January 03-04, 2017 Zone: Physical effort: Technical effort: Tabacco Map: 21 .PDF Guide Parking Trail This route is designed for a 2 days travel in winter: a journey full of passion for cycling, the majesty of the Alps - Dolomites and night passed in the wild mountains. The Cellina Valley and the inland valleys are stunning for the possibilities they offer in all seasons. Note: The presentation of this route is closely linked to environmental conditions that we found and the season (winter)! It is advisable to evaluate the weather and snow conditions for tours of this kind. EQUIPMENT Arriving to the destination and realizing that something is missing it's not the best feeling.. The recommended equipment consists of: sleeping bags, mattress, cooking kit¹, first aid kit², flashlight, winter clothes especially for the night, food, bike kit. We suggest to bring also climbers in case of finding ice on the road. At Pordenone Refuge you find a fountain and a winter refuge, avesome and built recently. The first one is available if it's not too cold, the second one can be used but (when we did the trail) was without beds. Here you find more detailed description: equipment list. DAY 1: CIMOLIANA The car is parked just at the begin of the village of Cimolais (Thimolei for lovers of local dialects), where the dirt road that travels befide the stream starts. In few kilometres there's a toll station with a bar for tourists. During summer, by payment, it's possible to drive along the valley up to Pordenone Refuge. The road is mainly paved and rise with weak and constant slope. The first few km are along the Cimoliana River; a great beauty stream with wood bridges that cross it. In the uphill middle the valley is quite narrow, with little exposure to the sun: this could cause the presence of ice on the road. In that case each metre requires a triple attention than normal. The second and higher part of the valley is wider as the bed of the river, the road passes through some very picturesque tree-lined sections. Nice snowy paths alternating with icy patches that require a lot of energy to stay in balance and proceed. In the last part, approximately over 1000m of altitude, the slope increases. A sign indicates the proximity of Pordenone Refuge, about 50 metres in altitude up from there. The cropped shape of the refuge is drawn between the branches of the fir trees that surround it. You cross the bed of the stream for around 50 metres and ascending to the refuge on a wide path first, ending on a strairway. As any "two days" travel, you may prepare everything what you need for the night before the sunset. A little walk around the refuge probably would give you a view of the forest animals running not so far through the trees. DAY 2: MONTANAIA Waiking up close to Pordenone Refuge is usually done with low temperature: the mountains wall around it, which gave you a fine nighty Milky Way view, during morning shilds the sun beams. You start walking from the refuge on CAI 353 trail. The path is easy inside the wood, outside it the trail is upon a gravel bottom in Montanaia Valley, becoming harder to walk. About at the middle of the uphill you start seeing the Campanile di Val Montanaia, unique and memorable. A tiny path part, usually coverd by ice during winter, brings you to the campanile (tower) hall. Passing through the climbing normal way begin, you return to the trail, arriving after to Bivouac Perugini, the uphill end. CIMOLIANA VALLEY PORDENONE REFUGE CAMP. DI VAL MONTANAIA MTB Friuli | Cimolais - Cimoliana Valley - Pordenone Refuge - Campanile di Val Montanaia - Winter 1 of 4 9/1/17, 11:24 AM


January 03-04, 2017 Zone: Physical effort: Technical effort:

Tabacco Map: 21 .PDF Guide Parking Trail

This route is designed for a 2 days travel in winter: a journey full of passion for cycling, the majesty of the Alps - Dolomites and night passed in the wild mountains. The Cellina Valley and

the inland valleys are stunning for the possibilities they offer in all seasons.

Note: The presentation of this route is closely linked to environmental conditions that we found and the season (winter)! It is advisable to evaluate the weather and snow conditions for

tours of this kind.


Arriving to the destination and realizing that something is missing it's not the best feeling..

The recommended equipment consists of: sleeping bags, mattress, cooking kit¹, first aid kit², flashlight, winter clothes especially for the night, food, bike kit. We suggest to bring also

climbers in case of finding ice on the road.

At Pordenone Refuge you find a fountain and a winter refuge, avesome and built recently. The first one is available if it's not too cold, the second one can be used but (when we did the

trail) was without beds.

Here you find more detailed description: equipment list.


