CHURCHES- Townsend Hub Ho. 1 Feb … · be followed by a presentation of Townsend Hub Ho. 1 islon...

CHURCHES- NOTICE: Copy for Church Notice* cannot accapted after 10 s.m. Tuctday. . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C, [MUCH Northrup, paator; Caraon and llartlns ata. Telephone 14f. Sunday nl.dul »:30 a. m. Harry miller. r.-iioral auperlntcndant. Service, 1(1:60 i m. "A Qrrnt FVarit Provided." - Urg^oru, Chol, nice 7:30 Difficulties' oung YPO. proplr'g choir 8:30 D. m., . Wedncaday, eatlmony and , NAZARENE CHURCH W. A. Pen- nrr, paator. 1601 W. Caraon at. Sun. achool 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Agnea Foater, euperrntciiident. Service, ll :00 a. m. 8< rmon hy RvanRplIrt bavin. .Br-rvlrc I vis. Young people, 6:30 p I group led by Ellen Ixn; I Young people led by Thiirman 1 . TleVlval aervlce each nlgl ingellat C. W. ami Florrnce Davla charge. . Junior HI-N-Y. MEN'S BIBLE WUASS - Meata JO Thuraday evening In II hall oppnalte public library on Cra- All men wel F I n S T CHURCH SCIENTIST 313 218th ave. Sunday morn Sunday achool. 9:30 at. and Ma- ilng aervlcoa al Wednea ialf Billion Spent In State )y Tourists Southern Callfornians gained greater Income from the pendings of tourist visitors ast year than the total Income rom all sources enjoyed by the x>pulatlons of some entire .. .. _. and 7 p. m. arhool age child; Sunday child r< nursery for pre- i la maintained each parent* of ainall .y attend the aervloea. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NA TIVITV—Engracla and Manual avea. Rev. "Fr. Patrick J. McOulnnaM, paator i Rev. Edward Dougery. aaala- Unt paator. Telephone ISI. Maiim iya: 8, >, 10 a. m., 11 n day tUaa: 7:30 a. m. Novena •a to Sacred Heart Wednesday p. m. Devotlona to 8a irt, drat Friday 6 and 7:80 a :iaaaas (or converts. Monday evening. 7 to t p. m.; Wednesday evening alter servicea. Con(eaalou; Saturday 4 to I p. m.. 7:10 to I p. m.; eves n( Holy daya and drat ITIdaya, same lima. Catachlam claaaas: Wedneaur at 3 p. m.; Saturday at 1:30 a. m. AsatMBLv or aoD Paul H I'erry. paator. 1741 Bordtr ave.. i hone 13M-W. Sunday achool. «:30 u. m.; aervlce. 10:45 a. ni. and 7:30 u. m. Young people. Sunday, f p. m. Barvlce aach evening, 7:»u p. SAINT ANDREW'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sngracla. a^jroaa from the Torranca hoapltaL The fcev. Paul Moora Whealer, reel-- onea. Torranca MO and 173-R. 8' aervloea: 8 a.m. Holy comr n; 9:30 a.m. junior church i day evening meeting. 8 p.m. Reading roSm at 17M iSanu'l ave., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. aach week day. 'Mortals and Immortals" will the Sunday Lenaon-Sermon Btibject In all nranchee of Tba Mother Church. The Flrrt Church of Chrldt. Bclentlnt. In Boston. This state tnent of Paul to the Romans U th Golden Teit: "The earnpBt eipec- tatlon of tha creature walteth for the manifestation of the ions of Uod." Jesus aa«frtn In John's Ooapel -1 sm the IIKM of the world that follonrcth me shall not \ In darkness, but shall have the light of life. The PbartaMS there said unto him, Tbou Iwarcst record of thyself; thy record Is not true Jenus answered and said unto them Thou«h 1 bear record of myself, y my record la true: for 1 know whence I came, and whither I go but ye cannot tell whence I come and whither t go. ... Ha that I Ood heareth Ood's wordsi ye there- fore hear them not. becauss ye ar not ot Ood." i "Science and Health with Re; the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy writes, "Immortal man wss and Is Ood'a Image or Idea, even be infinite expression of Infinite llnd, and Immortal man Is coei- tent and coeternal with that Ind. . . . The spiritual man's con- olouaneis and Individuality are) •flections of Qod, . . . Immortal I not and never wan material, tut always spiritual and eternal" i tales This was revealed by Don Thomas, managing director of :he All-Year Club of Southern California, last night (Monday, April 28, 1947) before the Los Angeles County Advisory Coun- il of-the All-Year Club at the Los Angeles Mayfair Hotel. Blalnc Walker, Dean Scars, and H a r v e 1 Guttcnfelder oi Torrahce represent this area on the County Advisory Council which helps to decide policies of the Southland's community travel promotion organization. Thoman said the 2,944,000 visitors who came here