Civil Code France Cuprins

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Transcript of Civil Code France Cuprins

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    CIVIL CODE (France)

    MISE A JOUR LEGIFRANCE 21 February 2004Dernier texte modificateur : ordonnance n° 2004-164 du 20 Feb. 2004

    Tran !ated "# Geor$e R OU%ETTE & 'rofe or of La(& (it) t)e a i tance of Anne * ERTON & Re earc)

    A i tant in En$!i )+

    CIVIL CODEEnglish Version (Links to Legifrance)


    (Art' to )


    TITLE ONEO CIVIL RI&!T% (+ to , -)

    Cha.ter I , Of the En/o01ent of Ci2il Rights (+ to 3)Cha.ter II , Of the Res.ect of the !41an #o50 ( to ,6)Cha.ter III , Of the &enetic %t450 of the Partic4lars of a Person an5 of the I5entification of a Person o7ingto his &enetic Prints ( , 8 to , -)

    TITLE ONE bisO RENC! NATIONALITY (17 to 33-2)

    Cha.ter I , &eneral Pro2isions ( + to +, -)Cha.ter II , Of rench Nationalit0 90 #irth ( : to -8,3)

    Section I -Of French Persons by Parentage (18 to 18-1)

    Section II -Of French Persons by irth in France (1! to 1!-4)

    Section III -"o##on Pro$isions (20 to 20-%)

    Cha.ter III , Of the Ac;4isition of rench Nationalit0 (- to --,

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    Section II -Of '#inistrati$e ecisions (27 to 27-3) Section III -Of &entions on the egisters of "i$i+ egistry (28 an' 28-1) Cha.ter VI , Of Dis.4tes in Matters of Nationalit0 (-6 to < ,

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    Section I - enera+ Pro$isions(247 to 2%0) Section II -Of "onci+iation (2%1 to 2%2-3) Section III -Of Interi# Or'ers (2%3 to 2%8) Section I - Of $i'ence (2%! to 2%!-3) Cha.ter III , Of the Conse;4ences of Di2orce (- 8 to -63)

    Section I -Of the ate at 6hich i$orce ta5es ffect (2.0 to 2.2-2)

    Section II -Of the "onse uences of i$orce for the S ouses (2.3 to 28%-1) , 1 - enera+ Pro$isions (2.3 to 2.4-1) , 2 - Of the "onse uences Pecu+iar to the arious "ases for i$orce (2.% to 2.!) , 3 - Of "o# ensatory enefits (270 to 280-1) , 4 - Of the uty of Su ort after i$orce (282 to 28%) , % - Of o'ging (28%-1) Section III -Of the "onse uences of i$orce for the "hi+'ren (28. to 2!%) Cha.ter IV , Of @45icial %e.aration (-6 to

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    Cha.ter III , Of the Conflict of La7s relating to A5o.tion an5 of the Effects in rance of A5o.tions Or5ere5A9roa5 (!O ARE PROTECTED #Y T!E LA> ( 488 to %1%)

    Cha.ter I , &eneral Pro2isions (=:: to =68,NER%!IP (3 to + 8)

    TITLE ONEO T!E VARIO"% *IND% O PROPERTY (%1. to %43)

    Cha.ter I , Of I11o2a9les (3 + to 3- )Cha.ter II , Of Mo2a9les (3-+ to 3< )Cha.ter III , Of Pro.ert0 in its Relations 7ith Those >ho O7n it (3

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    Cha.ter I , Of the Right of Accession to >hat is Pro54ce5 90 a Thing (3=+ to 338)Cha.ter II , Of the Right of Accession to >hat "nites or Incor.orates Itself 7ith a Thing (33 to 3++)

    TITLE IIIO "%" R"CT$ O "%E AND O !A#ITATION (3+: to < )

    Cha.ter I , Of "s4fr4ct (3+: to -=)

    Section I -Of the ights of a >sufructuary (%82 to %!!) Section II -Of the Ob+igations of a >sufructuary (.00 to .1.) Section III -Of the &anner in 6hich a >sufruct "o#es to an n'(.17 to .24) Cha.ter II , Of "se an5 of !a9itation ( -3 to < )

    TITLE IVO %ERVIT"DE% OR LAND %ERVICE% (.37 to 710)

    Cha.ter I , Of the %er2it45es Originating fro1 the %it4ation of the Pre1ises ( =8 to =:)Cha.ter II , Of the %er2it45es Esta9lishe5 90 %tat4te ( =6 to :3, )

    Section I -Of Party

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    Section III - Of the enefit of In$entoryB of its ffects an' of the Ob+igations of a eneficiary @eir (7!3 to810) Section I - Of acant Successions (811 to 814) Cha.ter VI , Of Partition an5 of Collations (: 3 to :6-)

    Section I -Of >n'i$i'e' O6nershi an' of ction for Partition (81% to 842) Section II - Of the "o++ationsB ro riation an' bate#ent of ratuitous ;ransfers &a'e to Persons

    ntit+e' to Inherit(843 to 8.!) Section III -Of the Pay#ent of ebts (870 to 882) Section I - Of the ffects of Partition an' of ILL% ( 8!3 to 1100)

    Cha.ter I , &eneral Pro2isions (:6< to 688,:)Cha.ter II , Of the Ca.acit0 to Dis.ose or to Recei2e 90 Inter Vi2os &ift or 90 >ill (68 to 6 -)Cha.ter III , Of the Dis.osa9le Portion of Pro.ert0 an5 of A9ate1ent (6 < to 6ni$ersa+ egacies(1003 to 100!) Section -Of egacies by >ni$ersa+ ;it+e (1010 to 1013) Section I - Of S ecific egacies (1014 to 1024) Section II - Of ;esta#entary :ecutors (102% to 1034) Section III -Of the e$ocation of

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    Section III -Of the Ob+igation to o or not to o (1142 to 114%) Section I - Of a#ages esu+ting fro# the *on-Perfor#ance of an Ob+igation (114. to 11%%) Section -Of the Inter retation of gree#ents (11%. to 11.4) Section I -Of the ffect of gree#ents 6ith es ect to ;hir' Parties (11.% to 11.7) Cha.ter IV , Of the Vario4s *in5s of O9ligations ( : to -

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    Cha.ter II , Of the Regi1e of Co114nit0 of Pro.ert0 ( =88 to 3

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    Cha.ter III , Of the !iring of In54str0 an5 %er2ices ( ++6 to +66, )

    Section I - Of the @iring of Ser$ants an'

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    Cha.ter I , Of De.osit in &eneral an5 of its Different *in5s ( 6 3 an5 6 )Cha.ter II , Of Act4al De.osits ( 6 + to 63=)

    Section I -Of the *ature an' ssence of the "ontract of e osit (1!17 to 1!20) Section II -Of o+untary e osits (1!21 to 1!2.) Section III -Of the Ob+igations of a e ositary (1!27 to 1!4.) Section I - Of the Ob+igations of the Person by

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    Cha.ter I , &eneral Pro2isions (-86- to -86=)Cha.ter II , Of Prior Charges (-863 to -

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    Statutes beco#e in force throughout the French territory by $irtue of their being ro#u+gate' by

    the Presi'ent of the e ub+ic Constitution of 4 O$t. 1%&'( art. 10GH ;hey sha++ be enforce' in e$ery art of the e ub+ic fro# the #o#ent their ro#u+gation can be5no6nH ;he ro#u+gation #a'e by the Presi'ent of the e ub+ic sha++ be 'ee#e' 5no6n in thed)partement6here the o$ern#ent is sitting one 'ay after the 'ay of ro#u+gation an' in a++ the other d)partementsB after the e: iry of the sa#e erio'B increase' by one 'ay er ten #yria#eters (aboutt6enty ancient +eagues) bet6een the city 6here the ro#u+gation is #a'e an' the chief to6n of eachd)partement1. 1

    Sha++ continue in force unti+ 31 &ay 2004Art' (Ord. n° 2004-164 of 20 Feb. 20041)', Statutes an'B 6hen they are ub+ishe' inthe *ourna! Offi$ie! de !a +)pub!i,ue Fran aiseB a'#inistrati$e acts sha++ co#e intoforce on the 'ate s ecifie' in the# orB in the absence thereofB on the 'ay after their ub+icationH @o6e$erB the co##ence#ent of those of their ro$isions 6hoseenforce#ent re uires i# +e#enting #easures sha++ be ost one' to the 'ate of co##ence#ent of sai' #easuresH

    In case of e#ergencyB statutes 6hose 'ecree of ro#u+gation so rescribes an'a'#inistrati$e acts as to 6hich the o$ern#ent so or'ers by a s ecia+ ro$ision sha++co#e into force as soon as they are ub+ishe'H

    ;he ro$isions of this rtic+e sha++ not a +y to acts of in'i$i'ua+ a +icationH

    1Sha++ co#e into force on 1 une 2004

    rtH- egis+ation ro$i'es on+y for the future it has no retros ecti$e o erationH


    Statutes re+ating to ub+ic o+icy an' safety are bin'ing on a++ those +i$ing on the territoryH I##o$ab+es are go$erne' by French +a6 e$en 6hen o6ne' by a+iensH Statutes re+ating to the status an' ca acity of ersons go$ern French ersonsB e$en those resi'ingin foreign countriesH

    rtH= Cu'ge 6ho refuses to gi$e Cu'g#ent on the rete:t of +egis+ation being si+entB obscure or

    insufficientB #ay be rosecute' for being gui+ty of a 'enia+ of CusticeH

    rtH3 u'ges are forbi''en to 'eci'e cases sub#itte' to the# by 6ay of genera+ an' regu+atory

    ro$isions H

    rtH Statutes re+ating to ub+ic o+icy an' #ora+s #ay not be 'erogate' fro# by ri$ate agree#ents H

    #OO* ONE O PER%ON%



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    "@ P; I - OF * OE& *; OF "I I I @;S


    ( $t of 26 *une 1''%)

    ;he e:ercise of ci$i+ rights is unre+ate' to the e:ercise of o+itica+ rights 6hich are ac uire' an'5e t in accor'ance 6ith constitutiona+ an' e+ectora+ statutesH


    ( $t of 26 *une 1''%)

    $ery French erson enCoys ci$i+ rightsH

    rtH6 ( $t n° 0-64/ of 1 *u!y 1% 0)

    $eryone has the right to res ect for his ri$ate +ifeH

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    rtH , $eryone has the right to res ect for his bo'yH

    ;he hu#an bo'y is in$io+ab+eH ;he hu#an bo'yB its e+e#ents an' its ro'ucts #ay not for# the subCect of a atri#onia+ rightH

    rtH ,-

    ;he court #ay rescribe any #easures a ro riate to re$ent or ut an en' to an un+a6fu+in$asion of the hu#an bo'y or to un+a6fu+ 'ea+ings re+ating to its e+e#ents or ro'uctsH

    rtH ,<

    ;here sha++ be no in$asion of the integrity of the hu#an bo'y e:ce t in case of K#e'ica+K ( $t n°%%-641 of 2 *u!y 1%%%) necessity for the ersonH ;he consent of the erson concerne' #ust be obtaine' re$ious+y e:ce t 6hen his statenecessitates a thera eutic inter$ention to 6hich he is not ab+e to assentH

    rtH ,= *obo'y #ay in$a'e the integrity of #an5in'H

    ny eugenic ractice 6hich ai#s at organi=ing the se+ection of ersons is forbi''enH E OF ;@ P ;I"> S OF P SO* * OF ;@

    I *;IFI" ;IO* OF P SO* O

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  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

    In this ;it+eB #aCority an' #inority sha++ be un'erstoo' accor'ing to the #eaning they ha$e inFrench +a6H

    rtH +,

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)In or'er to 'eter#ine the French territory at any ti#eB account sha++ be ta5en of #o'ifications

    resu+ting fro# enact#ents of the French o$ern#ent un'er the "onstitution an' statutesB as 6e++ asun'er internationa+ treaties re$ious+y conc+u'e'H

    rtH +,+

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)In the absence of con$entiona+ sti u+ationsB the effects u on French nationa+ity of anne:ations

    an' cessions of territories are go$erne' by the fo++o6ing ro$isionsH

    rtH +,: ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    *ationa+s of the ce'ing State 'o#ici+e' in the anne:e' territories on the 'ay of the transfer of so$ereignty ac uire French nationa+ityB un+ess they actua++y estab+ish their 'o#ici+es outsi'e thoseterritoriesH >n'er the sa#e reser$ationB French nationa+s 'o#ici+e' in the ce'e' territories on the 'ay of the transfer of so$ereignty +ose that nationa+ityH

    rtH +,6

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /);he effects u on French nationa+ity of the accession to in'e en'ence of for#er o$erseas

    d)partementsor territories of the e ub+ic are 'eter#ine' in "ha ter II of this ;it+eH

    rtH +, 8 ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    ;he ro$isions of rtic+e 17-8 sha++ a +y for ur oses of inter retation to changes of nationa+ityfo++o6ing u on anne:ations an' cessions of territories resu+ting fro# treaties conc+u'e' before 1!

