Clash magazine analysis

Masthe ad Mai n cov er lin e Clash Magazine, November 2011

Transcript of Clash magazine analysis

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Clash Magazine, November 2011

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The masthead of Clash Magazine is extremely bold and catches the eye straight away. I love the simplicity of the text and the San Serif font used which is easy to read and the name sticks in the reader’s/potential reader’s mind. It’s also a very modern and chic font used which will attract a more creative and younger audience. The masthead/name of the magazine also repeats in your head and has a very memorable tone to it. Compared to NME magazine, the masthead is actually interestingly quite similar in style and boldness, with the hugely obvious difference between the two covers being the amount of text and cover lines on the pages. They are both hugely different in design and style, which isn’t what you’d expect considering they both generally are based around the same genre/theme of music.

There is only one cover line/other piece of text on the whole front cover of this issue. I really love the simplicity and minimalism to this cover and I think it makes the magazine look very sophisticated and high end. The use of the word ‘Heavenly’ is instantly creating a positive image in the readers head and is used as a good incentive to read the magazine.

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The colour scheme is very laid back and simple which is in keeping with the whole minimalistic feel to the cover. I think the blue and white overall colour scheme works really well at attracting the eye and also creates a welcoming feel to the magazine as it looks very positive. I like that there aren’t too many colours going on, on the cover. This makes the magazine look very classy and high end.

Blue and white was a popular choice for the colour scheme in my questionnaire so I could take inspiration from this particular cover of Clash.

Because Florence’s eye colour matches the background of blue, this adds a continuity to the cover. I think the eye is naturally drawn to the red of the lips in the image which is highly effective at grabbing the attention of readers/potential readers.

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Although not very much text on this cover of Clash, there are still two different fonts used, a Serif and San Serif Font. The font used for the masthead is very condensed and bold, instantly attracting the eye towards it and is effectively used with a somewhat short word (‘CLASH’). It is also in capital letters which adds to the intensity of the word. It’s as if the lack of text on this cover is being compensated with a hugely dominating, abrupt and eye catching masthead, and in my opinion, think is very effective and up to date in terms of design, The font used for the main cover line on this cover is almost used to completely contrast to the masthead, with it being a Serif, narrow font used which seems a little more feminine or ‘fancy’ than the more harsh and bold font used in the masthead. This could be to relate to the word in which the font is used on (‘HEAVENLY’).