chronicle 11-11-09 edition

THE CHRONICLE of Mt. Juliet The Largest Circulation in Wilson County Celebrating our 28th year as the leading newspaper in Mt. Juliet and West Wilson County Volume 29 November 11, 2009 Number 44 Page 2 Local heroes offered free tests that could save their lives MJ soldier returns home just in time for Veteran’s Day Stufng stockings Stufng stockings for soldiers for soldiers Cassie Wilson, dressed as a Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, helped stuffed stockings on Friday at Mt. Juliet Elementary School. The 368 stockings were mailed this week by members of the Blue Star Mothers, a local chapter of a national group of military family members. According to Reba Baltz, a Blue Star Mother, 230 of the stockings will be mailed to the USS Rentz, 110 to the USS Nimitz, an aircraft carrier stationed in the Persian Gulf, and 25 to various soldiers in Afghanistan, “in the middle of nowhere.” The children stuffing the stockings are in Miss Gay’s Kindergarten and Miss Cozark’s 4th grade classes. ~ Photo by Tomi L. Wiley Page 3 Page 10 You Heard it First Page 5 MJHS quarterback up for major honor MJ offi cials ask county for $650K for its share of Reverse L

Transcript of chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 1: chronicle 11-11-09 edition


The Largest Circulation in Wilson County

Celebrating our 28th year as the leading newspaper in Mt. Juliet and West Wilson

Volume 29 November 11, 2009 Number 44

Page 2

Local heroes offered free tests that could save their lives

MJ soldier returns home just in time for Veteran’s Day

Stuffi ng stockingsStuffi ng stockingsfor soldiersfor soldiers

Cassie Wilson, dressed as a Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, helped stuffed stockings on Friday at Mt. Juliet Elementary School. The 368 stockings were mailed this week by members of the Blue Star Mothers, a local chapter of a national group of military family members. According to Reba Baltz, a Blue Star Mother, 230 of the stockings will be mailed to the USS Rentz, 110 to the USS Nimitz, an aircraft carrier stationed in the Persian Gulf, and 25 to various soldiers in Afghanistan, “in the middle of nowhere.” The children stuffing the stockings are in Miss Gay’s Kindergarten and Miss

Cozark’s 4th grade classes. ~ Photo by Tomi L. Wiley

Page 3

Page 10

You Heard it First

Page 5

MJHS quarterback up for major honor

MJ offi cials ask county for$650K for itsshare of Reverse L

Page 2: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 2, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009

Happy 13th Birthday


It’s no surprise that being a fi refi ghter or police offi cer can be stressful, but what is surprising and dangerous is that those public servants are at a much higher risk for heart attacks. In an effort to relieve some of that stress, one local facility is offering free screenings for public servants and their spouses. “The hardworking servicemen and women in our Nashville area communities are heroes in the eyes of the physicians at Premier Radiology and Hermitage Imaging Center,” said Kristen Nicholson with Premier. “To honor their contributions, we offer non-invasive preventative heart screening scans to

public servants and their spouses.” The Heart of a Hero program offers coronary calcium CT screenings free of charge. A cardiac scoring exam can assess a person’s risk of future heart attack. The test is quick, simple and allows radiologists to provide patients with the information that they need to keep their heart healthy and their mind at ease. Results will be provided to employees’ personal physicians. For communities interested in our health screening programs, educational fl iers and convenient scheduling is provided. “It is not surprising to learn that many of our brave fi refi ghters and police offi cers lose their lives in the line of duty - but these men and women face more risks than exposure to fi re

and heat or dangerous situations,” Nicholson said.

“Our public servants are also at increased risk for heart attacks, which can be triggered by exertion, stress, and smoke inhalation. Regular preventative screenings can help prevent these deaths and ensure healthier lives for those who protect and save the lives of others every day.” This CT exam is used as a screening tool in the evaluation of coronary artery disease. The Calcium Scoring CT scan quantifi es the total load of calcifi ed (hardened) plaque in the coronary arteries. It then compares that score to a large reference population matched to the patient’s age and sex. This study can be used as a valuable tool in conjunction with other clinical risk factors such as family history, cholesterol level, lipid profi le, etc. to help manage the care of patients at risk for coronary artery disease. Health professionals believe this technique should be used for individuals considered to be at high risk for developing heart disease. The risk factors for heart disease include:- age: men 40 or older, women 45 or older- high cholesterol- history of smoking- high blood pressure

- family history of heart disease- high stress levels- sedentary lifestyle- diabetes The scan itself only takes 10 minutes. It does not involve any injections or medications. Heroes can come in Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Call 615-773-7237 to set up an appointment time that is convenient for your schedule. Choose what time is best and be sure to bring your ID badge with you. There will be some paperwork to fi ll out upon arrival and the patient must provide a primary care physician for the results to be sent to following the test. Screening CT exams of the heart are not intended to replace your usual routine medical evaluations, but do give you and your doctor additional information to base lifestyle changes and treatment options. “In some patients, incidental fi ndings may require follow up studies,” Nicholson noted. “There is no need for alarm. These follow up studies should be arranged by their primary care physician.” Premier Radiology is located at 5002 Crossing Circle, Suite 140, in Mt. Juliet.

Free program checks, prevents health problems for public servants, spousesBy Tomi L. Wiley Managing Editor

CT technologist Gina Pulliam of Mt. Juliet scans the wife of a local Hero for possible health risks. ~ Photo submitted

Yoga and Pilates are now being offered at the Mt. Juliet Community Center. Yoga is offered Monday and Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. and Tuesday at 6 p.m. Pilates will be offered Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m., and there will be a Yoga/Pilates mix Saturday at 10:30 a.m. The MJ Community Center is located at Charlie Daniels Park. For more information call Kat Woodson

at 758-6522.

Page 3: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009, Page 3

Mt. Juliet City offi cials have crafted, signed, and sent a letter to Wilson County commissioners requesting a $650,000 payment for the county’s share of the “Reverse L” road project, a letter which was read and signed at Monday night’s scheduled city commission meeting. An open letter to the members of the Wilson County Board of Commissioners was read by District 2 Commissioner and Vice Mayor Will Sellers, who led the meeting in the absence of Mayor Linda Elam. The purpose of the letter was to request the support an item on the county commission’s agenda item for consideration of the $650,000 payment to the City of Mt. Juliet. “Since the Reverse L was initially proposed several years ago considerable discussion, speculation and debate has taken place,” the letter states. “Not wishing to replay history, quite simply the project was done for one primary reason . . . to provide the students, faculty and staff of Mt. Juliet High School, a school residing within Wilson County and outside of the city, with a safe, easily accessible route serving that facility. We are confi dent each of you is fully aware of the deplorable conditions of Curd Road. A dangerously narrow, curvy road with a 90 degree turn, the Reverse L improves the only access to the school. It is within that cooperative spirit that Mt. Juliet, at its own expense improved the northerly section of Curd/Benders Ferry Roads and installed signals at Lebanon Road. “When the initial city/county burden sharing effort was proposed in early 2007, several County offi cials embraced a $950k contribution. This fi gure was derived based on the projected “best guess” costs of the time. Two years later the project was formally bided out and the actual cost, $2.8m, was lower than originally anticipated. Another signifi cant factor reducing the County’s share was Mt. Juliet’s successfully securing a TDOT 50% Local Interstate Connector Grant. The combined effects of those reduced the project’s cost and lowered the requested contribution from the County to

