Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5

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  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    CIVIL EN G IN EE R IN G Cii\ 'en thatS peed of a H h i c l ~ ~ \ ' km ph

    n:a "R " (in thereduction 111 gradknt pt"Qvided to



    t ~ a \ ul' lr

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5



    lo prc '" \ . ')5 m;,'' 290m'd. 393 ln S'

    n ~ u s m acadam oonstm ctio n " aty pe .,f " Surfaceb. lrca lm cnlc. Coou ted con .U uc l iond. P r e m i ~

    \ i : h th e airL'T.lll ., Iandin!' (parkmr).the l";ocility li>r l u a d m ~ and tm load ingopc,l !or. m Iro n! ulkno"n" '" Folrln!'rrnnh. Aprone 'lax iw a\d. EmgarThe toes of hl>thwnnectcJwhic'1 r

    peed of the a i ~ li refa JiG45 kmplr and the equilihl"inm cmt;, 'J.78em. if th e c;nt :lefioienoyis i .Scm . dw lctual cant to be

    prrn d ~ d o n lnanch will h ~ a. O.!Scmb. OHernc. - 0.28 emd. - em

    \4 .




    2of 10G i v e ~ !hoc th" width ofl h ~ c - p - '"the skcpcc spacing -

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    d_ pH Y a l u ~ 0 f "ulutil'll -A i" 4 ami that ol'

    s o l u t i ~ n 'R' is 'i. t h ~ n the h y d m r . e n - i ~ nw n c ~ n t r o t i ~ n nf ~ l u t i c . na_ A i s t c t t t i m c > l t i f ' - l l ~ r t h ~ n t h a t o f R 'b. "B'isdo;.ublcthanthataf'A'c. A is tn i m ~ ' ]. , , than that "1- [ ! 'd. 'A ' ;, dluhle than th"t ofB"Match List I (Br..::tc-ria) v.ith II( fJiseases) and _;elect the c011"ect answ.,-.List I' bchcridliawli" Salmundla L)phic S a l m ~ n ~ l l a j 17{lthppJ0. I .cginndla pnc.anophiraList II1. Pood P"i"'ming3 1\cute r e , r i r ~ m r y i l l n ~ < sJ. I yphoid lhcr4. G a > t r u ~ n t . : r i t i s Diar' rholemA " c 0' ) ' Jb. J J ' J' J 3 )


    gnen figure of m o h i i < ' )\101 running full. When tile-;ewer i< running exnctly hnlf-fu\1, thevelncity of rlow, lakin!> V l a n n i ~ ! ( '~ W I O t a n t \(' c'-]Ualto 0.0 13, is 11early' 0_3 m''h. 0,(, mls' O.'J m/sd. L2 m'>T h ~ v ~ n L i l u t i o n in "'eur> i> net:rlerl W"""i

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    c Ox,dm1on p(mdsu Auacrob.c- sludge i ~ ~ ' t i o nLit 11' F i ~ e d film r e ~ c t ~ r' AlgaeJ. f im ratio1 P r u p < . > ~ t i u n l fluw weir' l l - l a : h a n ~ recover)'A B ' u" 3 ' 2 s0 J s '' J s 'J 2 s

    n , ~ vd"city tli,tnblllwn m ~ r " flal plate"given 11-3.'41'-J'S' w h ~ ' I ' C " is the

    ~ e l o d t ) - in m i ~ at a distance} (in m) alxlvethe plaTe and I ' thr the ~ ~ v e n fhnd ;, ll &4'wm: ll1e shear stress At a loeanon Qab1we pi"'" ;, K tlme' tl1e hear 'tre"'at a locauon 0.2 111 aboe the plale. 1l1e

    ~ a l u c c f K would bea. 3-'2h 9'4C. _'l.'?d 7!_;

    givollU1c plate .. ouhl t>u."

    d 353 kNt\ l.';ctn d1ameter p1pe c A m e ~ tlow of 70liter< per il (p-0.75) . !,tn ; ~ ~ t i , m I1 em a ! J . u v ~ th 0.8 tu ol"waltt,lf

    rnnk 10 rotated abollt rhe- vertical axH;

