City Crockery Store! - NYS Historic...

Iff |ot £tblt -Aceltaaatftdl of^I® ttto fU to f OwladiM « f Llm* ftth —Valvit boota/th* color;iP ibbotntt wum witlisLb Mw. iy o it: 6*5 L* PI ,.iO T W iilrs|i «P*prj JN, WjrtmtwWra* lit"* ■""'' ■ t,» ;>T u r o D « a j »C(>_ AMUHKitotVi M *WMU)r u p o * * by tfw NtiiLYoik W*ry, ( » itor M it A* (9^*0 fsvKXTJiIll - j wiKMytmrU) fl»Aay«a.nsT<HC o r raAt tv ggS fcn * w i t a * • * V«SSP**^— ' ' 7 TOAAauMtmrsi m w »*x.toxo*« vxoxum , * «* m r -* ‘ i^tet®5S5»S0W ‘t,k* *** .'i"i . .• v V* AW# is* '^^"TW'WriVht'Wap# :>*» ptrmMv/*****’ ' / COME AND' TEBj *; -';. west «9RA.Vjumupmw» J8$Kt1f.A Ar ^TOJjBhSiI^ UtWMNCfc. «roiMt W(Mt, ww«* mum u « «**> pl|p«Aj> got corunty cOioplMias rt juat beljto Citrjataiu rtxe sent art order I^SfJteSSISST'” ww *1 'pnrnmw# -#' Iff*®? 'V&iat, trijnmed ‘r" ' “ \ dtoar eklnchills o r table, coat one dv,Wlw%imdHM»fiMt-«»#id«red TSAJ3 ,— ty0wm(iM- -i ' 1 ranpwyej^s^yL aotfaajtbey ....... . . piMoqdbl^an^aifeABtmbar of ladia* do pot mmt tiuo at all : bat -,fj % f ^ 'WAMMR«T«N HAfcl IMrCK '“ "WHOLESALE* RETAIL , .MILLINERY AND PANfJY #.$!$, jJRlBBONfc, 3, FEATHERS, i 'WEI <j»J/titA rf y d A Jfl^LA O ES. V ft* lailM, Wnm, gjpiottt. !a<n«itfot Udiaa ' 3M» a » G a f t, OtUaura a: id ^MMURMlaniWk—" :.;N .- ... MMKUUtT, mmt •&OTM. A imW\BU^fLTOr NOBLES, iMMM JKW ^. fetfcacity, Alto. Mreiluo, laxotiy as# ; w tt& im i a\u n - & te s.w w (A-J AlttaUoai ttoOrOtn. >ua Oa I fail Ant Wiatar1Foihionl 1 k u S lif" t.S^irxett irolde. itttooi|ti*fltetpartfctULE attwtloaav g S 3 . - * if*1 - 1 . i i l ossosr'tesjk, MMknra .-■.'here; j t t t fSdetnSSw U fotJO*r ■BprfH, 3*^ .wS&^Sr&j 6 b |K ^ D « |I « s i^ a 4 M tiflii. &*o<naal|t!ll«r)iir WMt<3< fe'fe.issts*^ to'tk* 3- m X |W & W „ ft, JdNSB, ihtanM tn-ik* <JttaM4(! - aa iaunlKUra aHS .... A y luiiaTradt*, SSKS5&S: - .te i.te : [--ittO a n m tatha tait'iMaii S K "Aikraw tf Mi a»» ia»^®fti»WfflJ»ite'!»4i! ___ *,+ Ttmm tha s> *> i rJ&SS t M iifl f oMtatne*:fJ i th e many F - . Kjaae ywBi. tgo tn >f Bipfils99.. tbi t tbe incalmpwial was not bis eon baa b*«nrfidv«d,'iritii the alleged (Jiapovc j of av lienee to prove its truth, Sunday eyenjng- They arc filled b y i gen- eratfywtMdtiVe auaicnco, nlargo proportion ,0s |icb,iit coipptpotd ofinjjn vnapy&d yhom :iAa,ol;iha'artii>an- d ua. -* ' nLord Derby choriabcd iho traditionkl de votion of hia party for good old port, pnee a yiino. merchant avnt him p n » Amontilla 'i!oto’<Vy,'withtb.etoootnmui\tUtion ttjat il he drank notliiog olto ho aevar would be 'troubled.with the gout “I liwe tasted v°ur abwry,” wrote Lord Dorhy in reply, f'aud |)T»(»r )he gout,1 ' -Hsir-clotb skirls, to t«ko tbo pla :e of ‘hoops, have recently been imy>ortod. i bore la a flounce around tbe bottom In r iund plaits on all except the front breadth, and th« tipper part of tho back has rolls of the .material for a quaater ol it yarti, in irau ita tibfl of the busllo. —A Now York phdanthri)|>isl visltinj bfalp pnaon, retnacktiJ to a |,risoniT : of your li U'lid. thud, yom m„l. w »k cousivo; nothing Ifhon >v«iu, t i.,,,,wn ' “ Yea, I suppooo «".' ,vas i r », j , i reply*} “b a t tnen. mu hmw ,viv has gene upmiu tii.'war" —Dr. O. JL Bour-u', sixty fmir yoai ag«,s vcgotstlan, land tor thirty fin.' yc-r total abatrncnt frnm llqnoiH, tulu, c<>, and coffoo. slnrtod from tbo City Hall San FranciKQri, kt.uiiilmght en the 19th and vatkcd'tlirntigh tn Snn Jnao, adieti nrn of W tnifca, accoinpltduog the tank in boars and 50 mlntitei. He xx>untc<l OtUnber ni ai|i|,K, hrxl Inund ll •<> ln< 1 706. —A rcccat visitor Iu Chic#g'» wnloa went to hoar D r. preaoL and pi 'y M il & FRESHEST GROCERIES m THE OITT, No 67 WastuRgton Hall Block i The wabNillmr hu fa s t relnrnod from Mew York, with a fttresb Stock of ot thu Choicest Groceries loeltdtsg | 0QFFEB3, 8PIOE3 , BAjrsm, •TS "h Ol ro a rt-ft tn ult. ho m «. rni net ist ICO he SkBdsy afternoon. Ha prayed that bOfd would remove from Chicip?o All in t penned, BabbhtU breaking, llcnntlunan fraud, pirnfanlty, cheatlug, »nt) *-vcrv t< orVfce; hnd then I did not hear llio (sw Bcnbcncci, bccaasa I wns (Innking w would l» IcAJii Ohlaigu. ” «—At Providence, two or tlmts days ai ariunplcnsaat effluvia, \m» [iciccrivcd In roon at tlio depot wbcto in eton-d the fan olalmcd baggtgd fjoco Bnaton, An love ti- gatioc was mxdo, end thn qsuscaaiing o, or WM found to.tnienste Irom a box boar ng a Boatnu and Provitieooo r^ilrt/SKl obe k, audtllrected jto Greenville. Tbo sutli< tlaawcro consulted, tho t.«x wets npcn lad found to enbfaln s liumnn Im rly.ani tha CUy nlHcjals nru trylug in (In. I Low v bojt cninu ihcrujan'i to irbom ll bfln(tfj»J '4. •^-Tnillr will' Hover die ; iho nlnr. grow oilU. tliounn will pale hij j?lnry lint trutfi will bo ever young. Intergriiv, «bi rlghtncja, honesty, lovo,go«dni.w, ihcse qr< til impcrtBhable. No er&va’ Can crir ai ) tlnao i minor tat y)rincij))ts. They hayi’ in prieoir, but tiicy havo beon Irqor bcl re; tlioao wlm. hav« ensbnn*<l tbam in their hearts havo Txcun l>urncd bt thaatako, but,otit of tlicir ssLoaotbor wit N o ^ow C^tp drow n, do hero ariHin Itarm osn wreck, on aliysj eanswallnw qj> (ho evoDlivtnjg.trutli of (lodt Yo« cannot 'kill goodness, and tintii, snd intcgnty, and klUx, and holiness; the way tbil ia canntat With th o s w ^ s t bo n way (jirrrlasllng. — Bpurgeti. j —Oh I how irresolute a man olben is cos- Ceming a sin which he knows in be s ait, )Ut which enchants him with itSBwcctncsk •Ah 1 how a man will say " I must give it Wpbut cttlnotX'’- Sin dies bard; «t mskfas a hundred excuses fur ihclt, snd plcndb, ,‘-Is it not a little one f Is is it dot a swcAt V)bp I” 0 I.ocd thon nivn m e sirenglh qf TMolution, an^.when I know tlmt a thing Sawrpng,bejgi-ifln te bavo dfato with is. and when I percteyn an acUon tn be right, help ma lo males haste aud delay not tt> keep thy commandmonts. 0 my Lord, m*y ' nsver try to patch up a pescc botwoub my oeaaefwee and rayaelf by s’ trimmmi and cotnprotniBlng. If 1 know a thing t* ba thy will, may I never psrlej ncxr quea tion, for this ta td rebel. TTie spirit (list parley* is tho eaccnco of high treason. - / « j 'Women, Tbe cslobratod English aclrcss, Miss Cailotta Lcclorq, wns a passenger on the ateamer Msin, which arrived a t Now Turk Friday. —A very pretty, hot absent minded1 yo^nf lady, inquired of the handsome clerk in ttie Norwich, pohnceticut, postollico, en Wadbewiny.if there W|ta a letter tlicxo^for -r^A lady ip^tkcr at the New Hampshire M in 's Suiragc Convention said thqi ghoctoi Oapkm Kidd laughtd as the Spsn- Wh gtmboats ateamed out olNew Turk bar- S5$^Ag^^j:6. \-«4 ACeaatalr Oewrteay,' Whan, soma five yearn ago the young Marquis of Haatmgf had uvolved himself in daLt and diificuUy, stxd was obliged to MU his poaMMiOM in Scotland, his cousin, thaybtiok insrquia.oi Bute, camo to his naene and bought in ths property, saying tbatwhen tie Haatings family could re fieon it, thoy ahonid havo it a t the same pnea. . r, . Lord'HaaUhgs died, aoon alter, Iienniloss; laya what wsO settletl On his wife, every ic hadyrss awld. H is Marquiste. be- Jfofgi hut his aistcr (uccweded to nkBeotch Birldoni of Loudoun, n,,diEnitv .. ^ itfie fethale lino, t&M&wNlo .per-* ig eoniidersble sac- ‘-^""iAAtherbrothws, doth, the ttil of th* Beatings prop. M n - laieMtenhitis, and iutactiy SUffAMS, STEPPS, OAWmID JTBUinS AND PICELM, ^ AJJO LLL KBS03 OF ( Funltsr Fxovisione 1 * V GOODS- a>OilOAKKO' WHAM GOLD ’ WJ\b DOWN.. JU TO tnU BB SOU) AOCOKD1NGLY. 0T Goodilcatvcnvl F r « ot ctuugo, I FHKD. U. BOY UR, Nor. 13.19#. |B I 1 U K M M BUTTON BOM . Oymi S«anxing i sseo 8EWI5 Q MACHINE COMBINED, u r S E T . THB RBASOM WHY Uoctoio tt did ooq Coutior filtr at. iflhc itw prumiom ti tlio J i Not Ydll» ftrw tucrcaalDK ' AP Itl'jr, ted tuHliyUw* rv|mU(too I» hicbrr than any other axokkluntYez-' wn oti »c» short tn tcqa«loifc&e - with the jwabllc Ono hi* btil lo*c=o ihomfta blnoln opcriOoo to bo convinwd <jf iliiajwrlAnir. *nd a i m fait to ctvo tt ihalr blitlseil pr*fi=BO . liooroblacBW liaitrm Hole tivoticciatms t&d i^cviug 3t&chioo in ono simple form; tacM7 loojMBntUiuid cD<luret&iid,ftndlatflAp tofl to ail tindB ol wurli needed In a UrnUy. tnd u tbooflh It l» now u r-an on account of cot ukiiqr lurmiuji *z. thoJcSBnon CowiQtj Fair, yet It h o u aoa keeps o n md l» dettlned to ran, not withstand iho l^arenlnm Machine ts made In Jof foreoi cqibA j - TK*» pilacipmi dlffoooco tn tho ran olnftoflbe Two Hacrhliin ta Uil»: Tbo Arooricart rnns oeitcr* rnai flatter, run* tUllcr. and rtoca Ar? kinds of work tb»l cannol he done by tho ^rcntaoi 1 (4chlno. BattboAJnoitcau lsnnt tho only mscbm? trrotT; the Havo, tdbo (Itoroc A Ueltor. and aij shared l£ko filo. Thcai old ostebliohod. drnt c a n mathlwac*, that hate &»lonl»bctl tho world for tholr aenrice anddnsabillly w«jo not only tm tt. bat •wopl away a&J ware now taicmz tha ibto^: that ham been, and ®y mmr ajixxl Jodues (Jefienraci county of coaarko), It lathoohgrt doabttul 1/QabrtcJ' hU*t wilt bm loud osMKmyhte r»l*o Ihcm net each U III*, andiKk* lathe teitool ell Bewtefl Me chinrebnVtMelWcfmnMechdnQuI Jcffaraoa coaa- ty Bolon «l0Mri. held in othv coBOtiee allarotrsd n*. and, nlreneo ia *ey, wa be rr tbom vtnu * But Pair, and that the Aaertcankeqot rlf(hL . eldoap, wfid on met with other machine** (w&tn the* Pntnfone Machine of .Icflcmwi county wix BerwhBeexd of,) tl took tho Pir*t Prctai- amand Diptom*, tlvo, tirrktver coenty, l^rst Prw mlnnl and D’lplouia crrrr thlncrcn easspvtUor/, and many otbor C^oanljr r s d HUtn Paira, (nai tlrao asd of now And now. rtirar frloadi, th cloilxao; ihle /QQmlduro on iho r r bwt Amcrtcam, M lov woe in rataxn mwMcccro thaoke to thooany fiicDiii K=cd leirasi or the Amcrlcea ned endro eatJalacUon in Me _ ^ loud Ia Its pcelee, 1 still so IkU yo«r ptfcroDig^ eacdcardbeUjMn’wite iho pubAe work, and ktwt ipoc * " --- 3D lgA m, wh hocufc aamad owpnutt o tn? atUirooa,wl >tb)ttoa on I m hocufc ainad owpntatSon. n of PnbUc. B^oann.opjwoaHotha YoantAin tn Vnison * . north sfdc K.S. VAHEUZKM. Ajfeait lor JawiTenoo estd iewi^etfnUr*. J in C*Wi I - r*v>*<* > A iN Tirvc, GLAZING, AND I'A PER HA^Gr IN G t conmcriioD w*ta* ortr PAINT,OIUBHJfflLASS TRADB W« hsvs CXJXmftCNT MEM to do tho »bon vrovk BATiarA-craRtXY. iw-tf BBLBLoaq at oowftaa. SHJLTITZG! T H EaUantloa of8kiU£ri ItcalL^d to the Fine stork of B)atc* «*n hind * t th? Store of Ten Bjrk A Compsury. Barney BtBar^ y‘n Oloband Bink. STrsdriek. ttsvans' £' Davrsoa’a Oaetral Z>srk cl And * flnca*mr^mcnl«sr Conunota skile* and btrai# al trrry lt»w prir^na HOUSRTTBN EYCK ROltSEXh llTLBt N. 2>fl6w A hplbitdxd *rar» roB8AZ.Bi la Jefiersoa Connty* Nrw Vowk.on th e lino of tho Rome, Watertown iced Ogdaoabarirb Bntlrued, 18 mile* Irom th e city otf Watertowa, sad r> miles S am Gkpo V lncest, and s e a r tho nHa^ of Thrcr lie.Bay; asdeoabndos ONE THOU&A Nl> A<'RES ry,» ESTABt«.ISII*k» M O S f lTA#.. ( Iteavaf Stiraet, AlbsBV, IV. Y, attlldfi. CUBES ISP LOW FWWW. OverTww tr Ttonssn<i[i»ttMt» cnreitnBtiaUj. p»K. J- TALLAB OO U yiKPIB to m epna dhutWly snd saccw f t lly- conssUedon sU (OTOI p .prtvaiedisease*, ft ®“ ®W , sstsbllslwd fajspitsl Ho, 6 "osver 8t. Albaav.N- Y. Twco^ years dcroted lo [this particular branch of 'nrectlce, enables him U) periona enros such um uo lother phjstctim *an,t“ d 'fatsguslltics sre such(bolng Incoiretboudenc* wllntlio tr cmiuoot physldtns • .s.Vssa vRSd^to^MaluJntug faho ssiestss wet S B b s P ? raJtd ^S T w bc obtained ul no other office In oonorrhce. Gleet, atrictwe, Snta««‘ i 'S ’f f i spormtjc Certs, Boh, Ulcerated Cotaaeo** Brown*, Duet all other imponlioe of the L der thocontrol of hceumimA tomere thsu ».o»0«•»“ Yooag Kan , iddlcted to ssowt habits w ' »»▼• t o p j h # tfaffii &SSSsa&^3SSSSi SSSwEoimUedto Dr. T. htokaatojii tofaaaUb ^^'tjrsssr.iaaas S^'ftfaisssbject will prewnts more mtnWa.M lorretlou o t ttil«tcrrlblo disease. I 'DU, TLLBB'8 GREAT WORE. i4iSS*'WSS*» £ & £ »t fliiiUlt s-t ii tr- <kr i«> tow*G .»> 'A v.vrikfl BabMrskc cods Honl to*iTi paid, 10.000 coplm Bold the past year. Thu .nr S u M H r f .1*0 ffiwrirt hfiW- or how u> ctfoOK ' a |»artubf- a comjiletu wp Mi<iwllerw. UctJuUtin* bnndrads of accrete nawci before w«bltabed. WammUxl to be worth tijreo SSislhte nmonni a*kod for it. Twentyfwd cwte lu apedo o r poata^c siapt** . eopy............. ... fWcftww tn adilttou to their lsjse Hoei; GBOCERIES ft - bsve added sgenatalsi BOOTS AND rtHchtltejrprogoeeto srit^at^v, t e lle s ’ flatters) Sllppei - ALSO, t [ They have also added to tholr koek a tskee choice lo t o f| G3KO OEHtJCB, inch aa i * - , Tom of ail kinds, 8agdffi Slices, Kvutardw, Baiain*,|Hrtme«l ' "-a n sa r* , all kinds. We also have s luxe tuofoen t u SHOE BRUSHES, H0B81 BROSHES WHUB- WASH BJBVMES m i OURRY-COVBS, ttpttar : with a beautiful a- eortmmt 0/ | ST O N E W ^LKE, snd everything usually kept Iqklist-cUaa Grocery and Proviaim Store. AvsiytfeinK In tho llud of FBujn HXAT ind FISH may bo tonnd st their | “U nion M eat M arket.” They havp sccored the sorvlcss ofJr. H. fl. FBK KINS, whoso practical oxpertcueeji tha Grocery (netseie to not snrvusod. L "‘Dr’roiTcrha* dcvotcif * Wc h» . to iiji., cnie o( those dlscusee upon whtch hir boolll Ir’-v lo tho Udtes. OR J 'i KU.Iiit still rciame the only sgescy m iraoricu, ior Iho sale uf Dr. Vicb»r« Italian Female K, .nlhll tblls. Tho ealo of more thou S0.U00 hejxer est&blfine-* tholr repatsllnn as a foBsle romrar, nn aDDro»eh«Mt. “hd tor tn ohvanoo ot every otfact mcd tmne |ar"Or the; receiptor*1. 00 (tho price pit boxj those PUI» will so eent by mall or express )o any n»rt olU ioBirerld. 1 _ If B-Pereon* *La.di8lAU(c«vu i ^ cared»U nomc by a^idie^idi: ftlotu-r u< Hi. J. TcBei, endolias a r/mltUuice JH ftdieitiea aertirety packed from orvaet- Tition.idksi t° fk°y J ,<l1 nl *b« Trortd Atti «»*** warmnled- -r"fkv^r -fa«l/\0. N b W ft«l4denti Or’•oymz^p.vjcd. *\oiitr ilii«; ad<irvfWab tailor*to .1TBLi.aH, M . D HAfldfiewtT No sUktiU'St.. Albakt #*1- Ayer'.l UHlh.-’ .r';(t I f , I Me-., j * i p! f liut -I *n>. »t .-..-I i .-1 .|-i • ail • -.1 ’•>)• .it, Ii«.m . > ] . Uni PiDs, > I> tjit ■ 1 .1 ;/3 • ! T .t ■(.!«•« ' <>( i .iw • ti.wsn I's'-o- i * i«l> ' 1 * '*i iI'm ,i,' . < i . u f t Af' kllu\|u III i 1 -i . -| ml jrtii llsh ih^tn. I 1 .>11 *(is jII . Iitndtr* . , i i r ) I. IrilcnsMM'JOIC. h , »tv»v bv AT-botl* 'ihctr -lit m . \ i r (n% 4 jti untl i.ibkr-* hip \ * '.