CHUM Annual Report 2012

Photo by Rolf Hagberg Home Sweet Home Food • Shelter • Dignity • Hope CHUM is people of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives, and organize for a just and compassionate community. 2012 Annual Report July 2011 - June 2012

Transcript of CHUM Annual Report 2012

Page 1: CHUM Annual Report 2012


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Home Sweet Home

Food • Shelter • Dignity • Hope

CHUM is people of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives, and organize for a just andcompassionate community.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Annual Report July 2011 - June 2012

Page 2: CHUM Annual Report 2012

It was Boswell who said that imminent death has the power to concentrate the mind wonderfully. While the analogy is weak, my own experience suggests that imminent retirement has a similar power. Certainly my anxiety level, if not my focus, increases proportionately to the approach of that end date.

But then anxiety has been in bountiful supply at CHUM over these past months. This has been a difficult year. Never before have we experienced such demands for assistance, demands that grow from quarter to quarter. A few numbers: over 2,000 families received 5,400 food packages; 938 people, including 70 families, stayed in emergency shelter; over 430 people were seen at the Nurse’s Clinic; 143 homeless street people were helped through street outreach; nearly 100 people received employment assistance; 8 families lived in CHUM permanent supportive or transitional housing; over 80 disabled people were assisted through our SSI Advocacy/SOAR services; and over 3,000 people used the CHUM Center. And these numbers do not begin to convey the level of chaos that lies behind the needs and crises that bring people to CHUM, chaos that has to be sorted out and worked through if people are to move towards stability and self-sufficiency.

What is impressive is how staff, working with hundreds of volunteers, both responded to these needs and brought a measure of order to the tsunami of chaos that crested over them daily. People and families did move from shelter to permanent housing. People did obtain and maintain employment. People did have their medical problems addressed. Those who were disabled secured SSI assistance and the means to provide for their needs. And with these accomplishments came real growth as people learned new life skills, exercised responsibility, and gave direction to their lives.

This work is grounded in love, not as an abstraction but as a way of being in real, sometimes difficult relationship with one another. Love made concrete by the six congregations regularly serving meals at the CHUM Center; by Gloria Dei opening its doors and hearts to homeless families when their numbers overwhelmed the CHUM shelter; by First Lutheran providing space for Transitional Housing; by Peace and Trinity doing shelter and RUAH repairs and Pilgrim helping homeless families move

into homes; by Our Savior’s hosting the West Food Shelf; and by four Lakeside congregations opening a new food shelf for their neighbors. And this love is made concrete as hundreds of congregational members join with hundreds of people living in poverty to work for affordable health care, to save the Seaway Hotel, to insure the right to vote, and to advocate for access to food.

Also in the past year new projects got off the ground and gained momentum. Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) programming is in place to better serve those with mental health problems. Our partnership with One Roof and Center City Housing continues as we move toward building and staffing the 44-unit Hillside Apartments supportive housing development for families. And this year begins the three-year implementation phase of the Growing Up Healthy initiative, a partnership that will create a healthier environment for the youngest members of our most economically distressed neighborhoods.

Through CHUM hundreds of people of all economic levels, races, and social backgrounds are finding ways to work together for a stronger and healthier Duluth. It is slow, deliberate, often difficult work. But through it relationships are formed and love is woven into the fabric of our community.

On a high country backpacking trip over fifty years ago I spent a starry night alone on a mountaintop. As the hours passed I was drawn out of myself into the immensity of that space experiencing incredible peace and well being. This remains one of the touchstone events of my life. Over these past 16 years I have experienced how CHUM, too, has

the power to draw me out of my narrow, ego-bound identity into a life far richer and more immense. For that I am thankful to all who have shared their lives and their souls in doing this work.

Thomas Asbury

Tab Baumgartner

Holly Church

Board of DirectorsAdelaide Cline

John Edwards

Jean Esler

Greg Garmer

Boissey Johnson

Holly Jorde

Sharon Lohman, Treasurer

Mary B. Newcomb, President

Daniel Oyinloye

Adam Pine

Chris Rubesch

Catherine Schuyler

Rebecca St. George

Per Wickstrom, Secretary



GROUNDED IN LOVE By James D. Soderberg, Executive Director

Jim (on the right) enjoys catching up with a neighbor at the

CHUM National Night Out picnic.


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With a small notebook and pencil in hand, Per Wickstrom of Duluth sketches the layout of several Sunday school rooms in Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. He jots down the location of a small refrigerator and then points out the place where several large air mattresses were located just months ago. Room dividers separated the area, Per said, to create private spaces.

Per’s sketching isn’t meant to describe the typical Sunday school room at an area church. Rather, it depicts the temporary shelter that existed at Gloria Dei during the past year. Per and his wife, Elaine, who have been members of the church for nearly 30 years, were just two of the many volunteers who helped operate this family shelter for several months.

“Once we got to know the families, each night as they arrived it was almost like coming home,” said Elaine of the five families that stayed in the shelter from April until June. “We had really warm relationships. I think people would be much more understanding of homelessness if they knew people who are homeless.”

It all began back in November 2011 when CHUM started to see an increase in the number of families seeking shelter. With the four family units continuously filled, six families were forced to stay in small rooms, meant for single adults.

Having been involved at CHUM for a number of years, Per and Elaine came up with an idea. Following a board of directors’ meeting, Per told Elaine about the need for more shelter, and the couple wondered if they could house families in an empty office suite at Gloria Dei. Two families stayed in the office suite in February, but by April, volunteers had moved the shelter to the spare Sunday school rooms.

Operating another CHUM shelter for families took a great deal of volunteer effort.At least two people not only from Gloria Dei but also from the community at large, volunteered each night to run the shelter, with nearly 30 volunteers stepping up to help with the project. Under the direction of CHUM social workers, volunteers picked up the

families at the CHUM Center each evening and brought them to the church.

“It has been a part of CHUM’s mission,” said Per, who serves on CHUM’s board of directors and development committee. “[CHUM] takes care of people and is the last safety net before starvation and freezing to death. It’s the type of organization where everyone wants to accomplish the goal.”

Volunteers often brought a meal for the families, and nights at the shelter consisted of building community by playing games with the children and getting to know one another. “We treated them nicely, and they treated us nicely back,” said Elaine, a member of CHUM’s Special Events committee. “There were lots of really neat,

warm kids. We really miss them.”

In the morning, families were brought back to the CHUM Center following breakfast. “It was kind of like a family,” Elaine added.

As one of CHUM’s member congregations, Gloria Dei perishoners were generous in

their donations to the shelter, providing food, cleaning supplies, and space for the families. After several months, the number of families needing emergency shelter dwindled as CHUM housing advocates helped them find more permanent housing. With support from such dedicated volunteers, CHUM and Gloria Dei were able to make a difference in the lives of the children and parents who stayed there.

“We don’t have all of the answers,” Per said. “The answers you think you had in the first week just don’t apply. The program wasn’t going to change the entire world, but if it changed the lives of the volunteers and the families staying with us, we’ve accomplished something.”

Per and Elaine Wickstrom, long-time CHUM volunteers, spearheaded the operation of a family emergency shelter at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church.



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“I think people would be much more understanding of homelessness if they knew people who

are homeless.” Elaine Wickstrom


Page 4: CHUM Annual Report 2012

When you almost double the number of volunteer hours that are logged within just one year, you are bound to see an enormous impact take place. This was exactly the case for CHUM during the past fiscal year, as more volunteer hours were logged than ever before. A total of 18,022, to be exact!