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    Ut"t thew i no sp1lbge ofwato r. them ax1m un angu lar vclody l 'f th e tan"-s '" c . r )

    a_ rad;_b_ \S_(J:; radminure" 1.860 rn

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5



    into the atmosphere at its outfall. Alllot m thi' npening T h ~redueuon in ~ 1 e n - a v a l l a b k discharge atthe < ' l l t f ~ l l end i;. n ~ n r l } '" -' 2%b. 5.-1')',,' 7 . ~ %d. ~ %A p1pc of I00 nt length and 2UU mmdiameter and friction factor O . f l l ~ i' rnreplaced a 400 mm diameter pipe offricliun r " ~ l l r 0012 w ""'" the ' " " ' ~flow: For head lns of the ~ a r n etnaniru

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    If a farce P, is added ;uch th at thepo int o is in equili brium . thrizonml pbne by a I'HII of 0 Nacting at angle of .l0 wiih the horizontal,

    f f i ~ i c n t of friction is


    I i ..[J,, .c 1. '>/.'l

    ' .[jd. 1 i J3Two blo cks of maS"'-"S m, and m.(m, ,_. m, )a"'connecte d by an inexlensibleslrin!,\ pa,ing o v ~ r a """'-'th pulley andm o ve vertically . If the accele ratio n of m,is [,!/S Juwn" '""J"' l h ~ n I l l ~ ra tio"" 3:1b' 5:1d. 3:2A projectile i,Hnd 1'1, re>pectivel), the ral it tLl/.0-.woutdbe

    .. ~ " . _ '. .. I- ' 1

    I "' ,,__,__- _,

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    b. 4c. 2d. I12Whkh n n ~ of folk>"' lllf! \1otu" Cl rcl.;.1of stres< represnt$ the state of pure sheaF.'

    ,.\ cantilever heam is 'uhjocted m m D m e n t ~shu'l'n in the g i ~ ~ n li),'ure. Th B.M.d i a ~ r u m for boam will be


    k.Nm t>O k.Nm,\}- v - ~ )

    60 l'lmm'9 ~ 1\/mm'12(l Nitmn

    1 lOOmm 'tn a maxinlllmI lh e lllftX ~ r beam .llwwn in thefigure. the deflection m C due toM applied at H ;_, equal to


    " ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' " ' slat.,ments:component in a fetched beamof a tran"ere load_

    radius of curYalure will bedilt'erent.2. The radiu< nf curvature will he the

    ' ~ i T l l < o ~ : i ~ dw1th the rib shorteniug in aKhe-s etther dueto change in !Cillf"'r!li111'JO m lack o fir m~ a u s e stresses in rhe an:h members?a_ O n l ~ 1 \ \ ' 0 - h m ~ d n r c h c ~ and nnt r h r ~ c -h i n g ~ : d an:hesb. Two nnd r h r ~ - h i n g e d arches

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    The absolute mnx1mum bendmg m o m ~ l l tdm! '" a hinges at thecwwn. occurs at a dismncc x fium cthcrsupport Tile value (]f' x 1s given by

    "I. ''.fi'

    G. I .'4' I '_\,Jid. {./3 ... J3A syrmnetnc"l two- hmged p a ~ a l m l i r archnb has a span l

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    b Llecrense> fwm " rnnxnnum nt theinn"'"""r iunal 'Ire>> sy;tern, thepllllClpal l ~ t i ~ a l l y i n d e t ~ n m n a q ' thankmemattcs inctctcrminacy while~ t i t T n e s s matrix metl10d rs better suitedll' tn1chu-e; 1>1lh a l a t g ~ d ~ g J - e e of> l a \ l c a l l ~ i1Idctcnnmacv thankmematics mder:enni1ac!'

