Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel...

Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche. Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church. Hayfields. Jahrgang/ Year 43 August 2014 Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. 1.Chronicles 16:23 Singt dem Herrn, alle Länder der Erde! Verkündet sein Heil von Tag zu Tag! 1.Chronik 16.23 Impulse Impulse

Transcript of Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel...

Page 1: Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel stiegen. Vögel singen ihre Lieder, die Tiere loben Gott in ihren verschiedenen von Gott

Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche.

Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church.


Jahrgang/ Year 43 August 2014

Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. 1.Chronicles 16:23

Singt dem Herrn, alle Länder der Erde!

Verkündet sein Heil von Tag zu Tag!

1.Chronik 16.23


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Singt dem Herrn, alle Lande; verkündigt täglich sein Heil! 1

Chronik 16,23

Wenn wir “Singt dem Herrn” hören, möchten wir am

liebsten unsere Arme ausstrecken und aus voller

Brust singen, denn wir singen dem Herrn. Hiermit

ist aber nicht nur ein Gesang gemeint sondern auch

unsere Taten verkündigen des Herren Heil.

Danach folgt: “alle Lande!” Stellt euch das einmal vor, wie wunder-

bar das wäre wenn alle Lande dem Herrn singen würden. Das sehe

vielleicht aus wie ein aufgebautes Freudenfeuer von dem Flammen

und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel stiegen. Vögel singen ihre

Lieder, die Tiere loben Gott in ihren verschiedenen von Gott gege-

benen Stimmen. Alles was man mit dem Ohr hören kann lobt Gott,

sogar die Stille der Wüste, das ständige Rauschen des Meeres und der

Blätter in den Bäumen, wie auch die Kinderstimmen aus dem Kinder-

garten nebenan.

“Verkündigt täglich sein Heil.” Unser Tun und Handeln verraten wer

wir sind. Lasset uns darauf achtgeben was wir sagen und tun.

Dazu können uns einige Hinweise helfen wie:

Beten, dass Gott uns führen und leiten möge, uns Bereitwilligkeit,

Ausdauer und Durchhaltungsvermögen, schenken

Klatsch, Kritik und Gleichgültigkeit vermeiden,

Einander in Treue lieben, grosszügig und ehrlich miteinander umge-

hen und offen sein, auch für neue Ideen.

Wir sollen singen, denn wenn man singt kann man nicht lange un-

glücklich bleiben.

Lasst uns gemeinsam singen:

Lobe den Herren meine Seele und

vergiss nicht was er dir gutes

getan hat.

Maggie Wylie

(Übersetzt vom Red.Komitee)

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“Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.” 1 Chronicles 16:23 The first thing a person thinks of when one hears “Sing to the Lord”, is wanting to stretch out one’s arms and sing with all one’s might, because it is to the Lord that one sings. We always think of it as being a song, but it can also be in our actions. Then comes “all the earth”. WOW! – Can you imagine how amazing and beautiful that is? Everyone praising and singing to the Lord! It is like building a bonfire, lighting it and as the fire and the smoke rise, being lifted right up to heaven! The birds sing their song, the animals make the sounds the Lord gave them. All the sounds the ear can hear, the quietness of the desert, the lapping of the unending waves of the sea, the wind blowing through the trees, the rushing water of a stream, and even as I am sitting here, the sound of the children playing in the crèche nearby. “Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.” People notice how we live and behave and will either want to be like us or be put off by what we do. So, maybe we can plant a “garden” in order for people to see:

Five rows of “peas” – prayer, preparedness, promptness, perseverance, polite-ness. Three rows of “squash” – squash gossip, criticism and indifference. Five rows of “lettuce” – let us love one another, let us be faithful, let us be loyal, let us be unselfish, let us be truthful. Three rows of “turnips” – turn up for church, turn up with new ideas, turn up with the determination to do a better job today than you did yesterday.

We can only ask God for guidance every day. For those who love singing, - well, you cannot sing and be unhappy. The words of the following songs are very apt in blessing and praising the Lord: With my hands lifted up (without inhibition) And my mouth filled with praise (cannot speak nasty things when praising) With a heart of thanksgiving (can only give thanks to God for everything) I will bless Thee O Lord (He alone must be praised and glorified)

Sing unto the Lord a new song Sing unto the Lord all the earth For God is great and greatly to be praised For He is great and greatly to be praised Sing unto the Lord…..

