Class- 5 English Worksheet-7 NOUNS · PROPER NOUNS A proper noun is the name of a specific person,...

ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, ZIRAKPUR Class- 5 English Worksheet-7 NOUNS In this worksheet we shall be studying two types of nouns. They are COMMON NOUNS Common nouns are naming words that are common to people, places, things, animals etc. Common nouns do not define any specific person, place or thing. They are general names. So, they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. For example: (i) Teachers teach in schools. (ii) Birds live on trees. (iii) Akash’s mother is a doctor. (iv) These chocolates and cakes are delicious.

Transcript of Class- 5 English Worksheet-7 NOUNS · PROPER NOUNS A proper noun is the name of a specific person,...


Class- 5 English Worksheet-7


In this worksheet we shall be studying two types of nouns. They are –


Common nouns are naming words that are common to people, places, things, animals

etc. Common nouns do not define any specific person, place or thing. They are

general names. So, they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. For example:

(i) Teachers teach in schools.

(ii) Birds live on trees.

(iii) Akash’s mother is a doctor.

(iv) These chocolates and cakes are delicious.


A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, organization or thing. Proper

nouns begin with a capital letter. For example:

(i) My name is Mark.

(ii) His cousin lives in Norway.

(iii) Albert Einstein was born in Germany.

(iv) I visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris.


Watch the following videos to enhance your understanding of the topics

mentioned above and solve the exercise given below.

1. Underline the nouns and write its type.

(a) He always supports his friends.

(b) My uncle is a fan of Anil Kapoor.

(c) I went to office early.

(d) The judge sentenced Naman to five years imprisonment.

(e) Come Tom, let’s go for a walk.

(f) Christmas is celebrated in the month of December.

(g) The postman, Mr. Robert, was carrying postcards.

(h) Last year we visited the Niagara Falls.

(i) They will be visiting our school today.

(j) Andy and Kathy are best friends.


Class 5 Hindi Worksheet - 7



Watch this video using given link below-

Class - 5 S.ST Worksheet-5

Major Landforms


Landforms are the physical features on the earth’s surface. Natural processes such as

weathering, water, erosion of the soil are constantly shaping the earth’s surface. It

takes hundreds and thousands of years for the formation of various landforms.


A plain is a flat and low lying land surface. They are also called lowlands. They can

be level or slightly hilly. The slope of the land is gentle.

How are they formed?

Plains may be formed by deposition of sand and silt by rivers, as in the case of the

northern plains of India. Rivers carry sand and silt with them. When the rivers slow

down, these materials are deposited on their banks. Plains are formed by these



Plains are more thickly populated than mountains and plateaus because:

They have fertile soil which is suitable for agriculture.

Most big cities and towns are located in the plains.

It is easier to construct roads, railways, aerodromes and canals in the plains.

Deserts Deserts are land areas that receive very little rainfall. These areas have a dry climate.

Main features of a desert:

They have very hot days and cold nights.

Experience frequent dust storms.

Hills of sand are called sand dunes.

Due to less rainfall, little vegetation grows here.

Examples of deserts:

Kalahari Desert. Sahara Desert.

Great Sandy Desert.

Atacama Desert. Great Victoria desert.


Rivers are natural channels that carry rain water or water from melted ice and

snow from mountains to plains, lakes and seas.

A River passes through three stages:


Ist Stage (upper or young course)

Most rivers originate in the mountains. Here, the speed of the river is very high.

The river cuts a deep and narrow channel in the mountains. Some features of

the upper course are canyons, waterfalls and rapids.

IInd Stage (middle or mature course)

The middle course of the river begins when it leaves the mountains and enters

the plains. Here the valley widens. At this stage, the speed of the water

decreases and the river develops loops, which are called meanders.

Final stage (lower or old course)

In its lower course, the river joins a bigger water body such as sea. In this

course the speed of the river is very slow. The river deposits the silt it carries

near the mouth, forming a triangular shaped land called delta.

Kindly click on the link given below for more information.


Q1 Read the above content carefully and answer the following:

a) Why are plains thickly populated?

b) What are the main features of a desert?

c) How is a delta formed?

Q2 Fill in the blanks:

a) Sand and silt deposited by rivers lead to the formation of _____.

b) Dust storms are common in_____.

c) In the middle course, the river develops loops called _____.

d) Hills of sand are called _____.

Q3 Match the following:

a) Plateau rapids

b) Desert peak

c) River lowland

d) Plain sand dunes

e) Mountain tableland


Q1 Identify the picture.

Q2 Where is the above desert located?


Class – 5 Science Worksheet - 6


First aid is the first medical help given to an

injured person before a doctor arrives.