Volunteers directly impact the lives of those served at CHUM by filling stomachs with nourishing food on a regular basis in the CHUM Center and sleeping on cots in their own church in order to provide a safe, warm place for an increasing number of homeless families.

We work together, not only to strengthen CHUM, but to build a stronger community: we form coalitions, alliances, and create more space for volunteers to come together for change. We build statewide networks to better respond to current action alerts. We prevent programs from being cut, ensuring funding for safety net programs that keep thousands of individuals alive on a daily basis. Another letter to the editor means another voice asking for, and receiving, money for affordable housing in the bonding bill.

We think big. We look at the potential for improving our health care system. We recruit volunteers from the client population to share stories which inturn impact law makers. We build the capacity of our leaders through training and leadership development opportunities.

We launched a campaign to defeat the voter restriction amendment; recruiting volunteers to reach hundreds more to ensure the rights of eligible voters are protected.

It is our hope that through advocacy work and volunteer efforts, we can influence the lives and policies that affect those who are without basic needs. Together with our loyal volunteers, we can ensure daily survival and the hope for a better tomorrow.


Asbury United MethodistCathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic

Center City CatholicConcordia Lutheran

Duluth CongregationalDuluth-Superior Friends Meeting

Eastridge Community Elim Lutheran

Family of God LutheranFirst Lutheran

First United MethodistFrench River LutheranGlen Avon Presbyterian

Gloria Dei LutheranHillside United Methodist

Holy Cross LutheranHoly Family Catholic

Hope United MethodistKenwood Lutheran

Lakeside PresbyterianLester Park United Methodist

Lutheran Church of the Good ShepherdOur Savior’s Lutheran

Peace United Church of ChristPilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ

Salem LutheranSt. Andrew’s by the Lake Episcopal

St. Benedict’s CatholicSt. John’s Catholic

St. Mark African Methodist EpiscopalSt. Michael’s Catholic

St. Paul’s EpiscopalSt. Scholastica Monastery

Temple IsraelTrinity Lutheran

Unitarian Universalist of DuluthUnited Baptist Christian

ENSURING SURVIVAL AND HOPE FOR A BETTER TOMORROW By Elizabeth Olson, Congregational Outreach Director


Author Shane Clairborne encouraged us all to work for social justice at a presentation held at the Mitchell Auditorium.

Pastor Robyn Weaver of Glen Avon

Presbyterian Church led the 2011

Christmas Vigil where community

members remembered all those who

died while homeless.

Trixie Wedding, member of the

CHUM Organizing Steering com-

mittee, speaks before boarding a bus

to St. Paul where a group of volun-

teers met with elected officials about

the development of a people-friendly

Health Insurance Exchange.

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Asbury United MethodistCathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic

Center City CatholicConcordia Lutheran

Duluth CongregationalDuluth-Superior Friends Meeting

Eastridge Community Elim Lutheran

Family of God LutheranFirst Lutheran

First United MethodistFrench River LutheranGlen Avon Presbyterian

Gloria Dei LutheranHillside United Methodist

Holy Cross LutheranHoly Family Catholic

Hope United MethodistKenwood Lutheran

Lakeside PresbyterianLester Park United Methodist

Lutheran Church of the Good ShepherdOur Savior’s Lutheran

Peace United Church of ChristPilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ

Salem LutheranSt. Andrew’s by the Lake Episcopal

St. Benedict’s CatholicSt. John’s Catholic

St. Mark African Methodist EpiscopalSt. Michael’s Catholic

St. Paul’s EpiscopalSt. Scholastica Monastery

Temple IsraelTrinity Lutheran

Unitarian Universalist of DuluthUnited Baptist Christian


WHERE IS THE HOUSING? An Urgent Question in Need of an Answer By Matt Traynor, Community Organizer & Julie Krienke, Intern

The condemnation was lifted, and the Duluth Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) secured funding through the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund to start repairs.

“The big concern now is that the owner wants to sell the building,” Soderberg said. “As a community, we need to focus on what will replace the Seaway, and by replace, I mean putting up housing that will serve that population.”

For this reason, CHUM has gotten involved in the Hillside Apartments Project, a plan that involves building 44 units of affordable housing that will include services to the families residing there. It is CHUM’s goal that those who will find a place to live in these facilities won’t face the same question that hundreds of Duluthians are now asking – “Where is the housing?”

What can the CHUM community do? CHUM believes that asking the multiple housing agencies in Duluth to work with the city to create more housing is entirely in the realm of realistic goals.

This process has begun, however everyone in the community needs to stay focused so we don’t loose the urgency that has been created due to the near condemnation and potential sale of the Seaway. It would be a tragedy to continually put ourselves in a position to fail in meeting the basic human right of having four walls and a roof. So what can we do? We can ensure that those in the position to make choices know our view. We can bump affordable housing up the priority ladder in the political realm and within our own circle of influence. Call your city counselors and let them know you expect to see things done to answer the question “Where is the housing?”

It’s a question that has lived in the consciousness of CHUM housing advocates for quite some time. Despite the implementation of new and promising ideas during the past year, the constant presence of this question illustrates the fact that many still do not have a place to call home.

“It all goes back to the Gospel – feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and providing shelter for folks, which is really CHUM’s mission,” said Jim Soderberg, executive director of CHUM. “To the extent that we can serve folks who are struggling and in need, we are helping the broader community.”

Serving individuals who are living on the margins of society, CHUM is now aware that the answer to the question “Where is the housing?” is further away thanit has ever been. The number of families seeking shelter at CHUM began increasing over the past year, as high barriers stood in their way of housing. CHUM decided to take action, advocating for more affordable housing.

For years, the Seaway Hotel on West Superior Street has served as a placement for those seeking housing assistanceat CHUM. It serves a broad spectrum of individuals struggling to find housing, and it lacks the restrictions that cause many to be ineligible for public housing. It is a home to those who choose to live there as well as for those who have no other choice.

“So many of the Seaway residents are connected to CHUM,” Soderberg said. “They provide housing for many single adults who have the same destabilizing factors we see at CHUM. If the Seaway closed, we would see more people at CHUM and even people camped outside.”

Nearly three years ago, CHUM was a driving force in keeping the Seaway open, but just this summer, a condemnation order was placed on this diverse housing facility. CHUM took a stand.

In an effort to put a face on those who call the Seaway home, CHUM held an affordable housing rally and presented resident stories to the Duluth City Council.

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On a daily basis, the CHUM Food Shelf makes a difference in the lives of those living in poverty by providing the most fundamental of human needs. CHUM staff and volunteers distribute nearly 230,000 pounds of food annually to households without the resources to purchase enough food for a month.

Recently, the number of people seeking food support has increased due to an increase in food insecurities. Some households are now stopping at CHUM’s Duluth Emergency Food Shelf more often than before, in part, due to the lack of affordable housing.

“During the past few years, we have seen households getting larger, while, at the same time, work hours and wages have decreased,” explained CHUM’s Distributive Services Director Meg Kearns. That being the case, more food shelf users are forced to spend an increasing percentage of their income to maintain housing, thus they have less money available for food.

Due to this increase in demand, CHUM has partnered with the congregations in Lakeside and Lester Park to make an additional food shelf available on Mondays at

Faith Lutheran Church. CHUM continues to host food shelves in downtown Duluth and at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in West Duluth, making food available Monday through Friday as well as on Wednesday evenings for working families.