during the 1946 travel year spent a total of $509,000.000 while en- joying the. sunshine, the ocean the palm trees and other scenic and recreational features of this vacatlonland. Spray Now For Codling Moths, Hdvises County By Agtlcultnreal Extension Service, I>o« Angeles County Early In May will be the imp to apply sprays for codlnig moth in pears, apples and wal- nuts. Four pounds of basic pad arscnatc with spreader to First Round Play; "" M* c Monday the Several 100 gallons of water rrcommended mixture. applications are needed on the apple and pear, but only one r walnuts. DOT has shown great promise for control of codling moth apples and pears, fbr a home owner don't use It unl ready to use a different spray later to control red spider am aphis. Complete directions for the use of basic arscnatc of lea< and DDT In the homo orcharr. can be obtained from the tarn advisor's office, 808 No. Spring nd it's safe to use, but you are . Thuraday at 11 nlon and Interceai i. Week-day . Churohn lor dlrlsl aocond 1 Auxiliary. , day. 11 I ond and ' Men or day. 630 on'a League, acnlor and Jun lona. Sundaya ( p.m.; Veatry tfonday, 7:40 p.m. Woman ' fourth Th' ,'« OulM, «a- w.5 i St. Cecllla'_ urth Wednead Andrew'a, Thursday. 8 p.i Altar Outld, lai FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Acacia and Boi 6*1. Trank Sunday arhool 9:30 :hllng, paato a. m. Uervli Aacrnded Lord FOURSQUARE OOSPEL CHURCH —Hev. and Mra. Arthur Padaraen •maton. 1207 Bl Prado. Pbone lift Burvley achool. 0:10 a. m. Mornln Mrvice 10:46 a. in. Tent" Bcrvlcu 7:30 p i Pcdereen. Mualc Younk people a meeting ».tt> p. i Wediteaday. 7:30, ori-aohlng and pr« IT. Friday. 1 30. Young people. Uui KEYSTONE ASSEMBLY OF QOO— »ev. Charlotte Shook. 488 W. 2301 Sunday achool, a S»r 11 a.n and 8 p aervlce . ._ and Krlda •ting, teatln Jt. Andrew's To ^rticipate In World Relief Fund Thursday night at 6:30 p. m. T this week the congregation f St. Andrew's church will meet or a pot luck supper which will be followed by a presentation of Townsend Hub Ho. 1 islon are ma reunion and d W. Baas said "We estima' . ., Angeles countyflj f present and former v."- IS units of this divlsi We hope to bri of them together their first annual pos^T union In the Armory tion Park. Tickets for tin it $1 per couple, may :hased from MS.J, Hendcrson, d 1 v 1 s general, at the armfcry "An invitation to a There wili be no meetings of the Torrance Townsend club No. 1 until after July 1. according to Ethcryn Vorhis, secretaiy. All members will be notified by msMl «s to meeting times and place. .ttend is «.w^*S?y»;^ tended former enlisted and con'/t», '* and <•„, "' Issloned members pf the Cali^i^ h,,^/ ''' V, fornia State Guard who are nowjjg* bet./ ''i/., automatically assigned in the ^Vptix. National Guard Reserve, to tend in uniform," Pass said The custom and fashion of to day will be the awkwardness and outrage of tomorrow soar L^*£ ^*?U,,c. 1^7^, Mortality In Restaurants Is High, Says Bank An Information digest on the restaurant business has been Is- sued by the recently established Small Business Advisory Service of the Bank of America, accord Ing to E. A. Mattison, executive vice president in charge of de- velopment of loan services. ' Surveys have shown, Mattison stated, that about one third of All new restaurants either fail, go out of business voluntarily, or are sold out within one year of inception, and approximately 88 per cent arc out of business by the end of the fifth' year. "In offering our digest,' 1 Matti- son said, "Bank of America be- - ,.«T T, . i lleves it can contribute to thi he picture "Not By Bread stabnltv of this type of htmi Alone." The picture was pro* duced by the Episcopal Church o bo used to show people the ness, with benefit to the ontir< Chriat Ambaaaad. . .. .^ ^ abort 'aer'mon. idoiid'ay through Fi day prayer aervlce from 10 » m. to S.m. All are Invited. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST O LATTER OAV SAINTS Blauop I" gene D. Young, American Loglon h I«6lh and Normandle. Oerilena. 8 10 a.m.. Sunday achool. Relle( i clety and prlealhood. Sun. 1:80 p. 1 sJac'anlent meeting. Wild. 7:30 p. MISSION JBRUSALIIM Htv. V. P. Ho<lrlguc<. paator. IDO ftHrd it., Pu- eblo. PhonaTte7-H. J»undey aohool. M 'so a m., BaciMla Dominical. Af- ternoon aervliw, 1:30. Mlr. 7:10, aar- evanKeiico. Luoea: Oraoton a laa | and' rr'lda/"' n'lg'hta." 7:80 p. in. , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rei Martin Uldaath. naator. Oardena I at Manhattan pi.. Qardena. I1 I MEMO 4-1064. Sunday achool 9.46 Service. 