C H U R C H O F S A I N T I G N A T I U S O F L O Y O L A L A I G L E S I A D E S A N I G N A C I O D E L O Y O L A P A R I S H M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T A S A J E S U I T P A R I S H C O M M U N I T Y , A N I M A T E D B Y T H E S P I R I T O F S T . I G N A T I U S , W E W E L C O M E A L L T O S H A R E I N T H E J O Y O F T H E G O S P E L A N D T O C O M E T O K N O W , L O V E A N D S E R V E G O D A N D O N E A N O T H E R . F i f t h S u n d a y i n O r d i n a r y T i m e Q u i n t o D o m i n g o d e l T i e m p o O r d i n a r i o F e b r u a r y 5 t h , 2 0 1 7 As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. A medida que dejamos que nuestra propia luz brille, inconscientemente damos permiso a otras personas a hacer lo mismo. Nelson Mandela


Page 1: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE … · 2017-02-03 · sofo británico católico, G.K. Chesterton, en su libro Santo Tomás de Aquino de 1933, señala




Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

February 5th, 2017

As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

A medida que dejamos que nuestra propia luz brille, inconscientemente damos permiso a otras personas a hacer lo mismo.

Nelson Mandela

Page 2: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE … · 2017-02-03 · sofo británico católico, G.K. Chesterton, en su libro Santo Tomás de Aquino de 1933, señala

From the Pastor’s Desk

2/Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time / February 4th - 5th, 2017Isaiah 58:7-10 w 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 w Matthew 5:13 - 16

Dear Parishioners,Are you a salty person or a sweet person?

The point of this rather odd question was not to get at some-thing about my personality, rather it was to elicit whether I gravi-tate to salty or sweet foods. The temptation perhaps is to say both. Yet, if given the choice, will you either dip into the bowl of chips or take a slice of chocolate cake?

In this weekend’s Gospel, Jesus uses the metaphor of salt both to describe his disciples and also prescribe what they are to do in and for the world. The prolific British Catholic author and philos-opher, G.K. Chesterton, in his 1933 book, St. Thomas Aquinas, The Dumb Ox, points out that “salt seasons and preserves beef, not because it is like beef; but because it is very unlike it.” By that, Chesterton means that Jesus is calling his disciples not to accept the status quo, not to be just like the “beef ” that is the world. Rather they are to season it, brighten it, even alter it the way salt seasons brightens, or alters the taste of our food. Like salt, they are also to be a preservative for the “beef,” preserving all that is right and good in our world: “restoring the world to sanity by exaggerating whatever the world neglects, which is by no means always the same element in every age.”

So, what is it that the world hungers for from us as the baptized salt for our age? What hungers are being neglected and called out for our exaggeration? We definitely need to discover what they are and then address them lest we become salt that has lost its taste and therefore “is no longer good for anything” (Mt 5:13b).

While we can surely come up with quite a hefty list, allow me to mention just two such hungers that strike me these days as very much neglected: national civil discourse and national care for the “other” among us.

Civil discourse certainly seems to be at a low ebb. Dialogue is now often reduced to a tweet or two. As for caring for the other? That too has descended to a new low. I am sure we all agree, Jesus did not give us a mandate to care only for those who are from our country or allow our care to extend just to those who have all their legal papers. As Christians we believe that, whether one acknowledges it or not, we are all daughters and sons of one God and sisters and brothers in Christ. Our care for the other – even when it “costs” us – should know no bounds. Exaggeration of civil discourse and care for the other are surely just two of the areas where we might be an additive, like salt, to what is already present in our world but always in need of being enhanced and nowadays even exaggerated.

But let us not forget that salt can also sting – ever get it in your eyes or on a cut? Sometimes in our exaggeration to season and preserve all that is right and good in our world we can sting.

Yet, might we be able to have some cake with our chips? Can we sweetly sting? Maybe we can, if we become proficient at “speaking the truth in love.” For if we do that, St. Paul tells us, we will grow in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Eph 4:15). In Christ’s Peace,

Fr. Joe

Queridos Feligrese: ¿Eres una persona salada o dulce?

El sentido de esta pregunta bastante extraña no era saber algo sobre mi personalidad; más bien, era para saber si me atraen co-midas saladas o dulces. Tal vez la tentación es decir que me atraen ambas. Y aún así, si te dan la escogencia, ¿qué seleccionarías, las papas fritas o un pedazo de pastel de chocolate?

