Class 5 1 color pdf

There are so many everyday sources we use. One main one is oil. We find oil with the help of geologists that detect where oil can be found. They drill into the Earth’s surface getting the oil that runs the world. But is there enough? It’s a dead end for the future of oil . Some people think oil drilling is a great idea. And some people are against it. Like how Alaska Legislators want more of it. And like how the administration pro- posed to place areas off limits. But did you know that the U.S produced an estimated 4.9 million barrels of crude oil per day in 2008 alone? And to keep up with consumption, oil companies need to look for new sources to keep existing wells. But we can’t leave the world with no oil. We need a solution. The giant oil fields that industrial compa- nies hope would last forever, is starting to run dry. And oil companies are now able to take over land to oil drill. Also pipelines and other struc- tures must be built in order to oil drill. Not many people are aware of the dangers of oil drilling. A Revolution with no Oil? By Ella Alba Oil can’t be drilled with out creating waste. We need a solution. So with good practice with waste management ,oil can be reduced. The world needs consuming as a solution. And here are some reasons why it is a solution. People think of the positive side of oil drilling is what makes it great. But what about the negative? It’s great how it lowers gas prices, how countries who can drill don’t have to buy from oth- er nations. But did you know in order to extract oil it requires a mesh of roads and pipelines that break up large swaths of land? Bet you didn’t. That is why the world need your help. Before a revolu- tion of no oil begins in the future. Life depends on it. Do we or Do we Not? The Turning Point Is This the End? Power Words Consumption: The amount con- sumed. Extract: To take away. Swaths: a long and relatively narrow extent of anything. This is an oil well.


Features Articles from Class 5-1

Transcript of Class 5 1 color pdf

Page 1: Class 5 1 color pdf

There are so many everyday sources we

use. One main one is oil. We find oil with the

help of geologists that detect where oil can be

found. They drill into the Earth’s surface getting

the oil that runs the world. But is there enough?

It’s a dead end for the future of oil . Some

people think oil drilling is a great idea. And some

people are against it. Like how Alaska Legislators

want more of it. And like how the administration pro-

posed to place areas off limits. But did you know that

the U.S produced an estimated 4.9 million barrels of

crude oil per day in 2008 alone? And to keep up with

consumption, oil companies need to look for new

sources to keep existing wells. But we can’t leave the

world with no oil. We need a solution.

The giant oil fields that industrial compa-

nies hope would last forever, is starting to run

dry. And oil companies are now able to take over

land to oil drill. Also pipelines and other struc-

tures must be built in order to oil drill. Not many

people are aware of the dangers of oil drilling.

A Revolution with no Oil?

By Ella Alba

Oil can’t be drilled with out creating waste.

We need a solution. So with good practice with

waste management ,oil can be reduced. The world

needs consuming as a solution. And here are some

reasons why it is a solution.

People think of the positive

side of oil drilling is what makes it great.

But what about the negative? It’s great

how it lowers gas prices, how countries

who can drill don’t have to buy from oth-

er nations. But did you know in order to

extract oil it requires a mesh of roads

and pipelines that break up large swaths

of land? Bet you didn’t. That is why the

world need your help. Before a revolu-

tion of no oil begins in the future. Life

depends on it.

Do we or Do we Not?

The Turning Point

Is This the End?

Power Words

Consumption: The amount con-


Extract: To take away.

Swaths: a long and relatively narrow

extent of anything.

This is an oil well.

Page 2: Class 5 1 color pdf

When you build something with oil the only

word I would think of is, dangerous. The Key-

stone Pipeline is a very risky idea but a good

idea at the same time. A lot of people are

against it and a lot of people are for it.

The Keystone Pipeline is an oil carrying system

that began being built in 2008. This pipeline

runs from Hardisty, Alberta Canada to Neder-

land, Texas. Construction continues to extend

the Pipeline to Houston, Texas and is expected

to be completed in mid-2015.

Yes or No?

The Keystone pipeline also has an extention

called the Keystone XL which trans Canada has

not started building yet. There is a ongoing de-

bate about the extension because of scientists

and envirmentalists.