$650k. Highlights of Wilson County’s portion of the Reverse L includes approximately one-half of a 200’ bridge at Cedar Creek, costing $780k; $230k for water line relocation work lying completely within the County; and approximately 1600 linear feet of road pavement outside the City of Mt. Juliet. “Although the Mt. Juliet Board of Commissioners were not consulted during the process of choosing the location of the new Mt. Juliet High School, they have demonstrated their uncompromising commitment to Wilson County, its citizens and their children by thus far fully fi nancing every construction expense of the Reverse L. For the safety of our children a delay was unacceptable. At this time, barring any unforeseen challenges, the road should be open on or about 15 December. Considering the above, we the Board of Commissioners of the City of Mt. Juliet, respectfully r e q u e s t a l l W i l s o n County Commissioners, but specifi cally those representing the citizens of Mt. Juliet, to contribute their fair share towards this project.” In other safety news, commissioners discussed the possibility of speed bumps or “rumble strips” in Mt. Juliet. Mt. Juliet Police Chief Andy Garrett and Public Works Director Marlin Keel, after studying reports and suggestions from MTAS (Municipal Technical Advisory Service) and the Tennessee Department of Transportation, found that speed bumps “make more people mad than happy.” Keel noted that, from an engineering and traffi c control standpoint, traffi c calming “is a broad issue” that would require more in-depth work than current City staff can provide. “If we want to get involved we need to develop a comprehensive traffi c control plan, which is out of the range of anyone on staff,” Keel said. “We will need a consultant or a team, and I’m estimating the cost at around $20,000 to $30,000.” Mt. Juliet City Manager Randy Robertson noted that the request for speed bumps was the result of complaints from only “a few” citizens, mainly in the Mari Court area, which is a connector from South Greenhill to Devonshire,

running from West Division through Willoughby Station and Hickory Hills subdivisions. “It’s less than fi ve people complaining about a few places,” Robertson said, adding that the police responded and that area residents planned on meeting with their homeowners association and would update city offi cials at a later date. District 1 Commissioner Ted Floyd, a former Mt. Juliet police chief, remarked that he would “never support speed bumps and would go with signage and (police) enforcement.” In new business, commissioners (excluding Elam and District 3 Commissioner Ed Hagerty, who were both absent) voted 2 – 1 to amend the budget to purchase $75.00 gift cards as a Christmas bonus for City employees. District 4 Commissioner Jim Bradshaw voted against the ordinance on fi rst reading. An ordinance to annex, rezone, and approve the preliminary master development plan for Ellenwood farms, to be located on S. Rutland Road, was unanimously approved with amendments on fi rst reading. An ordinance to abandon/vacate a portion of Providence Parkway and revert the ownership of the land to the adjacent property

owners was unanimously approved on fi rst reading with amendments. C o m m i s s i o n e r s agreed to cancel the scheduled meetings on November 23 and December 28, since they are close to the holidays. In unfi nished business, a fee schedule for the building department was passed on fi rst reading by a 2 – 1 vote, with Bradshaw voting against. A resolution to approve

and authorize the mayor to sign the agreement with Piedmont Natural Gas, an easement for construction, was unanimously approved. Ordinances to authorize the city fi nance director to approve adjustments to sewer bills, to increase the Sewer Capacity Fee by $35.00, and to amend the budget to accept and expend $4,000 in donations for Halloween in the Park were unanimously approved on second reading.

MJ City offi cials ask for $650K from countyBy Tomi L. Wiley Managing Editor

Page 4: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 4, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009

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In an attempt to “serve Mt. Juliet in new and creative ways,” the Mt. Juliet Parks Department, namely two interested young men, now offers another free, fun, and active pastime for local citizens: Frisbee golf. A portion of Mundy Memorial Park, located off Belinda Parkway behind the Providence MarketPlace area, has been cultivated and Frisbee golf tees, baskets and greens installed. Mt. Juliet City employees, including Parks Department Events Coordinator Tim Henson, IT Director Travis Taylor, and

Mt. Juliet Police Department Offi cer Allen Carver, visited area Frisbee golf courses in Hendersonville, the Cedars of Lebanon Park, and beyond to craft ideas and the layout for the course, which consists now of nine holes. “It’s fun, and it doesn’t take up a lot of room for a course,” Carver noted, tossing around the Frisbee on Monday afternoon with his wife, Lavonne. “We (he and Henson) went to some local courses and thought it would be something fun for Mt. Juliet. There was no reason not to. Tim already had the golf baskets, so we got together and made it happen.” Henson noted that the green space behind the softball fi elds at Mundy Park had been a dead spot for years and was “the perfect spot” for a Frisbee golf course. The layout includes water hazards (a small stream) and even stretches back into the surrounding forest area for additional challenges and fun. The greens range from 125 – 278 feet.

Carver explained that it is a Par 3 course, with the same rules and principles as regular golf. He suggested that, like golf, people should be quiet when others are teeing off and give another player room when approaching the disk basket or “hole.” He said that the Frisbees are inexpensive – ranging from $5 - $20 – and it’s free to play. Players should park in the main lot and take the walking trail around the softball fi eld to the back area. Henson said if there is a good response from the community the course could be expanded to 18 holes. “It was really exciting, coming up with the design,” Carver said. “And it’s just one more inexpensive way to get outside and have some fun with your friends and family.” Henson said that while the course is open for play now, a grand opening will be held at noon on Friday, November 27. For more information call the Parks and Recreation Department at 615-758-6522.

Hitting the links? Frisbee golf course opens in MJBy Tomi L. Wiley Managing Editor

Allen Carver gets ready to let one fl y at the new Mt. Juliet Frisbee Golf course at Mundy Park. ~ Photo by Tomi L. Wiley

A Hometown Village Craft Fair and Bake Sale to benefi t the Mt. Juliet Senior Citizens Center will be held on Saturday, November 21, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at West Wilson Middle School, located at 935 N. Mt. Juliet Road. There will be over 50 vendors, crafters, artists and businesses involved, so come out and buy some Christmas gifts and support our local senior

citizens. For more information call 615-758-9114.

Page 5: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 5, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009 The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009 Page 5



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Mt. Juliet High quarterback Reed Gurchiek was announced Tuesday as a fi nalist for the Tennessee Titans Class AAA Mr. Football Award. A senior, Gurchiek helped lead the Golden Bears to a record of 9-2 and a berth in the TSSAA Playoffs. A committee of statewide sports writers selected winners based on performance in the 2009 regular season. Academics and character were also taken into consideration. High school head coaches and members of the media nominated the fi nalists. Gurchiek personally accounted for 31 Mt. Juliet touchdowns this past season — completing 69-of-120 passes for 1,358 yards and 15 TDs. He also ran 107 times for 706 yards (6.6

yards per carry) and scored

16 touchdowns. “Reed had an outstanding two years at Mt. Juliet,” said Golden Bear coach Roger Perry. “He’s a very intelligent young man, a leader on and off the fi eld. He loves to compete. I think he’s very deserving of this honor.” The Tennessee Titans Mr. Football Awards will be presented to the top

10 backs and linemen in fi ve classifi cations of the Tennessee S e c o n d a r y School Athletic A s s o c i a t i o n on Monday, November 30 at a luncheon held at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center in Murfreesboro. This is the twenty-fi fth year that the Mr. Football Awards have been presented to Tennessee’s best high school football players. Plaques will be presented to 22 other fi nalists.

MJHS QB Gurchiek up for Mr. FootballFrom staff reports

The Wilson County Health Department will offer H1N1 injectable vaccine by appointment during clinic on Monday, November 16, from 1 to 8 p.m. To make an appointment, call 444-5325. The H1N1 fl u vaccine will be provided at no charge. Parking will be provided at the Wilson County Fairgrounds.Those listed below are the priority groups on which we want to focus to receive this vaccine.

