CLASS – 8 th ASSIGNMENT : WEEK 14 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE Read the chapter Past forms part 1 Do exercise 7 in your notebook 2 exercise 8 in your book Read the chapter Past forms part 2 Write the following notes in your notebook We use‘would’ and ‘use to', to talk about past habits and past States. These words helps us describe how things have changed over time. 2 exercise 1 in your notebook 2 exercise 3 in your book SUBJECT: ENGLISH LITERATURE Read the poem palm tree Write the poem in your notebook Write the word meanings of the poem in your notebook Read lines given below and answer the questions that follow: 1 st - all day the fronds the wind blown tree so and flap the shadow as though it thinks it can fly… a. What are fronds? Ans. Fronds are long leaves of plants or trees. b. What does the palm tree imagine it can do? Ans. The palm tree imagines as if it could fly. c. Where does it wander? Where does it travel to? Ans. It wanders in the skies. And no one knows where does it travel to. 2 nd - and then as soon as the wind dies down, the fronds subside, subside. The mind of the tree returns. a. Why does the poet repeat the word subside? Ans. the poet repeats the word subside because he wants to state that it was very calm and peaceful time. b. Explain the mind of the tree returns, where had it gone?

Transcript of CLASS 8 ASSIGNMENT : WEEK 14

CLASS – 8th



Read the chapter Past forms part 1

Do exercise 7 in your notebook

2 exercise 8 in your book

Read the chapter Past forms part 2

Write the following notes in your notebook

We use‘would’ and ‘use to', to talk about past habits and past States. These words helps us

describe how things have changed over time.

2 exercise 1 in your notebook

2 exercise 3 in your book


Read the poem palm tree

Write the poem in your notebook

Write the word meanings of the poem in your notebook

Read lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

1st- all day the fronds the wind blown tree so and flap the shadow as though it thinks it can fly…

a. What are fronds?

Ans. Fronds are long leaves of plants or trees.

b. What does the palm tree imagine it can do?

Ans. The palm tree imagines as if it could fly.

c. Where does it wander? Where does it travel to?

Ans. It wanders in the skies. And no one knows where does it travel to.

2nd- and then as soon as the wind dies down, the fronds subside, subside. The mind of the tree


a. Why does the poet repeat the word subside?

Ans. the poet repeats the word subside because he wants to state that it was very calm and

peaceful time.

b. Explain the mind of the tree returns, where had it gone?

Ans. The mind of the tree returns means the tree stops moving with the wind, and stops

thinking about flying.

c. What does the palm tree recall as soon as the wind dies? Where does it return to?

Ans. As soon as the wind dies the palm tree recalls mother Earth, and returns to its earthly


विषय: विन्दी व्याकरण

पत्र लिखिए।

1, सहेिी के दादा जी के आकखिक लिधि का समाचार सुिकर सहेिी को साांत्विा देते हुए एक

पत्र लिखिए।

पाठ-9 पर्ाार्वाची शब्द7

अांग से िाव तक पर्ाावाची शब्द का ॅ पी में लिखिए। पृष्ठ सांख्या 80

2, रेिाांलकत शब्दोां के पर्ाार्वाची शब्द लििकर ररक्त स्थाि की पूलता कीलजए।

1, राह लकतिी भी कलठि हो, समझदार िोग-------- लिकाि ही िेते हैं।

2, लसांह पर बैठी हुई दुर्ाा को------ भी कहते हैं।

3, स्त्री घर की मािलकि होती है इसलिए------ कहिाती है।

4, बरसात में िदी- िािोां का पानी गांगा में जाकर गांगा के-------में लमि जाता है।

5, साक्षात मृतु्य को देिकर भी वीरोां को------से डर िही ां िगता।

6, काल िंदी,----------- िदी का दूसरा िाम है।

7, लजि मेहमान िं के आिे की लतलथ लिलित िही ां होती थी, उिको------- कहा जाता था।

8, पवातोां का राजा होिे के कारण लहमा य को------ कहते हैं।

9, लचल़िर्ाघर शब्द के लिल़िया शब्द का अथा है------।

10, कल्पवृक्ष देवताओां का वृक्ष मािा जाता है इसलिए उसे------- भी कहते हैं। पृष्ठ सांख्या 83

