Chutes Cave

HENNEPIN HISTORY Spring 2004 55.00 Farmhous .. ' \'('allrar"'"


Chute's Cave was the first and only show cave in the city of Minneapolis, 1876-1880.

Transcript of Chutes Cave

Page 1: Chutes Cave


HISTORYSpring 2004 55.00

Farmhous..' \'('allrar"'"

Page 2: Chutes Cave

F,o'~ I876 ~",il /880. 1'''I",:.i/l; '""'UiC""''' R<inr/ fl(J("d ''Iu,i", tfm'u~/' C/;uf<; 7i",o,<I '" a /,,,,,, will, aj!Jmiug lorch al II" bou', TIl' ,,,m,,! look,' ,I" Jame ,oJ")"'" ill 19J" "'h", ,hi, P"",oVolph w", made

Ten-cent tourThe story ofChute's Cave

by Gn:gA. Brick anJ P~nny A. p~[~rs,'n

Page 3: Chutes Cave

Bc10w the <llrf~c< of Mo,n S,,",,!S"",h"as' in St. Anthony. ,hel,i"I.I'I"" .,[ MJIlllc"-p"lis. is

Chute" c.'·c. Now brgdy f,,'gullen,Chute', C ...., garncrt:d a!lention '" they""" following ,h. G"il War. Under [he.1;>:5 "Nosnl;,h\ uvc: it ",os ,he b""i,

for" n.tion.lly proP'g>'oo nt""..,I"I'''<hoax. An:h,'Ological disc",...,i", JescrilxJin ,h. hoax borrowed from ,he MoundBuilder Ill~·,hologr ,h.. , [hemound, os the works ofa ,-ani,hed rxc.

Chute', Ca"c s"b'",!u.",l.,· bee'"'eone of Ihe carli... ! show cav", in the 1,..liJ·

W"'t. if< lOUrs long JlHffla'ing [he disco\"cry of Niag'" an,1 My"',y ca,-c< in,ou,heu'"rn MinnCSOf>. ,he "Olc', lie.,·known show co'',,, l<xla~·. Ch,,,c', Caveenjoyed one la't burst of notoricl)' as apOle",i.1 fajlOUl ,helrer ill ,he <'"an}" 1960s.I, pm,-ide< an enmple of how a grologic

;"''''''g:lI;''n On ~hed I'gh, nn 3 h,~tnric>1

prohlcm. 'Chutc', Cave is .imatcd in ,hc S,. 1'10­

rer Sand"onc with a ""iling formc.J b)" ,h"',,"cdying pb"",-ille I.imc"onc. Whilcno, ,hc l~rges' elVc undcr Minn""I'"li,_"i, abom 200 fcl'! long ,nd 100 (cr' wideand i. collapsed in th. cemer. Th. noor­'o-<ciling collal"" mound fill, ,hc g=,crpatt of ,hc e,vc. According '0 AdelbertRussell Moore {1874-1 ')J5j, .uperin'cn_dcnt of ,he St. An[hony !'ails WarcrI'owcr Company, who al'low:! in 1909. ,hc mound comi«. of"f,lIcn I,mc rock in. "cry irrcg"lor ,h~pe,but On the whole somewhat resemhling'huge foun,.in built up in ,iers. o"'erwhich "'''10' trickled, ,he water beingimpregn.,ed wi,h iron h,d colMed ,heStonc to ,Imo", jet block i, ~n "".'remel)" OCautiful 'ppe,,,..n,,,." The ,."ter­ mine",1 depo'i' de'c<ibcd by I\loorei, known 0:; -no"",one."'

Thc currently .cccssible ponion ofChme', C....e con,i". of ,he ...oid 'pace

.",und ,he pe,im,,<cr of ,hi. e,,,,,mousmound. Mo,[ of [hc ""ids arc cnrk5<:rcw'I'"Awl,,-,)'S thrca<:Jing ,he brcokdown ,I,l>s.dillicuh for explorc.. to pcnctrAte. Butthere is a 1,'1,'" op.n chamber. J"",ribcJ b~'

Moore as "very wond.rful."., ,hc south"nd of ,he "'''·c. '11,. chamh.r i, roughl)'triang"lat. ,bo", 50 fcct On a ,iJc anJ 15fcct high. It co""i", "1°"•...." timbc.'Ting.which """ insrallcJ to ,hore UI' ,h.lim.­stone e.iling.'

The origin of Chute'. C.,'" ha, longl>cc" in do"bt. Wa, it, like "thcr natural0""' in the St. l'ct.r SanJ'tone under thcTwin Citie,. crc"oJ by groundw.,crwa'hing .w,)' ,"nd groin'? 0, i. i, ,,,ifi_ei,l. metel)" • widened segmcnt ofChute','Iimnd~ Or i, i' pml)" both~'1 'hi, geologi­cal enigm, i. relc,·.m to tho story of thcca'·c.•s wc will ......,.·

Thc '''''y of Ch"",', Ca"" i. doselylinked ,n ,h., of Chute', ·limnd. "So H.

Chllle h" alrcaJy commcnccd an cmcr­prise. which will be of g'c~, ,his pl.ce. and help "cf)' ma'cri,lIy inopcn;nl; "p ,he immcnse w"cr pow""which Jt presen' rem,in., 1IIllmpro,·...I:th" Mi'mrnpofi, U""mirlr reportcd No­"ember 22. 1866, "Th. work wc 'peak ofi, ,ha' of"'nncling Main It""'l. Thc conal, . , i. '0 rt,n up under ,hc 'CntCr ofI\bin~trcr' abou' 1, I00 fcr', for the present,but will probahlr be ""tended farther in,im•. Mr. Chutc has sent for machin­

ery to fitcili",. ,h" wo,k. a'HI ""1>«" '0

h,\'c i, fLni,hed ,hi, w,n'er." S,llludHewes Ch,,'e ,,'at all 'gen[ of ,he St. A,,­,holl)" 1',11, \'(1"", Power CompallY. \

Thc origin.1 pion Wat no, carri"" 011'.

how",,,,, ''Af,,,, work",en had dug se>'e"dhundrcd fttl into the ,hore.-l.",ile K,newrote in hcr Fall, oiSi. A",hollY_ "theyencountered. great e:t'·e. probablr dc­'erred by ,he COstS of .ddi,ion.1 explo..­,ion 'nd new engineerillg 1'1,,,,, thc co",­pan)" then pos'poned construction....

Chutes Cave

garnered wide


in theyears


the Civil War,

.. ,,,", S ...,' ••

Page 4: Chutes Cave

C1J~u; T~nnrl ~Ha Ch~,,;

Ct.... "-"'" """,aIfi" s..",~,1

If, Ch~l< (/830-/913),~g<l" fir 11J, SI, A",b~H'

/:,;1/, In,," I'ou'<' CO"'l"'ny.Hil b,oll"., Ri,h"'d, W'"

pmiaml ojIII« finn,

Sr,,""1 ",olifs oj,'''' M.~HaHui/J" Ih,ory--u'1Ji'h 'OH_Ii""," b~ri,,1 ",o~n", til<u",rII, oj" '''Hil'''''', IUP";O'r"" ojp,opf<-4P!'urrd iHIII« Nrtmilb Ct" 1,...,-,

The daim lha< Ch",e's C,se i, ~ n~",·

ral eave was made by Moo..., in 1931 andbecame ,he h...i, for Kane', ~eeou"', Hi,assertion i, plou,ihlc, l( neady explainssome "['«IS of the Nomi,h Cave h""x,explained below, Bm 5,.,e G'ok'gi"New,on Hornee Winchell, who w~, fa-

mili~r wi,h ,h. ~re~, d.c1are<! ~f..r com_pleting ~ c1...sie ,'ud1 of Ihe p<1><glacial"'''cal uf 5" A,,,holly hils lha' <:I" .. oteabsen, f,orn lhe M,..i"ippi Riv.r gorgeabov. Fon Sndling:

The Namith Cave HoaxThe N,w York H"~1d published ~n a,­lick, "Curious Discoveries in Minncsor.t:on Deeembe, 10, 1866, reponing n.mrd Reuben Nr:smi,h h~d fo"nd~ eav. while digging ~ potato bin. Ae­conling 10 Ihis accoum, Nesmilh <truckan iron n...pdoor, "beneath which. spir.tlslOne , ..i= lrd down i",o tb. eartb,"Nr:smi,h and hi, brn,her.in_l.w, l.uthrrChamhcrlain, dcscendcd ,h....irway of\23 steps, wherr Ih.,.. "found ,h.mlel""in a narrow horizontal passag•. dug inthe white sand: [This ...ur,n<l1 <k:scrib<:sCh",e'. Tunnel, duS in ,he whil< 51, $.:>ndltnne,)

The Nmlid teporle<! that Nr:smi,h ~nd

Chamberlain entered •~ .p.eiou.s


Page 5: Chutes Cave

o\'e, also exeavaIrd in Ihi, whi,~ sand:l\cco,ding IO ,h~ Haafd, ,"cc~"iv~

chambers cOlUainc>d rdics ofa prehislOricci,'ili,~tion including i"", ,,,J COpP"'implemcnt<, a colo,,,,l human figure. hi·eroglvphic<, a 'fOn~ s.a,cophagu,. and asacrificial a1rar. Opening th~ ",rcoplugu"

thq found a hUIIl.n skeleton, whichc,umhl~d to powder.