11:00 a. m., and 7:30 I rVcrMmlnilvr Fellowship. 1:30 p CENTRAL EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN -•••——• ••--- - I Harcellna av< actual needs of people In Europe nd Asia. St. Andrew's will as- umc its shar*? of world relief- through participating In the ildlng Bishop's Fund for World Relief.,Th«> fund Is admln- stered by Church World Service which Is the agency for most Protestant churches. On Hunday, May 18, the offer- ing will br presented at the 11 ilock service. Then It will be forwarded to Bishop Stevens and through him to the Presid- ing Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Future studies by the bank's Small Business Advisory Sorvk> will embrace, in the orde their popularity among o priscrs, such lines as appliance stores, women's apparel grocery stores, etc. »m-e l I tiny »ch W Bojp«. ., ..ilnlater. Phone Tor- iiurch o( youth ajxl Bun- t t.30 "Uo<l llath 8p"kon." . m. "Tho Promise of th.- rather."- No Sunday evening aervlce In Central church. We will cooperate with thi. United Fallowahlp *nrvlc« to be held In the Methodist Church it 7:40 P. ni. Youth rellowahlp Her- at f:00 p. m. hi the Guild hall, annual roVctlng of Ontral Church ill be held on Tucaday. May 90. In hall. Ft-llowahln dlwer at 600; ineaa aenion at 7:11. Blrriml U '.' "Sp'rliiga p.m Ohrli of Peace and Po tlan Bndoavor «rc,ut.» , ior high, annlor high. IK people. A etudy Itroup on loitrlnc led by the paatnr larlr-d for elderti, other church and Interested adulta. Prayer WVilmodar evening «l 7:10 Cost Of Needy Aid $17.07 Per $1,000 Valuation Aid paid to the needy in Los Angeles county during fiscal 194546 was the equivalent of $17.07 per $1,000 of assessed value In the county, California Taxpayers' Association said to- day. The 104546 county tax rate for general purposes was $13.88 per $1,000. Aid to the needy aged In the county during the last com- pleted fiscal year was equal to $13.99 per $1,000 of assessed valuation In the county. Aid to the needy blind equaled 59 cents per $1,000 valuation. Aid to children averaged $1.04 per $1,000 value. General county relief averaged $1.45 per $1,000 of taxable value. Most of the aid to the aged, blind, and children in California Is financed by the fedc-ral and state governments, the Taxpay- ers' Association said. For ex- ample, maximum aid to the aged of $55 per month Is financed $20 federal, $25 state, and $8 county. Aid to the county indigents la financed by the county alone. Man Killed In Plane Crash In Rolling Hills Caught In a treacherous dowi draft, a two-seater l'i|ier cu plane crashed against tl side of a peak in Roiling Hill instantly killing the pilot an critically injuring a passpni:n Dead is James Vernon Sn 28. of 3689 Fourth av,\, Diego. The passenger, 19-yra James Oarfleld Campbell, a or, also of Ban Dlrgo, is in In Long Beach naval hospital. I suffered a fractured skull, a fi lured Jaw and a broken left an The small red plane apparent failed to gain enough altitude clear a 1200-frjot peak and as th pilot turned, the plane spr the ground. The crash occ about half a mile off Crest Rid St., Los Angeles 12. Walnuts Most walnut trees are too ^ large for you backyard garden- bitary U are B'the'seTr^nSTcnt laws, era to spray. Your equipment ...VjurnRs Is not powerful enough to reach """»» the top. Better get a commercial man to do the job for you. Get two or three of your neighbors to have their trees sprayed, also so the man can bring a tank full of material. DDT on the walnut will kill the codling moth, but then you have more sprays to put on for aphis and red spider, so you had better stick to arsenate of lead re- member four pounds to 100 gai- ns of water with two pounds spreader. Peaches - Apricots If you had any worms In the aches last year- worms that roked almost the same as those the apples or walnuts better iray with three or four pounds basic lead arsenate to 1(K allons of water. A good-sized each trcr will take around four r five gallons. This spray pu now will kill the spring rood of the insect called the ach twig borer. Later brood ill get into the fruit. Raspberries and Strawberries Many strawberry patches ar >ing ruined right now by red of spider and two-spotted mite ntcr- Get some Bladen, or hexaethy traphosphate, as a dust, jst is much better than pray on strawberries becaUB ou can not get the underside f the leaves wet with a spray Bladen is on the market under verar brand names. Don't forget red spider on boysenben ies can be controlled with sulphur dust. ' n '" TV '''''* v< t ^f^'' 1 ««»,.. »«» ' '"' to a>d '*4>* *"<* «rf **<**„ "' a //, «*»!. **'*•. tf'w^eil ir^3^V:i> '*" 'A;. S/" ' "' '», Wo/ 4ALT a\ FftCtH ,T & ELMORE ~ Avalon, Wilminqtoir one TErmina! 