विषय: विन्दी सावित्य पाठ - 4 दीर् का अलभमाि (कलवता)

कलवता का सार

अहांकार मािव का सबसे ब़िा शतु्र है। छोटे- से लदए के माध्यम से कलव िे इसी बात को समझािे

का प्रर्त्न लकर्ा है। छोटे -से दीपक को अलभमाि हो गर्ा लक वह सूर्ा और चांद्र से भी शे्रष्ठ है। वे

तो लदि में व रात बाहर ही प्रकाश करते हैं, जबलक वह तो अांदर भी प्रकाश कर सकता है। इतिे

में वह दीर्ा हवा के छोटे से झोांके से बुझ जाता है। कलव कहता है लक सूर्ा -चाांद तो आांधी

तूफािोां का मुकाबिा भी कर िेते हैं, पर अहांकार का िाश करिे के लिए एक छोटा सा हवा का

झोांका ही काफी होता है। हमें कभी अहांकार िही ां करिा चालहए। लजस प्रकार लदए के अहांकार को

एक हवा के छोटे से झोांके िे लमटा लदर्ा, उसी प्रकार से अहांकार का हमेशा दुष्पररणाम होता है

और हमें कभी अहांकार िही ां करिा चालहए िही ां तो हमें उसके दुष्पररणाम भुगतिे प़िते हैं।

1, केवि एक शब्द में उत्तर दो-

प्रश्न-1 जिते- जिते लकस के मि में र्ह लवचार आर्ा लक वह सूर्ा चांद्रमा से भी अलधक महाि


प्रश्न-2 कौि घर के कोिे ;कोिे को प्रकालशत करता है?

प्रश्न-3 जिते हुए दीपक को लकसिे बुझा लदर्ा?

प्रश्न-4 सृलि शब्द का अथा क्या है?

प्रश्न-5 शलश भी लमटा िही ां पाता, शलश शब्द लकसके लिए आर्ा है।

उत्तर- दीरे्, दीर्ा, हवा, सांसार, चांद्रमा

िोट:- कलवता का सार तथा केवि एक शब्द में उत्तर दीलजए, का ॅ पी में लिखिए।


Chapter 8: Profit, loss and Discount

Exercise 8 B Solve sums 1 -9

SUBJECT: PHYSICS Read the chapter Force and Pressure.

Answer the following questions in short:

1. Where will the atmospheric pressure be greater - at ground level or at the top of

high mountain?

Ans. At ground level.

2. Name any two devices used in everyday life which work on the existence of

atmospheric pressure.

Ans. i. drinking straw, ii. A syringe

3. If a vacuum is created between two Magdeburg hemispheres joined together,

they cannot be separated easily. What presses the hemisphere together?

Ans. The two hemispheres stick to each other because the air inside them is pumped

out with a remarkable force between them so that they can stick together.

4. What makes a balloon get inflated when air is filled in it?

Ans. When we put air in the balloon, then the number of air molecules in the balloon

increases. These air molecules cause collisions with the rubber walls of balloon and

create an air pressure. The air pressure acting on the thin rubber walls of the balloon

form inside causes the balloon to expand and get inflated.

5. Name the substance whose weight produces atmospheric pressure.

Ans. The substance whose weight produces atmospheric pressure are the molecules of

the air.

SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY Read the chapter Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Answer the following question:

1. Give an example of two liquids which forms a) homogenous b) heterogenous –


Ans. Two liquids which form homogenous mixture are Alcohol and Water.

Two liquids which form heterogenous mixture are oil and water.

2. Compare the properties of iron (II) sulphide with iron – Sulphur mixture,

considering iron (II) sulphide as a compound & particles iron & Sulphur mixed

together as an example of a mixture.