Thc "ext Jay thc Hrrafd, pointing out,n ;nCOllsi,l,nCr in th .. Nesmi,h story,''''peeted if ofbeing a hoax ,ha, "a cnrrt­spond~m at 51. Amhony- h.d fo,,,cxl onthc paper. Thcre >fC close parallels be-

t·,.- I;p/'.ai", Grory;c S'fuia~tld Edu'in !/amillon {)~,'i,

",'ct(" <i,,,,,,. mo~~g'op"(p"b/isbnf by tlu Smith,",,_ian h",itu,i~'! i~ 1848) tholtwal p,ch.,hly tlu ,c~rc~ ofma~y dn"i!> ~fth, },'"mi,"CaN I~ ~f1866-67.

S'f"i,,) atld Da,'i/, A"eio" t

Monumcn" ofrhe ~Ii"i<.

,ippi Valley ,ho",'rd ,J,r ft­mOM' Gr~,', c."k M.,,,,d ofIF", Virgi'!ia a,,J"a gro"p of;fp~lcbrJt",o""d,' Ip'- 6),

Page 6: Chutes Cave

"'n-n the Nesmi,h C,,'c ho:u and dc,ailsfound in A"ri"" Mom",,,,,,, .f,h, Mi,­sissippi Valfry,. d.ssi~ .....ork oran:hrolog)'publi,hed in 1848 by S~"iCl "nd D.,'i5.tWO "",hOI> ,i'M by ,he Hanld. In exrn·

'':l,ing Na,i", Ameriean burial mound.,these r<$<'..chm found SlOnc coffins. skd·clOns ,h", cnunbltd 10 powder. :lnd $Jeri.r.~i.1 :lit, ... wi,h ealtined 1>0"" •. !\'omi,hconciuded,:I' Squi.r .nd D.vis h.d don.

Tb, !'illil' of tI" Co""i,,,.,iou, "" i",m"," ",;ldr.,,,i,,iu ",y.,,,dolt, C",.~. ,,,,{i''''il.""·,/I·~,,O"·" 19,h."",,,'}ro",i" ,a,.,. ",a! ba," iu·,pirrd ,I" unm, fo, ,b, 1in,~.

'fS,. AlltI",,'Yo a" ""''' laW

"""'r.",i" in 0""" Ca,'"

Page 7: Chutes Cave

earlier, dla! ",he ",lies found are nm", allaborit;inal in charac",., "nd nllY ha,,, been,ho wo,k of. people exiSling Inng I",fo",evell ,hese praities were the hUIl\i,,\;ground, of the Indi,n,,"'

"The"tou"d Builder my,h occupi", •prominent p"'ition in Amct;c;" culluralhi,wty: w,me anthropologist R. CbrkM.II.m TIl 197<,. "Its cenlral ,hcsis. Ih"the c.",h,'n mou nd, of Nor,h Anll"ri,"


TIJi, f'olniroLlT ';klf" ofJ/b~~

""", " a """du,a' ill ca,,,,;­ja'lbll. !J fa'm, pa" bflhrj;'u~,afS,. AlI/fJ("'J ;1""'1'mil'· ill Ch",,;- (.i,,~,

Page 8: Chutes Cave

By ,IN II tlNl ..."" .......

"'''''., , ,_ tho- "'''''_'. Clt.U' T•••~I (.~••,Ifr-o ,It. II~P"". ,.,.", ••Ih. ~.,...). ,h. ,.....1h••bff" ~N""~"'''''II.. mill..

WCf~ conS""CI",1 hy ~ ~ullCri"r ¥~"ilh«l

rdn' "",darn! to rh~ I"&'nl wuch«l ofT" ac.demie cont,o"ersy Ih~1 b>lNIhroushoUl ,h~ 19,h e~mury" The wurkof S<juiel and D~"i, ~ "'l".,.ly i" Ih.Mound Build<-< ,r.ldi,irm.·

Whil~ ""p.""ing douhu. Ih~ St. 111,,/............. "1'rim<d ,iIt original"",,'">lory

""M,;n, "" l:kccmllC' 16. '''l< St. fI,,,!{)"ily I'ml puhli,hed" """Ln"..i"" ufIhe C3"~ story Ih., S.Ul. d.y und<t Ihe,i,le ·Th~ SI. Anthony Wonder." Th.."id~·. d.,i.i .... tone ~Ugj,""'I«l Ih. "',.•IIOt}' W3' ,d.,<d to ,h~ wmi""i,,!> feudkr.-·«n lilt li 1r.-·in cilies or s •. l',ul:rnd Minnrapoli ..

,..,.........._ --


n.;, .",,_ tftlw'-J tf,IN

ntJI wI""-wi,""""'-n...sJn, ~ ....lIN- .,fll"".'''.' St 11.-,~ a. i T••wI iff-",.,J"J _

1.'/ ••u , IU/Ii" ,IN- NfJI

sitlt ""n..

, ..... 10 ..."...

Page 9: Chutes Cave

Inside .he eave, ,he Vilify P,u, reoported, unrwned <:xploreo tOu.lId ~ sllbof mabchi'e, When ,My t:liwd <be sbb.,bey found anocbet spit:ll mifCU<". This.'00. had IV Slep5 and "'30 OOIISlruc1N ofpolished m~rbk ,,·ith bani...",ofshininsI"~~I. ·The d""em of ,h"SO' .,ei><'~ ,he"~rr:,,orcominued. in,·"S Ihe 1""1'<"iCIluence ofsculogic lIyers. ·,ook Ihe ""­plo.e. do"·,, ,hrout;h ,he MooiWic .ndCmou>ic fOIm:l.lio......nd.Jm<HI!>dow,he po..-,enia,y p"riodl. The h.n .0

,,'hidl. ,hac 1lep5 led ...... of.ho< u'm<HIoonai-<Ibk gnndeu•.•

The ceiling WZI oompotnl,o, like di.mon< .h..mOr'<' en,hmi"lIe "0 beli .....e ,h.. ,heyh.d~, I"" fOllnd a g....~ler I",vernl th.nGolcoow. lin India].·The h:ill I",...dwi,h blocks of p<!! 'l ITL In-o;on!ruou,ly. ,he w~lIs were ofpea" life-wutl hullU1l Iiguroof~­mite ..-ere ·siuing uprigh, upon Con'-eo­nirndy arnnged intllOS. .00. w:all :oppcar_.~. enjoying d,emseh"Q.· S"i,rning cz.ily from explo.:uion '0 """~,,,Iog}" ,hen~""Or ended on .. sarcas,ic "otc. TheQ'.... ·i. supposed .0 be ,he pl.ICC ,,·here&ood S•. An.onia... go when they die.~"

Reuben N~im hinudfnowen,cnd,ho< fny. On 1J«en1br:r 20. 1866. ,he 51.P.,..llhil],...... printed ~ lem.. in wbichhe .mrmed the H",h of ,he N,w i#,AoHrralJrepon. ·The nlmer h:as b«n kept:as secre[:as pouihle ... u,,[il ,h. explo".,iOlll \h.1I h."e been fully romplCled."On De.:nnbn 21. hoY.T\"eI, ~ In'e. '0 <be51. P...Jfu.......dcn.ouncnl Nnmith :>".1a..mbnbin:>$~mrW· and...,.,ed tIuino such 0>" aisted e:xccpI in the Hrr41Jco.....ponden'·. ·,#wrn.... skull'- OnDa:embcr 22. ,he {)gil] f'rm rcfcr,.nJ [0

Nesmith •• ·,ho exhumer of ,his Toh""Hereu!>neum" ."<! dcKribed ,he ·Pick.wicki.n antiq"~fi..ns· who ch.sed ..f,c••<be ~Ikged discoveries.·

[II an...he.lf,,,er.u [he /)IIily f'rm, unJanuaty l. 1867. Nom;,h lIIempred '0furni.slt pUlIlibk C\"iden« for ,he: C"".d1imin&'N' it -0Jnn«ll0,,-ifh the~oolong kno"·n '0 .he """pie of 5•. An.,hon,·. the en,n...... ,u "nidi.. i< undct <bemi,1Cf:l.I5p,ingo.· He inv;,ed ,he public to

vi,i, his C:lV", ei,h hy ·,he Gr:m<! St,i,-........... -0' to e", , if ,hey p",fer it. ,heC3Ve .. ,he f.II •. >.od .0 follow up ,heIong~.·"


On J,n[[~ry 9.1867. ,.... Mim"/lpoliJClmmirlr t:ln the most lurid, of,he Ne,mi,h Ca... hoax yel.Couched in ,he fo.m of a lett ... frumLu,h... Ch.mbc.lin (no,c ,he 'p"lIingchangel '0. Michi!"" ...,i'lu~ry, i,pulled "", .II .he: 510pL In ,hi< '"cfSion.Nomi.h. Ownbnlin.:md ,he: membersof<be dry cou,1Ci1 aomed ,henudvn ";,,,Rum,n ",n<lles and dC5Cen<leJ imo, whore ,hey ",veroed ,he by-now.f.un;li:>, Jucccssion ofch.mbers cun.. in_ingnun'Cfs.

