Class 5 Examples of Work - 2015

The Gods of Greece! Zeus: the god of the skies. Hera: the goddess of motherhood and marriage. Poseidon: the god of the sea and earthquakes. Hades: the god of the underworld and riches. Aphrodite: the goddess of love and beauty. Hermes: the god of travellers, thieves, messengers and merchants. Demeter: the goddess of agriculture. Athena: the goddess of wisdom, battle and useful arts. Ares: the god of war. Hephaestus: the god of blacksmiths and fire. Artemis: the goddess of hunting and maiden girls. Apollo: the god of music, medicine, sun and bachelors. Dionysus: the god of wine and revelry. By Aisling McVeigh age 9



Transcript of Class 5 Examples of Work - 2015

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The Gods of Greece!

Zeus: the god of the skies.

Hera: the goddess of motherhood and marriage.

Poseidon: the god of the sea and earthquakes.

Hades: the god of the underworld and riches.

Aphrodite: the goddess of love and beauty.

Hermes: the god of travellers, thieves, messengers and


Demeter: the goddess of agriculture.

Athena: the goddess of wisdom, battle and useful arts.

Ares: the god of war.

Hephaestus: the god of blacksmiths and fire.

Artemis: the goddess of hunting and maiden girls.

Apollo: the god of music, medicine, sun and bachelors.

Dionysus: the god of wine and revelry.

By Aisling McVeigh age 9

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The creature

The terror he causes,

The fear he makes,

The size he takes,

The chamber he is trapped in, loses its grasp.

The creature roams free, and is no friend to anyone.

His feet the size of a junk yard,

His neck a sewer,

His body a skyscraper,

His legs an apartment ,

His tail a balcony,

His head a planet.

By Archie Harrison

Age 9

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Love Everyone

Love is in the air,

Out of the sky,

Valentine’s day; is a national day of love.

Everyone has someone to love.

Everyday every minute someone is in love.

Very beautiful, with a kind heart,

Everyone has someone to love.

Real love is beautiful sight to see,

Your love is always in your heart,

On Valentine’s Day you celebrate love.

No one, can tell you who to love.

Everyone has someone to love.

By Bella Carrier Age 9

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Charlie-sue Leggett Age 10


Red is the colour of roses,

Amber is the colour of the sun,

Indigo is the colour of the night sky,

Never shall the colours fade,

Blue is the colour of the sky,

Orange is the colour of autumn trees,

White is the colour of clouds.

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Space Core

Sun, the river of endless light,

Planet, a land of eternal discovery,

A place where darkness is preserved,

Crater, the remains of a rocks destruction,

Earth, the planet glistening with life and spirit.

Core, the never ending drop into the unknown,

Out of this world the valley of unspecified land,

Rocket, the last ten seconds until they return to the stars,

End, the last era of time and darkness,

Daniel Craven

Age 10

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Evie Griffin Age 11


The exploding colours painted the sky,

Dancing throughout the night,

Colours of topaz, emerald and ruby; direction of north they


Catherine wheel twirling fluorescent light

Whizz! Pop! Boom!

Fireworks crackle and burst,

Colours in the sky like the Fourth of July,

Rainbows paraded the sky with the light.

Smell of smoke, hazy air, not as clear as could be,

Still the gems of colour shine on through,

Flames of scarlet, amber and gold sparkle in the night,

Seas of sapphire and emerald glistening in the atmosphere

Fireworks on New Years Eve

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The Mist of Our Souls

Through the mist of the sullen valley,

A place where no light is preserved.

The clock struck midnight in the horizon,

The souls of the dead rose from below.

Out they came glistening through the dale,

Their fluorescent light, quite so bright.

While the night kept the world asleep

The souls of the dead were still open-eyed.

Flowing through the darkness of the night,

The moon glimmered with light.

The mist of our souls not casting a shadow

Left no trails in sight.

Where were they going?

Will they return?

What caused them to come?

But suddenly they ceased.

They looked at the moon with pride,

But not for long, suddenly they ascended.

Their glowing light shining on,

The mist of their bodies filling the sky.

Their mist shining in the darkness,

Until they turned into stars;

The souls of the dead live on.

Forever in our hearts.

By Giaan Ray - Age 11

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The Tired Mass

Far, far away in a bamboo forest,

A black and white mass sat curled up tightly,

Raved the tough tall green tubes that sat upright,

Fortitude was no obsession for this animal,

Almost making a path like natures road works,

Racing, racing through the bamboo forest against time,

All it has to carve through are four harsh teeth,

What a way to go for a black and white mass,

A tough, rough, harsh green substance so hard to move,

You and I are strong but what about the mass.

By Hugh Kennedy

Age: 9

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Burning, burning, burning,

The bright elegant sun.

Look at the temper of it,

It is something on fire,

Getting angrier and mad with revenge.

