Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 16. · Newsof RealEstate HUNTSPOINT LOTS SELLFOR$498,578...

News of Real Estate HUNTS POINT LOTS SELL FOR $498,578 ^Remainder of English llold- S ings Sold.Porter Property at Jamaica Auctioned. /The remaining 150 Hunts Point lots y«ere sold on Saturday by Joseph P. Day J In a continuation sale held in the Hunts Point Palace. Hunts Point Square. Bronx. The entire 995 lots, a joint liquidation for the New York City Freehold Estates Corporation of 21 Ironmonger lane, Lon¬ don, England, and the JEast Bay Land and Improvement Company, '25 Pine street, brought $498,558. Bronx business men were conspicuous ai the conclusion sale. George Cohen wn tho first buyer of the duy. He took a plot fronting on East 156th street, be¬ tween Barry street and Garrison avenue, for $4,000. E. A. White purchased h plot on Barry street, between Grinnell plane and Garrison avenue, for $2,650. Samuel Klein acquired a plot on Grin¬ nell place, between Barry street and Truxton street, for $2,600. John Dinan purchased four lots on Barry street, at Grinnell place, for $1,400. Max Quinton bought six lots on Truxton street, be¬ tween Grinnell place and 156th street, for $2,500. "It is my belief that the public re¬ ceived fine bargains in the liquidation of these Hunts Point lots," said a rep¬ resentative of the owners after the sale. A new population is bound to flow in following the cutting up of this big tract. Five hundred people own this land now, whereas a single ownership controlled It for over thirty years. A new and virile addition to The Bronx is sure to result. "The sale proves that suburban prop¬ erty properly exploited and properly sold by experts will find a ready market in New York to-day." Three hundred and twenty-five lots, known as the Porter property, on Rock- away and Farmers boulevards and ad¬ joining highways near Jamaica, were disposed of on Saturday at auction by Joseph P. Day for $74,990. The ma¬ jority of the buyers were people who live in and around Jamaica and Spring¬ field. Several Long Inland builders and those who came, to buy home sites were among the purchasers. About 800 people attended the sale. A. Pierlni. a Jamaica builder, was the largest single buyer, his purchases total¬ ing $25 ,650. He took a plot at Rockaway and Farmers boulevards for $3,950 and one on Lombard street for $950. Frank Bora paid $2,200 for a plot on Porter place, running through to Farm¬ ers boulevard. T. Cafferty acquired three lots on 147th street, near Lombard street, for $350 apiece. George Howard obtained two corners on Rockaway boulevard for $850 apiece. . Inside lots on Rockaway boulevard, near Farmers boulevard, wf-nt to P. Panzlello for $S00 each. SALES IN MANHATTAN REVEALED IN RECORDS Louis Shatten resold to the Alfo Realty Corporation the five story tene- 436 East Eighty-fourth street. *f«102.2. Mae Brin resold to John Falco the ftve story tenements, southeast corner |^L of Pleasant avenue and 118th street, ^ 25.6x96. Benjamin Elliman sold to Thomas Ranese the five story flats and store, 435 East Eighty»first street, 26x irreg- ula r. The Eagle Moving Picture Company sold to Celia Holland the five story fla^s, 62 East 105th street. 25x100.11. Lin a O. C. Prescott has sold to Rocce Angcllillo a five story tenement house containing a store. 25x95. nt 1526 Mad¬ ison avenue. The five story house, containing n .tore, 25x100. 650 Amsterdam avenue, has been sold to Mary Page by William Sommer. David G. Garabrant sold to Frank La Faleia the three story building. 171 East 116th street. 16.6*100.11. for $45,000. Emma G. Snedeker and others sold to Anna G. Rapp the three story dwelling. I 128 East Ninety-fifth street, 16x100.8. for $20,000. The W. K. G. Company sold to James T. York the three story dwelling. 257 West 113th street, 18x100. Harry Voorhees has bought the three »tory house, 20x49.4. at 264 West Twen¬ ty-sixth street. Frances Corse lias sold to James N. Worcester. 152 East End avenue, a t three story dwelling.. 19.2x44.2x Irreg¬ ular. Frank Kreutaer has sold to Elmer D. Coulter 547 East Eighty-seventh street, a five atory house. 25x100.8. Vito Stallone has sold to Letlzia loclne the four story dwelling. 21.3x 100.11. at 67 East 121st street. E. B. Glogan sold to the newly formed 113 West Ninety-fifth Street Corpora¬ tion the four story dwelling, 113 West Ninety-fifth street, on a lot 20x102.2. BROOKLYN TRANSACTIONS. A. Mlshkin sold for the Adage Realty Corporation two stores, with apartments. 1709 and 1715 Avenue M. held for $25,000. The Leverich Realty Corporation leased for a. Mr. Brunjes the store 1478 Bedford avenue to the Howel] Sales Company; sold 242 Clinton street to Joseph Zaloom. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Mary Page Is the buver of the flats at 650 Amsterdam avenue and Henry VoorhU of 264 West Twenty-sixth .treet. I/ewl & Weyl have been appointed nirents for 117 West Forty-sixth street. fi93 Broadway, 106 Liberty street and 14 West Fifty-fifth street. Joseph O. Haft, formerly president of the Berkshire Realty Company of Brooklyn, !".'«. "opened offices In 22.1 Fifth avenue To conduct a general real .statn business. For the erertlon of r»n apartment house at the southeast comer of Burn- side avenue and Buchanan place, lOOx 1lt», the Lawyers Mortgage Company has lent $140,00o to the Kroog Holding Company Fonimore C. Ooode and Joseph P. Day were the brokers in the sale of the south corner of Forty-fifth street snd Twelfth avenue. George N. Rohlnson. owner of the Robinson Building, at the northwest cor¬ ner of L.lbertv and Church streets, has appointed A. H. Mathews * Co. as man¬ aging agents of the building. A. H. Mathews A Co. have established a branch office on the premises tinder the direc¬ tion of Oeorge B. Hanford and Clinton w ScheUing. Lawrence, Blake A Jewell have placed for Louis Kramer a first mortgage of $180,000 at. 5Vj per cent for five year* «T) IV West Sixty-ninth street, a four- town atory spartm^nt hotel, 40*100, bringing In an annual Income of $103,000 and assessed by the city at $345,000. * Plan $1,500,000 Apartment Jit tt<tli Street.Sale on Lexington Avenue. Julius Tishman & Sons will erect a fourteen story apartment house to cost 11.500,000 at the southwest corner of Eighty-seventh street and Park avenue from plans by Schwartz & Gross, archi¬ tects. The plans have been filed The house will cover 100x133. Plans have been filed for the construc- ,1 a n-lne 8,or>" apartment house at 146 to 152 East Kitty-second street for the lo0 East Fifty-second Street, u Ferguson president It will have « frontage of 85 feet and a depth of 84.11 feet, and according to the estimate of the architects. Schwartz ii Gross, will cost $425,000. l.eilncton Avenue Corner Sold, F ,")lK rkH.ajn Rna,'iy Company. Clarence Ec Khardt president, purchased 677 Lexington avenue and 139 Bast Flftv- Flftv ,he northeast fomer of Ilft>-sixth street. The Lexington ave¬ nue property consists of a four story Fl'ftv f|n?h apfrtment building, and the ' ft> -sixth street property is a three story and basement dwelling. The prop- Whit *a"c hHd at **<>0,000. Wm. A " "llt & s-ons were the brokers. ?.titer Apartment Deal*. William I>. Ivilpatrlck has purchased from Charlotte M. Leleu if Paris tenement F»fed A HolIy- the «V« story East XInetrsecondns^t?a^"S the andh^i«'X«?t0ry apartmpnt house 216 and 218 West M3d street has been Real K«ta?eXrFel!,t ,he K^ssmore weal Kstate Corporation, subject to a ST b°'r UM- " covers a plot avenue, betWeen Seven^ and Eighth Parte C°U8oId for the Battery tj_. Realty Corporation, William Prager president. to B. H. Bosio the ttvo street.tenementS W'th a store- 26u Mott 3D AVENUE CORNER IS LEASED FOR 24 YEARS Other Renting Transactions in Manhattan. B.J0-RPell,v' Katharine ThtrH J southwest corner or 1SThteW°hreerstmOVi'"r Pi'',Ure theat®?.° r; " mtaTh«r5! avenue, has been leased by Lucius H vears wlt^a"* ^ f"r ^S-one thirtv on! I °l'tlo» for renewal for . yftar"'- The '-a!, for a' }early net rental of $600. RmfT' * Weyl leased a loft ill fin T«"' £ Lem»L7'en8teln pre*J<lent.astore Ea«f T .ern end of the building « East Twenty-third street to Samuel Pea,e°&n,Fn1ade'J >b"*S aml denies a.Zi f,lllnmn have leased for Miss' Ann e Winters to Miss J, E. Patterson . il-u S y tw*"ty foot dwelling )(i Krk avhJnrty*fl,t,h Streel- west of Park »v alS° ieasnd apartments aoo Park a\enue. for Jirs. A K Ian caster to G. K Will,,; £, 570 Park ave- Kahn l *.'?/ & H'"k to K"Kene w Kahn In 8.9 park avenue fop Mp|| , Howard Dews to John P. Kane In '.t> £ mKWeetnt£ Str'"('t' ,0'Mrs Walsh in 119 West .Seventy-flfth street, to Mrs street 2 West Ninety-fourth aueet, to Max Frank. Hamilton Iselln * Co. rented for Douglas L. Elliman & Co., Inc agents an apartment in 383 Park avenue to Clarence C. Vernam. Henry G Wales leased for the estate of Ransom Parker the entire building ai 31 < West Fifteenth street, running street t Vt U'^k 314 W"t »«*t®onth iZ IV * u. 8 Company. Jnc After extensive alterations are made It will install its office, show rooms and stock rooms at the above ad- fhCa£' A- T^«»enfeld rented rooms In the Kerr Building at 4 4 Beaver .treet to Charles N. Fowler & Co.. dealers in nd" a,ui Invertment securities. Also space on the tenth floor of I3r. Broad- *;Hy ?. Foray the and spare on the sixth floor of 32 Broadway to Myron Sehumaker, BUY NEW COOPERATIVE FLATS Owner. Take Other Apartments at -Inckson Heights. Three pioneer apartment owners at : "eights, under <he ,7a< kson Heights plan of tenant ownership, hav¬ ing disposed of their apartments In the rfrst group of houses sold bv th«* Que>.ns- boro Corporation, have purchased other "partmenta In Kim Court and T.aburnum . ourt. two of the new elevator apart- mf-nt houses elected recenilv In Tw.-nty- second street. John P Allen of 166 Twent v-fifth street has purchased an apartment In Kirn Court. 178 Twen<y-second street; it . ' tr "f 154 Twenty-fifth street. of the New York TW6.»* has purchased »r. apartment In the r.aburnum Court !". Twenty-second street; p; r Wood' Flhr* Sir*,' "n»nH**r .>< Chelsna inrLAi' 'ia"J.urchased an apartment In Kim Court. 170 Twenty.second stree< I-cwm H May Company sold for Craw- , d E. Smith a bungalow on West Ful¬ ton street. Kong Beach, to Alice V. Hina for her occupancy. BAKER BUYS IN DYCKMAN. «. (ashman TaUe. Jnrth Street Parcel Near Broadway. MurrUt A. Cushman of the If. b Cush-, msn Baking Company has bought from u 'uZ mV'.',' °nr "tor> "tore and baken eoo and 602 West 207tl, street 0 feet east of Broadway. The seller hasi conducted n bakery there since the building was erected a few years ago and last November bought the building from its builder. G. K. Lawrence, ft . r upies a site 3«.9*100 and carries a mortgage of $34,250. ti«n"°if "r, ,ran""<,t,on In the same sec- and "n-Z ,* l'r°P"r,V af Tpn,h »venue and 207th street, at the foot of the suh- Ten'th'o *in-aIr"' ,,0r l-'rpose, the Tenth and 20. th Street Corporation'has been formed with n capital of $100,000 and A. Freud. 