En el Evangelio de esta semana, Jesús usa la metáfora de la sal para describir tanto a sus discípulos, así como la prescripción de lo que deben hacer en y para el mundo. El prolífico Autor y filó-sofo británico católico, G.K. Chesterton, en su libro Santo Tomás de Aquino de 1933, señala que “la sal adoba y preserva la carne, no porque es como la carne, sino porque es muy distinta a ella.” Con eso, Chesterton quiere decir que Jesús está llamando a sus discípulos a no aceptar el status quo, a no ser como la “carne” que es el mundo. Más bien, ellos están para adobarla, resaltarla, hasta alterarla en la forma que la sal resalta, o altera, el sabor de nuestra comida. Como la sal, ellos deben ser un preservativo para la “carne,” conservando lo que es correcto y bueno en nuestro mundo: “restablecer al mundo en salud al exagerar todo aquello que el mundo descuida, lo cual, de ninguna manera, es el mismo elemento en todas las épocas.”

Entonces, ¿qué es lo que el mundo desea con ansias de no-sotros, como sal bautizada de nuestra época? ¿Qué necesidades han sido descuidadas y claman por nuestra exageración? Necesita-mos, definitivamente, descubrir cuáles son para luego atenderlas, de manera de no convertirnos en sal que ha perdido su sabor, por lo tanto, “ya no sirve para nada” (Mt 5, 13b).

Mientras podemos aparecer seguramente con una larga lista, permítanme mencionar sólo dos de esas ansias que me golpean en estos días como muy descuidadas: el discurso nacional civil y el cuidado nacional que tenemos por los “demás”, que están entre nosotros.

El discurso civil ciertamente parece estar en su punto más bajo. El diálogo está ahora reducido a uno o dos tuits. ¿Qué hay con respecto al cuidado del otro? Ese también ha descendido a un nuevo nivel bajo. Estoy seguro que estarán de acuerdo de que Jesús no nos dio el mandato de cuidar solamente de aquellos que son de nuestro país o permitir que nuestro cuidado solamente se extienda a aquellos que tienen sus papeles en regla. Como cristia-nos creemos que , se reconozca o no, todos somos hijas e hijos de un mismo Dios; por ende, hermanas y hermanos en Cristo. Nuestro cuidado por el otro – aun cuando nos “cueste”- no debe conocer fronteras. La exageración del discurso civil y el cuidado por el otro son seguramente dos de las áreas donde debemos ser aditivos, como la sal, para lo que ya está presente en nuestro mun-do, pero que siempre tiene la necesidad de ser mejorado y también ahora exagerado.

Pero no olvidemos que la sal también puede picar – ¿la has teni-do en tus ojos o en una cortada? A veces, en nuestra exageración

(Continúa en la página 3)

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3/Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time

Please pray for:

Sunday, February 5th8:00 a.m. - Patricia Sullivan10:00 a.m. - Maria Ambruzim Lorenzoni

& Gabriel LorenzoniNoon - Charles & Ted Reilly5:30 p.m. - Rose Duerr

Monday, February 6th12:15 p.m. - Patricia Chard O’Neil

Tuesday, February 7th12:15 p.m. - Jeanne Petrie

Wednesday, February 8th12:15 p.m. - Joseph Conlogue

Thursday, February 9th12:15 p.m. - Joseph F. Turley

Saturday, February 11th9:00 p.m. - Bruce Anderson4:00 p.m. - The Sick of the Parish

Sunday, February 12th10:00 a.m - Leslie Brooks PikeNoon - Margaret Hallisey5:30 p.m. - Mary Dafarra

Mini-Retreat: Seasons of Our Lives:a Spirituality for Everyday Living

with Peggy PatenaudeWednesday, February 8th10:00am -12:30pm. (Coffee at 9:30)Sacred Hearts Retreat Center in Wareham, MACost is $20. Pre-registration required. Contact Peggy: 508-548-9149 or [email protected].

Worldwide Marriage Encounter WeekendMarch 17th-19thSouth Kingstown, RI For more information, contact: Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710-9963

We Warmly Welcome Our New DirectorLara Ericson

A native of Rochester, NY, Lara received her B.A. in Theology from Georgetown University, where she subsequently spent three years

working in campus ministry. She relocated to Boston in 2014 to begin the MDiv program, and is excited to be putting down deeper roots in the area. Lara will graduate with her Master of Divinity degree from

Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry in May 2017. She is looking forward to getting to know the St. Ignatius community

better as she begins this position.Lara’s first day will be Monday, February 5th.

She will be assisted by Jocelyn Collen.We thank Fr. Jim Coughlin, S.J., for serving as interim director these

past months, helping us to get our Faith Formation program for the 2016-17 academic year off the ground.

Faith Formation

Saturday, February 11thDuring the 4:00 p.m. Mass

Homeboy Industries and the Ennobilizing Formation of Conscience: Being Reached by the Widow, Orphan and StrangerPresenter: Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., Founder and Director of Homeboy Industries Tuesday, February 7thRobsham Theater, 5:00 p.m.Sponsor: The C21 CenterRegistration not required. Limited Seating. Doors open at 4:30 p.m.

