Citi-YMCA Youth for Causes 2015 Fact Sheet & Timeline

   !"#$%&' )*+,$# -./ 0'1  2$ 34.$% "51 67"$8"*./ 0'1  Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes 2015 Programme Fact Sheet & Timeline Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes (YFC) is a community initiative started by Citi and the YMCA of Singapore in 2003. Funded by Citi Foundation, the programme is a catalyst to promote social entrepreneurship and community leadership development among Singapore youths. It provides youths aged 15 t o 25 with a platform which includes seed f unding, training and volunteer mentorship for executing self-initiated projects to raise public awareness, funds and mobilize volunteers for Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs) of their choice. YFC complements the “Values in Action” (VIA) programme as part of Ministry of Education’s Character and Citizenship Education. The youth, comprised in teams of four, will demonstrate values such as harmony, respect and responsibility as they champion their social causes. Officially launched in 2003 in commemoration of the centennial celebrations of both Citi Singapore and YMCA of Singapore, the programme has enjoyed continued success, developing and mobilizing more than 120,000 volunteers to help over 156 VWOs raise awareness, as well as more than S$6 million of donations in that process. This programme has been part of the President’s Challenge since 2005. In 2013, over 4,000 volunteers were mobilised by 27 YFC teams to champion social causes for 11 VWOs under the President’s Challenge list of beneficiaries. The teams raised S$246,000 for these VWOs through the YFC programme as part of the President’s Challenge 2013. The YFC programme empowers participants to be the masters of their own project, working closely with VWOs in Singapore, and gaining first-hand experience in organizing events to champion a social cause. Students get to learn lessons outside of the classrooms to spark their entrepreneurial spirit, and be developed into socially responsible community leaders. Upon completion of the YFC projects, an awards ceremony, the YFC Awards Celebration, will be held in November to celebrate the 100 teams’ achievements, as well as to recognize outstanding teams in various categories. The best mentor, along with the most supportive school, Teacher and VWO will also receive recognition through the ceremony. Website:, Facebook: Email: [email protected] 


Citi-YMCA Youth for Causes 2015 Fact Sheet & Timeline_270115

Transcript of Citi-YMCA Youth for Causes 2015 Fact Sheet & Timeline

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes 2015 Programme Fact Sheet & Timeline

    Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes (YFC) is a community initiative started by Citi and the YMCA of Singapore in 2003. Funded by Citi Foundation, the programme is a catalyst to promote social entrepreneurship and community leadership development among Singapore youths. It provides youths aged 15 to 25 with a platform which includes seed funding, training and volunteer mentorship for executing self-initiated projects to raise public awareness, funds and mobilize volunteers for Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs) of their choice. YFC complements the Values in Action (VIA) programme as part of Ministry of Educations Character and Citizenship Education. The youth, comprised in teams of four, will demonstrate values such as harmony, respect and responsibility as they champion their social causes. Officially launched in 2003 in commemoration of the centennial celebrations of both Citi Singapore and YMCA of Singapore, the programme has enjoyed continued success, developing and mobilizing more than 120,000 volunteers to help over 156 VWOs raise awareness, as well as more than S$6 million of donations in that process. This programme has been part of the Presidents Challenge since 2005. In 2013, over 4,000 volunteers were mobilised by 27 YFC teams to champion social causes for 11 VWOs under the Presidents Challenge list of beneficiaries. The teams raised S$246,000 for these VWOs through the YFC programme as part of the Presidents Challenge 2013. The YFC programme empowers participants to be the masters of their own project, working closely with VWOs in Singapore, and gaining first-hand experience in organizing events to champion a social cause. Students get to learn lessons outside of the classrooms to spark their entrepreneurial spirit, and be developed into socially responsible community leaders. Upon completion of the YFC projects, an awards ceremony, the YFC Awards Celebration, will be held in November to celebrate the 100 teams achievements, as well as to recognize outstanding teams in various categories. The best mentor, along with the most supportive school, Teacher and VWO will also receive recognition through the ceremony.

    Website:, Facebook: Email: [email protected]

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    YFC Programme Information

    Programme Mechanics

    100 four-member teams of youths will be chosen by the judging panel at the YFC Selection Interview

    o The team must comprise of four members, each between the age of 15 and 25; any additional members can be part of the sub committees.

    o Team members need not be from the same school The team must select a local Voluntary Welfare Organization that has a valid Institute of

    Public Character (IPC) Status. Each participating VWO must be approved by the YFC Secretariat.