8. Sprro and K. .Vatson as directors. The four corner, at that point are Improved with business build¬ ing*. WOMAN o\ fVEHT HinR. Frederick H. Allen of F,-e.lerick Zlttei * Sons and Mrs. K. h Kandon sold for Mrs. Emma C. t'hlmann 36 West Klrli- ty-nlnth street a four story dwelPnc .. " ¦». »£ MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. MONEY Immediately advanced; first, second mort- gaftea: Interest 5%; nr>y amount, anywhere. WALDORF, ID Park Row. Suite SOI. Mortgage money to loan promptly; quick answers. WALDORF, ir> I'ark Row. Suite 201-2-3-4. HEIRS Money Immediately ad¬ vanced upon your undivided Interest. Call WALDORF, 18 Park Row, suite 201-2-3-4. REAL ESTATEAT AUCTION. JO«EPII I\ DAY. INC.. It re I KsUte Am tiooeer. fl" Liberty St. N. Y. Phone Cort. 7*4 rffcUI. .lOil.VSUN, JU., CO.. Auctioneers, 1U Montagus SI.. Ilraeklfn. X. Y. CITY REAL ESTATE. CROSS 8-BROWN COMPANY Real Fstate In all l(a branches. It KANT 4IST ST. 407 RRdAOWtV. ITS PTTTTI AV.. B'WAY A B7 St.. Flak Hid*. Qommye i eil .Property .40 _ _ 1161 Bro% d way Stuvv. Q817 JOSEPH M1LNER COMPANY KF.AL ESTATE 50."> r>th Ate. Tel. » underbill .'WO7. p.op^ r t jTETWRffAKER MANACKMKNT. Tel. Pl.l/a 70B3. A7 West 57th Street. A V AMY Sr CCl KK.ll, MAT*, **" *. Ai" 1 * <60 W. 3 Id HI.. N. Y. C. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. l-ong Island.Sale or Let. Real Rutatf Alone the Great Sooth Ray, JEltblllAH BOBBINS. Rabylon. L I. Tel. UL Westchester.Sale or fOfXTRT ESTATES AND HOMES, Sale «r Rent. KENNETH IVES ft CO.. 17 East 4td St. Murray HII! «*37. C'ttACNCEV It. UICIKFRX It CO., Westchester'* Leading Realty Expert*. II East 41st St, Murray Hill MJA C onnecticut.Sale or Let. INCOMMON ESTATE on beautiful three-acre site overlooking Long Inland Sound, within one hour of Grand Central Terminal. Modern, excel¬ lently appointed houso of fourteen rooms, with Hervants' quarters. I.a rite combined garage and stable, containing keeper's family lodge. An ideal ull->ear home. For sale by the owner a! a reasonable price and on convenient terms. V 2011 llerald, 280 R'way. FOR SALE OR RENT. Country Residences. I ine I.states. Gentlemen's Farms. Choice Acreage. GEORGE B. CORSA 10 East Forty-third Street. e. b. lockwood tsD lAIt TH. 21fi Sound Uracil. Xfw Jersf.v-Salf or First Payment $2,500 4 Balance $98 Monthly Buys this excellent home, planned (or easy housekeeping. Built by day's work. One of the best streets of restricted residential suburban community near New York City. Living room has large open fireplace, built-in book¬ cases. polished oak floors. Beautiful dining room, kitchen and pantry. Fine porch, larf,e tun parlor. Three cheerful bedrooms. Bit; attic. Complete with all electric fixtures, gas equipment in kitchen, etc. Modern plumbing throughout. Large plot, graded end planted. Magnificent views. Sewers, gas. water, elec¬ tricity, sidewalks. Paved and parked streets. 35 minute* to Manhattan by two transporta¬ tion lines, any time, day or night. Over 400 commuters Fine schools, churches, clubs and markets Write W. J. LOCKWOOD. 50 Union Square, New York City. SUBURBAN HOME FOR SALE. P.ldgewood, N beautiful iO room r»sl- dence, plot ;2."-x21W, corner property. 2 Mle baths, hardwood floors thruout, 2 open flre- places, maid apartments, garage for 2 ctr* with chauffeur'* quarters; 2.1 fruit trees, storm windows and screens, awnings, etc. Must be seen to be appreciated. Restricted section. Apply Broker, J. F. It VAN, ItS Market St.. Patersnn. N. J. Own Your Home League of America, Inc., r>f(er* financial naaiatance and r%pert advlra to deserving p*'opl« df*Mlrou<< of owning their own home. Hervloe* free. Write, outlining your want*, to KRCTf, OWN Yorrt HOME LEAGUE. 153 Weit 33r«i St., N. Y. C. THE BEST IN LAKEWOOD £STATES Jftl HOTELS FARMS COUAttM COUNTRY -RT* PLOTS. -HOMC3 ACREA6I SMOCK AGENCY Inc. tt* l. sr. mmwooo.N.j. RLAf/VFlELD tm£ auegjf c/rr of kc# JtBscr MONTfl AIR 'nkvv yorks i.kadino nuniLLAIR SIBUKB. CONSULT F. M. CRAWLEY & BROS. R E. Brokers, opp. Lackawanna TtrmlnaL Send for Illustrated Booklet. AMBROSE POWELL.Summit. N. J I I CfUM/1DT7 rlatnftrld Vroperties. J. J. Ol/nf? RK I L ,,<(l Wft| front St. I'h -rtPI For properties consult any member n*ard of Realtors. Itrnnres and Manlewnod. H WKATHKIIBt .V to.. Initlrn I. >. ». ICn|l.nn«<t and Vldnlts. Real Estate. »<< t nk I.. HtUllKS A RRO., Kealtar*. (.D atatioi. South Orange. M. Ja FACTORIES FOR SALE OR LET. FACTORIES I OFTS ' . AI.FRF.n RIRHORN CO L.VSI IJ R FA 1.1 Olt * 1 Newark St.. Iloboken, N. .1. t'lione llolioken 2141 FACTORIES WlJErV J. 1. HIKLAK. iMNtken. N. J. WILLIAM n MRRRAT.L, Real Ratal*. Canadian Faelflo VM|. APARTMENTS.Sale or Let. I'atunUhrd. Above 39th St..5th Av. to North River. APARTMENTS.Sale or Let. I'nfiirnithrd. Above 39th St Av. to North RIlMP. High Class Apartments THE BELNORD 86 th.Broadway.87 th 7 to 11 Rooms 2 lo 4 Baths CHEPSTOW 215 West 101 st St. 8 & 9 Rooms & 3 Baths $2,600 to $3,400 Outside 1.Itcht Apartment* 160 WEST 87TH ST. Private House Block 6 Rooms, 2 Baths 5 Rooms 6* Bath 2 Rooms, Kitchenette THE COURTNEY 55 Central Park West 10 Rooms, 3 Baths Rental $4,500. 495 WEST END AVE. 9 Rooms, 3 Baths. $3,400 10 & II Rooms, 3 Baths, Rental, $4,000 DOROTHEA 331 West 101 st St. 8 Rooms, $2,300 to $2,550. 312 WEST 109TH ST. Ponchartrain 5 Rooms & Bath, $1,600 308 WEST 106TH ST. 2 Rooms & Bath, $1,000 I*ark Street 155 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Cor. 88th St. 9 Rooms. 3 Baths, $4,500 Exceptional Apartment THE AVONEL 172 West 79th St. 8 Rooms, $2,400 Pnrk Street 251 WEST 95TH ST. 8 Rcoms. $2,000 to $2,409 THE DORCHESTER 131 Riverside Drive 7, 8, 9 Rooms, 3 Baths $3,200 to $5,000 ROCKLEDGE HALL 330 West I02d St. 9 Rooms & 3 Baths, $4,500 8 Rooms, 3 Baths, $3,500 5 Rooms & 2 Baths, $2,200 ST. DENIS 321 West 92d St. 9 & 10 Rooms, 3 Baths, $3,500 to $4,500 209 WEST 97TH ST. Corinseca 7 Rooms & Bath, $1,800 320 WEST 84TH ST. Hyperion 8 Rooms & 2 Baths, $2,100 603 WEST 111TH ST. 7 Rooms, 2 Baths, $2,000 225 WEST 80TH ST. N. E. Cor. B'way 5 & 6 Rooms, 2 Baths $2,000 to $2,500 All Outside. NEW CENTURY 401 West End Ave., Cor. 79th St. 9 Rooms, 3 Baths, $3,750 10 Rooms, 3 Baths, $5,400 Outside, Southern Exposure STRATFORD AVON 210 Riverside Drive 10 Rooms, 3 Baths $4,250 up CARLISLE DWELLINGS 450 West End Ave. 11 Rooms, 3 Baths, Rental $4,500 WOOD- »°LS0N (o ¦¦ ^ Broadway, Cor. 80th St. Tel. Schuyler 1100 * REAL ESTATE.Europe. FVunre. r For Sale by Private Contract ESTATK WKST OF FRANCE I.AIU.K AM) S| MI'Tl Ot H CASTJJ5 Magnificently hituated on lilll with fine . J*".**' "PhcIouk dependant** and nut-buildings, ltuf-Iioumom. KSTATK of I. luo HECTARhJK, wuoda, large ponds, crossed U> river. Included by splendid buildings; nppl«. Uvea In full bearing, Rood hunting and ¦hooting. ."'¦late In sltuntwl on ferriferous .oil, upon which borings luue given good results; It a]flo includes stone-pits of riH-lii and striated rock* which can be poilsh.irt marble. I Imlyhente water*. Interesting waterfall permitting to contemplate the creation of Important worki for Electric Power. Apply to Me. FAY. Notary. II, Hue .Saint Klorentln, PARIS. TO LET FOR BUSINESS. From Battery |. IKli St.. lnclusi\e. 12 Lofts |~ mmdhle Pc»*e »ion"^"" 416 Broadway Corner Canal St. Showrooms,Office!,Stockrooms Exceptionally l.htbl.M Window*. Pasaenger and Freight Elevators. $f,0O<> Kadi. \o Manufacturing. (. H. POLLACK. 110 W. ICth S». I H. Hrrant 01f»I. or your broker. Abov* I4th St. to 59th St. (Inrlualve). DECORATOR. Very atractlve loft, l..*>00 to .->,500 *q f,.t cool workshop, light four aide., us window*' l»r*« freight elevator. electricity. steam heat 'J07-20B E. 49th at. Academy LOFT.VACANT 241-5 W. 37TH ST. *bt. 'HO* ft.. 4 elevator*. Sprinkler system M. .1. MI'l,t|l'EEN. 291 Broadway. Miscellaneous. ItCT.AND * BENJAMIN, PEAT. ESTATB. 14 East 4* Street. Vnnderhllt n.Tej. BTTTI.DINGS. STORES, I OFTS. APARTMENTS.Sale or Let. I'nfiirnished. Above 14th SI. to .Villi »t. (Inclusive). 5th Ave. I room- and bath, SlOrt to At 'XHtU Sf I pt*r MiM'i and at jutn 31. | VH|., .n|r. ln),a|)< >tid entrance I laundry If desired. Inquire 1 w. 3o. I of superintendent or FRED'fc FOX * CO., INC. SS7 Madison Ave. P|ii>ne OIHII Vanderblli Unfurnished. Abote 5Mh St..Mil Av. to North River. f Strathmore 404 Riverside Drive .t 113th St. 10 Rooms and 3 Baths $5,500 to $6,500 large rooms and closets, good *r- mgrmerit*, splendid light aud v|»vr t1 ¦»I led management and scivlre . mil \ ''r'n l»e*lr«ble I isht Apartment' 468 Central Park West Corner I07tli Kl. Verjr llghl, large mom*, hath, steam, hot water; newly decorated. Kent SIM) per Month. Superintendent on Premise* or t. H. rOll.tXK, 110 Vf. 40th St. Tel. Bryant 01#t. No. 1 West 69th St. N. W. ('nr. Central Park Weal. Kxreptlonally light apartments, rt and 7 room* and hath LAII modern Improvement*. CRUIKSHANK COMPANY, Ml B'w.y Cnfurnlshed.Brooklyn. Columbia Heights, Bklyn. HETOt*' ST.. 14.%. a-4n nmMs, new ki.kvator apts. N<*r Clark St. Subway. Reasonable Bents. You;' Situation Wantrrl A it. in Thn R'nuf A<>. X.rtion of T ft H V /.; M' TOKK 11h. TtA I, ft nhoi'ld put ffcu fn touch ti lth ju*t thn sort of piojilfi irith whom t/RK would Hki to connect. Try on* Trlr- pfcofMt WortK Infuniislied.Westchester. For Rent nt PELHAM MANOR IVFIRNI8HED APARTMENT Housekeeping, 6 well arranged rooms. 3 bath*. Garage. Immediate pos- Hesslon. Phone Pelham 11)97. tEh^con Murray Hill GA26. MONEY TO LOAN & WANTED ON BOND & MORTGAGE. QUICK ACTION. $40,000 to Invest In flint mortgage. Man¬ hattan or Hronx. Send applications Immedi¬ ately. O 781I Herald, 280 Broadway. 1100,000 first nwrtsngc wanted Hronx va- cant, valued at o.000: liberal feoa for accommodation pay off; also give other »e- curlty If required. Box P. 1111 St. Paul Building. CITY REAL ESTATE. DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN I CO. 15 Kan -19th St. 9:00. MANAGEMENT A SPECIALTY. RYAN A CO., 142 Went 125th. WM. I'. JONES & SON. TIMES BI.DO^ Management a Specialty. Dry ant B4TS-5473 Above Mill St..Mh Ai. to Fast Rher. no. r.:t EAsrr ioist street, adjoining comer Madison n\.. .1 story brick apartment with store: good location for re- tall business. I'i !ce £12.300. WILLIAM D K 11.1-\TRH'K. 149 Broadway. STOKE AMD TENEMENT 92d «t., between lat and 2d av* Small 3 story tenement, wltb store. Prlee J12.."0i>. Owner. WILLIAM !». KILPVTR1CK. 140 Broadway. 3D AV.t near 122d St., 19 or 38x103; 3 atory brick; Possession May. BRETTEL. 184 E. 123d at. Above .->91 h St..Mh Av. to North River. LOWER W. "On. few doors from Went End av..Private dwelling. In perfect condition; electric lights, parquet floors, hardwood trim, hot water heater; unusual bargain at 120,000; cash #3.000: possession at once. COUGHLAN A (.<¦>.. INC.. 300 W. 730. PRIVATE houses for rent or rale, on West End avenue and Riverside Drive and ad- Jacent streets. RLAWSON * HOBR«. 102 W. 72D ST. TWO B atory 10 family apartment houses, H rooiriH and bath; all modern Improve- ments; best section upper Broadway; Income $17,000: suitable terras. Partlculara ace ORAUTB, 213 East 17th at 1*2 WEST 10BRD ST.. between Columbus and Amsteidum avs., P, story, high stoop, brownstone duelling: 9 rooms ami bath; vacant. Immediate posses¬ sion. prlee 91.1,S00. Owner. WILLIAM D. KH.PATRICK. I4i> Broadway. Washington Heights. Above 1?Mtl St., West of Mh Av. SIX or seven rooms, wuit gsrsc»: new: Van t'oilear place, at 2!3th at.: B'»ay subway statio-i at 2:3th at. Small cash payments. Manhattan.Miscellaneous. FOR SALE.To close estate down town. West Side, commercial building, MHIOO. with cold storage equipment, at 9223,000; 1' rms can he arranged; have a tenant who will lease the premises for $23,000 per annum, except Inter¬ est on Mortgage, for 21 years, with privilege of renewal; price Includes equipment. AMOS LAMPHKAR. 