Maggie Wylie

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Profil des Monats Siegwald und Eva von Fintel

Siegwald von Fintel kam in Piet Retief zur

Welt und wuchs auf der elterlichen Farm in

Commondale auf. Er hat drei ältere Brüder.

Seine Eltern waren Stillfried und Anna von

Fintel. In Augsburg wurde er getauft und be-

suchte dann die Schulen Neu Hannover und

Hermannsburg. In Hermannsburg wurde er konfirmiert.

Er bekam ein Diplom in Landwirtschaft beim Cedara College of Agriculture

und arbeitete später bei verschiedenen Förstereien.

Eva ist das vierte Kind von Erni und Marie Vorwerk. Sie wurde hier in Pieter-

maritzburg geboren, getauft und auch konfirmiert. Sie besuchte die Prestbury

und Wykeham Schulen. Nach ihrem Matrikjahr machte sie beim Technical

College einen “secretarial course”, bekam ein Diplom und arbeitete bei ver-

schiedenen Rechtsfirmen wie auch bei einer Bank.

1979 heirateten Siegwald und Eva und wohnten zunächst in Greytown. 1981

zogen sie nach Piet Retief wo Siegwald eine Anstellung bei dem heutigen

TWK Agric bekam. Hier arbeitete er 33 Jahre lang – 16 Jahre als Executive

Manager im Timber Division, bevor er 2013 in den Ruhestand trat.

Ihnen wurden drei Kinder geschenkt. Hans-Peter ist Pastor in King Williams-

town wo er drei Gemeinden betreut. Sonja ist verheiratet und lebt in Victoria,

British Columbia, wo auch ihre Tante Helen wohnt. Sie hat einen Sohn, Elijah.

Birgit wurde 1988 in Piet Retief geboren, getauft und konfirmiert. Ihre Schul-

zeit verbrachte sie auch in Piet Retief. Als fleissige Studentin erwarb sie ein

BCom (Law) und LLB nach einem 5jährigen Studium durch UNISA. Als be-

ste LLB Studentin des 2012 Jahrgangs bei UNISA überreichte die Pretoria Bar

Council ihr 2013 die “Johannes Voet” Medaille. Augenblicklich arbeitet sie als

Kandidat Rechtsanwalt in Vryheid.

27 Jahre lang war Siegwald Laienprediger in der Piet Retief Gemeinde. Als

Eva 12 Jahre alt war fing sie an die Orgel in der Pine Street Kirche zu spielen

und später begleitete sie den Gesang im Gottesdienst in Piet Retief. Nach dem

sie 27 Jahre Organistin war musste sie das Amt aus Gesundheitsgründen aufge-

ben. Eva liebt Musik und hat auch viele Jahre im Chor mitgesungen und später

den Chor geleitet. Sie und Siegwald haben in Piet Retief den Gemeindebrief

KONTAKT angefangen und sind nun nach 20 Jahren treuem Dienst im Ru-

hestand. Sie wohnen in Howick.

Wir sind froh euch wieder in unserer Gemeinde willkommen zu heissen und

hoffen, dass ihr euch bald wieder hier wohl fühlt.

(Übersetzt vom Red Komitee.)

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Siegwald and Eva von Fintel

Siegwald, the youngest of the four sons of Stillfried and Anna von Fintel, was

born in Piet Retief and grew up on a farm in Commondale. He was baptised in

Augsburg. His school years he spent in New Hanover and Hermannsburg.

Siegwald was confirmed in Hermannsburg. At Cedara Agricultural College he

obtained a Diploma in Agriculture. He worked for various companies in the

forestry division.

Eva, the fourth child of Erni and Marie Vorwerk, was born, baptised and con-

firmed in Pietermaritzburg. Her school years were spent at the Prestbury and

Wykeham Schools. After Martic she obtained a Secretarial Diploma at the

Technical College. She worked in Pietermaritzburg in various legal firms and

at a bank.

Siegwald and Eva got married in 1979, spending their first years of married life

in Greytown. They then moved to Piet Retief in 1981, where Siegwald started

working for TWK Agri, as it is known today. He worked for 33 years for this

firm, holding the position of Executive Manager, Timber Division, for 16 years

before retiring in 2013.