With the growing demands on the Food Shelf, CHUM’s investment in additional food beyond what has been donated has increased substantially over the past two years. The cost to purchase food rose by over $8,000 in 2011, and now, after two quarters of 2012, by another 57%.

The CHUM Food Shelf continues to receive generous gifts of food and financial support from congregations, grants, businesses, and individuals throughout the year. The October Food SHARE Drive, March FoodShare Drive, and the Letter Carrier’s Drive have brought in the same amount of food as they have in the past, but the food we purchase is more costly, and we are buying more in order to sustain those seeking support.

CHUM continues to advocate for those with long-term food assistance needs to gain access to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).



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PROGRAM SERVICES Volunteer Services 23,450 Food Shelf 367,700 Drop-In-Center 272,714 Street Case Mgmt 138,837 Emergency Shelter 298,471 Church Outreach 97,755 CHUM Church 20,446 Nurses Clinic 33,307 Building Operations 77,235 RUAH Housing 28,693 Employment 68,687

1,427,295 SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Support Services 120,823 Development 96,039


Total Expenses 1,644,157 Change in Net Assets (54,524)


Cash 5,149Investments - Board Designated 357,103Accounts & Grants Receivable 87,242Pledges & Prepaid Expenses 187,558Inventory 37,024Property & Equipment, net. 1,159,860

TOTAL ASSETS 1,833,936

Current Liabilities 208,614Net Assets 1,625,322



FINANCIAL STATEMENTWhile our year-end financial statement shows a deficit of $54,524 it should be noted that just under $70,000 of CHUM’s FY ’12 expenses was attributable to depreciation. Consequently, CHUM did not have a cash operating deficit or a need to tap reserves. However, we were unable to pay the full $70,000 depreciation into our capital reserve fund which we access as needed to make capital improvements to CHUM’s facilities.


Unrealized Gain on Investments-16,791 Rental Income



Contributions - In Kind191,876

Foundation Grants259,571Member Churches


Non-Member Churches23,716

United Way50,369

Government Grants378,368

Interest Income8,122

Fee For Service6,568

Support  Services  120,823  

Development  96,039  

Volunteer  Services  20,079  

Food  Shelf  367,700  

Drop-­‐In-­‐Center  272,714  

Street  Case  Mgmt  138,837  

Emergency  Shelter  298,471  

CongregaHonal  Outreach  97,755  

CHUM  Church  20,446  

Nurses  Clinic  33,307  

Building  OperaHons  77,235  

RUAH  Housing  28,693  

Employment  68,687  

Expenses  By  Department  FY  2012  

ContribuHons  549,428  

ContribuHons  -­‐  In  Kind  191,876  

FoundaHon  Grants  259,571  

Member  Churches  101,134  

Non  Member  Churches  23,716  

United  Way  50,369  

Government  Grants  378,368  

Fees  For  Service  6,568  

Interest  Income  8,122  

Unrealized  Gain  on  Investments  -­‐16,791   Rental  Income  


Revenue  By  Source  FY  2012  

Total    Revenues  for  Fiscal  Year  2012  were  $1,589,633  

Total    Expenses  for  Fiscal  Year  2012  were  $1,644,157  


Figures provided by the independent auditing firm of Mahoney Ulbrich Christiansen Russ P.A.


Employment68,687 Support Services



Volunteer Services23,450

Food Shelf367,700

Street Case Mgmt138,837

Emergency Shelter298,471

Congregational Outreach97,755

CHUM Church20,446

Building Operations77,235

Nurses Clinic33,307

Support  Services  120,823  

Development  96,039  

Volunteer  Services  20,079  

Food  Shelf  367,700  

Drop-­‐In-­‐Center  272,714  

Street  Case  Mgmt  138,837  

Emergency  Shelter  298,471  

CongregaHonal  Outreach  97,755  

CHUM  Church  20,446  

Nurses  Clinic  33,307  

Building  OperaHons  77,235  

RUAH  Housing  28,693  

Employment  68,687  

Expenses  By  Department  FY  2012  

ContribuHons  549,428  

ContribuHons  -­‐  In  Kind  191,876  

FoundaHon  Grants  259,571  

Member  Churches  101,134  

Non  Member  Churches  23,716  

United  Way  50,369  

Government  Grants  378,368  

Fees  For  Service  6,568  

Interest  Income  8,122  

Unrealized  Gain  on  Investments  -­‐16,791   Rental  Income  


Revenue  By  Source  FY  2012  

Total    Revenues  for  Fiscal  Year  2012  were  $1,589,633  

Total    Expenses  for  Fiscal  Year  2012  were  $1,644,157  


RUAH Housing28,693



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Thank You for Caring About Our Neighbors CHUM continues to house and feed our neighbors, create community with those who have none, and engage congregations and the Duluth community in our work because of your support. Thank you for sharing your gifts. Gifts listed were received between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012.

COMMUNITY OF HOPEAnnual gifts of $10,000 or more

Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica MonasteryBlue Cross Blue Shield of MN FoundationChristine Holmes Crockett EstateCity of DuluthEssentia Health First Lutheran ChurchIrving Community Club Charitable GamblingJohn Sanford & Julie Moller-Sanford Local Initiatives Support CorporationNorthland FoundationOpen Your Heart to the Hungry & HomelessOrdean FoundationPeace United Church of ChristSalvation ArmyTake Action Minnesota Education FundUnited Way of Greater DuluthWildey H. Mitchell Family Foundation

DIGNITY CIRCLEAnnual gifts from $5,000 to $9,999

Accra CareDuluth Superior Area Community FoundationFond Du Lac Band of Lake Superior ChippewaGlen Avon Presbyterian ChurchGloria Dei Lutheran ChurchGreater Minneapolis Council of ChurchesPilgrim Congregational United Church of ChristPer & Elaine Wickstrom

JUSTICE SOCIETYAnnual gifts from $2,000 to $4,999

AARP MinnesotaConcordia Evangelical Lutheran ChurchRichard E. Edwards & Catherine Schuyler Marty & Ericka Espe Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaFirst United Methodist ChurchJonathan & Alissa Glickstein Shelley Gruskin & LeAnn House Stewart Hazel & Mary Schlosser Hillside United Methodist ChurchHoly Cross Lutheran ChurchHunger Solutions MinnesotaGeorge & Jane Killough Clarence La Liberte Lakeside Presbyterian ChurchLakeview Covenant Church

Donald & Sandra Leake Lutheran Church of The Good ShepherdMentor NetworkAndrew Messa North Star FoundationGlenn Nylander John Ongaro & Mary Finnegan-Ongaro Opportunity Finance NetworkOverman Charitable TrustDavid & Anne Rogotzke David & Rhonda Rutford Edward & Jane Ryan St. Andrew’s By The Lake Episcopal ChurchSt. Benedict’s Catholic ChurchSt. Michael’s Catholic ChurchSt. Paul Episcopal ChurchThrivent Financial, Duluth Area ChapterDavid Updegraff US BankGretchen Van Evera

