City of Orphans Intro Powerpoint

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Reasons for immigration1607-1830-Political Freedom-Religious Tolerance-Economic Opportunity-People want a better life - better job - more money-Political Refugees fear for their lives -Forced Immigration (Slavery) -Family ReunificationThere are two types of motivation for immigration:

Push(need to leave in order to survive)

Pull (attracted to new way of life)

CHILD LABOR WHY?Although children had been servants and apprentices throughout most of human history, child labor reached new extremes during the Industrial Revolution. Children often worked long hours in dangerous factory conditions for very little money. Children were useful as laborers because their size allowed them to move in small spaces in factories or mines where adults couldn't fit, children were easier to manage and control and perhaps most importantly, children could be paid less than adults. Child laborers often worked to help support their families, but were forced to forgo an education.

CHILD LABOR188019001930Labor force participation rates of children, 10 to 15 years old (percentages)Males32.526.16.4Females12.26.42.9Percentage of 10 to 15 year olds in agricultural employmentMales69.967.674.5Females37.374.561.5The figures below give trends in child labor from 1880 to 1930.

CHILD LABORMuseum of the City of New York, Jacob A. Riis CollectionA photograph by the crusading journalist Jacob Riis of newsboys washing up in a lodging house in lower Manhattan, circa 1890.


NEWSIESNewsies were desperately poor, often homeless and starving. They were not employees of the newspapers, they simply bought the papers by the bundle, 100 papers for 50 cents, and sold them on the streets for a tiny profit. The newspapers would not buy back unsold copies, so while a slow news day might mean a reduced profit for them, it meant missed meals for the newsies.

NEWSBOYS In the late 1800s, the two most powerful men in the newspaper industry were Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. The USA was the cultural and commercial centre of the world, and it was through newspapers that Americans watched their country flourish.

PLUG UGLIES GANGNew York(1825-1900) The Plug Uglies was formed in 1825 New York City in the Five Points section. The gang took their names from the giant plug hats the filled with rags and straw to protect them in gang battles. It was an all Irish gang at the beginning and its members were required to be at least 6' tall.

Their leaders being some of the most notorious gangsters in New York. This gang participated in the death dealing New York City Draft Riots in 1863 which claimed the lives of hundreds.

THE TOMBSA jail in lower Manhattan which was built in 1838 in the Egyptian Revival style of architecture

BIBLIOGRAPHY wsboys.html