4-30?t :: SO.' Spiritual" L,l(n group* \Vedaeeday lornlng at 11:30. Young people'- - -' huraday evening at 6:66. Pure humanity, fvtendsh home, the interchange of lo' bring to earth a foretaste heaven. Mary Baker Eddy. Elementary PTA At nteresting Meeting At the regular meeting of Tor- rance elementary PTA, held In .he school auditorium,,Mrs. Don Wolf,' president, outlined plans for a paper drive to be held this week. Proceeds will piovlde funds for child welfare Work. Members and their guests heard Yovan Popovich, Torrance high school student, read his prize-winning essay on "How the High School Driver Can Best Piomote Safety." Popovich placed first in a eity-wide contest spon- sored by the Los Angeles police department. Other entertainment included a health film on "How to Keep Well." Music was provided by Adelc Ann and Kathie Curtiss, pianists, young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Curtiss. Mrs. E. G. Spratt and Mrs. G. E. Baer reported on the stat convention held at Long Beach. ^ I OF *mn^ 'Of y~. on*. ** ?fi * ti, A**?**^* 'o^C^ ** /*7 <*/?« P'4/fPa < a/> ? SK,.^- a' 1 n~,'">of __ts //, ,. a// , FIOUH Kitchen Craft ,.m ^ 49*. Inrkhad. 110-lb. bog, 95c; 25-lb. sock, 2.15) Harvest Blossom io.i»..e. 77* .**. 49* MOPSY tyGLADYS PARKER Globe A-l Flour 110-lb. bog, 4Sc; 25-lb. sock, ^ Gold Medal Flour 110-lb. bog,95c; 25-lb. sock, 2.15) Pancake Flour UJ%1 23- BiKuit Flour iJ.t.Sil" SOAPS and CLEANING AIDS Sweetheart Soap »., H Luxury belh. Lux Toilet Soap 2^1' Ivory Guest Soap Super Suds Borax Hormel Spam Swift Prem Sunnybank Margarine ,.», 39t Salad Dressing 2 37* Duchtis brand. Large Prunes """YrX'.** Extra Large Prunes j^i*,'. 23" (Large prune*, 2-lb. package, 4lc) Soda Cracker* "".i,^. 24' a-lb.pockate.4icl Large Walnuts '" ,1* 40° Diamond budded. 11 -Ib. celle, 49c) Cigarettes +, IB" . ,.. 1.39 Lucky Strike, Camel, Lnesterfield. Old Gold, Phllup Morris, Herbert Tareyton (cork tipl. Poll Mall. Kool, Rolelnh (plain of cork tipl. Cracked Wheat Bread 'ET Mrx. Wrighfs brand. Full I -Ib. loaf I Apple Juice Tomato Hot Sauce 1Vi .., Gardenslde brand. Cat Food f ul 1 \cino DRY OHIOK i cbolr r\nyr ME av. Clyde 1! anuel ave.. ol 9:46 a. "na«o" Chliil primary. >enta phone 3052. Sunday i. Departtnenti (or all. m. 'Thr Call of the rmedlale dcpirlmenta and the inta aa part oTtha Chrlatlan lion Camlly emphaala. Youth aervl n in Worahlp and atiuly lor i 18 people. Youn« p^oplf'n inentlllg anm and all yo « and oommunlty r. The Phtlalhoa monthly buetneaa ...... Wedneaday. 10:00 Una's for Bible aludy naday. 7:90 P m . r< Choir. Friday. 3:00 ut Troop meela. |HU IHCH OF 61(1 R 1ST New 1J17 Oravenl ave. Tm-rai . Cannon, minister. Bun Ov4o H. m. Rervlce. 10:45 a. H 7:80 p. ni. Young _p»«ii»l<! Tucaday, 7 :it) p in. Coiillnua ) »p«-lal claaa. Thursday. Young peoplo'a ntghl. Ulu« (sows, and ratrastwiaaU. Compton Youth Fined $200 In Assault Case Rlcnard Samuel Irwln, 22, of Compton, who was arrested last month on a charge of assault with Intent to commit rape, had the charge reduced to assault in City Court Monday. Judge John A. Shldler lined Ir- win $200 and suspended a ISO- day sentence. Irwin was arrested by Tor- rance police the night of April 20 after a report was phoned In to the station that u woman was screaming in an alley off the 2300 block of Border ave. Irwin was captured at that location and rusisled arreHt, according to Investigating officers. Sgt. "Pop" Haslam suffered a lacerated Up In th« preosaw. HELLO, BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU? CHARITY ONE DOLLAR! EGGPLANT Guarsntaad fresh and tender. 1301 SARTORI AVENUE, TORRANCE 2171 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, LOHITA