Never neglect a wound as germs may cause

infection. Wash your hands before giving

first aid, as germs from dirty hands may

infect the wound. Wash away all the dirt

around the wound. Clean the affected area

with cotton wool soaked in an antiseptic

solution. Place a thick pad of cotton wool or

sterile gauze on the wound and press it with

your thumb and fingers. This will stop the

bleeding in most cases. A tourniquet is a

bandage that is tightly tied over the wound

to stop bleeding. When the skin is cut by a

dirty or rusted object, germs may enter and

cause a dangerous disease called tetanus.

Consult a doctor for anti-tetanus injection.

For nose bleeds, keep the patient upright in

a comfortable position with his head held back. Keep an ice-pack or wet-cloth on the

nose and the head of the patient. Ask the patient to breathe through his mouth and not

to blow his nose. A little bit of bleeding from the nose is harmless but if the bleeding

is heavy, send for the doctor. When the tissues around a joint get torn, we call it a

sprain. Sprains cause swelling and discolouration. A crack or break in bone is called a

fracture. Splint is a piece of wood or cardboard used to hold a broken bone in position.

Apply a splint to give support to the broken bone and try to avoid unnecessary

movement. An easily available article like sheets of newspaper, a piece of cardboard

or a pillow around the injured bone can act as a splint. A sling can be used for support.

Sling is a bandage passing over a shoulder to support an injured upper limb.

There are three types of burns: minor, severe and chemical burns. In case of a minor

burn, let running cold water flow over on the burn until the pain subsides. Apply an

antiseptic lotion or cream to prevent infection. If an antiseptic lotion is not available,

apply a paste of baking soda and water. Severe burns are when sometimes the skin

gets severely burnt and blisters are formed. Never try to prick a blister. An open

blister is an open wound. Severe wound can be treated by a doctor. In case of fire

caused by petrol, do not throw water on it. Put out the fire by throwing lots of sand or

mud on it. If a person’s clothes catch fire, do not allow him to run around in panic.

This fans the flames. Make him roll on the ground. Cover him with a thick blanket. If

a fire has been caused by defective wiring or an electric gadget, do not throw water on

it. Immediately turn off the main switch. Smother the fire by throwing sand. Use fire

extinguisher. Naphthalene balls, paints, detergents and some medicines are poisonous

and should be kept away from the reach of little children. Throw or destroy all

medicines which have crossed their expiry date. In case of animal bites, wash the

wound with soap and water to remove germs, as the virus which causes rabies or

hydrophobia may be carried in the saliva of an infected animal. Dogs, wolves, bats

and cats are known to carry the rabies virus. Apply an antiseptic lotion, bandage the

wound and rush the victim to a doctor. Keep the telephone numbers of your nearest

police station, fire station, doctor and chemist handy. In case of an emergency we

should call them immediately.

For more information, please visit:

Question 1 Tick the correct answers:

1. For cuts and scratches, clean the affected area with cotton wool soaked in:

a. Water b.An antiseptic solution c.Oil d.Paint

2. A crack or break in a bone is called a :

a. Wound b.Sprain c.Fracture d.Bite

3. Apply a _______ to give support to a broken bone.

a. Splint b.Antiseptic solution c.Tourniquet d.Ice-pack

4. A piece of cardboard or a pillow around an injured bone can act as a :

a. Splint b.Sling c.Tourniquet d.Ice-pack

5. If you get cut by a dirty or rusted object you may get:

a. A fracture b.A sprain c.Rabies d.Tetanus

6. For putting out a fire caused by petrol, we should:

a. Switch off the electricity supply b.Turn off the gas supply.

c.Throwing lots of water on it. d.Throwing lots of sand on it.

7. The rabies virus is carried by:

a. Cockroaches b.Hens c.Dogs d.Rabbits

8. Nail polish, naphthalene balls and paints may contain:

a. Sugar b. Salt c. Poison d. Juice

9. An easily available object like sheets of newspaper or a pillow can be used as

_______ to give support to a broken bone.

a. Splint b. Sling c. Tourniquet d. Ice-pack

Question 2 Answer the following questions:

a) What is a tourniquet?

b) What is a sling?

c) When someone’s clothes catch fire, we must not let

her/him run around in panic. Why?

d) What first aid should be given in case of a minor wound?

e) How would you help someone with a bleeding nose?

f) How will you put out a fire caused by defective wiring?

g) What is a splint? How and why should it be used?


