Page 20: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Fingerprint Terminal Emulator Written in Java Object Oriented Programming paradigm Using Eclipse as an integrated development

environment Futronic Fingerprint Software Development Kit

for fingerprint matching “json_simple” for JSON encoding & decoding Communicate with the Application server using

HTTP protocol Emulate both the numbered keyboard and the

LCD screen Communicate with the fingerprint sensor using

Futronic Fingerprint SDK

Page 21: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Web Interface Levels of Access

One level Instructor

Functions: Detailed Report of Students’ Attendance in a

Section View, edit absence records Email Approve Warnings

Page 22: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



Validation Testing Fingerprint Terminal Database Web Interface

Release Testing Class Attendance Tracking Database


Page 23: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Security Avoid Security By Obscurity Allow only authorized users to gain access Restrictive regarding which characters to

allow in URL strings Filter the data as if it were tainted Validate the data to ensure it confirms the

correct type, length and size Escape the data before submitting it into the

database All cookies are encrypted

Page 24: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



Engineering Aspects

Sustainability & Manufacturability Prototype Implementation


Page 25: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Conclusion Standards

Fingerprint Terminal Emulator Java Standard Edition 6 (1.6)

Web Interface XHTML 1.0 (A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0) Cascading Style Sheets 2.1 (CSS 2.1) ECMAScript (aka. JavaScript)  ECMA-262

specification and ISO/IEC 16262 Communication

Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616) JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) (RFC 4627)

Page 26: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



Why SQU should adapt this solution? Environment (paperless) Lower total-cost of ownership Time-effective Easy and fast access to data Less human error (more affective tracking


Page 27: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.



Page 28: Class Attendance Tracking Database System Done by: Hussain Al-Lawati Isehaq Al-Mamari Al-Muatasim Al-Bahri Under Supervision of: Dr. Fahad Bait Shiginah.


Questions !!