A lot of people think that if Trans Canada

makes another extention the pipes of the key-

stone XL could burst or explode and millions

of gallons of oil will sink into the ground and

kill tons of animals and ecosystems. This would

be a disaster that would hurt our environment!

Environmentalists are also concerned about

the methods being used to extract oil. The first

way to extract oil requires steam being

pumped into the sands which creates a toxic

enviormental ranoff. The second method would

be to strip mine the sands and heating them to

get the oil. This would destroy thousands of

acers of forests.

On the other hand there are people who sup-

port this extention of the Keystone Pipeline.

Supporters argue that the benefit of over

42,000 jobs will be added to these regions

providing relief for people who need work.

They also argue that the Pipeline would help

trade relations between the U.S and Canada and

bring in an estimated 3.4 billion dollars to the

U.S economy. Last but not least , supporters of

the Pipeline believe the project would be benif-

ical because it would lessen the Usa`s reliance.

On forgiven oil. Particularly from the middle


The Keystone Pipeline is a good idea but this

writer is against the building of it because

there is just to big of a chance that their will be

a small or big oil spill.

A Pipe to Think About By Chris Varrichio

After the pro-


Before the


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It all started in 1848 James w Marshall

had found gold in California nobody had heard

or known about it but soon it became a rush.

A year later in 1849 it all started now it was

the biggest gold rush in history.

The Start of Destruction

TNT is the route to evil for animals, min-

ers started to use TNT for mining which is still

destroying where they live ever since the gold

rush happened .In 1850-1852 that was the

most gold deposited so, if those years had the

most deposited that means those years 1850-

1852 had the most animal habitat destroyed.

That’s why there is a setup of rules for miners

that is called ‘’ golden rules’’ the golden rules

are setup for miners so they don’t destroy the

environment but miners have broken those


Why Do We Want Gold

People want gold for many different

reasons. Here are something’s made of gold

jewelry, wedding rings, earrings, and necklac-

es, shoes, teeth and just, plain old ingots or

nuggets, picture frames, watches, bangles,

pens, and belt buckles. Those are just some-

thing's made of gold

there are more, and that’s a problem for habi-

tats these are objects that are ruining their

homes just by mining we are ruining animals

homes for our own needs.


Will gold miners ever stop wreaking the

environment? Will Gold miners ever quit their

jobs because of the environment? The answer

is no, they only care about the money not the

environment. Still today miners are ruining

the earth’s natural habitats.

Power words

Habitat- Natural home for animals

Deposited- put in a place where it makes its

form change

Environment-the surroundings or conditions in

which a person, animal, or plant lives or oper-


By Abigail Schelero

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I bet you have wondered things but never

could figure the answers out? For example,

have you ever wondered how much oil we use

a day. Or even how people get sick from fossil

fuels well these questions are about to be an-

swered for you.

Health issues

Health issues can happen by even driving a car

or even being near a car. For example, over

3,020 cases of asthma happened from being

by a car. It can’t happen just near cars fossil

fuels have a big part in all these sicknesses liv-

er poisoning and even cancer can happen from

fossil fuels. There were even many deaths

from fossil fuels. Have you ever heard of a

deadly case of overexposure well many people

have died from it and more than one fourth of

the people with overexposure have been near

fossil fuels that day? And do you know how

many lost work days they are losing because of

fossil fuels. There are a lot of things that can

happen with fossil fuels.

Not an endless supply

Another question you might have asked

yourself is what will happen when we run out

of oil and fossil fuels? We don’t have an end-

less supply, but we do have a lot.,

Asia has 42.2 thousand million barrels North

America has 73.3 thousand million barrels Af-

rica has 127.7 thousand million barrels left Eu-

rope has 136.9 thousand million barrels left

and central and south America has

198.9thousand million barrels and the middle

east has 754.2 thousand million barrels left.

That seems like a lot but the way we are using

it its not.

Environmental issues

Did you ever real-

ize all that smoke

in the air that’s not

because of a fire?