Children 6 months to 4 years old

Household contacts and caregivers for children younger than 6 months of

agePregnant women

Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel

Children 5 through 18 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for infl uenza-related

complications No shortage of 2009

H1N1 vaccine is expected. However, limited quantities and types of the vaccine come in with each shipment. The Tennessee Department of Health expects to receive enough H1N1 vaccine in coming weeks so anyone who wants to receive it, can do so. The Wilson County Health Department will continue to announce when vaccine arrives and if there will be an H1N1 clinic. Also, information about upcoming clinics and vaccine availability are on the Tennessee Department of Health Web site at For more information about the H1N1 vaccine, call the Wilson County Health Department at 615-444-5325 or contact the Tennessee Flu Information Line at 1.877.252.3432. Information is also available on the Web at or www.fl

Wilson County Health Dept. offers H1N1 vaccine next week

Mt. Juliet Senior Center Senior Health Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, January 20, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. If you are interested in participating, please contact Donna Stephens or Ruth Boner at the Center (615-758-9114). Tables will be provided. Space is limited, so please

respond early.

Page 6: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 6, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009


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DENNING, Winifred Winifred Stephens Denning, 81, a native of Shreveport, LA, died Tuesday morning in a local hospital. Wynn, as she was known to friends and family, was a member of the Christian faith, a former missionary and church pastor. She is survived by her husband, J.S. “Speck” Denning, a daughter and son-in law Pamela and Raymond Williams of Springfi eld, Massachusetts, three sons and their wives; Bill and Brenda Lagergren of Sale Creek TN, Charles and Jo’elle Lagergren of Havana AK, and Jim and Heidi Denning of Mt. Juliet TN. She was predeceased by a son Michael Denning. Mrs. Denning was grandmother to 16 and great-grandmother to 14. She will be sorely missed by a family who loved her greatly, and regarded her as a spiritual rock. The family will be receiving friends at Sellars Funeral Home in Lebanon on Monday,

November 9, 2009 from 6-9 p.m. The chapel service, conducted by Brother Ron Hamm and Reverend Raymond Williams, is 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 10, 2009. Interment in Middle Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery, Pegram TN, is 1 p.m. Tuesday, November 10, 2009. Sellars Funeral Home, 313 W. Baddour Pkwy, Lebanon TN, 615.444.9393. Obits 615.758.8818.

GARVIN, Mary Ross Mary Ross Garvin, age 88, of Mt. Juliet, TN, died Saturday, November 7, 2009. Mrs. Garvin was a member of Beulah Land Baptist Church and attended Fellowship Baptist Church. She was a homemaker and a retiree of Better Built Aluminum. Mrs. Garvin was the daughter of the late, William James and Lula Frances Hoover Ross. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Otis Taylor Garvin; grandson, Jimmy David Gordon and sister, Asalie Barrett. She is survived by: children, Houston (Brenda) Garvin, Ida Mae (Jimmy) Gordon and Paul (Shawn) Garvin; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at Bond Memorial Chapel with Bro. Jerry Smith and Bro. Bobby Goode offi ciating. Interment will follow at Roselawn Memorial Park. Active pallbearers will be Paul Allen Garvin, Jr., Kevin Garvin, Stephen Garvin, Gabriel Sanchez, Tony Bible, James Woodall, Charles Mosley and Troy Frazier. Honorary pallbearers will be Charles Garvin, Earl Garvin, Ronnie Garvin, Jerry Garvin, James Rowlett, Herbert Rowlett, Kenneth Barrett and the Ladies Senior Adult Sunday School Class at Fellowship Baptist Church. Flowers accepted or memorials may be made to Odyssey Hospice, 1400 Donelson Pike, Suite B-5, Nashville, TN 37217. Visitation will be 3-8 p.m. Tuesday at Bond Memorial Chapel, N. Mt. Juliet Road and Weston Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN. (615)773-2663. Obit Line (615)641-2663,

POTTS, Betty Betty Potts passed away on November 8, 2009 at age 75. The received friends at Sellars Funeral Home in Lebanon on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 from 4-8 p.m. and on Wednesday from noon until service. The chapel service, conducted by Reverend Glenn Denton, is 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 11, 2009. Interment in Wilson County Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers: Justin McMurtery, Tim Sanders, Brian Potts, Stanley Potts Jr., Mark Lucas, Ronnie Presley, Tommy Presley, and Frank Duchesne. Honorary Pallbearers:

Donnie McMurtery and Edward Walker. Survivors include children: Sonya (David) Sanders of Lebanon, Walter (Vivian) Potts Jr. of PA, Carrie (Edward) Walker, and Donnie (Patrice) McMurtery all of Lebanon; sister: Margaret Barker of AR; grandchildren: Tim Sanders, Regina Baird, Keith Potts, Brian Potts, Brandon Potts, Bridget Bishop, Stanley Potts Jr, Kaleigh Walker, Courtney Galloway, Justin McMurtery, and Josh McMurtery; and numerous great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by husband Walter Potts Sr., son Stanley Potts Sr., grandson Kurtis Sanders, sister Lila Weir, and parents Henry and Maggie Garner Russell. Sellars Funeral Home, 313 W. Baddour Pkwy, Lebanon TN, 615.444.9393. Obits 615.758.8818.

RICKETTS, Robert Thomas Robert Ricketts passed away on November 6, 2009 at age 82. The chapel service, conducted by Brother Bill Trice, was Monday, November 9, 2009. Interment in Wilson County Memorial Gardens. Family and friends will serve as Pallbearers. Survivors include wife of 59 years, Mary Ruth Ricketts; two sons: Robert A. “Doc” Ricketts and Joe Wayne “Cat” Ricketts; 5 grandchildren: Robert “Robbie” Ricketts, John Wayne Ricketts, Nicholas Austin Ricketts, Cody Adam Ricketts, and Chrystal LouVada Ricketts; and great-grandchildren: Dominick and Cheyenne; and numerous nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by parents James Carley and Nadie Davenport Ricketts, sisters and brother-in-laws Allie Mae and Vivian Weaver, Frances and Calvin Roberts, brother and sister-in-law James E. and Elizabeth Ricketts, and great grandbaby Leland Tyler Williams. Sellars Funeral Home, 313 W. Baddour Pkwy, Lebanon TN, 615.444.9393. Obits 615.758.8818.

Wilson County Young Republicans will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, November 19, at the Wilson County Republican Headquarters which is located at 1221 South Hartmann Dr in Lebanon. Local blogger Ken Marrero and Drew Johnson with the Tennessee Center for Policy Research will be the guest speakers for November. For more information, email [email protected], call (615) 583-9797 or visit us

online at

Page 7: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009, Page 7

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Animal shelter volunteers honored by City

Volunteers with the Mt. Juliet Animal Shelter were honored in a special ceremony held at City Hall Thursday afternoon. These Volunteers surpassed the 100 Hour of volunteer service. These 15, with their 100 hours saved the city $45,840.00. Volunteers racked up 747 hours for the month of October. Congratulations to: Staci Fry, Dawn Turner, Trish Morgan, Kathy Ziegler, Lonnie Cannon, Jo Jarvis, the Beadles Family, Matt Gill, Joanne Hooper, Hunter Poirier, Hazel Lauer, Jon Gray, Janet Youmans, Mary Dimoff, Lori Montogomery. Pictured with the volunteers are Animal Control offi cers and Animal Shelter organizers MJPD Sgt. Keith Youmans, Jill Hart, and City Manager Randy Robertson. ~ Photo by Tomi L. Wiley

Garr’s donates to Charis Health

Roy Garr, left, donated proceeds from the popular Scarecrow Building Workshops held in October at Garr’s Rental & Feed to Charis Health Center, a facility that offers medical care to the working uninsured of Wilson County. Charis President David Rhodes, at right, accepted the check for $337.50 on Friday. ~ Photo by Tomi L. Wiley

How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!