    October 1!4%H @o6e$erB a+iens 6ho ha' their 'o#ici+es in territories retroce'e' by France un'er the ;reaty of Paris of 30 &ay 1814 an' 6ho transferre' their 'o#ici+es in France +ater than this ;reatyB 6ere nota++o6e' to ac uire French nationa+ity on this groun' un+ess they co# +ie' 6ith the ro$isions of the ctof 14 October 1814H French ersons 6ho 6ere born outsi'e the retroce'e' territories an' ha$e 5e t their 'o#ici+es on those territories ha$e not +ost French nationa+ity un'er the ter#s of the afore#entione';reatyH

    rtH +,

    (Or'H n° 4&-2441 of 1% O$t. 1%4&)Pro$i'e' that there is no infringe#ent of the inter retation gi$en to for#er agree#entsB a change

    of nationa+ity #ay notB in any caseB fo++o6 fro# an internationa+ con$entionB un+ess the con$ention so

    ro$i'es e: ress+yH rtH +, -

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

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    rtH :, ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

    If ho6e$er on+y one of the arents is FrenchB the chi+' 6ho 6as not born in France has the o6er to re u'iate the status of French 6ithin si: #onths rece'ing an' t6e+$e #onths fo++o6ing his #aCorityH ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /) ;hat o6er is +ost if the a+ien or state+ess arent ac uires Frenchnationa+ity 'uring the #inority of the chi+'H

    Se$tion II - Of Fren$h Persons by 7irth in Fran$e

    rt. 6 ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    Is French a chi+' born in France of un5no6n arentsH @e sha++ ho6e$er be 'ee#e' to ha$e ne$er been French ifB 'uring his #inorityB his arentage isestab+ishe' as regar's an a+ien an' ifB un'er the nationa+ +a6 of his arentB he has the nationa+ity of the+atterH

    rtH 6,

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)Is French/

    1L chi+' born in France of state+ess arents 2L chi+' born in France of a+ien arents an' to 6ho# the trans#ission of the nationa+ity of either arent is not by any #eans a++o6e' by foreign *ationa+ity ctsH( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o .200/)H ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') @e sha++ ho6e$er be 'ee#e' to ha$e ne$er been French ifB'uring his #inorityB the foreign nationa+ity ac uire' or ossesse' by one of his arents ha ens to assto hi#H

    rtH 6,-

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)Sha++ be resu#e' born in France a chi+' 6hose recor' of birth 6as 'ra6n u in accor'ance 6ith

    rtic+e %8 of this "o'eH

    rtH 6,< ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)Is French a chi+'B +egiti#ate or i++egiti#ateB born in France 6here one at +east of his arents 6as

    hi#se+f born thereHrtH 6,=

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

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    ;he arentage of a chi+' has effect on his nationa+ity on+y 6here it is estab+ishe' 'uring his#inorityH


    ( $t n° %/-%%/ of 22 *u!y 1%%/) French erson 6ho has the o6er to re u'iate French nationa+ity 6here this ;it+e so ro$i'es

    #ay e:ercise that o6er by 6ay of a 'ec+aration uttere' in accor'ance 6ith rtic+es 2. an' fo++o6ingH @e #ay 'i$est hi#se+f of that o6er fro# the age of si:teen in the sa#e 6ayH


    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)In the circu#stances referre' to in the rece'ing rtic+eB nobo'y #ay re u'iate French

    nationa+ity un+ess he ro$es that he has by birth the nationa+ity of a foreign countryH

    rtH-8,= ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')

    French erson 6ho en+ists in French forces +oses the o6er to re u'iateH

    rtH-8,3 ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    ;he ro$isions of rtic+es 1!-3 an' 1!-4 sha++ not a +y to chi+'ren born in France of 'i +o#aticagents or of regu+ar consu+s of foreign nationa+itiesH ( $t n° %/-%%/ of 22 *u!y 1%%/) ;hose chi+'ren ha$e ho6e$er the o6er to ac uire $o+untari+yFrench nationa+ity as ro$i'e' for Kin rtic+e 21-11 be+o6HK ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')

    "@ P; III - OF ;@ "A>ISI;IO* OF F *"@ * ;IO* I;E

    Se$tion I - Of the 3odes of $,uirin Fren$h ationa!ity , 1 - Of the c uisition of French *ationa+ity by eason of Parentage


    ( $t n° /-4 of( % *an. 1% /)s of rightB or'inary a'o tion has no effect on the nationa+ity of an a'o te' chi+'H

    , 2 - Of the c uisition of French *ationa+ity by eason of &arriage

    rtH- ,( $t n° /-4 of( % *an. 1% /)

    s of rightB #arriage has no effect on nationa+ityH

    rtH- ,- ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)

    n a+ien or state+ess erson 6ho #arries an' 6hose s ouse is of French nationa+ity #ayB after

    a erio' of t6o years fro# the #arriageB ac uire French nationa+ity by 6ay of 'ec+aration ro$i'e' thatB at the ti#e of the 'ec+arationB the co##unity of +i$ing both affecti$e an' hysica+ has not co#e to an en' an' the French s ouse has 5e t his or her nationa+ityH ;heforeign s ouse #ust a+so ro$e a sufficient 5no6+e'ge of the French +anguageB accor'ing tohis or her con'itionH

    ;he 'uration of the co##unity of +i$ing sha++ be raise' to three years 6here the a+ienB atthe ti#e of the 'ec+arationB 'oes not ro$e that he has resi'e' in France uninterru te'+y for at+east one year fro# the #arriageH ;he 'ec+aration sha++ be #a'e as ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 2. an' fo++o6ingH *ot6ithstan'ing the ro$isions of rtic+e 2.-1B it sha++ be registere' by the &inister in chargeof natura+isationsH

    rtH- ,< ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    SubCect to the ro$isions of rtic+es 21-4 an' 2.-3B the arty concerne' ac uires Frenchnationa+ity at the 'ate 6hen the 'ec+aration is uttere'H


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    rtH- ,= ( $t n° %/-%%/ of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

    y a 'ecree in Consei! d tat(the o$ern#ent #ayB on groun's of in'ignity or +ac5 of

    assi#i+ation other than +inguistic ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)B o ose the ac uisition of Frenchnationa+ity by the foreign s ouse 6ithin a erio' of one year after the 'ate of the ac5no6+e'ge#ent of recei t ro$i'e' for in rtic+e 2.B aragra h 2B orB 6here the registration 6as refuse'B after the 'ay 6henthe Cu'g#ent 6hich a'#its the +a6fu+ness of the 'ec+aration has entere' into forceH ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /) If there is an o osition by the o$ern#entB the arty concerne'sha++ be 'ee#e' to ha$e ne$er ac uire' French nationa+ityH @o6e$erB the $a+i'ity of transactions conc+u'e' bet6een the 'ec+aration an' the 'ecree thatcha++enges it #ay not be obCecte' to on the groun' that the #a5er 6as not a++o6e' to ac uire Frenchnationa+ityH

    rtH- ,3 ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

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    #inor chi+' born in France of foreign arents #ay fro# the age of si:teen c+ai# Frenchnationa+ity by 'ec+arationB in the 6ay +ai' 'o6n in rtic+es 2. an' fo++o6ing 6hereB at the ti#e of his'ec+arationB he has in France his resi'ence an' has ha' his usua+ resi'ence in France for a continuous or 'iscontinuous erio' of at +east fi$e yearsB fro# the age of e+e$enH >n'er the sa#e ter#sB French nationa+ity #ay be c+ai#e'B on beha+f of the #inor chi+' born inFrance of foreign arentsB fro# the age of thirteen an' 6ith his ersona+ consentB in 6hich e$ent there uire#ent of usua+ resi'ence in France shou+' be fu+fi++e' fro# the age of eightH

    , 4 - Of the c uisition of French *ationa+ity by ec+aration of *ationa+ity rtH- , -

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /) chi+' 6ho 6as the subCect of an or'inary a'o tion by a erson of French nationa+ity #ayB u to

    his #aCorityB 'ec+areB in the 6ay ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 2. an' fo++o6ingB that he c+ai#s the status of FrenchB if he resi'es in France at the ti#e of his 'ec+arationH K@o6e$erB the ob+igation of resi'ing is 'is ense' 6ith 6here the chi+' 6as a'o te' by a ersonof French nationa+ity 6ho 'oes not ha$e his usua+ resi'ence in FranceK ( $t n° %'-1 0( 16 3ar$h1%%')H &ayB in the sa#e 6ayB c+ai# French nationa+ity/

    1L chi+'B 6hoB for at +east fi$e yearsB has been she+tere' an' brought u by a erson of Frenchnationa+ity or 6hoB for at +east three yearsB has been entruste' to the "hi+'ren?s ai' ser$ice ( $t n° 200/-

    111% of 26 o . 200/)H2L chi+' she+tere' in France an' brought u in con'itions that a++o6e' hi# to recei$eB 'uring

    fi$e years at +eastB a French e'ucation Kfro# either a ub+ic bo'yB or a ri$ate bo'y offering the features'eter#ine' by a 'ecree in Consei! d tat K ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)H

    rtH- , <

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)&ay c+ai# French nationa+ity Kby 'ec+aration uttere' as ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 2. an'

    fo++o6ingK ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)B ersons 6ho ha$e enCoye' in a constant 6ay the a arentstatus of French for the ten years rior to the 'ec+arationH

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    K :ce t in the circu#stances referre' to in rtic+e 21-14-1K ( $t n° %%-1141 of 2% 8e$. 1%%%)Bthe ac uisition of French nationa+ity by a 'ecision of the o$ern#ent resu+ts fro# a natura+isationgrante' by 'ecree at the re uest of the a+ienH

    rtH- ,

    (Or'H n° 4&-2441 of 1% O$t. 1%4&) *obo'y #ay be natura+ise' un+ess he has his resi'ence in France at the ti#e of the signature of

    the 'ecree of natura+isationH

    rtH- , + ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

    SubCect to the e:ce tions +ai' 'o6n in rtic+es 21-18B 21-1! an' 21-20B natura+isation #ay begrante' on+y to an a+ien 6ho ro$es an usua+ resi'ence in France for fi$e years before the sub#ission of the re uestH

    rtH- , :

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /);he robationary erio' referre' to in rtic+e 21-17 sha++ be re'uce' to t6o years/

    1L s regar's the a+ien 6ho has successfu++y co# +ete' t6o years of uni$ersity e'ucation in $ie6of getting a 'i +o#a conferre' by a French uni$ersity or estab+ish#ent of higher e'ucation

    2L s regar's the a+ien 6ho ga$e or can gi$e significant ser$ices to France o6ing to hisco# etences an' ta+entsH

    rtH- , 6

    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)&ay be natura+ise' 6ithout the re uire#ent of a robationary erio'/

    K1L #inor chi+' 6ho re#aine' an a+ien a+though one of his arents ac uire' French nationa+ity 2L ;he s ouse an' chi+' of age of a erson 6ho ac uires or ac uire' French nationa+ityK ( $t n°%/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

    3L repea!ed G 4L n a+ien 6ho actua++y erfor#e' #i+itary ser$ices in a unit of the French ar#y or 6hoB in ti#eof 6arB en+iste' $o+untari+y in French or a++ie' ar#ies

