Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus...

UK: Suitable for retail and professional clients.

Transcript of Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus...

Page 1: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

UK: Suitable for retail and professional clients.

Page 2: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

The third quarter, while ending on an overall positive note, was something of a step change from the strong recovery seen towards the end of the second quarter. While investment markets made steady progress in July, August was a surprisingly strong period for investments, with major US indices reaching decade highs in what is traditionally a quiet summer holiday period, before a stumble by technology stocks in early September saw some of those gains eroded.

its peers.


life to return to ‘normal’?


Paul Craig Rasmus Soegaard

A note from yourportfolio managers Paul



Page 3: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 4: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 5: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 6: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 7: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 8: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 9: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 10: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 11: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 12: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 13: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 14: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 15: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 16: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 17: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory


Market overview

their feet.

Commentary and analysis from your portfolio managers

Continued on next page

Page 18: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

Continued on next page

(All data in sterling terms and rounded to one decimal place unless otherwise stated.)

Performance analysis

demonstrates the impact of successful stock picking.

value strategies.

Page 19: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

Continued on next page

Changes to the portfolio over the quarter

Activity Fund name Manager Rationale

Sold Invesco European Invesco

Increased BlackRock

Tracker Fund

BlackRock Asset


Increased Berkshire

improvement in the coming months.

IncreasedOpportunities Fund International


ReducedAsset exiting manager has such faith in his co-manager, team and process that he is leaving

IncreasedSelect Fund


Page 20: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

Fixed Income

Market overview

Portfolio managers’ outlook (equities)

challenges of the ongoing pandemic, US elections and Brexit negotiations.

Continued on next page

Page 21: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

(All data in sterling terms and rounded to one decimal place unless otherwise stated.)

Performance analysis

some overseas assets.

Changes to the portfolio over the quarter

Activity Fund name Manager Rationale


as he seeks to recreate his previous portfolios.


as he seeks to recreate his previous portfolios.


as he seeks to recreate his previous portfolios.

Continued on next page

Page 22: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory




Performance analysis and changes to the portfolio

Portfolio manager’s outlook (alternatives)


look attractive.

Page 23: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory
Page 24: Cirilium QUARTERLY PORTFOLIO REPORT · Soon after investors began to price-in the coronavirus outbreak, causing global stock markets to veer violently into ‘bear market’ territory

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Because of

overseas investments to rise or fall.