Transcript of CHURCHES- Townsend Hub Ho. 1 Feb … · be followed by a presentation of Townsend Hub Ho. 1 islon...

Page 1: CHURCHES- Townsend Hub Ho. 1 Feb … · be followed by a presentation of Townsend Hub Ho. 1 islon are ma reunion and d W. Baas said "We estima' . ., Angeles countyflj f present and

CHURCHES-NOTICE: Copy for Church Notice* cannot b« accapted after

10 s.m. Tuctday.

. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C, [MUCH Northrup, paator; Caraon and

llartlns ata. Telephone 14f. Sundaynl.dul »:30 a. m. Harry miller.r.-iioral auperlntcndant. Service, 1(1:60i m. "A Qrrnt FVarit Provided."

- Urg^oru, Chol,nice 7:30 Difficulties' oung

YPO.proplr'g choir

8:30 D. m.,. Wedncaday,eatlmony and

, NAZARENE CHURCH W. A. Pen- nrr, paator. 1601 W. Caraon at. Sun. achool 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Agnea Foater, euperrntciiident. Service, ll :00 a. m. 8< rmon hy RvanRplIrt bavin. .Br-rvlrc

I vis. Young people, 6:30 p I group led by Ellen Ixn; I Young people led by Thiirman 1 . TleVlval aervlce each nlgl

ingellat C. W. ami Florrnce Davlacharge.

. Junior HI-N-Y.

MEN'S BIBLE WUASS - MeataJO Thuraday evening In II

hall oppnalte public library on Cra-All men wel


ave. Sunday morn Sunday achool. 9:30

at. and Ma- ilng aervlcoa al


ialf Billion Spent In State )y TouristsSouthern Callfornians gained

greater Income from the pendings of tourist visitors ast year than the total Income rom all sources enjoyed by the x>pulatlons of some entire

.. .. _. and 7 p. m. arhool age child; Sundaychild r<

nursery for pre- i la maintained each

parent* of ainall.y attend the aervloea.

CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NA TIVITV—Engracla and Manual avea. Rev. "Fr. Patrick J. McOulnnaM, paator i Rev. Edward Dougery. aaala- Unt paator. Telephone ISI. Maiim

iya: 8, >, 10 a. m., 11 nday tUaa: 7:30 a. m. Novena

•a to Sacred Heart Wednesday p. m. Devotlona to 8a

irt, drat Friday 6 and 7:80 a :iaaaas (or converts. Monday evening.

7 to t p. m.; Wednesday evening alter servicea. Con(eaalou; Saturday 4 to I p. m.. 7:10 to I p. m.; eves n( Holy daya and drat ITIdaya, same lima. Catachlam claaaas: Wedneaur at 3 p. m.; Saturday at 1:30 a. m.

AsatMBLv or aoD Paul HI'erry. paator. 1741 Bordtr ave.. i hone 13M-W. Sunday achool. «:30 u. m.; aervlce. 10:45 a. ni. and 7:30 u. m. Young people. Sunday, f p. m. Barvlce aach evening, 7:»u p.

SAINT ANDREW'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sngracla. a^jroaa from the Torranca hoapltaL The fcev. Paul Moora Whealer, reel--

onea. Torranca MO and 173-R. 8' aervloea: 8 a.m. Holy comr

n; 9:30 a.m. junior church i

day evening meeting. 8 p.m. Reading roSm at 17M iSanu'l ave., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. aach week day.

'Mortals and Immortals" will b« the Sunday Lenaon-Sermon Btibject In all nranchee of Tba Mother Church. The Flrrt Church of Chrldt. Bclentlnt. In Boston. This state tnent of Paul to the Romans U th Golden Teit: "The earnpBt eipec- tatlon of tha creature walteth for the manifestation of the ions of Uod."

Jesus aa«frtn In John's Ooapel -1 sm the IIKM of the world that follonrcth me shall not \ In darkness, but shall have the light of life. The PbartaMS there said unto him, Tbou Iwarcst record of thyself; thy record Is not true Jenus answered and said unto them Thou«h 1 bear record of myself, y my record la true: for 1 know whence I came, and whither I go but ye cannot tell whence I come and whither t go. ... Ha that I Ood heareth Ood's wordsi ye there­ fore hear them not. becauss ye ar not ot Ood."

i "Science and Health with Re; the Scriptures" Mary Baker

Eddy writes, "Immortal man wss and Is Ood'a Image or Idea, evenbe infinite expression of Infinitellnd, and Immortal man Is coei- tent and coeternal with that Ind. . . . The spiritual man's con-

olouaneis and Individuality are)•flections of Qod, . . . Immortal

I not and never wan material, tut always spiritual and eternal"

i tales This was revealed by Don

Thomas, managing director of :he All-Year Club of Southern California, last night (Monday, April 28, 1947) before the Los Angeles County Advisory Coun-

il of-the All-Year Club at the Los Angeles Mayfair Hotel.