D..iJ EJ",.,J. (1816­1890). -s.. A..'4....1i f·i ...· ... " {j~ '""''W.,.., '""" N-udJ C.W '--

__ 11_"_

Page 10: Chutes Cave

In one of them". hllse llahsmite«n formed, ""oiled il the to"", ofSt.An,hony. It i. a lofty m... 200 fee, in cir­cumference.•urroun,kd from top to 00'­,om ,,'ith ,ing. of foutHain basins." Thenc", ch.mber wa, <."VOn brger. crloo"h '0eon'ain "lhe whole of our Cal!lOlicChurch." Accordins to rhc Cbro"icl, rc­pon. thc party f"ed • rocker. which eX_ploded when it "ruck the immense dumein a shuwer off.llinS ,tal>' witlt "lhe roarofa CAnnonade."

Ne.mith led ,ho city council into ",'or" ..ngor re.lm,. He illuminated "a deli­ciuus little cA,'e A.chcd with ,rlow)' "alae_lites: in which then: ,,-.. a table "adown!

with goblin knickknacks. It "-," ,he hou­doir ofsome gnome 0. c"'luetli,h fJi.)'."The next chamber WAS g.oined withgothic arche' and p.,'cdll'ith "glubula.":llag",i,",.- "In a foontai,,:CI.. rn\'erlill """'te. "we fi'"lld the ,kd­eton 1"'3d .nd body of. ",rI'C1\1 ofoncrnlitable size:

Thq I"";cd in'" "."",her .....lul,ed Ci­

thedr.ll: 1100<lcd wilh"a stro"g "'''' wa­ter," Once .gain Chamberlin displa)'cd.gif, for "i"id image.,,: ~rhis d,..k IJke 1;1

ul' by the bla"" of. dOZCll Roman(".llldb••nd rellc<:tilll; the l1..,hitll; w.lI,of the clHm, w"old ha"e 111:1dc. pietllref"r Barnum: A ncarby .kd"ton, cigh,

Ch"!yb,,,', Springs, d/'OkNown ," ti" S,. Anti,oNY1'"/,, MiN,,,,1 Sp'iNK" u"',,,popu!.:, dttr"ct;"n biforr dNt!41" tht Cil·if It":" A lu) ",.tnutidN ofI'ttti"Kifl) A",kS<'­Ntm' k"ort, th, '/'''nf.' ".-iJttoa"y.

Page 11: Chutes Cave

PETTINGILL & NOWACK, propricto~.

l'mingi//l A",,,,,,,,,m Nne"oprarrdj"rom /876 M Issni~ ",hns is ~ow /'il/sbu.}l'arlr.

feet high, coUS<'d him to waX phil"wphi_C"~l: "Whether he was a lo.t Ira,·d.r. anawrunding d.btor, ••uicidall""cr, or'wr.tched murd.,.r ",.kingcon=lm.ntfrom vindictiv. pursu.... no on. ClO tdL"

Aft.r euing aln:lCk, "w" .g.1in reoewroour .oxious ",arch for wmerhing new."They were """II n,wardl'<l, "finding innu­merabl. n.mnl curimi,;"".•uch os fi,h,snak.., bal<, buffaloes' horns. and !>nnesof .11 descrip,ions." Th" ca"ern ",,'endedu"der ,he Ic>king bed of lhe ri""r, wherethey h'':lrd "the curre", of the ri,,,r wa,h­ing lhe rock ",,,rhead."

·W. h.d now pene'r:nro ah<>", 5,000f"", in rho interiOT nf ,he earth. and Mr.Nosmi,h $;lid ,h.lI ,he chambers wcre "illinnumerabl. beyond. Our rwine havingrno ont. w. • h.sty relre3[."Chamh.rlin concluded. He .ddcd lhatCh",e "i, now", wo,k digging. mnnel,

commcncing below ,h. Fall,. wi,h. View

of mpping ,he CO"."_,no,h.. due link­ing N""mith's Ca". and Cbote', Ca,·•.

The Mi",,~apo/isCfJroni& p,i",.d •,ct"'<tion,y 10, 1867. theedi­to.. de<:laring ",h. ,o-alled SI. Anthon)'Co"." to be • ""upondou, h<>:IX" tbat .p­peared •during ou, lCmpl""y .h",oc•."Th. CJ,.o"id~ had bitherto "ref",i".dfmn, joining the St. Paul pape.. in k""l'­ingnprbejok"

While the Nesmi,h C"'e boax ex­ploded locally. it h.d • longe, life fa"hel.field. Under th. simpl. hoodli"."Ncsmi,h', Ca",," (th. firs' r...-corded uscof tb.t ".",e), the Minn,npo!i, 7;-ib",u

rqx>rtcd "" July 17. 1867. d13' • "party <>fl.di...nd g.",km"n from Milo"':lnk.. or·""cd in SI. Antbony ... to vi,it ,he'N''Slllim u\'e. '" -11'0 writet conrin"cd in

•"'''''''"C "0"':

""'''' 13 '''''''''

Page 12: Chutes Cave

rhe l>Jie> m,de , r..romiog toiletto J""'cnJ iom ,he oowd, of rho.",1,- "'hcre ti,e" w<r~ to (eo"their "i,ion' on ,ho work, of .",ooJ "';<rlce plac<J ,h<!O hy ,h"mpcm,mr.l do.. of b.i"gs whoinhabited ,hi. globe ,nJ region <n

m.ny. 0, SO many Y<"'" agu,

Despit~ "du~ search anJ ~n<Juir)-',- ti,eTrio,,,,, r~poruJ the Mil""ukee cx_plor~" could not locate the ""c. "\VI"rthe geotlemen ,"uld h",c said to ,heir Ia­die' on the" return !O th~ ho,e!. canna<he im'ginN.""

Who "'as behi"d the N~.mith C~VC

hoax' Two suspects h",'~ b~n pm for­",~rd-David Ed"'ards and Edward L.\\:'e1ks.

Da"id Edwa'ds (1816---1890) wa< de­s,rib,d as "alwa)·s bubbling over wirhmirth - .nd "0 reody ",rit~r ... ,ndow~d

with 0 gift of enrc"aining originality'­who -helped much [0 pass 'way the time,

n=rily dult ,h.. mu.l el0p'" hcm'<:enthe cl"'illg or "''''igation in ,he fall, andi"opening ,h~ nexr 'pring, a pnioJ of ,ixmonth,." The N",m;dl Ca"c hoax ",oul,1h"" been enti,e1y i" character for him andbUl otle more enmple ,,( his ""irri"g ar·tides." It "." reported ,h" ",he au,hor ofthese "'a, ~ag~rl}' sough' by many tho'th~' migh' .~, ~\'Cn ",ith him,' but thesec,,, of hi, iJ""ity "." ....crcdly kcp'."Edword, W:l> I.'er t!ubhed ~S" Anthon),',First ,\{Ia!;.~"

In 1930. Carl E. Van Cl~\'~ ."cnet!,ha' family fri~nd Edw..rd l, Welle. ('[,,0spelled Wells), "ot D"'id Edwards. wasthe ~<Hhot of ,he hoax. Btl[ Van Cl~,'~,

born June 25, 11l61. ""a' ooly fjye yeo"old a, ,h~ ,i"" or ,he hon, h..dly old,"ough <0 t,call such eyent, ill,eover, while the 1870 fcdcral censush", 1he 4(}.ye..-old \\:'011, as OM of ,h,V,,, Cl""e household, the 186') 'ute cen­su, does not, 'v,7dl, doe> ,,," ~PPC"' in ,h..

Ch"u, (~v, "'d' d'1'imd d'

,~r1J dS 1880." ,bis Corp,_[b't,,,,,,, ",ap, Til' ""d­Ii." .V," tI" Cd'" rud,."BrcdJ:.[Dcc. D. IIIIIU, •

Page 13: Chutes Cave

11 ,~,wJrd map "rC/'~",

C""~ !"f"ud b) A. kM.o", i~p"i"'mdmt.fd"5,. Antb'''.r Fa/!r Wa'"1'0""" CDmpa>!) (Marc" 8­10,/909), mwi>!, lb_ bmmnp DIrk can NDir liN ",,1­I4p" ",o,,,,dfi//;,,!, ,Ii_ con

--- ---._-


L_----,, .~-<' "t',~~<s­..-..,.., .

)l.linneapolis or St. Anthony cit}' directo­

ries "ntil 1867, SO it " und,., wherher\1;'<:11, was around when the hoax bega" in1866."