Siegwald and Eva were blessed with 3 children: Hans-Peter, who is now Pastor

in King Willamstown where he serves 3 congregations; Sonja, who is married

and has a son Elijah and lives in Victoria, British Columbia, (where Helen, her

aunt lives); and Birgit.

In 1988 Birgit was born in Piet Retief. She was baptised and confirmed in Piet

Retief as well as doing all her schooling there. Birgit was a very dedicated stu-

dent and obtained her BCom (Law) and LLB within 5 years, at UNISA. In

2013 Birgit was awarded the “Johannes Voet” Medal by the Pretoria Bar Coun-

cil for being the best LLB student in 2012 at UNISA. She is currently working

as a candidate attorney in Vryheid.

Siegwald devoted 27 years of his life to being a lay preacher in the Piet Retief

congregation. Eva, who started playing the organ in Pine Street Church at the

age of 12, continued playing the organ in Piet Retief. After 27 years of playing

the organ in Piet Retief she was forced to stop, due to health reasons. Music

being a passion, Eva sang in the choir and then also took the choir under her

wing for many years. Siegwald and Eva started the congregational newsletter,

KONTAKT, and after 20 years of dedicated work, retired from that. They now

live in Howick.

We are glad to welcome you back into our congregation and trust that soon you

will feel quite at home again!

Profile of the month

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Das Volk ist wie gelähmt -

Die Folgen vergangener Schuld halten es gefangen

Die Gesellschaft hat kaum noch Werte und Normen

Die Probleme scheinen endlos und groß.

So kann man die Situation des Volkes Israel im babylonischen Exil

beschreiben. Die Väter haben das Unheil verursacht, und sie müssen es jetzt

ausbaden. Sie müssen damit leben, sich fügen. Es gibt keinen Ausweg.

Da beruft Gott den Propheten Hesekiel und lässt durch ihn sagen: DOCH! Es

gibt einen Ausweg, einen Weg nach vorn. Dieser Weg beginnt mit dir!

(Hesekiel 18) Egal, was deine Väter verbrochen haben, ja, sogar egal, was du

alles falsch gemacht hast - du darfst neu anfangen, heute noch!

Tue du ab heute was richtig ist, was gut ist - auch wenn du der einzige bist!

Lass dich nicht von dem bestimmen, was “alle” tun, sondern tue das Rechte

und Gute!

Lass dich nicht gefangen halten durch die jetzige Lage. Höre auf, dich als

Opfer der Taten anderer zu verstehen, sondern stehe auf, lebe! Gott möchte,

dass du lebst - hier, heute, jetzt! Er möchte, dass du ein Segen bist.

Bei Hesekiel 18,32 heißt es: “Ich habe kein Gefallen am Tod des Sterbenden,

spricht Gott der HERR. Darum bekehrt euch, so werdet ihr leben”.

Ähnlich sagt Jesus in Johannes 10,10: “Ich bin gekommen, damit sie das Leben

und volle Genüge haben sollen.”

Wie kann eine gelähmte Nation wieder aufgeweckt werden? Nicht durch

Massenaktion. Es beginnt damit, dass Einzelne den Ruf Gottes hören,

aufstehen, und anfangen zu tun was recht und gut ist!

Liebe Schwester, lieber Bruder in Christus, stehe auf, lebe als Christ, dort wo

du dich gerade befindest. Lass dein Auftreten von Christus bestimmt sein!

Dein Mitstreiter in Christus,

Horst Müller


August 14 POST September14

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A paralysed nation

Trapped by the wrongdoings in the past.

Trapped in general societal misconduct - “everybody does it”

Paralysed by the vastness of problems.

That was the situation of Israel during the exile in Babylon. The forefathers had

caused the situation, and the current generation had to live with it, and adapt to

it. There was no way out.

The prophet Ezekiel is called by God to say: NO! There is a way out, there is a

way forward. It starts with you! (Ezekiel 18)

Regardless of past history, the wrongdoings of your forefathers and even your

own - you can start afresh, today!

Start today to do what is right - even if you are the only one! Don´t be deter-

mined by what “everybody does”, but do what is right and good!

Don´t stay down in misery, blaming others for your condition, but stand up and

live! God wants you to live! Now! Today! Here! He wants you to be a blessing

where you are.