It is air pollution it

comes from cars and other things that run on

fossil fuels. There are also fires because of oil

spills. And there is also 1.acid rain

Necessary evil

Gasses and fossil fuels were formed many

years ago when most of are plants and animals

started to dying. That’s when we started using

fossil fuels and oil To run are lives. Witch was

a good choice because now we can 2.depend

on oil it also makes more jobs for people to

pump the oil. So we can depend on oil and fos-

sil fuels

Addicted To Oil By :Elaina Prince

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What can we do?

What do we do when we run out of oil and are natural

gasses we can stop pumping so much oil out of the

ground every day and start walking more so we stop

using so much oil in gas for are cars. And lastly we can

start making things are self . We can do many things

things are self to prevent using so much oil.

Make a end!

In conclusion oil and fossil fuels are bad for are envir-

ment so pick your side are you for or against oil and fos-

sil fuels

People walking to the store

Power words ;

acid rain-rain with acid in it

Depend– rely on

Page 7: Class 5 1 color pdf

Coal mining can get very dangerous many

people can die from a little accident. In japan

gas got mixed with coal dust and an explosion

so big it hit the entrance of the mining site.

Coal mining will destroy habitats for animals

and insects.

Using Coal

Coal is used for half of the stuff in the world

before today coal was used to power trains,

steam engines, and electricity coal mining can

cause people to make a lot of people rich be-

cause coal can only be found in certain areas.

Like Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Colum-

bia , Germany, Ukraine, united states, etc.

Different Mines

There are many different types of coal mining

like Modern surface mining, Strip mining ,

contour mining , mountaintop removal min-

ing, and under ground mining. Coal can also

be found above ground or under ground. Coal

miners use tools called washers. Washers

clean the coal for the miners to find it easier

to find.

A Fossil Fuel

Coal is a fossil fuel it is used for many things.

Coal is also unlike actual gas or any flammable

liquid coal is a flammable rock. When coal

burns it turns white . Many people use it for

grilling or a fire pit.

Once a Living Matter

Coal was once a living matter plants grow in a

swamp. They keep on growing and form high-

er ground and as the ground gets higher the

water starts turning into coal or dries. Some-

times the water can turn into coal quicker,

and it will be found closer h the ground .


Stop mining mining coal and let people use

the natural recourses like people use to do .

Cause soon we might run out of coal and

people will be getting very mad arguing to

find more .

If you mine coal please stop you are hurting

our natural recourses and many animals are




and dying

to find an


habitat to

live so






Boats haul coal across the U.S.A.. And

spread pollution across the air.

Coal Dangers Coal Dangers Coal Dangers

Page 8: Class 5 1 color pdf

Scientist say coal is clean. They say it is

but it is really not. Coal has been mined since

ancient roman times. That has been a long

time since we have been mining coal for. There

are about 11000 a banded coal mines in the

world. Coal mines take up a lot of space. Some

mines are miles long and go down to about

200 feet. Coal is good for powering things but

is it good for our environment.

What’s Bad About it

Some people say coal mining is good

when some people say coal mining is bad. Coal

is bad for our environment because it causes

air pollution witch that can cause global warm-

ing. Also it is the dirtiest fossil fuel in the

world. People might think oil is the dirtiest but

coal is. Also coal can cause acid rain witch than

ruins the soil. Then plants can’t grow on that

soil. In 2006 the world used over 6000000000

coals. That number changes every year. It

keeps going up. Eventually that number would

be double if

we keep min-

ing more coal.

What's Good About it

Now you might think coal is horrible. It

is in a little way, but coal is still a good source

of energy. It is the cheapest fossil fuel which

means that you don’t have to pay as much for

fuel. Also coal powers your house to create

the electricity there and give you heat. In ad-

dition it provides most of the world’s energy.

Coal is also a reliable and affordable energy



There are different solutions to help

make the bad things about coal mining better.

First, we can stop mining so much coal a year.

We can take out some active mines and place

land to cover them up to save land. Also, soil

can be added to more than 11,000 abandoned

mines to make new land. These are some so-

lutions to make coal mining a better change to

the environment.


Coal is good and bad in different ways.

It is a useful resource that you people use

every day to power things. It can also be bad

because we are using a lot of coal a year and

taking away coal for the future. In the end,

coal is a useful resource, but we have to be

careful to save it.