Also in 19.30. new"p~r,r col" mn L5tII,lerie POtter pr=n,W. third solution,crediting both Wdl, and Edward., roue,daimro ,hat Well" as Nesrnilh. initialed,he hoa.•nd ,hot Edward" ",Chamberlin. -embdlish<:<l the Well, r,_

port: Although Potter did not cite anr<""iden,e for hi, "",,,,[{ion, a, I,'IS' tWO dif­ferem st~'le, of hoax wriring cr,ated aprominent fo"I, lin, in ,he ""'T jm'l;cr~'_

The originol N<:smith "rtides ore rich in

archeological imager}' and me ,he s~lIing

"Chamberlain,' while [he .nide signed"Ch.rnberlin- app"an '" be ,h., of rome·Ooe who h,d vi,lted, or " Ie." read"1,,,,,,,, ,o,,,ist "'''·C.

Sf'C"ificalJr. it appears 10 comain de­ments borrowed from \X'pndone Cave,in somhern Indiana. Of[en called -[he!l.hmlllOlh of Indian.," \Xf~"ndo[[,'

Co"" w"s • " ...II·known I ;/Ih--crntUlY [om-

i" "",action {ha, is opermed tOO"y by theIndiana Dep>.rtmerl' of Natural Re­sources. The ·IOwe. of St. Amhony be"" acu.i"", 'C5Cmbbnce to the pjIJ", of ,heConsti""ion,. giam "aJagmi[e in \Vyan­done Ca'-e."

Chamberlin demon""""d hi1 knowl_edge ofcontemporary (olIri" OVCS by de­",ribin!; .. ,ran,fo.mat;on >crne, , lightingeff"", [hat "'" popular and Or[Cn ,he highpoill! of a coye tour. Ne,mith ",cd Ro­man ondles tel "11,<:<1. f.,;nt illumin"tionlike th" twilight ,tcol;ng through rhe East­elll ho.izon." Horan' C. Ho,'e)", ,he "fa­,he. ofAmerican 'p"lrolo~': dc-.cribed inhi. Cdnmlltd A",n-iull Gwm1f the "ex_

trwrdin.ry tr:1Il1fOITll"tion ""no" he ,,;[.n=d during his 1854 visit to Wyando"eC"v£, wherr Roman candl.. and ri.e­works Weto used 10 .imula,e. city hynigh[, an ",,,pIing ,-olcan", and. "pet,i.ried ,,,nset.",-

At pre,.,nt, the most likely ..,.plmation,rems ro be that David Edwards, using[he pen LtHher Ch.m!>e.lin, .u·

""""' 15 ,~"W,

Page 14: Chutes Cave

f'miMLilli A",..u""m H,·,~.., '~nr ofII" pJ,k" ~",.....

;MS plM" ,h", ,,'rr wo,knOt/'M ,a "'.' tI" b""/;"l,rill" of. rtl7. • tay In til',I""i.w ofIb, '0",,,,;11, ,I,.,atm',rJ 0" ,I" ,.""tI, -f,hrri...., (N(~lInd).


morro.he Iwu. utick in Ih( Mi'/NM,..usOm",icV for Jan... ,,· 'J, 1867, but Ihalorh(l. unidmrihro penon> ,,·IOI~ oomr oraU of..iw~ gone" bofO"" inch>di"l! d...origirul anick ro ,ht tV.... t-.i HtnIJ. 1O

pettingi.ll'. AmllKmult ResortIn ,.... ,"t2n ,.... hou. ,htczw,ook on a n....·li(c.. Tht ,1/i",_,.,tD :xI, a "1\(\0' Anraction" inin edi'ion of AUIl"" 10. 18-5: ":.Ir_Mannassm Pmingill has k-.i !he fa­"""'" ow,ilaK Spring:>'" :and will-arryout. plan orimpro'~mall~. which will

moh it mo,e l"'P"w dun il was briO",

,he waI." A< dtpicted on an ""s""~ng of~S._ Anthon),'s F;IIIs :.Ii .....I':1! Splinp.·,he n:s<>rr indudnl a pIIologupltic saI­~'. om.m"oon ._"t1", hoed, and bah.Wam<1"'S HiJ,." of Hr....p". c...rym.."ioru: -a fub pond and a fi:w euno.;­(;oof ,.... animal kingdom. Tht ',,",'ofd>t falls ..~m~ ""laIOroi...,. ind~.......u r....-ardtd mt fOIJrm lOr "'" fa­'igut ofdts«nding t .... long su"'.",,)' «)

,he W of <ht ",..". and d... p""un~of ,he .wing. boat and mlaur~nt Com­pmsa,ed ,I... "".npri<ing ow.......:

Ad,=i5tmtnrs fOr Ch;ll,"b<2r~ Springs.p!'C" in TIN u.I« MillllrtoMl-" 7i",ris'

..".~ 16 .......,

Page 15: Chutes Cave


,hmughotl, ,..., .urn~r of 1876. On" or,htm. ~lmo" as ~n >.f,trrhousll1. in.formed ft1ld<:1'S ,ha' -A r...... pords lido",tht ~prinp; ;. ,..., """RIle.. '0 >. 'unnd. a·Cotv1'ro for ,,"'t.,- f'O"'"Cl pUrp<ISeS, Indatcnd'ns lIClmt ''''n 0( thrtr hundred f=in.o rht ..t,j.., SInd-rod:.-'9

AnocIxT ad",-nU.;mcrt' fot OulybntfSprings lppalro in ,he $.i•• P""I"""IMin_,.w I'rOItNT·l'rw "Ni TrW""" onAusu", 2(,. 18-6. Tht ~lIn",ion$ ,nodu&<! ~itt = paOO" and rip< $I;Ond"and "a lillk building ""cupiw by M.No"·,,,c1,. ,.. ... poot,,!:"'ph pllc~" ",h~~

~~_·.M"'~ _Oi..V CI"/on. w",,,,,, I.- --- - - -


l W....

In>.y Ix- found Herro"",p;" vi""" of mOl'loct.Ii,y. -

It ""n,inuro: "1'hf bOloo plays a' ,I."springs "'"ft)' $a,u,d1y "'...... ing. and ..;mtht grounds brilliantly illumiJt.1.rro. andthtgrand old tolmmippi roIl.nsw rum­

b1ing~'you. fttt.•hf sane: is 1l>ctutiful.and imp'fn"'f onf." !lUI ,I." ad,''''­,'·s "mplusi.l ..~ on tht ,unnd:~Chu.t'se:.,...-A Boa, Ride of 2.000Fttl. und...- tobin S,~,.·Thi. " ... ,ht11.., "'" ofdw aprmion ·Chu,t·.e:....,.~

The D<'\\'Spaper iI<h..,ni...~nt for Ch..Jy_bnlc Springs oontin.......J: --......"....


I I-H-t ;



A ,~~/' .jCh"u"s r..t"''' ill"!.t,i.,, ,. !-'mi"%,illi Am.." ..trim, R<>Otrt. &au "'it/' p.. ..,"ft't '''1"<h" ,tt ,hn, It.""fl."'" ,,, .. ,i,,, ..p Ch"",r..""""Ni i~iO 0""" Gu../iff".., ""u ,.clt.


.....,, II I, I

-.... I I..... ,

Page 16: Chutes Cave

[f)"O<I h.1~. , 00;" 10 1-'>:1'1 ORETHE BOWELS O~ TilEEARTH. M•. l'oning,lI an lKCom­mod."o rou in ,h.. ""nOo;uh••100.n.c mou,h of ,ho "Chu,. c..,.." Osjus, brk.w ,ho ,!,nnp. and ,ho boc.,om of ,hi> a,.. i. eo>......d ..~,h,hoo, IS i"'..... of 1'0< ,horn<><Icn.. ",m of 10 )_ anuk. .....' IJt • ~ ;,h • tlun-i~ ",rd> at tho boor. and ....,h •uu-.y pil.,. uil ..p .....k, ~....""'1"«"< •~ of 2.000 r.c.. ~...=tl 11. of putt ...1",. sand.Itot>< undn • ~_ot>< am...tUdI. fonm ,ho ".,..(, It is irI·Cl[p<'D.n.. .nd .kt:idcdl!· ,,,tt ·

inS ,rip'" ultr.

Men.ion of" ..-hi.hfnrm. ,h. roor indica.ed ,h., ,hel.'S.opm ch.amhc, in Om...'s Ca,.. "-;>SOCCQ­

~bk ,holl.5O ,h. ,OU. did llU' """ely in_

,"Ok. ''''''.'';1'11 ,h. s:an<h'UI10 tunnel.'"