In Ezekiel it is formulated: “I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares

the Lord. Repent and live.” (18,32)

Jesus, in John 10,10 says: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to

the full.”

Changing a paralysed nation does not start with a mass movement, but with in-

dividuals who stand up and say: No more! I will stand up and do what is right!

Dear sister, brother in Christ, stand up and live as a Christian, where ever you

are! Let Christ determine your actions.

Yours in Christ´s service,

Horst Müller


August14 POST September14

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News from the Church

After a long wait the Johannes Congregation in Pretoria could in May finally

welcome Katrin Grüneberg as their new youth deacon. May she have a

blessed time in South Africa.

The General Pastor´s Convention of both ELCSA (NT) and Cape meets from

15 to 19 September in Malmesbury, Western Cape. May the Lord bless this


ELCSA (NT) Church Council had a think tank in May, to deliberate on ways

to deal with changing times and circumstances. A growing number of congre-

gations can no longer raise the funds for full time pastors. New forms of minis-

try and congregational leadership need to be developed. The process continues.

A task team of ELCSA (NT) and ELCSA (Cape) meets on 4 August in Cape

Town, to discuss the way forward for both Churches. The team consists of the

bishops, treasurers and presidents of synod of each Church. May the Holy

Spirit guide them!

Herzliche Einladung zu unseren Veranstaltungen mit Hans Martin Stäbler, theolo-gischer Referent im Reisedienst bei ERF Medien. Der theologische Elektroingenieur war langjähriger Generalsekretär des CVJM-Bayerns. Mit seiner Frau Renate gilt Stäbler als ein „Pionier der modernen chris-tlichen Seefahrt“ in Deutschland: Seit 1988 führt er gemeinsam mit ERF Medien „Traumschiff-“, „Jesus-Boat“ und Israel-Reisen“ durch, um „Urlaub unter Gottes Wort“ zu ermöglichen. Lernen Sie ihn persönlich kennen: 09. August 08:00Uhr Männerfrühstück* Stadtmission Johannesburg 10. August 10:00Uhr Gottesdienst Stadtmission Johannesburg 11. August Bibelstunde Kirchengemeinde Wartburg 13. August 18:00Uhr ERF Info Abend Kirchengemeinde Braunschweig 16. August 09:00Uhr Männerfrühstück** Stadtmission Pretoria 17. August 09:00Uhr Gottesdienst Stadtmission Pretoria * **Anmeldung erforderlich bei Martin Stobwasser: 083 979 63 96 / 012 348 3992 / [email protected] Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter oder rufen Sie an: 011 678 77 77

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From Council Dear Congregation

After many suggestions and ideas the bottom tiers of the new section of the

Wall of Memory have been tiled. We trust that you will be happy with the im-

proved look! Professor Gunther Wittenberg’s ashes were placed in this new

section. Members now have the choice of having their beloved ashes placed

into the wall or into the soil.

A busy month lies ahead of us: the Half-yearly meeting and the preparations for

the Spring Fest. We encourage you all to participate fully and look forward to

seeing many of you at the Half-yearly meeting. Then the preparations for the

visitation at the beginning of September need to be completed. We hope that

many of you will also participate in this exercise. Do take a look at all the con-

ferences which have been advertised.

Please remember to feed our pigs! We have another 4 very hungry ones – as

well as the cow for biltong! We will again be making Mettwurst and many

other products. We are grateful to Sharron Kassier and her son Martin for help-

ing us.

I wish you all joyful participation and let us “Sing to the LORD and proclaim

his salvation day after day.

Jubilee Confirmation: Sunday 31 August 2014

Please let Pastor Röhrs know if you were confirmed in

1964,1954, 1944,1934 or 1924.

All ladies are encouraged to attend

this Conference.

Please inform the secretary should

you wish to attend.

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In and Around Pietermaritzburg

Did you see the front page of “Maritzburg FEVER” dated 9th July

2014, a free tabloid which gets put into your post boxes periodically?

The very badly neglected and vandalized city cemetery in Commer-

cial Road is under discussion.

According to Eckhard von Fintel and John Deare from the Family

History and Genealogical Societies, the destruction to the cemetery

gets worse every time they visit the site.