Look what happens to the land after a coal

mine is built.

The Dangerous Coal

By Marco Calascibetta

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Dangerous Mining

By: Anthony


When people go mining they have a negative impact

on the environment. Gold mining methods such as

heap leaching leaves immense toxic piles behind.

These mining companies see these methods as a

small price to pay for their growth of income and

profit. While over the years, gold mining companies

have increased their efforts to clean up their act by

discharging cyanide more appropriately, a lot of

damage has been done. A good example was in 2000

when almost 100,000 cubic meters of wastewater

spilled into the Tisza River in Romania.

Life or Death

I think that the negative impact that gold mining has

on the environment far outweighs its benefits. The

methods they use such as heap leaching and the ille-

gal building of unsafe mines leaves workers at risk of

harm and sometimes even death. In 2009 an illegal

mine collapsed killing 18 workers. Between the

deathly cyanide and unsafe mines, lives are being

lost. It is my opinion that the wealth made from gold

is not worth someone’s life.

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Gold miners have a very different opinion. Mining

companies continue to open throughout the world

from Alaska to Africa. The profits made from gold are

high and the demand continues to increase. Gold

mining was a large source of income for western pio-

neers in the mid to late 1800’s. The discovery of gold

caused large numbers of miners to move across the

country to establish new communities and jobs. The

positive job impact and wealth from gold on the

communities in which it is mined is a large reason

mining companies stand behind their product.


Today, many things pollute waters and air. Unfortu-

nately, major contributors to this are gold mining

companies. Toxic mine waste includes arsenic, lead,

cyanide, and mercury to name a few. According to

the United Nations Environmental Protection Agen-

cy, there have been dam failures near mining sites

that have killed hundreds, displaced thousands, and

contaminated the drinking water of millions. These

are just some of the reasons I have a negative opin-

ion on gold mining.

Hope for the Future

Most people don’t think about where gold comes

from or the process that is used to mine it. They

don’t realize how destructive it actually is and the

negative impact it has on not only the environment,

but human lives too. Environmental agencies contin-

ue to work to make gold mining a safer business and

cause less stress to our world. I will continue to sup-

port these efforts and hope that the necessary

changes are made one day.

The environmental impact gold mining

has on the environment.

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Diamond war

By Hamiz Shafique

What are diamonds you may ask? A precious

stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless

crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally

occurring substance. Diamonds were first found in

India. What are blood diamond Blood diamonds is a

term used for a diamond mined in a war zone and

sold to finance an insurgency, an invading army's war

efforts, or a warlord's activity.


Some people really don’t care about each other.

They fight over land that is usually known for dia-

monds. Other people think that it is wrong to fight

over land you only create war. Diamond mines can

produce civil wars. These wars taken over 3.7 million

lives. People who fight over land care about money

and power.


Slowly the world is taking small steps in am effort

to eliminate diamond wars. People who fight over

diamond rich fields should take a few minutes to

think about what they are doing and what they

are causing. They should also think about other

people beside themselves.


In conclusion hopefully these wars will stop and peo-

ple think about what would happen if wars would

keep on going.

African solders getting ready to fight

How does a diamond look like.

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Hurry up, where going to run out of water

soon because of salt water intrusion. What

are we going to do when we run out of fresh

water? Maybe there is a way to prevent that

from happening?

What can happen if we keep pumping water?

If we took out all of the fresh water we

would have to

start drinking

salt water. But

we are lucky

because when it

rains it refills

fresh water. As

we pumped all

the fresh water

out of the ground at high rates, so the salt

water is trying to push in. So you have to

watch when you pump the fresh water out of

the ground that you see if you pumped in

salt water. When farmers pump water for the

vegetables if you pump salt water you can

make the vegetables die doe to salt water


The effects of drinking saltwater If you drink salt water the effects are brain

damage, a sickness or you can even die

because of doe to how much salt is in that in

the glass your going to drink. Salt water can

reduce to 2 grams a gallon because of the salt.