STABILITY SOCIETYAnnual Gifts from $500 to $1,999

James Abelsen David Alexander & Christina Tarasczuk Michael & Ellen Altman Altrusa International Club of DuluthJeffrey Amendola & Irene Carr David & Judith Arvold Asbury United Methodist ChurchStephen & Susan Aulie Jay & Elizabeth Austin-Minor Charles & Judith Babst Andrew Baertsch Sonja BaertschGeoffrey & Velda Bell Benedictine Health CenterGary & Jeanette Benusa Jame & Dee Boulger Doug Britton & Nancy Odden James & Cynthia Butcher Craig & Debra Carlson Cathedral of Our Lady of the RosaryChester Park United Methodist ChurchChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsChurch World Service, Inc.Terrence & Kathy Clark Adelaide Cline Gregory & Rita Connor Stephen & Lauri Cushing Justin Dahl Bruce & Judith Derauf

Douglas Dunham & Helena Jackson Anthony & Jill Downs Duluth Congregational ChurchDuluth Non-Profit Bowling LeagueJoe Ehlers & Sarah Nelson Enbridge Energy PartnersFamily of God Lutheran ChurchFeinstein Family FoundationFrench River Lutheran ChurchJames Gaskill Barbara Glick John & Lisa Graham Greater Cincinnati FoundationGreg & Rebecca Hansen Eleanor Heaney Francis & Jocelyn HeidHelen Hendrickson Robert & Joyce Hickman Phillip & Julie Holsinger Hope United Methodist ChurchTom & Ann Lee Houghtaling Arvid Houglum Hubbard Broadcasting FoundationLee & Tamara Hughes Gerald Hurst IBMWayne Jarvis & Virginia May Dennis & Susan Johnson Paul Johnson & Laura Hedlund Charlotte Juntunen Daniel Kaminski & Mary Frances Skala Carol Karalus Meg Kearns John & Sharon Kemp Kenwood Lutheran ChurchDeborah King Brian & Sahnnon Klawiter Charles Koenig & Shari Flesness Kohl’sKimberly Krohn Richard & Ann Kucinski Susan Kurth Lakewalk Surgery CenterStephen & Judy La Liberte Koresh & Jill Lakhan James & Dorothy Langager Nathan Langer & Veronica Gaidelis Langer Marilyn LeMone Herbert & Greta Lindgren Gerald & Louann Lizotte Tom & Sharon Lohman David Lund & Mary Holm-Lund Jeffrey Lyon & Ruth HenriquezJohn & Delima Mahoney Roy & Sue Maki

Robert & Jan Mars Mary Mathews Michael & Katie Maxim John McCormick Matthew & Donna Miller Kenneth & Harriet Miller Steve O’Neil & Angie Miller Luciya Miner Miner’s Inc.Minnesota PowerJohn Morrice & Judith Lynn Johnson Miriam Mount Rachel Mueller Jay & Mary B. Newcomb Kathryn Noble George & Sharon Nylander Donald Olson & Fran Rosiek Olson Teresa O’Toole Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchBuzz & Saundra Palmer Peace In Christ Lutheran ChurchRaymond & Diane Peplinski Adam Pine & Rebecca de Souza Larry & Judy Poss Mary Anne Quackenbush Eldora Recksiedler Ronald & Jean Regal Susan Relf Republic BankMichael & Rhoda Robinson Ann Rock Michael & Marjory Ryan Salem Lutheran ChurchKenneth A. Sandvik Judith Sarvela Patrick & Gail Schoenfelder Steven & Karen Schuder Mark & Sarah Seidelmann Lyle & Terri Shannon Thomas & Janice Shuey Joe & Mary Sitek Dan & Rosie Skorich Julie Smith James Soderberg St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, GnesenNeil Storch John & Susan Streitz John & Patricia Streitz William & Mary Stroozas TelecomPioneersTemple Israel CongregationPatrick & Carol Thompson Trampled By TurtlesTrinity Lutheran ChurchRick & Marcia Troy

Page 9: CHUM Annual Report 2012


Michael & Sheryl Van Scoy Jim & Alice Waldo Kevin & Jean Buboltz Walsh Whole Foods Community Co-op Inc.Bradley & Connie Wick Geoffrey & Gudrun Witrak Eugene Wittenberg & Elizabeth Niemi Young & AssociatesYounkers AssociatesRobert & Ruby Zallar Zeitgeist Arts CaféZMC Hotels Inc.

COMPASSIONATE FRIENDSAnnual gifts from $250 to $499

John & Eileen Abbott Dean & Debra Ager American Legion Post #71Arthur & Edith Arnold David Strandberg & Susan Ash Karla Bailey Ruth Bakke Duane & Carrie Battisti Forrest Beery & Nancy Monaghan David Belland Nicole Bennett Carla Blumberg Brian & Cindy Bonham Florence Bonkowske Merlyn & Mary Bowker James & Cynthia Brown Jeffrey Brown & Patty Beech Teresa Burgoon Jeffrey & Gina Burton Marilyn Bydalek Daniel & Mary Campbell David & Wendy Carter Mark & Mary Lou Christiansen Jill Christie Gregory & Julie Ann Ciurleo College of St. ScholasticaJudy Dahl Michael DeKraai Robert & Kathy DeRoche Diocese of DuluthDisability Specialist, Inc.Grey Doffin & Pam Kramer John Doyle Duluth Architectural Metals, IncDuluth Trips & ToursDennis R. Dunham Elim Lutheran ChurchJoel & Joan Erickson Steven & Katie Eyer Faith Lutheran ChurchRobert Falsani Teresa Falsani

Peter Finnegan Lois Foltz Margaret France Judy Gibbs Betty Greene Paula Halverson Keith & Lynne Hamre John & Margaret Handley Bill Hardesty & Georgette Sarkela Kyle & Mary Ann Harriss John & Geri Hayden Dennis & Carol Healy Stephen & Doreen Hedman Glen Holt Holy Family Catholic ParishRoderick & Kathleen Hood Donna Howard Drs. Samuel & Alison Hoxie Mary Jacobs Julie Jago David Johnson Phelps Johnson & Lorraine Durfee Donald & Deborah Johnson Aino Kantonen Gale & Jeri Kerns Lyle & Amy Krupp Niemi William & Donella Kubiak Jonathan Kuchera Lake Superior Lodge #349Lonnie & Carolyn Lassman LHBLutheran Church of Christ The KingMalcolm & Ann Macaulay Daniel & Sarah Maddy Ellen Marsden Cynthia Martz John & Anne Marxhausen Myrna Matheson Duane & Jackie Millslagle Minnesota Selects HockeyWilliam & Pamela Mittlefehldt Moorhead Machinery & Boiler Co.Kathryn Nelson & Tim Carpenter Nylund ElectricGary Olson & Mary Gagnon Robert & Mary Owens Richard & Anita Paulson Donald Pearce Alan & Joan Peterson Gregory & Gretchen Ransom Salem Covenant ChurchJonathan & Karen Sande James & Patricia Sanders Matthew Schiller & Betsy Schwartz Mary Schmitz Father Brian Schultz Lynn Shubitz Gregory & Emily Sipper

Rick & Diane Smith Kenneth Steil & Emily Brule-Steil St. Elizabeth Catholic ChurchSt. John’s Catholic ChurchSt. Luke’s HospitalPaul Swanson & Sandra Scott James & Elizabeth Taylor Bryan & Rosella Toney Gay Trachsel William & Helen Tranah Kevin & Ann Treacy Gregory Turgeon & Kathleen Madrigal Karen Turnboom Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DuluthUnited Baptist ChristianUnited Methodist Big Waters DistrictScott & Dana Varland Robert & Sharon Wahman George & Burnice Webb John & Cynthia Weiske Flora M. Whaley David & Julie Wicker Robert & Hiroko Williams William & Marty Witrak Timothy & Anita Zager Kevin & Jamie Zak