149 Broadway.>_7".8 Bronx*.Hale or A 3 family brick: Improvements, newly deco¬ rated; apartment vacant: saciifi,-,. h 111 cash. WI'NDERMAN, 131.*. TCIrr av r MM li at FOR HALE.--E\cavated plot, 7itx20o? Tlie Bronx, good locution; terma to suit pur¬ chase^ I. W. SHAMBEBG. 1 Liberty st. Ht'NTH POINT.Comer plot 7".x100: eheap at 945.000 five years from no« wonderful opportunity; price 93.000. Write SUCKER- UAM. 1IB Broadway. Madison Square r«34,V 2MT1! ST.. west of Bromtway -Attractive new seven room house, all Improvements', garage space; price reasonable, $3,000 rash required OOMDKRT. 11!) Caryl av., Ton- Iters. N. Y. Phone M77 Ynnli"i«. Brooklyn.Sale or FLATBUSII, 1079 E. 37th «».-Sl* room mod¬ ern storm house, driveway, vacant; price 9s.'-."i0: ca-h 91,000 Phone OWNER. Mid- wnod 4124. JAMAICA AV., corner Autumn, lorn 120, 99.000."CHADOV1T'/. Ill 4th av., Brooklyn. Queens.Sale or l,et. IF YOU are In a position to pay all rash i»p to the first mortsags we can offer yoti an unusual opportnnl'y on a few a!» room houses In an exclusive community In Queens village. L. I. I. s. HAMMOND, IT East Kth St.. New^York Richmond.Sate or LIGHT rooms n ud hath, ' nuse, and 1 empty lilt, 2 car gnrnge. 3 minutes frimi train minute from troljrj situated In n good neighborhood on Staten Island, no agent. Pcx A. r.aa, 18»a Broadway, APARTMENTS.Sale or Let. Above r.fttli XL.Mb Av. to North Riser. New Elevator Garden Apartment Homes 5 to 10 Rooms 2 Co 4 Bath* JACKSON HEIGHTS Social and B utintit Rrfirtneii Rtiuirid Tenant Owmmliip Plan.Liberal Term® Take Sub >-«y to Grand Central, trantfrt to Qurtmboro Subw/y (Corona Line) to 2Jth St. (Jackson Heights) Section. (Ofiice Oppcrtit; Station) Bf Motor.59tK via Queemboro Bridge, Jacksor. Avo to 25th S*. 20 Minutes from Fifth Ave. & 5 7th Bt. Shout apartment. Hauthorne, Elm and Laburnum Courts open for inspection until 9 P. M. ecery day. THE QUEENSBORO CORPORATION 50 East 42nd Street SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. Long Island.Sale er Let. BR1GHTWATERS, L. I. Hour from IV-nn. Slat ion.BUNG\- LOW and COTTAGE plots, contain¬ ing 7 city lota; only $400 up; cany trims. Hook of plans to cai'h pur¬ chaser. T. H. *. 11. VV. ACKERSON, Hrlglitwaters. L. 1. 26 Court at., Brooklyn. DOUGLAS MANOR. Remarkable value, tax exempt house. 8 rooms, .1 baths: 1' car garage: $22.(K)o. HUGHES, Ppuglajiton. Phone 1*70 Bayslde. FOR SALE.One family house, 7 rooms, with - baths and showers, built In 1921; lawn, shrubs arid (lowers. garage: Norwood Gardens. Astoria, L. I.; 15 minutes from ('.rand Central by subway: tax exempt for 10 years. Apply C. A. CARROLL. 41 East 42d St., N. Y. Murray Hill .'5377. FREEPORT.8 looms, tile bath, tile kitchen, glass enclosed porch, all modern improve¬ ments: lot 40x100; near depot; price $ti,500, easy term*. FREEPORT REALTY EX- CHANGE, 16 Court St., Brooklyn. Main 10030. HUNTINGTON U I.. near shore, two acres of all clear land, well 'planted; well built ten room nouse. bath, steam heat, electricity, large barn and ga- rage, with chauffeur's room; all kinds of fruit and berries; abundance of large old shade trees- share of stock giving bathing privileges In the Bay Crest Association. EX¬ CEPTIONAL BUY AT 120.000; terms. CHARLES E. SAMM1S. JR.. HUNTINGTON, L. I. PHONE HUNT. 4.n HOMES at low prices; easy terms; let know your wants; picture folder sent. HYDE < BAXTER. Port Washington. L. I. Westchester.Sale or 1*'.. AN ECONOMICAL BUT 2 fatfilly home In Crestwood, tl rooms and bath each floor; steam heat, sewer and gas; plot T.'xllO: price $12,BOO. BURKE STONE, INC. s Rronxvlllo 14H0. or 41 East 42d. BEFORE-YOU BUY, read our booklet. "8ub- urban Westchester," It gives distances, OJinmutltig lates, population and descriptions of each town within the forty minute zone. Send postage, four cents. PRINCE & RIP- LEY. "42 Madison av.. New York city. Bl'Y your building LOT In PELHAM- WOOD before it Is too late; only a few left; 9030 to *1.000. JOS. LAMB- DEN A SON. INC., "HI Luwton st. Phone 302. New Rochelle, N. Y. COLONIAL HOUSE. 8 roomi, *17,600. 8UL- LIVAN. 20 North av., New Rochelle. FOR RENT IN RYE. I have several unfurnished cottages from II.'20o to $l.'i00 a year; good neighborhood; also furnished, for rent, winter Or year; Immediate possession: reasonable. CHAS. S. FAULKNER, Office facing Rye Railroad Station. Telephone 123 Rye. N. Y. MOUNT VERNON. A beautiful English stucco house, about 3 >ears old. In the finest sectlop of the city, 8 looms, hath, steam heat, hardwood floors: one ear garage; circumstances compel owner <o sell at once; look at tills. PRINCE A RIPLEY, 3t2 Madison av. Telephone Murray inn or.:.:.. NEW ROCHELLE..A beautiful stucco home, on high ground, 8 rooms. 3 baths, hrated sun parlor: 2 car garage; large plot, choice location; price asked $25,000; make terms; ottMr special offerings: $10,000 to $20,<K'«i O'CONNOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 240- 2.M Huguenot at. Phonea 504-133 New Ro- cj lelje ON ALBANY post road at Harmon on Hud¬ son. plot "12*125: splendid view of river. CLYNCH 4«H East 57th st. PELHAM BAY PARK.Must sell, wonderful bargain, two lot* 50x118. two blocks from subway; direct from owner. Room 001, 209 Madison av. > BSf. our list of furnished rentals at aftar season prices In Pelhant, New Hochella, '.archmon and Rye. PRUMMOND. >7 Eaat «2d_M. Tel. Murray Hill 732S. TO LET.South Yonker*. building. 22x112, 8 floors basement, elevator: suitable for storage or factory. 11. B. JONES, 38 Haw- thorne a\.. Vonkers, N. Y. Connecticut.Sale or BELL * PIERSOV. ",«-al Folate. 54 Atlantic st Stamford. Ptlone 2818. FRANK T. HLAVIN. Realtor. 49 Bank at.. Stamford, Conn, phone 1B85. New Jersey.Sale or 1*1. DWELLINGS, farms, lakes, tract*, water powers. K. J. CAH ILL, Boonton. tf. 3. idJIKRON-Northwest corner Ocean * Park '.vs., 3 story, for sal" or exchange. JO¬ SEPH ABRAMSON. 40 W. 40th. FREE list of nouses for sale and rent. Write V \N' WINKLE CO.. Rutherford, N. J. MONTCLAIR, N. J.-To close an aatate, olo- gant plot, fliio hou»e, 14 room*, tncludlng 2 haths. Improvements, garage; short walk to P., L. K W.: brokers protected. M 573 Herald, 280 Broadway. OWNER'S house, « rooms, all improvement*. it closets, fine hall: slate roof: cement cellar; plot 40\l00; electricity; coal and gas stmes, water luatir, acreena, awnings. big; trees; fine porch: shades; $7,800: liberal terms i: IV StNf'LAtRE. nutlierford. N. I PEARf, "lilv Bf*.Six room house. Tath7~hot air heat, electricity-, hardwood floors, large porch; corner plot 75*100; garage; beautiful! environment; 3 minutes station, $«1,000. M. KNEISOH, Pearl River, N. Y. RH^iEWOOri.-Attractive modern cottage, t| room* bath; garage, chicken house: $11,500, $1,000 rash; photographs. HOVER, 212 Broadway, N. Y. SUBURBAN STUDIO HOMD-Sacrlflca co*y artlstle plaee. esperlslly built for year round living, less than three years old: only $2,000 rash needed, balance of $2,500 on easy terms, almost like rent, buys It; $5,000 now on first mortgage can remain; lias 7 largo rooms, tiled bath, light, steam hent, parquet floors, running water, electric light, every convenience; beautifully situated on plot loot 200 feet: fine garden space, ahrubs anil flow¬ ers In profusion; close to pretly lakes stocked with fish; aelect, congenial neighborhood; good market*, school and churrhe* near by; thl* I* a chance of a lifetime to obtain a home at a fraction of real worth; could not be dupilcated at less than $14,500; Ideal commutation to New York city; 500 N. Y. cltv huslnes* men and professional men com¬ muting from thl* section now; 8 minutes' easv walk from house to R. R express sta¬ tion. STUDIO, P. o. Rox 378. City Hall Sta- tlon. New York city. ( SHREWSBURY RIVER front". Rumwon; frame, Improvement*. RRETTET.L, preni- |TS or 181 East 123d. /lit adi'*rH*rmr)il In this Los' miii FourtH column* of THF1 WFW YORK HF.HALD offir* n rxat pnaHbiUtu of t tcoverinp yovr lot* profHTtH* FARM PROPERTY. Connecticut.Suie or Let. FOR Sale.Farm or country home, one mile from ceuter of Thomaston, Conn.; 200 acres, 100 tillable; fine aoll; bearing young apple orchard: house, barn*, fine woodland; view and good water; price $15,000; prlxe winning atock and tool* If desired. $3,000; very reasonable and a money maker; terms. W. A HAVILANIJ, 37 Lewis at, Hartford. Brokers protected. New Jersey.N»l» or l*t. MAGNIFICENT 4(0 acre fruit farm, near Lambertviiie; price $30,000; splendidin- veatuu'nt. Address WALTER MULLETT, 2 Rector at. . .. - Virginia.Sale or HOMESF.EKERS.Send for Virginia Farm list: bur cllinntr. Dept. H. Emporia. Va Miscellaneous.Sale or I<et. FARMS for sale Catalog free. ST ROUT FARM AfiBNTT, Box C. 150 Nassau st. SUMMER HOMES.Sale or Let. I,one Island. BUNGALOW to rent; ocean front, 6 rooms and bath; all appointments; no letters answered. Call at 14 Virginia av.. Long Beach, West End. __ LONG BEACH apartment, furnished, 4 rooms, bath, garage; bathing from house. BYRNE. <1 Front nt. Telephone 343 L. B. \^estche*ter. DOBBSI FERRV.Exceptionally attractive fi room house, furniehert: August., Sept.; to refined coirple; near Ardiley Club; worth $150 per month; offer from right party entertained. Longacre Slip. New Humpshlre. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Enfield, bordering lake: fishing, boating, bathing; wonderful coun¬ try; 0 loom cottage without Improvements, but very comfortable and Mvabla; lmn«ed*et« possession; $7.1 month. Mrs. HOLCOMB, West Canaan, N. H. APARTMEN Furnished. From Battery to 14th St., Inclusive. (1TH). EXCLUSIVE (157TH). FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Apartment Renting Co.. Inc.. 37R West /2d. Columbus 1277 Furnished. Above 14th St. to 50th St. (Inclusive). 84TH, 68 East.To let three room apartment. Inquire Superintendent. r>0'S.Unusual apartments, suitable for bach¬ elor or couple; lease for summer or longer: elevator, maid service. E. H. THOMAS, 21 East 4!>th Ht. Plaza 4JW. f Furnished. Above 591 h St..5th Av. to East River. GOTH. US EAST.-Two rooms and bath, artistically furnished: all Improvements; light housekeeping; $70 monthly. VAN T'.F.KTH, I'le/.a 3077. Furnished. Above fi9th St..9th Av. to North River. WHAT couple will share exquisite nine room apartment with mother and daughter at isn 7th av? Cathedral 8068. 80TH, 102 W. (Hotel Anderson)>»1 and 2 room suitea: summer rates; leaaea for fall. 9OTH-ST., 330 W. (Riverside).Attractively furnished 7 room apartment; August and September: $250 for the period; adults only. Apartment 1. t Furnished.Brooklya. FIVE rooms, completely furnished; small family; Rldgewood. Brooklyn, $80 monthly. Inquire LUDWIG, 1747 W. 7th st. Brooklyn. Sea Beach line. SECOND" floor of two family house, garage: latest Improvements. S. ROSANELLI, 1406 70th St.. Brooklyn. Bensonhurst 4708. Furnished.Queen* TWO completely furnished apartment for light housekeeping; one of three rooms and bath, $100: another five rooms and bath, $"00. In finest apartment house oil Alsop St.. near Kings Park, Jamaica. Telephono Jamaica 1084, or inquire Supt., telephone .1a maica 4502. FnfurnlsheC. From Battery to 14th St.. Inclusive. 