    %L nationa+ or for#er nationa+ of territories an' States on 6hich France e:ercise' so$ereigntyBor a rotectorateB a #an'ate or a trusteeshi.L n a+ien 6ho ga$e e:ce tiona+ ser$ices to France or one 6hose natura+isation is of

    e:ce tiona+ interest for FranceH In this e$entB the 'ecree of natura+isation #ay be grante' on+y after ta5ingConsei! d tat ?s o inion an' on the basis of a reasone' re ort fro# the co# etent &inister

    7L ( $t %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') n a+ien 6ho obtaine' the status of refugee in accor'ance6ith the ct nL %2-8!3 of 2% u+y 1!%2 estab+ishing a French Office for the rotection of refugees an'state+ess ersonsH

    rtH- ,-8

    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)&ay be natura+ise' 6ithout any re uire#ent as to a robationary erio' a erson 6ho be+ongs to

    the French cu+tura+ an' +inguistic unitB 6here he is a nationa+ of territories or States 6hose officia++anguage or one of the officia+ +anguages is FrenchB either if French is his #other tongue or if he ro$esschoo+ atten'ance of at +east fi$e years at an institution teaching in FrenchH

    rtH- ,-

    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)French nationa+ity #ay be conferre' by natura+isation on a ro osa+ fro# the &inister of Foreign

    ffairs to any French-s ea5ing a+ien 6ho #a5es the re uest thereof an' 6ho contributes by his e#inent'ee's to the inf+uence of France an' to the ros erity of its internationa+ econo#ic re+ationsH

    rtH- ,--

    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    *obo'y #ay be natura+ise' 6here he is not of goo' character or has incurre' one of thesentences referre' to in rtic+e 21-27 of this "o'eH @o6e$erB sentences 'e+i$ere' abroa' #ay be o$er+oo5e' in this e$ent the 'ecree that ronounces natura+isation #ay be enacte' on+y after assent of theConsei! d tat.

    rt. - ,-=

    (Or'H n° 4&-2441 of 1% O$t. 1%4&) *obo'y #ay be natura+ise' un+ess he ro$es his assi#i+ation into the French co##unityB an'

    s ecia++y o6ing to a sufficient 5no6+e'ge of the French +anguageB accor'ing to his con'ition an' of therights an' 'uties conferre' by French nationa+ityK ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)H

    rtH- ,-=, ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)

    ;he re uire#ent of 5no6+e'ge of the French +anguage sha++ not a +y to o+itica+ refugees an' state+ess ersons 6ho ha$e resi'e' in France regu+ar+y an' usua++y for at +east fifteen years an' 6ho are o$er


    rtH- ,-3(Or'H n° 4&-2441 of 1% O$t. 1%4&)

    ;he 6ay of carrying out the chec5ing of assi#i+ation an' state of hea+th of an a+ien a6aiting hisnatura+isation sha++ be rescribe' by 'ecree inConsei! d tat.

    rtH- ,-3,

    ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%');he re +y of the o$ern#ent to a re uest for ac uisition of French nationa+ity by natura+isation

    #ust be #a'e at the +atest 6ithin eighteen #onths after the 'ate 6hen the ac5no6+e'ge#ent of recei tthat estab+ishes the 'e+i$ery of a++ the 'ocu#ents nee'e' for the co# +etion of a co# rehensi$e fi+e isissue' to the a +icantH

    ;hat erio' #ay be e:ten'e' on+y once for three #onths by a reasone' 'ecisionH

    , . - Pro$isions "o##on to so#e &o'es of c uiring French *ationa+ity

    rtH- ,- ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)Is e ui$a+ent to a resi'ence in France 6here that resi'ence is a re uire#ent for the ac uiring of

    French nationa+ity/ 1L ;he resi'ing abroa' of an a+ien 6ho e:ercises a ri$ate or ub+ic rofessiona+ acti$ity on beha+f of the French state or of a bo'y 6hose acti$ity is of s ecia+ interest for French econo#y or cu+ture

    2L resi'ing in those countries in custo#s union 6ith France 6hich are na#e' by a 'ecree 3L ( $t %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') resence outsi'e FranceB in ti#e of eace as in ti#e of 6arBin a regu+ar unit of the French ar#y or for the 'uties +ai' 'o6n in oo5 II of the "o'e of *ationa+Ser$ice

    4L ( $t %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') resi'ing outsi'e France as a $o+unteer for nationa+ ser$iceH

    ;he e ui$a+ence as to resi'ence 6hich benefits one s ouse sha++ be e:ten'e' to the other 6herethey actua++y +i$e togetherH

    rtH- ,-+ ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/: $t %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')

    *obo'y #ay ac uire French nationa+ity or be reinstate' in that nationa+ity 6here he has beensentence' either for or'inary or serious offences that constitute a 'a#age to the fun'a#enta+ interests of the nation or an act of terroris# orB 6hate$er the offence concerne' #ay beB to a ena+ty of si: #onths?i# rison#ent or #ore 6ithout sus ensionH ( $t n° %/-141 of /0 8e$. 1%%/) It sha++ be +i5e6ise for the erson 6ho has been subCect either to an e:c+usion or'er not e: ress+y re$o5e' or re ea+e' or to a banish#ent of the French territory notfu++y enforce'H ( $t %/-102 of 24 u ust 1%%/) It sha++ be +i5e6ise for the erson 6hose resi'ence in France isirregu+ar 6ith res ect to the statutes an' con$entions concerning the resi'ence of a+iens in France H ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') ;he ro$isions of this rtic+e sha++ not a +y to a #inor chi+'6ho #ay ac uire French nationa+ity un'er rtic+es 21-7B 21-11B 21-12 an' 22-1 (nor to a con'e#ne' erson 6ho has benefite' fro# a rehabi+itation by o eration of +a6 or by a Cu'icia+ rehabi+itation in


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    accor'ance 6ith rtic+e 133-12 of the Pena+ "o'eB or the entry of 6hose sentence has been e:c+u'e'fro# the certificate nL 2 of the o+ice recor'B in accor'ance 6ith rtic+es 77%-1 an' 77%-2 of the "o'e of "ri#ina+ Proce'ureK ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)H

    Se$tion II - Of the ;ffe$ts of $,uirin Fren$h ationa!ity

    rt. -- ( $t n° '/-1046 of ' 8e$. 1%'/ )

    erson 6ho has ac uire' French nationa+ity enCoys a++ the rights an' is boun' to a++ the 'utiesattache' to the status of FrenchB fro# the 'ay of that ac uisitionH


    ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%' $t n° %%-1141 of 2% 8e$. 1%%%) #inor chi+'B +egiti#ateB i++egiti#ate or 6ho has been the subCect of a +enary a'o tionB one of

    the arents of 6ho# ac uires French nationa+ityB beco#es French as of right 6here he has the sa#eusua+ resi'ence as that arentB or resi'es in turn 6ith that arent in the e$ent of se aration or 'i$orceH ;he ro$isions of this rtic+e sha++ not a +y to the chi+' of a erson 6ho ac uires Frenchnationa+ity by a 'ecision of the French go$ern#ent or by 'ec+aration of nationa+ity un+ess his na#e is#entione' in the 'ecree or the 'ec+arationH


    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /);he ro$isions of the rece'ing rtic+e sha++ not a +y to a #arrie' chi+'H

    rtH--,< ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)

    @o6e$erB a chi+' 6ho is French un'er rtic+e 22-1 an' 6ho 6as not born in France has the o6er to re u'iate that status 6ithin si: #onths rece'ing an' t6e+$e #onths fo++o6ing his co#ing of ageH @e #ust e:ercise that o6er by 'ec+aration uttere' as ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 2. an' fo++o6ingH

    @e #ay 'i$est hi#se+f of that o6er fro# the age of si:teen in the sa#e 6ayH

    "@ P; I - OF OSS * FO F I;> OfB * OF I*S; ; & *; I* F *"@ * ;IO* I;E

    Se$tion I - Of

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)oses French nationa+ity a French ersonB e$en being a #inorB 6hoB ha$ing a foreign nationa+ityB

    isB on his re uestB authori=e' by the French o$ern#ent to +ose the status of FrenchH ;hat authori=ation sha++ be grante' by 'ecreeH


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    rtH-=,- ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    Persons 6ho Kha$e +ost French nationa+ityK ( $t. n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') by reason of a#arriage 6ith an a+ien or ac uisition of a foreign nationa+ity by an in'i$i'ua+ 'ecision #ayB subCect tothe ro$isions Kof rtic+e 21-27K ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)B be reinstate' by a 'ec+arationsubscribe' in France or abroa' as ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 2. an' fo++o6ingH ;hey #ust ha$e 5e t or ac uire' atent bon's 6ith FranceB es ecia++y of cu+tura+B rofessiona+Becono#ic or fa#i+y natureH


    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/)einstate#ent by 'ecree or 'ec+aration is effecti$e 6ith regar' to chi+'ren un'er eighteenB

    subCect to the con'itions un'er rtic+es 22-1 an' 22-2 of this ;it+eH

    Se$tion III - Of Forfeiture of Fren$h ationa!ity

    rtH-3 ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    n in'i$i'ua+ 6ho ac uire' the status of French #ay be 'ec+are' by 'ecree a'o te' after assentof theConsei! d tatto ha$e forfeite' French nationa+ityB Ksa$e 6here forfeiture has the effect of #a5inghi# state+essK ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')/


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    rtH- ,< ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%//: $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')

    ;he &inister or the Cu'ge sha++ refuse to register 'ec+arations 6hich 'o not co# +y 6ith thestatutory re uire#entsH @is reasone' 'ecision sha++ be notifie' to the 'ec+arantB 6ho #ay cha++enge it before thetribuna! de rande instan$e6ithin si: #onthsH ;he c+ai# #ay be brought ersona++y by a #inor fro# the age of si:teenH

    ;he 'ecision of refusa+ to register #ust be ta5en 6ithin si: #onths at the +atest after the 'ate6hen the ac5no6+e'g#ent of recei t 6hich estab+ishes the fi+ing of a++ the 'ocu#ents necessary for ro$ing the a'#issibi+ity of the 'ec+aration is issue' to the 'ec+arantH ;he erio' sha++ be e:ten'e' to one year as regar's 'ec+arations subscribe' un'er rtic+e 21-2H

    rtH- ,=

    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/: $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    #ention of a'#inistrati$e acts an' 'ec+arations causing ac uisition or +oss of French nationa+ity or reinstate#ent therein sha++ be #a'e in the #argin of the recor' of birthH ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%') #ention of a first issue of a certificate of French nationa+ityan' of a'Cu'icatory 'ecisions of a court re+ating to that nationa+ity sha++ +i5e6ise be #a'eH


    ( $t n° %'-1 0 of 16 3ar$h 1%%')&entions re+ating to nationa+ity ro$i'e' for in the rece'ing rtic+e sha++ be #a'e on co ies of

    recor's of birth or instru#ents 'ra6n u as substitutes for the#H ;hose #entions sha++ a+so be #a'e on certificates of birth or on a!i ret de fami!!e at the re uestof the arties concerne'H @o6e$erB the #entions of +ossB 'isc+ai#erB forfeiture ofB o osition to theac uisition of French nationa+ityB 6ith'ra6a+ of the 'ecree of natura+isation or reinstate#entB or of the Cu'icia+ 'ecision 6hich has estab+ishe' the a+ien statusB sha++ be #a'e as of right on certificates of birthan' on a !i ret de fami!!e 6here a erson 6ho re$ious+y ac uire' or 6as Cu'icia++y a'Cu'ge' thatnationa+ityB or obtaine' a certificate of French nationa+ityB has re ueste' their being #entione' on those'ocu#entsH

    "@ P; I - OF ISP>; S I* & ;; S OF * ;IO* I;E

    Se$tion I - Of the *urisdi$tion of *udi$ia! Courts and the Pro$eedin s therein

    rt. -6 ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    ;he ci$i+ courts of genera+ Curis'iction sha++ e:ercise e:c+usi$e Curis'iction o$er 'is utes re+atingto French or foreign nationa+ity of natura+ ersonsH Issues of nationa+ity sha++ be re+i#inary before any other a'#inistrati$e or Cu'icia+ court e:ce tcri#ina+ courts 6ith a cri#ina+ CuryH