-s'*jiurrP i e-«*qi>»to . thrir u o in anr • J» >»1-c|j|l tti(ltlrtja c ir»4 fSi Ttauiikl tor the Uborki patronigdr -orotoiore oz banded to them by their old coitottdr, they would reepeolfnUy waiicXt k continuance of be u m o, add •Q otbore wbo nuy f*ror them with CROSS 4k WILSON. Prflflrtera. Corner oi High and Fk$m Street^ Wntertow&sJnne M .1BST. jt5^tood*w _ n .......... tlM i t» purtfrlii' hliwxt onsl aUmnLtl* it t . * r»*« r»\‘ • 0i<* ol»4ln»«*(loni of ih •h'UVttah |p .V “|. I n ." , .Ut 1 tsitll'f •'»VTJaiJ» t»f it.rai., r> >!<■.» iir i*n-ir irrs* Af-Mtvn fn health, nnrt \)j rnrrrcflin 2?, win nn lb n rkJ«t, mirh demilgc in* u l 4 4.t (rr th/* (ir-l •vrr/11 *»f Mm»r • ir v* i f p irti in Iho ni»piK*it »»n Ih hox.iui- lb*- (»(!..« Mip • on^vtamte, whkn tbt'iKi VeHa < . fi.r, F«" &ii«|M.)ni4 t>i IndifTMtlow, Llitlfifta nr>«*. I..‘nu tiar aii't L> oaa of A M n t l i n , (Jirry '• i *L » m-Hlrrat •!) tn atlaiulftfo tho «lom- j<-i, ah ir i . • hoalrhy tonn and acdoa. P*. Uir-“ 4onsplalnl H int it#ration* nybip- |5>n SA ln»»« l<l?utluchc. Mirk H rikdaciifi, Iiaondltc •>< <■ rev* a Micbsic^*, ■Milas* ('4>lir .ml B M io a a F o T o n , ttw*r ahmiW bo Jo- , 11 , win ?, .iLs- *v it S- 4 J m i, t« correct tiio dtsoo^cd ,iru«>u«*r .\c P .. .. (svafrtrltm iv irhiv*h raoto i| * •*' lljinairrj niiirrkifwa> t>n( one mtM i | d v«- . jfpiu rail f i i • ( I f KHt«asna(Utti. ^oal.Grawcl, K*wJpi • Whflw of rljv iff cut-!. Ruin in fhr (nAr. k <•'! K.ittta, !'•»•. *h»>uM he Qvrnltntjoijjilp (li r S 1 f I '. 'r • flir •If'.-, {trlklQnr ill* nli •ti* h '•hipjfc IffoNO i ooiplablte > ll #p,- », V nr B»ro|t^ar •• I D ro p a lc u l Aw?llla|i tfery i n> .ry and frcijuont doio* to jlm- 1 11n*r *c I'lirjjc. *v**iyt» i l.inrfi doao abfttlJil I m tftlcn ' •( ■<T« t i'v "ympathj I ■’> k« orjr or tiro f*tUs lo pro- 'J, ‘ r> l» » *• Uii» alom nrh. ' i»nml.iic« ihe rtoiQBifi and • 'f .i ' m> ' 1 , n*i(orr.a tho wnpotlu-. •* ♦' *1* Hcwrc It U o«C0 *d *r ti<s a . ri-M i. diTanjromcnl ortfU. i ul' w . Mu(\rn flndft llial adO*0 ht-u fi*v| <lrr*|v|(«i)|y )n>UCT, (V^TIJ >I t. .»• . iMiij; vfftjet OQ iho djgte* In - v.l I ' to»appr i) r n .i i tt , m rttrai Chtmtttie, i uir r.i.L. r. s. a.. Sot i »i WAtcrtown by T . D. Camp, A Co., S . M qmtih.Thco, A. Pock, aa<i Drne^iete evenrbcro^ J»o 10 ctSai wcm J^OOOOD! Make Moijay. No snora “ fteroawn* Horor*.*’ GLAsS LAMPS BREAK & fiPLODE, CAUSING , WIRE JEN IP D E V T H . canvassers ' waited iioodCaovater* can make money lad d> good *e) llo^ (ho. PERKINS & HOUSE PAjENT Non-Explosive Xensene Lam p , i IT CAN NOT BE EXPLODED By anything Bhort of NitroGlycireneOr Gunpnwder We claim for this romarkablo I4sp 1st. Abeolate Safety under all Clrcmnita 2d.- It fires twice as much ltffht from wick. Sd. It umi as per ceat, leu otu <tb ,It |i ornamental and dnrablo—Laata 4 life time. 6 th. It R^rca no odor In burning— tnrocd newer eo low. Glh. The itesdlnoaa ol Itamo Is o*pcdally wonderful. 1th. (t tie snccesfhi rlral of ga» at a Iffllng ex* pense OMNIOK8 IN BH1HPOF BMINBNTXJSN. Prof. W . R. Clark. PreMdmt Nxsa. Ajrl. Coi- lege *av*: **Il I* noa-oxplostvn. Tfro Ilgli 1 * hel ler than la produced t.y eoy oibcr Itmp, 1 txitere It is true ocotiomy m view oi in«safety, tbe quality and quantity of light, nod ibe durability ofthaUmp, to ibiow uvay ail other kind# and au thU toty,” (J. T. J&rk»on. &1. D~ ol Bo»ton, tttaie AiUrcr, Bay*; “IflodItCicefrom *11 dance? of cnionon, wbeo eipoecd to tho *<mr'*t proof*. Its eencraj m\reduction, tn placs oj the nn*afo ^Uae lfttnpa, will lavxiDiacb property Irom (Ins and prcvcu thoe* fearful cxptoelon*. wblcQ h»vo eo ollrn prowidfhtaJ to life. Tba Now York Tribune Bfir§; “Ncjolberi* per- fcctly wafo. AJI tho painteoi danger hare >con ao carefuHy guarded lhai dlsaelor is simply as tmooa- *lbUtly. The "New York lodepeudent **re: Notbltamom need bw Mid to bring this lamp at once Into pQblle comddeaceand UnlToraai u*c. HLf88 A LAMB, Gen. Agent* aowtlwtfdltnw) For Northern N. Y WaUrt»wn- Itwi. >m feme wised _ r iftOYAL S^AN DjpD, DOUBLE WARP ALPACA, Go to I DAVIS & BARTLETT’S. Do you want a Grand DuttStess Alpaca, go to 1 DAVIS & BARTLETT'S Do you want a “Lyon” Alditca, go to DAVIS & BARTLETT’S. Do you want a Dragon Alpjfca, goto DAVIS & BARTLETT’S . So you want a Glaze Gord M-lpaca, go to DAVIS & BAR’PLET’T’S. Do you want anything in tl e line of ‘DRY GOODS, CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS you can alwal b find the beat the market affords, and the prices right, at - ^ | No. 12 COURT STREjST. R e r a e m b o j ’ O u r Platform : 1st. Always to give onr cub ( >mersthe worth of their money. 8A Never to misrepresent a . article sold. 3d. Short Credit and Long J riends. ' t DAVIS 80 BARTLETT. Race Brdthers A Co., We have this day reduced dmr jrrices F IF T E E N P E R G E N T on CROCKERY, including ou\Palmt French Clay Cere*, nnd Plain Iron Sjxme China. We have this day reduced iwr prices Tmeniy Per Cent, on Gold Band and Plain French China. * We have this day reduced our prices Fifteen P&>' Ctmei. on FunMart, Goblets, and on everything in Glass Ware. We have this day reduced our prices Pen Per Cent, on SUoer Plated Tea Sets, Castors, Spoons, Forks, cfco. We have this day reduced our prices Ten P er Cent. on. Tn Cocoa and Bone He Table Cutlery. Rtikbsr, 'andled Knives and Fo-rh, and in foot on all kinds Wc have this day reduced our prices Fijteenper Cent on Lamps, BTmr- osene fixtures, (tnd Chandeliers.r We have this day reduced our prices Ten Per Cent on Gas ChandMert and Brackets. We have this day reduced our prices Fifteen per cei if all siees. Also, on Zinc and U n Toilet Ware, cent on Rooking Glass- (iRUAT CRASH DRYGOODS SUV# BtV t.’jte q ? Afkfesr,,!,-1 LrjV •, mi . - . 8 JU^l I - A of rcry prodocti'w? land This tmcl is c*ncclally »d»ptcd louw s, ftod wursld make a prnfltsblo gran- Ing and Daffy Farm. Thd- snh«crft>?r has drnlncd. cleared tnd subdural If, im d odbr* it for rale at n retfonablo nHc^ and one asy icntu*. Fw particulftr* address WSK. DBVKY, dcodAwU AS'JriRDtlFmnn,Tbrc« Mile Bay. v JeftexmnCo.. w Y. Watertown City Meat Harket M b r s 8UB8C1UBJHI IUWIMd TU Jt'DASKD TF B [Btarcat ot John N . Kohlnson In iho Batcher- Iur BuaincM, In Uu Bi>op W o - SS P u b l i c ■qnnrn.hy U 10 Bxpicn, ultca « 4 )omlns wa«h- Wftoo Hal! Mlock. laprapacmllo fhrniebthe various kinds ot 11 itATI, a r I, loa^omhlo raton os nay shop in tho city ot the quXity. Bnqsaf• and Xlseo SeaV Ontlto order m~ Cattle aod Hoira eEsashtornJ at revsooable pFlees, Bologna and ItrSsg Bansauos constantly on handlloriaTe, o r xudo t o order, {lor shipping. Alerv-FOULTKV of Ihevarious kfxda, and BEEF BY THB QUAKTKH. UsrBt cored sad imoked. Boep <3rcaao tor ■*!«. W I'. DAKtN. novtMdfcvrlm jygBKCHJLNTS, A TTEJTTIO N . Hivtug boon ifpodntch aj^cnti to vrholosa e the kev Perfect Fittiig ShleMwN Wfeale- b*we tswseis, h 1 W« an now preytrad to tn cardart boomptty. utoMAwtr *». B, ftcAMVOBlD i CO. 