~Maya Angelou

Page 8: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 8, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009

Mt. Juliet Spine &Pain Management


NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTSBlue Care, Americhoice, Medicare- Receive Immediate Scheduling -


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Come create your holiday cards and assist a family in need. On Saturday, November 21, from 10 am to 3 pm, Rooms 105A&B, St. Stephens Church, 14544 Lebanon Rd, Old Hickory, a rubber stamping fundraiser will be held to benefi t Ethan Lee. Participants will stamp 10 holiday cards which they can take home or donate to Ethan’s family. Participants may also choose to donate funds or preorder their completed cards for pickup on the day of the fundraiser. The cost of the card event is $15 per person. RSVP requested by November 11. On the day of the fundraiser, there will also be a silent auction of various items. Donations are now being accepted for the auction. To reserve your seat, preorder your cards or make a donation, please contact: Janice Jones ([email protected]), 615-773-6194 (h) or 615-202-3203 (c) or Sarah Howell ([email protected]), 615-754-6305(h) or 615-293-7715(c) A little more about Ethan: Ethan was born with a condition known

as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, (HLHS for short). Basically, he was born without the left side of his heart. He had his fi rst surgery when he was 3 days old. While they were closing him up a few days later he suffered a cardiac arrest and had a stroke. He then started to suffer from seizures. A month later he was able to go home. Six months later Ethan had the second part of the surgery and it went well. He then had a feeding button put in. At age 3 he had the fi nal stage of the surgery and it did not work as expected. He required an additional surgery to place a

pacemaker. A year later he went into heart failure and was placed on the transplant list. He received his new heart in August of 2008. He has gone through several episodes of rejection but now is doing better. Because of his heart, his immune system is kept really low, so that makes him more susceptible to everything. Last year Ethan’s Dad lost his job which makes caring for Ethan more of a challenge. The funds raised will be used to assist with Ethan’s medical needs, including items not covered by insurance such as special inserts for his shoes and weekly therapy.

Create holiday cards for a good cause: Ethan LeeSubmitted

The Mt. Juliet High School Class of 1949 held their 60 year reunion at Wilson Central High School on October 16. A special thank you to Pam Peery with Wilson Central High School and her daughter, Melinda Peery at Mt. Juliet High School, for the tour of the school. After the tour, the graduates enjoyed a meal at Rutland Place. Pictured from left to right are Thomas Rice, Charles Hackeny, Tillie Baker, Mary Page Gonzalez, Alice Moss Trice, Mary Helen Bass, Grace Vivrett Midgett, David Macon, Carl Prentice and Jack Hopper. ~ Photo submitted

MJHS Class of ‘49 celebrates 60 year reunion

Page 9: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009, Page 9

It has been said that all good things must come to an end. Even football seasons. Mt. Juliet’s glorious 2009 season came to a screeching halt Nov. 6 as defending Class 5A state champion Oakland throttled the high-powered Bear offence and came away with a 19-14 win in the fi rst round of the TSSAA Class 6A playoffs. The loss ended Mt. Juliet’s year at 9-2 overall with losses to Beech in Week 10 and to Oakland after opening up with nine consecutive victories. The Patriots staked themselves to an early 9-0 lead by trapping Mt. Juliet quarterback Reed Gurchiek in the endzone for a safety with 7:23 left in the fi rst quarter. Following the ensuing free kick, Oakland tailback Tee Mayberry sprinted 48 yards from scrimmage for a 9-0 Patriot lead with 7:04 left in the fi rst. MJ answered with a sustained drive ending with a one yard plunge by fullback Brady Earnhardt with 4:46 to go in the fi rst.Oakland padded its lead to 12-7 at intermission on a 28 yard fi eld goal by Trevor Hornsby. MJ got back on the board with a well-executed nine-play, 83 yard drive that ended a two yard run by Chris Brazile. Following Tyler Emmetts’ PAT, the Bears trailed 19-14. Oakland’s ensuing possession ended with a missed fi eld goal attempt and the Bears took over at their own 46. With roughly seven minutes left in the game, MJ maneuvered close enough

for a couple of passes into the endzone, neither of which connected. Oakland took over and ran out the fi nal six-plus minutes of clock on 12 straight running plays. The Patriots ran the ball 58 times for 289 yards (4.9 per attempt) and completed 6-of-9 passes for 73 yards with one interception. All told, Oakland reeled off 67 plays for 356 yards in total offense and 17 fi rst downs. MJ mustered only 38 offensive snaps, 18 rushes for 104 yards (5.7 per) and completed 10-of-20 passes for 147 yards. The Bears fi nished with 251 yards in offense and seven fi rst downs. Brazile led MJ with 73 yards rushing on fi ve tries with a touchdown. Earnhardt added four carries for 17 and a score. Gurchiek completed

10-of-20 passes for 147 yards. His top receiver was Vaughn Cornelia with seven receptions for 104 yards. Corderius Burns and Zach Bush led the Bears with eight tackle apiece. Kevin Poindujour intercepted an Oakland pass while Hunter Locke recovered a Pat fumble. Inelli Charles was in on six tackles, including a quarterback sack. Oakland (9-2) advances to the second round of the playoffs and will play at 8-3 Cookeville Friday, Nov. 13.


Left to Right:

#54, Patrick Krzan, Soph., LB, Defensive Player,Coach Roger Perry

#11, Reed Gurchiek, Senior, QB, Offensive Player

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Take offyour shirt.

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Julie Countess, MDBoard-Certified Dermatologist

Barbara E. WolffPA-C

All good things must end: MJHS falls to Oakland

Senior halfback Chris Brazile (5) breaks loose for a fi rst down in last week’s 19-15 loss to Oakland in the fi rst round of the TSSAA Class 6A playoffs. Mt. Juliet ends the season 9-2. ~ Photo by Randy Self /

Page 10: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 10, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009

Mt. Juliet Family Care& Walk-In Clinic

welcomes Christina Savage, NP to our practice.

Sunday 9AM-12PMMonday-Friday 8AM-5PM

754 N. Mt. Juliet Rd. • Mt. Juliet615-754-2828

MJ soldier welcomed home with 269th

Staff Sgt. Ray Birchett of Mt. Juliet was welcomed home on Friday along with many other soldiers, some from the Mt. Juliet and Wilson County area, with the 269th Military Police Unit out of Murfreesboro. Sgt. Birchett spent 10 months in Mosul, Iraq. Welcome home, troops, and Happy Veteran’s Day. Thank you. ~ Photos submitted by Cora Birchett and Celeste Birchett.

First Baptist Church, Mt. Juliet, will hold a blood drive on First Baptist Church, Mt. Juliet, will hold a blood drive on Sunday, November 15, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please give blood Sunday, November 15, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please give blood – a single donation saves more than one life. There is a 97% – a single donation saves more than one life. There is a 97% chance you or someone you know will someday need blood. chance you or someone you know will someday need blood. Take the time to make a difference. A photo ID or a Red Cross Take the time to make a difference. A photo ID or a Red Cross Donor Card is required. Call the church offi ce at 754-2525 to Donor Card is required. Call the church offi ce at 754-2525 to make an appointment to give. First Baptist Church is located make an appointment to give. First Baptist Church is located

at 735 N. Mt. Juliet 735 N. Mt. Juliet Road.