    ( $t %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/);he seats an' territoria+ Curis'iction of thetribunau9 de rande instan$e6hich are e# o6ere' to

    try contro$ersies re+ating to French or foreign nationa+ity of natura+ ersons are estab+ishe' by 'ecreeH

    rtH-6,- ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    ;he roce'ure to be fo++o6e' in #atters of nationa+ity an' in articu+ar the co##unication to theo$ern#ent rocurator?s office of su##onsB +ea'ings an' #etho's of re$ie6B is estab+ishe' by the

    "o'e of "i$i+ Proce'ureH

    rtH-6,< ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    $eryone is entit+e' to bring an action for the 'eter#ination of his ha$ing or not the status of FrenchH ;he o$ern#ent rocurator?s office is +i5e6ise entit+e' 6ith res ect to any ersonH It sha++ be a

    necessary 'efen'ant in a++ 'ec+aratory actions on nationa+ityH It #ust be Coine' to the action 6hene$er anissue of nationa+ity is raise' as an inter+ocutory #atter before a court e# o6ere' to try itH

    rtH-6,= ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)

    ;he o$ern#ent rocuratorNs office sha++ ha$e to sue 6here it is re ueste' by a ub+ic ser$ice or a thir' arty 6ho raise' the +ea of nationa+ status before a court 6hich staye' Cu'g#ent un'er rtic+e2!H ;he thir' arty +aintiff sha++ be Coine' to the actionH


    ( $t n° /-42 of % *an. 1% /)u'g#ents han'e' 'o6n in #atters of French nationa+ity by a court of genera+ Curis'iction ha$e

    effect e$en against ersons 6ho 6ere not arties nor re resente' H @o6e$erB a arty concerne' is co# etent to attac5 the# by #eans of a thir' arty a +ication for rehearing ro$i'e' that he Coins the o$ern#ent rocuratorNs office to the actionH

    Se$tion II - Of the Proof of ationa!ity before *udi$ia! Courts 27

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    re instan$eK

    2L repea!ed GH


  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    ( $t n° %/-%// of 22 *u!y 1%%/) *ot6ithstan'ing rtic+e 2.B the 'ec+aration sha++ be recei$e' by the resi'ent of thetribuna! de

    premi>re instan$e or by the Cu'ge in charge of the section on 'etach#entH


  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    rtH=+ ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)

    Faith #ust be gi$en to recor's of ci$i+ status of French ersons an' a+iens #a'e in a foreigncountry an' 'ra6n u in the for#s in use in that countryB un+ess other recor's or 'ocu#ents ossesse'Be:terna+ 'ata or e+e#ents 'ra6n fro# the recor' itse+f estab+ish that the recor' is irregu+arB forge' or thatthe facts 'ec+are' therein 'o not s uare 6ith truthH

    In case of 'oubtB the ser$ice before 6hich a re uest for the 'ra6ing u B registration or issuing of arecor' or of a 'ocu#ent is broughtB sha++ 'e+ay the re uest an' gi$e notice to the erson concerne' that he#ayB 6ithin t6o #onthsB refer the #atter to the o$ern#ent rocurator in *antes in or'er that theauthenticity of the recor' be chec5e'H

    on resentation of the resu+ts of the in$estigations carrie' outB the o$ern#ent rocurator #ay

    refer the #atter to thetribuna! de rande instan$ein *antes in or'er that it gi$e Cu'g#ent about the$a+i'ity of the recor' after ha$ing or'ere'B 6here a ro riateB any e:a#ination rocee'ings it 'ee#sa'$isab+eH

    rtH=: ( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/?

    recor' of ci$i+ status of French ersons in a foreign State is $a+i' 6here it 6as recei$e'B inaccor'ance 6ith French +a6B by 'i +o#atic or consu+ar agentsH ( $t of ' *une 1'%/) 'u +icate of the registers of ci$i+ status he+' by these agents sha++ be sent

    at the en' of each year to the &inistry of Foreign ffairs 6hich sha++ 5ee the# an' #ay 'e+i$er certificates fro# the#H

    rtH=6 ( $t of 1 u . 1'% : $t of 10 3ar$h 1%/2)

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    rtH3- n a+terationB a forgery in recor's of ci$i+ statusB an inscri tion of those recor's on a +oose +eaf an' other6ise than on the registers 'esigne' for that ur oseB sha++ gi$e rise to 'a#ages to the artiesB6ithout reCu'ice to ena+ties ro$i'e' for in the Pena+ "o'eH


    ;he o$ern#ent rocurator at thetribuna! de rande instan$e sha++ $erify the state of theregisters 6hen they are 'e osite' at the court registrar?s office he sha++ 'ra6 u a #e#oran'u# of $erificationB 'enounce #inor an' or'inary offences co##itte' by officers of ci$i+ status an' ca++ for their being sentence' to finesH


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    the rotection of their atrony#ics rep!a$ed by Kfa#i+y na#esK ( ct nL 2002-304 of 4 &arch20021)GB the officer of ci$i+ status sha++ gi$e notice thereof to the o$ern#ent rocuratorM 6ithout'e+ayH ;he +atter #ay refer the #atter to the fa#i+y causes Cu'geMH

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    ( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/)

    rtH 8 erson 6ho estab+ishes a +a6fu+ interest #ay a +y for a change of his first na#eH ;he

    a +ication is brought before the fa#i+y causes Cu'ge on re uest of the arty concerne' orB 6here the+atter is a erson un'er a 'isabi+ityB on re uest of his statutory re resentati$eH n a'Cunction or su ression of first na#es #ay be +i5e6ise 'eci'e'H

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    "@ P; III - OF "O S OF & I

    rtH < ( $t of ' pri! 1%2 )

    efore the ce+ebration of a #arriageB an officer of ci$i+ status sha++ gi$e ub+ic notice of it by6ay of a bi++ stuc5 u on the 'oor of the to6n ha++H ;hat notice sha++ state the first na#esB na#esBoccu ationsB 'o#ici+es an' resi'ences of the future s ousesB as 6e++ as the +ace 6here the #arriage is to be ce+ebrate'H

    Irres ecti$e of the a +ication of the ro$isions of rtic+e 170B an officer of ci$i+ status #ay rocee' to the ub+ic notice ro$i'e' for in aragra h 1B orB in case of an e:e# tion fro# ub+ic noticeB to the ce+ebration of the #arriageB on+y after/ - the han'ing o$er by each of the future s ouses of a #e'ica+ certificate 'ating fro# +essthan t6o #onthsB that attests that the erson concerne' 6as e:a#ine' for ur oses of #arriageB to the e:c+usion of any other in'ication - hearing the future s ouses Coint+yB e:ce t in case of i# ossibi+ity or 6here it a earsBu on e:a#ination of the fi+eB that sai' hearing is not necessary 6ith res ect to rtic+e 14.H If he 'ee#s it necessaryB the officer of ci$i+ status #ay a+so re uire to ha$e a se arate ta+5 6ithone or the other of the future s ousesH

    n officer of ci$i+ status 6ho 'oes not co# +y 6ith the rescri tions of the rece'ing aragra hs sha++ be rosecute' before thetribuna! de rande instan$ean' unishe' by a fine Kfro# 20 to 200 francsK (3 to 30 ) ( $t n° &6- '0 of 4 u .1%&6 )H

    rtH =

    ( $t of ' pri! 1%2 );he bi++ ro$i'e' for in the rece'ing rtic+e sha++ re#ain stuc5 u at the 'oor of the to6n ha++

    for ten 'aysH ;he #arriage #ay not be ce+ebrate' before the tenth 'ay after an' e:c+usi$e of that of noticeH

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    rtH+8 ( $t of 2 Feb. 1%//)

    ;he office co y of the recor' of birth 'e+i$ere' by each one of the future s ouses to the officer of ci$i+ status 6ho is to ce+ebrate their #arriage sha++ co# +y 6ith rtic+e %7B +ast aragra hB of the "i$i+"o'e 6ithB if there is occasionB in'ication of the #arrie' status of his father an' #other orB 6here thefuture s ouse is a #inorB in'ication of the ac5no6+e'ge#ent of 6hich he or she 6as the subCectH ( $t of 11 *u!y 1%2%) ;hat instru#ent #ust not ha$e been issue' #ore than three #onths before6here it 6as issue' in FranceB an' #ore than si: #onths before 6here it 6as issue' in a co+ony or aconsu+ateH


    ( $t of 11 *u!y 1%2%) future s ouse 6ho 6ou+' be unab+e to obtain that instru#ent #ay re +ace it by ro'ucing an

    affi'a$it issue' by the Cu'ge of thetribuna! d instan$e of the +ace of his birth or of his 'o#ici+eH n affi'a$it sha++ contain a 'ec+aration #a'e by three 6itnessesB of either se:B re+ati$es or notB of the first na#esB na#eB occu ation an' 'o#ici+e of the future s ouse an' of those of his father an'#otherB 6hen 5no6n the +ace an'B as far as ossib+eB the erio' of his birth an' the causes that re$entthe intru#ent fro# being ro'uce'H ;he 6itnesses sha++ sign the affi'a$it 6ith the Cu'ge of thetribuna! d instan$e an' if any of the# cannot or 'oes not 5no6 ho6 to signB #ention sha++ be #a'e of itH


    ( $t n° 2-/ of / *an. 1% 2) *either an affi'a$it nor a refusa+ to issue it #ay be subCect to re$ie6H


    ( $t of % u . 1%1%)n authentic instru#ent of consent of the father an' #otherB or gran'fathers an' gran'#others

    orB fai+ing the#B of the fa#i+y counci+ sha++ contain the first na#esB na#esB occu ation an' 'o#ici+es of the future s ouses an' of a++ those 6ho concurre' in the instru#entB as 6e++ as their 'egree of consanguinityH ( $t of 2' Feb. 1%22) :ce t in the case ro$i'e' for in rtic+e 1%! of the "i$i+ "o'eB thatinstru#ent of consent sha++ be 'ra6n u either by anotaire or by the officer of ci$i+ status of the

    'o#ici+e or resi'ence of the ascen'ant an'B abroa'B by French 'i +o#atic or consu+ar agentsH

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    concern an'B if the +atter is a #inorB his c+osest ascen'ants resent at the ce+ebrationB to 'ec+are that the$ariance resu+ts fro# an o#ission or a #ista5eH @e sha++ recei$e fro# each artyB one after the otherB the 'ec+aration that they 6ish to ta5e eachother as husban' an' 6ife he sha++ ronounceB in the na#e of the +a6B that they are unite' by #arriageBan' he sha++ 'ra6 u a recor' of it at onceH


    ( $t of 4 Feb. 1%2') recor' of #arriage sha++ state/

    1L ;he first na#esB na#esB occu ationsB agesB 'ates an' +aces of birthB 'o#ici+es an' resi'encesof the s ouses

    2L ;he first na#esB na#esB occu ations an' 'o#ici+es of the fathers an' #others3L ;he consent of the fathers an' #othersB gran'fathers an' gran'#others an' that of the fa#i+y

    counci+ 6hereB they are re uire' 4L ;he first na#es an' na#e of the re$ious s ouse of each s ouse

    %L repea!ed G .L ;he 'ec+aration of the contracting arties that they ta5e each other for s ouseB an' the ronounce#ent of their being unite' by the officer of ci$i+ status 7L ;he first na#esB na#esB occu ationsB 'o#ici+es of the 6itnesses an' their ca acity as a'u+ts 8L ( $t of 10 *u!y 1'&0) ;he 'ec+arationB #a'e u on the uestion rescribe' by the rece'ing

    rtic+eB that an ante-nu tia+ agree#ent 6as #a'e or not an'B as far as ossib+eB the 'ate of the agree#entif anyB as 6e++ as the na#e an' +ace of resi'ence of thenotaire 6ho recei$e' it the 6ho+e on ainagainst the officer of ci$i+ status of the fine s ecifie' in rtic+e %0

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


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    (Or'H n° &'- % of 2/ u . 1%&')

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    &ention of the annu+#ent of the 'ec+aratory Cu'g#ent sha++ be #a'e in the #argin of itsrecor'ingH "@ P; - OF "O S OF "I I S; ;>S "O*" *I* SO I S * & I* S I*