'EOTCJSB. tXagBjittlbar wo,H Snfcrtn tl** public that loorof V. 8. ^^p§kSrahV^»Bte tr MA N T <:a0 T)S HELI.JNQ I.S 8 S THA iV ItHVORB THS WAR, A N D IBM THAN THE Present Cost of fflanufactnring Flip into Iho S rO U X e A T O a , No. 5 Iwh Block, and *cc ib«^ birgalna : 5000 Yeardfi B o a t P r i n t s , (tn remnant*) at lOcOTt* perywa^J, A JflTge SMOTiracai ol bcanllfnl NowHtylo PRINTS atlS* ccnlsixsryard. Good Fa*t Color. rrtntsat 10 rent* p«r ynrri Common Prints at n ppcrynrtl NortlUceta Prints, at cent*. Brown and Bleached BHKBTlNU8,oue yard vndc a pood article, a t IflNccnt* por yard. New7orkMUii,Warawttu andNonparlet Dleacfr* odCOTTON a t prices lerwer lhac. hemoforo. A Irvrp .ot ofUfiBN GOODS, from Anction, at \m than coil o f importation. I*ih0tt Nmpklzxs 10 cents each; Good Linen u**h for iiiccTita per ywrd; a better Crash for 12 %cents. son dn?.. Ladle*' u n cn Collars, at 6 cent* each, im thfin ono half ibo com of mantiiactnrlBj In Black Alpacas, WBUAVK ALL THB BEST MAKES, a t pricoa lower I ban cvni lreforo-30 40 & SO Onnta amid upwards- Alto. oiroatosR troioSj a I m Y o? Como sod see them and bo convinced. O lo th a —a eplondld uss CLOTB^nuict or^hto" in the Dry Good* LUae at WAY DOWN Cut and Make ,iiort noti“ th^TDJ tp»?mioltrTLJJ’ ,Un *“ Ch ."8° of °® a °- “ Rega]»tlorh"Pr1” ’ c3a" rc':|1<lo,DC **W*lth at thi J. *A. BUSRnBLL, Mo.'S Iron Block. Watartowu. N. Y. alio—#gants for Singer’s Imp w e d Sewing Machine. NorfWituwAwfcn jgAKBR a dBITTESDIN, Oft*for sate, ihe lugost and moil cosDiets Aawrtmeat of W00XBT flB W .— » ezbtbttadln North*in Wow York. Boa* twaauni Fsttanu, lorHOUDiW FRI8BNT8. dtcltMa 8. F. PAW10CK&COMPANY'S B A N K , No.O Waabington Street, Watertown, JT. Y. Wi J\ cep on hand and supply all the First t lass Ronds and Securities in market. Persons seeking investments vill da well to see us before purchasisy. Hd have for sale and immediate delivery, Missouri Valley Railr>ad Bonds, int. 7 p e r cat/.., gold. Rockford, Rock Island de St. I.ouu Railroad Co. hirst Mortgage Bonds, in/. 7 p e r cent., gold. l,' ii/ro".l Hands endorsed by the State nf Alabama, int. 8 per emt.. gold. Potsduni ({• Watertown, tnd Ronie, Watrrhnrn J' Ogdsnshvrgh RFUrottd Go. Mortgages. Council Bluff* and Ef. Jnirph Railroad Li>. Ronds. Lewis Co. inwn Bonds, and Jef- Jtrsnn t mmty Bonds, hearing 7per cent, currency .interest ; atuf ohcr *• rnriiir.\. Corrmmcnt R<mds, and the tari on.i Pacific Railroad Companies Mortgages, and a ll Ihr Stocks in any market, furnished on application. / ’, rfi"ns desiring to sell ot rr change t im-crn men ts,'or other Bonds ran do so on th,- mostfavorable terms a t this office. Accounts o j Individuals, Compa nies and Corporations, received on Dtbcral Terms. Certificates issued bearing inter est. Gold Drafts, Gold, Silver, Cana- da Money, and Coupons, hot 1 . a- so/d. (,oilerttons made everywhere in the (J. S. and Canada, at the lowest rates, and a General Banking busi ness transacted- ORIN C. FROST J Cashier. Sep, -dwflm es of all We have this day reduced our prices ten per cent on Rockingham, and Yellovo Ware; Twenty per cent on Tea Trays and J3ird Cages; Twenty five per eent on our large Stock o f Fancy Goods. We have this day Marked Down every thing in our Immense ikock o f Goods; so as to have o-ur prices soja r below all competitors, that custom ers can see at once that thus is the only place to buy Goods C H EAP. Our Motto is: Quick Sales and Small Profits, g3gT“ Remember the place, No. 22 Court Street, Watertcnon, N. Y. may24deodwly R A C E B R O T H E R S db Co. City Crockery Store! s ir Now opening at No- 13 Woodruff House, the LARGEST AND RICHEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE FANCY GOODS Ever Exhibited in this City. These goods lire Now Importations, just throngh thcCnstom Huusc, ami will be sold Very Ixnv. We offer also an Itnmmac Stuck uf White and (void liand FRENCH CHINA, IRON STONK (’HINA, Oil ASS WARE, LAMPS CHAN DELIERS, S1L\ Eli PIATE, Knivtisand Forks, Tea Tram fte., unlfl after tlie Holidays, at LESS than (iCI.D PRICES. Please call and examine onr goods iiiul pricer-. OIT1T CROOKBRTT STORE, No 13 Public Square, . L. R MURRAY &,CO. W atertown, Dec. 11 , i 8 6 0 . I WATERTOWN GENERAL MYRON BEEBEE, Agent. ^Hartford B» y n n raecottMbui- J V Fire, Hartford................. 800,000 run..*. 'Hanford............ J«>* venewt, Hartford,....................... 8421 | Baew iv NewTork..-.............. 1 .Tha!nil Intern,,. Jqoal, New fork j 3 yv’S a i VS KTBD SYAXKS,................ 4«o!ooO Nfw Sutbuad LtKBoston..., T.IOO otM wfitaw^SSr1 : i ; s8 o 3 oo 8 nauoMi - ...............................i;ooo,«op These ore 01#, SlroB« CoaapaaMif: DwelllSia n < C onleate loanred fro.Boht to S tc jmio, at a * iowMt ratee. Lita I e e a r u e e | l s ratlable Comnesl*!, OUT -------- tele*. CW 1 ou me beloro Bunriu; or reuwtas you j Hager * B**heo'i Jewelry.atorw sxYHoti n m % Aim:. waMatowaAm«H w.t«inf^!7H nn' FALL CAMPAIGN. Boots <te Shoes for the Million Webb Gf Chidester9 28 OOLRT STREET, 'WATERTOWN, N. Y. Have the Largest Assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for Fall Trade in the State. They call spocial attention (■> tiioir Kip and Calf Boots} OF THE1U OWN MANUFACTUIIE, ALL HAND MADE AND WARRANTED. Don’tfr:1knCall and Examine them. 100 years this WO NlTEKKUL SAL,VS line boon tho secret of an old Courocttar iamily by tho nnme of Pfatnbe Btker. New it romos fSortb to bless manttnda it* power Ut ALLAY PAIN* to SOOTHE ttUPFXEINQ. to BKAL WOUNDS, ie very extraor dinary ; the like of it hag nover been known. 1000 peroous Already bc&r testimony. One porron mjb, UI bought e $1 Pot, nod I would not bo without ll If it ooet $10. or I bad to go all tbe way to N. Y. for it." Physicians use and recommend ft, and$S pot* are ordered dally for Hospitals end Public Lnstltn tion*, to every pert of tho U. S . DON’T I For Cots,BontftaBolle; Braises, Sores, IJlcors, Cancers, Bore Kipples, Broken Breasts, Onsp- g )d Lips and Hands, raptlons. Blind ana Bleeding rlic*, Corns, Banlohe. OblTblains, Bltce of Insecte* AlI- mals. Afi, Ac, Ac, W ITH V All Drusgjsta keep it for sate. 10, OOOBoxes tro iivou to tost Its rirtao. o r <3o to yonr Hxugglsu aid get one. , and 15 pots sent, safaly packed, by express. : C O S T A R G O . MHowaidBL, N.Y “COSTAR’s” EXTERMINATORS Por Rats, Roschow, Ante, Ac. m e ths Liquid for BED BUG8. the Powder to SKCfb. For sole by Ml DrugBtita. 11 Beware 11 of alfsparloas inltatie- Ask (or "COSTAitS," (toko n o other . NATIOHAL ORION BANK, i WithBTOVH. N. Y. Dec. IA 1808. f T hs anmttai. acsction or dirrctohs o thU Hook. Win** bald at ttoBaukawTassday 4*ei8wit. ft oulton , Herrick & Ci nxonxeiioa 2uz.z.«, B os lotve to Inlorxn tholr friend* a n d tbo ooblle ErenorollT. Out th e have run. i m a u c tho dsoQ. ages to .Mu sirJberty, caosed bv tho frabet tost Dpnng, and have again got their MUl In tbe Best Banning Order* Wo erenow MUTDFACT0HIMG the Best Brands of Family Floor, BtJCKWHKAT FLOUR, CORN XBAlx AND FHAD o f all Jrinda, all ot which wo wilt) fnmieh at Vfhole- rale and detail at ths 1.0 WE 8 T MARKET BATHS Wo solicit a rcnowwt of the liberal patrousss wtowed on us botoro tho dleas1 rono flood, led fast W ft ifr, u^ojivsw IUO UIBflO’IOIIU Ail, VWlUamaro no p*. 1n» to give tattefauton. We shall os usual give parti cnlat attsoatloh to CmstomGiindinfi: and will PAY THE HIGHEST PK ICJ fee Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn &c. I * - ciflorw tor rioux and Feed l«ft a t onrOflle* and Store In Falrbaukw’ Block, will recelre prompt. aLrenuon. MOTH,TON. BKHRIOKACOw Bxceletor MUle, Watertown, H ot , 18.18M, dflmwly tOr 7 u Paowu of Roctbem New Ybnfc-, ffintrt hir wtalogo* to J .B . JEHNl A tLz i ua&ri nai One Oae Yores Qaar Biff Oae "S j liae. Mo be I n s For tide. Jo c ere ua J. tbai bo u* I t