That is about safety for a human to drink a


Ways way’s we can fix that from


One thing is to stop that from happening is to

not leave the water running. If you are

someone how pumps the water try to pump

extra and keep it to the side so you do not

have to pump a lot of more the next day. Do

not just throw the water out save it for the

next time you get thirsty. So now you don’t

have to get more water for no reason.


So now that you are aware about salt water

intrusion now you can go and help the world

so we won’t get stuck having to drink salt

water and we will not get a sickness or die.

As we pump water as you see in the picture the

arrows represent the salt water trying to push in.


by Loredana Liebman

When it rains the picture shows how

it refills but as you see the salt water

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On January 24, 1848, James W Marshall saw

something shiny near Coloma, California. He

had known right there that he had discovered

gold without even knowing it!

Is Gold Mining Dangerous?

Any kind of mining is dangerous. Why isn’t it?

There are millions of rock above your head

and you are cutting away the rock that sup-

ports it. It is life threatening with all different

things around you like pockets of poisonous

gases and explosives which can kill you before

you even realize it is there.

What Does Gold Mining Destroy?

Gold Mining is one of the most destructive

sources. It can destroy anything from the en-

vironment to a rainforest. We are destroying

animals habitat for gold that you don’t get a

lot of money off. Sometimes destroying the

ground is a good thing, when you get lucky

enough, it can make what has been destroyed

much better than how it started.

Why Is Gold Mining A Bad Idea?

Gold Mining costs a lot of money. Gold

Miners loose up to 169 billion dollars a year

and half of the time come home empty

handed. The cost just to go to try to mine

gold costs more then they even collect.

Most of the time, instead of miners making

money, they spend money so they can try

to collect it and make some money.

Why do gold miners collect gold to loose

money, get hurt, destroy other living things

habitats, etc. The thought of that doesn't

even come across there heads when they

are even mining.


Should gold miners keep loosing money, destroying ani-

mals habitats, getting hurt, e tc. or should they keep min-

ing and making je welry from gold?!

Power Words

Habit at- the natural home or environment of an ani-

mal, plant, or other organism

Poisonous- causing or capable of causing death or ill-

ness if taken into the body

Discovered- find (something or someone) unexpectedly

or in the course of a search

This is an image of gold mining at work

Page 14: Class 5 1 color pdf

People are thinking about adding an

addition to the keystone pipeline. Should

they? Or is it to risky? Is it dangerous? If

they add an addition on the keystone pipe-

line , it can burst like other pipelines. Also, if

the pipeline breaks/ burst it can do a lot of

damage on the environment

What's The Issue?

The issue is damage. Just one word!? Yup.

Damage. If the keystone

pipeline or the keystone

addition breaks, it can

cause bad damage. Other

pipelines broke with bad

damage such as.. The

Alaska pipeline, the May-

flower oil spill, and the second


pipeline spill.

Should They Make It?

The keystone pipeline already exists. In fact,

the keystone mainline is 1,353 miles of 30”

pipe which extends from Hardisty , Alberta to

refineries in Wood River and Peoria, Illinois .

This segment has been in service since June

2010. the crushing extension is 298 miles of

36” pipe which runs from Steele city , Nebras-

ka to crude oil

terminals and tank farms in Cushing,

Oklahoma. This portion has been

flowing since February 2011.

Why People Want It

People want jobs. They

want it because the project

will provide several jobs,

due to the amount of

construction the project

will require.

.The Solution

The solution is that it isn't safe! A pipeline

would threaten the land and water

Supply of 110,000 ranches and farms in

Montana, south Dakota , and Nebraska that

produced more than $40 billion worth of food

in 2012. It can also ruin/damage the


To sum It Up

In conclusion, the keystone pipeline is

already unsafe and now some people want to

add an exten-


A bad pipe-

line spill

Keystone Addition

By: Emma Naccarato

Makes jobs

Some people want

the xl and some

people don’t

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Gold mining has been around for about 165 years.

Gold mining starting taking place in San Francisco Cal-

ifornia in the year of 1849.There are many people

who think gold mining is good idea but many also

think gold mining is a bad idea there are many differ-

ent sides of people’s thoughts.

What is Gold?