Eckhard said that on 26th June 2014 he saw items from the cemetery

being carried away in black refuse bins down the Chief Albert

Luthuli Rd in broad daylight! He is further quoted as saying, “While

security at the cemetery is questionable and maintenance is on the

municipality’s agenda, the issue lies with citizens showing total disre-

spect and disregard for our history.”

Many years ago Germans and Lutherans were buried there, as well as

Prisoners of War. There is also a monument commemorating the

Prisoners of War.

Fortunately, our Bishopstowe cemetery which is outside the city and

more secure has so far been left unscathed.

The Boakes Family

Here is a report on the Boake family previously supported by our


It is amazing to see how Colin and Pam Boake, both in their seven-

ties, still cope as they care for many children.

Colin”s son paid for his father’s trip to Ireland, indeed a well-earned

holiday. Colin’s son is the leading world authority on wave power,

taken from ocean waves. Many countries now use this alternate

source of energy, but South Africa, unfortunately does not.

The Boakes are all doing well. The “miracle” girl, Joy, is still coping

with her brittle bone disease at the age of fourteen.

Solveig Otte

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Voor dit te laat is

Leo Buscaglia was 'n professor en motiveringspreker. Hy vertel dat 'n jong damestudent

gedurende die Viëtnam-oorlog 'n gedig Things you didn't do op sy tafel neergesit het:

“Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and I dented it, I thought you'd kill me.

But you didn’t. And the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it

did. I thought you'd say: “I told you so”. But you didn’t. And the time I flirted with all the

guys to make you jealous, and you were. I thought you would leave me. But you didn’t. And

you remember the time I spilled blue berry pie all over your brand new car rug. I thought

you would smack me. But you didn’t. And the time I forgot to tell you that the dance was

formal and you showed up in jeans. I thought you would leave me for ever.But you didn’t.

Yes there were lots of things you didn’t do, but you put up with me and you loved me and

protected me. And there were so many things that I wanted to make up to you when you got

back from Vietnam, but you didn’t.”

Ons stel so graag uit. Ons dink ons sal later iets goeds doen vir of aan iemand, later met ons

kinders speel, later ons familie en vriende opsoek, later iemand vergoed vir alles wat hy vir

ons gedoen het – tot dit te laat is. Ons kan uitstel om aan iemand goed te doen, maar ons kan

ook uitstel om reg te maak met iemand aan wie ons onreg gedoen het. Ons maak mense seer

deur hulle te ignoreer, wrokke teen hulle te koester, fout te vind met hulle, van hulle te skin-

der, hulle te veroordeel, op hulle te skree, ens. Iemand het gepleit: “If you can't love people,

at least, don't hurt them.”

Dawid se seun Absalom wou sy pa doodmaak sodat hy in sy pa se plek koning kon word.

Vir Dawid was dit verskriklik, want hy was baie lief vir sy seun. Toe kry hy die nuus dat sy

seun in die oorlog omgekom het: Die koning het ontroerd geraak en in trane na die kamer

bokant die poort opgeklim. Daar het hy heen en weer geloop en gesê: “My seun, Absalom,

my seun, my seun. Absalom, ag, as ek maar in jou plek kon gesterwe het. Absalom, my

seun, my seun” (2 Sam. 18:33). 'n Ouer is baie hartseer as sy kind doodgaan, maar dit is nog

erger as die kind tot sy dood teen sy ouer gekant was, veral as die ouer dit so graag anders

sou wou gehad het. Dit is so jammer dat mense wat veronderstel is om in liefde saam te leef,

mekaar soms soveel hartseer besorg.

God verwag dat ons in vrede sal leef: sover as dit van julle afhang, leef in vrede met alle

mense (Rom. 12:18). Richard Gillard skryf: We are pilgrims on a journey/ We are brothers

on the road./ We are here to help each other/ Walk the mile and share the load.

Buscaglia sê: “If there's something that needs to be done, you do it now! Because tomorrow

may never be there. And especially that's true with your relationships. Don’t wait. The time

for life is now, the time for love is now, the time to do is now, not tomorrow.”

Die persoon met wie ék moet regmaak kan more dood wees, of ek self kan more dood wees.

Wat gaan ek dan vir die Here sê? Dit is Hy wat gesê het: “Julle moet mekaar liefhê

soos Ek julle liefhet” (Joh. 15:12). Sê dit vir ons iets?