Blalnc Walker, Dean Scars, and H a r v e 1 Guttcnfelder oi Torrahce represent this area on the County Advisory Council which helps to decide policies of the Southland's community travel promotion organization.

Thoman said the 2,944,000 visitors who came here during the 1946 travel year spent a total of $509,000.000 while en­ joying the. sunshine, the ocean the palm trees and other scenic and recreational features of this vacatlonland.

Spray Now For Codling Moths, Hdvises County

By Agtlcultnreal Extension Service, I>o« Angeles CountyEarly In May will be the

imp to apply sprays for codlnig moth in pears, apples and wal­ nuts. Four pounds of basic pad arscnatc with spreader to

First Round Play; "" M*c Monday

the Several

100 gallons of water rrcommended mixture. applications are needed on the apple and pear, but only one

r walnuts.DOT has shown great promise

for control of codling moth apples and pears, fbr a home owner don't use It unl ready to use a different spray later to control red spider am aphis.

Complete directions for the use of basic arscnatc of lea< and DDT In the homo orcharr. can be obtained from the tarn advisor's office, 808 No. Spring

nd it's safe to use, but

you are

. Thuraday at 11 nlon and Interceai

i. Week-day

.Churohn lor dlrlsl aocond 1 Auxiliary.

, day. 11 I ond and ' Men or

day. 630

on'a League, acnlor and Jun lona. Sundaya ( p.m.; Veatry tfonday, 7:40 p.m. Woman

' fourth Th' ,'« OulM,«a- w.5i St. Cecllla'_

urth Wednead Andrew'a,

Thursday. 8 p.iAltar Outld, lai


Acacia and Boi 6*1. Trank Sunday arhool 9:30

:hllng, paatoa. m. Uervli

Aacrnded Lord

FOURSQUARE OOSPEL CHURCH—Hev. and Mra. Arthur Padaraen•maton. 1207 Bl Prado. Pbone lift Burvley achool. 0:10 a. m. Mornln Mrvice 10:46 a. in. Tent" Bcrvlcu 7:30 p

i Pcdereen. MualcYounk people a meeting ».tt> p. i Wediteaday. 7:30, ori-aohlng and pr« IT. Friday. 1 30. Young people. Uui

KEYSTONE ASSEMBLY OF QOO— »ev. Charlotte Shook. 488 W. 2301

Sunday achool, aS»r 11 a.n and 8 p

aervlce . ._ and Krlda •ting, teatln

Jt. Andrew's To ^rticipate In World Relief Fund

Thursday night at 6:30 p. m. T this week the congregation f St. Andrew's church will meet or a pot luck supper which will

be followed by a presentation of

Townsend Hub Ho. 1

islon are ma reunion and d W. Baas said

"We estima' . ., Angeles countyflj f present and formerv."- IS units of this divlsi

We hope to bri of them together their first annual pos^T union In the Armory tion Park. Tickets for tin it $1 per couple, may :hased from MS.J,

Hendcrson, d 1 v 1 s general, at the armfcry

"An invitation to a

There wili be no meetings of the Torrance Townsend club No. 1 until after July 1. according to Ethcryn Vorhis, secretaiy. All members will be notified by msMl «s to meeting times and place.

.ttend is «.w^*S?y»;^tended former enlisted and con'/t», '* and <•„, "'

Issloned members pf the Cali^i^ h,,^/ ''' V, fornia State Guard who are nowjjg* bet./ ''i/., automatically assigned in the ^Vptix. National Guard Reserve, to tend in uniform," Pass said

The custom and fashion of to day will be the awkwardness and outrage of tomorrow soar



Mortality In Restaurants Is High, Says Bank

An Information digest on the restaurant business has been Is­ sued by the recently established Small Business Advisory Service of the Bank of America, accord Ing to E. A. Mattison, executive vice president in charge of de­ velopment of loan services. ' Surveys have shown, Mattison stated, that about one third of All new restaurants either fail, go out of business voluntarily, or are sold out within one year of inception, and approximately 88 per cent arc out of business by the end of the fifth' year. "In offering our digest,' 1 Matti­ son said, "Bank of America be-

- ,.«T T, . i lleves it can contribute to thihe picture "Not By Bread stabnltv of this type of htmi

Alone." The picture was pro*duced by the Episcopal Church o bo used to show people the

ness, with benefit to the ontir<

Chriat Ambaaaad. . .. .^ ^

abort 'aer'mon. idoiid'ay through Fi day prayer aervlce from 10 » m. to S.m. All are Invited.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST O LATTER OAV SAINTS Blauop I" gene D. Young, American Loglon h I«6lh and Normandle. Oerilena. 8 10 a.m.. Sunday achool. Relle(

i clety and prlealhood. Sun. 1:80 p.1 sJac'anlent meeting. Wild. 7:30 p.