78 BEDFORD ST. 3, 4 OR 5 ROOMS AND RATH. NEW BUILDING. ALL IMPROVEMENTS. W. J. ROOME & CO.. INC.. 177 Madison av. 18TH, 241 W..1 Beautiful rooms, newly decorated: reasonable. Inquire Apt. 4 Unfurnished. Above 14th St. to 3»tii St. (Inclusive). TIMES sq. aection, high class bachelor apart¬ ments, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfur¬ nished. J. O.. 135 Herald, Herald square. 30TH ST.. 35 EAST Nine story fireproof building In a most re- fined vicinity. ^Apartment* of 0 rooms for rent from OctobeV- 1st. Also one apartment of 3 rooms Apply to Supt., on promise*, or SHARP A CO.. 2480 BROADWAY. 8BTH ST., 13$ AND 144 EAST (near Lex¬ ington av.). I Two modern 0 story fireproof building"; apartments of 4 and 0 rooms; these apart¬ ments are the bee*, planned on the East bide; service Is unexcelled; the (1 room apart¬ ments contain 3 baths. Apply to Supt., on premises, or SHARP A CO.. 24S0 BROADWAY. 30TH ST.. 163 E..Exclusive Murray Hill duplex bungalow, built In Italian garden; large studio, living room, tile bath, kitchen, 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, roof garden. $5.W0; alao 2 and 3 room apartments. $1,800-$3,000- 408. near 5th av .Large room, 2 bedrooms. bath: meals optional; maid, valet aervlca If de*ire<t; $275. Longacre 9137. "" 54TH ST., 15 EAST. New elevator building, dining room for tenants, five and two rortm apartment*. 58TH. 1 Eaat.Desirable 6th av. corner aulte; Immediate possession: also 2 rooms and bath or 8 room* and 2 bath*: large rooms; hotel nmi restaurant Elyaeo aervlre; lnspec- tlon Invited. _ Unfurnished. Above ft»th St..8th A v. to East River. ADJOINING TARK AVBNUB. Possession at once or October. 103 East "4tli street. 108 East 85th street. f\ rooms and 3 batn*. 7 room* and 3 GEORGE NEIMAN. 622 FIFTH AVENUE. AT*No. 19~Kast 95th St.. Near 6th Av.. Six rooms and bath. $160; elevator. PHYSICIANS* APARTMENTS. 2 room* and bath. 106 East 85th St. ii room* and bath, 103 East 84th st. GEOROE NEIMAN. 522 FIFTH AVBSNTTK. 1ST AV. and 87th st. (1603)..Five room* and bath, hot water, no heat; two flight*; rent $45; two year leaee required; adult* preferred. OflTH, 137 E..4 rooms, bath, also hutler'a pantry. $2,400; can be seen between 2 and 4 excepting Saturday and Sunday, or by ap¬ pointment. Telephone Rhinelander 2066. Unfurnished. Above 59th St.-Sth Av. to North R'ver. BROADWAY. 2««2i Nine story fireproof building, near 08th St. Rents most reaaonable. 6 room apartment*. SHARP & CO.. 2480 PROAD^ AY- CENTRAL PARK WEPT. 327 Cor. Kid at). .Apartments of 7 and 8 rooma; one apart¬ ment of 8 rooms on the ground floor suitable for doctor oi dentist; the hulldlng Is one of the best kept on Central ParkWestand the rents proportionately lower than other apartments In the vicinity; *ome to be aublet for Immediate P0"''0""1""' SHARP A CO.. 8*80 BROADWAY CENTRAL PARK WEST, 378 (corner 08th). .High dais modern elevator apartment, tt large light room*, bath, facing ParkI rant. Inquire Supt., or phone Watklna 1023. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. .*WM». New 12 storv fireproof building, corner 108th st 'he best constructed liulldlng on the west side; the rooms well planned; apartments of 7 rooma for rent from Oct. I; one exceptional apartment of 2 rooms on ,hb "sharp a"CO, 2480 BROADWAY. fUVERSTtiE DRIVE. '.'It (COR. '.'TT1I 8T>. Klv* to eight rooms, extra large; excep¬ tions! value; rent reasonable. SHARP>jD0..2489 HROApWAY. lIlVEHSIDl DRIVE. ".25 l-lve rooms and t.Bth to sublet; Immediate possession can be given Apply R. GERRRAt IIT, JR.. 43 Cedar st. New York. ^tflsT END- a v., *77 ct'OR. orril ST.). % tu story Apirfittisnt building, cofuRinini? aotn* "duple* apartment" onn of the on West End av.; apartments of eight and ten ritip I xivptiniinl expoturw. f!i|jU » ro, 84811 BROADW AV. t, WEST 72U ST. Exceptionally attractive large rooms, bath, kitchenette, $-..''*» annum; ideal location for atudlo or rail¬ ing* SUMMER HOMES.Sale or Let. Maine. CAMP to let on Rangeley Lake; 6 room*J running water, spring, battling, flshing.1 splendid view, wide porch; no mosquitoes; $5 par day. ANNIE P. H1NKLBV. SUMMER HOMES WANTED. FURNISHED cottage or bungalow with one large two small bedrooms and garage, f»H senson; family of 3 adult*; elevation about.! 800 ft.; convenient to New York. WriteJ stating price and particulars, J. G., 80)9 Kings Highway. Brooklyn. I WANTED.To rent, 4 to 7 weeks, well fur-f nlshed home, Westchester or Liong Island; responsible party. Rhlnelander 10336. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHASRE.-Large cottags at Sea Bright, N. J. with 10 room*, * baths, fully furnished, frontage on ocean 150 feet, 320 feet deep, also garage for si; cars, and boathouse .10x50 frontage o{ Shrewsbury River, 150*70 free and clear price $50,000. Will exchange for cold watt tenements. O. G. FLYGARE, 405 Lexinj ton av. or your own broker. REAL ESTATE WANTED. I,E»ERTAN CORP.. 171 BROADWAY. BUYS BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. OWNERS.Send particulars of properties you v ant to sell; ate have clients waiting ready to quickly purchase anywhere. SISOA £ PALI.ADINO, 215 East llflth. WANTED to rent 5 or 8 room house or part of two family house. In good residential neighborhood, between Elizabeth and Cran- ford. N J- P *'",0 Herald, Washington Hts. WANTKD.Plot suitable for garage. 100x150; with roB*essIon. KOLl'»OM BROS.. INC., 127 E. 3*th »t. I FACTORIES FOR SALE OR LET. WILLIAM B. MERRALL. MORTGAGEE, CANADIAN PAC. BLDO. TS.To Let. Unfurnished. Above 59th St..5tU Av. t* North River. 72P, 53 W Studio apartment, consisting ot large workroom, north studio window 9x12. sleeping room, kitchenette, foyer hall, bath; 7th floor; elevator building. For Oct. 1, apartments of 2 and 3 rooms, foyer, kitchenette, bath; aouttiern exposure; large outside rooms. 78TH ST.. 250 WEST (COR. BROADWAY). 3 and 4 room*, some with kitchenette; all housekeeping apartments; a most iesirablo neighborhood; the apartments contain ex¬ ceptional attractions and ttic rents are tlie most reasonable In this vicinity. SHARP fc CO.. 2489 BROADWAY. POT if ST., 123 WEST. 0 rooms, bath, steam, elcctriclty. Inquire premises. 921) ST.. 7 WEST. Apartments of 5, t! and 7 rooms in a 7 story elevator building, adjoining Central Park West. Conveniences and service unex¬ celled. Rent exceptionally reasonable. SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY. 921) ST.. 3 WEST (near Central Park Weatj .Apartments of C rooms and bath; excep¬ tional value; rent very reasonable. SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY. 94TH ST.. 314 WEST (between West Bnd av. and Riverside tortvo). Six story elevator building, (i and 7 rooms, for rent from October 1; rents proportion¬ ately lower than similar apartments in this vicinity. SHARP * CO.. 2489 BROADWAY. 99TH, 317 WEST. 5, 0 and 7 rooms in an 8 story modern fire¬ proof building, near Riverside Drive and con¬ taining all improvements; reasonable rent. SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY. 103TH 8T., 228 WEST. 5 and G room apartments. In a modern 8- story elevator building; the apartments art most attractive and must be seen to be ap- predated; some for Immediate possession; rent reasonable. SHARP & CO.. 2189 BROADWAY. 100 WEST OUT 11 ST. 3 and 1 room apartments; large room", delightful k(tclieiis. New modern nine story fireproof building. An unusually desirable residential location, easily accessible. A de¬ cided attraction In the fact that maid and porter service Is provided. Relief from help troubles. yet affording all the conveniences of your own private home. Possession Oc tcber 1; rent most reasonable. Housekeeper <.n premises, or SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY. 113TH ST.. 507-011 -517 WEST Three 9 story modern apartment buildings, near Columbia University. Apartments of 3 and 4 rooms, with special attractions. Rents most reasonable. Some apartment* for Immediate possosslon. SHARP & CO.. 24yi BROADWAY. __ 120TH, 5U West..Four rooms and bath, all modern Improvements; 11,000 a year. 238 WEST 72N'D ST. Apartments of two exceptionally large rooms. Location Ideal; one for immediate occupany. Rent reasonable. SHARP A CO.. 2489 BROADWAY'. 252 WEST 85TH ST. 5 room apartments In a new modern nlna story fireproof building. An unusually da¬ sh able residential location. Eaally acces- 4<. slble. with service unexcelled. Possession October 1. SHARP It CO., 2119 Broadway. 414 WEST 121ST ST. Apartments of 4 and 5 rooms; vicinity of Columbia University, In refined surroundings and well managed building. Rents are ex¬ it ptlonnlly attractive. Some apartments for immediate possession. SHARP A CO.. 2480 BROADWAY. 600 WEST 114TH ST. Apartments of 3 and 4 large rooms; soma with kitchenettes, in a modern nine story fireproof building. Exceptionally refined and quiet neighborhood, between Broadway and Riverside Drive. Possession October 1; rents from 11.200. SHARP tk CO 2489 BROADWAY. _ (nfurnished. Washington Heights. Above lt5th St., West of «th At. HANDSOME 4-5 ROOM APARTMENTS In modern detached 2 family house, lawn, garden; in beautiful Marble Hill location, 2 blocks from subway (Broadway, 223th st.i. 21 Adrian av. Immediate possession. 54-t.O >VAD8WORTI I TERRACE^ Two blocks from St. Nicholas av. or 191st st. subway station. Just Completed. HIGH CLASS two. three, four, five room apartmentsi .very modern Improvements; moderate rent*. Ready for Immediate occupancy. ARTHUR CUTLER * CO., 17« West 72d St., Owners, or spply on premises. 145TH ST. (Tiradhurst av., 30, apartmsntl). Large front, back parlor,, kitchen, Inde¬ pendent; piano; nicely furnished; reasonable. Aildnbon 3981. 150TH ST.. 408 WEST. 8 rooms In high class elevator building near St. Nicholas av.; Immediate posses- slon; *90 per month. Apply to Superin¬ tendent or SHARP * CO.. 2480 BROADWAY. 1B8TH ST.. «11 WEST (cor. Riversld* Drive) .Nine story fireproof building; apartments exceptionally well planned and rents most reasonable; one apartment of 7 rooms on ¦ round floor, suitable for doctor or dentist. SHARP * CO 2489 BROADWAY. 177TH ST . 502-5O4 West.5 rooms, all Im¬ provements, shower bath; reasonable >»ntn! Inquire superintendent. C7ft W. 172d..For two months, August and September. 6 room elevator apartment; 0100 monthly. Wadsworth 4148. _ In furnished.Bronx. 1 I GRAND cnxrounfiF!, 1488-80-54.- 3 4, 5 rooms; reasonable; Islington av. subway, 8th av. "L" to 110th at_. 2730 Bingham. ROSRDALE AV , 1«2..Flat to let; all 1m provements; $80. 180th at. car passes door, fidflL 835 E..t rooms, corner houae; all Improvements; reasonable rent. 7v r: tnrn il ST (Corner T'nton it.i Thre* larx* rooms front, two flights, four rooms, all modem Improvements: eeferenees. TTnfarnlshed.Brooklyn. BAY RIDGE. 315 5|th st..Cheerful, snnnr apartments, four rooms, bath, electricity; $40, all light rooms, well ventilated, near 59111 St. express station. Sea Beach, 4th av. subway. BAY RIDGE..4th av., corner 58th., six sep¬ arate, light rooms, modern Improvements; rent $70. McKEON. 3913 5th av. I'LATBUSII spartments, 4, 5, a rooms, all Improveinsnts; S7<». $75, $80 per raonth. 2108 Beverly road, one block from Flatbush av. Apply on premises or phone M. SAMUELS, 2588 llenry. 21ST ST., 338..Klve rooms, hath, steam heat i nil Improvements. 1'hone South 8781. APARTMENTS WANTED. Unfurnished. 'K VTBD.Sevan rooms and Hslh; bo?t>«