    SO& SP "I "I ">&S; *" S

    rtH6<(Or'H n° &'- % of 2/ u . 1%&')

    ecor's of ci$i+ status concerning so+'iers an' #ariners of the State sha++ be 'ra6n u ass ecifie' in the rece'ing "ha tersH @o6e$erB outsi'e France an' in case of 6arB e: e'itionB o eration for the 5ee ing of or'er an' acification or uartering of French troo s in foreign territoriesB for occu ation or un'er intergo$ern#enta+ agree#entsB those recor's #ay be recei$e' +i5e6ise by #i+itary officers of ci$i+statusB na#e' by an or'er of the &inister of the r#e' ForcesH ;hose officers of ci$i+ status are a+soco# etent 6ith regar' to non-#i+itary ersons 6here the ro$isions of the rece'ing "ha ters cannot bea +ie'H In #etro o+itan FranceB the officers of ci$i+ status referre' to abo$e #ay recei$e recor'sconcerning so+'iers an' non-#i+itary ersons in the arts of the territory 6hereB by reason of #obi+i=ation or siegeB the #unici a+ ci$i+ registry is no +onger regu+ar+y ensure'H ec+arations of birth in the ar#e' forces sha++ be #a'e 6ithin ten 'ays fo++o6ing the 'e+i$eryH ecor's of 'eath #ay be 'ra6n u in the ar#e' forces not6ithstan'ing rtic+e 77 abo$ede!eted G a+though the officer of ci$i+ status cou+' not beta5e hi#se+f to the 'ecease' erson an'B

    not6ithstan'ing rtic+e 78B they #ay be 'ra6n u on+y on the attestation of t6o 'ec+arantsH

    Art 6= de!eted G

    rtH63 ( $t n° & -12/2 of 2' o . 1%& )

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    recor' ta5ing the +ace of a recor' of #arriage sha++ +i5e6ise be 'ra6n u 6here the erson6ho ac uires or reco$ers French nationa+ity got re$ious+y #arrie' abroa'B un+ess the ce+ebration of the#arriage 6as a+rea'y ta5en note of by a recor' entere' on a register 5e t by a French authorityH ;he recor' sha++ state/ - the 'ate an' +ace of the ce+ebration - in'ication of the erfor#ing authority - the na#esB first na#esB 'ates an' +aces of birth of each one of the s ouses - the arentage of the s ouses an' - if there is occasionB the na#eB ca acity an' resi'ence of the authority 6ho recei$e' the ante-nu tia+ agree#entH


    One an' the sa#e recor' #ay be 'ra6n u containing the state#ents as to birth an' #arriageBun+ess birth an' #arriage 6ere a+rea'y ta5en note of by recor's entere' on a register 5e t by a FrenchauthorityH It sha++ be use' as both a recor' of birth an' a recor' of #arriageH


    ;he recor's referre' to in rtic+es !8 to !8-2 sha++ state besi'es/ - the 'ate on 6hich they 6ere 'ra6n u - the na#e an' signature of the officer of ci$i+ status - the #entions entere' in the #argin of the recor' of 6hich they ta5e the +ace - in'ication of instru#ents an' Cu'g#ents re+ating to the nationa+ity of the ersonH &ention sha++ be #a'e +ater in the #argin/ - of the in'ications re uire' for each category of recor' by the +a6 in forceH


    ;he ersons for 6ho# recor's 6ere 'ra6n u un'er rtic+es !8 to !8-2 +ose the o6er of re uiring the entry of their recor' of birth or #arriage recei$e' by a foreign authorityH In the case of conf+ict bet6een the state#ents in a foreign recor' of ci$i+ status or a recor' of French consu+ar ci$i+ status an' those in a recor' 'ra6n u un'er sai' rtic+esB the +atter sha++ re$ai+unti+ a Cu'g#ent of rectificationH

    "@ P; II - OF ;@ ";IFI" ;IO* OF "O S OF "I I S; ;>S

    rtH66(Or'H n° &'- % of 2/ u . 1%&': 8. n° '1-&00 of 12 3ay 1%'1)

    rectification of recor's of ci$i+ status sha++ be or'ere' by the resi'ent of the courtH ;he rectification of Cu'g#ents 6hich are 'ec+aratory of or su +y for recor's of ci$i+ status sha++ be or'ere' by the resi'ent of the courtH ;he a +ication for rectification #ay be +o'ge' by any arty concerne' or by the o$ern#ent rocurator the +atter sha++ act of his o6n #otion 6here the #ista5e or o#ission bears on an essentia+in'ication of the recor' or of the Cu'g#ent 6hich ta5es its +aceH ;he o$ern#ent rocurator 6ho has territoria+ Curis'iction #ay un'erta5e a'#inistrati$e

    rectification of #ere+y c+erica+ #ista5es an' o#issions in the recor' of ci$i+ status/ for this ur ose hesha++ gi$e a++ necessary instructions 'irect+y to the 'e ositaries of registersH

    rtH66, ( $t n° '- /1 of 12 *u!y 1% ')

    Persons entit+e' to erfor# the 'uties of an officer of ci$i+ status in or'er to 'ra6 u the recor'sreferre' to in rtic+es !8 to !8-2 #ay un'erta5e a'#inistrati$e rectification of #ere+y c+erica+ #ista5esan' o#issions containe' in those recor's Kor in the #entions inserte' in the #arginsB sa$e those that areentere' after the #a5ing of the recor'sK ( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/)H

    rtH 88 (0rd. n° &'- % of 2/ u . 1%&') Cu'icia+ or a'#inistrati$e rectification of a recor' or Cu'g#ent re+ating to ci$i+ status has effect

    $is-Q-$is any artyH

    rtH 8 (0rd. n° &'- % of 2/ u . 1%&': 8. n° '1-&00 of 12 3ay 1%'1)


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    n office co y of the recor' #ay be issue' on+y 6ith the rectifications or'ere'B on ain of thefine rescribe' by rtic+e %0 of the "i$i+ "o'e an' subCect to a++ 'a#ages against the 'e ositaries of registersH


    rtH 8-

    (Or'H n° &'-%2/ of O$t. 1%&');he 'o#ici+e of a French ersonB as to the e:ercise of his ci$i+ rightsB is at the +ace 6here he has

    his #ain estab+ish#entH oat#en an' other ersons +i$ing on a boat of in+an' na$igation registere' in FranceB 6ho 'o notha$e the 'o#ici+e ro$i'e' for by the rece'ing aragra h or a statutory 'o#ici+eB #ust e+ect a 'o#ici+ein one of the$ommunesthe na#es of 6hich a ear on a +ist estab+ishe' by an or'er of the &inister of

    usticeB the &inister of the Interior an' the &inister of Pub+ic

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    &P;IO* OF S *"

    rtH -

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    rt. + ;he o$ern#ent rocurator?s office sha++ be s ecia++y res onsib+e for 6atching o$er the interests

    of resu#e' absentees it sha++ be hear' on a++ c+ai#s 6hich concern the# it #ay of its o6n #otionre uest the i# +e#entation or a#en'#ent of the #easures ro$i'e' for in this ;it+eH

    rtH :

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    'o6n at +east one year after the ub+ication of the e:tracts of that etitionH It sha++ estab+ish that the erson resu#e' absentee has not rea eare' 'uring the erio's referre' to in rtic+e 122H

    rtH - #otion see5ing 'ec+aration of absence sha++ be 'ee#e' $oi' 6here the absentee rea ears or

    the 'ate of his 'eath ha ens to be 'ec+are'B before the han'ing 'o6n of the Cu'g#entH

    rtH -+

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    "@ P; I - OF ;@ A> IFI" ;IO*S * "O* I;IO*S A>I FO "O*; ";I* & I

    rtH ==

    #a+eB unti+ the co# +etion of eighteen yearsB a fe#a+e unti+ the co# +etion of fifteen yearsB#ay not contract #arriageH

    rtH =3

    ( $t n° 0-1266 of 2/ 8e$. 1% 0)

    *e$erthe+essB the o$ern#ent rocurator of the +ace 6here a #arriage is to be ce+ebrate' #aygrant 'is ensations as to age for serious reasonsH

    rtH =

    ;here is no #arriage 6here there is no consentH

    rtH = , ( $t n° %/-102 of 24 u . 1%%/)

    ;he #arriage of a French ersonB e$en 6here contracte' in a foreign countryB re uires his being resentH

    rtH =+

    *o one #ay contract a secon' #arriage before the 'isso+ution of the firstH

    rtH =: ( $t of 1 *u!y 1%2 )

    &inors #ay not contract #arriage 6ithout the consent of their father an' #other in case of 'isagree#ent bet6een the father an' #otherB that 'i$ision i# +ies consentH repea!ed G repea!ed G

    rtH =6

    ( $t of Feb. 1%24)

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    ;he ro'uction of an office co yB re'uce' to the o erati$e artB of the Cu'g#ent that 'ec+are' theabsence or or'ere' an e:a#ination of 6itnesses as to the absence of the father an' #otherB gran'fathersor gran'#others of one of the future s ousesB is e ui$a+ent to the ro'uction of their recor's of 'eath inthe cases s ecifie' in rtic+es 14!B 1%0B 1%8 an' 1%! of this "o'eH

    rtH 3- repea!ed G

    rtH 3< repea!ed by imp!i$ationG

    rtH 3=

    ( $t of 2 Feb. 1%//);he 'isagree#ent bet6een the father an' #otherB bet6een the gran'father an' gran'#other of

    the sa#e +ineageB or bet6een ancestors of the t6o +ineages #ay be estab+ishe' by anotaire( re ueste' bythe future s ouse an' acting 6ithout the inter$ention of a secon'notaire or of 6itnessesB 6ho 6i++ gi$enotice of the +anne' union to the one or those of the fatherB #other or ancestors 6hose consent has notyet been gaine' H ;he instru#ent containing the notice sha++ state the first na#esB na#esB occu ationsB 'o#ici+esan' resi'ences of the future s ousesB of their fathers an' #others orB 6here a ro riateB of their gran' arentsB as 6e++ as the +ace 6here the #arriage is to be ce+ebrate' H It sha++ a+so state a 'ec+aration that this notice is gi$en for ur ose of gaining the consent not yetgrante' an' thatB fai+ing 6hichB the ce+ebration of the #arriage sha++ be rocee'e' 6ithH

    rtH 33

    ( $t of 4 Feb. 1%/4);he 'isagree#ent of the ascen'ants #ay a+so be estab+ishe'B either by a +etter bearing an

    authenticate' signature an' a''resse' to the officer of ci$i+ status 6ho is to ce+ebrate the #arriageB or byan instru#ent 'ra6n u in the for# ro$i'e' for by rtic+e 73B aragra h 2H

    ;he instru#ents +iste' in this rtic+e an' the rece'ing rtic+e sha++ be sta# e' an' registere'gratisH

    rtH 3

    ( $t of 21 *une 1%0 )

    n officer of ci$i+ status 6ho ce+ebrates #arriages contracte' by sons or 'aughters 6ho ha$e notreache' the fu++ age of eighteen yearsB 6ithout the consent of the fathers an' #othersB that of thegran'fathers or gran'#others an' that of the fa#i+y counci+B 6hen it is re uire'B being #entione' in therecor' of #arriageB sha++ be sentence' to the fine s ecifie' in rtic+e 1!2 of the "i$i+ "o'eB at the suit of the arties concerne' or of the o$ern#ent rocurator of thetribuna! de rande instan$eof thearrondissement6here the #arriage 6as ce+ebrate'H

    rtH 3+ ( $t of 4 Feb. 1%/4)

    n officer of ci$i+ status 6ho has not re uire' roof of the notice rescribe' by rtic+e 1%4 sha++ be sentence' to the fine ro$i'e' for in the rece'ing rtic+eH

    rtH 3: ( $t of 10 3ar$h 1%1/)n i++egiti#ate chi+' +a6fu++y ac5no6+e'ge' 6ho has not reache' the fu++ age of eighteen #ay

    not contract a #arriage 6ithout ha$ing gaine' consent of the one of his father an' #other 6hoac5no6+e'ge' hi#B or of the t6o if he 6as ac5no6+e'ge' by bothH

    ( $t of 1 *u!y 1%2 ) In case of 'isagree#ent bet6een the father an' #otherB that 'i$isioni# +ies consentH ( $t of Feb. 1%24)