    There are three stages to the YFC Programme: o Stage 1: Proposal & The Pitch

    Online proposal ! Applicants must create their teams account, select their chosen

    VWO and submit an online proposal via from 1 February to 22 March 2015.

    ! Each proposal must be endorsed by the VWO before it is eligible for submission. The Proposal will consist Project Timeline & Budget, Description of chosen VWO; Aims and Benefits of project; Possible Challenges and Solutions; Project Mechanics (Financials, Volunteer Recruitment and Public Awareness).

    Pitch your project ! All applicants must pitch their proposal at the YFC 2015 Selection

    Interview on Saturday, 18 Apr. 100 teams will be selected on merit by a panel of judges.

    ! Teams who are not selected are encouraged to continue their project with their VWO or School and apply for other sources of funding.

    o Stage 2: Project Implementation Each selected team will be provided with: ! Seed funding of S$1,600 from the Citi Foundation ! A Volunteer Mentor from the business or social sector will guide

    and assist the team through its YFC journey ! Trainings & Workshops to equip participants with useful life skills ! House to House Street Collections (HHSC) License as a blanket

    fundraising license from NCSS promotes a collection of funds by way of appealing to the public, made by means of visits from house to house or of soliciting in streets or other places or by both such means, for money or other property. The scope of fundraising activities is still subject to the venue owners permission. This permit does not cover the public entertainment, the setting up of booths, sale of flags or any activity that resembles a Flag Day

    ! Opportunities to work closely with VWO and learn about the VWOs social mission and its beneficiaries

    ! Hands-on experience to develop participants character, leadership and values as they put their ideas into action

    o Stage 3: Showcase & Celebration ! All Teams are to share the outcome of their projects at the YFC

    2015 Project Showcase on 17 Oct. Shortlisted teams will be invited to vie for the YFC Awards at the YFC 2015 Awards Showcase on 18 Oct.

    ! All teams are to gather at the YFC 2015 Awards Celebration on 19 Nov.

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    Requirements for the

    100 selected Teams

    The 100 selected teams will have to commit to:

    o YFC 2015 Official Launch (21 May) to kick-start the YFC Programme together with the Team, Mentor, VWO and School Representative!

    o YFC 2015 Training Day (30 May) to equip participants with useful life skills o YFC 2015 Project Implementation Period (21 May to 13 Sep) to put ideas into

    action and execute their project in support of their chosen VWO! Promote social causes, organize creative events to raise funds and mobilize a dedicated pool of volunteers to run this lap together!

    o YFC 2015 Project Showcase (17 Oct) to share the project outcomes with judges and to stand a chance to be a recipient of the various YFC 2015 Awards! Shortlisted Teams will be invited for the final round of judging at the YFC 2015 Awards Showcase (24 Oct).

    o YFC 2015 Awards Celebration (19 Nov) to celebrate teams achievements and recognize the contributions of programme stakeholders.

    The 100 selected teams will have to submit: o Pre & Post Programme Survey o Progress Reports (June, July, August) to document the teams progress and

    learning journey! o VWO-endorsed Income & Expenditure Statements via systematic recording of

    the Teams Finances and Receipts; these documents will be subjected to external audit.

    o Volunteer Hours to track their volunteers involvement; CIP hours are to be issued strictly by their School or VWO, not the team.

    o YFC 2015 Final Report to summarize the project outcomes and learning journey!

    All Teams are to adhere to the Terms & Conditions of the Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes Programme.

    Projects by past YFC


    Teams have organized events such as Concerts, Carnivals, Exhibitions, Street Sales, Fun Runs, Social Media Campaigns and Record Breaking Attempts. For more information on what past teams have done, please visit

    YFC Awards

    We are on the lookout for teams who demonstrate excellence in Overall Performance, Volunteer Management, Project Implementation, Public Outreach and Financial Management. The Most Supportive School, Teacher, VWO, and Best Mentor, will also be recognized at the YFC 2015 Awards Celebration, which will be held on 19 Nov 2015.

    Join the YFC Alumni Committee!

    Once YFC participants have completed the YFC Programme, they can be part of the YFC Alumni Committee: an enthusiastic and dedicated group of past YFC participants, which supports the YFC Programme through student journalism, peer mentorship and the promotion of volunteerism through structured events. For more information, please email [email protected].

