Circuit Training Workout # 60

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Transcript of Circuit Training Workout # 60

Circuit Training Workout # 60 Bodyweight Battle DrillsNeed: Mat, Medicine Ball Staggered Hands Press Ups with Alternating Knee Tucks 1m TO Swinging The Plank 1m (in plank push back diagonally in tuck, extend diagonally to other side, repeat (try with one arm!) TO One Arm Press Ups 45s Each Side

Run Stance Squats 1m (Squat 4 times in Run Stance, Jump to Switch Lead Leg, repeat) TO Side to Side Ball Touch Downs 1m TO One Legged Medicine Ball Bridge Lift & Lower 1m Each Side

Alternating Turning Bridge 1m (reach opposite arm & leg)TO Lunge with Overhead Tricep 30s Each Side TO Alternating Airborne Heismans 1m (hop one two, pause at top)

Alternating Swinging Arc Sumo Squat Side Ball Crunch 1m TO Tuck & Roll Jacks 1m (lower into tuck, roll back into shoulder stand, roll up, push to jumping jack) TO CST Delayed Bouncing Climbers 1m (do 3 bounces, jump to switch legs, repeat)

Plyometric Frog Jumps 45s TO Walking Inchworms Burpee Knee Ups 1m (burpee jump at top into alternating knee squats, repeat)TO CST Dog Burps 1m (from high cobra, snap butt up &feet in, jump back, lower & repeat)

Plyo Explosions 30s (touch floor on outside of feet, explode up & off floor, lower and repeat) TO Alternating Pillow Twist Planks 30s ( leg out to side, head touches down opposite side) TO Twisted Pistol Kicks 1m Each Side

Single Dumbbell Knee Drives 1m Each Side (lift & lower rapidly one side, activate core) TO Side Plank Obliques 1m Each Side TO Medicine Ball Squat Alternating Knee Press 1m

High Lows Tricep Push Ups 1m ( high 5s, hold lower 5s, repeat) TO Medicine Ball Speed Skater Touch Downs 1m TO Medicine Ball Side to Side Wall Squats 1m

Medicine Ball Reverse Crunches 1m TO Small Range Of Motion Overhead Ball Tight Crunches 1m TO Alternating Abs Ripper Push Ups 30s TO Reverse Tabletop Tricep Dips with Alternating Leg Lifts 1m

Torture Alternating Table Crunches 1m TO Medicine Ball Burpees 1m TO Chopping Abs 1m (feet never touch floor)

Alternating Kick Ups 1m (with knee in chest kick leg up, switch, repeat) TO Jack Knife 1m TO Double Leg Reverse Crunches 1m (touch heels to floor each time)