Church Office: (651) 436-3357 Rev. David Domanski …

TODAY: 11:00-1:30 Ham Dinner & Car Show MONDAY: 9:00-12:00 Quilters 9:00-10:00 Bible Class 6:30 Board of Education Meeting 7:00-8:00 New Bible Study (Reading the Old Testament With Understanding, led by Pastor George Riemer) TUESDAY: 10:00-11:00 Bible Class WEDNESDAY: 6:30-7:00 Devotional Service with Communion 7:00-8:00 Weekday/Confirmation Classes THURSDAY: 6:30 Praise Team Practice NEXT SUNDAY: 9:00 Traditional Service with Communion (Rally Day!) 10:15-11:00 Bible Class 10:30 Potluck & Games 11:30-12:30 New Member Class _________________________________________________________ READER: Betsy Hundertmark ACOLYTE: Silas Oberdeck _____________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDAYS: MON: Anna Voss FRI: Madison Buschette SAT: Dale Busacker, Jon Nelson _____________________________________________________________________ BAPTISMAL DATES: TODAY: Steven Wellner MON: Andrew Andreassen, Ann Fryklund, Ben Palmer TUES: Virgil Polinske THURS: Patty Fritsche SAT: Silas Oberdeck _______________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m.: 93. HEARING ASSISTANCE RADIOS are available in the narthex. Please see an usher. Turn to 97.8 or 98.0 for the best reception. CUSHIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX. You may leave them in the pews after the worship service. SAINT PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCMS) 880 NEAL AVE. SO., AFTON, MN 55001 Rev. David Domanski, Pastor Church Office: (651) 436-3357 Rev. David Domanski Cell Phone: (612) 720-8898 DCE Tony Engen Cell Phone: (651) 283-3478 9:00 A.M. Sundays: Alternating with Traditional & Contemporary Services (Communion at all Services) 10:15-11:00 A.M. Sunday school (beginning September 22 nd ) 10:15-11:00 A.M. Adult Bible Class 6:30 P.M. Wednesdays: Devotional Service with Communion Office E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. David Domanski’s E-Mail: [email protected] DCE Tony Engen’s E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST September 8, 2019 Vol. 58, No. 41

Transcript of Church Office: (651) 436-3357 Rev. David Domanski …

Page 1: Church Office: (651) 436-3357 Rev. David Domanski … bulletin.pdfLight of the world, You stepped down into darkness, Opened my eyes, let me see,

TODAY: 11:00-1:30 Ham Dinner & Car Show

MONDAY: 9:00-12:00 Quilters

9:00-10:00 Bible Class

6:30 Board of Education Meeting

7:00-8:00 New Bible Study (Reading the Old Testament

With Understanding, led by Pastor George Riemer)

TUESDAY: 10:00-11:00 Bible Class

WEDNESDAY: 6:30-7:00 Devotional Service with Communion

7:00-8:00 Weekday/Confirmation Classes

THURSDAY: 6:30 Praise Team Practice

NEXT SUNDAY: 9:00 Traditional Service with Communion (Rally Day!)

10:15-11:00 Bible Class

10:30 Potluck & Games

11:30-12:30 New Member Class

_________________________________________________________ READER: Betsy Hundertmark ACOLYTE: Silas Oberdeck


BIRTHDAYS: MON: Anna Voss FRI: Madison Buschette SAT: Dale Busacker, Jon



BAPTISMAL DATES: TODAY: Steven Wellner MON: Andrew Andreassen, Ann

Fryklund, Ben Palmer TUES: Virgil Polinske THURS: Patty Fritsche SAT: Silas




HEARING ASSISTANCE RADIOS are available in the narthex. Please see an

usher. Turn to 97.8 or 98.0 for the best reception.


pews after the worship service.