    ) / l



  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5



    l i I

    ~ - -

    ~ - '"- llllluence l m ~ liJr 'hear Iince at Jlh lnlluence line tin hending mnmem m

    Bc. l n t l u e n c ~ line fm \erticBI reaction at Ad lntluencc line for \erticnl renction m B

    W l l i ~ h - h i c h'heur ltnce " p m n ~ tby method of Joints. it should beensured that 'elected jmnt dothave more than t\\0 unknown memberforce> whrch are nor c-ollrnearRrnwn (R): The method of JOIII!Semploys the two basic '"1Uations of'"1uilihrium _L 1-', - n and _L r; - o forthe tfre Wdy ofeachJ"ima Rnth II. and R are true and R is thecurrecl explanannn of Ah Rnth A ~ n d R true hut R ' ' };(JTwned e.,piJualon or Ac A o trn" hut R ,. ial>ed. A is fuiSst!rtiun (,\); Tile peak value of thetheoretical ma>;illlum capocit; of thetraffic llow IS reach&l at an optimum'-

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    R ~ a > r < > n (R): A the spocd oJ lhc trafclc[o\\ i< mcrcaocd aboc the op:rrnumvalue. the maximum capaci.y of tho lane,[drl> d c ~ " ' " ' i n g d u ~ tu i n c n . ; d s ~ m

    h < : < ~ r l ~ a y at the srccd range.a. Both A Jml R arc true and R io the

    corrcot explanation of i \b. l ~ " t h A and R a-e t:me hut R is NOTtloe correct e ~ p l a o a t i c n of A,, ;, true hut ll ;, r . t,ed. A" false hut R ;, trueAsscdion (A): In lnd1a most of waiers ~ p p l y ;yslcrm aro piO\idcOd\'.(R)' The " ' ~ " n i c O I T L " T l ~ l h of !he

    t is lugh.a_ !1oth A lnd R are lme and R is the

    Clrrect e ~ p l a n a t i o n of Ab_ ! J o ~ 1 A ond R a-x; tmc but R i NO'f

    the correct e ~ p l a n a t i c 1 1 of Ac. ,\ "' trw; but R i.< falsed_ A" false hut R i lrtm



    12 of 10,\.,.,rtion (.'\); A """'"k"' ;, sa1d t> bebiologJc:olly treatabk when the BOD/CODis more than 0.5.Rason (lot): In twlog!Cal t.eatmentbiodegradahle r ~ a n i ~ matt'"' " being on!)'rcmoHd.a Both A and R are true and R ;, the

    conect e>.Tlanatior ot-\b Both _;,. and I< are true butth" con11eM expbnolinn f

    c. A 1s true but R is flsed.Assertion (,\):qULck ' ' ; " , ~ " . ~ ; ; " : ~ ~ ~odeo-1-Raxon

    rapidtha!l c i a } ~ are

    tab I

    .;m! P are true and R ;, thecxrlanolior of \

    A and R an: trw but R " "0Tcorrect explanation or,\c A ;, true but R i f o b ~d A'" faiRe hut R i< nueA " ~ r t i u n (A) Roads bmk on black cottonoo1ls show cracks altCJ s u m ~ penol.Rtasun (R): Blac:< cotton so!lo settle. amllhis r C ~ < u l l s m de forma iona_ Both A and ll aro true ond R ;, the

    conoct exrla!latior of"-h Both .-\. and J{ are true hut R ;, -.;rn

    the conect explanation of Ac. A 10 true but R is hlsed. A"' f a ! < ~ hut R is t r u ~;\sscrtion (A}: CrasHng of comtruotion

    d u r a t i ~ n admil< of better o)ptimalresourceutilization_Rason (R): Cr .hing of activitie in cMIruction pmjoct nclwotk t.ond> toinorea>e the ncmher of critical actidties_a Both A and R are true and R ;, theconect exrlanatir of-\b. Both A and R arc true but R is :\'OTthe c o r r ~ c t explanation of . \c. A"' true but R is f,olscd A is fal;e lmt R i uue