Gold is a valuable item worth a ton of money back in

the 1840’s. Pure gold is very soft and easily marred it

often alloyed with other metal to make jewelry, coins

and other precious objects. Gold is a transition metal

and it’s also solid under standard conditions. It can

come in many different figures it comes in nuggets,

grains and usually a dark yellow color and traded in

many countries.

Environmental issues!

One of issues of gold mining is Mercury Pollution.

Mercury Pollution is

extremely harmful to

your health. About 70

percent of Mercury

deposited in the Unit-

ed States is from inter-

national sources. Mer-

cury pollution is not

the only environmental

concern due to gold

mining about 180 mil-

lion tons of toxic waste have been polluting our riv-

ers, lakes and even the oceans. (Toxic waste is usually

a grey liquid sludge) There was a method called hy-

draulics that was banned because of the environmen-

tal damage it has caused. The hydraulics method is

when the miners spray water out of a tube and it

cause extreme pressure that breaks the rocks and

makes it easier for gold miners to find the gold, and

that is why it was band

The Good Idea!

Some, but not many people think gold mining is a

good idea. Even though gold mining was difficult the

miners did not give up trying to find the gold. They

did another method for gold mining they did some-

thing called panning which was also a good strategy

and it did not destroy the environment. Panning strat-

egy is when you have pan and you scoop up dirt and

you keep shaking the pan to try and find the gold.

Most people did the panning because it’s was a quick

and easy way. The gold miners thought there was still

a chance to find gold even though many said it’s al-

most impossible.

The Bad Idea!

Gold mining is very dangerous it can destroy animal

habitats and could even kill the animals. It’s also pro-

ducing more toxic waste which could kill all living

things. Ninety Percent of the gold miners or as they

were known, the forty-niners, did not strike it rich. As

a matter of fact most of them went broke. There

were however a great deal of people who did become

wealthy, but they were the people who sold supplies,

such as clothing, equipment and food to the gold

miners. The forty-niners knew everything you bought

in San Francisco California was very expensive but

because of the remote locations and treacherous ter-

rain they had no choice but to pay a premium for

these goods. It was a hard life and the miners would

get injured very often from dirty living conditions and

lack of medical supplies that lead to many people get-

ting sick and dying from infected injuries and diseas-


The method hydraulics is

extremely harmful to the


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The Answer!

Gold mining is a very complicated issue. On one hand gold is very valuable and an important part of our soci-

ety, but it also has a negative effect on our environment. Gold is traded as a valuable resource and made to

make jewelry and other important things that we use every day and something that is treasured by many. It

is also harmful because some of the techniques used to mine the gold have a negative effect on the natural

habitat of many animals that live in the mining areas. It also releases many toxic wastes that are harmful to

the animals as well as humans who live in the surrounding areas. There is no easy answer in deciding who is

right and who is wrong. Miners who make their living off mining gold or those concerned with the bad ef-

fects it has on the environment. I think if we work together and create safe ways to mine the gold without

the bad side effects of gold mining then both sides will be happy.

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Stop! Stop what, you may ask?

Fracking. Do you know what fracking is? It is the process of drilling down into the earth using a high pressure wa-

ter mixture and is directed at the mar-cellus shale to release the gas inside,

which turns into oil. The gas turns to oil by man-made chemicals. Environ-mentalists have been studying this topic

and feel it should stop.

What is the Marcellus Shale?

Oil is Not Number One

We use oil as a form of energy. The

gas replaces coal and improves envi-ronmental performance. Fracking makes it easier to get oil. Natural gases

are providing a quarter of the countries total energy. In the end, fracking pro-

duces 300,000 barrels of natural gas a day. That might sound good, but it’s not. Did you know that the oil you use

can get people sick from polluted air, drinking contaminated water, and acid

rain. People don’t know that they are choosing oil over their health. The tox-ic drilling people are doing for our heat

is contaminating our water and air.

Look at that big hole in the earth’s surface and that tube bringing up gas which turns into oil for our heat.

Did you know it takes 1,150 trucks to

pick up the oil from the fracking that pol-lutes the air? It also causes climate changes and declines in property value.

Environmentalist are seeing more cases of contaminated water. The next time

you take a sip of water, think about this fact.