A new weight loss show for the ABC network that will “take transformation to a new level” will hold a casting call for local people who want to lose weight. 3 Ball Productions, the production company behind some of television’s most transformational programs, is producing a new weight loss show that will take the weight off right before your eyes. And this time around, participants don’t need to leave their house to lose the weight

– the trainer is brought to you. If you’re ready to try and lose that weight and you need inspiration to show up at your door, producers for this new reality show are now casting men who have 200 lbs (or more) to lose and women who have 150 lbs (or more) to lose. Be a part of what could potentially be the most remarkable transformation of your life. An expert trainer will show up at your door and work with you throughout the

process. Finally, a show that will capture what hopes to be the most important year of your life – the year that you get your weight off and your life back. The casting call will be held on Saturday, November 14, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at 154 Second Avenue in Nashville. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. For more information call 615-256-0332 or visit www.3bal lproduct

New reality show announces casting call for locals

Remind everyone that solicitors in the city of Mt. Juliet must do the following per Chapter 2 Solicitors and Peddlers of Title 5 – Signs, Businesses, Professions, and Occupations The permit has to be approved by the Chief of Police and here are some of the conditions:

Provide a background checkProvide 2 pictures

Fill out a complete applicationPay $50 per person for 2 weeks of solicitation

Have an ID supplied by the city of Mt. Juliet with their picture on it displayed at all times.

Have an ID supplied by the Company displayed at all times.

Citizens should call the Police Department for full details. Chief Andy Garrett, Mt. Juliet Police Department, P.O. Box 322, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121, Offi ce (615) 754-2550

A note from your Chief of Police...

The Mid-South Gospel Music Association will present a night of Gospel Music featuring some of the areas best gospel groups and soloists. The event will be held Saturday, November 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Heydel Fine Arts Center on the campus of Cumberland University in Lebanon. Special guest for the evening will be Jim Murray, former member of The Imperials and the Gaither Vocal Band. Others include: DnD Testimony in Song, Resurrection, Amelia Grauberger, Commonwealth Quartet, Jamie Linnear, Susan Guerin, The Harmoneers, Karree Phillips, Susanne Winfree, Cedar City Quartet, Purely Blessed and Terry Weeks and the Festival Band. Advance tickets are $8.00 and are available at West Main Realty & Auction located at 1104 West Main Street in Lebanon. Tickets

at the door will be $10.00 for adults, and children 12 and younger are free with an adult.

Page 11: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009, Page 11

Off ering the latest in DentalTechniques & Technology

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Mt. Juliet Elementary is the fi rst school to launch the Soles4Souls Think Kindness challenge in the Nashville area. Soles4Souls is a Nashville based non-profi t that has given away over 5.5 million pairs of shoes within the last fi ve years to children and families in need. They have partnered up with youth motivational speaker and 4th degree black belt Brian Williams, to design a program that comes at no-cost to schools and inspires children to incorporate kindness into their daily lives. “ O u r organization is fueled by the seemingly simple acts of kindness of others. Something as simple as donating a used pair of shoes can truly change someone’s life,” said Wayne Elsey, Founder and CEO of Soles4Souls. Williams opens the challenge with an action packed martial arts speech with back fl ips and a brick breaking routine. “In martial arts I

learned that kindness is the ultimate form of self-defense. Yet, when you do nice things for others, you open yourself up to be teased for doing the right thing. I tell students to have no fear and to be committed to being good

people no matter what. Martial arts serves as an avenue to truly speak to the students,” Williams said. Soles4Souls and Williams didn’t want to just create a 1-hour program, but one that truly inspires children to get off the couch and make a substantial difference in the world. At the

end of the speech, Williams challenges students to change the world ‘from the feet up.’ Mt. Juliet Elementary school has been challenged to collect as many gently used shoes as they can for

children and families in need. The challenge is for the students to document over 5,000 Acts of Kindness in a two week period. Mt. Juliet will be in competition against more than 50 schools that have already booked the program. The entire school is given drop boxes, parent letters, Acts of Kindness J o u r n a l s ,

morning announcement CD’s, and teacher packets with idea’s submitted by teachers from across the country. “If we can inspire every child in our local community to do kind things, then our world will

truly be made a better place. We use shoes as the catalyst to teach the ever important life skill,” Elsey said. For more information about the program visit

MJES strives to become ‘Kindest School in Nashville’School competes in Soles4Souls® Think Kindness program

Think Kindness leader Brian Williams with children in Kenya who received the blessing of shoes from Soles4Souls. ~ Photo submitted

W.A. Wright fundraising winners

WA Wright Elementary School in Mt. Juliet recently held its annual Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough sale. The top sellers were as follows: 1st place-Josh Luffman sold 55 items for a total of $798.00 and won a $50.00 Target Gift Card; 2nd place-Brittany Eiserman sold 36 items for a total of $502.00 and won a $25.00 Target Gift Card; 3rd place-Hunter Burris sold 35 items for a total of $428.00 and won a $15.00 Target Gift Card. The money raised will go to purchase items for the school’s wish list. PALS wishes to thank

everyone who participated in this fundraiser.

Due to a lack of space, the Principle’s Lists and Honor Rolls for local schools that are sent to the Chronicle will appear on our webiste. Just click the “Achievements in Education” tab to see the lists. We apologize for any inconvenience but want to list them in some way to recognize our area students who work hard to be included. Visit our website at Thanks!

~ tomi

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald


Page 12: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 12, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009

Take a “Stroll through the Decades” with the Volunteer State Community College Alumni Association as they celebrate Homecoming on Saturday, November 21. The Pioneer basketball teams will take on Motlow State in two games: 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Alumni in attendance will be recognized at half court between the games. Vol State Cheerleaders and the Dance Team are set to perform. The Alumni Association and the Athletic Department will host a hospitality room beginning at 1:00 p.m. Alumni can enjoy refreshments and reconnect with friends. The Alumni Advisory Council is challenging Alumni with the “Your Change Can Make a Change” Campaign.

Bring your loose change to donate to the Vol State Alumni Association Scholarship Fund.

Vol State Homecoming is a Flashback for AlumniNovember 21

Community Calendar

Refl ections from anOld Friend

Driving is a very serious business With a rash of recent tragic car crashes in mind and the loss of innocent lives, I wanted to remind all motorists of the importance of good driving techniques and seat belt usage. As we all know, our roads grow more and more crowed everyday. As a result, the need for safer driving habits and techniques grows more and more apparent. We now have more walkers, bicyclers and motorcycles to deal with on our roadways and as a result, the need to be more aware has never been more important. This time of year also seems to bring out more vehicles that are not permitted on state roadways, highways and city and county streets. You’ll see everything from go karts and dirt bikes, to battery and motorized scooters. Although fun to ride, these devices are only permitted for off road uses. Most of these devices are usually given at Christmas. Because of the dangers of driving and the seriousness involved, we simply can’t afford the loss of any life. Life is much too precious to take chances with while driving. Most drivers use safety belts, but as you can tell, the majority of drivers not wearing safety belts are either seriously injured or killed. Unfortunately, we focus on the number of lives lost and not the lives changed. Some lives are forever changed because of the loss of a loved one. Some lives are changed because of the life altering injuries sustained from car crashes. These are the lives you don’t hear about. When you aren’t directly affected by the loss of a loved one the affects are short lived. Sort of like fl ipping through the channels on your television and hearing about a tragedy, you think about it for a short period of time and then move on with your life. But to those that are directly affected, the loss is forever and must be dealt with daily. As adults and parents we must do all we can to prepare ourselves and our families to be safe while traveling the roadways. Driving an automobile is one of the most dangerous things we do on a daily basis. It’s often taken for granted because we do it daily. We’ve all been in near miss situations while driving. Most of us have been in life or death situations and didn’t even know it. For example: we’ve had drunk or drugged drivers behind, beside or in front us.As we all know, driving an automobile is a very serious business. We can’t afford to take any chances while driving. Just because we’ve done it for years or simply got away with near miss situations, doesn’t mean the same will hold true the next time. Our lives are fragile and must be handled with kid gloves. Please don’t take chances while driving, your life means too much. And please remember that all that separates you from serious injury and even death is painted lines on the roadway.

