Cigna & YOU · 2017-10-31 · • Do you live in Cigna’s service area at least 6 months out of...

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Transcript of Cigna & YOU · 2017-10-31 · • Do you live in Cigna’s service area at least 6 months out of...

Page 1: Cigna & YOU · 2017-10-31 · • Do you live in Cigna’s service area at least 6 months out of the year? YOUr CUrrent COverage & YOU a b d. 6 Cign ou mediCare part a and part b

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Cigna & YOU

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Cigna & You


• CignaisaMedicareAdvantageOrganization.

• RepresentativesarelicensedinsuranceagentsandcertifiedappointedwithCigna.

• RepresentativesdonotworkforMedicare.

• AcommissionispaidtoeachagentwhoenrollsindividualsintoaCignaMedicareAdvantageplan.

• Youareundernoobligationtojoinaplan.

• YougivepermissiontodiscussCignaMedicareAdvantageplanswithyou.

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Cigna & You

Cigna, a COmpanY YOU Can trUst

CignaisoneofthelargestcompaniesfocusedonMedicareAdvantage —asaCoordinatedCareplanweunderstandyourneeds.

• Here tO staY –Cignaisaleadingglobalhealthcarecompanyservingmillionsofpeopleandcommunitiesaroundtheworldsince1792.*

• COmmitted tO YOU–Cignapartnerswithateamofdoctorsandprovidesthemwithextratoolstogiveyouthetime,attention,andqualitycareyoudeserve.Cignaisdedicatedtokeepingourcustomershealthy.

• mediCare apprOved–CignacontractswiththeCentersforMedicare&MedicaidServices(CMS)andoffersMedicareAdvantageplans.

• CUstOmer satisfaCtiOn–Cignaproudlyservesover1million*customers,9outof10**ofwhomrecommendCignatotheirfriendsandfamily.

*Based on December 31, 2012 statistics, found on the Cigna website at**Based on the average data from the Art of Medicine Survey 2012.

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Cigna & You

YOUr priOrities

WHat is impOrtant tO YOU?

Whenconsideringyourhealthandyourpersonalhealthcarecoverage,your priorities matter.

imprOve quality of health

avOid loss of independence

remain active

LOWer out-of-pocket costs

maintain quality of health

minimize financial exposure to catastrophic health events

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Cigna & You

dO YOU Have:• MedicarePartAandPartB?

• Additionalcoveragethathelpswithyourhealthcarecosts?

• Prescriptiondrugcoverage?

abOUt YOU:• Whatdoyoulikeaboutyourcurrentcoverage?

• Doesanyonehelpyouwithdecisionsaboutyourhealthcare?

• DoyouhaveEndStageRenalDisease?

• DoyouliveinCigna’sserviceareaatleast6monthsoutoftheyear?

YOUr CUrrent COverage & YOU

a b d

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Cigna & You

mediCare part a and part b

HOspitaL insUranCe benefits covering Medicare approved amounts

mediCaL insUranCe benefits covering Medicare approved amounts

daYs 1-60:$1,184deductibleperbenefitperiod

daYs 61-90:$296perday

daYs 91-150:$592perday1

daYs 151+:Youpay100%

mediCare paYs:80%ofapprovedcharges

benefiCiarY paYs:20%ofapprovedcharges

• Monthlypremium$104.902

• Annualdeductible$147

The above cost-sharing is based on the current CMS amounts and are subject to change each year. 1Lifetime reserve days: With Original Medicare, once your hospital stay extends past 90 days you begin to use your 60 Lifetime Reserve days. When all 60 days are used, you must pay 100% out-of-pocket. 2Most people will pay $104.90, but your Part B premium may be higher based on your income.

part bpart a

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Cigna & You

part d

mediCare part C and part d

mediCare advantage (ma) pLans

presCriptiOn drUg pLans

• AreoperatedbyprivatecompaniescontractedwithMedicare.

• Medicarepaysamonthlyfeetotheplanforyourcare.

• Theplanthendirectlypaysthedoctorsandhospitals.

• PartCplanscombinehospitalcosts,doctorandoutpatientcareintooneplan.