It’s time for court. Some people sue

the fracking companies because they got cancer and birth defects. However, this has not stopped them from fracking. The

waste fluid from fracking is left in open air pits to evaporate releasing harmful

voc’s (volatile organic compounds) into the atmosphere. Scientists have been seeing more cases of animal migration

and an increase in disorders in the nerv-ous system. Fracking could be happen-

ing 75 yards from your front door, and you wouldn’t even know it.

What is the marcellus shale? The

marcellus shale is an energy resource. The marcellus shale covers New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

People have 900,000 acres to do frack-ing. They put sand, water and chemi-

cals to break the marcellus shale. Envi-ronmentalists don’t know what could happen in the future, but they know it is

not good. It has a tremendous impact on communities. Land owners are los-

ing land because the chemicals leak into the ground and causes damage.

Environmentalists have found out that

fracking can create a minor earthquake (2 on the Richter Scale). In the future, the earthquakes could get worse. Envi-

ronmentalists have found more sightings of people doing fracking and that’s a lot

more than it used to be.

Stop the Frack Attack By Emma Wilson

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Take Action Now!

Stop fracking now. Stop, stop,

stop! People can make signs to ban fracking. Two young children in Pennsylvania got banned from talk-

ing about fracking. They have the right of speech. Guess who banned

the young children from speaking? The people that do fracking. That is not right.

See people do care about their community

Fracking has to be dealt with. People

should make posters, news articles, web-sites, and even speeches. So take action now. See what’s more important, your

health or your oil. It’s your choice, but make a wise choice.

Make a Difference in the World

Go with what you believe in. Just

look at the picture in this article, peo-ple actually care about their health. Environmentalists hope more people

will take action before time runs out. Environmentalists know that when

we run out of oil everything will go out of whack.

This is a great cause to fight

for. Your oil is great, but your health is more important. You should choose your health over oil.

More and more people are getting sick from it. It’s our job to make

that number of fracking decrease. There are other alternatives to oil like solar power. Let’s make a dif-

ference in the world now!

Key Words

Contaminated - to render

harmful or unusable by adding radioactive material.

Richter Scale - a scale, ranging from 1 to 10, for indicating the

intensity of an earthquake. Banned - prohibited, forbidden

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Did you know the keystone pipeline

is 1,179 miles long running from

Canada to the U.S. The keystone

pipeline System is an oil system was

Commissioned in 2010. Many people

didn't know that eventually we will

Run out of oil. That is one of the reasons

President Brock Obama vetoed the

Extension of the pipeline

How it effects us The keystone pipeline is good yet

Bad for the economy . Environmentalists

Say the pipeline will lead to increased

Carbon emission witch can contribute

To global warming and risk of spillage

On its route . Also the keystone pipeline

Would be the safest and most advanced oil

Pipeline operation in North America. Canada

Already sends out 550.000 barrels of oil

per day to the U.S. the problem is to many

Oil company's want to transport oil with the

Same system .Such as “Trans Canada” and

The “Canadian Energy Company “ . If to

Much oil is

being trans-

ported at

the same

time There is

a possibility

of leakage.

Why people want it This project will provide several permanent jobs


many temporary jobs due to the amount of

Construction the job will require . Oil companies

Are digging up one of the worlds richest forests

To get to the tar sands .

Take Action To take action before “

Trans Canada” can

begin construction of

the keystone pipeline

XL ,it needs a presiden-

tial permit from the

U.S department of

state. Prior to issuing a permit and environmen-

tal impact statement for the pipeline and formal

determination of “national interest “ must be


The Piping Process

By: Sarah Bompane

Power words Economy: the wealth and resources of a country or rejoin ,

especially in terms of the production and consumption of good and services

Environmentalist: a person who is concerned with or advo-cates the environment.

Many people protested

agents the keystone XL.

The official owners of the pipeline.

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Millions of years ago, single-celled bacteria existed in the earth’s oceans along with marine plants and animals. As time went on, these colonies died off and sunk to the bottom

of the sea, leaving behind a sludge that was gradually covered by layers upon layers of sand, silt and other sediments. Since there is no oxygen under the earth’s crust, the organic matter in the sediment changed into a substance called Kerogen.