Ons hemelse Vader, dankie dat U nog vandag vir my gee om met iemand

reg te maak, voor dit te laat is. Amen.

Gratis e-posboodskappe weekliks vanaf [email protected]. Kies een of

meer van Afrikaans,Engels en Xhosa. Besoek


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Some thoughts on the subject of “Greens” and “Greening”.

This topic came to my mind after reading the article by the edi-

tor of the “Witness” in which he challenges readers to celebrate

the coming Mandela Day (18th July) in a different way. Why

not, he asks, clean up your immediate neighbourhood rather

than commemorating Mandela’s legacy with icons, monuments

and speeches ?

I do not believe that many of us really understand the meaning of the word “the

greens” or “greening”. Does it perhaps mean, to use an extreme example, that

we should drink water by cupping our hands (as did Gideon’s warriors before

engaging the Midianites) rather than using plastic cups which are produced by

the “dirty” chemical industry? Or perhaps you believe that genetically modi-

fied plants produce food which is harmful because scientists have interfered

with Nature? Are “greens” those people who believe all invasive plants (e.g.

gum and wattle plantations), need to be eradicated?

Perhaps a better understanding of the word “green”, in our present context, re-

fers to persons who are concerned with the conservation of our environment in

the broad sense, and set about doing something about it. That there is no gen-

eral consensus about this “definition” is clearly demonstrated by the current

correspondence found in the Witness, in “letters to the Editor”. See, for exam-

ple, the letter by Gloria Keverne, (Witness, 10th July 2014), who describes her-

self as “an environmental activist”. Her view is that invasion biologists’ who

believe that all alien flora are detrimental, fail to see the bigger picture.

A final example: “Fracking” (oil derived from underground shale reserves),

raises the hackles of most persons (including mine), particularly if this fracking

is to be in our Karoo. The reality is, however, that conventional oil production

is predicted to drop by 50% in the next two decades. And then?

Most people in Lutheran Gardens, and our Congregation, will have seen the

mess of broken branches, blackjacks, and thorn scrub at the lower end of Bester

Road. Now for the challenge! Are there any “green “ volunteers to clear up the


(Siegfried Drewes)

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Joy and sorrow

Des Newton passed away on Sunday

13 July 2014.

We will miss his friendly smile and his


Our prayers are with his wife, Ellie, and

his sons Waldemar, Zane and Glen.

May the Lord be with them.

Denzil and Christine Bunge

with their son Ryan who was

baptised on the 4th Sunday after

Trinity by his uncle Pastor Mark


Granny Ingrid Bunge arranged

the beautiful flowers.

Page 17: Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel stiegen. Vögel singen ihre Lieder, die Tiere loben Gott in ihren verschiedenen von Gott


100 Jahre!

Ich darf auf hundert Jahre zurückschauen und durfte einen

hundertsten Geburtstag feiern! Das ist ein so grosses Geschenk und

ein so grosser Segen, dass ich es kaum in Worte fassen kann.

Dieser Geburtstag fiel mit Pfingsten zusammen, welches mir sehr

viel bedeutet hat. Zusätzlich durfte er mit im Gottesdienst gefeiert

werden, und da möchte ich dir, Victor, an dieser Stelle, vielen Dank

sagen, dass das so möglich war und dass du das alles zusammen so

wunderbar gestaltet hast. Auch der ganzen, grossen Gemeinde einen

lieben Dank, dass ich das so erleben durfte, dass ihr mitgemacht

habt, mitgesungen, mitmusiziert und mitgebetet habt....und dann

noch den schönen Strauss Rosen geschenkt habt, mit dem dicken

Briefumschlag, und auch bereit ward, anschliessend zum

Gottesdienst, Tee, Kaffee mit vielen Leckerbissen, zu servieren.

Was für ein Fest!

Es kamen an dem Tag und an Tagen in der darauffolgenden Woche,

viele Glück- und Segenswünsche, liebe Worte und Umarmungen,

viele Karten und Geschenke, hübsche Blumensträusse, liebe

Besuche aus dem Luthergarten und sonstwo, und eine grosse Party

im Luthergarten.

Für dieses alles, für alle Liebe, möchte ich mich ganz, ganz herzlich

bedanken. Wie bin ich dankbar Mitglied einer solchen Gemeinde

sein zu dürfen und an einem Ort wohnen zu dürfen, wo es so viele

liebe Nachbarn gibt! Vielen, vielen Dank!