ADVOCATESAnnual gifts from $50 to $249

AARP #2505, Lakeside ChapterPeter & Jane Aas Gerald & Ruth Abbott Jeffrey & Mary Adams AHEPA Sam G. Solon Chapter 267Daniel Ahonen John Aird & Kathryn Snarich Garth & Karen Allison James Amato & Patricia Richard Amato Amazing Grace Bakery & CafePatricia Anderson Brooks Anderson & Coral McDonnell Carl Anderson Michael & Mary Ann Anderson Keith & Anita Anderson Lowell & Diane Anderson Bryan & Rachelle Anderson David Anderson & Sally Bebo-Anderson Eileen Anderson Barry & Kathryn Anderson Bruce & Shelvie Anderson Janet Anderson Julia M. Anderson Wilfred & Kathryn Anderson William & Evelyn Anderson Charles Andresen Phyllis Antognozzi Arthur & Edith Arnold

Aaron Arvig Ed & Karen Bacig Lloyd & Janice Backus Thomas & Shelley Baer Michael & Patricia Bagley Robert Ballou David & Julie Bard Steven Bardolph & Jennifer Beers Michael & Eileen Barratt Arthur Barschdorf Elizabeth Ann Bartlett David & Sonia Bartz Gary Battuello Richard & Andrea Bauer Diane Bean Carol Beaupre Walter & Mariana Beier Mary Belanger Benedictine Health Center Resident Council Gordee Bennett William & Lynn Bentfield Daniel Bergeland Gloria Berger Brian & Sheri Bergeron Jon & Phyllis Bergstrand Rondell Berkeland & Babrara Larson Beta Sigma PhiBradley & Dawn Bird Martha Bjornson Black Wood’s of Proctor, IncEdna Blanchard David & Cynthia Blomberg Keith & Karen Blunt Joanne Blyler BydalekGregory & Judith Bonovetz Cynthia Boock Brenda Ashby Boone Steven & Joan Borough Susan Bosell Paul & Susan Bosshardt John & Susan Boutin Mark & Rita Bovee Wayne Brandt Thomas & Alice Breitholtz Paul & Jane Brissett Brotherhood of the Methane FootprintGreg Brown & Elnora Scheffler Laura Budd Lyle Burke Bill & Pat Burns Carl & Darlene Cady Richard & Catherine Caine Duluth Lioness ClubMary Cameron David & Denice Campanario Colin & Anita Campbell Al & Yvonne Carl

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Gretchen Carlson Mary Carlson Calvary Baptist ChurchBurton & Kim Carlsted-Gillis Judith Carr David Carroll Matthew & Helen Carter Mary Ceminsky Zelda Cherne Christ Lutheran ChurchDavid Christensen & Mary Beamish Barbara Christensen Joanne Church St. Raphael’s Catholic ChurchDennis & Carole Clark Margaret Cleveland Roberta Cline Tracy Close & Kristin Peterson Phillip & Jackie Coffman Cyrilla Collard & Terease Caywood Greg & Cindy Conkins Marianne Connelly & Mary Bridget Lawson Susan Connor Barbara Consie-Tekippe Elsie Cook David & Roberta CookCooler by the Lake - Good Sam ChapterJoel & Deborah Cooper Chris Correia & Bonnie Jorgenson Cotton Community ChurchPaul & Jennifer Couillard Rodger & Pauline Cragun Marlis Cran Jean Crassweller William & Kathleen Croke Thomas Curran & Linda Schlueter Curran Steven & Laurie Daiken Ajit & Kathleen Das Patricia Daugherty Lee & Rosemary Davern Doris Davidson Thomas & Teri Dawson Thomas & Christine Day Lori De France Penelope Dearth Christopher & Carmel Demaioribus Kyle & Jennifer Deming Patricia Dennis Paul Deputy Deringer, Inc.M. Luella Dettmann Joseph & Ann Dierkes Ann Doberstein Brian & Lita Doesken Richard Dolezal & Ann Mahoney Carolyn Dorfman Dougherty Veterinary Clinics, Inc.Don Douglas

Dale & Rani Douville John Downs & Robin Piper Timothy & Mary Downs Kevin Doyle Katherine Doyle Anne Drache Jimmy & Julie Drake Robert Dresback Charles & Diane Drexler Laurie Dromeshauser Dennis & Mary Duff Duluth Area Chamber of CommerceDuluth Kidney Services, LLCDuluth Lions ClubDuluth Superior Transportation AssociationKathleen Duppler Dean Dziasek Linda Eason East High SchoolEastridge Community ChurchMark & Mary Eckman Vera Edmunds Michael & Elizabeth Edmunds Ronald & Nancy Edmunds John & Diane Edwards Dean & Donna Effinger Pamela Egbert Richard & Rose Eichmueller Nell Eichner Jerome & Elaine Elness Emmanuel Lutheran ChurchDavid & Diane Engesath Terrance L Engholm John Engstrom Kurt & Sarah Erickson Douglas & Nancy Erickson William & Colleen Erickson Patricia Erickson Gerald & Beverly Erickson Richard & Janet Eschbach Jean Esler Beth Esselstrom Margaret Evavold Joe Everett Martin Fair Faith Lutheran WomenGourmet GroupMichael & Barb Farrell Thomas & Evelyn Fearnall Ross Fefercorn Janet Filter Marcella Finnegan First Church of Christ ScientistFirst Presbyterian ChurchDenise Fish Fitger’s ComplexMichele Fitzgerald William Fleisch

Dan & Joan Flesch Larry & Donna Forbes Forbes United Methodist ChurchKaren Pitts Foster Bradley & Cheryl Fox Dean & Tammy Fox Raymond & Marie Franckowiak Robert & Debora Franckowiak David & Margie Fraser Anita Fraundorf Harold & Ruth Frederick Friends Meeting of Duluth - SuperiorGene & Jill Frost Pearl Fuller Nadine Fuxa Arne & Judy Gadda Thomas & Gail Gaetz Joseph & Charlene Gallian Greg & Mary Garmer Wayne & Lucille Gatlin James Gearns David Geist Peter & Judith Gemuenden Lynn Gentilini Nancy Gessner Donald & Janice Gibson Carol Gieseke Foster & Gail Gilliland Virginia Gilmore Linda N. Glaser Neil Glazman & Barbara Russ Edmund & Elizabeth Gleeson Peter Golden Charles & Tracy Goman

Monte Gomke Penelope Gooch Jack Goodell Robert & Jennifer Gordon Mark & Jane Gottwald Mary Jo Gould Maryjean Goulet Walter & Kay Gower Dean & Rennette Grace John & Greta Gravelle John & Janet Green Robert & Arlene Gressman Richard & Dawn Griffith Beverly Grindahl Michael Grossman & Holly Church Martin Grune & Melanie Combs Terry Guggenbuehl Joan Gunderson Dene & Sally Halvorson John Hamlin & Marie Owens Hamlin Carl & Jona Hammer Dennis & Denise Hamsher Steve J. Hansen Bruce & Oiivia Hansen David & Kamala Hanskala Michael Jon Hanson Bill & Jan Hanson Harley Davidson Sport Center, IncJean Harries Beverly Harries Mara Kirk Hart Alan & Susan Hartley Roger & Diane Hartzberg Mary Alice Harvey


For decades, Dr. John Sanford and Dr. Julie Moller Sanford have been making a difference in the lives of Duluthians with their gifts of time, talent, and treasure. In November of 2011 John and Julie were awarded the Outstanding Individual Philanthropist Award by the Lake Superior Fund Raising Executives.