Transcript of Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 16. · Newsof RealEstate HUNTSPOINT LOTS SELLFOR$498,578...

Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 16. · Newsof RealEstate HUNTSPOINT LOTS SELLFOR$498,578 ^Remainder of English llold-S ings Sold.Porter Property at Jamaica Auctioned. /The remaining

News of Real EstateHUNTS POINT LOTS

SELL FOR $498,578^Remainder of English llold-

S ings Sold.Porter Propertyat Jamaica Auctioned.

/The remaining 150 Hunts Point lots

y«ere sold on Saturday by Joseph P. DayJ In a continuation sale held in the Hunts

Point Palace. Hunts Point Square. Bronx.The entire 995 lots, a joint liquidationfor the New York City Freehold Estates

Corporation of 21 Ironmonger lane, Lon¬don, England, and the JEast Bay Landand Improvement Company, '25 Pinestreet, brought $498,558.Bronx business men were conspicuous

ai the conclusion sale. George Cohenwn tho first buyer of the duy. He tooka plot fronting on East 156th street, be¬tween Barry street and Garrison avenue,

for $4,000. E. A. White purchased h

plot on Barry street, between Grinnellplane and Garrison avenue, for $2,650.

Samuel Klein acquired a plot on Grin¬nell place, between Barry street andTruxton street, for $2,600. John Dinanpurchased four lots on Barry street, atGrinnell place, for $1,400. Max Quintonbought six lots on Truxton street, be¬tween Grinnell place and 156th street,for $2,500.

"It is my belief that the public re¬

ceived fine bargains in the liquidationof these Hunts Point lots," said a rep¬resentative of the owners after the sale.A new population is bound to flow infollowing the cutting up of this bigtract. Five hundred people own thisland now, whereas a single ownershipcontrolled It for over thirty years. Anew and virile addition to The Bronx issure to result.

"The sale proves that suburban prop¬erty properly exploited and properly soldby experts will find a ready market inNew York to-day."

Three hundred and twenty-five lots,known as the Porter property, on Rock-away and Farmers boulevards and ad¬joining highways near Jamaica, weredisposed of on Saturday at auction byJoseph P. Day for $74,990. The ma¬

jority of the buyers were people wholive in and around Jamaica and Spring¬field. Several Long Inland builders andthose who came, to buy home sites were

among the purchasers. About 800 peopleattended the sale.

A. Pierlni. a Jamaica builder, was thelargest single buyer, his purchases total¬ing $25 ,650. He took a plot at Rockawayand Farmers boulevards for $3,950 andone on Lombard street for $950.

Frank Bora paid $2,200 for a plot onPorter place, running through to Farm¬ers boulevard. T. Cafferty acquiredthree lots on 147th street, near Lombardstreet, for $350 apiece. George Howardobtained two corners on Rockawayboulevard for $850 apiece.

. Inside lots on Rockaway boulevard,near Farmers boulevard, wf-nt to P.Panzlello for $S00 each.


Louis Shatten resold to the AlfoRealty Corporation the five story tene-

436 East Eighty-fourth street.*f«102.2.

,¦ Mae Brin resold to John Falco theftve story tenements, southeast corner

|^L of Pleasant avenue and 118th street,^ 25.6x96.

Benjamin Elliman sold to ThomasRanese the five story flats and store,435 East Eighty»first street, 26x irreg-ula r.The Eagle Moving Picture Company

sold to Celia Holland the five story fla^s,62 East 105th street. 25x100.11.

Lina O. C. Prescott has sold to RocceAngcllillo a five story tenement housecontaining a store. 25x95. nt 1526 Mad¬ison avenue.The five story house, containing n

.tore, 25x100. 650 Amsterdam avenue,has been sold to Mary Page by WilliamSommer.David G. Garabrant sold to Frank La

Faleia the three story building. 171 East116th street. 16.6*100.11. for $45,000.Emma G. Snedeker and others sold to

Anna G. Rapp the three story dwelling.I 128 East Ninety-fifth street, 16x100.8.for $20,000.The W. K. G. Company sold to James

T. York the three story dwelling. 257West 113th street, 18x100.

Harry Voorhees has bought the three»tory house, 20x49.4. at 264 West Twen¬ty-sixth street.

Frances Corse lias sold to James N.Worcester. 152 East End avenue, a

t three story dwelling.. 19.2x44.2x Irreg¬ular.Frank Kreutaer has sold to Elmer D.

Coulter 547 East Eighty-seventh street,a five atory house. 25x100.8.

Vito Stallone has sold to Letlzialoclne the four story dwelling. 21.3x100.11. at 67 East 121st street.

E. B. Glogan sold to the newly formed113 West Ninety-fifth Street Corpora¬tion the four story dwelling, 113 WestNinety-fifth street, on a lot 20x102.2.


A. Mlshkin sold for the Adage RealtyCorporation two stores, with apartments.1709 and 1715 Avenue M. held for$25,000.The Leverich Realty Corporation

leased for a. Mr. Brunjes the store 1478Bedford avenue to the Howel] SalesCompany; sold 242 Clinton street toJoseph Zaloom.


Mary Page Is the buver of the flatsat 650 Amsterdam avenue and HenryVoorhU of 264 West Twenty-sixth.treet.

I/ewl & Weyl have been appointednirents for 117 West Forty-sixth street.fi93 Broadway, 106 Liberty street and14 West Fifty-fifth street.Joseph O. Haft, formerly president of

the Berkshire Realty Company ofBrooklyn, !".'«. "opened offices In 22.1Fifth avenue To conduct a general real.statn business.For the erertlon of r»n apartment

house at the southeast comer of Burn-side avenue and Buchanan place, lOOx1lt», the Lawyers Mortgage Companyhas lent $140,00o to the Kroog HoldingCompany

Fonimore C. Ooode and Joseph P.Day were the brokers in the sale ofthe south corner of Forty-fifth street sndTwelfth avenue.

George N. Rohlnson. owner of theRobinson Building, at the northwest cor¬

ner of L.lbertv and Church streets, hasappointed A. H. Mathews * Co. as man¬

aging agents of the building. A. H.Mathews A Co. have established a branchoffice on the premises tinder the direc¬tion of Oeorge B. Hanford and Clintonw ScheUing.

Lawrence, Blake A Jewell have placedfor Louis Kramer a first mortgage of$180,000 at. 5Vj per cent for five year*«T) IV West Sixty-ninth street, a four-town atory spartm^nt hotel, 40*100,bringing In an annual Income of $103,000and assessed by the city at $345,000.


Plan $1,500,000 ApartmentJit tt<tli Street.Sale on

Lexington Avenue.

Julius Tishman & Sons will erect a

fourteen story apartment house to cost

11.500,000 at the southwest corner ofEighty-seventh street and Park avenuefrom plans by Schwartz & Gross, archi¬tects. The plans have been filed Thehouse will cover 100x133.

Plans have been filed for the construc-

,1 a n-lne 8,or>" apartment houseat 146 to 152 East Kitty-second streetfor the lo0 East Fifty-second Street,

uFerguson president It

will have « frontage of 85 feet and adepth of 84.11 feet, and according to theestimate of the architects. Schwartz iiGross, will cost $425,000.

l.eilncton Avenue Corner Sold,

F ,")lK rkH.ajn Rna,'iy Company. ClarenceEc Khardt president, purchased 677Lexington avenue and 139 Bast Flftv-

Flftv,he northeast fomer of

Ilft>-sixth street. The Lexington ave¬nue property consists of a four story

Fl'ftv f|n?h apfrtment building, and the' ft> -sixth street property is a threestory and basement dwelling. The prop-

Whit *a"c hHd at **<>0,000. Wm. A" "llt & s-ons were the brokers.

?.titer Apartment Deal*.William I>. Ivilpatrlck has purchased

from Charlotte M. Leleu if Paris

tenement F»fed A HolIy- the «V« story

East XInetrsecondns^t?a^"S the

andh^i«'X«?t0ry apartmpnt house 216and 218 West M3d street has been

Real K«ta?eXrFel!,t f° ,he K^ssmoreweal Kstate Corporation, subject to a

ST b°'r UM- " covers a plotavenue,

betWeen Seven^ and Eighth

Parte C°U8oId for the Batterytj_.

Realty Corporation, WilliamPrager president. to B. H. Bosio the ttvostreet.tenementS W'th a store- 26u Mott


Other Renting Transactions inManhattan.

B.J0-RPell,v' KatharineThtrH J southwest corner or

1SThteW°hreerstmOVi'"r Pi'',Ure theat®?.°r; " mtaTh«r5!

avenue, has been leased by Lucius H

vears wlt^a"*^ f"r ^S-onethirtv on! I °l'tlo» for renewal for

.yftar"'- The '-a!, for a'

}early net rental of $600.RmfT' * Weyl leased a loft ill finT«"'

£ Lem»L7'en8teln pre*J<lent.astoreEa«f T .ern end of the building «East Twenty-third street to Samuel

Pea,e°&n,Fn1ade'J >b"*S aml deniesa.Zi f,lllnmn have leased for Miss'Ann e Winters to Miss J, E. Patterson

. il-u S y tw*"ty foot dwelling )(i

Krk avhJnrty*fl,t,h Streel- west of

0« Park »valS° ieasnd apartments

aoo Park a\enue. for Jirs. A K Iancaster to G. K Will,,; £, 570 Park ave-

Kahn l *.'?/ & H'"k to K"Kene wKahn In 8.9 park avenue fop Mp|| ,Howard Dews to John P. Kane In '.t>

£ mKWeetnt£ Str'"('t' ,0'Mrs Walshin 119 West .Seventy-flfth street, to Mrs

street2 West Ninety-fourth

aueet, to Max Frank.Hamilton Iselln * Co. rented for

Douglas L. Elliman & Co., Inc agentsan apartment in 383 Park avenue toClarence C. Vernam.

Henry G Wales leased for the estateof Ransom Parker the entire building ai31 < West Fifteenth street, running

street t Vt U'^k f° 314 W"t »«*t®onth

iZ IV * u. 8 Company.Jnc After extensive alterations aremade It will install its office, showrooms and stock rooms at the above ad-

fhCa£' A- T^«»enfeld rented rooms Inthe Kerr Building at 4 4 Beaver .treetto Charles N. Fowler & Co.. dealers in

nd" a,ui Invertment securities. Alsospace on the tenth floor of I3r. Broad-*;Hy ?. Foraythe and spare onthe sixth floor of 32 Broadway toMyron Sehumaker,

BUY NEW COOPERATIVE FLATSOwner. Take Other Apartments at

-Inckson Heights.Three pioneer apartment owners at

: "eights, under <he ,7a< ksonHeights plan of tenant ownership, hav¬ing disposed of their apartments In therfrst group of houses sold bv th«* Que>.ns-boro Corporation, have purchased other"partmenta In Kim Court and T.aburnum. ourt. two of the new elevator apart-mf-nt houses elected recenilv In Tw.-nty-second street.

John P Allen of 166 Twent v-fifthstreet has purchased an apartment InKirn Court. 178 Twen<y-second street;it .

' tr "f 154 Twenty-fifth street.of the New York TW6.»* has purchased»r. apartment In the r.aburnum Court!". Twenty-second street; p; r Wood'Flhr* Sir*,' "n»nH**r .>< Chelsna

inrLAi' 'ia"J.urchased an apartmentIn Kim Court. 170 Twenty.second stree<I-cwm H May Company sold for Craw-


d E. Smith a bungalow on West Ful¬ton street. Kong Beach, to Alice V. Hinafor her occupancy.

BAKER BUYS IN DYCKMAN.«. (ashman TaUe. Jnrth Street

Parcel Near Broadway.MurrUt A. Cushman of the If. b Cush-,

msn Baking Company has bought from

u 'uZ mV'.',' °nr "tor> "tore andbaken eoo and 602 West 207tl, street

0 feet east of Broadway. The sellerhasi conducted n bakery there since thebuilding was erected a few years agoand last November bought the buildingfrom its builder. G. K. Lawrence, ft .r upies a site 3«.9*100 and carries amortgage of $34,250.

ti«n"°if "r, ,ran""<,t,on In the same sec-

and "n-Z ,* l'r°P"r,V af Tpn,h »venueand 207th street, at the foot of the suh-

Ten'th'o *in-aIr"' ,,0r l-'rpose, theTenth and 20. th Street Corporation'hasbeen formed with n capital of $100,000and A. Freud. 8. Sprro and K. .Vatsonas directors. The four corner, at thatpoint are Improved with business build¬ing*.

WOMAN o\ fVEHT HinR.Frederick H. Allen of F,-e.lerick Zlttei

* Sons and Mrs. K. h Kandon sold forMrs. Emma C. t'hlmann 36 West Klrli-ty-nlnth street a four story dwelPnc

.. " ¦». »£


MONEY Immediately advanced;first, second mort-gaftea: Interest 5%;nr>y amount, anywhere.