THE CHRONICLEof Mt. JulietLargest Circulation in Wilson County

Published each Wednesday in West Wilson County by Mt. Juliet Communications, Inc. A home-owned and operated community newspaper.

Tomi Wiley Managing Editor

[email protected]

Tonya HinesleyProduction Manager

[email protected]

Amanda OswaltSales Manager

[email protected]

Brenda ParkerAccounts Manager

[email protected]

Mailing Address:P.O. Box 647

Mt. Juliet, TN 37121Offi ce Location:

11509 Lebanon RoadMt. Juliet, TN 37122

Telephone: 754-6111Fax: 754-8203Offi ce Hours:

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-FClassifi ed Deadline:1 p.m. every Monday

Johnny Counterfi t will be performing at the Mt. Juliet Senior Center on Wednesday, November 18, at 1 p.m. The community is invited to attend - no admission fee. Doors open at 12:30 p.m.

Seating is limited, so don’t be late! If you have any questions, please call 615-758-9114.

Johnny Counterfi t at MJCSNovember 18

Crye-Leike, Realtors in Mt. Juliet Invite the public to join their efforts in supporting the American Red Cross. They will host their 2nd Blood Drive for 2009 on Thursday, November 12, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. An American Red Cross Blood Mobile will park outside of Crye-Leike’s Mt. Juliet sales center providing a full nursing staff standing by to take good care of all the donors. Appointments are now being accepted for the blood drive. The public is encouraged to call the offi ce in advance for an appointment time to donate so they can accommodate as many donors as possible and ensure no one will have to wait in line. As a way of rewarding donors and saying thanks, the Mt. Juliet Crye-Leike team will provide a nice lunch for everyone who donates blood. Crye-Leike is located at 1285 North Mt.

Juliet Road. For more information contact: (615) 754-8999.

Blood Drive for American Red CrossNovember 12

Breast Cancer Friends support group meets the 3rd Monday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Maple Hill church of Christ located on the corner of West Main Street and Maple Hill Road in Lebanon. We welcome those who have had breast cancer in the past or are dealing with it now. Join us Monday, November 16, for a meal together and “Cooking with Tara Beard.” Tara has been featured on Channel 4’s More at Midday. We’ll taste test simple, delicious dishes as she shows us how to prepare them. The holidays are coming! Reservations required. Call 969-

5730 or 504-1147.

Breast Cancer Friends welcome Tara BeardNovember 16

email your community events to [email protected]

All City of Mt. Juliet offi ces, the Wilson County Convenience Centers and Landfi ll and the Wilson County Animal Control will

be closed on Wednesday, November 11, for Veterans Day.

Veterans Day ClosingsNovember 11

Mt. Juliet FFA Alumni chapter will be holding a yard sale with a myriad of new items on Saturday, November 14, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Proceeds benefi t the alumni’s support of the local high school FFA chapter. Included in the sale are Christmas decorations, toys, winter accessories, bird feeds and feeders, gloves, push brooms, numerous lawn and garden supplies, and more. Sale location will be at the farmer’s market lot on the northeast corner of East Division and Mt. Juliet Rd. Come by

for great deals.

MJ FFA Alumni Yard SaleNovember 14

The Mt. Juliet High School Marine Corps Junior ROTC will celebrate the Marine Corps’ 234th Birthday Saturday night, November 14, with their annual cadet birthday ball in the high school cafeteria. All Marines are cordially invited to attend. The social/dinner hour begins at 6 p.m. with the traditional cake cutting ceremony commencing at 7 p.m. followed by the Ball. Happy Birthday U. S. Marine Corps! Call Major Dan Sullenger

for additional information and RSVP at 758-4642.

MJHS ROTC celebrates Marine Corps’ B-dayNovember 14

Stoner Creek Elementary will hold its Fall Carnival on Saturday, November 14, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. This is a great event for the entire family with games, food, a basket auction, entertainment, “surprise guests,” craft booths and displays from local businesses. Booths are available to rent for $25. For more information about renting a booth or any other questions

contact Shannon Tolbert at 615-400-7916.

Stoner Creek Elementary Fall CarnivalNovember 14

West Wilson Big Brothers of Mt. Juliet annual Christmas Toy and Food program is gearing up. Families in need of food and toys are required to pre-register and may do so at the Charlie Daniels Park Community Center from November 9 through December 13 from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday - Friday. Applications are also available at the Mt. Juliet Help Center during their normal operating hours. Due to the increased need in our community, pre-registration is essential and required. Families that do not register will shop after all pre-registered families have been served

and may not receive as many gifts. Visit for further information.

West Wilson Big Brothers Christmas Toy and Food DriveThrough December 13

Page 13: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

CLASSIFIEDS754-6111Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

754-6111Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

LAND WANTED: Want to buy land!! If you have land you want to sell please con-tact 754-2019. TC

Computer Repair, Virus Removal, Wireless Networks. “A BETTER WAY” Business or Home. On-site or Pickup/Return. Knowledge, Integ-rity, Customer Service. 293-3398.

“Let the hand’s show for themselves.” 10 + years ex-perience. Senior Care, MH/MD care, Courier Service inc... Hm: 615-443-3084, Cell: 615-568-1790.________________________MASONRY - Brick, Rock, Block. Fireplaces, Chimney Repairs. Mike 444-2297. P________________________BARRETT TREE & LAWN SERVICE. Tree removal, trimming, hauling, fi rewood. Lawn Care, Mulching. Li-censed & Insured. 758-3893 or 579-8319. P 11-4_______________________HIGHMARK TURF SALES AND INSTALLATION. Lawn reconstruction, sodding and seed & straw. Grading and topsoil delivery. Bob-cat work. Paver patios and driveways. Structural and decorative retaining walls. Fire pits & Pathways. Li-censed & Insured. Call Greg @ 615-506-2127 for a FREE Estimate. P 12-2_________________________WILLETTE STONE WORK. Stone jobs - Walls - Plant-ers - Outdoor Fire pit/Grill - Mailboxes, etc. FREE Esti-mates. Christian contractor with 15 years experience. Call 615-934-6567. ___________________________TERRY’S AUTO GLASS Thank You Middle Tennes-see for 20 Years. In-sured & Dealer Approved. Call Today. 758-6339.I ___________________________BUNCH ROCK & BRICK: Mail Boxes, entrances, fl ow-er beds, retainer wall and repairs. NEW - We also do stucco. Free estimate. 735-5034. TC________________________JUNK HAULING & LOTS MORE We Clean Houses, Basements, Attics, & Yards & Most gutters. Haul cars 4 Free. Detail Vehicles. Land-scaping. Stump Grinding. Pressure washing. Decks & Driveways sealed. Call us 4 anything. Even Pet Sit-ting. Robin or Mike. 881-6501 /485-4510, 881-6500

PRESSURE WASHING UN-LIMITED, INC. Cleaning Services Include: Houses - Gutters - Driveways - Decks & More. Call Dean at 516-9438 for FREE Estimate. I TC________________________DUN-RITE Garage Door Service. Sales - Service - Installation - Repairs. Overhead Doors & Openers. FREE Estimates on Replace-ments. 758-6285 or 319-1645. I TC___________________________STUMP BUSTERS & TREE SERVICES BY TW. Trees trimmed, removed & stump grinding. BOBCAT WORK. Yard grading, Light Dump Truck Hauling. Insured. Free estimates. 568-2716.___________________________MONA-VIE - The Premier acia blend. 615-754-0263. [email protected]

**ALL PRO SERVICES ** CLEANING: Specializing in windows, carpets, gutters, pressure washing, driveway sealing. Air Duct Clean-ing & Blind Cleaning. Free estimates & references. Jim 754-5047. Christian Owned/Operated. __________________________AMANDA’S TOUCH HOUSE-CLEANING SERVICES. Free In-Home Consultation. Satisfaction Guaranteed. In-sured! Call 615-708-8182. P 11-11__________________________TWO GIRLS & A BROOM. Residential Cleaning. Quali-ty work. References. Free es-timates. Insured. 758-3176. Cell 568-6131, 968-7445. P 11-11 __________________________WANTED: People with a dirty house, not enough time, and are looking for a solution!! Call Angela and let her help! 598-8652. P______________________ PROFESSIONAL PRES-SURE CLEANING. Siding, Gutters, Patios, Driveways. Fall Gutter Cleaning. Free estimates. 615-881-6551, 615-506-5888. www.clean-inhouse.com________________________J&L Cleaning. 24 years in business. Dr. offi ces, Den-tal, Houses, Schools and more. Reasonable prices. References available. Julie 474-7444. Will beat any-one else’s price up to 25%. P 11-11

FOR LEASE - Commercial Space - Hwy 109 area and Mt. Juliet area! Call for more information ROBINSON PROPERTIES 754-2019. TC_________________________ COMMERCIAL SPACES FOR LEASE. 500-3,000 SQUARE FEET. 754-2019.