John and Julie have humbly supported CHUM which has helped feed thousands of families, assist neighbors in overcomingbarriers to housing, and create a community for those living on the margins of society.

Thank you John and Julie for your dedication to philanthropy and the Duluth community!


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Marvin & Judith Haugen Janet Haynes Head of The Lakes Corvair AssociationJames & Stephanie Heilig Catherine Heim Gayle Held Henry & Kristie Helgen Barbara Hemenway Lawrence & Kathleen Herman Robert Hertz & Carla Throckmorton Warren High David & Diana Hill Brian Hill & Susan Darley-Hill Margaret Hiltunen Robert & Ann Hockman F. H. Hoefferle Kevin & Frances Hoene Thomas & Barbara Hohl Egil & Gudrun Hoivik John & Elizabeth Holcomb Dona Wirtanen Holloway Bruce & Rhonda Holmen Timothy & Beth Holst Gene & Joan Homeister Homecroft Elementary SchoolHomesteader Senior CitizensDelores Honer Marjorie Hoover Jan & Katherine Horak Joseph & Jo An Horton Pearl Houle Immanuel Lutheran ChurchWarren Howe & Janet Karon James Howe & Mary Sather Robert & Roberta HoytRichard Hudelson & Eileen Zeitz-Hudelson John Huisman Chris & Marilyn Hull Jackson & Jeanette Huntley Charles Hurst Dennis & Susan Isernhagen John & Jane Jarnis Bradley & Jill Jenson Michael Jodouin Ellis & Lorraine Johns K. L. Johnson Fond Du Lac - Dental ClinicJames & Peg Johnson Thomas Johnson & Katherine Whittaker Clyde & Julie Johnson Don Johnson & Christine Swensen Johanna Johnson Lloyd Johnson Jack & Joan Johnson Phyllis Johnson Steven Johnson & Carol Kondrath Theodore & Ruth Johnson William & Sharon Johnson

Paul & Jennifer Jones Anita Jones Ginger Juel Chris Julin Meridel Kahl Edwin & Donna Kallio Hommey Kanter Lisa Kappenman Edward & Gretchen Karkoska Richard & Judith Karon Faris & Bonnie Keeling John & Bobbi Keener Bob & Carol Ann Kelley Barbara Kelly Daniel Kerelko Kenneth & Cathy Ketola Donald & Laurie King Harold Kinney & Connie Wirta Marianne Kjolhaug Jeffrey & Heidi Klassen Zion VikingsAndrew & Mary Ellen Klemer John Sorenson & Cynthia Klinksiek Diane Knudson Jay Knuths & Julie Schroeder Knuths James & Barbara Koberstein L. Ted Kochevar Joel & Catherine Koemptgen Gary & Janell Kohls Charles & Rosemary Kolasinski Helen Koski Kevin & Kris Koth Larry & Janice Kraemer Jack J. Kraus Keith & Kathryn Kraus Joel & Susan Krochalk Brandon & Joan Krogh Robert Kroll Shalom Kropfl Marilyn Krueger Joanna Kuehn Robert & Katherine Kuettel Joyce Kunz Thomas & Suszanne Kunze James & Amy Kuronen Byron & Rebecaa Kuster Scott & Sara Kylander-Johnson Steven & Melissa La Flamme Harold & Mary Lou La Plante Patricia La Plante Nancy LaCosse Clyde & Lynda Lagergren Douglas & Denise Laine Lakeview ApartmentsTheodore & Barbara Lammi Elizabeth Lane Lynn Lanier Anthony & Nicole Larson

LaVonne Larson Jane Latour Clark & Jean Laundergan Laura MacArthur SchoolKenneth & Lois Laurion Ruth Leathers Thomas & Cynthia Ledin Muriel Lehman Ray & Lois Leischke Armond & Mary Lemke Jerome & Donna Leonard Genvieve Lepak Harold & Cynthia Leppink Justin Leroux Lester Park United Methodist ChurchGordon Levine Daniel Lew & Maypakou Ly Mary Lewis Herb & Stella Libbesmeier Richard & Carolyn Lichty Donald & Beverly Liebenstein Jerry & Leesa Lieffring Kurt Linberg & Adrienne Hastad Linberg Roger & Sharon Lindberg Richard Lindeke Elna Linder

Kyosti & Susan Lindgren Norma Lindquist Brad & Carolyn Linsten Jon Lintula Tom & Debra Livingston James & Joanne Loukes Andrew Lucero Alan & Verna Lund Lutheran Campus MinistryCindy Macaulay Jim & Carolyn MacDonald Annette Mackey Michael & Marta Maddy Richard & Mary Madill Rosemary Madison Elizabeth Maeshima William & Susan Majewski Susan Maki Nancy Mancini Eli & Mila Mandich Kevin & Melinda Marble Terry & Joanna Marholz Russell Maron & Sharon Quinlan Marshall School StudentsJudith Martell Bill & Pauline Martin


As College of St. Scholastica nursing student Mollie Lambert looked forward to graduation, she was focused on helping her Duluth neighbors. After volunteering at CHUM in October, Mollie organized a sock drive along with her fellow students. The drive was successful, but with her giving heart, Mollie wanted to do more.

Instead of receiving graduation gifts, Mollie and her 37 classmates agreed to ask family and friends to make a donation to CHUM. On graduation day, the class collected socks, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, and much more to distribute to those staying at CHUM’s emergency shelter.

“Our nursing class has done a lot in our community,” Mollie said. “It’s unitedly a giving class and we were excited to help CHUM.”

Thank you and congratulations Mollie and the St. Scholastica nursing program graduates!

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Jane Martin Cheryl Masterson Barbara Mathson Roger & Karen Mattson Robert McFarlandGail McGrath Kenneth & Nancy McKenna Gary & Darla Meier William & Kathleen Meyer Dale & Colleen Michaelson Kathleen Michelizzi Donald & Alice Michels David & Anne Miller Jason & Shivon Ringdahl Miller Charlene Miller Minnesota Masonic CharitiesBrian & Linnea Mirsch Mizpah Shrine No. 1 W. S. of J.John Mobraten Gregory & Lisa Moir Donald & Nancy Moline Karen Monson Henry Moore Arlyne Moore Tom & Julie Morgan Jeremy & Connie Jo Moriarity Bruce & Joan Mork Robert & Beverly Morris Rachel Moseley William & Irene Moser George & Norma Mousky Pioneer National BankFr. Lloyd Mudrak Michael Mullins Camille Murphy Sharon Murphy Raymond Muskat National Assciation Of Letter Carriers Zenith Branch #114National Association of Letter Carriers Aux. #100John & Joyce Negard Thomas & Donna Nelson Gwendolyn Nelson Ronnie Nesvold & Diane Peterson-Nesvold Alan Netland & Melanie Shephard Jane Neumann New Page CorporationLois Newman Karen Nichols Douglas & Joann Thomas Nopar Vern & Mary Nordling Dick & Elaine Nordstrom Norton Park United Methodist ChurchGlen & Yvonne Novak Judith O’ Day Bradley & Lezlie Oachs Timothy O’Brien Thoms & Kim Ochocki Gene & Janet Olcott

