Citizen Participation and Information

L ivingLab s Glob al Showcases Ci t iz e n p artici p a t ion and informa t ion U s i ng S mar t p hones w ith Q R C ode l ink s Challenge Increasing citizen participation is one of the main challenges currently facing civic administrations. One of the bes t wa ys to fo s ter more publi c civic eng agement is through increas ed a c c es s to informat ion. I t i s imp ortant tha t citiz ens c onsider the city an important pa rt of their li ves. Central to this is fac ilitating communication between the civic administration and local citizens, allowing for an exchange of useful information and innovative ideas betw een ci tiz en a nd ad minis tr ato r. T he m os t effec tive wa y to estab li s h this two -wa y c om munic at ion is through t he us e o f new te c hnologies . T he increa s ing us e o f the sma rt pho nes , (i nc luding a p ps and QR s canners ), offers new p oss ibil iti es for cities to com munic a te m ore effe c tively with their citi z ens. Solution I n this c ase, ther e a re tw o typ es of informa tion flow: fr om the c iti zens to th e c ity, a nd the revers e, from the city to the c itizen. Each of these direc tiona l flows of information ha s their own characteristics, posing unique challenges that de mand s pec ific s olutions. 1. Informa tion from the Citiz en to the City: T he s olution in this c ase involves QR c od es pri nted on s treet b enc hes, ga rbag e c ontainers, r ec ycling recep tac les or ga rage entranc es, which contain web links that c orr es pond to a web s ite where a us er ca n input specific information. When the user-citi zen wants to c om munic ate to his or her c ity ad minis tration tha t s om ething has to b e d one (for examp le, the g arba ge conta i ners are ful l or someone is p arked ill eg ally) he o r s he s imply take s a p icture of the ap prop ri a te Q R c od e w hich auto ma tica l ly com munica tes the information to the a dm inis tration. 2. I nforma tion F rom th e C ity to t he Citiz en: In this c a s e there is a three -pa rt solutio n, involving: a ) T he use o f QR Co des in bus a nd train statio ns; b ) T he ins till ation of GPS s ys tems in p ublic tran s p ort a nd ; c ) T he de velopm ent of a web site that c ommunicates this information to the us er. When a citi z en ne ed s to kno w ho w long it will take for the bus to arri ve o r the location of a p articular public service (schools, hospitals, theaters, etc) he or she only has to take a pic tur e of the closes t QR c od e a nd a map displaying the ap propri ate information wil l appear on the user’s phone. Results E xam p les of C ities R ec eiving Info rma tion from Citiz en s : 1) A c iti z en notice s a g arba ge conta iner i s ful l and ne ed s to b e s ervi c ed . He holds hi s sma r t pho ne to the QR Cod e p r inted on the c onta iner and a mess ag e to c i ty services is automatically sent. 2) A citi z en s ees a c ar pa rked il legally i n fr ont o f a ga rag e entr anc e a nd holds her pho ne up to the QR Cod e p r inted on the si gn for the entrance and a mes s ag e is automatically sent to the city services. Examples of Citizens Receiving Information from Cities: 1) When a c itizen is wa iting a t a bus s top, she c an hold her phone to the QR c od e pri nted there and is automaticall y r edirected to a web s ite showing a map of the area with the c urrent loc ation a nd a rri val time of the bus. 2) When a c itizen is c onsul ting a ma p in an unfamili ar area of the ci ty, he c an hold hi s pho ne up to the QR code on the m ap and a digital versi on, with po ints of inter es t highli ght ed , wi ll ap pe ar on his p hone . T his s ys tem c a n be u s ed in d iff erent areas of B E A N L  O  G I   C 

Transcript of Citizen Participation and Information

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LivingLab s Glob al Show cases

Citizen participation and information

Using Smart p hones with QR Code links


Increasing citizen participation is one of the main challenges currently facing civicadministrations.

One of the be st wa ys to fo ster more p ublic c ivic eng ag eme nt is throug h increasedac c ess to informat ion. It is important tha t citizens c onsider the city an importan t pa rtof their lives. Central to this is fac ilitating com munic a tion betw een the civicadministration and local citizens, allowing for an exchange of useful information andinnova tive ide as betw een c itizen a nd ad ministrato r.

The m ost effec tive wa y to estab lish this two -way com munic at ion is through the use o fnew te c hnologies.

The increasing use o f the sma rt pho nes, (inc luding a pps and QR sc anners), offersnew possibilities for cities to c om munic a te m ore effe c tively with their citizens.


In this c ase, there a re tw o typ es of informa tion flow: from the c itizens to the c ity, andthe reverse, from the c ity to the c itizen. Eac h of these d irec tiona l flows ofinformation ha s their ow n c harac teristics, po sing unique c halleng es that de ma ndspec ific solutions.

1. Informa tion from the Citizen to the C ity:

The solution in this c ase involves QR c od es printed on street b enc hes, ga rbag ec onta iners, rec ycling rec ep tac les or ga rag e e ntranc es, which c onta in web links thatc orrespo nd to a web site w here a user ca n input spe c ific informa tion.

When the user-citizen wants to c om munic ate to his or her c ity ad ministration tha tsom ething has to b e d one (for examp le, the g arba ge c onta iners are full or som eoneis parked illeg ally) he o r she simply takes a p icture of the ap prop ria te QR c od e whichauto ma tica lly c om munica tes the information to the a dm inistration.

2. Informa tion From the C ity to the Citizen:

In this c ase there is a three -pa rt solution, involving: a ) The use o f QR Co des in bus andtrain stations; b) The instilla tion of GPS systems in p ub lic transport a nd ; c ) Thede velopm ent of a web site that c om munica tes this information to the user.

When a c itizen ne ed s to know ho w long it will take for the b us to a rrive o r theloca tion of a particular pub lic servic e (sc hoo ls, hosp itals, thea ters, etc ) he o r she o nlyhas to ta ke a pic ture of the c losest QR c od e a nd a ma p d isplaying the ap propriate

information will ap pe ar on the user’s pho ne.


Exam ples of C ities Rec eiving Informa tion from Citizens:

1) A c itizen notice s a g arba ge c onta iner is full and ne ed s to b e servic ed . He holdshis sma rt pho ne to the QR Cod e p rinted on the c onta iner and a messag e to c ityservices is automatically sent.

2) A citizen sees a c ar pa rked illegally in front o f a ga rag e e ntranc e a nd holds herpho ne up to the QR Cod e p rinted on the sign for the entrance and a m essag e isautomatically sent to the city services.

Examples of Citizens Receiving Information from Cities:

1) When a c itizen is wa iting a t a bus stop , she c an hold her pho ne to the Q R c od eprinted there and is auto ma tic ally red irec ted to a web site showing a ma p o f thearea with the c urrent loc ation a nd a rrival time of the bus.

2) When a c itizen is c onsulting a ma p in an unfam iliar area of the c ity, he c an holdhis pho ne up to the QR c od e o n the m ap and a digital version, with po ints of interesthighlighted , will ap pe ar on his phone . This system c an be used in d ifferent a reas of

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LivingLab s Glob al Show cases

the c ity as a c omp leme nt to signs and ma ps.

Target Ma rkets

Citizens, Cities goverment, municipalities.

Juli Bou SantosMana ging Direc torBEAN LOGIC

Pujolar 2408198Sant Cuga tSpain

+34 936 749 661 [email protected]: www .bea nlog