BOBCAT, BUSH HOGGING, DUMP TRUCK, BACKHOE. Concrete work. Fill Dirt and Gravel. Portable Welding. FREE Estimates. Cell 347-0433, 754-0090. I ___________________________

J.C. MOSELEY BLACKTOPDriveways ~~ Parking Lots ~~ Resurface Old Driveways ~~ Seal Coating. 319-7922.

LICENSED & INSURED ELECTRICIAN. Residential & Commercial. Also, Cable/Phone Installation. Senior Citizen Discount. REASON-ABLE RATES. All work guaranteed. 615- 316-9323. I M__________________________DJW ELECTRIC - 30% OFF LABOR THRU MARCH 2010. All jobs guaranteed. Perfectionist work at a LOW Price. Call for a FREE Esti-mate and get it done right. 615-753-0274. P 11-11___________________________RAY ELECTRIC. No Job Too Small. Family owned & operated. Licensed & in-sured. Senior Citizen Dis-count. 773-2455. 615-681-8787 I TC___________________________ARC ELECTRICAL SER-VICES. Call for all your electrical needs. Competi-tive rates. 754-9790. TC___________________________

24 Hour Emergency Service. Panel Changes ~~ Service Upgrades ~~ Small & Large jobs. State License 62242 - Metro DC 829. 885-1124. 10% Senior Discount. P 11-11___________________________


The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009, Page 13


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Call Ricky Jones 615-585-6586

Page 14: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

CLASSIFIEDS754-6111Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

754-6111Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

HOMES FOR RENT: Mt. Juliet - 3BR, 2.5BA, $1,400/mo. Mt. Juliet - 4BR, 3BA, $1,550/mo.Mt. Juliet - 4BR, 2.5BA, $1,900 mo. Hermitage - 3BR, 2BA, $1,500/mo.Duplex for Rent - Lebanon -2BR, 1BA, $550/mo.Old Hickory - 1 BR Apart-ment - $500/mo. Call Ken Smith at Professional Realty Group 308-1089. I 11-11___________________________

3 Bedroom, 1 bath home. Eat in kitchen, pool, large deck, patio enclosed w/privacy fence. Central Heat/Air. All appliances included. Conve-nient to Providence, shop-ping & lakes. $950 month. 615-586-5829. P 12-2___________________________4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 story, 3 carports. Detached garage, Hardwood fl oors, Den w/fp. 2 acres. Private. Lakeview Elem. Available Dec. 7th. Pet OK. 482-4862. $1,300 a month. P 11-11

Sofa, matching chair & otto-man. Good condition-$300. Glass coffee & end tables with patina metal base - $125. 496-0935. P___________________________

1) High Quality Full Mattress Set. New w/Warranty. Can deliver. Lists $240.00, sac-rifi ce $117.00. New Queen Set Lists $299, Sell $127. 615-394-0861.****2) New King Mattress set in plastic. Never used. Warranty inc. Retails for $360. Will sell for $187. 615-575-5992. ************3) Bedroom set-Cherry or pine fi nish. Queen/Full Bedroom Set $397.00 Mike, 615-394-0861. New in box-es. Lists $999.00. Will sell for $567.00. Lay-a-way available. Can deliver. 615-394-0861. ******************4) All new, all leather Sofa & Loveseat. No vinyl!!! Lists$1899, will sell for $957.00. Lay-a-way available. Can deliver. 615-394-0861. ****5) Queen Memory Foam Mattress Brand new with warranty $287.00. Also, have a boxspring if needed. Call Mike at 615-394-0891 w/ questions. 615-394-0861. I TC___________________________Square Bale Hay For Sale. Call 405-3784 or 405-8513.___________________________Assorted sizes concrete blocks, fl ue liners, misc. stone. 758-5241 leave mes-sage. I 12-2___________________________

Firewood for Sale. Pick up or delivered. Call Mickey. 615-579-8319 or 615-758-3893. P 01-6

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE - This Weekend. Majak Threads custom embroidery & gifts. Saturday, Nov. 14, 10-5, Sunday, Nov. 15, 1-4. 320 HUNTERS RUN LANE -Mt. Juliet. From Hwy 70 (Lebanon Road) turn onto Karen Drive, just east of West Elementary School, fol-low signs. P 11-11___________________________ESTATE/MOVING SALE - House, Furniture, dishes, pots, tools, lawn tools, an-tiques. Friday & Saturday, Nov. 13 & 14, 8am-4pm. 4509 WOODSIDE CIRCLE, 37138. P___________________________YARD SALE - 304 TANGLE-WOOD DRIVE. Friday & Saturday, Nov. 13 & 14. 8am-4:30. Cancel in case of rain.___________________________

Toy Sale! Incredible Prices - Great Selection ! Open to the public Nov. 13, 9am-7pm; Nov 14, 9am-2pm (1/2 price). Lebanon Road East of Mt. Juliet Road. Women’s Club Building next to En-terprise Rent-a-car. P 11-11___________________________ESTATE SALE - Nov. 13 & 14, 8am-4:30pm. 2665 N. MT. JULIET ROAD. (Across street from nursing home). 1850’s antique sofa, cher-ry Dining room table & 8 chairs, marble top tables, fainting couch, lamps, cos-tume jewelry, books, lots of glassware, Betty lamp, an-tique ice box, kitchenware, dishes, linens, tools, appli-ances, and more. House and garage full. Estate of Dollie Garrett. NO EARLY BIRDS. Melody Jennings-Griffi n Es-tate Sales. 969-9439. P 11-11___________________________ESTATE SALE - Friday, Nov. 13, Saturday, Nov. 14, 8am-4pm. 912 SHADOW LANE, off Saundersvile Ferry Road, onto Lake Forrest Drive then to Shadow Lane. 65 years accumulation. Furni-ture, antique clocks, cases & parts, glassware, linens, kitchen items, books, jew-elry, W/D, refrigerator, tools & riding lawn mower, etc. P 11-11___________________________MOVING SALE - 47 E. CALDWELL ST. Friday & Saturday, Nov. 13 & 14. All day.___________________________GARAGE SALE - Huge!! Thursday, Friday & Satur-day. 8am till.. WELLING-TON COURT in Hickory Hills Subd.___________________________MOVING SALE - CHRIST-MAS OPEN HOUSE. Chest Freezer, dryer, furniture, Christmas items. etc. 325 SOUTHWINDS DRIVE, off S. Mt. Juliet Road. Nov. 14, 8am - 4pm. Saturday. ___________________________BIG GARAGE SALE - this Saturday, Nov. 14, 8am-2pm. FLANDERS COURT in Hunters Crossing. From Lebanon Road - turn on Springmont at El OK Corral & Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins. At end turn left, at end turn left. Turn Right on Flanders. Many new items, baby and kid stuff & much more.___________________________