Transcript of City Crockery Store! - NYS Historic...


|ot £tblt- A c e l t a a a t f t d l o f ^ I ®

t t t o f U t o f O w l a d iM « f L l m * f t t h

—V alvit boota/th* co lo r;iP ibbotnttw u m w i t l i s L b

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I^ S fJ teS S IS S T '”■ ww*1'pnrnmw#-#' Iff*®? 'V&iat, trijnmed

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F - .Kjaae ywBi. tgo tn

>f Bipfils99.. tb i t tbeincalmpwial was n o t bis eon baa

b*«nrfidv«d,'iritii the alleged (Jiapovc j o fav lienee to prove its truth,

Sunday eyenjng- They arc filled b y i gen- eratfywtMdtiVe auaicnco, n largo proportion , 0 s |icb,iit coipptpotd ofinjjn vnapy&d yhom :iAa,ol;iha'artii>an- d u a . -* '

nL ord Derby choriabcd iho traditionkl de­votion of hia party for good old port, pnee a yiino. merchant avnt him p n » Amontilla 'i!oto’<Vy,'withtb.etoootnmui\tUtion ttjat il he drank notliiog olto ho aevar would be 'troubled.with the gou t “I liw e tasted v°ur abwry,” wrote Lord Dorhy in reply, f'aud |)T»(»r )he gout,1'

-H sir-clotb skirls, to t«ko tbo pla :e of ‘hoops, have recently been imy>ortod. i bore la a flounce around tb e bottom In r iund plaits on all except the front breadth, and th« tipper part of tho back has rolls of the .material for a quaater ol it yarti, in irau ita tibfl of the busllo.

—A Now York phdanthri)|>isl visltinj bfalp pnaon, retnacktiJ to a |,risoniT : of your li U'lid. thud, yom m„l. w »k cousivo; nothing Ifhon >v«iu, t i.,,,,wn ' “ Yea, I suppooo «".' ,vas i r», j,i reply*} “b a t tnen. mu hmw , v i v has gene upm iu tii.'w ar"

—Dr. O. JL Bour-u', sixty fmir yoai ag«,s vcgotstlan, land to r thirty fin.' yc-r total abatrncnt frnm llqnoiH, tulu, c<>, and coffoo. slnrtod from tbo City Hall San FranciKQri, kt.uiiilmght en the 19th and vatkcd'tlirntigh tn Snn Jnao, adieti nrn of W tnifca, accoinpltduog the tank in boars and 50 mlntitei. He xx>untc<l OtUnber ni ai|i|,K, hrxl Inund ll •<> ln< 1 706.

—A rcccat visitor Iu Chic#g'» wnloa w ent to hoar D r. preaoL and p i 'y


G R O C E R I E Sm T H E O IT T ,

No 67 WastuRgton Hall Blocki

The wabNillmr hu fast relnrnod from Mew York, with a fttresb Stock of o t thu Choicest Groceries loeltdtsg |

0 Q F F E B 3 ,

8PIOE3 ,

B A jrsm ,

•T S"h


ro a rt-ft tn

u lt.

hom« .rninetist


SkBdsy afternoon. Ha prayed that bOfd would rem ove from Chicip?o All in t penned, BabbhtU breaking, llcnntlunan fraud, pirnfanlty, cheatlug, »nt) *-vcrv t< orVfce; hnd then I did n o t hear llio (sw Bcnbcncci, bccaasa I wns (Innking w would l» IcAJii Ohlaigu. ”

«—At Providence, two o r tlmts days ai ariunplcnsaat effluvia, \m» [iciccrivcd In roon at tlio depot wbcto in eton-d the fan olalmcd baggtgd fjoco Bnaton, An l o v e ti- gatioc was mxdo, end thn qsuscaaiing o, or WM found to.tnienste Irom a box boar ng a Boatnu and Provitieooo r ilrt/SKl obe k, audtllrected jto Greenville. Tbo sutli< tlaawcro consulted, tho t.«x wets npcn lad found to enbfaln s liumnn Im rly .an i tha CUy nlHcjals nru trylug in (In. I Low v bojt cninu ihcrujan'i to i r b o m ll b f ln ( t f j» J

'4.•^-Tnillr w ill' Hover die ; iho nlnr. grow oilU. tliounn will pale hij j?lnry lint trutfi will bo ever young. Intergriiv, «birlghtncja, honesty, lovo,go«dni.w, ihcse qr< til impcrtBhable. No er&va’ Can crir a i

) tlnao i minor tat y)rincij))ts. They hayi’ in prieoir, but tiicy havo beon Irqor bcl re; tlioao wlm . hav« ensbnn*<l

tbam in their hearts havo Txcun l>urncd bt thaatako, but,otit of tlicir ssLoaotbor wit

No ^ow Ctp drown, dohero ariHin Itarm osn wreck, on aliysj eanswallnw qj> (ho evoDlivtnjg.trutli o f (lodt Yo« cannot

'kill goodness, and tintii, sn d intcgnty, and klUx, and holiness; the way tbil ia canntat

With th o sw ^ s t bo n way (jirrrlasllng. — Bpurgeti. j

—Oh I how irresolute a m an olben is cos- Ceming a sin which he knows in b e s a it, )Ut which enchants him with itSBwcctncsk

•Ah 1 how a man will say " I must give it W pbut cttlnotX'’- Sin dies bard; «t mskfas a hundred excuses fur ihclt, snd plcndb,

■,‘-Is it not a little one f Is is i t dot a swcAt V)bp I” 0 I.ocd thon nivn m e sirenglh qf TMolution, an^.when I know tlmt a thing Sawrpng,bejgi-ifln te bavo dfato w ith is . and when I percteyn an acUon tn b e right, help ma lo males haste aud delay not tt> keep th y commandmonts. 0 my Lord, m*y ' nsver try to patch up a pescc botwoub m y oeaaefwee and rayaelf b y s ’ trim m m i and cotnprotniBlng. If 1 know a thing t* ba thy will, may I never psrlej ncxr quea tion, for this ta td rebel. TTie spirit (list parley* is tho eaccnco of high treason. - /

— « j'Women,

Tbe cslobratod English aclrcss, Miss Cailotta Lcclorq, wns a passenger on the ateamer Msin, which arrived a t Now Turk Friday.

—A very pretty, h o t absent minded1 yo^nf lady, inquired of the handsome clerk in ttie Norwich, pohnceticut, postollico, en Wadbewiny.if there W|ta a letter tlicxo^for

-r^A lady ip^tkcr at the New Hampshire M in 's Suiragc Convention said thqi

ghoctoi Oapkm Kidd laughtd as the Spsn- Wh gtmboats ateamed out olNew Turk bar-

S 5 $ ^ A g ^ ^ j:6 .\-«4 A C e a a ta lr O ew rteay,'Whan, soma five yearn ago the young

Marquis o f Haatmgf had uvolved himself in daLt and diificuUy, stxd was obliged to MU his poaMMiOM in Scotland, his cousin, thayb tiok insrquia.oi Bute, camo to his naene and bought in ths property, saying tbatw hen t ie Haatings family could re fieon it, thoy ahonid havo it a t the same p n e a . . r , .