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    n i++egiti#ate chi+' 6ho 6as not ac5no6+e'ge'B an' one 6hoB after being soB +ost his father an'#other or 6hose father an' #other cannot e: ress their intentionB #ay #arry before the age of eighteenyears on+y after gaining the consent of the fa#i+y counci+H

    rtH 8

    ( $t n° 64-12/0 of 14 8e$. 1%64)

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    (Ord. n° 4&-2 20 of 2 o . 1%4&) @e #ay a+soB in e:ce tiona+ casesB 'is ense the future s ousesBor one of the# on+yB 6ith the han'ing o$er of the #e'ica+ certificate re uire' by rtic+e .3B aragra h 2H ;he #e'ica+ certificate #ay not be 'e#an'e' to any of the future s ouses in case of i##inent'anger of 'eath of one of the#B as ro$i'e' for in rtic+e 7%B aragra h 3B of this "o'eH

    rtH +8

    ( $t of 21 *une 1%0 ) #arriage contracte' in a foreign country bet6een French ersons an' bet6een a French erson

    an' an a+ien is $a+i' 6here it is ce+ebrate' in the for#s in use in that countryB ro$i'e' it 6as rece'e' by the ub+ic notice rescribe' by rtic+e .3B in the ;it+eOf +e$ords of Ci i! StatusB an' the French erson 'i' not co##it a breach of the ro$isions containe' in the rece'ing "ha terH ( $t of 2% o . 1%01) It sha++ be +i5e6ise as regar's a #arriage contracte' in a foreign country bet6een a French#an an' an a+ien ( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/)B 6here it 6as ce+ebrate' by'i +o#atic agents or by consu+s of FranceB in accor'ance 6ith French +egis+ationH *e$erthe+essB 'i +o#atic agents or consu+s #ay on+y rocee' to the ce+ebration of the #arriage bet6een a French#an an' an a+ien 6o#an in the countries 'esignate' by 'ecrees of the Presi'ent of the

    e ub+icH( $t n° 200/-111% of 26 o . 200/) :ce t in case of i# ossibi+ity or 6here it a earsB u one:a#ination of the fi+eB that sai' hearing is not necessary 6ith res ect to rtic+e 14.B 'i +o#atic or consu+ar agents sha++B for the i# +e#entation of aragra hs 1 an' 2 of this rtic+eB rocee' to hearing Coint+y the future s ouses or s ousesB accor'ing to the circu#stancesB either at the ti#e of the re uest for ub+ic notice un'er rtic+e .3B or at the ti#e of the issuing of the certificate of #arriageB or in case of are uest for registration of the #arriage by a French nationa+H i +o#atic or consu+ar agents #ayB if necessaryB re uire to ha$e a ta+5 6ith either one of the s ouses or future s ousesH ;hey #ay a+so 'e#an'that the s ouses or future s ouses be resent on the occasion of each one of the abo$e #entione'for#a+itiesH

    rtH +8,

    ( $t n° %/-102 of 24 u . 1%%/)

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    fter a Cu'icia+ 6ith'ra6a+ of an obCection to a #arriage inter ose' by an ascen'antB no ne6obCection inter ose' by an ascen'ant is a'#issib+e an' #ay 'e+ay the ce+ebrationH

    rtH +=

    In the absence of any ascen'antB the brother or sisterB the unc+e or auntB a cousin-ger#anB of fu++ageB #ay inter ose an obCection on+y in the fo++o6ing t6o instances / 1L ( $t of 2 Feb. 1%//)

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    If there is an a ea+ it sha++ be 'is ose' of 6ithin ten 'aysB an'B 6here the Cu'g#ent un'er a ea+has grante' the 6ith'ra6a+ of the obCectionB the court sha++ 'eci'e e$en of its o6n #otionH

    rtH +6 & *; OF & I

    rtH :8 #arriage contracte' 6ithout the free consent of the t6o s ousesB or of one of the#B #ay be

    attac5e' on+y by the s ouses or by the one 6hose consent 6as not freeH ( $t n° &-61 of 11 *u!y 1% &)

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    s ouse to 6hose 'etri#ent a secon' #arriage 6as contracte'B #ay a +y for its annu+#ente$en 'uring the +ifeti#e of the s ouse 6ho 6as boun' to hi# or herH

    rtH :6

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  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    ( $t n° 6&-& 0 of 1/ *u!y 1%6&) s ouse #ay gi$e the other a 6ritten authori=ation to re resent hi# or her in the e:ercise of the

    o6ers that the #atri#onia+ regi#e confers to hi# or herH( $t n° '&-1/ 2 of 2/ 8e$. 1%'&) @e or she #ayB in a++ casesB free+y re$o5e that authori=ationH

    rtH- 6 ( $t n° 6&-& 0 of 1/ *u!y 1%6&)

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    ( $t n° 6&-& 0 of 1/ *u!y 1%6&)ach one of the s ouses #ay o enB 6ithout the consent of the otherB a 'e osit account an' a

    securities account in his or her ersona+ na#eH ( $t '&-1/ 2 of 2/ 8e$. 1%'&)

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    rtH--6 i$orce #ay be 'ecree' in cases/

    - either of #utua+ consent or - of brea5'o6n of co##unity +ife or - of fau+tH

    Se$tion I - Of 8i or$e by 3utua! Consent

    ,1 - Of i$orce on oint Petition by the S ouses


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    ;he tribuna! de rande instan$e e:ercising ci$i+ Curis'iction has e:c+usi$e Curis'iction to ru+e on'i$orce an' its conse uencesH

    ( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/) One Cu'ge of this court sha++ be assigne' fa#i+y causesH de!eted G ;his Cu'ge has Curis'iction to 'ecree a 'i$orceB 6hate$er the groun' for it #ay beH @e #aytransfer a case as it stan's for hearings before a 'i$ision of the courtH ;hat transfer is as of right 6henre ueste' by a arty H

    ( $t n° ' -& 0 of 22 *u!y 1%' ) @e sha++ a+so ha$e e:c+usi$e Curis'ictionB after the 'ecree of 'i$orceB 6hate$er the groun' for it #ay beB to ru+e on the 'etai+s of the e:ercise of arenta+ authorityBKon changes as to erio'ica+ ay#ents an' on re$ision of the co# ensatory a++o6ance or its ter#s of ay#entK ( $t n° 2000-&%6 of /0 *une 2000)B as 6e++ as to 'eci'e to entrust the chi+'ren to a thir' artyH@e sha++ then ru+e infor#a++y an' #ay be sei=e' by the arties concerne' e$en by a #ere etitionH

    rtH-=: @earings on the caseB the conse uences of 'i$orce an' interi# or'ers #ay not be ub+icH

    rtH-=:, In case of a 'i$orce for fau+tB an' on re uest of the s ousesB the Kfa#i+y causes Cu'geK ( $t n°

    %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/) #ay restrict hi#se+f to estab+ish that there are facts constituting a cause of 'i$orcein the groun's of the Cu'g#entB 6ithout ha$ing to state the 6rongs an' co# +aints of the artiesH


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    In the case of rtic+e 238 an' in that 6here the s ouse against 6ho# the etition is brought 'oesnot a ear before the Cu'geB the +atter sha++ ne$erthe+ess ha$e a ta+5 6ith the other s ouse an' urge hi#or her to consi'erationH

    rtH-3-, n atte# t at conci+iation #ay be sus en'e' an' resu#e' 6ithout any for#a+ityB 6ith the

    arranging of ti#es for consi'eration for the s ouses 6ithin a +i#it of eight 'ays H

  • 8/9/2019 Civil Code France Cuprins


    Se$tion I - Of ; iden$e

    rtH-36 Facts in$o5e' as groun's for 'i$orce or as a 'efence to a etition #ay be estab+ishe' by any

    e$i'enceB inc+u'ing a'#issionsH

    rtH-36, s ouse #ay not ro'uce in court +etters e:change' bet6een his or her s ouse an' a thir' arty

    6hich he or she obtaine' by 'uress or frau'H

    rtH-36,- ;he certificates 'ra6n u on re uest of a arty are set asi'e fro# the hearing 6here there 6as

    i++ega+ entry into the 'o#ici+e or un+a6fu+ in$asion of inti#acy of ri$ate +ifeH

    rtH-36,< ;he s ouses #ust co##unicate to each other an' co##unicate to the Cu'ge as 6e++ as to e: erts

    'esignate' by hi#B any infor#ation an' 'ocu#ents a ro riate for fi:ing a++o6ances an' ay#ents an'+i ui'ating the #atri#onia+ regi#eH ;he Cu'ge #ay cause any ro er in uiry to be instigate' of 'ebtors or of a++ those 6ho ho+'assets on beha+f of the s ouses 6ithout rofessiona+ secrecy being a++o6e' to be raise'H

    "@ P; III - OF ;@ "O*S A> *" S OF I O "

    Se$tion I - Of the 8ate at #hi$h 8i or$e "aAes ;ffe$t

    rtH- 8 Cu'g#ent granting 'i$orce 'isso+$es the #arriage at the 'ate at 6hich it ac uires force of res


    rtH- ;o contract a ne6 #arriageB the 6ife #ust co# +y 6ith the erio' of three hun're' 'ays

    ro$i'e' for in rtic+e 228H

    rtH- ,

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    ny ob+igation contracte' by one of the s ouses on the res onsibi+ity of the co##unityB anytransfer of co##unity ro erty #a'e by one of the# 6ithin the +i#it of his or her o6erB after theoriginating etitionB sha++ be 'ec+are' $oi'B 6here there is e$i'ence that there 6as frau' of the rights of the other s ouse HH

    Se$tion II - Of the Conse,uen$es of 8i or$e for the Spouses

    ,1 - enera+ Pro$isions

    rtH- <

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    n+ess other6ise 'eci'e' by the Cu'ge to 6ho# the cre'itor referre' the #atterB a

    'e'uction of the sa#e a#ount sha++ sti++ be grante' 6here the cre'itor +oses his or her right to asur$i$or?s ension H

    rtH-+ ,< ( $t n° 2000-&%6 of /0 *une 2000)

    co# ensatory benefit fi:e' in the for# of a +ife annuity #ay be re$ise'B ost one' or su resse' in case of an i# ortant change in the #eans or nee's of the arties H

    e$ision #ay not +ea' to increase the annuity u to an a#ount abo$e the one initia++y fi:e' bythe Cu'ge H

    n action for re$ision +ies 6ith the 'ebtor an' his or her heirs H

    rtH-+ ,=

    ( $t n° 2000-&%6 of /0 *une 2000);he 'ebtor of a co# ensatory benefit in the for# of a +ife annuity #ay at any ti#e refer the#atter to the Cu'ge for the ur ose of ru+ing on the re +ace#ent of the annuity by a ca ita+ 'eter#ine'un'er the ter#s of rtic+es 27% an' 27%-1H ;hat a +ication #ay be #a'e by the 'ebtor?s heirs H

    ;he cre'itor of a co# ensatory benefit #ay #a5e the sa#e a +ication 6here he or sheestab+ishes that a #o'ification in the situation of the 'ebtor a++o6s that re +ace#entB in articu+ar at theti#e of +i ui'ation of the #atri#onia+ regi#eH


    Irres ecti$e of a statutory or Cu'icia+ #ortgageB the Cu'ge #ay or'er the 'ebtor s ouse toestab+ish a +e'geB to gi$e security Gor to enter into a contract that guarantees the ay#ent of the annuityor ca ita+K ( $t n° 2000-&%6 of /0 *une 2000)H


    In case of Coint etitionB the s ouses sha++ fi: the a#ount an' ter#s of co# ensatory benefit inthe agree#ent 6hich they sub#it to the Cu'ge for a ro$a+ H K;hey #ay +ay 'o6n that the ay#ent of the


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    benefit 6i++ co#e to an en' fro# the occurrence of a s ecific e$entH ;he benefit #ay be in the for# of anannuity grante' for a +i#ite' erio'K ( $t n° 2000-&%6 of /0 *une 2000)H ;he Cu'geB ho6e$erB sha++ refuse to a ro$e the agree#ent 6here it fi:es unfair+y the rights an'ob+igations of the s ousesH


    n a ro$e' agree#ent is enforceab+e at +a6 as is a Cu'icia+ 'ecisionH It #ay be #o'ifie' on+y by a ne6 agree#ent bet6een s ousesB +i5e6ise sub#itte' to a ro$a+ H