All it<m titled "UlIdcrg,uul1<1 /0.-\;""•..polis in ,h. Saim R,,,I.,,dMim",,~lit

l'i","tr-I'ms",u/Trib","on l:>t«mbct-l.1889....ponnl:

Som. peopI............'n. ,hink ......doc only enmpk of ,h.,.., ",b<er·

........." .............. ,he on< k""""D•• Ch..te'. ca~•. 'M mou,b oi.....idt is in ,ho F.- >ide ..,;u dis.­,ria. '111......... in'«<>t;llf, pbxis no~r~td lw h\UIWI1x:inp of tt.. onJinar,. l(Wl. II ."". yan .. flOC , dav r-cd ,....did "'" brin~ if ,;,i,on.. A ..,.."maf '"-a<" ran doc ......... knph af,ho cz\"'. md lOr ,he ...,.n <-.ill-cutioa of a di VIm. Ouron-IiI:e ind;'idwl " kl "ndnrak< '"com~·. in a nod< ,,",",,' af. boat•.II ,'itj,on.. ""00 "..... l(I inclined.Co<. dj"..... of. q"'"CI' of a mile­0.- ,1.",.,00,," ,n,o ,hi. gloomypa<>.~._ Th. mou,b of ,h< .....

Th, ",,,od,~ h"'''"I''o,i~t

"p ,I" 11I~"'o~,uili,,! i~

Ii" 'all' .,,,, rha",b" "i0,,,,,, ell"~ arpta, '"m"."ltd ,,"" i~ tI," 1!!J6,...,•.

.. __ 18

Page 17: Chutes Cave

w" .. the foo' of a high "" bank.

The tours thus ga'" Chute', Ca"c thedis,inerion of being the second olde><showea"e in the "a[e, .fte. Fount.inC1ve in SI. Paul, which was commercial­iled in the IR50s_ I{uralsoutheastornI\ linn""'t•. the st"'c's prernieK show-Gveregion [oo.y, hasa hiSlory ofeommerci;l_i"'tion [ha[ bcgo.n only in the 20th cen­tury, wim the advent of ,he .utomobile."

The ,ummer of 1880 rna" have been[he las' ,"",son for Pet<ingill's resort, how­",·er. Thn\'ortb"~If"'Ii\1ilkrror Febru:l.ry18, 1881, reported th.[ a "I.rge fotce ofmen is at work on the [Pillsbury] [ail race,which rum along below rhe Chalybeatesprings fa. 5<"\'cral hundred f""t, makingsad h.voc of [he foumain and other p.r._phe",.li. wnnecrcd wllh th.. resort."City $Cwcrs were connected into [he [.il­races, adding UnsavOlr sigh" .nd ,mell"Pettingill', obituary Slates ,hat he dmcdhis resort ".t. great sacrifice" and opened• f.rm in Todd County in the fall of1881_ "The beauty of [hi. pl.ce ICh;ly­beatc Springs! was ruined by [he improve_ment. for "'>tcr power .nd r;lilroadpurpose'_ "n

An even marc drama[ic 'Vem .1'0pl.yn1 a role in [he demise of ri,e Olve .ndm.y have sugge<led to Pettingill or h"vi,itors th.t Chu'e', Ca"e ""OS unsafe. OnDecember 23, 1880, Main Srr""t in St.Anthony collapsed. Scrcamed me Min;/f­

"po!;' journ"l On December 24, 1880:"Will [he HislOr)' of the Eventful Year,1869. Be Again Rerea[ed"----anallu,ionro the Eas'rnan runnel di,a".. of 1869,which nearly destroyed S[, Anthnny r",lb:

A catastrophe OCCUffed on [h. east,ide lut ,,·.ning ,,'hieh ...Ill'thre"ens imminent dang.r t" theimerem "f ,he whole cit)'. About

__.WAG&._-, ••r.fO.~r••, "'&-....-,---­__• 0_0"

---:'.="~_..-­._-If':~-----. e-..-

,i. n'd""k. nois<· of cracking tim·her w., ho.,d ne>r H,j_G,C[os,,,'dl's fl"urLng mill jUlt be_low [he new Pilbbury A mill, .ndimmedi..dy after ,be o.,,~ j,,,,hdow ,he mill settled down ahour,il: or eigh, f«:". portion of l\IalO

"[I"" guing J"wn, The hreak _exrended do,,'n ,he street. betweentwo and [ht•• hLlndrcd feet. th.,ink hole being in an 0'-,,] furm_

The artidc fingetcd the mlpri" "TheOld Race, Known as Chute', Cave.•B.d In"e"",e",,' ,ugge"ing ,hat "Th,'Tre-..cherom S.nd Stone under [he LimeRock L.Joc. Ih. Bminess: \\:'arncr's HisIOT)'ofHn",~pj" COUllI)' """ morc 'Llcei net'"11lIO [hc hoi. tumbled. p.ft of MainStreet. A tree wa, ,wallo"-ed up to thelimb,,""

reu. I"". Moore WrOle that -. 1""_tion of the roof, or lime rock. at thc up'

R"",,,, ,ide uf,b, ''''rol',iru~,'i,u' 0" II" ""'/'T. 'ld' .....,i,i"t,II, Nouwk,fitlf rulfmioll

,,""'''' 19 ",,,.,,

Page 18: Chutes Cave

Ci,.il rnginurAdrlb", R,MOD" (/874-1935) a,­,,,,,d ,hal Chu,6 '..,c', "'a,"alu'al in origin,

per ~nd of ,hc """e foil in """ying wi,h ita p.rt of I\hin Sltce, d;r~cdy in from of,h~ Pilhb",,, 'A' Mill. ,his was th.n shoredup to pr.vent furth~r settl~IT,"JH, and so i,t~mains today: Implicn LIT I\I"or~'s "c­<oun' is ,h~ nm;on of Iwo coll.psc C"cnfs

at Chlll~', Cave, The fir" coll"pse took1'1""" '" an unknown [ime, n;,ul,ing ill ,hcmou"d th", fills ,he c~w. and ,h~ "",ondwa, ,he Mau, SIr<"t mll.~ of 1880."

Thi. i, no' • rri"i~l poin" )"·Ino,~

e'lu"ttt! ,h. collap.. mound in Chut~'s

Caye wi,h ,h~ Towe, of S.. Anthony­the ,t.bgmit~ d~sCJibe<i in ,he Nesmithhoax. The f1ow,tone-co"ted, f1oor-ro­ceiling milaI'''' mound, 400 f~.. ;n cir­cu",f.rtnct, which Mooredcscril>eJ as "avery be'm,iful forma,ion," r~",mbkJ thcb..., of an ,mmcns<: ",bgmitc. Moo",',,ss~"ion. if truc. wo"IJ strengthen th~

c1"im ,ha, Ch",•• C.w i, n.",,,,l in ori­gilT 1x"C"~usc such, hug. ,,~lagmile ",kc,r~'" '0 form. h "Iso woulJ pro",dc "readymadc expl'IT",i"n for wh)' Ji",o,"'Y0f ,he c~ve sroppcJ Ch",c', Tunnd--,heprcseITee of ,h~ um"bl. collal"" mound.

Bu' J~ff Dor"le of ,he UnL\'c"it), oflo\\'. wllccttt! '''"0 s"mpl<'s of flows[Ol1~in 2000 'llJ 200] from ,h~ 'Tow.. ofS,. Anthony' In Chu,~'s C-",·. for ",dio­m"ric daring. Thi, mc,hod c>leubte< age1»-"'" on how much ur,nium-pr~"",n' ill,hc £<",,,,,ion as a [race dement-hos d~­

cay<x1 to thO'-;IIm. P",f"""r Doral~ found,hat ,he flowS[one postdates 11180, 'ug­ge<ting ,h" Moo« was wrong iIT """rt·ing ,h" ,h. 1O\\'~r w,," in ~xi"m<c a, I herime of ,he hoax. in 11l66----67."

Th,' c"rEc" kITown d'pierion ofChme's e,,'e is. ,mall tlc,"il on" lorgeC"rps of Engin.~rs map. l)c"""b-cd'l'Showing impr.",.n,~msmade. b)' [heU,S .. under dircCtion of .\loj. F. U.Farquha,. Corp' of Eng"'<:c", . fro,n1874 [0 77.' the ""I' was prcr",~1 in ,he"'ake "f ,Ile ["",nan runnel dis""er of18(,9. "Ch",. Tunnd" is d.piettt! ""d 13­beltt! '" ,uch. Thc phr..., "Breok ofD<'C.2), 1880- Jppe;u, o""r a widcniITS "fthetunnel.