• ExactcoverageandcostsaredifferentforeachMedicaredrugplan,butallplansmustofferatleastastandardlevelofcoveragesetbyMedicare.

• Plansareavailableasstand-aloneplans.

• SomeMedicareAdvantageplansofferbuilt-inprescriptiondrugcoverage.

part C

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Cigna & You

Benefits may vary by plan and service area.

YOUr mediCare OptiOns


tHe gap


Of apprOved CHarges:• Deductibles• Coinsurance

OriginaL mediCare

Supplementalplansareavailabletohelpcoverthe GAP.

Utilizes a team of doctors to coordinate YOUR healthcare

Better healthcare, better value


mediCare advantage

Of mediCare benefits are COvered:• No / low monthly

plan premium• Low copayments• No deductibles


Extra coverage for YOU:

Prescription drugs Vision

Gym membership And more!

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Cigna & You

• Team approachtohealthcarefocused on prevention.

• Abilitytospeakwithacaringregistered nurse24hoursaday,sevendaysaweek.

• Offersyougreater valuewithloweroutofpocketcosts.

• Providesyouthesame Rights and ProtectionsasOriginalMedicare.

• You have earnedthisadditionalcoverage.

WHY CHOOse a Cigna mediCare advantage pLan?

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Cigna & You

getting tHe rigHt Care

OtHer pLans Cigna pLans Organizeddeliveryofcare

Cigna’s netWOrk


You YouUrgent Care or Emergency Care

Urgent Care or Emergency Care





Specialist HospitalHospital



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Cigna & You

Cigna’s Organized team apprOaCH

tHe keY tO better HeaLtH and better resULts:


• Yourdoctoristheteam leaderforallyourhealthcareneeds,sotheyknowyourwholehealthpicture.

• Yourdoctorwillreferyoutotherightspecialistsandhospitals–andwork WITH them to keep you healthy.

• Thisteamworkapproachmakessureyoureceivequality care when and where you need it.

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Cigna & You

fOCUs On preventive Care

Preventive care isoneofCigna’scorebeliefs.Customersarecoveredforannualphysicalsandotherscreeningssuchas:

• Mammograms• OB/GYN“wellwoman”exams

• Bonedensityscreenings• Colorectalscreenings

Wepaydoctorsforthequality of caretheygivetocustomers,notthequantityofcustomerstheysee.


it’s tHat simpLe. Through preventive care, we help you take care of your health.

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Cigna & You

LOWering the risk associated with:

WHat dOes tHis mean fOr YOU?


Cignacustomersreceivea* Breast Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

High Blood Pressure



Hypertension Control

*Percent reflects the relative change between Cigna P4Q population and reference population, Standard of Healthcare (SOHC). Patient results for customers enrolled in P4Q as of 12/31/11. SOHC results are based on Medicare/PPO 2011 population and collected by NCQA, release date 10/2012 (AC 5/14/13).

14% more

Cignacustomersreceivea*31% more

Cignacustomersreceive*25% more

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Cigna & You


WHat makes Cigna UniqUe?


Nurses who review charts in your doctor’s office to check for needed preventive screenings such as eye exams.

Nurses who assist your doctor in managing any chronic illness you may experience such as Diabetes.

360 Comprehensive Assessment Exams and health questions for your doctor to ask during your annual wellness exam.


tHe resULtsOurfocusonpreventionsupportshealthiercustomersandlowersmedicalcosts.

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Cigna & You

tHe rigHt COverage fOr YOU!


fOCUs On preventiOnteam apprOaCH

fOCUs On qUaLitY Of Care additiOnaL benefits

Cigna Medicare Advantage plans promote better health and may be a greater value than other options.

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Cigna & You





WHen Can YOU enrOLL?




when you turn 65


at the end of the calendar year

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Cigna & You

WHen Can YOU enrOLL?

initiaL COverage enrOLLment periOd (iCep)Enrollmentfortheinitialperiod,orICEP,isthreemonthsbeforeyourbirthday,duringyourbirthdaymonth,andthreemonthsafteryourbirthday.

3 months befOre your


dUring your birthday


3 months after your



Example above is for a June birthday. If you are younger and qualify for Medicare due to a disability or other special circumstances, Medicare may work differently for you. Learn more at or call your local Social Security Administration office.