WALDORF, ID Park Row. Suite SOI.

Mortgage money to loanpromptly; quick answers.WALDORF, ir> I'arkRow. Suite 201-2-3-4.

HEIRS Money Immediately ad¬vanced upon your undividedInterest. Call WALDORF,

18 Park Row, suite 201-2-3-4.

REAL ESTATEAT AUCTION.JO«EPII I\ DAY. INC.. It re I KsUte Amtiooeer. fl" Liberty St. N. Y. Phone Cort. 7*4

rffcUI. .lOil.VSUN, JU., CO.. Auctioneers,1U Montagus SI.. Ilraeklfn. X. Y.



Real Fstate In all l(a branches.It KANT 4IST ST. 407 RRdAOWtV.ITS PTTTTI AV.. B'WAY A B7 St.. Flak Hid*.

Qommye i eil .Property.40 _ _1161 Bro% d way Stuvv. Q817


KF.AL ESTATE50."> r>th Ate. Tel. » underbill .'WO7.

p.op^ r t


Tel. Pl.l/a 70B3. A7 West 57th Street.

A V AMY Sr CCl KK.ll, MAT*,**" *. Ai" 1 * <60 W. 3Id HI.. N. Y. C.

SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE.l-ong Island.Sale or Let.

Real Rutatf Alone the Great Sooth Ray,JEltblllAH BOBBINS. Rabylon. L I. Tel. UL

Westchester.Sale or


Sale «r Rent.KENNETH IVES ft CO..

17 East 4td St. Murray HII! «*37.

C'ttACNCEV It. UICIKFRX It CO.,Westchester'* Leading Realty Expert*.

II East 41st St, Murray Hill MJA

C onnecticut.Sale or Let.

INCOMMON ESTATEon beautiful three-acre site overlookingLong Inland Sound, within one hour ofGrand Central Terminal. Modern, excel¬lently appointed houso of fourteen rooms,with Hervants' quarters. I.a rite combinedgarage and stable, containing keeper'sfamily lodge. An ideal ull->ear home.For sale by the owner a! a reasonableprice and on convenient terms. V 2011llerald, 280 R'way.

FOR SALE OR RENT.Country Residences. I ine I.states.

Gentlemen's Farms. Choice Acreage.GEORGE B. CORSA

10 East Forty-third Street.

e. b. lockwoodtsD lAIt TH. 21fi Sound Uracil.

Xfw Jersf.v-Salf or

First Payment $2,5004

Balance $98 MonthlyBuys this excellent home, planned (or easy

housekeeping. Built by day's work. One of thebest streets of restricted residential suburbancommunity near New York City. Livingroom has large open fireplace, built-in book¬cases. polished oak floors. Beautiful diningroom, kitchen and pantry. Fine porch, larf,etun parlor. Three cheerful bedrooms. Bit;attic. Complete with all electric fixtures, gasequipment in kitchen, etc. Modern plumbingthroughout. Large plot, graded end planted.Magnificent views. Sewers, gas. water, elec¬tricity, sidewalks. Paved and parked streets.35 minute* to Manhattan by two transporta¬tion lines, any time, day or night. Over 400commuters Fine schools, churches, clubs andmarkets Write W. J. LOCKWOOD. 50Union Square, New York City.


P.ldgewood, N beautiful iO room r»sl-dence, plot ;2."-x21W, corner property. 2 Mlebaths, hardwood floors thruout, 2 open flre-places, maid apartments, garage for 2 ctr*with chauffeur'* quarters; 2.1 fruit trees,storm windows and screens, awnings, etc.Must be seen to be appreciated. Restrictedsection.

Apply Broker,J. F. ItVAN, ItS Market St.. Patersnn. N. J.

Own Your HomeLeague of America, Inc.,

r>f(er* financial naaiatance and r%pertadvlra to deserving p*'opl« df*Mlrou<< ofowning their own home. Hervloe* free.Write, outlining your want*, to KRCTf,OWN Yorrt HOME LEAGUE. 153 Weit33r«i St., N. Y. C.


SMOCK AGENCY* l. sr. mmwooo.N.j.

RLAf/VFlELDtm£ auegjf c/rr of kc# JtBscr

MONTfl AIR 'nkvv yorks i.kadinonuniLLAIR SIBUKB. CONSULTF. M. CRAWLEY & BROS.

R E. Brokers, opp. Lackawanna TtrmlnaL

Send for Illustrated Booklet.AMBROSE POWELL.Summit. N. J

I I CfUM/1DT7 rlatnftrld Vroperties.J. J. Ol/nf? RK I L ,,<(l Wft| front St. I'h -rtPIFor properties consult any member

n*ard of Realtors. Itrnnres and Manlewnod.H WKATHKIIBt .V to.. Initlrn I. >. ».

ICn|l.nn«<t and Vldnlts.Real Estate.»<< t nk I.. HtUllKS A RRO., Kealtar*.

(.D atatioi. South Orange. M. Ja


1 Newark St.. Iloboken, N. .1.t'lione

llolioken 2141


WILLIAM n MRRRAT.L,Real Ratal*. Canadian Faelflo VM|.

APARTMENTS.Sale or Let.I'atunUhrd.

Above 39th St..5th Av. to North River.

APARTMENTS.Sale or Let.I'nfiirnithrd.

Above 39th St Av. to North RIlMP.

High Class ApartmentsTHE BELNORD86th.Broadway.87th

7 to 11 Rooms2 lo 4 BathsCHEPSTOW215 West 101 st St.

8 & 9 Rooms & 3 Baths$2,600 to $3,400

Outside 1.Itcht Apartment*

160 WEST 87TH ST.Private House Block6 Rooms, 2 Baths5 Rooms 6* Bath2 Rooms, KitchenetteTHE COURTNEY

55 Central Park West10 Rooms, 3 Baths

Rental $4,500.495 WEST END AVE.9 Rooms, 3 Baths. $3,400

10 & II Rooms, 3 Baths,Rental, $4,000DOROTHEA331 West 101 st St.

8 Rooms, $2,300 to $2,550.312 WEST 109TH ST.

Ponchartrain5 Rooms & Bath, $1,600308 WEST 106TH ST.

2 Rooms & Bath, $1,000I*ark Street

155 RIVERSIDE DRIVECor. 88th St.

9 Rooms. 3 Baths, $4,500Exceptional Apartment

THE AVONEL172 West 79th St.

8 Rooms, $2,400Pnrk Street

251 WEST 95TH ST.8 Rcoms. $2,000 to $2,409

THE DORCHESTER131 Riverside Drive

7, 8, 9 Rooms, 3 Baths$3,200 to $5,000


9 Rooms & 3 Baths, $4,5008 Rooms, 3 Baths, $3,500

5 Rooms & 2 Baths, $2,200

ST. DENIS321 West 92d St.

9 & 10 Rooms, 3 Baths,$3,500 to $4,500

209 WEST 97TH ST.Corinseca

7 Rooms & Bath, $1,800320 WEST 84TH ST.

Hyperion8 Rooms & 2 Baths, $2,100603 WEST 111TH ST.7 Rooms, 2 Baths, $2,000

225 WEST 80TH ST.N. E. Cor. B'way

5 & 6 Rooms, 2 Baths$2,000 to $2,500

All Outside.

NEW CENTURY401 West End Ave., Cor. 79th St.9 Rooms, 3 Baths, $3,75010 Rooms, 3 Baths, $5,400Outside, Southern Exposure

STRATFORD AVON210 Riverside Drive

10 Rooms, 3 Baths$4,250 up


11 Rooms, 3 Baths,Rental $4,500

WOOD- »°LS0N (o¦¦ ^ Broadway, Cor. 80th St. Tel. Schuyler 1100 *

REAL ESTATE.Europe.FVunre.

rFor Sale by Private Contract


Magnificently hituated on lilll with fine. J*".**' "PhcIouk dependant**

and nut-buildings, ltuf-Iioumom. KSTATKof I. luo HECTARhJK, wuoda, largeponds, crossed U> river. Included bysplendid buildings; nppl«. Uvea In fullbearing, Rood hunting and ¦hooting.

."'¦late In sltuntwl on ferriferous.oil, upon which borings luue givengood results; It a]flo includes stone-pitsof riH-lii and striated rock* which canbe poilsh.irt a« marble. I Imlyhentewater*. Interesting waterfall permittingto contemplate the creation of Importantworki for Electric Power.

Apply to Me. FAY. Notary.II, Hue .Saint Klorentln, PARIS.

TO LET FOR BUSINESS.From Battery |. IKli St.. lnclusi\e.

12 Lofts |~ mmdhle Pc»*e »ion"^""416 BroadwayCorner Canal St.

Showrooms,Office!,StockroomsExceptionally l.htbl.M Window*.Pasaenger and Freight Elevators.$f,0O<> Kadi. \o Manufacturing.

(. H. POLLACK. 110 W. ICth S».I H. Hrrant 01f»I. or your broker.

Abov* I4th St. to 59th St. (Inrlualve).

DECORATOR.Very atractlve loft, l..*>00 to .->,500 *q f,.t

cool workshop, light four aide., us window*'l»r*« freight elevator. electricity. steamheat 'J07-20B E. 49th at. Academy


*bt. 'HO* ft.. 4 elevator*. Sprinkler systemM. .1. MI'l,t|l'EEN. 291 Broadway.


ItCT.AND * BENJAMIN, PEAT. ESTATB.14 East 4* Street. Vnnderhllt n.Tej.


APARTMENTS.Sale or Let.I'nfiirnished.

Above 14th SI. to .Villi »t. (Inclusive).

5th Ave. I room- and bath, SlOrt to

At 'XHtU Sf I pt*r MiM'i andat jutn 31. | VH|., .n|r. ln),a|)< >tidentrance I laundry If desired. Inquire1 w. 3o. I of superintendent or

FRED'fc FOX * CO., INC.SS7 Madison Ave. P|ii>ne OIHII Vanderblli

Unfurnished.Abote 5Mh St..Mil Av. to North River.

f Strathmore404 Riverside Drive

.t 113th St.10 Rooms and 3 Baths

$5,500 to $6,500large rooms and closets, good *r-mgrmerit*, splendid light aud v|»vr

t1 ¦»I led management and scivlre .

mil\ ''r'n

l»e*lr«ble I isht Apartment'468 Central Park West

Corner I07tli Kl.Verjr llghl, large mom*, hath,steam, hot water; newly decorated.

Kent SIM) per Month.Superintendent on Premise* or

t. H. rOll.tXK,110 Vf. 40th St. Tel. Bryant 01#t.

No. 1 West 69th St.N. W. ('nr. Central Park Weal.Kxreptlonally light apartments,

rt and 7 room* and hathLAII modern Improvement*.



Columbia Heights, Bklyn.HETOt*' ST.. 14.%.

a-4n nmMs, new ki.kvator apts.N<*r Clark St. Subway. Reasonable Bents.

You;' Situation Wantrrl A it. in ThnR'nuf A<>. X.rtion of T ft H V /.; M' TOKK11h. TtA I, ft nhoi'ld put ffcu fn touch ti lthju*t thn sort of piojilfi irith whom t/RKwould Hki to connect. Try on* Trlr-pfcofMt WortK


For Rent nt


Housekeeping, 6 well arranged rooms.3 bath*. Garage. Immediate pos-Hesslon. Phone Pelham 11)97.

tEh^con Murray Hill GA26.


QUICK ACTION.$40,000 to Invest In flint mortgage. Man¬hattan or Hronx. Send applications Immedi¬ately. O 781I Herald, 280 Broadway.1100,000 first nwrtsngc wanted Hronx va-

cant, valued at o.000: liberal feoa foraccommodation pay off; also give other »e-

curlty If required. Box P. 1111 St. PaulBuilding.


15 Kan -19th St. 9:00.MANAGEMENT A SPECIALTY.RYAN A CO., 142 Went 125th.

WM. I'. JONES & SON. TIMES BI.DO^Management a Specialty. Dry ant B4TS-5473

Above Mill St..Mh Ai. to Fast Rher.

no. r.:t EAsrr ioist street,adjoining comer Madison n\.. .1 story brick

apartment with store: good location for re-tall business. I'i !ce £12.300.WILLIAM D K 11.1-\TRH'K. 149 Broadway.STOKE AMD TENEMENT92d «t., between lat and 2d av*Small 3 story tenement, wltb store.Prlee J12.."0i>. Owner.WILLIAM !». KILPVTR1CK. 140 Broadway.3D AV.t near 122d St., 19 or 38x103; 3 atorybrick; Possession May. BRETTEL. 184 E.

123d at.

Above .->91h St..Mh Av. to North River.

LOWER W. "On. few doors from Went Endav..Private dwelling. In perfect condition;

electric lights, parquet floors, hardwoodtrim, hot water heater; unusual bargain at120,000; cash #3.000: possession at once.COUGHLAN A (.<¦>.. INC.. 300 W. 730.PRIVATE houses for rent or rale, on WestEnd avenue and Riverside Drive and ad-

Jacent streets.RLAWSON * HOBR«. 102 W. 72D ST.