Rev. David Domanski, Pastor

Church Office: (651) 436-3357

Rev. David Domanski Cell Phone: (612) 720-8898 DCE Tony Engen Cell Phone: (651) 283-3478

9:00 A.M. Sundays: Alternating with Traditional & Contemporary Services (Communion at all Services)

10:15-11:00 A.M. Sunday school (beginning September 22nd) 10:15-11:00 A.M. Adult Bible Class

6:30 P.M. Wednesdays: Devotional Service with Communion

Office E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. David Domanski’s E-Mail: [email protected]

DCE Tony Engen’s E-Mail: [email protected]

Web Site:


September 8, 2019 Vol. 58, No. 41

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Contemporary Service with Communion

September 8, 2019 – 9:00 A.M.

AS WE GATHER – The book is only twenty-one verses, but the impact of

today’s Epistle is powerful! In his shortest New Testament letter, Paul appeals to

a slave owner named Philemon on behalf of a repentant runaway named

Onesimus. Within this bold appeal is the powerful display of Christ’s work of

redemption for all who seek the renewed favor of their master. The death and

resurrection of Jesus make an appeal on our behalf before the Father. For we, like

Onesimus, have run away from Him. And we, like Onesimus, are offered

restoration, full and free, when we come into Jesus’ presence in humble

repentance and faith. Let’s do that together this day! As repentant runaways, let’s

gather to receive the restoration our Master alone can give!

WELCOME (Worshipers greet one another.) (Stand.) OPENING SONG: “Here I Am to Worship” Tim Hughes

Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness,

Opened my eyes, let me see,

Beauty that made this heart adore You,

Hope of a life spent with You.

CHORUS Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down.

Here I am to say that You're my God.

You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy,

Altogether wonderful to me.

King of all days, oh so highly exalted,

Glorious in heaven above.

Humbly You came to the earth You created,

All for love’s sake became poor. (CHORUS)

I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross.

I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross.



Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

People: Amen.

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Pastor: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus


People: By God’s grace and peace, let us receive “the full knowledge

of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.”

CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION Pastor: Father in heaven, in Your mercy You call us to turn from our

sinful ways and live.

People: We confess that we have run away from Your presence. By

what we do and what we fail to do, we have turned our

backs on Your love. Forgive us, Father. Draw us again to

the cross of Your Son that we may be restored in our

relationship with You.

Pastor: Father, hear now the silent prayers of confession that we bring

before You.

(In a time of silence, we bring our sins to Jesus, our Savior.)

Pastor: Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are promised redemption and

restoration in the presence of our Father, who hears your prayers,

and for the sake of His Son, forgives you all your sins. Therefore

as a called and ordained servant of Christ, I forgive you all your

sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy


People: Amen.

PRAYER OF THE DAY Pastor: Let us pray. Merciful Father, You gave up Your Son to the

sacrifice of the cross in order to restore those who have run

away from Your presence.

People: Grant us to faithfully follow Him who offered His life for us


Pastor: We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and

reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

People: Amen.

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(Be seated.)

FIRST READING: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (ESV)

Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

SECOND READING: Philemon 1:21 (ESV)

Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.


HOLY GOSPEL: Luke 14:25-35 (ESV)

(Before the reading)

Pastor: The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke, the fourteenth chapter.

People: Glory to You, O Lord.

(After the reading)

Pastor: This is the Gospel of the Lord.

People: Praise to You, O Christ.

(Be seated.)

SERMON SONG: “Cry of My Heart” Terry Butler

CHORUS: It is the cry of my heart to follow You,

It is the cry of my heart to be close to You.

It is the cry of my heart to follow, all of the days of my life.

Teach me Your holy ways, oh Lord, so I can walk in the truth.

Teach me Your holy ways, oh Lord, and make me wholly devoted

to You. (CHORUS)

Open my eyes so I can see, the wonderful things that You do.

Open my heart up more and more, and make me wholly devoted to You.



SERMON: “Walking As Jesus Walked”

Text: Luke 14:25-35

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All: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and

earth and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God,

begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of

Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one

substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who

for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and

was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary and was

made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.

He suffered and was buried. And the third day He rose again

according to the Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at

the right hand of the Father. And He will come again with glory

to judge both the living and the dead, whose kingdom will have

no end.