Stephen Olmsted Justin Olson & Jessica Lilja Olson Ramon & Vonda Olson Kenneth & Patricia Olson Richard & Carol Olson Donald & Priscalla Olson Karl & Janet Olson Tom & Ann Olson Roger & Judith Oman William & Mary O’NeilFrank Ongaro & AssociatesTim Orlowski & Kim Matteen Orlowski Sally Orrick Debby Ortman Steven & Karen Ostovich Tammy Ostrander Robert & Valerie Ouellette Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchJudith Oyler Roman & Eloise Pass Richard & Judith Pauling Tricia Pearce Bruce Peckham & Kathryn LenzArnold & Irja Pederson John & Lynn Clark Pegg Frances Peltier Larry Penk & Rosemary Tobin Denise Perry Patricia Peters James Perlman & Deborah Petersen-PerlmanAnne Peterson Dean Peterson & Deborah Rausch Jerrold & Carol Peterson Gregory & Jennifer Peterson Steven & Mary Peterson Paul & Sherry Phillips Susan Pichetti Jon & Jan Pierce Steven & Holly Pillsbury Thelma Plotnik John Pokrzywinski & Mary Sue Taallerud James & Evelyn Pollock Positively 3rd Street BakeryGary & Gloria Pothast Elizabeth Presley Therese Presley Lucille Priley Robert & Leigh Ann Pristash Lisa Prusak Robert & Linda Pugliese Luther Qson John & Dawn Jeffers Ramstad Brian & Suzanne Rauvola Reeds Board & LodgingReigstad Adult Foster CareGregory Repensky Glenn & Laurel Resman Mark & Jane Rhodes

John Ringsred Hubertina Ritmeester Joanne Robson Delores Rogers William & Lynne Rogers David & Jo-Ann Rossetter Paula Roth John & Pamela Rueter Larry & Sherry Rushing Bruce & Leane Rutherford Pasquale Sackette Anita Saline Warren & Gayle Salmela Carol Saranpaa George & Diane Schaenzer Thomas & Judith Schellinger Daniel & Barbara Schlichting Eileen Schmitz Kenneth & Concetta Schoen Carol Schramm John Schrock & Mary Berube Darlene Schroedel Fred & Janet Schroeder Steven & Karen Schuder James & Vicki Schweiger Security JewelersThomas & Julie Seidelmann Robert & Margaret Seitz Gerald & Marcia Semerau Robert & Linda Senta David & Pamela Serdar John & Nancy Serre Lawrence & Helen Sever Timothy & Judy Sheriff Dale & Ethelyn Shimmin Jonathan & Felicia Shultz Carl & Patricia Sjoding Gene & Mary Ann Skadberg Craig & Deborah Skoglund Kevin & Anne Skwira-Brown Michael F. Slag & Blanche Ebert Edward & Dorothy Slonim Dennis & Kim Smith Theresa Smith & Mark Danielson Shelley Smith Virginia Snarski Jerry Paulson & Elizabeth Snow Soar Career SolutionsJohn & Donna Soderberg Mary Ann Soderlund Jane Sommerfeld & Lisbeth Vukson Dennis & Donna Soukup Emil & Carol Spielman David Spoelhof Steven & Kim Squillace St. Ann’s HomeStacy St. John St. John’s Lutheran Church

St. Joseph Plus 55 ClubSt. Josephs Womens GroupSt. Lawrence Catholic ChurchSt. Margaret Mary Catholic ChurchSt. Peter’s Lutheran ChurchTheresa Stafford Kathleen Standfield Denise Starkey Ernest Stauffenecker David Steinberg Paul Steklenski & Linda Kalweit William & Sharon Stenberg Donald & Karen Stenberg Jen Stenerson & Melissa Boyle James & Judy Stewart Tom & JoAnn Stillman David & Debra Stokes Greg & Deb Strand Timothy Stratton & Susan Wasilczuk Annette Strom Susan Strom Tim & Julie Strom Lee Stuart Nan Stubenvoll & Joe Staats James & Patricia Suchan Tim & Carolyn Sundquist Superior Choice Credit UnionSuperior Fitness Systems, Inc. (DBA Curves)Steven Sutherland & Margaret Saracino Paul & Bonnie Swanoski Bill Swanstrom Claryce Swensen Michael & Jacqueline Sydor James & Susan Talarico Jeffrey Talerico Marlys Tanner Margie Tarnowski Richard & Susan Taylor Mary Tennis Christopher & Gloria Thomalla Margaret Thomas Michael Thompson Edward & Theresa Thompson Sara Thomsen David & Janet Thornton Andrew Tillmann Robert & Gail Toftey Rob Tomczak Sharon Torrison Joan Tousignant Steven & Cathie Trachsel Kathy Trihey Mari Trine Trinity Episcopal ChurchDouglas & Rosemary Tripp David & Lynn Tryggestad Twelve Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox ChurchChristine Underdahl

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Carlotta Unger Richard & Virginia Updegraff Gwen Updegraff Karen Utick United Church of Two HarborsUnited Protestant Church United Church of ChristNicholas Van Deelen & Lynne Rasmassen William & Sharon Van Druten Mary Van Evera Thomas & Karen Van Hale Mark & Sarah Vandermeiden William & Darelen Voelk John Vucinovich Lindsay Walker Joseph & Linda Walkowiak Richard & Joan Walkowiak Daniel & Michele Wallerstein Sulo & Delores Walli Steven & Mary Walsh Robin Washington & Julia Cheng Suzanne Wasilczuk Roberta Watsick Candace Wegerson Mark & Carol Weitz West Duluth Womens ClubJacqueline Whelan August Whitlock Mark & Mary Whitlock Duane & Jeanette Wick Janet Wieveg Mark & Beth Wilhelmson Louise Wold Stanley & Mona Wold Caleb & Laura Wolden J. & J. Wolfe Susan Wollack Peter Woodrich & Deborah Freedman Janet Worthing Arthur Wright Shirley Wuchter Beva Lee Wunderlich Karen Maack Younggren Samuel & Mary Yundzel Richard & Collette Zakovich Stanley Black & Decker Inc.Alan Zeppa William & Cynthia Zimbinski Paul & Karen Zimmerman Dennis & Vicky Zimmerman Christopher & Teresa Zupancich Renee Zurn

NEIGHBORSAnnual gifts under $50

An additional 610 people made financial contributions to make life a bit easier for our neighbors living on the margins.

Each gift we receive makes a difference in the life of a neighbor, whether they need emergency shelter, supportive housing or employment, food, or are living outside. If your gift is not listed, please know in your heart the hope you have provided.

As this list was compiled, every precaution was taken to include the name of every donor. The exceptions are those who requested their names not be published and those who gave anonymously. If a mistake has been made, please accept our apologies and let us know at 218-720-6521.

Throughout the year, we receive tribute gifts in honor or memory of a loved one, friend, co-worker, or neighbor. The following people were memorialized or honored during FY 2012.