The car is parked just at the begin of the village of Cimolais (Thimolei for lovers of local dialects), where the dirt road that travels befide the stream starts. In few kilometres there's a toll

station with a bar for tourists. During summer, by payment, it's possible to drive along the valley up to Pordenone Refuge. The road is mainly paved and rise with weak and constant

slope. The first few km are along the Cimoliana River; a great beauty stream with wood bridges that cross it.

In the uphill middle the valley is quite narrow, with little exposure to the sun: this could cause the presence of ice on the road. In that case each metre requires a triple attention than


The second and higher part of the valley is wider as the bed of the river, the road passes through some very picturesque tree-lined sections. Nice snowy paths alternating with icy

patches that require a lot of energy to stay in balance and proceed.

In the last part, approximately over 1000m of altitude, the slope increases.

A sign indicates the proximity of Pordenone Refuge, about 50 metres in altitude up from there. The cropped shape of the refuge is drawn between the branches of the fir trees that

surround it.

You cross the bed of the stream for around 50 metres and ascending to the refuge on a wide path first, ending on a strairway.

As any "two days" travel, you may prepare everything what you need for the night before the sunset. A little walk around the refuge probably would give you a view of the forest animals

running not so far through the trees.


Waiking up close to Pordenone Refuge is usually done with low temperature: the mountains wall around it, which gave you a fine nighty Milky Way view, during morning shilds the sun


You start walking from the refuge on CAI 353 trail. The path is easy inside the wood, outside it the trail is upon a gravel bottom in Montanaia Valley, becoming harder to walk.

About at the middle of the uphill you start seeing the Campanile di Val Montanaia, unique and memorable.

A tiny path part, usually coverd by ice during winter, brings you to the campanile (tower) hall. Passing through the climbing normal way begin, you return to the trail, arriving after to

Bivouac Perugini, the uphill end.




MTB Friuli | Cimolais - Cimoliana Valley - Pordenone Refuge - Campanile di Val Montanaia - Winter

1 of 4 9/1/17, 11:24 AM

A break at Perugini is mandatory. The descent is completely along the uphill path, both for trekking and biking.

This travel gives you a lot and its memories will not be forgot soon.

The mtb - trekking path can be done all the year, even if we suggest to avoid summer. The track is 32.6 km long, with about 13.5 km on dirt road with mtb and 3 km by foot on a trail at

the outward. The elevation gain is respectively of 700 m and 850 m, with a total amount of 1550 m.

First edition, year 2013.

Iced bottom.

First edition, year 2013.

Going up, snow on the road.

First edition, year 2013.

Descent: a balance tender.

Departure from Cimolais park.

A mix of dirt and tarmac road beside Cimoliana Stream.

In the uphill middle, in the steep part of Cimoliana


The lower temperature area with ofter ice on the road.

Previous picture's road part.

With middle slope, keep into account wheels' friction.


MTB Friuli | Cimolais - Cimoliana Valley - Pordenone Refuge - Campanile di Val Montanaia - Winter

2 of 4 9/1/17, 11:24 AM

Going higher, the valley gets wide.

You can see the increased temperature watching beech

trees at an higher altitude compared to the firs seen


Cimoliana Stream fording.

A well kept road open quite everytime.

Cimoliana Valley turns from North-South to East-West.

Picture close to Pian Pagnon Hut.

Pordenone Refuge.

The end of the first stage.

The new haven close to Pordenone Refuge.

Definitely unforgettable.

CAI 353 trail toward Campanile di Val Montanaia.

The middle part is inside a fording with rocky bottom.

MTB Friuli | Cimolais - Cimoliana Valley - Pordenone Refuge - Campanile di Val Montanaia - Winter

3 of 4 9/1/17, 11:24 AM

The upper part has a nice path.

Cima Grande and Cadin di Toro Mounts on the back.

Campanile di Val Montanaia.

The second day cornerstone.

The "Via Normale" (normal way) begin to Campanile


A famous climbing way, really popular during summer.

Bivouac Perugini and Campanile di Val Montanaia.

The return begin.

MTB Friuli | Cimolais - Cimoliana Valley - Pordenone Refuge - Campanile di Val Montanaia - Winter

4 of 4 9/1/17, 11:24 AM