    S ouses ha$e ne$erthe+ess the o6er to ro$i'e in their agree#ent that each of the# #ayB in caseof Ki# ortant change in the #eans an' nee's of the artiesK ( $t n° 2000-&%6 of /0 *une 2000)B re uestthe Cu'ge to re$ise the co# ensatory benefitH


    ;he transfers an' surren'ers ro$i'e' for in this Subsection sha++ be 'ee#e' 'e en'ent on the#atri#onia+ regi#eH ;hey #ay not be treate' in the sa#e 6ays as giftsH


    ;he s ouse on 6hose e:c+usi$e 6rongs 'i$orce 6as grante' is not entit+e' to any co# ensatory benefitH @e or she #ayB ho6e$erB obtain an in'e#nity by 6ay of e:ce tion 6hereB account being ta5en of the 'uration of co##unity +ife an' of the coo eration brought to the occu ation of the other s ouseB ita ears ob$ious+y contrary to e uity to refuse hi# or her any ecuniary co# ensation fo++o6ing'i$orceH

    , 4 - Of the uty of Su ort after i$orce


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    In the case ro$i'e' for in 1L abo$eB the Cu'ge sha++ fi: the 'uration of the +ease an' #ay rene6it unti+ the co#ing of age of the youngest of the chi+'renH In the case ro$i'e' for in 2L abo$eB the +ease #ay not be grante' for a 'uration e:cee'ing nine

    yearsB but #ay be +engthene' by a ne6 Cu'g#entH It co#es to an en' by o eration of +a6 in case of re#arriage of the one to 6ho# it 6as grante'H It sha++ be brought to an en' 6here the +atter +i$es in a

    state of notorious concubinageH In a++ casesB the Cu'ge #ay ter#inate the +ease 6here ne6 circu#stances so CustifyH

    Se$tion III - Of the Conse,uen$es of 8i or$e for the Chi!dren

    rt. -: ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002)

    "onse uences of 'i$orce for the chi+'ren sha++ be sett+e' in accor'ance 6ith the ro$isions of

    "ha ter I of ;it+e IR of this oo5H

    rtH-:+ to -63 repea!ed G

    "@ P; I - OF > I"I S P ;IO*

    Se$tion I - Of Cases and Pro$eedin s for *udi$ia! Separation

    rt. -6 u'icia+ se aration #ay be grante' on a +ication of one of the s ouses in the sa#e cases an'

    subCect to the sa#e con'itions as 'i$orceH

    rtH-6+ s ouse against 6ho# a etition for 'i$orce is fi+e' #ay #a5e a counterc+ai# for Cu'icia+

    se arationH s ouse against 6ho# a etition for Cu'icia+ se aration is fi+e' #ay #a5e a counterc+ai# for 'i$orceH

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    Se$tion I - Of Presumptions +e ardin Parenta e

    rt. <

    egis+ation resu#es that a chi+' 6as concei$e' 'uring the erio' that e:ten's fro# the three-hun're'th to the one-hun're' an' eightieth 'ayB inc+usi$eB before the 'ate of birthH

    "once tion is resu#e' to ha$e ta5en +ace at any ti#e 'uring that erio'B 'e en'ing of 6hatthe 6e+fare of the chi+' re uiresH "ontrary e$i'ence #ay be a''uce' to rebut those resu# tionsH

    rtH< , arent status sha++ resu+t fro# a sufficient co++ection of facts sho6ing a bon' of arentage an'

    re+ationshi bet6een an in'i$i'ua+ an' the fa#i+y to 6hich he is sai' to be+ongHarent status #ust be continuousH

    rtH< ,- ;he #ain ones of those facts sha++ be/

    ;hat the in'i$i'ua+ has a+6ays borne the na#e of those fro# 6ho# he is sai' to 'escen' ;hat the +atter ha$e treate' hi# as their chi+'B an' that he has treate' the# as his father an'#other ;hat they ha$eB in that ca acityB ro$i'e' for his e'ucationB su ort an' sett+ing ;hat he is so recogni=e' in society an' by the fa#i+y

    ;hat ub+ic authorities consi'er hi# as such H

    rtH< ,< SubCect to the con'itions ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 71 an' 72 of this "o'e he arents or the chi+'

    #ay a +y to the Cu'ge of guar'ianshi s for an affi'a$it ro$ing unti+ roof to the contrary the a arentstatusB 6ithout reCu'ice to any other e$i'ence to 6hich they #ay resort to estab+ish its e:istence incourtB shou+' it be conteste'H

    ( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/) ;he arenta+ bon's estab+ishe' by an a arent status recor'e' in anaffi'a$it sha++ be #entione' in the #argin of the recor' of birth of the chi+'H

    Se$tion II - Of $tions +e ardin Parenta e rt. < ,=

    *o action is a'#issib+e as to the arentage of a chi+' 6ho 6as not born $iab+eH

    rtH< ,3 ;he tribuna! de rande instan$ee:ercising ci$i+ Curis'iction sha++ ha$e e:c+usi$e Curis'iction to

    ha$e cognisance of actions regar'ing arentageH

    rtH< , In case of an offence interfering 6ith the arentage of an in'i$i'ua+B a cri#ina+ action #ay be

    ru+e' u on on+y after the Cu'g#ent on the uestion of arentage has beco#e res Cu'icataH

    rtH< ,+

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    u'g#ents han'e' 'o6n in #atters of arentage are enforceab+e e$en against ersons 6ho 6erenot arties thereto but the +atter are entit+e' to fi+e thir' arty a +ications for rehearingH

    u'ges #ay of their o6n #otion re uire that a++ the arties concerne' against 6ho# theyconsi'er Cu'g#ent shou+' be gi$en be Coine' in the actionH

    rtH< , i5e6iseB 6here in one of the actions grante' by rtic+es 340 an' 342 be+o6B a 'efence

    repea!ed G is raise'B base' on the fact that the #other ha'B 'uring the +ega+ erio' of conce tionBintercourse 6ith a thir' artyB the Cu'ge #ay or'er that the +atter be Coine' in the actionH

    rtH< , - ;he courts sha++ ru+e on conf+icts of arentages for 6hich +egis+ation 'i' not +ay 'o6n other

    gui'e+ines by estab+ishing the #ost robab+e arentage through any e$i'enceHFai+ing a'e uate #eans of con$ictionB they sha++ ha$e regar' to the a arent statusH

    rtH< , < In the case 6here they are constraine' to 'is#iss the c+ai# of a arty 6ho actua++y e'ucate' a

    #inor chi+'B the courts #ay ne$erthe+essB account being ta5en of the 6e+fare of the chi+'B grant to that arty a right of accessH

    Se$tion III - Of the Conf!i$t of

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    consents to a Cu'ge or anotaire 6ho sha++ infor# the# of the conse uences of their act as regar's arentageH

    "onsent gi$en to a #e'ica++y assiste' rocreation rohibits any action for cha++enging arentageor c+ai#ing a status un+ess it is argue' that the chi+' 6as not born out of the #e'ica++y assiste' rocreation or that the consent 6as 'e ri$e' of effectH

    "onsent is 'e ri$e' of effect in case of 'eathB of the fi+ing of a etition for 'i$orce or Cu'icia+se aration or of 'iscontinuance of co##unity +ifeB occurre' before the rea+isation of the #e'ica++yassiste' rocreationH It is a+so 'e ri$e' of effect 6here the #a+e or the fe#a+e re$o5es it in 6riting an' before the rea+isation of the #e'ica++y assiste' rocreationB in the han's of the hysician in charge of thei# +e#entation of that assistanceH

    @e 6hoB after consenting to #e'ica+ assistance to rocreationB 'oes not ac5no6+e'ge the chi+' born out of it ren'ers hi#se+f +iab+e $is-Q-$is the #other an' chi+' Further#oreB #ay be Cu'icia++y 'ec+are' the aternity outsi'e of #arriage of hi# 6hoB after consenting to a #e'ica+ assistance to rocreationB 'oes not ac5no6+e'ge the chi+' born out of itH ;heaction sha++ co# +y 6ith the ro$isions of rtic+e 340-2 to 340-.H

    Se$tion - Of the +u!es of 8e o!ution of Fami!y ame

    (2002: $t n° 200/-&16 of 1' *une 200/1)

    1 Sha++ co#e into force on 1 anH 200%

    Art' < ,-

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    ;he resu# tion of aternity regains ho6e$er its fu++ forceB by o eration of +a6B 6here the chi+'has the a arent status of a +egiti#ate chi+' 6ith regar' to the s ousesH


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    On ain of 'is#issa+B an actionB 'irecte' against the husban' or his heirsB #ust be Coine' 6ith ana +ication for +egiti#ation Kbrought before thetribuna! de rande instan$e5( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an.1%%/)H It #ust be +o'ge' by the #other an' her ne6 s ouse 6ithin si: #onths of their #arriage an' before the chi+' has reache' the age of se$en yearsH

    rtH< :,-

    u'g#ent is gi$en on the t6o etitions by one an' the sa#e ru+ing 6hich #ay entertain the contestation of +egiti#acy on+y 6here +egiti#ation is a'#itte'H

    Se$tion II - Of Proofs of

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    uring the #inority of the chi+'B the #otherB a+beit a #inorB is a+one entit+e' to institute itH

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    'o tion #ay be a+so etitione' by a erson o$er Kt6enty-eight years of ageK ( $t n° %6-604 of & *u!y 1%%6 )H

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    K;he origina+ recor' of birth 5e t by a French officer of ci$i+ status an'B 6here a ro riateBK ( $t n° %6-604 of & *u!y 1%%6 ) the recor' of birth estab+ishe' un'er rtic+e %8 sha++B on the initiati$e of the

    o$ern#ent rocuratorB be sta# e' Kadoption5an' treate' as $oi'H 1 Sha++ co#e into force on 1 Se tH 2003H

    Se$tion III D Of the ;ffe$ts of P!enary doption rt.

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    rt. < 8

    Or'inary a'o tion is a++o6e' irres ecti$e of the age of the a'o teeH( $t n° %6-604 of & *u!y 1%%6 )

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    rtH< =

    n a'o tee re#ains in his fa#i+y of origin an' reser$es a++ his rights thereinB in articu+ar hisrights of successionH ;he rohibitions to #arriage ro$i'e' for in rtic+es 1.1 to 1.4 of this "o'e a +y bet6een thea'o tee an' his fa#i+y of originH

    rtH< 3

    n a'o ter isB 6ith regar' to the a'o teeB a+one in$este' of a++ the rights of arenta+ authorityBinc+u'ing that of consenting to the #arriage of the a'o teeB un+ess she or he is the s ouse of the father or of the #other of the a'o tee in that e$entB the a'o ter has arenta+ authority concurrent+y 6ith his or her s ouseB K6ho retains a+one the e:ercise of itB subCect to a Coint 'ec+aration 6ith the a'o ter before thechief c+er5 of thetribuna! de rande instan$efor the ur ose of an e:ercise in co##on of thatauthorityK ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002)H

    ;he rights of arenta+ authority are e:ercise' by the a'o ter or a'o ters on the Kter#s ro$i'e'for by "ha ter I of ;it+e IR of this oo5K ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002)H

    ;he ru+es of statutory a'#inistration an' of guar'ianshi of K#inorsK ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002) sha++ a +y to an a'o teeH

    rtH< ;he bon' of 5inshi resu+ting fro# a'o tion e:ten' to the repea!ed G chi+'ren of the a'o teeH

    &arriage is rohibite' / 1L et6een the a'o terB the a'o tee an' his 'escen'ants 2L et6een the a'o tee an' the a'o ter?s s ouse reci roca++yB bet6een the a'o ter an' thea'o tee?s s ouse

    3L et6een the a'o tee chi+'ren of the sa#e in'i$i'ua+4L et6een the a'o tee an' the a'o ter?s chi+'renH *e$erthe+essB the rohibitions to #arriage ro$i'e' for in 3L an' 4L abo$e #ay be +ifte' by