Ans. Iron and Sulphur mixture:

i. The constituents i.e. iron and Sulphur are seen separately.

ii. Iron attracts and clings to magnet.

iii. On adding dil. HCl to the mixture H2 gas evolves.

Iron (II) sulphideia a compound

i. It is black solid.

ii. On bringing a magnet near it we cannot separate iron.

iii. On adding dil. HCL to it H2S gas evolves.

3. Explain with diagrams the process used to – separate the following substance

from the given mixtures:

a. Ammonium chloride from a mixture of – ammonium chloride & potassium


b. Iron from a mixture of iron & copper


Read the chapter Ecosystems.

Very short answer questions:

1. What is flora?

Ans: The group of plants native to a particular region constitute the flora of that region.

2. What is a trophic level in a food chain?

Ans: Each level in the food chain is called the trophic level.

3. What types of plants are found in boreal forests?

Ans: A boreal forest consists of mostly evergreen coniferous trees like pine, fir and


Long answer questions:

1. Briefly explain the role of abiotic components in an ecosystem.

Ans. The biotic components are all non - living components of an ecosystem. These

include sunlight, air, water, soil and climatic factors such as wind, temperature, rainfall



The energy obtained from sunlight is essential for the production of food by

photosynthesis in plants.


Oxygen of the air is essential for respiration in plants and animals. Carbon dioxide is

useful for photosynthesis in plants.


Water is used by plants and animals for drinking and various other purposes.


Soil provides a substratum for the growth of plants. It contains water and mineral

nutrients, such as sodium, potassium, etc. required by plants.

2. Describe the characteristic features of tropical rainforests.

Ans. The tropical rain forest biome has four main characteristics:

1. Very high annual rainfall.

2. High average temperatures,

3. Nutrient-poor soil,

4. High levels of biodiversity.

SUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICS Chapter3- The American Civil War

Short question and answers:

1.Why were slavery important for the Southern States?

Ans. The Southern states had large cotton and tobacco plantations. Slaves were a vital part of their

economy . These plantations totally depended on slave labour. Without slave labour agriculture

would suffer in the South.

2.Why did the Northern oppose slavery?

Ans. The Northern states shunned slavery and considered it a blot on the name of their country.

For one thing, unlike they did not depend on slave labor for their economy. The Northern States

were comparatively prosperous than the Southern States due to rapid industrial progress and

trade. The Southern States were generally backward.

3.What were the two major developments that took place in the United states of America in the

first half of the 19th century?

Ans. The two major developments that took place during this period were:

1.The great westward expansion.

2.Industrial growth and development.

4.Why is Abraham Lincoln described as the ‘Great Emancipator’?

Ans. Lincoln was determined to save the Union at all costs at the cost of war, if necessary Civil war

broke out in 1861. In 1863, Lincoln abolished slavery in the South. He remains enshrined in the

hearts of free people as the ‘Great Emancipator.


Chapter- 4 Urbanization

Question and answers:

1.What are the essential features of the smart city?

Ans. Smart cities are urban regions that are highly advanced in terms of overall infrastructure.

The IT (information technology ) is the core basis of providing essential services to all residents.

Other essential infrastructure, apart from IT in a smart city, includes ---

a. Proper sanitation and waste management systems.

b. Round the clock electricity supply.

c. Adequate water supply.

d. Efficient urban mobility and public transport with a network of good well connected roads.

e. Good schools

f. Quick and efficient functioning of law enforcement officials.

2.What is a smart city?

Ans. A smart city is an urban region which is highly advanced in terms of overall infrastructure,

sustainable real estate, communication and market viability.

3 .List any three factors responsible for the urbanization of a place?

Ans. Factors responsible for the urbanization of a place are:

a. Rapid industrial growth in and around cities provide plenty of job opportunities.

b. Better medical facilities and health care services.

c. Better education prospects for migrants and their children.