When temperatures rose within the earth, the Kerogen grad-ually changed into oil.

The Oil Should Stop Some of this oil will reach the surface for us to use, but the majority of it is trapped underground. There is a lot of controversy over whether or not we should be able to drill for

this oil reserve. It is estimated that there is only 13 trillion barrels of oil reserve left. This is only enough to last for about 45 years which could become a very big problem. The top five

oil producing countries in the world are Saudi Arabia, Russia, United States, Iran, and China.

Many people believe that oil drillers should stop

drilling into the earth. One reason why they should stop is because it is affecting animal’s habitats. Oil spills harm marine life, including birds, mammals, shellfish, and turtles. For ex-ample, if there is an oil spill, seals and polar bears cannot stay

warm because their coats loose insulation from the oil. Also, they may eat contaminated fish which would cause those animals to get sick or die. Sometimes the animals wind up

getting sick just by cleaning themselves because they are cov-ered in oil. When exposed to oil, fish may grow less, have en-larged livers or a change in heart rate. This is unfair to animals because they don't have a say in oil drilling and animals are

the ones that are suffering.

Another example of why they should stop oil drilling is because dust left from drilling causes air pollution. Plus, the

pipes that are used in drilling are made of metal and they can break. If they break, the land and water around the pipe gets contaminated. It is also a problem that in order to make wa-ter bottles, manufacturers use an estimated 17 million barrels

of crude oil.

Even with these negative consequences to oil drilling, some people still believe that countries should continue to drill for oil because humans are unable to live without it and it will

help the economy. Oil drilling is very important for humans to survive. Humans use oil for many daily things. For example, they use oil to heat their homes. This is especially

Important in the winter because it is very cold out. Without heat, humans would freeze or get very sick. Another use for oil is in transportation. Transpiration accounts for approxi-mately 2/3 of the oil that we use here in the United States.

Airplanes are an important part of transportation and a major way to travel around the world. People also use cars to travel. In order for a car to work it needs a large amount of fuel to

run. People use cars every day to get to their jobs, schools or other places. Food is also something that humans cannot sur-vive without. Tractors play a big role in supplying food to the world.

Oil drilling is very dangerous to the can kill animals. Oil can kill animals because oil can get all over the animals and then they clean the mselves and they

will eat the oil. They should really stop drilling into the earth to get


TO DRILL OR NOT TO DRILL? By Gabriella Castellano

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The keystone pipeline has many features

that include state of the art technology , it

could travel 830,00 barrels of oil a day and

also carriers crude oil and shale oil through

the pipe.


The pipeline is a good way to carry oil ,

but there are many things that can go

wrong with it and cause huge damage to

the farm land and to the grounds beneath





for in-


could be


by a hurri-

cane and

could leak for days on our farm land and

thousands of gallons of crude and shale

oil could be leaking into the ground and

cause major damage to the environment.

Benefits of the pipeline The pipeline does have some good things

about it such as the state of art technology

and the twenty four hour monitor watch

on the pipeline , if something happened

that needed to be stopped quickly they

could do it with no problems at all.

This pipeline can also produce lots of oil if it is

used the right way. The pipeline company

Trans Canada technology can stop or put the

oil somewhere safe until ready for use again

or for the next transportation.

Harmful impacts of pipeline

However if the technology isn't used correctly

it could cause a massive amount of damage

to the farm land it is over and the whole envi-

ronment. This will cause yet another huge oil

leak to the grounds and air.


The company Trans Canada should try to find

a more safer way to transport the oil or only

transport it if it is extremely necessary or very

safe to travel the oil. Another solution is to

maybe push it if for a few more years be-

cause new technology will make it a lot safer

and easy to transport the oils to where it

need to go.


The keystone pipeline has many features that

could stop the leak such as the twenty four

hour monitor watch, but there are some

things such as storms or a mon-function to

the technology that could cause a leak that

cant be stopped for weeks and all of that oil

is seeping into the ground and farmland it is


This part of the pipeline is running over

the states farmland

The Secrets Of The Pipeline By Michael LiCausi