And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who

proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and

the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the

prophets. And I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic

Church, I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins,

and I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the

world to come. Amen.

(Be seated.)

THE OFFERING (Note to our visitors: You are our guests this morning! Please do not feel the

need to make a contribution to our Offering. We would ask all visitors and

members to sign the Register Pad as the Offering is being collected. Also,

Prayer Cards are available in the pew racks for special intercessions during

the time of congregational prayer.

FOR ALL WHO DESIRE TO RECEIVE THE LORD’S SUPPER We believe that Christ’s Body and Blood is present in, with and under the

bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. In this sacred meal Jesus gives

Himself in love to His Church to build us up in faith, hope and love. Since Christ

is truly present, the Sacrament is not to be received in a careless or indifferent

manner. St. Paul writes: “Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord

in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the

Lord. Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup.”

(1 Corinthians 11.27-28)

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We believe that such self-examination necessarily includes the following

points: 1) Do I believe that the only true God is the Triune God, Three Divine

Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, within One Divine Being? 2) Do I humbly

acknowledge before God that I am indeed a sinner in need of His grace? 3) Do I

believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God is my personal Lord and Savior? 4) Do

I believe that in this Sacrament Christ is truly present for me for the forgiveness

of my sins? 5) Do I have a sincere desire, with God’s help, to live a life that is

pleasing to Him?

For those who can answer these questions in the affirmative, we welcome you

to join us at the Lord’s Table. For those who have a different religious

understanding, or are unclear as to the points listed above, we ask that you talk

to the pastor before receiving the Sacrament.



Pastor: Paul writes, “I thank my God always when I remember you in

my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you

have toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints.” United in love

and faith, let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus

and for all people according to their needs. For the Gospel of

Jesus Christ to reach into every corner of our broken world, that

all who are running away from our heavenly Father turn from

the path that leads to destruction, and by the Holy Spirit turn to

Jesus for redemption and restoration, let us pray to the Lord.

People: Father, strengthen us to turn to You in repentance and faith.

Pastor: For all those within the Church of Jesus, both clergy and laity,

that we join as one to share the restoring word of Jesus with

those we are sent to serve, embodying the spirit of Paul’s words

to Philemon that “the sharing of our faith may become effective

for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us,” let us

pray to the Lord.

People: Father, grant that we know all the good things that come to

us as we share Your Word.

Pastor: For all those who seek restoration with others, that the message

of forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation not only be received in

humble faith, but also shared within the relationships we have,

knowing that every one of us is dependent upon Christ’s mercy

and love, let us pray to the Lord.

People: Father, help us to extend to others the mercy we receive

from You.


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Pastor: For all who labor in positions of service and leadership in our

country, state, and local community, including the members of

the armed forces, that they know the constant protection of our

gracious God and joyfully serve others in the vocations they

have been given, let us pray to the Lord.

People: Father, thank You for serving us through the lives of others.

Pastor: For all who are broken in heart, body, mind, and relationship,

including those who are shut-in, hospitalized, in care centers,

awaiting surgery, and recovering from medical procedures, that

the Lord would refresh the hearts of His saints and work

mightily for their good, let us pray to the Lord.

People: Father, grant healing and refreshment to all for whom we


Pastor: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend ourselves and all for

whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy; through Jesus Christ,

our Lord.

People: Amen.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Pastor: Blessed are You, O Lord our God, king of all creation, for You

have had mercy on us and given Your only-begotten Son that

whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

In Your righteous judgment You condemned the sin of Adam

and Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit, and You justly barred

them and all their children from the tree of life. Yet, in Your

great mercy, You promised salvation by a second Adam, Your

Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, and made His cross the source of

restoration for all who trust in Him. We give You thanks for the

saving work of Jesus, by which we are restored as those who

once had run away from You but now return to You in

repentance and faith. Grant us Your Holy Spirit that we may

faithfully eat and drink of the fruits of His cross and receive the

blessings of forgiveness, life, and salvation that come to us in

His body and blood. Hear us as we pray in His name and as He

has taught us:

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All: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy

kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not

into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the

kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.