तृतीर्: पाठ: - वृद्ध: कपोत: ( बूढा कबूतर)

पाठ - 3 लहन्दी अिुवाद

कखिलशचत विे-----------कररश्यालमां।

अिुवाद:- लकसी जांगि में एक कबूतर का एक दि रहता था। एक बूढा कबूतर दि का िेता और

सांरक्षण था। प्रलतलदि कबूतर जांगि में दािा ढूांढते और पेट भरते थे। एक बार लशकारी वहााँ आर्ा।

आकाश में अिेक कबूतरोां को देि वह बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ, उसिे सोचा- अहो मेरा सौभाग्य।. पर

अब तो शाम हो गई है। क्या करां ठीक है। ठीक है, कि र्हााँ आकर चावि के दािे लबिेर

दुाँगा। ढेर सारे चाविोां की रालश देिकर र्ह कबूतर जमीि पर उतरें गे। और उसी समर् में सब

कबूतरोां को जाि में फाांस िुांगा।

2, प्रात: र्ावत कपोता:-----------पािर्नु्त ।

अिुवाद:- सुबह जैसे ही कबूतर आकाश में उ़िते हैं, वैसे ही चावि के दािे जमीि पर देिते हैं।

अब भोजि की क्या लचांता र्ह सोचकर, प्रसन्न हो, वे दि के िेता बूढे कबूतर के पास जाकर सारा

वृत्ताांत उसे बताते हैं।

बूढा कबूतर बुखद्धमाि था। उसके मि में सांशर् हुआ। लिजाि वि में इतिी ब़िी चावि के दािोां की

रालश कैसे सांभव है। अवश्य ही र्हाां कोई भर् की बात है। वह उि कबूतरोां को बोिा कोई भी

वहााँ ि जाए। सभी इस आदेश का पािि करें ।

3, िोभवशात कपोत: ----------------सुरलक्षतम इलत।

अिुवाद:- िोभवश कबूतरोां िे गुरुजिोां की आज्ञा की अवमाििा की। पररणाम स्वरुप वे लिदार्ी /

कू्रर लशकारी के जाि में फस गए। जाि में फां से, वे पिाताप करिे िगे। इसी बीच बूढा कबूतर भी

वहााँ पहुांच गर्ा। कबूतरोां को लदिासा देते हुए वह बोिा तुम िोग लचांता मत करो, धैर्ा रिो एकता

से सब काम लसद्ध हो जाते हैं।- एक साथ जाि िेकर आकाश में उ़ि जाओ। जांगि के पास

हमारा लमत्र मोिू मूषक रहता है। हम वही चिते हैं ।अब र्ही एक उपार् है। सांकट के समर् धैर्ा

िही ां छो़ििा चालहए।

मिु मूषक िे झट से कबूतरोां के जाि को अपिे तीिे दाांतोां से काट लदर्ा। जाि से मुक्त, प्रसन्न

होकर कबूतर बोिे - धन्यवाद, लमत्र मूषक! आज आपकी कृपा से हमारा जीवि सुरलक्षत है।

गुरुवर, - हम आपके आभारी हैं आपकी कृपा है हमारा अपराध क्षमा कीलजए, हम सब िखित हैं।

आज से हम गुरुजिोां की आज्ञा का सदा पािि करें गे। र्ह सच - है गुरु / ब़िोां की आज्ञा का

पािि करिा चालहए।( ब़िोां की बात माििी चालहए। )

पाठ का अिुवाद तथा शब्द-अथा का ॅ पी में लिखिए ।


Revise the work of week 6 assignment.

Learn and revise all the question answers of week 6 assignment.

Read Lesson 1 from your textbook and do the following questions in your notebook.

A. Answer the following:

Q1. What were the earliest storage devices?

Q2. What is the state of data in RAM when the computer is turned off?

Q3. How is mass storage different from memory, which refers to temporary storage


Q4. What is micro – instruction?

SUBJECT: VALUE EDUCATION Read Lesson 2 – The Brooklyn Bridge – A story of determination .

Stay Home!!!!Stay Safe!!!!