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Cigna & You

WHen Can YOU enrOLL?

speCiaL enrOLLment periOd (sep)Duetospecialsituations,youmaybeabletoenroll,switch,ordropyear-roundifyou:

• Loseinsurancethroughanemployer• Moveintooroutofaplanservicearea• GainorloseeligibilityforMedicaid• Qualifyfororhaveachange


• Liveinalong-termcarefacility• Becomeeligiblefora

SpecialNeedsPlan(SNP)• AreonMedicareDisabilityandturning65• Areonaplanthatisbeingterminated


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Cigna & You

WHen Can YOU enrOLL?

annUaL enrOLLment periOd (aep)ALLMedicareBeneficiariescanenroll,switch,ordropduringthistime:October 15th – December 7th

CoveragebeginsJanuary 1standwillcontinueforthecalendaryear.

AsanenrolledCignacustomer,youwillreceiveaNew Customer Welcome PacketthatwillgiveyoumoreinformationonyournewCignaplan.


Oct. 1st – Oct. 14th Dec. 8th – Sept. 30th

Oct. 15th – Dec. 7th Jan. 1st – Feb. 14th

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Cigna & You

Cigna presCriptiOn drUg benefit

Prescriptiondrugbenefitsworkoffacalendaryear:Jan. 1st – Dec. 31st

initiaL COverage

You pay copays and the plan pays the remaining prescription drug costs.

COverage gap (dOnUt HOLe)

Most plans have generic drugs covered with copays.

Non-covered generics drugs are discounted by 28%.

Most brand name drugs are discounted by 52.5% while in the Coverage Gap.

CatastrOpHiC COverage

At this point, you will only pay $2.55 for generic, $6.35 for brand, or 5%

whichever is greater until the calendar year ends.


After the total drug cost equals $2,850, you have reached the Coverage Gap.

$4,550 Once your total out-of-pocket expenses paid

by you (including your discounts) reaches $4,550, you will exit the Coverage Gap.

531 2 4

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Cigna & You

keeping it simpLe

Access ALL your Cigna benefits byusingyourCignaIDCard,includingyourprescriptiondrugs.Dependingonthetypeofplan,networkrestrictionsmayapply.Somecustomersmayalsoneedtoshowastatemedicalassistanceand/orstateMedicaidcard.


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Cigna & You

Want tO Learn mOre?


sUmmarY Of benefits

presCriptiOn drUg fOrmULarY

prOvider direCtOrY

infOrmed deCisiOn gUide


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Cigna & You

enrOLLment in Cigna is easY!

revieW the statement of understanding

COmpLete and sign the application*

keep a copy of the application for your records

Afteryouenroll,youwillreceivethefollowing:• VerificationCall• LetterofAcknowledgement/


• EnrollmentPacket• CustomerIDCard

Cigna invites YOU tO JOin!


Thank you for considering Cigna’s Medicare Advantage plans.

*You do not need to complete and sign the application if your enrollment is conducted over the phone or online.

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The benefit information provided herein is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our customer service number at 1-855-561-3811 (TTY 711), 7 days a week, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de contactar a nuestro Departamento de servicio al cliente al 1-855-561-3811 (TTY 711), 7 días de la semana, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Premiums, copays, coinsurance, and deductibles may vary based on the level of Extra Help you receive. Please contact the plan for further details.

“Cigna,” “Cigna Medicare Select Plus Rx” (HMO) and the “Tree of Life” logo are registered service marks of Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by Cigna Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries, including Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc. (CHC-AZ), and not by Cigna Corporation. Cigna Medicare Select Plus Rx HMO plans are offered by CHC-AZ under a contract with Medicare. As of the date of publication, Cigna Medicare Select Plus Rx plans are offered to employers and individuals in Maricopa County and certain zip codes within Apache Junction and Queen Creek, Arizona only. Enrollment in Cigna Medicare Select Plus Rx depends on contract renewal. © 2013 Cigna

need HeLp Or Have qUestiOns? taLk tO a representative tOdaY.

Call toll-free: 1-855-561-3811 (TTY 711) 7 days a week, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.