The ITC" lilaI'. d..ed 1894. tiepins ,hecollapse nlOund os, d..htt! cird. in [hec~m~, of rhe "'-':. Moore, a ci,'il ~"gin"",.sun'''}'tt! ,h~ ca'.., /'>'larch 8---1 0, 1909. allJproduced [he f,rs, accnra,e m"p, His iIT_,ention ,'"" perhaps to ddilleat~ ,h~ lim­i« of ,he ca''f' p"'para,()fY t" ,h~ con>uue­,ion. in 1910. of Pillsburls CoITcrctc andTile Eb'ator-a h~",'Y srrueture that is"ill srandillg. '"

Th,' /'>k''''I,nli''IT Council Environ­memal Sen'iccs has ",,'cral 8-b)'- IO-inchphotog..phs of rh~ imetior of Ch,,'e',C."c and TUllnd, d..~d Oerober 21.1936. apparcntly ,,,ke" during COllmuc­rion of a san;la'" ,~wcr, ,he MiITIle~I'"lis

[:... I",era'f'wr. which fX"S'" nClr Onltc'sCa,,,. TIle phOlog"'ph, show ,he "lU.1rc­"', ,imbering s,ill found in me caw. bmwhich. ow,ng 10 sc.. lemeIH, no longerperfmmeJ i« migin,,1 fune,i,,,, "f "'1'­

portillS ,h~ ceiling. r

Page 19: Chutes Cave

His.ori~n Junc D. HoImqui.. w,oteabout "The NQmith Cave My:..ery- inA.-rir""HmUlf'"~in 1')51. In­

lelal had hem sparknI by "'FtiomIN.Minneapolis use its ct,.". as civil dcfen..,Ihdter<. The Mi",ultpoli, Star ofAug"'I'29. \9'50. fur ex.mple. included ChUle'sCa,.., and Tunnel in ~ Lin of"atom bombshelt.n: Mo,e ,han a Jc:adc later. un

October 5. 1961. ,he, M'"",."", Tri­b. indu<lcd ,hnn itO potCII,ial ~fallout

shd.CIS-~8m ChUlC', Ca'", and Chute',Tunnel,

wilh [heir multiple inpuli "f wOlcr, arcunsuitable as .hch"" from radio'Clivefallom. iU on.' no.N. -\X'aIC.wppLi.c:. in ct''eS ate derived from .t.. ...,­fa« and ,.,., tIwor.fot. wt.;ea fO ron~j·

narion bv ",dioaai,... falloul: A mO'efu~taIlUw, hr:M'C>...... is me, IoarjonnfChUlc'. Ca,,,. Achal'ltCttris'ic of"goodmin,.. :rnd c1"n- is.h1[ "tMy .rt grner:tllyrtmn,Td from critic..1..rget areas."'-'

I. Th. apo-tSlion -Chu,"s c.,,,- ,n,hi. ~"ic1< folio.....h. """II. ofA. R. Moon. ",1.0 nude apliei, .he:di>t;nc.ion be,,,,••n Chut." C.v.and Chu,e' Tunnel. Minn'df#/i,i.""",I. Februarr 6. 1931. p. 30.l1w! 0 .....nd [he: tunnel ..... ""rrdiffcm" ,n "1'1"""""""'.

2. n.r dimnuio>n> ofO>u,,', c.... ....q"",<d from ,he Mi"",a,..u. i"'"""'. ibid.• un~' .Iishll)· 1''Fr,h.n [ho.. depi,,«] O<l "SU[vey ufChu[e Tun",,1 & c.,..,: • nup onfile •• I\\inn"apoli. Public WInk.l)qxutmen•. n.r ..m< ...ide..........-.:r. "a,.. r:Iw: "'" ta"" .. "nndy-0 I<tt hlch: • FOIl c.aggttM......The dncripo-;"" of rho mound .. from• Ie",;-. from .\1...,.... '0 Merle r<m<r,Jun. 8. 1931. NSl' CorfCSpondco<.Files, h,'''''([« "Mo<>r,,', Imor.· Ooeof ,he .u[hors cun,.c[ed NSI' in

1995 for • copy of ,ltis lcna bo.,.~ told <lu. o:hc 61e hod t:-.. de­""'Y""- A FW'ioI "l'<""npr of ,heInter wa> proridcd by lucile Kane.,.-1>0 used ;[ in [he: pr<;>...rion of.,.", F.JJs #f 51. A~,"'n, (S,. l'.ul,)I.Ii,,,,o,,,. Hi"ori...1 Socie,y, 1966,19M7)." w. MC)'c<. Build",.fNINflrrrrc SUI<'> /,-", C-P"~' (S••

P<>U1: Non1>cm S"'D 1'''''...... 1971l.96. lisu A. R. Moo.e _ :on cnp<ocnat the """"p""y fmm 1906 10 1935.Moore', ob,[uat)' afll'<"rcd 10 ,he:Mi~",ap<>lu Trih~",. D«<mbcr 31­1935. p, 4. Om[c', Ca'. cunro;nlmore Au",~[oo. ,han ..". OIher ...."

in .h,. pan of Minn~", ... C"&B,iek, -Chu.c·'~ J.....d-V..h of,he G"..: Mi..,,_ 5""",."M-:hlJ 22 UuIy 1m): 82-U

3. One of [1>< au,ho.. h...'i,it.dChUl", C~"c m.n)' lime, since1990. s.. -Ca." I\bn Shed. lipnon Cir,-', n....1' Secr....: S'aT Fri­In..", Sep,ember 6. 1')')3. PI'. LA.4A. and "NOI" from Underground:Cit} P"t". Oc,obe. 17. 1001. pp.12_14. 16-1-. 19.

4. For r::q>Wu<ion> of t- r;rounrI .Itt «<p.>g< fonn....nd"one .., .ICC R. K. Hogberg ond T. N. 8.}'<1,

G~id, '" "W CzI'ti ofMiun~'a (l<-1in­" ... polis: M;nn....... G«>I~ s..,­vcr. 1')671. 12_14. and Greg 8ridt,"etn.ifia,'on :rnd Morploolosr ofSo.. rnn Son<btonc PM c...", ;"Minn...... : i ......' .[ c..... If";K6", SnuiJn 59 {IXc<mbcr I~71:1M. Accordinll 10 Clurlo R. Nd"",.nd Dunald 1-1. y ..dl~, hn4/ 1ft­

porr on 1.0.. GM, TI"''''!'''f. S'ud, pr,Ix T~';" Ci,i" Am. (Minnapoli"Unft-n>i<y of ~linD<SOt-&: Oeccmber19-3). 34: -It .. ap«<cd cIw: .ho:[I'humlc] U_ would ....'CC ...

" roof fm dcu '1""" of .r La.< ';0fe«. A n.....,,1 a'... nco' 3-'<h 50......nd Edmnnd Roulcv"d in Minn...poIi, has • 'I"n of ., moch ., (,0

r..... "'ilh only >Ii~" e.-..:kins of ,he

In 1950. (h~

Mjlln~apoljs Star

jnclu4~d ChZlu's

Cav~ and Tltnll~1

m a list of"atom

bomh sh~ltor. ..

......._ 21_....

Page 20: Chutes Cave

limalOne ,oof." Chute'. c.'"e, "i!h• ,,·KI,h of 100 fcc[, a<eeded <hi.>jun.

5. ,,,.,,J,"'n"Nf /IIi!l~" AuS['" 19,1879. p. 137; C",,'S" E. lI',.H~ -I H..~1t c."1Il)' (~linne·""'*" North Sur. 1881). 388; <lnd~loo.,", 1m.. IU<O tkll S. H. Chu,,"bcpa CllQ\-.ion in 18(;4; 1S66.bu, .~ ....., .. =iaKe h ...........po~ 1OUfCtS. Tl>e ",,-, M'"$Ur'" rhor be bq;;u> exa....,;.,., ....'below Ch.lybeare Spriop. ,h.. it."' ,ho: dow.......m end of the lUll'

oel. whieh " [he ~Kal , .."ins""in,. \'('h••cv<r machine')' Chu..·",n, I"..," for. ,he pi,kmark. ,·i.·illi. "" ,h. 'unod ,,":ill, iodi.... ,huthaod tool. ""ere uw.l '0 e.,,'..rc ,h.1oOf, Sr, r..e, Sand,ronc. AcronJinSro J L (> .....ol••f. "Report no,he W I'....'n of [he MwiuippiRi nd Sorn< of iu T,ibur.."",·(T em- of the UnitN Sra,,,,"ISSOl• ...,1. 17. p. ~5. "TI>< rockan In any pbac Ix:~ ..~.h,Ix: pid:. J<>m<timcs C\"Cn ,..;,h .hehonti· Foe • ~y of S=udH...... Chu,,".... ~I. D. Sltu"e,.N .. H..-y of /IIilt-,Jil (<:hiapS. J. 00""'. 1913) 3: 2.~!2". AI-­..,rwi>'dy. fnnk G. 0'1\""". M",___ f'Wttrr,~(~t;oneapoli"

H.H.S. R<>vrr:U. 1904). 165......"...., Sam', brothe•. Rich;ord Chute.·i, at w"rk digsing a tunnd."

6. I.ueil< ~1. KaM. "fly F4IJ. 4'St. A,,·l"-r. 1M 1X'''wifil'' n..., B..ilt /IIi,,·"~~!,,,Ii, (5(. p.ul: ~linn...... Hi...,orial Soci<t)'. 1987). 21,). The rio..rioo ,. "SAC 1St. Anthon)' F>lli11' , 1'_'" Comp.o.arl ro :\Icrl<1'0<, J..... 8. 19,)1. NSP eo.....~ FiIn: ,h.. ;.. Moo..·•lette•.