Class - 5 Maths Worksheet-7

Addition and Subtraction of large numbers

Question 1 Add.

a) 1 2 4 3 1 8 6

2 3 6 2 9 4

2 8 3 2 3 1 2

+ 7 6 4 5 7 6


b) 4 1 2 5 4 0 3

3 2 7 6 4 9 6

6 1 2 0 4 3

+ 4 0 2 3 0 0


c) 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 5 0 7 3 6 2

1 3 5 8 7 5 4 1

+ 7 5 8 9 0 3 1


Question 2 Write in columns and add.

a) 265758 + 1798996 + 4146750 + 204196

b) 153428 + 117349 + 2001989 + 2011467

c) 1949760 + 1997588 + 1904320

d) 32190500 + 244698 + 1540089 + 1111222

Question 3 Find the sum of the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 7-digit


Question 4 Subtract. Check with addition.

a) 8 2 7 5 6 8 4

- 6 1 4 8 3 9 1


Watch the video using the link given below and solve the questions.

Learn the tables 2-20 thoroughly.

Addition of large numbers is

same as the addition of small

numbers. Start adding from

the ones place. Regroup if


4 6 5 1 8 2 0

- 1 2 7 4 5 9 5

3 3 7 7 2 2 5


3 3 7 7 2 2 5

+ 1 2 7 4 5 9 5

4 6 5 1 8 2 0


b) 8 2 7 5 6 8 4

- 6 1 4 8 3 9 1


c) 6 4 5 0 6 9 8

- 5 3 8 3 7 8 9


d) 9 0 7 8 6 4 0

- 5 9 4 7 8 0 2


Question 5 Write in columns and subtract.

a) 8876542 – 587654

b) 6301059 – 5815602

c) 74823946 – 6806473

d) 9732040 – 683519

Question 6 Fill in the missing digits.

a) 1 5 * 8 4 4

+ 6 7 * 1 *

2 * 4 1 6 1

b) 8 * 4 * 2 1

+ * 2 2 6 5 *

1 5 7 * 7 7 8

c) * 4 5 2 * 1 *

+ 1 * 4 * 5 2 4

4 6 * 5 4 3 9

d) 2 * 6 9 0 1

+ 4 9 * 4 *

* 3 * 7 4 1


Subtraction of large numbers is

same as the subtraction of small

numbers. Start subtracting from

the ones place. Regroup if


Class - 5 Computer Worksheet-6

Topic: Limitations of Computer / Let’s Know More

1. INCAPABILITY TO THINK A computer cannot think and take decisions of its own. In case of any error, it

cannot take any alternative decision.


Unlike human beings, a computer has no IQ. It needs instructions at every step.

3. DEPENDENCE ON POWER A computer is an electronic machine, thus its dependence on power makes it



Because computer is only a machine, it has no feeling like human being. It has no

brain for thinking as man can does.


Computer has no learning power. It will wait for the input/instructions to do the

same task again and again.

TRANSISTORS were invented in 1947 by Trio John

Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain at Bell


Ted Hoff introduced the first microprocessor in 1971

for Intel. It was known as Intel 4004.

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, was an English

mathematician and writer. She is considered as the ‘First

Programmer’, who suggested binary data storage (0 and 1)

instead of the decimal number system.

Around 1820, Charles Xavier Thomas created the

first commercial mechanical calculator, “Thomas

Arithmometer” that could add, subtract, multiply and

divide. It was based on Leibniz’s work.

August 12, 1981, marks the birth of the IBM PC, the

computer that revolutionized the world.

UNIVAC, the first commercial computer for

business and government applications.

Let’s do some exercises based on the topics discussed:

A. Fill in the blanks:

a) Transistors were invented in _____.

b) IBM PC invented in the year of _____.

c) Charles Xavier Thomas created the first commercial mechanical calculator

around _____.

d) Unlike human beings, a computer has no IQ. It needs _____ at every step.

e) _____ is considered as the ‘First Programmer’.

B. State True or False:

a) Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, was a French mathematician and writer.

b) Thomas Arithmometer was created by Charles Babbage.

c) A computer can think and take decisions of its own.

d) Ted Hoff introduced the first microprocessor in 1971.

e) Thomas Arithmometer was based on Leibniz’s work.


Class – 5 Punjabi Worksheet- 5 (For Mohali & Zirakpur Branches Only)


Class – 5 Art Worksheet – 4


Class 5 Punjabi Worksheet-4 (For Chandigarh and Panchkula branches only)

The origin of Punjabi language was done by second Guru of Sikhs “Shri Guru Angad

Dev Jii”, with the word ੴwhich means God is One. Punjabi is now global language

many countries worldwide has adopted this language. In Canada Punjabi is a second

language. In this worksheet we will revise first 3 lines of Punjabi Varnmala and also

practice next 5 letters of Punjabi Varnmala.

ਭੂਲਾਵੇਂ ਅੱਖਰ ( Missing Words)

ੳ ____ ੲ ਸ ___

____ ਖ ਗ ____ ਙ

ਚ ____ ਜ _____ ਞ

ਟ – ਣ Please practice one full page of each alphabet.