Pastor: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

People: Amen.



“Bring Forth the Kingdom” Marty Haugen

(Leader) You are the salt of the earth, O people,

(All) salt for the kingdom of God.

(Leader) Share the flavor of life, O people,

(All) life in the kingdom of God.

CHORUS: (All) Bring forth the kingdom of mercy,

bring forth the kingdom of peace.

Bring forth the kingdom of justice,

bring forth the city of God.

(Leader) You are light on the hill, O people,

(All) light for the city of God.

(Leader) Shine so holy and bright, O people,

(All) shine for the kingdom of God.


(Leader) You are a seed of the world, O people,

(All) bring forth the kingdom of God.

(Leader) Seeds of mercy and seeds of justice,

(All) grow in the kingdom of God.



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(Leader) We are blest and a pilgrim people,

(All) bound for the kingdom of God.

(Leader) Love our journey and love our homeland,

(All) love is the kingdom of God.

CHORUS: (All) Bring forth the kingdom of mercy,

bring forth the kingdom of peace.

Bring forth the kingdom of justice,

bring forth the city of God.

“Amazing Love” Graham Kendrick

My Lord what love is this, that pays so dearly,

That I the guilty one, may go free.

CHORUS: Amazing love, O what sacrifice,

The Son of God giv’n for me.

My debt He pays and my death He dies,

That I might live, that I might live.

And so they watched Him die, despised, rejected.

But oh the blood He shed, flowed for me. (CHORUS)

And now this love of Christ, shall flow like rivers.

Come wash your guilt away, live again. (CHORUS)

“Give Thanks” PW 170

“Behold the Lamb” PW 164


POST-COMMUNION THANKSGIVING Assistant: Let us pray. We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You

have restored, renewed, and refreshed us through this

salutary gift, and we implore You that of Your mercy You

would strengthen us as we turn to You in faith and turn to

others in love and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ, Your

Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy

Spirit, one God, now and forever.

People: Amen.

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THE BENEDICTION (Based on Philemon 3, 6)

Pastor: Grace go with you and peace flow through you, for they are gifts

from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

People: By God’s grace and peace, we have been blessed with “the

full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake

of Christ.”

Pastor: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine

on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with

favor and give you peace.

People: Amen.

CLOSING SONG: “Jesus Messiah” Chris Tomlin

He became sin, who knew no sin,

That we might become His righteousness.

He humbled Himself and carried the cross,

Love so amazing, love so amazing.

CHORUS: Jesus Messiah, Name above all names,

Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel,

The Rescue for sinners,

The Ransom from heaven,

Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.

His body the bread, His blood the wine,

Broken and poured out, all for love.

The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn,

Love so amazing, love so amazing. (CHORUS)

All our hope is in You, All our hope is in You.

All the glory to You God, The Light of the world. (CHORUS)

Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.

You’re the Lord of all.

(Be seated.)

Creative Worship for the Lutheran Parish, Series C, Part 2. Copyright © 2018

Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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September 8, 2019 (*Added this week)

Elaine Frahm, prayer of thanks for recovery from knee surgery Cole Wegner, son of Jenny Veith’s cousin, Cystic Fibrosis Jeff Riemenschneider, brother of Autumn Zahn, Parkinson’s Grace Hedtke, Melissa Oberdeck’s Godchild, bone tumor Ken Pechuman, Congestive Heart Failure and reoccurance of Leukemia

Patrick Love, grandson of Kathy Bauer, for strength & spiritual guidance

George Riemer, for recovery from heart bypass surgery Angie Graves, family friend of Jay & Autumn Zahn, By God's grace, she got her new heart, and has begun the healing process.