(Viene de la página 2)para adobar y preservar todo lo que es correcto y bueno en nuestro mundo, podemos causar picor.

Entonces, ¿podemos comer pastel junto con nuestras papas fri-tas? ¿Podemos causar picor dulcemente? Tal vez podamos, si nos hacemos expertos en “decir la verdad con amor.” Y si hacemos eso, San Pablo nos dice, “creceremos en todo hasta Aquel, que es la cabeza, Cristo” (Ef. 4, 15)

En la Paz de Cristo:P. Joe


Page 4: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE … · 2017-02-03 · sofo británico católico, G.K. Chesterton, en su libro Santo Tomás de Aquino de 1933, señala

4/Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time

Lent Is On Its Way! Each year, on the last Sunday before Lent, we burn the palm branches blessed on the prior Palm Sunday, to be

used at the services on Ash Wednesday. On the weekends of February 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, and 25-26, there will be baskets at the entrances of the

church for collecting these branches. Once gathered, they will be burned before the 5:30 p.m. Liturgy on Feb-

ruary 26th. Before theses palms are committed to the flames, you are also welcome to join us for a brief prayer

service on the front steps of the church at 5:10 p.m. .

Community Connections

PASTA & PRAYERCome and See, Go and TellThursday, February 16th6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Friary Room

A convivial conversation with old and new friends,

over dinner, to discuss the upcoming scriptures. During our next session, we will discuss the readings for Easter

Sunday. Newcomers are always welcome! To reserve a place at the table, call Catherine:

617-782-5812 or e-mail to [email protected] Join us to feed your body, mind and soul.

The 9th Annual St. Ignatius Women's Retreatwith Nancy Sheridan, SASV

March 10th-12th, 2017 Connors Retreat Center in Dover, MA

Treat yourself to a weekend of prayer, quiet reflection and conversation with other women of the parish at this

beautiful location. The theme for our retreat is "Create in Me, Create in Us - Biblical Women Converse.”

Our director, Nancy Sheridan, SASV, is a well known spiritual director and retreat leader, previously on staff at the Weston

School of Theology and Eastern Point Retreat House. Cost $300 / Deposit $150 due at registration.

Partial Scholarships Available.Registration will close on February 26th.

For more information or to register, please contact:Mary Dailey, 617-332-6987, [email protected] Good, 857-231-2429, [email protected]

Martha Sullivan, 508-668-7268, [email protected] Office: 617-552-6112, [email protected]


NEW MEMBERS Each group serves to enhance our liturgies and to support our assembly singing. There

are varying levels of commitment, depending on the ensemble.

Please check descriptions on our webpage:

We have a particular need for tenors and basses in the 10 a.m. choir, which rehearses on Wednesday evenings.

Join us in singing and playing for the Greater Glory of God.



This group meets monthly to accompany and enrich the 12:00 p.m. Sunday Mass.

We invite instrumentalists with ensemble playing experience from all backgrounds to consider

offering their talents for our St. Ignatius community. This is a wonderful opportunity to make music in a beautiful space. Our next appearance will be Sunday,

February 5th. For more information, please contact our organist and ensemble director,

Matthew Anderson, at [email protected].

Present and Future of an Ibero-American TheologyAn Open Conversation withGustavo Guttierrez, O.P., and Juan Carlos Scannone, S.J.Moderator: Thomas H. GroomeWednesday, February 8th5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.Robsham Theater, Chestnut Hill CampusAdmission Free

Juntos Vencemos El MiedoEncuentro con movimientos sociales y religiosos de BostonViernes 10 de Febrero St. Ignatius Church, Chestnut HillEncuentro: 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Eucaristía: 6:20 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (en Español) con la participción del Cardenal Baltazar Porras CardozoEtrada Libre: [email protected] / 617-552-4152

The Little Sisters of the Poor in Somerville, MA Currently taking applications for Certified Nursing Assistants, Registered Nurses, Prep Cook/Dishwashers, and Dining Room Aides. Contact us at [email protected].


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5/Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time

Outreach MinistriesFebruary 11th/12th: Will you be their valentine?

NEXT WEEKEND we will con-duct our at-the-door collection to underwrite lunches for Guests at St. Francis House Day Shelter in Boston. Look for the heart shaped box at any church exit

after Mass. Why not consider donating the cost of one weekday lunch (or maybe more)? To learn more about St. Francis House visit their website”

February 25th/26th: Rice Bowls for Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program will be available in anticipation of Ash Wednesday.

February 28th: Seniors’ gathering in celebration of Mardi Gras!

March 1st:



Our month-long Socks and Flip-Flops Drive for Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program will begin.

THE WINTER WALKFebruary 12th from 8:30-11a.m.