Thinking of anyone as the culprit,

It is not safe anymore.

Burning, burning, burning with anger.

Burning, burning, burning,

The fiery red hot sun.

The anger getting hotter,

It’s hard not to see.

The blame is all over the world,

Who could it be?

James Barrand

Age: 9

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The Universe Controls

In space there are a lot of surprises,

Even ones you think aren’t there,

Everything exists for a reason,

The universe knows what has to be done.

No one can change their future,

No one can run from their fate,

But you can still have some choices,

Choose wisely.

The universe corrects everything you aren’t supposed to do,

The universe is like a person controlling everything,

The universe could be a machine,

It controls until it dies.

By James Court

Age 11

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The Musketeers

In the thick white fog these people run like the wind,

Their gun shots go faster than the speed of light;

Their swords clash like beasts in the night,

They do not care if blood gets spilt; they do not care at all,

Some people call them outlaws; some people call them thieves,

They roam only when it Is pitch black; who are they…

By James Tubman

Age: 10

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Animal Alphabet

Jo Perrott

A is for ant, scurrying for food.

B is for bee, flying round for nectar.

C is for chicken, eating seeds all day.

D is for duck, following the river.

E is for elephant, cooling it’s self by flapping its ears.

F is for fish, swimming round the sea.

G is for gorilla, limping through the jungle.

H is for hamster, crawling up tunnels.

I is for iguana, pulling its large body up trees.

J is for jaguar, leaping on it’s pray.

K is for koala, spending all day in the trees.

L is for lizard, crawling over the desert.

M is for mole, making holes everywhere.

N is for newt, re-growing it’s limbs.

O is for ocelot, jumping from tree to tree.

P is for parrot, flying over the forest.

Q is for quokka, hiding in long grass.

R is for rabbit, scoffing carrots.

S is for salamander, with its many species.

T is for tiger, protecting its cubs.

U is for uakari, with its bright red head.

V is for vulture, gliding over the desert.

W is for wasp, stinging any enemies.

X is for x ray tetra, swimming all day.

Y is for yak, with thick hair.

Z is for zebra, with stripy skin.

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The Box

A cage of isolation,

Where a lone dagger lies

Either dies quick death

Or end your life slowly.

Let your soul trickle out of you,

A stream of mind and body,

Whereas a quick death; no dignity,

No time to reminisce.

What would you do?

By Katrina Jolly

Age 10

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The night sky sprinkled with shining gems,

High in the sky hurtling meteors race by,

Engraved brightly in our minds,

Night sky as black as coal,

Incredibly impressive this place is,

Galaxy is far and beyond your dreams,

Highlight the sky with shimmering stars,

Tiny comets whizzing through the sky,

Shooting stars speeding by,

Kilometres away from the Earth the Moon waits,

Yearly comets come flying by.

Leanna Murphy



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The Girl

I once knew a girl,

She had eyes as green as emeralds,

Her skin was white as snow,

And this is why I loved her so.

I once knew a girl,

She had cheeks of peachy pink,

Her voice as gentle as a cooing dove,

She was my only true love.

I once knew a girl,

She had lips as red as roses,

Her hair was silky soft.

Once I knew this girl,

I found love can be a curse.

As if she hath another lover,

The lust for blood doth come.

For when the death clock begins to tick,

The jealous rage doth brew…

Lucy Kennedy

Age 11

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Lyra Shepherd Cobb Age 10

Romeo and Juliette

The first time I saw you,

It was love at first sight.

You were well made and phenomenal,

You even kissed me goodnight.

I never thought I would see you again,

but you were calling my name,

Juliet, Juliet marry me Juliet.

I can’t marry you our family has a feud.

We can’t be together,

We can’t love each other,

but nothing can stop us now,

We can stand up for each other,

Love one another.

It doesn’t matter what our parents say ,

Marry me Juliet we will never have to stay,

In your white dress meet me at church,

We will be Married.

We were married and loved each other,

Until I was made to love another.

My heart dropped I loved one and only one.

Even with our bitter end our love will never end.

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Dick Turpin

Dick Turpin, so wild and gangsterish.

Dick Turpin, so beastly and thoughtless.

Dick Turpin, so cold hearted and evil.

Dick Turpin, so deathly and horrid.

Dick Turpin, so miserable and pathetic.

Dick Turpin, sorry and sad.

Matthew Barrand, Age 9

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The Beast

His head is a bomb,

His arms are carbines,

His body is a mountain,

His legs are the size of a sewer,

His feet are high quality cars.

The beast is not a friend he is a foe,

The beast will kill for entertainment,

The beast will eat anything in his path,

The beast is a weapon himself,

The beast’s back is a shield at war,

The beast’s elbow is a sharp arrow.

The beast’s life is a beast battle.

By Oliver Jones

Age 9

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Mother Earth

Mother Earth,

Has given life.