Kellen Giddings, friend of Maverick Schiltgen, recovery from a brain tumor Janice Goebel, sister of Phyllis Richert, for healing of her foot that was reinjured

Ethan Busacker, grandson of Dale & Janel Busacker, for health & healing

Lorraine Tobin, mother of Art Tobin, for health & healing Pete Goebel, brother-in-law of Phyllis Richert, for health & healing from surgery LaDonna Freitag, daughter of Faye Freitag-Schiell, for health & healing Laurel Bonine, for health and healing Holly Bonine, for health and healing Loren Richert, for health and healing Jamie Grenier, for health & healing Melissa Oberdeck, for health & healing Roger Lammers, brother of Phyllis Richert, for continued good health

Debbie Demo, niece of Cheryl Richert, undergoing chemo for brain and lung cancer John St. George, nephew of Cheryl Richert, Leukemia Kendra, 11 year old friend of Hollie Koller, in hospital in intensive care (Leukemia) Paul Richert, recovering from cancer treatment Annie Lewerer, cousin of Phyllis Richert, for health & healing from cancer surgery Dan Gendron, brother of Peggy Oehlke, colon cancer Hope Teal, cousin of Peggy Oehlke, breast cancer Jerry Walton, father/father in law/grandfather to Jason, Alicia, Matt and Ashley Walton. Extensive radiation and chemo treatment for throat cancer

Heather Coombs, niece of Gayle & Pete Schneider, diagnosed with breast cancer Jason Sinclair, friend of the Hundertmarks, colon cancer Jean Matschina, mother of Lisa Woodward, battling cancer Lisa Veith, niece of Ken & Linda Veith, diagnosed with cancer Alicia Cleveland, daughter of Betty Richert, Muscular Dystrophy & Leukemia Sandy Bushinger, daughter of Hubert Schiell, cancer Barbie Erickson, friend of the Swanson family, cancer Loretta Freitag, sister of Faye Freitag-Schiell, cancer Carl Benning (requested by Alicia Benning), cancer Mike Morley, friend of Bruce Albrecht, good health after cancer treatment Teresa Kopps, Stage 4 breast cancer (receiving treatment) Tim Sachi, friend of Steve & Sharon Wellner, cancer Sue Dickey, friend of Kathy Bauer, cancer ______________________________________________________________________

If you would like to include the needs of a sick relative or friend in our weekly Prayer

Page, call the church office at (651) 436-3357, or submit the request via E-mail:

[email protected] by Wednesday afternoon. Prayer requests will be kept on our

list for two months unless otherwise directed. To request a prayer for our “Prayer Chain”

that you would like us to send out via E-mail, call the church office. If you want to be

added to this e-mail list, please call the church office.

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BULLETINS THIS MORNING are sponsored by Daniel & Barbara Ellifson in memory of their grandparents as today is “Grandparents’ Day”

MONDAY MORNING 9:00 A.M. BIBLE STUDY continues with Judges, chapter 9.

TUESDAY MORNING 10:00 A.M. BIBLE STUDY watching “More Than Dreams”.

VOLUNTEERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S 9:00 A.M. SERVICE: COFFEE HOSTS: David & Muriel Leko; USHERS: Jay Zahn, Elder; Rick Bauer; George Riemer; Dave Leko; Nick Rodriguez; READER: Laura Bauer; ACOLYTE: Kourtlyn Engen; GREETER: Lorraine Hansen.

DEVOTIONAL SERVICES WITH COMMUNION are held on Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m-7:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: WEEKDAY/CONFIRMATION CLASSES will begin this Wednesday, September 11th, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. for 5th-8th Graders.

RALLY DAY!!! Please join us for our annual Sunday School kickoff next Sunday, September 15th! We have a fun-filled day planned with a BOUNCE HOUSE, GAMES, and a CONGREGATIONAL POTLUCK LUNCH. The festivities will begin at 10:30 a.m. (There will be Adult Bible Class 10:15 a.m.-11:00 a.m.) All congregation members and friends are invited to join us! The Board of Christian Education will be providing hamburgers, condiments, and beverages for the Potluck. We ask that those attending bring a dish to share.