N- H. Wine"'" 1lrc~tfMi•_u. Fi_f /lq<In (S'- P:IlI!: Pio­"...,. F'oas, 1888) 2: ,)13. Thn< .......nro <oo""';ng vie.... of unde.·g:round Min.....polio .Ioou' ,hi> .im<:Winchdl'••nd ,h., uf .n .n"n)"·mow w,ite, in ,Ise J,.im Pi",} ~..J

/IIi",,,aptJfi, l'i6"""'P"" amI hi·b"",, O<'<eml>t, I. 1~89, p. 13. who" ..oJ. -Th~ f..1 is. the ,ive' banI<.arc ,'O,fo..,«1 with c.'.... partl~' natu·m and IW"t1)" .nir",i>!." [f SAC didencoun,er • "'"e. it ..up., h,a,,< ,riN[0 keep the no".. ..."..., .. i. ......heady <hon of <O>f>it>l :tnd dW un_

ap«<<d oM..,....'OUId anainIy ..... .ql1l" ..-. CXOIrnlf"< <ftI;lnttn"!-

8. G. SquOcr and E<!"';n A........, .\'__f{,IN"'*mu,I'i I'"",,,.~ ....'h .0 '0"....duc'lon br I>.vid J. Mdnc-. rqnin.of rhe 1848 NlIion (\1I'''''''ng,on•D.C.: Smlth,o"i.n [n.,i[u,ion,19981.

9. R. C1..k M.Il.m. "The MoundIluilrlcooo An An><rican 1\·1~~h.- f ••,.114/ of ,ht fo"", A"/;,,..nop<a' 5<xmy

A••""",IcJl"'''''"TIN "",lNIn "",,,. f'rpf f</f0.,,,1.. Ii"," /II "', Ll«,k M'"ft' .. rypnmfl .f,IN.vnilJ.f,..."'. ft' ",i"f. ,,,,p."",."e M ,. 1nur.}6btt AkQ,fr..}it, .ill_III'",,,.,Ji1tr-,,, cm. c. ,~ Gc-:tTq. ." ,IN ."'9' ~",...., no 0 .." .. c. ...,hu.........JWy. , c. J-r f'ft·tJi"f IU*rt M"""""}it, "JJi...-! C/oJJ'''''''..,... of""" '" R= H....... Mn- S'''''t' J't'ftn'wn,. AI 5.",... f,ir"""" ,,'..,Mi-<if E.,i""'....tAfSnncn. tho- e..,. ofbop-n. SI. f'ni~~

ft, tIN J936 pM- :tfOntui; T_ ,..;u, _,. :tfs.. ""'1-.1 Fttlkf"'.... "It. ,IN !.AI, H",.in M"....i, ".v n-.r.-..fn" _,n.- rWL:ttIt!jH,,...iJiItK.~P.-rA.R. -ra.....jc......

_22 ........

Page 21: Chutes Cave

23 (l976): 145-n. For c1....i<: x_O)Iln" of the Moond B..ildct m~,h.

t« RDba< Silo.,bo", M.-J a..JJ­,., <{A..ri<.t A""';"£ n.. A",hMfJ.

"" <{. MJ" (Gr<mwicb. Conn.:1'1<:'"" Yon: Graphic S<:>rXty. 1968).and Srephm F.,,~ A,..,b.:..u.U 11M I?iltl SitU a[ N."hAMm·'." ['..rhi"." (Phil.d<lphi.:Uni,=i<y of l'tnnijinriU. 1991).

10. So•. fo, =mple. ·S,. P,..I mJ Min·....pol;.: SI. !'.../ lJ;;iry Pms. 0.,.••mho, 12. 1866. p. J. .nd "Th,I'r"..., lIS Oiny Wo<k Ag.Un: Mi,,­...fMi, Ch.."iru. D«nnbe:, 29.1866. p.l.

II. S« G,ot 5ric:k. "A Curious e- ofInv.",.d S,,,ui,· .. Ch.. ,,·,c....: M",-... 5,.&'*0 MMrhIy3S (S): 53. 55 ( 2003).

\2. I,onially. ,hi. In,,, from Nc.<mi,hi. 'M ci"""" ,hOI con,empowy .c­",un" get ,,, p,.,.;,,]in, ovidence ,h.,0 •• GIV. is. "",ural elYO: "Thi.ea Iud n....' bttn nplon:d fu,·rhc, rlun undon ,~ ....t.m ..-. ofSr. An<loony.•nd '- alwc:.l" b«nfound or> damp :and diom>! .. to I"""dude ill ..ccmpo If ." <=mi""uonof irs inrriruM: nooks ;and com<rs.-

13. In >On'>< ,....~.. ,hc ho.u. Ii,,,, on ",-.n

,,,<I.~" On. of ,he "·ri,,.. Iw been4U"iro ""'c",1 ,ime.< hy p<oplc whohov. houd rum"" .oom , linn<·.""li. "",-. ,h., be: piciou.r=mbl>D<c to N..mi,h·. en...

14. O-BrYn publilh<d an anicle Utled.Ihc Story of Nami<h~- in ....Mi...,.,. r ........ July 19. 1900.O·Brim·. nnnpo~' xcotrn, ..-.s ~p..bli.hd v"b"'m ,. "0..·,.1Ed",'''',h .nd Hi. Ne.mi,h C."Ho.u.- , ct..p'" in hi, 1904 book.Mi,mM,a Pi.""r Shu"". 160-167,lr m.y be ,ig"ifl..", ,h" O·Il,i."did no, nplicid,· m.... <h. broade,cl.>im , ...., £<1""1'.1. 1Ctu.JJr ini,i­.red <he :-Ic<rni,h c.,.. hoa ....ithrhc lrttcr .., <he N_ iOri HwMJ.

A. J. R...,.Il. as,. A",hony'. fin,

W'" 1lli:dIrd.' MJ,,~J-_Aupu< 2, 192'.1. P. 10.

IS. C E- V... 0.-.-". M,,,_ /fa-,I I (M..-d 1930): 7'-7S. For bio­cr>Phio::al drt>ik >« "Von 0..... -3.Pion..... Q;cs.- {If".~1-_April 18, 1934. p. 2.

16. M~.k !'o"er. "Sr. An,h""y C..·•H"". A<I'",niocd Tow" 0"<' ",huon:Mi""",p.!;' J.w",al, Do"rnt><, 7•1930. PI'. \. 2. In 0" .nick ,ilied."Tho Wpndor c.•• of Indio",.- inLiron: +_ Scptcmbos !7. 111')6. ,~uftum.d .0.. .,.1> ..>cd Rom.ftcaodl.. ."d fiK..uks for illumina­.ion. j..., .. :'<c<rni,h-. P""Y did."A p' ....", I~ fcc.: in or·cumfe<cnrr: ;. d<Kribcd. as "'elI ..."Th, !'ill.. of ,ho Con"i,..,i",,"which i, ",ccdr:d from 'Of' '0 bo,·'0''', ."d ,es<mbl.. 0 '-''' pcrrifiod(oun"i,,: j"" ,. Ch.",bcrli" "'-ror,«I ,Iu, ". hug. ",I.,mi, .....brm formrtl..... ailed ;, .he ""'....of 5,. An,horty. h i•• lof<y "....200 f«, in "i"umf.r.""..... '­........ded fto'" fop '0 bonom wi'"rinp of t1xmui" Du;M.' They ....,..-..;I • "oublime :aponmcn'- or> 1.>"",,Iu, "s..;n, p, ..r. of London lmigholfind .mple ,oom: ;u« o. Ch:ambos­lin ,,, .. rod, "homt><, where "youmigh, 10, ,he whol~ of Ou, Gtholiech.. rch bc....'h i," They p>....J un­.I.. ',he G,,,,,, B1"" Ri....: Pa' ..Ownbnlin "could 1><>r ,hoc: c.......,of .he m.... wahifts ,he rod: .,.,..,.hc-od: On "'" ..~. b.:k. the-- .uN rhe hi<y Grono. j .N."..,ilh .......-..:1 ........ simibr~~ For • h;"ory of <he CI\-" t«

Ang<'10 l. G""'"!o. a}>r".......u c.,~

d."," ,bmw!h ,iN C,"'u,i" (loui._.ilk: (".c<l~<, 1')')1). The ."iel, inLi,'i"l At, wo' 'opri,,,«1 by Angolol. ("~, -n.c 1.o>l HOY.,. Dr;c';p­.ion of Wy=d"". c...... ].wnu.[ <{s,-w.. H'-7 24 (Oes-Dec I'J'JO):4-6. In his 'n"od..... ;"n. Gco'P"


Page 22: Chutes Cave

G"lA. Bnd" • ,n/n [,..t.v• , N ;.,. C••-

"'."".1 C.fI'l' i.BfHmi"X'0•. L~", ,hi,J"'" T",if, M,di. (,'",.p

~Iifl p~h{;," hi' fim••d. [01'" Undcr­g,o.. nd: A G .. idc [0

,hc Co,·os. ~Iin<s. ODdTunnd, of [he H...i<-

I "Y<" S",...