    'is ensation of the Presi'ent of the e ub+icB 6here there are serious reasonsH( $t n° 6-11 % of 22 8e$. 1% 6 ) ;he rohibition to #arriage ro$i'e' for in 2L abo$e #ay be

    +ifte' in the sa#e con'itions 6here the erson 6ho create' the 5inshi is 'ecease'H

    rtH< + n a'o tee o6es #aintenance to the a'o ter 6here he is in nee' an'B reci roca++yB an a'o ter o6es #aintenance to the a'o teeH ;he ob+igation of #aintenance continues to e:ist bet6een the a'o tee an' his father an' #otherH@o6e$erB the father an' #other of the a'o tee are boun' to ro$i'e #aintenance to hi# on+y 6here hecannot obtain it fro# the a'o terH

    rtH< : ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002)

    n a'o tee an' his 'escen'ants ha$eB in the fa#i+y of the a'o terB the rights to succession ro$i'e' for in oo5 IIIB ;it+e IB "ha ter IIIH

    ( $t n° %6-604 of & *u!y 1%%6 ) ;he a'o tee an' his 'escen'ants 'o not ha$eB ho6e$erB the status

    of co# u+sory heirs 6ith regar' to the ascen'ants of the a'o terHrtH< :,

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    Parents #ay sei=e the fa#i+y causes Cu'ge to ha$e a ro$e' the agree#ent through 6hich theyorgani=e the ter#s of e:ercise of arenta+ authority an' estab+ish their contributions to the su ort an'e'ucation of the chi+'H

    ;he Cu'ge sha++ a ro$e the agree#ent un+ess he obser$es that it 'oes not sufficient+y rotect the6e+fare of the chi+' or that the consent of the arents 6as not free+y gi$enH


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    ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002) ;he Cu'ge #ayB by 6ay of e:ce tion an' 6here the 6e+fare of thechi+' so re uiresB in articu+ar 6hen one of the arents is 'e ri$e' of the e:ercise or arenta+ authorityB'eci'e to entrust the chi+' to a thir' ersonB chosen referab+y 6ithin his re+ati$esH @e sha++ be sei=e' an'sha++ ru+e un'er rtic+es 373-2-8 an' 373-2-11H In e:ce tiona+ circu#stancesB the Kfa#i+y causes Cu'geK ( $t n° %/-22 of ' *an. 1%%/) 6ho'eci'es on the ter#s of e:ercise of arenta+ authority after Ka se aration of the arentsK ( $t n° 2002-/0& of 4 3ar$h 2002) #ay 'eci'eB e$en in the +ifeti#e of the arentsB that in case of 'eath of the arent6ho e:ercises arenta+ authorityB the chi+' #ay not be +ace' in the custo'y of the sur$i$orH @e #ayB inthat e$entB 'esignate the erson to 6ho# the chi+' sha++ te# orari+y be entruste'H

    de!eted G


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    ( $t n° '6-1 of 6 *an. 1%'6 ) ;he 'ecision sha++ fi: the 'uration of the #easure 6ithoute:cee'ing t6o yearsB 6here it re+ates to an e'ucationa+ #easure i# +e#ente' by a ser$ice or bo'yH #easure #ay be rene6e' by a Cu'g#ent setting out the groun's on 6hich it is base'H


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    i# +e#entation of the #easureH ;hey #ay not e#anci ate the chi+' 6ithout authori=ation of the Cu$eni+e Cu'geB 6hi+e the #easure of e'ucationa+ assistance is being i# +e#ente'

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    ;he Cu'ge #ay be sei=e' of the 'ifficu+ties that a share' e:ercise of arenta+ authority #ay ro'uce by the arentsB one of the#B the 'e+egatee or the o$ern#ent rocuratorH @e sha++ ru+e inaccor'ance 6ith the ro$isions of rtic+e 373-2-11 H


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    ;he father an' #other 6ho ha$e been the subCect Kof a tota+ 6ith'ra6a+ of arenta+ authorityK( $t n° %6-604 of & *u!y 1%%6 ) or of a 6ith'ra6a+ of rights for one of the groun's ro$i'e' for in

    rtic+es 378 an' 378-1B #ayB by 6ay of a etitionB gain fro# thetribuna! de rande instan$eB by ro$ing ne6 circu#stancesB the restitution to the#B in 6ho+e or in artB of the rights of 6hich they 6ere'e ri$e'H n a +ication for restitution #ay be fi+e' on+y one year at the ear+iest after the Cu'g#entor'ering Kthe tota+ or artia+ 6ith'ra6a+ of arenta+ authorityK ( $t n° %6-604 of & *u!y 1%%6 ) beca#eirre$ocab+e in case of 'is#issa+B it #ay be rene6e' on+y after a ne6 erio' of one yearH *o a +icationis a'#issib+e 6hereB before the fi+ing of the etitionB the chi+' has been +ace' for the ur ose of a'o tionH

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    Fai+ing agree#ent bet6een the arentsB a transaction #ust be authori=e' by the Cu'ge of guar'ianshi sH $en by #utua+ agree#entB the arents #ay neither se++ a#icab+yB nor contribute to a artnershian i##o$ab+e or a business concern be+onging to the #inorB nor contract +oans on his beha+fB nor 6ai$ea right for hi# 6ithout the authori=ation of the Cu'ge of guar'ianshi sH ;he sa#e authori=ation isre uire' for an a#icab+e artition an' the state#ent of +i ui'ation sha++ be a ro$e' in the 6ay ro$i'e'for in rtic+e 4..H

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    ;hey sha++ be 'esignate' by the Cu'ge for the 'uration of the guar'ianshi H ;he Cu'ge #ayBho6e$erB 6ithout reCu'ice to rtic+es 428 an' fo++o6ingB ro$i'e of his o6n #otion for the re +ace#entof one or se$era+ #e#bers in the course of guar'ianshi in or'er to res on' to changes 6hich #ay occur in the con'ition of the artiesH

    rtH=8: ;he Cu'ge of guar'ianshi s sha++ se+ect the #e#bers of the fa#i+y counci+ a#ong the re+ati$es by

    b+oo' or #arriage of the father an' #other of the #inorB in a raising a++ the circu#stances of the case/nearness of 'egreeB +ace of resi'enceB ages an' abi+ities of the arties concerne'H @e #ust a$oi'B as far as ossib+eB +ea$ing one of the t6o +ines 6ithout re resentationH ut hesha++ ha$e regar'B abo$e a++B to the usua+ re+ations 6hich the father an' #other ha' 6ith the $ariousre+ati$es by b+oo' or #arriageB as 6e++ as to the interest that those re+ati$es ha$e sho6n or a ear to beab+e to sho6 to the erson of the chi+'H

    rtH=86 ;he Cu'ge of guar'ianshi s #ay a+so ca++ u onB to for# art of the fa#i+y counci+B frien'sB

    neighbours or any other ersons 6ho# he consi'ers ab+e to ta5e interest in the chi+'H

    rtH= 8 fa#i+y counci+ is con$ene' by the Cu'ge of guar'ianshi sH It sha++ be so 6here con$ening is

    re uire' either by t6o of its #e#bersB or by the guar'ian or su er$isory guar'ianB or by the #inor hi#se+f ro$i'e' he is of the fu++ age of Ksi:teen yearsK ( $t n° 4-6/1 of & *u!y 1% 4)H ( $t n° %'-/'1 of 14 3ay 1%%') fa#i+y counci+ sha++ a+so be con$ene' on the re uest of a#inor un'er si:teen an' ca ab+e of 'iscern#entB un+ess other6ise 'eci'e' 6ith articu+ar reasons by the Cu'geH

    rtH= *otice con$ening a #eeting #ust be ser$e' at +east eight 'ays before the #eetingH( $t n° %'-2'1 of 14 3ay 1%%') Pre$ious+y to that #eetingB the Cu'ge sha++ ho+' a hearing of the

    #inor ca ab+e of 'iscern#ent in the 6ay ro$i'e' for in rtic+e 388-1H

    rtH= - &e#bers of the fa#i+y counci+ are ob+ige' to atten' #eetings in ersonH ach oneB ho6e$erB #ay

    be re resente' by a re+ati$e by b+oo' or #arriage of the father an' #other of the #inorB 6here that

    re+ati$e is not a+rea'yB in his o6n na#eB a #e#ber of the fa#i+y counci+H husban' #ay re resent his6ife or reci roca++yH&e#bers of the fa#i+y counci+ 6hoB 6ithout a +a6fu+ e:cuseB are neither resent nor $a+i'+y

    re resente'B sha++ incur the fine ro$i'e' for by the "o'e of "i$i+ Proce'ureH

    rtH= <

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    eso+utions of a fa#i+y counci+ are $oi' 6here they 6ere obtaine' by frau' or 'ece tionB or 6here substanti$e for#a+ities 6ere o#itte'H

    In$a+i'ity is re#e'ie' by a ne6 reso+ution e ui$a+ent to a confir#ation un'er rtic+e 1338Hn action for annu+#ent #ay be brought by the guar'ianB the su er$isory guar'ianB #e#bers of

    the fa#i+y counci+ or by the o$ern#ent rocurator?s officeB 6ithin t6o years fo++o6ing the reso+utionBas 6e++ as by the 6ar' beco#e of age or e#anci ate'B 6ithin t6o years fo++o6ing his co#ing of age or his e#anci ationH Prescri tion 'oes not run 6here there 6as 'ece tion or frau'B unti+ the fact is'isco$ere'H

    ;ransactions erfor#e' un'er a nu++ifie' reso+ution are the#se+$es $oi'ab+e in the sa#e #annerH;he erio'B ho6e$erB runs fro# the transaction an' not fro# the reso+utionH

    , 4 - Of the Other Organs of uar'ianshi

    rtH= + ;he fa#i+y counci+B ha$ing regar' to the abi+ities of the ersons concerne' an' the co# osition

    of the atri#ony to be a'#inistere'B #ay 'eci'e that the guar'ianshi 6i++ be 'i$i'e' bet6een aguar'ian to the erson an' a guar'ian to the ro ertyB or that the #anage#ent of articu+ar ro erty 6i++ be entruste' to a 'e uty guar'ianH uar'ians so a ointe' sha++ be in'e en'entB an' not +iab+e to each otherB in their res ecti$efunctionsB un+ess other6ise or'ere' by the fa#i+y counci+H

    rtH= :

    uar'ianshi is a ersona+ officeH It 'oes not e:ten' to a guar'ian?s s ouseH

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    guar'ian #ay not see5 the 'is#issa+ of a su er$isory guar'ian or $ote in the fa#i+y counci+sthat are con$ene' for that ur oseH

    , % - Of the uties of a uar'ian

    rtH=-+ uar'ianshi B a rotection 'ue to a chi+'B is a ub+ic officeH


    Sa$e the father an' #other in the case of rtic+e 3!1B ersons to 6ho# ageB i++nessB re#otenessBe:ce tiona++y absorbing rofessiona+ or fa#i+y acti$ities or a re$ious guar'ianshi ren'er that ne6office articu+ar+y hea$yB #ay be 'is ense' fro# guar'ianshi H

    rtH=-6 Sa$e the father an' #otherB #ay be 'ischarge' fro# guar'ianshi ersons 6ho cannot continue

    to erfor# it because of one of the causes ro$i'e' for by the rece'ing rtic+eB 6here it occurre' sincethe a oint#entH


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    rtH==< re e:c+u'e' or 'is#isse' by o eration of +a6 fro# the $arious 'uties of guar'ianshi /

    1L ;hose 6ho 6ere sentence' to an aff+icti$e or infa#ous unish#ent or to 6ho# e:ercise of the'uties of guar'ianshi 6as forbi''en un'er rtic+e 42 131-2.G of the Pena+ "o'eH ;hey #ayB ho6e$erB be a'#itte' to the guar'ianshi of their o6n chi+'renB u on assent of thefa#i+y counci+H 2L ;hose 6ho ha$e been 'e ri$e' of arenta+ authorityH


    &ay be e:c+u'e' or 'is#isse' fro# the $arious 'uties of guar'ianshi eo +e of notorious#iscon'uct an' those 6hose i# robityB usua+ neg+igence or inabi+ity for business has been estab+ishe'H

    rtH==3 ;hose 6ho