TWO B atory 10 family apartment houses,H rooiriH and bath; all modern Improve-

ments; best section upper Broadway; Income$17,000: suitable terras. Partlculara aceORAUTB, 213 East 17th at

1*2 WEST 10BRD ST..between Columbus and Amsteidum avs., P,

story, high stoop, brownstone duelling: 9rooms ami bath; vacant. Immediate posses¬

sion. prlee 91.1,S00. Owner. WILLIAM D.KH.PATRICK. I4i> Broadway.Washington Heights. Above 1?Mtl St.,

West of Mh Av.

SIX or seven rooms, wuit gsrsc»: new: Vant'oilear place, at 2!3th at.: B'»ay subway

statio-i at 2:3th at. Small cash payments.Manhattan.Miscellaneous.

FOR SALE.To close estate down town. WestSide, commercial building, MHIOO. with cold

storage equipment, at 9223,000; 1' rms can hearranged; have a tenant who will lease thepremises for $23,000 per annum, except Inter¬est on Mortgage, for 21 years, with privilegeof renewal; price Includes equipment. AMOSLAMPHKAR. 149 Broadway.>_7".8

Bronx*.Hale or

A 3 family brick: Improvements, newly deco¬rated; apartment vacant: saciifi,-,. h 111

cash. WI'NDERMAN, 131.*. TCIrr avr MM li atFOR HALE.--E\cavated plot, 7itx20o? TlieBronx, good locution; terma to suit pur¬

chase^ I. W. SHAMBEBG. 1 Liberty st.Ht'NTH POINT.Comer plot 7".x100: eheapat 945.000 five years from no« wonderful

opportunity; price 93.000. Write SUCKER-UAM. 1IB Broadway. Madison Square r«34,V2MT1! ST.. west of Bromtway -Attractivenew seven room house, all Improvements',

garage space; price reasonable, $3,000 rashrequired OOMDKRT. 11!) Caryl av., Ton-Iters. N. Y. Phone M77 Ynnli"i«.

Brooklyn.Sale or

FLATBUSII, 1079 E. 37th «».-Sl* room mod¬ern storm house, driveway, vacant; price9s.'-."i0: ca-h 91,000 Phone OWNER. Mid-

wnod 4124.JAMAICA AV., corner Autumn, lorn 120,99.000."CHADOV1T'/. Ill 4th av., Brooklyn.

Queens.Sale or l,et.

IF YOU are In a position to pay all rashi»p to the first mortsags we can offer yoti

an unusual opportnnl'y on a few a!» roomhouses In an exclusive community In Queensvillage. L. I. I. s. HAMMOND, IT EastKth St.. New^York

Richmond.Sate or

LIGHT rooms n ud hath, ' nuse, and 1 emptylilt, 2 car gnrnge. 3 minutes frimi train

minute from troljrj situated In n goodneighborhood on Staten Island, no agent.Pcx A. r.aa, 18»a Broadway,

APARTMENTS.Sale or Let.Above r.fttli XL.Mb Av. to North Riser.

NewElevator GardenApartmentHomes

5 to 10 Rooms2 Co 4 Bath*


Social and B utintit Rrfirtneii RtiuiridTenant Owmmliip Plan.Liberal Term®Take Sub >-«y to Grand Central, trantfrtto Qurtmboro Subw/y (Corona Line)to 2Jth St. (Jackson Heights) Section.

(Ofiice Oppcrtit; Station)Bf Motor.59tK via Queemboro Bridge,

Jacksor. Avo to 25th S*.20 Minutes from Fifth Ave.& 5 7th Bt.

Shout apartment. Hauthorne, Elm andLaburnum Courts open for inspectionuntil 9 P. M. ecery day.THE QUEENSBOROCORPORATION50 East 42nd Street

SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE.Long Island.Sale er Let.

BR1GHTWATERS, L. I.Hour from IV-nn. Slat ion.BUNG\-LOW and COTTAGE plots, contain¬ing 7 city lota; only $400 up; canytrims. Hook of plans to cai'h pur¬chaser. T. H. *. 11. VV. ACKERSON,Hrlglitwaters. L. 1. 26 Court at.,Brooklyn.

DOUGLAS MANOR.Remarkable value, tax exempt house. 8

rooms, .1 baths: 1' car garage: $22.(K)o.HUGHES, Ppuglajiton. Phone 1*70 Bayslde.

FOR SALE.One family house, 7 rooms, with- baths and showers, built In 1921; lawn,

shrubs arid (lowers. garage: NorwoodGardens. Astoria, L. I.; 15 minutes from('.rand Central by subway: tax exempt for10 years. Apply C. A. CARROLL. 41 East42d St., N. Y. Murray Hill .'5377.

FREEPORT.8 looms, tile bath, tile kitchen,glass enclosed porch, all modern improve¬

ments: lot 40x100; near depot; price $ti,500,easy term*. FREEPORT REALTY EX-CHANGE, 16 Court St., Brooklyn. Main 10030.

HUNTINGTON U I..near shore, two acres of all clear land, well

'planted; well built ten room nouse. bath,steam heat, electricity, large barn and ga-rage, with chauffeur's room; all kinds offruit and berries; abundance of large oldshade trees- share of stock giving bathingprivileges In the Bay Crest Association. EX¬CEPTIONAL BUY AT 120.000; terms.

CHARLES E. SAMM1S. JR..HUNTINGTON, L. I. PHONE HUNT. 4.nHOMES at low prices; easy terms; let n«know your wants; picture folder sent.

HYDE < BAXTER. Port Washington. L. I.

Westchester.Sale or 1*'..

AN ECONOMICAL BUT2 fatfilly home In Crestwood, tl rooms andbath each floor; steam heat, sewer and gas;plot T.'xllO: price $12,BOO.

BURKE STONE, INC. sRronxvlllo 14H0. or 41 East 42d.

BEFORE-YOU BUY, read our booklet. "8ub-urban Westchester," It gives distances,

OJinmutltig lates, population and descriptionsof each town within the forty minute zone.Send postage, four cents. PRINCE & RIP-LEY. "42 Madison av.. New York city.

Bl'Y your building LOT In PELHAM-WOOD before it Is too late; only a

few left; 9030 to *1.000. JOS. LAMB-DEN A SON. INC., "HI Luwton st.Phone 302. New Rochelle, N. Y.

COLONIAL HOUSE. 8 roomi, *17,600. 8UL-LIVAN. 20 North av., New Rochelle.

FOR RENT IN RYE.I have several unfurnished cottages from

II.'20o to $l.'i00 a year; good neighborhood;also furnished, for rent, winter Or year;Immediate possession: reasonable.

CHAS. S. FAULKNER,Office facing Rye Railroad Station.

Telephone 123 Rye. N. Y.MOUNT VERNON.

A beautiful English stucco house, about 3>ears old. In the finest sectlop of the city,8 looms, hath, steam heat, hardwood floors:one ear garage; circumstances compel owner<o sell at once; look at tills. PRINCE ARIPLEY, 3t2 Madison av. Telephone Murrayinn or.:.:..

NEW ROCHELLE..A beautiful stucco home,on high ground, 8 rooms. 3 baths, hrated

sun parlor: 2 car garage; large plot, choicelocation; price asked $25,000; make terms;ottMr special offerings: $10,000 to $20,<K'«iO'CONNOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 240-2.M Huguenot at. Phonea 504-133 New Ro-cj leljeON ALBANY post road at Harmon on Hud¬

son. plot "12*125: splendid view of river.CLYNCH 4«H East 57th st.PELHAM BAY PARK.Must sell, wonderfulbargain, two lot* 50x118. two blocks from

subway; direct from owner. Room 001, 209Madison av. >

BSf. our list of furnished rentals at aftarseason prices In Pelhant, New Hochella,

'.archmon and Rye. PRUMMOND. >7 Eaat«2d_M. Tel. Murray Hill 732S.TO LET.South Yonker*. building. 22x112, 8floors basement, elevator: suitable for

storage or factory. 11. B. JONES, 38 Haw-thorne a\.. Vonkers, N. Y.

Connecticut.Sale or

BELL * PIERSOV. ",«-al Folate.54 Atlantic st Stamford. Ptlone 2818.

FRANK T. HLAVIN. Realtor. 49 Bank at..Stamford, Conn, phone 1B85.

New Jersey.Sale or 1*1.

DWELLINGS, farms, lakes, tract*, waterpowers. K. J. CAHILL, Boonton. tf. 3.

idJIKRON-Northwest corner Ocean * Park'.vs., 3 story, for sal" or exchange. JO¬

SEPH ABRAMSON. 40 W. 40th.FREE list of nouses for sale and rent. WriteV \N' WINKLE CO.. Rutherford, N. J.

MONTCLAIR, N. J.-To close an aatate, olo-gant plot, fliio hou»e, 14 room*, tncludlng

2 haths. Improvements, garage; short walkto P., L. K W.: brokers protected. M 573Herald, 280 Broadway.OWNER'S house, « rooms, all improvement*.

it closets, fine hall: slate roof: cementcellar; plot 40\l00; electricity; coal and gasstmes, water luatir, acreena, awnings. big;trees; fine porch: shades; $7,800: liberalterms i: IV StNf'LAtRE. nutlierford. N. I

PEARf, "lilvBf*.Six room house. Tath7~hotair heat, electricity-, hardwood floors, large

porch; corner plot 75*100; garage; beautiful!environment; 3 minutes station, $«1,000. M.KNEISOH, Pearl River, N. Y.RH^iEWOOri.-Attractive modern cottage, t|room* bath; garage, chicken house: $11,500,

$1,000 rash; photographs. HOVER, 212Broadway, N. Y.

SUBURBAN STUDIO HOMD-Sacrlflca co*yartlstle plaee. esperlslly built for year

round living, less than three years old: only$2,000 rash needed, balance of $2,500 on easyterms, almost like rent, buys It; $5,000 nowon first mortgage can remain; lias 7 largorooms, tiled bath, light, steam hent, parquetfloors, running water, electric light, everyconvenience; beautifully situated on plot loot200 feet: fine garden space, ahrubs anil flow¬ers In profusion; close to pretly lakes stockedwith fish; aelect, congenial neighborhood;good market*, school and churrhe* near by;thl* I* a chance of a lifetime to obtain ahome at a fraction of real worth; could notbe dupilcated at less than $14,500; Idealcommutation to New York city; 500 N. Y.cltv huslnes* men and professional men com¬muting from thl* section now; 8 minutes'easv walk from house to R. R express sta¬tion. STUDIO, P. o. Rox 378. City Hall Sta-tlon. New York city. (

SHREWSBURY RIVER front". Rumwon;frame, Improvement*. RRETTET.L, preni-

|TS or 181 East 123d./lit adi'*rH*rmr)il In this Los' miii

FourtH column* of THF1 WFW YORKHF.HALD offir* n rxat pnaHbiUtu oft tcoverinp yovr lot* profHTtH*

FARM PROPERTY.Connecticut.Suie or Let.

FOR Sale.Farm or country home, one milefrom ceuter of Thomaston, Conn.; 200

acres, 100 tillable; fine aoll; bearing youngapple orchard: house, barn*, fine woodland;view and good water; price $15,000; prlxewinning atock and tool* If desired. $3,000;very reasonable and a money maker; terms.W. A HAVILANIJ, 37 Lewis at, Hartford.Brokers protected.

New Jersey.N»l» or l*t.

MAGNIFICENT 4(0 acre fruit farm, nearLambertviiie; price $30,000; splendidin-

veatuu'nt. Address WALTER MULLETT, 2Rector at.

. .. -

Virginia.Sale or

HOMESF.EKERS.Send for Virginia Farmlist: bur cllinntr. Dept. H. Emporia. Va

Miscellaneous.Sale or I<et.

FARMS for sale Catalog free. STROUTFARM AfiBNTT, Box C. 150 Nassau st.

SUMMER HOMES.Sale or Let.I,one Island.

BUNGALOW to rent; ocean front, 6 roomsand bath; all appointments; no letters

answered. Call at 14 Virginia av.. LongBeach, West End.


LONG BEACH apartment, furnished, 4rooms, bath, garage; bathing from house.

BYRNE. <1 Front nt. Telephone 343 L. B.

\^estche*ter.DOBBSI FERRV.Exceptionally attractive firoom house, furniehert: August., Sept.; to

refined coirple; near Ardiley Club; worth$150 per month; offer from right partyentertained. Longacre Slip.

New Humpshlre.NEW HAMPSHIRE. Enfield, bordering lake:fishing, boating, bathing; wonderful coun¬

try; 0 loom cottage without Improvements,but very comfortable and Mvabla; lmn«ed*et«possession; $7.1 month. Mrs. HOLCOMB,West Canaan, N. H.


From Battery to 14th St., Inclusive.

(1TH). EXCLUSIVE (157TH).FURNISHED APARTMENTS.Apartment Renting Co.. Inc..37R West /2d. Columbus 1277

Furnished.Above 14th St. to 50th St. (Inclusive).

84TH, 68 East.To let three room apartment.Inquire Superintendent.r>0'S.Unusual apartments, suitable for bach¬elor or couple; lease for summer or longer:

elevator, maid service. E. H. THOMAS, 21East 4!>th Ht. Plaza 4JW. f

Furnished.Above 591h St..5th Av. to East River.

GOTH. US EAST.-Two rooms and bath,artistically furnished: all Improvements;light housekeeping; $70 monthly. VANT'.F.KTH, I'le/.a 3077.

Furnished.Above fi9th St..9th Av. to North River.