ਟ Tainka T

ਠ Thaththaa Tha

ਡ Daddaa Da

ਢ Dhaddaa Dha

ਣ Nhaanhaa Na

Class 5 Sanskrit Worksheet -4 (For Panchkula branch only)

Answer Key of Previous Worksheet


1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable types of adjectives given in the


(a) This, that

(b) What

(c) This

(d) Sixth

(e) Where

(f) That

(g) What

(h) Five

(i) This

(j) Few





Q1 Read the above content carefully and answer the following:

a) Mountains are useful to us in so many ways:

i) They act as a barrier against cold and hot winds.

ii) River which originates from mountains provides water for irrigation.

iii) They are rich in minerals.

b) They are important to us as they have:

i) Grasslands on which cattle and sheep are reared.

ii) Rich in mineral deposits.

Q2 Fill in the blanks:

a) Landforms

b) North America

c) Mountains

d) Plateaus


Find out the name of a plateau in each of these:

1. Asia – Chota Nagpur Plateau

2. South America – Atacama Plateau

3. North America – Colorado Plateau

4. Europe – Nauen plateau

5. Antarctica – Polar Plateau

6. Africa – East African Plateau



Question 1 Tick the correct answers.

1. c. Scurvy

2. a. Vitamin B1

3. a. Rickets

4. b.Iodine

5. a.A balanced diet

6. b.Beriberi

7. d.Chickenpox

8. b.Keeping clean

9. c. Mumps

Question 2 Fill in the blanks:

1. Balanced diet, enough rest

2. Roughage

3. Outdoor

4. Plague, typhoid

5. HIV

Question 3 Match the columns:

1. Vitamin A b.Night blindness iii.Patient cannot see in dim light.

2. Vitamin B1 e.Beriberi iv.Affects the nervous system.

3. Vitamin C d.Scurvy v.Bleeding gums.

4. Vitamin D c.Rickets i.Bones become soft.

5. Iodine a. Goitre ii.A gland in the neck region swells up.

Question 4 Answer the following questions:

a) Diseases caused due to deficiency or the lack of particular minerals or vitamins in

the body are called deficiency diseases

b) Anaemia is caused by the lack of iron in food.

c) Diseases that can be passed on from sick person to healthy person are called

communicable diseases.

d) Diseases like typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, polio and jaundice spread by eating

infected food and drinking polluted water.

e) The spread of malaria can be checked by using preventive measures like:-

1. Water must not be allowed to stagnate.

2. The surface of water in tanks and ponds must be sprayed with oil.

3. Use a mosquito net or mosquito repellent at night.

4. Kitchens must be rid of all insects.

5. Floors must be swept every day.

6. Drains must be kept covered.

f) Articles like clothes, combs, towels and toys used by a patient should be

disinfected. The floor and the walls of the room must be sprayed with a disinfectant.

g) Heating milk at high temperature and quickly cooling it to kill harmful germs is

called pasteurization

h) Roughage in certain vegetables and fruits help the body to get rid of undigested




Question 1

Indian system International system

a) 98,15,52,101 981,552,101

b) 19,91,60,001 199,160,001

c) 79,01,50,028 790,150,028

d) 25,63,14,799 256,314,799

e) 1, 23,65,441 12.365,441

Question 2

a) Indian system: 23,65,358 – Twenty three lakh sixty five thousand three hundred


International system: 2,365,358 – Two million three hundred sixty five thousand

three hundred fifty-eight.

b) Indian system: 3,42,82,627 – Three crore forty two lakh eighty two thousand six

hundred twenty-seven.

International system: 34,282,627 – Thirty four million two hundred eighty two

thousand six hundred twenty-seven.

c) Indian system: 87,01,35,692 – eighty seven crore one lakh thirty five thousand six

hundred ninety-two.

International system: 870,135,692 – eight hundred seventy million one hundred

thirty five thousand six hundred ninety-two.

d) Indian system: 2,56,00,064 – Two crore fifty six lakh sixty-four.

International system: 25,600,064 – Twenty five million six hundred thousand


e) Indian system: 9,85,00,150 – Nine crore eighty five lakh one hundred fifty.

International system: 98,500,150 – Ninety eight million five hundred thousand

one hundred fifty.

Question 3

a) 1,510,314 b) 107,090,462 c) 81,040,213 d) 310,153

Question 4

a) 3,542,478 < 35,42,748 b) 4,35,69,385 > 43,560,381

c) 254,274,369 > 25,42,73,469 d) 18,35,93,261 > 183,593,099



A. Fill in the Blanks:

a) Accuracy

b) Instructions

c) Wrong, inaccurate

d) Storage

e) Education, Finance, Accounts.

B. State True or False:

a) False

b) False

c) True

d) False

e) True


PUNJABI (For Mohali & Zirakpur Branches Only)


=========================================== Answer key of this worksheet will be given with the next one.