>p«ul,t.. tha[ ,he .nonl'mou, au·,hor i. 1-10.-..:<: C H",..,..

I~. H....., C. Ho>-.y.~A-ri­('''' Ci~ fi~'.!1J .11..._".W,....w. .,JL..." (Cincinruri: R0l>­en Oatlrc. 1896). 148.

1S. O'Brien, Vao ac..~. ~nd POI'" """"in cb;ming [hOI ,he N«mirh Gove

hou found it< ""}" in'" Cb.m,bmiEnq<I_,.",Ji4. bu' thy did nmspecifY 0 (U"icuhr ttli[ion 0.- enll)'.

1l>< o..,bon. "TK ..n.abk '0'Y. bu, if i' did m.. meN""';,h u,.., "-' would be i..-._,....J in ><ope h«:o_ CJ,.,"'l/mi..~ • Ilo-itioh publia[ion.

19. -p,"ingill', Amu>cme,,, fl."",,,' ;$.hoY'n "" )\,1.1' D_202 " jl,linne­,poli, Publie W",k..

20. Sec C"1lIlrid<. "A ~linnnou S"",,·Co.'. Advcr<iJ<'IDcn[ from 18~6."

j ••,.,,/ .[Sp." Hi,,,,ry 36 (2)(JuI,.-()c,;cmbcr lO(2), "7_~8.

2 L Sec G<q Brid:. -Rtdiocovcring Ou.Fin< Comm.r."l C .....- N.,;'../SprfNlqp,,,l S"'irry N,,,·, 50 Uul}"

1992): 182~lU. ~"bst(I ...m '"''''",ohindic-Alttl 'lui Foun,.in Go.". in S,.1'...1. pmJ.l<d Ch..,., Co.'e •• 0........ 00.,. Niagan Cove ..... cnm·......... Iiud in 19~ ond :\1)....".r ,~ in 1947. S<e GlCIlkid, -EatlyM n Sho- e..-. in Minno<-ooc.I." jN""" ofC....",J Kimt .59 (Deccmber [')')71: In.

22. The [Oil..." undcr conm"",ion "'0$

fOT rho 1';II.bul")· A Mill: """ No..!J­_'ttl"" Mille" hbruuy IS. 1&81.p. 99. And~ Rink<. -Ill< 0....1.opmcn' of [he J-1innapoli. Sc><n­Syotem: a.Ikti. f{ ,6< Mi,,--.

~..rSrinK" " (19101: "~4...-toI<. "The "",I... of .hi> Cen,raIAv............, Lol<r "h.,.gtd from.dir<c, di",h..gc in'" [hc ri,'C{ 10<mp,ying imo 'hc m;1l ,ae< of ,h.piUohury A Mill ., 411, A,'. S. E:

P."ingill", obi.u.ry .ppc...d ,nSt""," W"rlJ. J-Ia)' 9. 18<J5.

13. \\0'.(.... pookd in ,he I'hocni. race by .n icc o:bm ,I,.. h.Jfonned duri", 0 cold onap. Ic:ak<J...... I'M! • bulkhnd and "'idenedo.U[.·, '0 the poin' """"'" i.collapsed: ..., Grq; Brid:. "An,h..,.posenic U,.,. in Sl. I'ct... S.nd<ronca. Minne.polio. "1;nnClO'''" jlru,,,,,1.[Ca, n,,1 K.z", S.",!i" 62 (3) (D,,·cem 2000): 1')4. Cros",-e/I', Mill.:tho kno""n .. ,he Konh S[., M~[.

"'" Iox, on ,he "" ad~, '0

tbc -..h of ,he pil[,bul)' A J-Wl. AI317_319 So...hnJ. :\1;" .. S,,«•.C..I E. Van Cleve "'l"O<C in hi•M,,,,h 1930 ,\f,U,..,... Hut.., .,_'iele: "I well «mcmhn w, • b'P'."",onw""" u« ..nk ..,......1 foc' ..''''1 poin,. Tlw: a"c·in "upped allwook and rhc proj«[ .":l.' gi."n "I':Von C\c>.., did ..... <i,c [he o:b[C ofdUo incidcn[ bur pr<:lWmlbly i' " ....tbc 1880 b...... 8.. he.....r.-l(Ioc cu:a, ion of o.."c·, Tunnel.

.....i<h 'ook pbo:< in 1866. wirh "JimH,II", c.....J S<hcmc.· Rogarding rhcI."",, G,ccnl..f, T,~th (""",,,t, 51,"'m«. "Thc pl.n prol",..d fo' (hccallal wa. '0 ".n from ju<[ .1>0>'",he dam ond [0 cal1)' i( under "bin....,... in "''0 arched m""",no con­dui[j." nu. anal ran on '''I' of [helimotonc.•-ae.-.-.. 0...,.', T........ron und<. i,. Thc compkt<d pot.

'ion of <he anal ..~ uocJ 10 ""ins""'er (0 ,h. Pill"',,'Y A Mill. FornlO., inf",m.,;"n. """ "Canal Schemeor ,he S" Amhon)" I:al[, IX'.,.r I'o",<rComp.ny." Mi,,_u~/i, T.ibu.r,J.nwsy L. 1815. p. 4, and Rich,ruL Ftttdl. "1'illibu'Y', .". Mill. PartO..e.- H.".",. Hi".? 40 UJ(Spring 1981): 3-11 ••n'! "1'."Two." 40 {21 (llummCJ' 1'Jl1l), 'J-

"24. Moo,e'. le[(••. Th. Deccmber 24

"""'IP-'P"" 'ccoun[ dnnibcJ • b..,kalong M:un StT«1 wi,h ,he '1'1'""i.mal••ize. nu,li .... and loeuion o(

,he coil.!"" U>nc in eb..,," o.'·e.


Page 23: Chutes Cave

oUgge>ling Ih.. rho 1880 .oll.~

p"" ru. .., rho bis mound m.., /ill.m. co..".

25. l)o.u. po<..-..! ......munaion co,h.. au'ho... TM impli<:.o'ioM or"'[uanng 'hc ",al.~mil< ...i,h ,h~

..-.nJ.--.-.-.conuilW<! to "IOOf~'o ......fCl"->'" di"""""'" .. kngd. hr G,,'gBrick. -m, S~<'l"ical Ca"or. Of SixY••" .. Ch",,', CO'·': A/i~,rrl~'"

Sp,!,~I0t:J M~ntMJ 28 (J.n.-F.b.1996): 3-5. App...nd~·. how..'"''"",ny of <he: a.-c'. boo IOrm,,,i,,n,;n Joc>ral along d>c ·li .... ofbrnk.·,,'hich dna '0 1880, ..-hcs. min·

.,...~ """nd..-.'c< >«pnginco ,ho 0>" ...,,,boulcs ,he <,,; from ...liD",."it: <h'i,,£-

2(" 'In, F"'1uh" m.p i< R.oII 748 at

rl>< Municip.l lnfOrm..ion libr..,.,,,,hi,,,, in M;nn""I'Oli, Ci,y Hall,'rhe 1894 m~p i. at Minn~.poli,

Puhl", Worlu. no.. <hI< of M<>U«',survey i< from ,I>< rilk bIoc~ of hi'1909 m"P.

27. 1...... be>m, .... 1.0'1' e"""gh ,ho,'hey mm, h•..., ~.n brough, in..·bil. ,b~ b1ulT cou..o<........ illoptn. Moor., Ii .... ,ho<c who foI·Ir>nd. MkKd the ca..., br .....r of,... m.w:IU... <hop ..'hft! pi.- b<auKby 1909 d>c bluff cn""n« (:>pFW'

.0,ly) ..... ".l.d. According '0MOlIn:, ,he 'imbering ...., in...llal.ilc' 'he col)'p.. of S"...,(~l"'>r", I.,,.,). J'1ow$,o"e ;. gene,·ally con.idc,M <lovo' of S",w,h. re'some of ,he ,imbe.. b.v, • ,hick"....,inS of i" , hovo' muchhas fonncd~ 11180.

28. J D. HoImquisc, -n.. Nnmimu, My<t<ry·: JI........" Hm~ 2(Sum"'~' 1951): 14-25, 69,~, W. >nd G. NichoI.JS.. lIiv.n. Sp.f,,"f~I.J" Th, s,~"} -Ic."" (SI. I,,,,'i>: Cove. 1978), 132.Jae~ Hurle)'. "Rem.,ks on ,h, PO""n,i.1 of Undcrg'oLlnd Sp.ce f",Def.n...g.;n" A".ek: D.C.~.lph, Ju... 1960,

pctfJry A, lTwJ..," ,.....uh., f., Hm,

R.iu tf C••",,} ""u,1JIt, .f H'dinl illI'I.ain Sigh" "liancapo­Ii. Fi", Ncic:hborhood(2002). il .'.,~i~.f.~

he, ",",0"" ""d. I'ublicWomen: Tn. los, Hi,.to'r of l'"",ilu,ion onI 'hc Minol'Opoli< Rj,·cs­f",m, 11167-1910.

_ 25_""0