WHAT couple will share exquisite nine roomapartment with mother and daughter at

isn 7th av? Cathedral 8068.80TH, 102 W. (Hotel Anderson)>»1 and 2room suitea: summer rates; leaaea for fall.

9OTH-ST., 330 W. (Riverside).Attractivelyfurnished 7 room apartment; August andSeptember: $250 for the period; adults only.Apartment 1.


Furnished.Brooklya.FIVE rooms, completely furnished; smallfamily; Rldgewood. Brooklyn, $80 monthly.Inquire LUDWIG, 1747 W. 7th st. Brooklyn.Sea Beach line.

SECOND" floor of two family house, garage:latest Improvements. S. ROSANELLI, 140670th St.. Brooklyn. Bensonhurst 4708.

Furnished.Queen*TWO completely furnished apartment for

light housekeeping; one of three rooms andbath, $100: another five rooms and bath,$"00. In finest apartment house oil AlsopSt.. near Kings Park, Jamaica. TelephonoJamaica 1084, or inquire Supt., telephone.1a maica 4502.

FnfurnlsheC.From Battery to 14th St.. Inclusive.



18TH, 241 W..1 Beautiful rooms, newlydecorated: reasonable. Inquire Apt. 4

Unfurnished.Above 14th St. to 3»tii St. (Inclusive).

TIMES sq. aection, high class bachelor apart¬ments, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfur¬

nished. J. O.. 135 Herald, Herald square.30TH ST.. 35 EAST

Nine story fireproof building In a most re-fined vicinity. ^Apartment* of 0 rooms forrent from OctobeV- 1st. Also one apartmentof 3 rooms Apply to Supt., on promise*, or

SHARP A CO.. 2480 BROADWAY.8BTH ST., 13$ AND 144 EAST (near Lex¬

ington av.). ITwo modern 0 story fireproof building";apartments of 4 and 0 rooms; these apart¬ments are the bee*, planned on the East bide;service Is unexcelled; the (1 room apart¬ments contain 3 baths. Apply to Supt., onpremises, or

SHARP A CO.. 24S0 BROADWAY.30TH ST.. 163 E..Exclusive Murray Hillduplex bungalow, built In Italian garden;

large studio, living room, tile bath, kitchen,2 bedrooms. 2 baths, roof garden. $5.W0;alao 2 and 3 room apartments. $1,800-$3,000-408. near 5th av .Large room, 2 bedrooms.bath: meals optional; maid, valet aervlca

If de*ire<t; $275. Longacre 9137.""

54TH ST., 15 EAST.New elevator building, dining room for

tenants, five and two rortm apartment*.58TH. 1 Eaat.Desirable 6th av. corner aulte;Immediate possession: also 2 rooms and

bath or 8 room* and 2 bath*: large rooms;hotel nmi restaurant Elyaeo aervlre; lnspec-tlon Invited.


Unfurnished.Above ft»th St..8th A v. to East River.

ADJOINING TARK AVBNUB.Possession at once or October.

103 East "4tli street.108 East 85th street.

f\ rooms and 3 batn*.7 room* and 3


AT*No. 19~Kast 95th St.. Near 6th Av..Six rooms and bath. $160; elevator.

PHYSICIANS* APARTMENTS.2 room* and bath. 106 East 85th St.ii room* and bath, 103 East 84th st.

GEOROE NEIMAN. 522 FIFTH AVBSNTTK.1ST AV. and 87th st. (1603)..Five room*and bath, hot water, no heat; two flight*;

rent $45; two year leaee required; adult*preferred.

OflTH, 137 E..4 rooms, bath, also hutler'apantry. $2,400; can be seen between 2 and

4 excepting Saturday and Sunday, or by ap¬pointment. Telephone Rhinelander 2066.

Unfurnished.Above 59th St.-Sth Av. to North R'ver.

BROADWAY. 2««2iNine story fireproof building, near 08th St.

Rents most reaaonable. 6 room apartment*.SHARP & CO.. 2480 PROAD^ AY-

CENTRAL PARK WEPT. 327 Cor. Kid at)..Apartments of 7 and 8 rooma; one apart¬

ment of 8 rooms on the ground floor suitablefor doctor oi dentist; the hulldlng Is oneof the best kept on Central ParkWestandthe rents proportionately lower than otherapartments In the vicinity; *ome to be aubletfor Immediate P0"''0""1""'

SHARP A CO.. 8*80 BROADWAYCENTRAL PARK WEST, 378 (corner 08th)..High dais modern elevator apartment, tt

large light room*, bath, facing ParkIrant. Inquire Supt., or phone Watklna 1023.

RIVERSIDE DRIVE. .*WM».New 12 storv fireproof building, corner

108th st 'he best constructed liulldlng onthe west side; the rooms well planned;apartments of 7 rooma for rent from Oct. I;one exceptional apartment of 2 rooms on,hb "sharp a"CO, 2480 BROADWAY.fUVERSTtiE DRIVE. '.'It (COR. '.'TT1I 8T>.Klv* to eight rooms, extra large; excep¬

tions! value; rent reasonable.SHARP>jD0..2489 HROApWAY.

lIlVEHSIDl DRIVE. ".25 l-lve rooms andt.Bth to sublet; Immediate possession can

be given Apply R. GERRRAt IIT, JR.. 43Cedar st. New York.^tflsT END-a v., *77 ct'OR. orril ST.).% tu story Apirfittisnt building, cofuRinini?

aotn* "duple* apartment" onn of the onWest End av.; apartments of eight and ten

ritip I xivptiniinl expoturw.f!i|jU » ro, 84811 BROADW AV.t, WEST 72U ST.

Exceptionally attractivelarge rooms, bath, kitchenette, $-..''*»annum; ideal location for atudlo or rail¬ing*

SUMMER HOMES.Sale or Let.Maine.

CAMP to let on Rangeley Lake; 6 room*Jrunning water, spring, battling, flshing.1splendid view, wide porch; no mosquitoes;$5 par day. ANNIE P. H1NKLBV.

SUMMER HOMES WANTED.FURNISHED cottage or bungalow with onelarge two small bedrooms and garage, f»H

senson; family of 3 adult*; elevation about.!800 ft.; convenient to New York. WriteJstating price and particulars, J. G., 80)9Kings Highway. Brooklyn. IWANTED.To rent, 4 to 7 weeks, well fur-fnlshed home, Westchester or Liong Island;responsible party. Rhlnelander 10336.

REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE.FOR SALE OR EXCHASRE.-Large cottagsat Sea Bright, N. J. with 10 room*, *

baths, fully furnished, frontage on ocean150 feet, 320 feet deep, also garage for si;cars, and boathouse .10x50 frontage o{Shrewsbury River, 150*70 free and clearprice $50,000. Will exchange for cold watttenements. O. G. FLYGARE, 405 Lexinjton av. or your own broker.


OWNERS.Send particulars of properties youv ant to sell; ate have clients waiting

ready to quickly purchase anywhere. SISOA£ PALI.ADINO, 215 East llflth.WANTED to rent 5 or 8 room house or partof two family house. In good residential

neighborhood, between Elizabeth and Cran-ford. N J- P *'",0 Herald, Washington Hts.

WANTKD.Plot suitable for garage.100x150; with roB*essIon.

KOLl'»OM BROS.. INC., 127 E. 3*th »t.



TS.To Let.Unfurnished.

Above 59th St..5tU Av. t* North River.

72P, 53 W Studio apartment, consisting otlarge workroom, north studio window 9x12.

sleeping room, kitchenette, foyer hall, bath;7th floor; elevator building.For Oct. 1, apartments of 2 and 3 rooms,

foyer, kitchenette, bath; aouttiern exposure;large outside rooms.78TH ST.. 250 WEST (COR. BROADWAY).3 and 4 room*, some with kitchenette; all

housekeeping apartments; a most iesirabloneighborhood; the apartments contain ex¬ceptional attractions and ttic rents are tliemost reasonable In this vicinity.


POT if ST., 123 WEST.0 rooms, bath, steam, elcctriclty. Inquire


921) ST.. 7 WEST.Apartments of 5, t! and 7 rooms in a 7

story elevator building, adjoining CentralPark West. Conveniences and service unex¬celled. Rent exceptionally reasonable.

SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY.921) ST.. 3 WEST (near Central Park Weatj.Apartments of C rooms and bath; excep¬

tional value; rent very reasonable.SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY.

94TH ST.. 314 WEST (between West Bndav. and Riverside tortvo).

Six story elevator building, (i and 7 rooms,for rent from October 1; rents proportion¬ately lower than similar apartments in thisvicinity.

SHARP * CO.. 2489 BROADWAY.99TH, 317 WEST.

5, 0 and 7 rooms in an 8 story modern fire¬proof building, near Riverside Drive and con¬taining all improvements; reasonable rent.

SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY.103TH 8T., 228 WEST.

5 and G room apartments. In a modern 8-story elevator building; the apartments artmost attractive and must be seen to be ap-predated; some for Immediate possession;rent reasonable.


3 and 1 room apartments; large room",delightful k(tclieiis. New modern nine storyfireproof building. An unusually desirableresidential location, easily accessible. A de¬cided attraction In the fact that maid andporter service Is provided. Relief from helptroubles. yet affording all the conveniencesof your own private home. Possession Octcber 1; rent most reasonable. Housekeeper<.n premises, or

SHARP & CO.. 2489 BROADWAY.113TH ST.. 507-011 -517 WEST

Three 9 story modern apartment buildings,near Columbia University. Apartments of3 and 4 rooms, with special attractions.Rents most reasonable. Some apartment*for Immediate possosslon.


120TH, 5U West..Four rooms and bath, allmodern Improvements; 11,000 a year.

238 WEST 72N'D ST.Apartments of two exceptionally large rooms.Location Ideal; one for immediate occupany.Rent reasonable.


5 room apartments In a new modern nlnastory fireproof building. An unusually da¬sh able residential location. Eaally acces- 4<.slble. with service unexcelled. PossessionOctober 1. SHARP It CO., 2119 Broadway.

414 WEST 121ST ST.Apartments of 4 and 5 rooms; vicinity of

Columbia University, In refined surroundingsand well managed building. Rents are ex¬it ptlonnlly attractive. Some apartments forimmediate possession.


Apartments of 3 and 4 large rooms; somawith kitchenettes, in a modern nine storyfireproof building. Exceptionally refined andquiet neighborhood, between Broadway andRiverside Drive. Possession October 1; rentsfrom 11.200.

SHARP tk CO 2489 BROADWAY._ (nfurnished.

Washington Heights. Above lt5th St.,West of «th At.

HANDSOME 4-5 ROOM APARTMENTSIn modern detached 2 family house, lawn,garden; in beautiful Marble Hill location, 2blocks from subway (Broadway, 223th st.i.21 Adrian av. Immediate possession.

54-t.O >VAD8WORTI I TERRACE^Two blocks from St. Nicholas av. or 191stst. subway station.

Just Completed. HIGH CLASStwo. three, four, five room apartmentsi.very modern Improvements; moderate rent*.Ready for Immediate occupancy.ARTHUR CUTLER * CO., 17« West 72d St.,Owners, or spply on premises.145TH ST. (Tiradhurst av., 30, apartmsntl).Large front, back parlor,, kitchen, Inde¬pendent; piano; nicely furnished; reasonable.Aildnbon 3981.

150TH ST.. 408 WEST.8 rooms In high class elevator building

near St. Nicholas av.; Immediate posses-slon; *90 per month. Apply to Superin¬tendent or

SHARP * CO.. 2480 BROADWAY.1B8TH ST.. «11 WEST (cor. Riversld* Drive).Nine story fireproof building; apartmentsexceptionally well planned and rents mostreasonable; one apartment of 7 rooms on¦round floor, suitable for doctor or dentist.

SHARP * CO 2489 BROADWAY.177TH ST . 502-5O4 West.5 rooms, all Im¬provements, shower bath; reasonable

>»ntn! Inquire superintendent.C7ft W. 172d..For two months, August andSeptember. 6 room elevator apartment;

0100 monthly. Wadsworth 4148._

In furnished.Bronx.



GRAND cnxrounfiF!, 1488-80-54.- 3 4, 5rooms; reasonable; Islington av. subway,

8th av. "L" to 110th at_. 2730 Bingham.

ROSRDALE AV , 1«2..Flat to let; all 1mprovements; $80. 180th at. car passes door,

fidflL 835 E..t rooms, corner houae; allImprovements; reasonable rent.

7v r: tnrn il ST (Corner T'nton it.i Thre*larx* rooms front, two flights, four rooms,

all modem Improvements: eeferenees.


BAY RIDGE. 315 5|th st..Cheerful, snnnrapartments, four rooms, bath, electricity;

$40, all light rooms, well ventilated, near59111 St. express station. Sea Beach, 4th av.subway.BAY RIDGE..4th av., corner 58th., six sep¬arate, light rooms, modern Improvements;

rent $70. McKEON. 3913 5th av.

I'LATBUSII spartments, 4, 5, a rooms, allImproveinsnts; S7<». $75, $80 per raonth. 2108

Beverly road, one block from Flatbush av.Apply on premises or phone M. SAMUELS,2588 llenry.21ST ST., 338..Klve rooms, hath, steam heat i

nil Improvements. 1'hone South 8781.


'K VTBD.Sevan rooms and Hslh; bo?t>«