GaryKatieLinda & TroyLoved OnesRobert AbbottWilliam AbernathyElaine Carlson AlbenbergElmer AndersonSteve AndersonHarold BakkeBarb BallouElliot BaylyMarcella BeaupreFrances Deriemaeker BensonJim BergKathryn BergMax H. BernsIver BogenDouglas BooneTim BoylePhilip BradleyChester BrooksCharles BrowneDr. Frank BuddSylvan BurgstahlerMax H. Burns, MDSten BylundSr. Mary Odille CahoonBernie Carey, Sr.Adeline CatanzariteBill Caywood

Catherine J. CritchleyFr. James CrossmanBob & Marge DietrickThomas Richard DoddJoyce L. DosenBarb O’Neil DuffyPastor David EckmanJohn Edwards, Sr.Ralph & Alyce EisenachCharlotte EngstromRevrend Robert EngstromBarbara M. & Kurt B. EricksonPierce FawcettAnnie E. & Patrick H FinneganPam FlaaAndrew FoltzDavid FraserBernard FrericksShirley GarberMaurice & Dan GearnsLois GeistDan GerberMoshe GolbersteinMary & Francis GouletGrandparentsDiane GrauRita GrayEdith HakalaHarold & Elvia HansenRobert Hart

Donald Haynes

Daniel HendricksonJack HinzmannPhilip & Margaret HoenFr. Mark HollenhorstMary Ann HolmanAl & Irma HolmenMary HoltKatelyn Marie HortonScott JacksonWarren JensenLee JiracekAdolf JohnsonBernice C. JohnsonJames R. JohnsonMargaret JohnsonDr. Howard Jones MeyerTony KaiserLouis & Rose KaralusStella KerelkoJohn KeturiDean KjolhaugAllen KnoxGeorge KreagerBill KruegerRalph KruppHoward & Marge KuehnKarl KunzEric KusterStanley & Emma Kwako


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A great number of volunteers from throughout the community are needed each year when CHUM hosts the Rhubarb Festival. Volunteer Coordinator, Elizabeth Olsen, knows that when the summer months roll around, Ken Stafford, Woodland Hill facilities support specialist, will be a tremendous help with the festival.

One phone call to Ken yields a crew of young and energetic volunteers to assist with the event. Each year, Ken coordinates teams of Woodland Hills youth to volunteer for shifts throughout the day.

The youth volunteers paint faces, assist with food preparation, collect garbage, and complete any other duties asked of them. In fact, CHUM receives several phone calls every year from attendees that praise the hard work of the Woodland Hills youth.

Thank you Ken for helping to make the festival happen!

Native Americans Who Died HomelessArnold La PlanteBeverly La PlanteJeff LaCosseCharles LandstromBob LarsonDon & Sally LeeSusan Jensen LeeBernard LindbergLost souls & broken heartsGordy MadsonWanda Mayme MajewskiLyman MarshallLinda & Theodore MathesonNorm MattsonVirginia Mae’s FatherSylvester McCurryMsgr. Patrick McDowellMaxine MetzingerAnnie C. MikeMatt MillerJim MinerMike MinerJohn MoccilliDoris MoeArlie MoenRudy MonsaasRichard A MorrisJames MrakBeverly MuskatJohn NarvesonAlice NessKenneth NewmanB. NylundJim O’NeilCharles OrvilleFloyd PaasoParentsTrudy PeplinskiBetty PetersonJames PetersonFrancine PolacsekBob PrattFran RadichJon RasanenFred ReinkeMyron & Elizabeth RileyA. C. RingsredRobert RobsonMarian Edith RossiPeter RothsteinMarion RunersonWalt Safford, JrEugene SalzmanMiriam SaranpaaDavid Schoen

James SchramekTrudy SchwerdtLeona SeguinAnna SentaFrank ShannonAlfred & Susan ShimminAlice SjodingRussell SmithDorothy SoderbergPeter Joseph StattelmanDave StillmanJohn & Elizabeth StonemanRita StorchFrank & Delores TalaricoArmas TamminenAaron TorrisonEmery UnruhJon UusitaloWally WentzRuth WickMary WievegAgnes C. WilkoszCalvin WilliamsPatrick WipplerRobert WisniewskiDick & Lori Wold

Helen WrightRev. Dr. Michael E. WuchterJohn WuotilaTeresa Zbaracki-LaPlante


Olive Arnold AdamsElizabeth Olson & Thomas AlbrightAll who hungerEllie, Alex, & Benjamin AndersonGary Boelhower & Gary Anderson Barbara & Matt ArnoldDr. Carles BabstDr. & Mrs. David BardCharles M. BellBenedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica MonasteryRabbi Amy BernsteinAlyssa BlatnikNancy & Iver BogenSeminarian Michael CarryCHUM Board & StaffMarlis CranLore Depenthal

John DombrowskiEasterJune EdwardsDiane & John T. Edwards, JrSr. Verda Clare EichnerSue EllefsonDr. Marty EspeNathan FefercornShari FlesnessJohn FochsForbes Methodist Church CongregationElla GardnerIsabel GardnerRev. Greg GarmerGloria Dei Shelter ShepherdsDick & Linda GoeseGary & Judy GordonBrooke HeikkilaDeb HolmanMembers of Holy Cross Lutheran ChurchBarbara Colvin & Leslie HoodFrank & Pat IbriksBetty & Clyde JohnsonCarol JohnsonChristine Swensen & Don JohnsonKatherine JohnsonScott & Barb Johnson


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Susan JohnsonMeg KearnsMike & Carmen KeyportLakeside Food ShelfLynn LandstromLauren LarsonJ. & Jean Laundergan Bob & Beth LeeLenten SeasonElizabeth Liebenstein Sharon Kirtley-LundbergDon & Pakou LyRobert & Ann MarsMarshall School Teachers C. Ardelle MatuseskiMike & Julie McDonnellPatrice Critchley-MenorJeff Moen Monica, Morgan & SerenityTony MontezJim & Rachel MoseleyNative AmericansKathy NelsonKathy NobleAngie Miller & Steve O’NeilKathy Levine & Mike OlsonJudy & Roger Oman Bob & Dorothy OrnbergBob & Annie OswaldDr. Peter

Nam & Peter ProvostDr. Duncan PufferBeverly RamstadClyde & Mary Lou RoedRoed FamilyDr. Ed & Jane RyanLeon SamuelianJohn & Julie SanfordThomas Shuey, Sr.Jack, Jay & Stuart SeilerSerre FamilyBishop Paul SirbaBob SlotnessJim SoderbergWalt & Betty StaffordBob & Kay StevensGreg & Peg StevensStubenvoll FamilySurvivorsRichard & Cecile Swenson Marion SyrjamakiRobert TauaniMargaret ThomasGuy TridgellLynn & David Tryggestad Dan UrshanUS Troops defending freedomVeronica, Susan & Mary LouScott & Dana VarlandDoris Von Bargen

Ms. Jane WarginMyrna Wells-UllandWonderful, supportive friendsPer & Elaine WickstromCindy Peterson-Wlosinski & Stephen WlosinskiLori Wold David & Margo ZentnerBill & Cindy Zimbinski


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102 West 2nd StreetDuluth, MN 55802-2017

October Share Food DriveSaturday, October 27, from 8 AM to 4 PM at your local grocery store

CHUM Holiday ConcertSaturday, December 1, at 7 PM Mitchell AuditoriumFree admission with a free will offering during the concertRefreshments will follow.






CHUM Church Christmas PageantSunday, December 9, at 4:30 PMPeace ChurchAll are invited to attend

CHUM 9th Annual Rhubarb FestivalSaturday, June 22, from 9 AM to 4 PM First Lutheran Church and London RoadFree Admission • Claudia Schmidt performing


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