Marilly Düvel (Rona Hagedorn)

Page 18: Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel stiegen. Vögel singen ihre Lieder, die Tiere loben Gott in ihren verschiedenen von Gott


Thank you & Hospital Visitation

Hospital Visiting Ministry for August 2014

Der Gemeinde sei herzlich gedankt für das herrliche Obst

und das Heftchen “Der Herr ist mein Hirtwe”, übereicht

durch einen Besuch von Waltraut. Ein besonderer Dank

gilt Victor, der mir dann eine Andacht aus Psalm 23 hielt.

Für alle sonstigen Segenswünsche und Besuche zu

meinem Geburtstag sage ich „Danke“!

Amanda Rencken

Recht herzlichen Dank für alle Glück- und Segenswünsche zu

meinem 85.Geburtstag. Besonders danke ich auch für die

Flasche Wein von der Gemeinde. Sie ist sehr willkommen bei

diesem kalten Wetter!

Alec Oellermann




28/7 29/7 30/7 31/7 1 2 E-A Uken

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M. Van Niekerk

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 W. Schulze

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 E & O Engelbrecht

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 P Summersgill

Page 19: Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel stiegen. Vögel singen ihre Lieder, die Tiere loben Gott in ihren verschiedenen von Gott


Wal Bornheimer - 033 3472471 / 082 9201722 [email protected] or

[email protected]

Chairman: Communication. Employees, Duty Rosters (Consolidation of lists), Flower/Tea/

Welcomers List, Statistical return, NPO report, Monthly and Annual Calendar, 80+ Birthdays,

Council Window,

Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church

Key- and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network

Ernst-August Uken 033 3968221

Deputy Chairman:

Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran

Theological Institute, Mission Committee,

Craig Merryweather 083 4436953

Treasurer: Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking

Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 / 083 2323964

Secretary: Support Services: Music Groups (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the


Impulse, Multi Media

Frank Böcking 082 7995797

Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work – Young Adults & LYF, Seniors’, House Groups

Arthur St John-Ward 033 3862980 / 082 8775959

Property Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), General

Equipment, Security, Fire equipment, Vehicles & Transport

Wards & Care – All Councillors together with the Ward Leaders

Fund Raising Events – members of the Wards responsible to take charge

Funerals – Councillor in charge of the Ward to which the deceased belonged

- Ward is responsible for the refreshments.

Weddings -Councillor in charge of the Ward to which member belongs.

Support Fund: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor

Ward Leaders: Ward 1 Edgar & Karin Ortmann, - 033 3303741 Ward 2 Annette Pfeiffer -033-3441963 Ward 3 Frank Böcking -0827995797 Ward 4 Anita Harms - 073 3705554 Ward 5 Wal Bornheimer - 033-3472471 Ward 6 Arthur St John Ward - 033 3862980 Ward 7 Ernst-August Uken - 033 3968221 Ward 8 Robert & Ronell Wichmann - 031 7811714 and Carl & Christine Seele - 033 2510602 Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, - 033 3966883 Craig Merryweather - 083 4436953

Council & Portfolios

Page 20: Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg - ImpulseImpulse...und Rauch wie im Lobpreis zum Himmel stiegen. Vögel singen ihre Lieder, die Tiere loben Gott in ihren verschiedenen von Gott


Quick reference

Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 2871264 Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 3812012 E-mail: [email protected] Life Line: 033 3944444 AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322

Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only) Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00 Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209 Fax: 0865386356 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg Children’s Church: Heather Drews 033 3962814 Kids’ Club: Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Youth: Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Choir: Marianne Kassier 033 3471048 Brass Band: Thomas Ammann 033 3963322 Worship Team: Gertrud Tönsing 033 3460498 Mission Committee : Anita Harms 073 3705554 Partnership: Erlo Drews 033 3962814 Men’s Breakfast: Synod Representatives: Todani Moyo 0825515705 Valentin Volker 033 3968259

Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) : Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the Southern Circuit Congregations

Impulse Newsletter: E-mail contributions: [email protected] or [email protected] or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209

Closing Date for next issue 10 August 2014

(Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO)

Bank Account: Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch Branch Code: 22-14-25 Name: Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Account Number: 5677 111 28 48