Mother Earth,

Has given us a chance,

We have failed.

Her air we fill,

With smoke and depression.

Scared to breathe in the mess,

We have failed.

Her seas over land,

Choking with our waste,

With our rubbish,

We have failed.

People cutting her trees,

Illegal or not we still do it,

Killing habitats,

We have failed.

Cars spilling out fumes,

Making the blue sky go black,

We don’t try and stop because,

We have failed.

Mother Earth has given life,

Mother Earth,

Has given us a chance,

We have failed.

Written by Penelope Hawkins 10 years old

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Phoebe Suckling, Age 11

The Shooting Star

There was a flash across the sky

A glittering gleam from a star,

It darted from corner to corner

Who could tell if it travelled far?

It zoomed faster than a rocket

Shimmering as it flew,

As it had just less than a second

To flash out of our view.

So fast it left its shine behind

As it glimmered through the night,

It brightened up the night with light.

Almost no one saw it race through the


So they left it, twinkling in their eyes,

They gazed up at the sky with a

cheerful feeling,

And excitedly, all of them, made a


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Impossible places

There are lots of places,

That seem impossible to me

Like deep, empty space,

And the dark murky sea…

Impossible places

Mercury, a ball of fire, burning eternally,

Paris, with the Eiffel Tower so high,

Ouagadougou, with a peculiar name,

Stars, a path leading to heaven,

Sun, blazing like torches bright,

Italy, the leaning tower of Pisa, almost scraping the sky,

Berlin, black, white, red,

London, with the spinning London Eye,

Earth, home to sea and land,

Paris , with smells of bread wafting out of the window,

Los Angeles, the statue of Liberty is still smiling,

Antarctica a wasteland for snow,

Caves, darker than night,

Eternal future, you never know what might happen,

Space, empty and spacious.

Rebekah Erdozain age 10

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Dragon Scales like tables,

Eyes like boulders,

Feet the size of a village,

A tale as long as a whale

When he walks he makes earthquakes,

His fire burns skyscrapers,

When he breathes he creates clouds,

His claws can scratch the sun

He likes to eat jungles,

He likes to drink oceans,

He is amazing,

He is a dragon!

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Ruby Annabell Cooper age:10

The Beast

The legend says,

The freak-show,

Of Chicago,

Is the greatest monster of them all.

The hay like hair,

The gleaming red eyes,

The pale brown teeth,

The ragged old clothes.

So watch out,

The Beast is about,

Killing at his every stride.

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ELEGANT ELEPHANTS Elegant Elephants strolling by, Elegant Elephants coming by, Elegant Elephants why, oh why, Can’t I have a ride! Elegant Elephants walking with pride, I can’t deny, as Elegant Elephants walk; Here and there it feels like they’re everywhere. Elegant Elephants just have a quick stare, See how beautiful they really are Elegant Elephants. By Sara Gardner Age 9

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Sophie Coope Age 10

The Deep Blue Sea

My feet beneath the gritty sand,

About to run into the shimmering sea,

Paddling and splashing about.

Beneath the waves I`ll be,

Playing with the spiralling fishes,

Underneath the tropical sea,

Riding the glittering dolphin,

Under coral ocean,

That’s where you`ll find me.

Deep, deep down there,

The sea was calm,

But filled eternal darkness,

For years to come and go.

Listening beneath the torrent,

Lies a shipwreck,

Home to a giant squid,

An amazing animal,

What a wonderful water world this is.

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Wolves by Lottie Hay aged 11

Their amber eyes shining as bright as the sun,

Their teeth as sharp as daggers piercing into your skin,

Their smooth silky fur waving in the wind,

Their claws clasping their prey.


Their teeth chewing the tough meat,

Howling at the moonlit sky,

Their noses smelling their next victim from a mile away,

Wolves they are nature’s hunters.

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The Beast Within

Deep down in your heart,

There is a beast within;

It wants to make you cry or die,

So we must all fight him.

He is as tall as a tower,

He is as dark as space,

His heart is made of steel,

Deceiving is his face.

His eyes are made of fire,

His wits as sharp as his tail,

He’ll stab you over with his hate,

His face makes you go pale.

He’ll eat away at your love,

He’ll magnify your hate,

He’s armed with a blood-red trident,

His thoughts are as dark as slate.

He’ll steal all of your goodness,

He’ll twist and turn your thoughts,

He’ll force you to commit many a sin,

Your dark thoughts he has sought.

He’ll ruin your whole love life,

He’ll drive a dagger through your heart,

You must choose whether you’re noble or evil,

For we must all play our part.

He is the darkest force,

Holes in your mind, he tears,

He has plans to destroy this world,

So stranger, say your prayers.

Deep down in your heart,

There is a beast within.

By Zack Ashley-Timms

Age: 10