A new initiative raising funds and awareness to help end homelessness in Boston. Participants will meet in Copley Square, walk 2 miles together and then gather outside in Copley Square for a community break-fast. All funds raised will benefit Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program and 4 partner organizations that serve Boston’s homeless folks: Pine Street Inn, Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Brookview House and Y2Y. See their website:


February 28th: Shattuck Fourth Tuesday

BIBLE STUDYThe Power of Relationship with Marsha MirkinSaturday, February 18th10 a.m. - noonParish Office Marsha Mirkin will once again lead us in studying the Hebrew Testament Book of Exodus. We will look at the improbable prophet, Moses, who started off hesitant and insecure to develop into the man who saw God face-to-face, who could argue with God, and learn from God and their unique relationship. In spite of struggles, with the help of Hebrews and non-Hebrews, a God-supported Mo-ses moved a generation from slavery into the wilderness, into covenant, and toward the Promised Land. What does this mean for us and our relationship with God? Find out by joining us on February 18th.

PROJECT BREAD WALK FOR HUNGER 2017 YES, we’re already thinking of the May 7th Walk for Hunger! TEAM IGNA-TIUS has been “formed” and is all set to receive members who would like to walk or volunteer. It’s not too early to start getting ready for the big day. The 20-mile route is back, as is the 5K run. Visit for more information about the Walk, the Run and the registration process. Be sure to sign on to TEAM IGNATIUS!


BOOK DISCUSSIONWomen, Earth, and Creator Spirit by Elizabeth Johnson. Sunday, February 12th11:15 a.m.Parish OfficeThis short book, originally given as a lecture, helps us to remember the Spirit's continuous role in creation while informing readers of how they might participate. It is both theological and directly applicable. Please feel free to join the discussion.

Nativity Preparatory SchoolAnnual Spirit DinnerWednesday, March 8th at 6:00 p.m. Contact Brooke O'Donnell at 857-728-0031 x21 or [email protected] for more information.


Page 6: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE … · 2017-02-03 · sofo británico católico, G.K. Chesterton, en su libro Santo Tomás de Aquino de 1933, señala

Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

PHONE: 617-552-6100 v FAX: 617-552-6101 v E-MAIL: [email protected] v WEB:

PARISH OFFICE HOURSMonday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday: 8 a.m - 2 p.m.

The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. James Coughlin, S.J., Associate Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. Gerald Finnegan, S.J., Associate Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison [email protected] 617-552-6113Reenie Murphy, Accounts Manager [email protected] 617-552-6117Timothy Manning, Administrative Assistant/Media Specialist [email protected] 617-552-6102Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach Ministries [email protected] 617-552-6107Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry [email protected] 617-552-6108Matt Anderson, Organist, Assistant Director of Music [email protected] 617-552-6114Lara Ericson, Director of Faith Formation [email protected] 617-552-6105Jocelyn Collen, Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6103Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6112 Jamie Huggins, Facilities Manager [email protected] Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator [email protected]

The Celebration of the EucharistSUNDAY Upper Church 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 5:30 p.m.

Lower Church 10:00 a.m., Family Liturgy 12:00 a.m., Misa En Español En La Capilla Lannon

WEEKDAY Lower Church 12:15 p.m. & 5:30 p.m [Adoration—12:45 p.m., Friday]SATURDAY Lower Church 9:00 a.m.

Upper Church 4:00 p.m. (Vigil)

Newcomers to St. Ingatius are invited and encouraged to formally register as members of the parish so that we can stay in touch with you via email with Faith Formation news, notice of special events, volunteer opportunities, and more. Registration

forms are available at the back of the church in the gathering space, in the parish office or on the website.Please note that you must be registered for at least six months before we can issue any verification

of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters, for example. 6/Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time

Parish Registration

Transitional Deacons: Victor Gacitúa,S.J.; Joseph Simmons, S.J.; Philip Sutherland, S.J.

CAP TeamKathy Maher, Team Member, Chair [email protected] Ericson, Team Member [email protected] Gervais, Team Member [email protected] Santapaula, Team Member [email protected]

Other SacramentsReconciliation—Saturdays, 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Upper Church or by appointment.Baptism—Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Infants and child baptisms are by arrangement. First Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade one and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.Confirmation—Our Confirmation program begins in 9th grade; students are confirmed in the spring of 10th grade. For young adults who have been baptized but are not yet confirmed, contact the parish office.Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Contact the parish office for available dates and details. Anointing of the Sick—By arrangement. Contact the parish office.

Page 7: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE … · 2017-02-03 · sofo británico católico, G.K. Chesterton, en su libro Santo Tomás de Aquino de 1933, señala

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Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

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or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]




Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs!If you bring your printing to a chain store

or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]




Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


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