CATALYST YOUTH NIGHT WILL BE HELD ON THIRD FRIDAYS OF THE MONTH, beginning September 20th. They will meet 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (for 5th-12th Graders).

OUR MISSION-OF-THE-MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER is missionaries John Wolf in Kenya, Africa and Sarah Harms in Russia. See the Mission Board for more information. Envelopes are available in your offering envelopes, in the pews and on the Mission Board. NEW MEMBER CLASS will begin next Sunday, September 15th, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and last for ten weeks until November 17th. Anyone desiring to become a voting member and take this class should contact Pastor

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David prior to class’s start. Also, any member looking to brush up on the Small Catechism is welcome.

NEW BIBLE STUDY! Beginning this Monday, September

9th, Rev. George Riemer will host a new Bible study at our church, "Reading the Old Testament with Understanding," from 7:00-8:00 p.m. The class will offer you a chance to become more familiar with the Biblical narrative, and will provide an overview of the Bible as "Salvation History." Please contact either Pastor Riemer or Pastor David if you plan to be part of this study.

COMING IN OCTOBER: A 4-WEEK BIBLE STUDY at the home of Linda Craig. We will watch videos from the

Lutheran Hour entitled “The Journey from Unbelief to Faith”, telling the experiences of people who come to know Jesus for the first time. If interested, contact Linda Craig and share your preferences for afternoon or evening meeting times.

WE ARE CHALLENGING OUR MEMBERS TO “PURCHASE A BAG OF GROCERIES!!” to contribute for a mission project coming up for Union Gospel Mission for Thanksgiving. Slips with items needed are available in the narthex. (Please have bags here by November 10th.) We will have a lottery for 6 tickets to the Gopher’s game on Saturday, October 26th. (Time not scheduled yet.) The drawing will be on Sunday, October 13th. Anyone who brings a bag of groceries by that time will put their name in the lottery box to win the tickets!



on the counter in the narthex. This will help update our

church records. Thank you.

VALLEY ACCESS CABLE CHANNEL #18 airs our worship service on Fridays, 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.; and Saturdays, 1:00 a.m. & 6:00 a.m. WE CAN ALSO PROVIDE DVD’S for shut-ins or anyone who requests them. They can be picked up by you, a family member or friend, or mailed. Call the church office. OLD CHURCH FREE STUFF: Numerous items are on display and available to all members inside our old church. The old church will be open for viewing the items starting 9/1/2019 on Sundays (10:00 a.m.-Noon),

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Mondays (9:00 a.m.-Noon), Tuesdays (10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.), and Wednesdays (6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.) Contact Doug Stoltzmann or Clyde Erickson if you have questions or to make an appointment for another time. If you desire to make a donation for anything you take, it may be placed in the offering plate and designated as “Old Church”. Items not chosen by Sunday, 9/22/2019, will go to a salvage company or be thrown out.

. . . . . . For students returning to school everywhere, we ask

God to send His Holy Spirit as their Guide and Protector. For St. Peter family students venturing off to college - we

want to stay in touch! Please provide the church office with a college address.

For the students returning to classes at Concordia University St. Paul and worshiping with us at St. Peter - we're so glad to have you back with us! Here's an update:

Tess Stage (Hibbing, MN) is in the graduate program working on her MBA.

Emily Bernau (Faribault, MN) is a senior working on an Elementary Education degree. Emily's sister Marissa is a freshman at CSP.

Rachel McCloskey (Steubenville, OH) is a Junior in the Pre-Deaconess program.

Casey (Tess' sister) & Robbie Stuzenski are both CSP graduates worshiping at St. Peter. Casey is teaching Math at Forest Lake High School; Robbie works for Breakthru Beverage.

Alicia Benning (Raymond, IL) worshiped with us while at CSP for 5 years and is now starting graduate studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in the Deaconess program.

Christy Peterson (Richfield, MN) is now a missionary teacher in Hong Kong.

(Please welcome the students who are back in our pews, and hold all students in your prayers for a blessed and productive year ahead!)