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    rhe opnm istic . likely and p""sinustic nmefell" th e rr:RT ork of "

    proJcc! 'bOVvn m gic n TheexPpcr; , to h;wl "arth fro m " pi! to "f\!1 04km&Wp111J,\ the T'-'>OUTC,)-ba=J bar-chanan d the c o n e s p o n d m ~ bimog.tams

    andm,.,, cuf\oes

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    I ) I

    b Sandy clayc_ Silty loamd ClayIn C a s e r n ~ ' s liqtnd limit Mvtce thematerial oft he test specimen;, han.ler thanlhc 8!a11dard rullbct Thio hardnessindic.ates tiW tlte hqmd lim1t. plasttcicindex, flo" index and toughness inde-x,respectively. of the specimen. rea more. less_ more and arneb same. Jess, >arne and morec le>8, ~ ~ ~ ' - same noJ le"d leS!!, same,]., , and more

    102 C:on.,ider the fr>llnwing data ohtained '"fulling head permeability tests r e g a r d i n ~


    t' 'I I ABC dlJur 001 -sam ~ '"1 ' 1 1 1 1 ~ He1ght of w ~ t e r eolumn in(Millll!C) em

    A B c 0--------------- - ----- ." '" "' "' "., '" ~ '' ' - - - - - - - - - - - : - ~ ~ - .' 20 25 0 22 ' " }2_4'. h1ch one of the fo!lowmg sml .amp!ha> internall)' incun>islem d l ~ o' Ab B' (

    er the followir,g >1atem""t'ing the flow netsFkm h n e ~ and eqwpo\en\ lines alwaylinten;ccr one- nmhcr ar right m 1 g l ~irrespecri,e of the p ~ m 1 e a b i l i t y

    c h a r a c t e r i ~ t 1 n2 For an i'otmpic _,oil, the spacing of

    l i n e ~ is inversely proportional to thehydr"ulic gnodient


    14 ut"J ~ o r an IsotrOpiC soil and a tlow nl't of

    a p p m ~ i n 1 a t e guure;;, rhe pnrential dmp; , ~ m thtc>Ug:ll ""ch field

    4 For a ~ ~ n i < ; O i m p t c !" nC\ ol' a p p r o x m a l ~ > q u a r e ~ canhe 1J0nsrnw1cd hy reducing vcnicnldimen-ions of the flow domain w a

    c ~ r t a i n >CdlWhid of these statements are ca 2,Jnnd4b 2 ~ n d l'

    '[ ': - - ~ _ ; _ _ _ _ . _"jJt> '' rr, r:' - ~ .w;j

    ' " ' ' -' " h '"' -=''a 75mand55mh 25mand0 ' imc ' imMdimcl. 5 m and 5.5m

    106 Whid nne of the fllm.,ing: ts the \Vaterwnte11t uf the r n i . ~ e J oil matie lforn I kg,,f soi I (say /1 I "ith water content of 1CHI%and t kg nf 'oil (,;ay 8) with -..ater con1en1

    ~ O % ?


    ' 66"-0h 71%' 7

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    D. CPTtc,; tList II('1 eamrementParameter)L Penetration roit:am::o (NV alue)2. Loa.f m 1 lO O kS : m'

    "- lOOk.\' ,...'. 70kX m'. ""'" d. lOOA.\--' m'

    11 A cla_yc m p l ~ . ,[ lcm thid.uo iooolJeotOO from a thic k c layey strata

    I 5of IIJrc>ting on 1m ponncahlo roc k. In 'cm soliam ple. then theratio t}1 1 v,JJ ~ c 4a. 375b 625c. \51)()d. 25011

    112. I f ' U>

    11 5. w ~ c n effec tive strc.s on a norrnallv a iHclcdo

  • 7/30/2019 Civil Engineering Objective Questions Part 5


    :16. The ,-elating t h o t t l , ;;'of actual foundation of wid1t 'R;' in field w ith ll1c l c m ~ '< \ 'of a r lo lc"id tl 1 '[j,' in th r la lc loa c llc> l i ' g ivenJ ,

    - B;(B,.. ~ 3 J )s,(s ..Jo)

    The cqu:nio n is applicable for" ' All of e ils h_ Stiffday