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    YFC Programme Flow Chart

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    YFC Programme Timeline

    Stage 1: Proposal & The Pitch Selection of the 100 YFC 2015 Teams

    Online Application of YFC Project Proposals @ 1 Feb to 22 Mar

    YFC Pre-Selection Interview Workshop Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Venue: YMCA of Singapore

    This optional workshop is open to all YFC applicants and free of charge. Topics covered include Presentation Skills and how to excel at

    the YFC Selection Interview.

    Sat, 7 March

    YFC Selection Interview Time: Between 9:00am to 1:00pm Venue: YMCA of Singapore Sat, 18 April

    Stage 2: Project Implementation Project Implementation by the 100 Selected YFC 2015 Teams

    YFC Official Launch Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm Venue:TBC Thu, 21 May

    YFC Leadership Boot Camp Time: TBC Venue: YMCA of Singapore Sat, 30 May

    YFC Project Implementation Period (15 Weeks) Thu, 21 May to Sun, 13 Sep YMCA-NUS Business School

    Volunteer Service Management Programme (VSMP)* 9 Sessions: Social Concerns And Volunteerism, Planning, Budgeting,

    Organising, Leading, Control For Performance, Fund Raising And Marketing, Safety Management & Events Management

    *The VSMP is optional and only open to 40 YFC 2015 participants. Participants pay a nominal course fee; registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

    Wed, 10 June Sat, 13 June Wed, 17 June Sat, 20 June Wed, 24 June Sat, 27 June

    Submission of YFC Final Report @ Deadline: Sun, 13 Sep

    Stage 3: Showcase & Celebration Showcase of the 100 YFC 2015 Teams & Recognition of Award Recipients

    YFC Project Showcase Time: Between 9:00am to 12:00pm Venue: YMCA of Singapore Sat, 17 Oct

    YFC Awards Showcase* Time: Between 9:00am to 12:00pm Venue: YMCA of Singapore *Shortlisted outstanding teams will be invited for this final round of


    Sat, 24 Oct

    YFC Awards Celebration Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm Venue:TBC Thu, 19 Nov

    Briefings for Mentors, School & VWO Representatives

    YFC 2015 Programme Briefing to Schools & VWOs Time: 4:30pm or 7:00pm Venue: YMCA of Singapore Thu, 15 Jan

    YFC 2015 Mentors Meet Up Time: TBC Venue: YMCA of Singapore Thu, 23 Apr or Sat, 25 Apr

    Compulsory Briefing to Participating VWOs Time: TBC Venue: YMCA of Singapore Thu, 23 Apr or Sat, 25 Apr

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    YFC Programme Statistics


    YEAR 2005 - 2012


    YEAR 2013

    YEAR 2014

    Proposal Submissions

    Appeal & Reach of YFC

    31 108 145 116 181

    Schools Represented - - 33 35 30

    VWOs Supported 20 65 45 38 44

    Mentors Involved Involvement from the private sector 25 50 94 110 107

    Funds Raised (S$)

    Total funds raised for the

    VWOs 174,933 225,786 545,244 (Highest:

    712,435 in 2011)

    756,009 936,833*

    Public Outreach** Public Awareness 125,000 300,000 914,000 2,149,000 1,721,841

    Volunteers Mobilized**

    Mobilizations of

    Singapore Youths

    1,400 5,000 12,286 8,941 11,629

    No. of Volunteers (YFC Events/ YFC Alumni)

    Past participants who continue to be involved

    in YFC - -

    93 (2010-2012)

    126 126

    *Indicates Pre-Audited Figures **Figures are extracted from the Participants Final Reports

  • Jointly Organized by: An Event of: Sponsored by:

    Programme Organizers

    YMCA of Singapore is a volunteer-based Christian organisation that seeks to serve and impact all members of the community regardless of race, language or religion, through programmes, services and enterprises to develop the body, mind and spirit. Website: Facebook:

    Citi, the leading global bank, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management. Website: Facebook:

    Programme Sponsors & Partners

    The Citi Foundation works to promote economic progress in communities around the world and focuses on initiatives that expand financial inclusion. We collaborate with best-in-class partners to create measurable economic improvements that strengthen low-income families and communities. Through a "More than Philanthropy" approach, Citi's business resources and human capital enhance our philanthropic investments and impact. Website:

    The Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes Programme has been part of the Presidents Challenge since 2005. In 2013, over 4,000 volunteers were mobilized by 27 YFC teams to champion social causes for 11 VWOs under the Presidents Challenge list of beneficiaries. The teams raised S$246,000 for these VWOs through the YFC programme as part of Presidents Challenge 2013. Website: Facebook: