CIS 90 - Lesson 15

CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Lesson Module Status • Slides – • Properties - • Flash cards – • No-stress quiz – • Web calendar summary – • Web book pages – • Commands – • Lab – done • Supplies () - • Class PC's – • Scripts () –


CIS 90 - Lesson 15. Lesson Module Status Slides – Properties - Flash cards – No-stress quiz – Web calendar summary – Web book pages – Commands – Lab – done Supplies () - Class PC's – Scripts () –. CIS 90 - Lesson 15. Quiz. No Quiz !. CIS 90 - Lesson 15. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Lesson Module Status• Slides – • Properties -• Flash cards – • No-stress quiz – • Web calendar summary – • Web book pages – • Commands – • Lab – done• Supplies () -• Class PC's – • Scripts () –

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15


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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Objectives Agenda• Transfer project files to Windows

and Linux systems

• Prepare for final exam

• No Quiz • Questions from last week• File transfer continued• Practice Test #3• Project Workshop (optional)

The UNIX/Linux File System

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Previous material and assignment

1. Questions?

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

File Transfer

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Use find to list the files in bin/, answers/, and your /home directory used in this class

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Use wc to count the number of files

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Backup all these files into a single tarball

directories to backupName of tarball to createcreate


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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Use the t option (table of contents) to list the contents of the tarball which are then piped to wc to count

Name of tarballtable of contents


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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15

/About 1 MB in size uncompressed and 168 KB compressed

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Navigate to the folder on the Windows PC to where you will download the tarball from Opus

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Set host, servertype, logontype, user and password

Make a new site

Click Connect button to connect to host

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Connected to Opus and you will be in your home directory

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Scroll down and find the tarball

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Right click and select download

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


download in progress

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Download complete

Click on red X to disconnect when download is finished

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15



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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Now connect to your Linux system

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Connected to another Linux system now

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Navigate to directory on Linux system to upload the tarball

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Right click on tarball and select Upload

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Tarball uploaded to second Linux system

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Putty (SSH) in to the second Linux system

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Login and navigate to directory where tarball was uploaded

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Unzip the tarball

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


Extract the tarball


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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


The bin, answer and home directories have been recreated

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15

/Note we have a different path on this system so may have to specify a relative path to script file to run

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File TransferOpus -> Windows PC -> Linux System

CIS 90 - Lesson 15


[root@benji opus-files]# gunzip roddyduk.tar.gz[root@benji opus-files]# lsroddyduk.tar[root@benji opus-files]#

Unzip the tarball

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Class ExerciseMake compressed tarball

cd /home/cis90/

find bin/ answers/ $LOGNAME/ | wc -l

tar cvf /home/cis90/$LOGNAME/$LOGNAME.tar bin/ answers/ roddyduk/

tar tvf /home/cis90/$LOGNAME/$LOGNAME.tar | wc –l


gzip $LOGNAME.tar

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Class ExerciseFilezilla

On class laptop• Install Filezilla• Download tarball

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

PracticeTest #3

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15


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CIS 90 - Lesson 15


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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Wrap up

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CIS 191 - Lesson 15

New commands:tar Backup and restore filesgzip Compress filegunzip Uncompress file

New Files and Directories:

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

Next Class

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15


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CIS 90 - Lesson 15


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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

tar xvjf FileZilla_3.1.6_i586-linux-gnu.tar.bz2

x = extractv = verbosej = bzip2 compressionf = file to do extraction from

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15