MISSION JBRUSALIIM Htv. V. P. Ho<lrlguc<. paator. IDO ftHrd it., Pu­ eblo. PhonaTte7-H. J»undey aohool. M 'so a m., BaciMla Dominical. Af­ ternoon aervliw, 1:30. Mlr. 7:10, aar-

evanKeiico. Luoea: Oraoton a laa

| and' rr'lda/"' n'lg'hta." 7:80 p. in.

, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ReiMartin Uldaath. naator. Oardena

I at Manhattan pi.. Qardena. I1I MEMO 4-1064. Sunday achool 9.46

Service. 11:00 a. m., and 7:30 IrVcrMmlnilvr Fellowship. 1:30 p


I Harcellna av<

actual needs of people In Europe nd Asia. St. Andrew's will as- umc its shar*? of world relief-

through participating In the ildlng Bishop's Fund for

World Relief.,Th«> fund Is admln- stered by Church World Service

which Is the agency for most Protestant churches.

On Hunday, May 18, the offer­ ing will br presented at the 11

ilock service. Then It will be forwarded to Bishop Stevens and through him to the Presid­ ing Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

Future studies by the bank's Small Business Advisory Sorvk> will embrace, in the orde their popularity among o priscrs, such lines as appliance stores, women's apparel grocery stores, etc.

»m-e l I tiny »ch

W Bojp«.., ..ilnlater. Phone Tor- iiurch o( youth ajxl Bun- t t.30 "Uo<l llath 8p"kon." . m. "Tho Promise of th.-

rather."- No Sunday evening aervlce In Central church. We will cooperate with thi. United Fallowahlp *nrvlc« to be held In the Methodist Church it 7:40 P. ni. Youth rellowahlp Her­

at f:00 p. m. hi the Guild hall, annual roVctlng of Ontral Church

ill be held on Tucaday. May 90. In hall. Ft-llowahln dlwer at 600;

ineaa aenion at 7:11.

Blrriml U'.' "Sp'rliiga p.m Ohrli

of Peace and Po tlan Bndoavor «rc,ut.»

, ior high, annlor high. IK people. A etudy Itroup on loitrlnc led by the paatnr larlr-d for elderti, other church and Interested adulta. Prayer WVilmodar evening «l 7:10

Cost Of Needy Aid $17.07 Per $1,000 Valuation

Aid paid to the needy in Los Angeles county during fiscal 194546 was the equivalent of $17.07 per $1,000 of assessed value In the county, California Taxpayers' Association said to- day. The 104546 county tax rate for general purposes was $13.88 per $1,000.

Aid to the needy aged In the county during the last com­ pleted fiscal year was equal to $13.99 per $1,000 of assessed valuation In the county.

Aid to the needy blind equaled 59 cents per $1,000 valuation.

Aid to children averaged $1.04 per $1,000 value.

General county relief averaged $1.45 per $1,000 of taxable value.

Most of the aid to the aged, blind, and children in California Is financed by the fedc-ral and state governments, the Taxpay­ ers' Association said. For ex­ ample, maximum aid to the aged of $55 per month Is financed $20 federal, $25 state, and $8 county. Aid to the county indigents la financed by the county alone.

Man Killed In Plane Crash In Rolling Hills

Caught In a treacherous dowi draft, a two-seater l'i|ier cu plane crashed against tl side of a peak in Roiling Hill instantly killing the pilot an critically injuring a passpni:n

Dead is James Vernon Sn 28. of 3689 Fourth av,\, Diego.

The passenger, 19-yra James Oarfleld Campbell, a or, also of Ban Dlrgo, is in In Long Beach naval hospital. I suffered a fractured skull, a fi lured Jaw and a broken left an

The small red plane apparent failed to gain enough altitude clear a 1200-frjot peak and as th pilot turned, the plane spr the ground. The crash occ about half a mile off Crest Rid

St., Los Angeles 12. Walnuts

Most walnut trees are too ^

large for you backyard garden- bitaryU areB'the'seTr^nSTcnt laws,

era to spray. Your equipment ...VjurnRs Is not powerful enough to reach """»» the top. Better get a commercial man to do the job for you. Get two or three of your neighbors to have their trees sprayed, also so the man can bring a tank full of material. DDT on the walnut will kill the codling moth, but then you have more sprays to put on for aphis and red spider, so you had better stick to arsenate of lead re­ member four pounds to 100 gai­

ns of water with two pounds spreader.

Peaches - Apricots If you had any worms In the aches last year- worms that

roked almost the same as those the apples or walnuts better

iray with three or four pounds basic lead arsenate to 1(K

allons of water. A good-sized each trcr will take around four r five gallons. This spray pu

now will kill the spring rood of the insect called the ach twig borer. Later brood ill get into the fruit. Raspberries and Strawberries Many strawberry patches ar >ing ruined right now by red

of spider and two-spotted mite ntcr- Get some Bladen, or hexaethy

traphosphate, as a dust, jst is much better than pray on strawberries becaUB ou can not get the underside f the leaves wet with a spray

Bladen is on the market under verar brand names.Don't forget red spider on

boysenben ies can be controlled with sulphur dust.

' n '" TV '''''* v< t


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to a>d'*4>**"<* «rf **<**„ "'a //,

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4ALT a\ FftCtH

,T & ELMORE ~Avalon, Wilminqtoir

one TErmina! 4-30?t ::

SO.' Spiritual" L,l(n group* \Vedaeeday lornlng at 11:30. Young people'- - -' huraday evening at 6:66.

Pure humanity, fvtendsh home, the interchange of lo' bring to earth a foretaste heaven. Mary Baker Eddy.

Elementary PTA At nteresting MeetingAt the regular meeting of Tor­

rance elementary PTA, held In .he school auditorium,,Mrs. Don Wolf,' president, outlined plans for a paper drive to be held this week. Proceeds will piovlde funds for child welfare Work.

Members and their guests heard Yovan Popovich, Torrance high school student, read his prize-winning essay on "How the High School Driver Can Best Piomote Safety." Popovich placed first in a eity-wide contest spon­ sored by the Los Angeles police department.

Other entertainment included a health film on "How to Keep Well." Music was provided by Adelc Ann and Kathie Curtiss, pianists, young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Curtiss.

Mrs. E. G. Spratt and Mrs. G. E. Baer reported on the stat convention held at Long Beach.

^ I OF *mn^ 'Of y~. on*. **?fi* ti, A**?**^* 'o^C^** /*7 <*/?« A£P'4/fPa < a/> ? SK,.^- a'1 n~,'">of __ts //, ,. a// ,


Kitchen Craft ,.m ^ 49*.Inrkhad. 110-lb. bog, 95c; 25-lb. sock, 2.15)

Harvest Blossom io.i»..e. 77*

.**. 49*


Globe A-l Flour110-lb. bog, 4Sc; 25-lb. sock, ^

Gold Medal Flour110-lb. bog,95c; 25-lb. sock, 2.15)

Pancake Flour UJ%1 23-

BiKuit Flour iJ.t.Sil"

SOAPS and CLEANING AIDSSweetheart Soap »., H

Luxury belh.

Lux Toilet Soap 2^1' Ivory Guest Soap Super Suds Borax

Hormel SpamSwift PremSunnybank Margarine ,.», 39t

Salad Dressing 2 '£ 37*Duchtis brand.

Large Prunes """YrX'.**

Extra Large Prunes j^i*,'. 23"(Large prune*, 2-lb. package, 4lc)

Soda Cracker* "".i,^. 24'a-lb.pockate.4icl

Large Walnuts '" ,1* 40°Diamond budded. 11 -Ib. celle, 49c)

Cigarettes +, IB" . ,.. 1.39Lucky Strike, Camel, Lnesterfield. Old Gold,

Phllup Morris, Herbert Tareyton (cork tipl.

Poll Mall. Kool, Rolelnh (plain of cork tipl.

Cracked Wheat Bread 'ETMrx. Wrighfs brand. Full I -Ib. loaf I

Apple JuiceTomato Hot Sauce 1Vi ..,

Gardenslde brand.

Cat Food f ul1


i cbolr

r\nyr MEav. Clyde 1!anuel ave..

ol 9:46 a.

"na«o" Chliilprimary.


phone 3052. Sunday i. Departtnenti (or all.

m. 'Thr Call of the

rmedlale dcpirlmenta and the inta aa part oTtha Chrlatlan lion

Camlly emphaala. Youth aervl n in Worahlp and atiuly lor i

18 people. Youn« p^oplf'n inentlllg

anm and all yo « and oommunlty r. The Phtlalhoa

monthly buetneaa ...... Wedneaday. 10:00 Una's for Bible aludy naday. 7:90 P m . r<

Choir. Friday. 3:00 ut Troop meela.

|HUIHCH OF 61(1 R 1ST New 1J17 Oravenl ave. Tm-rai . Cannon, minister. Bun

Ov4o H. m. Rervlce. 10:45 a. H 7:80 p. ni. Young _p»«ii»l<! Tucaday, 7 :it) p in. Coiillnua ) »p«-lal claaa. Thursday. Young peoplo'a ntghl. Ulu« (sows, and ratrastwiaaU.

Compton Youth Fined $200 In Assault Case

Rlcnard Samuel Irwln, 22, of Compton, who was arrested last month on a charge of assault with Intent to commit rape, had the charge reduced to assault in City Court Monday.

Judge John A. Shldler lined Ir- win $200 and suspended a ISO- day sentence.

Irwin was arrested by Tor­ rance police the night of April 20 after a report was phoned In to the station that u woman was screaming in an alley off the 2300 block of Border ave. Irwin was captured at that location and rusisled arreHt, according to Investigating officers. Sgt. "Pop" Haslam suffered a lacerated Up In th« preosaw.




EGGPLANTGuarsntaad fresh and tender.