Lord'HaaUhgs died, aoon alter, Iienniloss; laya what wsO settletl On his wife, every

ic hadyrss awld. H is Marquiste. be- J f o fg i h u t his aistcr (uccweded to

nkBeotch Birldoni of Loudoun, n,,diEnitv„ ..^ i tfie fethale lino, ‘

t&M&wNlo .per-* ig eoniidersble sac-

“ ‘-^""iA A therbro thw s, d o th , the ttil o f th* Beatings prop. M n - laieMtenhitis, and






Funltsr Fxovisione 1* V GOODS- a>OilOAKKO' WHAM GOLD ’ WJ\b

DOWN.. JUTOtnUBB SOU) AOCOKD1NGLY.0 T Goodilcatvcnvl F r « ot ctuugo,

I F H K D . U . B O Y U R ,Nor. 13.19#.

| B I 1 U K M M B U T T O N B O M

. Oymi S«anxing isseo


T H B RBA SO M W H YUoctoio tt did

ooq C outior filtrat. iflhc itw prumiom ti tlio J i Not Ydll» ftrw tucrcaalDK ' AP

Itl'jr, ted tuHliyUw* rv|mU(too I» hicbrr than any other axokkluntYez-' wn oti »c» short tn tcqa«loifc&e - with the jwabllc

Ono hi* btil lo*c=o ihomfta blnoln opcriOoo to bo convinwd <jf iliiajwrlAnir. *nd a i m fait to ctvo tt ihalr blitlseil pr*fi=BO. liooroblacBW liaitrm Hole tivoticciatms t&d i cviug 3t&chioo in ono simple form; tacM7 loojMBntUiuid cD<luret&iid,ftndlatflAp tofl to ail tindB ol wurli needed In a UrnUy. tnd u tbooflh It l» now ur-an on account of cot ukiiqr lurmiuji *z. thoJcSBnon CowiQtj Fair, yet It hou aoa keeps o n md l» dettlned to ran, notwith stand iho l arenlnm Machine ts made In Jofforeoi cqibAj- TK*» pilacipmi dlffoooco tn tho ran olnftoflbe Two Hacrhliin ta Uil»: Tbo Arooricartrnns oeitcr* rnai flatter, run* tUllcr. and rtoca Ar? kinds of work tb»l cannol he done by tho ^rcntaoi 1(4chlno. BattboAJnoitcau lsnnt tho only mscbm? trrotT; the Havo, tdbo (Itoroc A Ueltor. and aij shared l£ko filo. Thcai old ostebliohod. drnt c a n mathlwac*, that hate &»lonl»bctl tho world for tholr aenrice and dnsabillly w«jo not only tm tt. bat •wopl away a&J ware now taicmz tha ibto : that ham been, and ®y mmr ajixxl Jo dues (Jefienraci county of coaarko), It lathoohgrt doabttul 1/QabrtcJ' hU*t wilt bm loud osMKmyh te r»l*o Ihcm neteach U III*, andiKk* lathe teitool ell Bewtefl Me chinrebnVtMelWcfmnMechdnQuI Jcffaraoa coaa- ty Bolon «l0Mri. held in othv coBOtiee allarotrsd n*. and, nlreneo ia *ey, wa berr tbom vtnu * But Pair, and that the Aaertcankeqot rlf(hL. eldoap, wfid on met with other machine** (w&tn the* Pntnfone Machine of .Icflcmwi county wix BerwhBeexd of,) tl took tho Pir*t Prctai- amand Diptom*, tlvo, tirrktver coenty, l^rst Prw mlnnl and D’lplouia crrrr thlncrcn easspvtUor/, and many otbor C oanljr r s d HUtn Paira, (nai tlrao asd

of now And now. rtirar frloadi, th cloilxao; ihle /QQmlduro on iho r r bwt Amcrtcam, Mlov woe in rataxn mw Mcccro thaoke to thooany fiicDiii K=cd leirasi or the Amcrlcea

ned endro eatJalacUon in Me_ loud Ia Its pcelee, 1 still so

IkU yo«r ptfcroDig eacdcardbeUjMn’wite iho pubAework, and ktwt ipoc* " --- 3DlgA

m, whhocufc aamad owpnutt

o tn? a tU iro o a ,w l>tb)ttoa on Im hocufc ainad owpntatSon. n of PnbUc. B^oann.opjwoaHotha Y oantA in tn Vnison *

. north sfdc

K . S . VAHEUZKM. Ajfeait lor JawiTenoo estd ie w i^ e t fn U r* .

J in C*Wi I - r*v>*<*> A i N T i r v c ,


I'A P E R H A ^ G r I N Gt conmcriioD w*ta* ortr

PAINT,OIUBHJfflLASS TRADBW « hsvs C X JX m ftC N T M EM to do tho »bon

vrovk BATiarA-craRtXY.iw -tf BBLBLo a q a t o o w f t a a .

S H J L T I T Z G !

TH EaUantloa of8kiU £ri ItcalL^d to the Fine stork o f B)atc* «*n hind * t th? S to re of Ten B jrk A


B arn ey B tB a r^ y ‘n O lo b a n d B in k .STrsdriek. t t s v a n s ' £ ' “D av rso a’a “ “O a e tra l Z>srk cl “

And * flnca*mr^mcnl«sr Conunota skile* and btrai# al trrry lt»w prir^na


N. 2>fl6w

Ah p l b i t d x d * r a r » ro B 8 A Z .B il a Jefiersoa Connty* Nrw Vowk.on th e lino of

tho Rome, W atertow n iced Ogdaoabarirb Bntlrued, 18 m ile* Irom t h e city o t f W atertowa, sad r> miles

Sam Gkpo V ln ce st, and s e a r tho n H a ^ o f Thrcr lie.Bay; asdeoabndos


r y , » E S T A B t« .IS I I* k » M O S f l T A # . .

( Iteavaf Stiraet, AlbsBV, IV. Y,attlldfi. CUBES ISP LOW FWWW.

Over Twwtr Ttonssn<i[i»ttMt» cnreitnBtiaUj.p»K. J- TALLAB OO U yiKPIB to m epna dhutWly snd saccw f t lly- conssUedon sU (OTOI p .prtvaie disease*, ft ®“ ®W, sstsbllslwd fajspitsl Ho, 6 "osver 8t. Albaav.N- Y.Twco^ years dcroted lo [this particular branch of 'nrectlce, enables him U) periona enros such um uo lother phjstctim *an,t“ d 'fats guslltics sre such (bolng Incoiretboudenc* wllntlio

tr cmiuoot physldtns• .s.Vssa vRSd^to^MaluJntug faho ssiestss wet

S B b s P ?raJtd^STw bc obtained ul no other office Inoonorrhce. Gleet, atrictwe, Snta««‘

i ' S ’f f i spormtjc Certs, Boh,U lcera tedCotaaeo** Brown*, Duet all other imponlioe of the L der tho control ofhceumimA to mere thsu ».o»0 «•»“

Y o o a g K a n ,iddlcted to ssowt habits w ' »»▼• to p jh # tfaffii

&SSSsa& ^3SSSSiSSSwEoimUedto Dr. T. htokaatojii tofaaaUb^ ^ 't j r s s s r .ia a a sS^ 'ftfaisssbject will prewnts more mtnWa.M lorretlou o t ttil« tcrrlblo disease. I


i4iSS*'WSS*» £ & £»t


s - ti i



i«>tow*G.»>'A v.vrikfl


cods Honl to*iTi paid, 10.000 coplm Bold the past year. Thu .nrS u M H rf.1*0 ffiwrirt hfiW-or how u> ctfoOK' a |»artubf- a comjiletu wp Mi<iwllerw. UctJuUtin* bnndrads of accrete nawci before w«bltabed. WammUxl to be worth tijreo SSislhte nmonni a*kod for it. Twentyfwd cwte lu apedo or poata^c siapt** .eopy................

fWcftwwtn adilttou to their lsjse Hoei;GBOCERIES ft

- bsve added sgenatalsi

B O O T S A N DrtHchtltejrprogoeeto srit at v,

telles’ flatters) Sllppei- ALSO, t [

They have also added to tholr koek a tskeechoice lo t o f |

G3KO OEHtJCB,inch aa i * - ,

Tom o f ail kinds, 8agdffi S lices, Kvutardw, Baiain*,|Hrtme«l

' " - a n s a r *, all kinds.

We also have s luxe tuofoen t uSHOE BRUSHES, H 0B81 BROSHES


with a beautiful a- eortmmt 0/ |

S T O N E W ^ L K E ,snd everything usually kept Iqklist-cUaa

Grocery and Proviaim Store.AvsiytfeinK In tho llud of FBujn HXAT ind

FISH may bo tonnd st their |

“U n io n M e a t M ark e t.”They havp sccored the sorvlcss of Jr. H. fl. FBK

KINS, whoso practical oxpertcueeji tha Grocery (netseie to not snrvusod. L

"‘Dr’ roiTcrha* dcvotcif * Wc h» . to iiji., cnie o( those dlscusee upon whtch hir boolll Ir’-v lo tho U d te s .■ OR J 'i KU.Iiit st ill rciame the only sg escy m iraoricu, ior Iho sale uf Dr. Vicb»r« Italian FemaleK, .nlhll tblls. Tho ealo of more thou S0.U00 hejxerest&blfine-* tholr repatsllnn as a foBsle romrar, nn aDDro»eh«Mt. “hd tor tn ohvanoo ot every otfact mcd tmne |ar"Or the; receiptor*1.00(tho price pit boxj those PUI» will so eent by mall or express )o anyn»rt olUioB irerld. 1 _If B-Pereon* *La.di8lAU(c «vui ^ cared »U nomc by a^idie^idi: ftlotu-r u< Hi. J. TcBei, endolias a r/m ltUuice JHftdieitiea aertirety packed from orvaet- Tition.idksi t° fk°y J,<l1 nl *b« Trortd Atti «»*** warmnled- -r"fkv r -fa«l/\0. N b Wft«l4denti Or’•oymz^p.vjcd. *\oiitr ilii«; ad<irvfWab tailor*to

.1 TBLi.aH, M. D HAfldfiewtT No sUktiU'St.. Albakt #*1-

A y e r '. l UHlh.-’.r';(tI f , I

Me-., j

*\» i p! f liut -I*n>.

»t .-..-I i

.-1 .|-i• ail •

-.1 ’• > ) • .it, Ii«.m . > ] . Uni

PiDs,> I > tjit ■ 1.1

; / 3

• ! T .t■ (.!«•« ' <>(

■ i .iw • ti.wsn I's'-o- i * i«l> ' 1 * '*i iI'm,i,' . <i . u f t Af' kllu\|u IIIi 1 -i . -| ml jrtii llsh ih^tn.I 1 .>11 * (is jII . Iitndtr* . ,i i r ) I. IrilcnsMM 'JOIC.

h , »tv»v bv AT-botl* 'ihctr -lit m . \ i r (n%4jti untl i.ibkr-* hip \ * '.-s'* jiurrP i e-«*qi>»to

. thrir u o in anr• J» >»1-c|j|l tti(ltlrtja c ir»4fS i

Ttauiikl tor the Uborki patronigdr -orotoiore oz banded to them by their old coitottdr, they would reepeolfnUy waiicXt k continuance of be umo, add •Q otbore wbo nuy f*ror them with

CROSS 4k W ILSON. P r f l f l r te r a . Corner oi High and Fk$m Street^

Wntertow&sJnne M.1BST. jt5^tood*w _n ..........

tlM i t» p u rtfrlii' hliwxt onsl aUmnLtl* itt . * r»*« r»\‘ • 0i<* ol»4ln»«*(loni of ih

•h'UVttah |p .V “|. In ." , .Ut 1 tsitll'f •'»VTJaiJ» t»fit.rai., r> >!<■.» iir i*n-ir irrs* Af-Mtvn fn health, nnrt\)j rnrrrcflin 2?, win nn lb n rkJ«t, mirh dem ilgc in* u l 4 4.t (rr th/* (ir-l •vrr/11 *»f

Mm»r • ir v* i f p irti in Iho ni»piK*it »»nIh hox.iui- lb*- (»(!..« Mip • on^vtamte, whkn tbt'iKiV e Ha < . fi.r,

F«" & ii«|M .)ni4 t>i In d ifT M tlo w , Llitlfiftanr>«*. I ..‘nu tiar aii't L>oaa o f A M n t l in , (Jirry

'• i *L » m-Hlrrat •!) tn atlaiulftfo tho «lom- j<-i, ah ir i . • hoalrhy tonn and acdoa.P* . Uir-“ 4 onsplalnl Hint it# ration* nybip- |5>n SA ln »»« l< l? u tlu c h c . Mirk H r ik d a c i i f i ,Iiaondltc •>< <■ rev* a Micbsic *, ■Milas*('4>lir .ml B M io a a F o T o n , ttw*r ahmiW bo Jo-,11, win ?, . iLs - *v it S-4J mi, t« correct tiio dtsoo^cd,iru«>u «*r .\c P.. ..(svafrtrltmiv irhiv*h raoto i|

* •*' l l j i n a i r r j n iiirrk ifw a> t>n( one mtMi|d v«- . jfpiu rail f i i • (I f KHt«asna(Utti. ^oal.Grawcl, K*wJpi • W hflw of r l j v iff cu t-! . R u in in fh r (n A r.

k <•'! K.ittta, !'•»•. *h»>uM he Qvrnltntjoijjilp (lir S 1 f I '. 'r • flir •If'.-, {trlklQnr ill* nli •ti* h '•hipjfc IffoNO i ooiplablte>ll #p,- »,

V nr B»ro|t^ar •• I D ropalcul Aw?llla|i tferyi n> .ry and frcijuont doio* to jlm-1 • 11 n*r *c I'lirjjc.*v**iyt» i l.inrfi doao abfttlJil Im tftlcn

■' •( ■ <T« t i'v "ympathj I ■’> k« orjr or tiro f*tUs lo pro- 'J, ‘ r> l» » *• Uii» alomnrh.' i»nml.iic« ihe rtoiQBifi and• 'f .i ' m>'1, n*i(orr.a tho wnpotlu-.

•* ♦' *1* Hcwrc It U o«C0 *d*r • ti<s a. ri-Mi. diTanjromcnl ortfU. i ul' w . M u(\rn flndft llial adO*0

• ht-u fi*v| <lrr*|v|(«i)|y )n>UCT, (V TIJ > I t. .»• . iMiij; vfftjet OQ iho djgte*

In -v.l I '


i) r n .i i tt , m rttra i Chtmtttie, i uir r.i.L. r . s. a..

Sot i »i WAtcrtown by T. D. Camp, A Co., S . M qmtih.Thco, A. Pock, aa<i Drne^iete evenrbcro^

J»o 10 ctSai wcm


M a k e M o ija y .No snora “ fteroawn* Horor*.*’



canvassers ' waitediioodCaovater* can make money lad d> good *e) llo^ (ho.


N o n -E x p lo s iv e X e n s e n e Lamp, i

IT CAN N O T BE EXPLODED By anything Bhort of

N i t r o G l y c i r e n e O r G u n p n w d e rWe claim for this romarkablo I4sp

1st. Abeolate Safety under all Clrcmnita 2d.- It fires twice as much ltffht from wick.Sd. It umi as per ceat, leu otu <tb ,It |i ornamental and dnrablo—Laata 4life time. 6th. I t R rca no odor In burning—tnrocd newer eo

low.Glh. The itesdlnoaa ol Itamo Is o*pcdally wonderful. 1th. (t tie snccesfhi rlral of ga» at a Iffllng ex*


Prof. W. R. Clark. PreMdmt Nxsa. Ajrl. Coi- lege *av*: **Il I* noa-oxplostvn. Tfro Ilgli 1* hel­ler than la produced t.y eoy oibcr Itmp, 1 txitere It is true ocotiomy m view oi in«safety, tbe quality and quantity of light, nod ibe durability ofthaUmp, to ibiow uvay ail other kind# and au thU toty,”

(J. T. J&rk»on. &1. D~ ol Bo»ton, tttaie AiUrcr, Bay*; “IflodItCicefrom *11 dance? of cnionon, wbeo eipoecd to tho *<mr'*t proof*. Its eencraj m\reduction, tn placs oj the nn*afo ^Uae lfttnpa, will lavxiDiacb property Irom (Ins and prcvcu thoe* fearful cxptoelon*. wblcQ h»vo eo ollrn prowidfhtaJ to life.

Tba Now York Tribune Bfir§; “Ncjolberi* per- fcctly wafo. AJI tho painteoi danger hare >con ao carefuHy guarded lhai dlsaelor is simply as tmooa- *lbUtly.

The "New York lodepeudent **re: Notbltamom need bw Mid to bring this lamp at once Into pQblle comddeaceand UnlToraai u*c.

HLf88 A LAMB, Gen. Agent* aowtlwtfdltnw) For Northern N. Y WaUrt»wn-

Itwi.>m feme wised

_ r iftOYAL S^ANDjpD, DOUBLE WARP ALPACA,Go to I D A V IS & BARTLETT’S.Do you want a Grand DuttStess Alpaca, go to

1 D A V IS & BARTLETT'SDo you want a “Lyon” Alditca, go to

D A V IS & BARTLETT’S .Do you want a Dragon Alpjfca, goto D A V IS & BARTLETT’S .So you want a Glaze Gord M-lpaca, go to DAVIS & BAR’PLET’T’S.Do you want anything in tl e line of ‘DRY GOODS, CARPETS and

OIL CLOTHS you can alwal b find the beat the market affords, and the prices right, at - | No. 12 COURT STREjST.

R e r a e m b o j ’ O u r P l a t f o r m :1st. Always to give onr cub( >mersthe worth of their money.8 A Never to misrepresent a . article sold.3d. Short Credit and Long J riends. ' t


Race Brdthers A Co.,We have th is d a y reduced dmr jrr ices F I F T E E N P E R G E N T on

C R O C K E R Y , in c lu d in g o u \ P a l m t F ren ch C lay Cere*, n n d P la in Iro n Sjxme C hina.

We have this day reduced iwr prices Tmeniy P er Cent, on Gold Band and P lain French China. *

We have this day reduced our prices Fifteen P&>' Ctmei. on FunMart, Goblets, and on everything in Glass Ware.

We have this day reduced our prices Pen P er Cent, on SUoer Plated Tea Sets, Castors, Spoons, Forks, cfco.

We have th is day reduced our prices Ten P e r Cent. on. Tn Cocoa a n d B o n e He Table Cutlery.

Rtikbsr,'andled Knives and Fo-rh, and in foot on all kinds

Wc have this day reduced our prices Fijteenper Cent on Lamps, BTmr- osene fixtures, (tnd Chandeliers. r

We have this day reduced our prices Ten Per Cent on Gas ChandMert and Brackets.

We have this day reduced our prices Fifteen per cei i f all siees. Also, on Zinc and U n Toilet Ware,

cent on Rooking Glass-



SUV# BtV t.’jteq? Afkfesr,,!,-1 LrjV •, m i . - • .8 JU l I - A

of rcry prodocti'w? land This tmcl is c*ncclally »d»ptcd louws, ftod wursld make a prnfltsblo gran- Ing and Daffy Farm. Thd- snh«crft>?r has drnlncd.cleared tnd subdural If, im d odbr* it for rale at n retfonablo nHc^ and on easy icntu*. Fw particulftr* address WSK. DBVKY,dcodAwU AS'JriRDtlFmnn,Tbrc« Mile Bay.

v JeftexmnCo.. w Y.

Watertown City Meat Harket


[Btarcat ot John N. Kohlnson In iho Batcher- Iur BuaincM, In Uu Bi>op W o- SS P u b lic ■ qn n rn .h y U10 Bxpicn, ultca « 4)omlns wa«h- Wftoo Hal! Mlock. laprapacmllo fhrniebthe various kinds ot 11 it ATI, a r I, loa^omhlo raton os nay shop in tho city ot the quXity.

B n q sa f• a n d X ls e o S e a V O ntlto order m ~ Cattle aod Hoira eEsashtornJ at revsooable

pFlees, Bologna and ItrSsg Bansauos constantly on handlloriaTe, or xudo t o order, {lor shipping.

Alerv-FOULTKV of Ihe various kfxda, and BEEF BY THB QUAKTKH. UsrBt cored sad imoked.

Boep <3rcaao tor ■*!«. W I'. DAKtN.novtMdfcvrlm


A T T E J T T I O N .Hivtug boon ifpodntch aj^cnti to vrholosa e the

kev Perfect Fittiig ShleMwN Wfeale- b*we tswseis,h 1

W« an now preytrad to tn cardart boomptty. utoMAwtr *». B, ftcAMVOBlD i CO.'EOTCJSB.

tXagBjittlbar wo,H Snfcrtn tl** public that loorof V. 8.

^ ^ p § k S rah V ^ » B t e tr



Present Cost of fflanufactnringFlip into Iho S rO U X e A T O a , No. 5 Iwh

Block, and *cc ib« birgalna :

5000 Yeardfi B o a t P r in t s , (tn remnant*) at lOcOTt* perywa J,

A JflTge SMOTiracai ol bcanllfnl NowHtylo PRINTS atlS* ccnlsixsryard.

Good Fa*t Color. rrtntsat 10 rent* p«r ynrri Common Prints at n ppcrynrtl NortlUceta Prints, at cent*.Brown and Bleached BHKBTlNU8,oue yard vndc a

pood article, a t IflNccnt* por yard.New7orkMUii,Warawttu andNonparlet Dleacfr*

od COTTON a t prices lerwer lhac. hemoforo.A Irvrp .ot ofUfiBN GOODS, from Anction, at

\m than coil o f importation.I*ih0tt Nmpklzxs 10 cents each; Good Linen

u**h for iiiccTita per ywrd; a better Crash for 12% cents.

son dn?.. Ladle*' uncn Collars, at 6 cent* each, im thfin ono half ibo com of mantiiactnrlBj

In B la c k A lp a c a s ,WBUAVK ALL THB BEST MAKES, at pricoa

lower I ban cvni lreforo-30 4 0 & SO O nn ta amid upwards- Alto. oiroatosR troioSj a ImYo? Como sod see them and bo convinced.

O lotha—a eplondld

u s sC L O T B ^ n u ic t o r ^ h to " in the Dry Good* LUae at WAY DOWN

Cut and M ake,iiort noti“

th^TDJtp»?mioltrTLJJ’ ,Un *“ Ch."8° of °® a°-“ Rega]»tlorh"Pr1” ’ c3a" rc':|1 <lo,DC **W*lth at thi

J. *A. BUSRnBLL,Mo.'S Iron Block. Watartowu. N. Y.

a l i o —# g a n t s for

Singer’s Imp w e d Sewing Machine.NorfWituwAwfcn

jgAKBR a dBITTESDIN,Oft* for sate, ihe lugost and moil cos Diets

Aawrtmeat of W00XBT flB W .— » ezbtbttadln North*in Wow York. Boa* twaauni Fsttanu, lor HOUDiW FRI8BNT8.

dtcltM a


No.O Waabington Street, W atertown, JT. Y.

Wi J\ cep on hand and supply all the First t lass Ronds and Securities in market.

Persons seeking investments vill da well to see us before purchasisy.

Hd have for sale and immediate delivery, Missouri Valley Railr>ad Bonds, int. 7per cat/.., gold.

Rockford, Rock Island de St. I.ouu Railroad Co. hirst Mortgage Bonds, in/. 7 per cent., gold.

l,' ii/ro".l Hands endorsed by the State n f Alabama, int. 8 per emt.. gold.

Potsduni ({• Watertown, tnd Ronie, Watrrhnrn J' Ogdsnshvrgh RFUrottd Go. Mortgages.

Council Bluff* and Ef. Jnirph Railroad Li>. Ronds.

Lewis Co. inwn Bonds, and Jef- Jtrsnn t m m ty B onds, hearing 7per cent, currency .interest ; atuf ohcr *• rnriiir.\.

Corrmmcnt R<mds, and the tari on.i Pacific Railroad Companies Mortgages, and a ll Ihr Stocks in any market, furnished on application.

/ ’, rfi"ns desiring to sell ot rr change t im-crn men ts,'or other Bonds ran do so on th,- most favorable terms at this office.

Accounts o j Individuals, Compa­nies and Corporations, received on Dtbcral Terms.

Certificates issued bearing inter­est.

Gold Drafts, Gold, Silver, Cana- da Money, and Coupons, hot 1 . a- so/d.

(,oilerttons made everywhere in the (J. S. and Canada, at the lowest rates, and a General Banking busi­ness transacted-

O R I N C. F R O ST J Cashier.

Sep, -dwflm

es o f all

We have this day reduced our prices ten per cent on Rockingham, and Yellovo Ware; Twenty per cent on Tea Trays and J3ird Cages; Twenty

five per eent on our large Stock o f Fancy Goods.

We have this day Marked Down every thing in our Immense ikock o f Goods; so as to have o-ur prices so j a r below a ll competitors, that custom­ers can see at once that thus is the only place to buy Goods C H EAP.

Our Motto is: “ Quick Sales and Small Profits, ”g3gT“ Remember the place, No. 22 Court Street, Watertcnon, N. Y.may24deodwly R A C E B R O T H E R S db Co.

City Crockery Store!s i r

Now opening at No- 13 Woodruff House, the LARGEST AND RICHEST ASSORTMENT OF

FINE FANCY GOODSEver Exhibited in this City. These goods lire Now Importations, just

throngh thcCnstom Huusc, ami w ill be sold Very Ixnv.

We offer also an Itnmmac Stuck uf White and (void liand FRENCH CHINA, IRON STONK ( ’HINA, Oil A S S W ARE, LAMPS CHAN­DELIERS, S1L\ Eli P IA T E , Knivtisand Forks, Tea Tram fte., unlfl after tlie Holidays, at LESS than (iCI.D PRICES.

Please call and examine onr goods iiiul pricer-.

OIT1T CROOKBRTT STORE,N o 1 3 P u b lic S q u a re ,

. L . R M U R R A Y & ,C O .W a te r to w n , D ec. 1 1 , i8 6 0 .



MYRON BEEBEE, Agent.^Hartford B» y n n raecottMbui-

J V F ire , Hartford................. 800,000run ..* . 'Hanford............J«>* venew t, Hartford,.......................842!« 1 |Baew iv NewTork..-.............. 1 .T h a!n ilIn te rn , , . Jqoal, New fo rk j 3 yv’S a iVS KTBD SYAXKS,................ 4«o!ooONf w S u tb u a d LtKBoston..., T.IOO otMwfitaw^SSr1 :i ;s8o3oo8n a u o M i - ...............................i ;o o o ,« o p

These ore 01#, S lro B « CoaapaaM if: D w e lllS ia n < C o n le a te loan red fro.Boht to Stc jmio, at a * iowMt ratee.

Lita I e e a r u e e | l s ratlable Comnesl*!,OUT --------

tele*.CW1 ou me beloro Bunriu; o r reuw tas you j

>» Hager * B**heo'i Jewelry.atorwsxYHoti n m % Aim:.

waMatowa Am«H w.t«inf^!7H nn'

FALL CAMPAIGN.Boots <te Shoes for the Million

Webb Gf Chidester928 O O L R T S T R E E T , 'W A T E R T O W N , N. Y.

H ave the Largest Assortment of BO O TS and S H O E S for Fall Trade in th e State. T hey call spocial attention (■> tiioir


WARRANTED. Don’t fr:1 kn Call and Examine them.

100 years this WO NlTEKKUL SAL, VS line boon tho secret of an old Courocttar iamily by tho nnme of Pfatnbe Btker. New it romos fSortb to bless manttnda it* power Ut ALLAY PAIN* to SOOTHE ttUPFXEINQ. to BKAL WOUNDS, ie very extraor­dinary ; the like of it hag nover been known. 1000 peroous Already bc&r testimony. One porron mjb, UI bought e $1 Pot, nod I would not bo without ll If it ooet $10. or I bad to go all tbe way to N. Y. for it." Physicians use and recommend ft, and$S pot* are ordered dally for Hospitals end Public Lnstltn tion*, to every pert of tho U. S .



For Cots,BontftaBolle; Braises, Sores, IJlcors, Cancers, Bore Kipples, Broken Breasts, Onsp-g)d Lips and Hands,

raptlons. Blind ana Bleeding rlic*, Corns,

Banlohe. OblTblains, Bltce of Insecte* AlI- mals. Afi, Ac, Ac,


VAll Drusgjsta keep it for sate.10, OOO Boxes tro iivou to tost Its rirtao.

o r <3o to yonr Hxugglsu aid get one. , and 15 pots sent, safaly packed, by express.

: C O S T A R G O . MHowaidBL, N.Y


Por Rats, Roschow, Ante, ths Liquid for BED BUG8. the Powder to SKCfb.

For sole by Ml DrugBtita.11 Beware 11 of alfsparloas inltatie- Ask (or "COSTAitS," (toko no other

. NATIOHAL ORION BANK, i WithBTOVH. N. Y. Dec. IA 1808. f

T h s anmttai. acsction o r dirrctohs othU Hook. Win** bald at ttoBaukawTassday


f to u l t o n , He r r i c k & C inxonxeiioa 2uz.z.«,

Bo s lotve to Inlorxn tholr friend* and tbo ooblle ErenorollT. Out the have run. im a u c tho dsoQ.

ages to .Mu sirJberty, caosed bv th o frabet tost Dpnng, and have again got their MUl In tbe

B e s t B a n n in g O rder*Wo erenow MUTDFACT0HIMG the

Best Brands of Family Floor,BtJCKWHKAT FLOUR, CORN XBAlx AND FHAD

o f all Jrinda, all ot which wo wilt) fnmieh at Vfhole- ■ rale and detail at ths

1 .0 W E 8 T M A R K E T B A T H S

Wo solicit a rcnowwt of the liberal patrousss wtowed on us botoro tho dleas1 rono flood, led fastWfti f r , “ u ojivsw IU O U IB f lO ’ IOIIU Ail,VWlUamaro no p*.1n» to give tattefauton.

We shall os usual give parti cnlat attsoatloh to

C m s to m G iin d in f i :and will PAY THE HIGHEST PKICJ fee

Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn &c.I * - ciflorw tor rioux and Feed l«ft a t onrOflle*

and Store In Falrbaukw’ Block, will recelre prompt. aLrenuon.„ MOTH,TON. BKHRIOKACOwBxceletor MUle, Watertown, Hot, 18.18M,


tO r 7 u Paowu of Roctbem New Ybnfc-,

ffintrt hir wtalogo* to J .B . JEHNl A




Oae Yores Qaar — Biff Oae

" S jliae. Mo be In s

F o r tid e .

J o