GS - 600 JEFFERSON DRIVE. Mt. Juliet. Nov 13 & 14, Friday & Saturday, 7am-2pm. 49cc Scooter, Coleman 5000 watt generator, col-lectibles, knives, zippo light-ers, antique china cabinet w/matching wine box. ___________________________ONE MAN’S JUNK IS AN-OTHER MAN’S TREASURE. 108 DUE WEST DRIVE. Treasures brought in here daily. Friday, Nov. 13, 8am-3pm. Saturday, Nov. 14, 9am-12. 881-6500

Full Time Front Offi ce/As-sistant Position for Chris-tian Television Station. Position requires excellent communication skills, pro-fessional demeanor, enjoy working with public, an-swering phones, handling administrative and clerical projects. Successful candi-date will be a team player, able to get along with a vari-ety of personalities, and have excellent phone, offi ce and computer skills. Willingness and ability to pray for view-ers/callers is also required. Please submit your resume with salary expectations in strict confi dence to address or FAX below. No phone calls please. WHTN is an equal opportunity employer. WHTN, 9582 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. ATTN: Front Offi ce Opening. FAX Resume to 615-754-0047. I 11-4___________________________Great Job for moms. Earn executive income from home. No inventory, No sales. 873-1164. 11-11___________________________Drivers: CDL-A. 2 years Min. Verf Exp. Nashville, Full Service Terminal! 800-397-2724. P 11-18___________________________IN HOME CARE GIVER NEEDED. Clean back-ground and reference check a must. Lifting experience required. 615-309-9368, M-F. 10am-3pm. P 11-11

DIRECT SUPPORT/SUPER-VISOR POSITION Per-son centered company that provides day and residential services to a wonderfully ac-tive adult female with intel-lectual disabilities is search-ing for just the right person to join our team as support staff and work into a super-visory role! This position will assist with daily activities, choice making, and social interaction both at home and in the community. Do you have a positive atti-tude? Possess basic docu-mentation skills? Can you learn quickly, multi-task, problem solve and think on your feet? Does the thought of helping an individual live independently and fostering their quality of life appeal to you? If so then you might be just who we are search-ing for! Competitive start pay and benefi ts offered. Drug screen, background check, TB testing, clear driving re-cord, GED/HS Diploma re-quired. Equal Opportunity Employer pursuant to the Title VI act of 1964. Contact 931-808-2973 to apply.

DIAMOND 13 BARN BUILD-ERS. Pole Barns & Skid Steer Work. Call 714-8052. [email protected]___________________________TOMMY’S BUILDERS RE-MODELING. Room Addi-tions, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Gutters, Siding, Decks, Roofi ng, Drywall & Repairs. 30 years experi-ence. Bonded & Insured. 405-8179. ___________________________HARD WOOD FLOORS -Installation, sand and fi n-ish, refi nish old fl oors. Terry Pearson 754-8385 TC___________________________RICK’S HOME MAINTE-NANCE. Quality work. Refer-ences. 20 years experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Rick 568-6131.___________________________

Page 14, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009


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Page 15: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

CLASSIFIEDS754-6111Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

754-6111Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

CONCEPT BUILDERS - Sunrooms, additions, re-modeling, screened patios & garages. ROOFING. FREE Estimates Licensed & in-sured. 754-6390 or 973-6690 I TC ___________________________LANGLEY HOME IM-PROVEMENTS. All types of remodeling. Room Ad-ditions, decks, sunrooms, bath rooms. FREE Esti-mates. Licensed - Bonded-Insured 390-7010 or 758-0094 I TC___________________________ESTES ROOFING. 22 Years Experience. Great rates. FREE Estimates. Work-manship Warranty. Wilson County’s most trusted roof-ing company. 443-3210.___________________________MICHAEL’S HOME IM-PROVEMENTS. 754-4580. Pressure washing, decks built and sealed. Driveways sealed, Roofi ng repairs. Painting & Drywall. Rotten wood repairs. Carpentry work & more. Good prices. 20 years experience. ___________________________CARPENTER’S HANDY-MAN SERVICE. “Let a real carpenter do the work”. All handyman services avail-able. Licensed, bonded & in-sured. 20 years experience. 364-8844. P 11-4

ROBERSON Remodeling.OFFERING HOME REPAIRservices of all types. Includ-ing carpentry (trim & fi nish), Painting, Plumbing, Electric, Replacement Doors, Win-dows, Gutters, Siding, Car-ports. Garage conversions. Richard 582-1079. ___________________________STRAIGHT LINE BUILD-ERS, LLC. Remodeling, Repairs, Decks, Drywall, painting, trimwork, re-pair or replace electric and plumbing fi xtures. All handyman jobs. Specializ-ing in Handicap/adaptive needs such as ramps, grab bars, bathroom and kitch-en remodel per wheelchair access. Licensed and In-sured. FREE Estimates Over 30 years experi-ence. Call 615-504-4787 or 615-405-4339. Email: [email protected]

AERATE! Aerate! Aerate! And Much More. Overseed, Dethatch, Fertilize, Lime, etc. Free Estimates. 453-5800. I TC

MAAS TREE SERVICE. Commercial & Residential. Licensed & Insured. Free Estimates. 615-945-2755. Call this winter for delivered FIREWOOD. P 1-5___________________________LAWN MAINTENANCE. Free estimates, mowing, mulch-ing, trimming, leaf removal. Call Joann. Cell 405-2368. ___________________________EARHART LAWN CARE. Mowing - Aerating - Land-scaping - Seeding - Fertiliz-ing. Jason-481-9909. ___________________________BOBCAT, BUSH HOGGING, DUMP TRUCK, BACKHOE. Concrete work. Fill Dirt and Gravel. Portable Welding. Free Estimates. Cell 347-0433. 754-0090. I TC___________________________IT’S TIME TO: Aerate/Overseed/Mulch/ Trim Shrubs. C&A Lawn Care. 969-1813 Charles. ___________________________Trade your old Push or Rid-ing Mower for a completely re-conditioned mower. Like new Craftsman and oth-ers. $400.00 mowers. 847-5005. leave message.

For Immaculate Interior Painting at an Honest, Af-fordable Price call Johnny at Diane’s Painting. 615-238-4217. P 11-25___________________________Vester Bradshaw’s Paint-ing. Interior and exterior painting. Drywall & Texture Repair. Cabinet re-fi nishing. Power washing, Driveway & Decks sealed. Minor carpentry work. 615-642-6191. ___________________________ ANTONELLI PAINTING and Repairs. 35 years expe-rience. Interior/Exterior painting. Drywall repairs. Pressure Washing, Deck Refi nishing, Replacement Windows. 449-6512 or 512-3964. I TC___________________________

SAVAGE PAINTING - Inte-rior - Exterior. OWNER ON EVERY JOB. Very reason-able. Free estimates. Refer-ences. Cell 337-2960, 883-5810. P 7-29___________________________ ******B&H PAINTING*****Interior & Exterior. Free Es-timates. Reasonable Rates. Give us a call. 615-424-0133. I 7-15___________________________RUSTY BRADSHAW PAINT-ING. Residential & Com-mercial. Inside & Outside. Drywall & Carpentry Repair. Pressure wash & Seal decks & Driveways. Call 615-456-1664. P 11-18___________________________THE LORD’S COLORS PAINTING AND CONSTRUC-TION. 26 Years International Experience. Architectural/Interior/ Exterior Design. Residential/Commercial/Industrial. Remodeling/New Constructions. Call Chris-tian for estimates 582-9254. 11-18

Carter Plumbing - Repair Services, Drains, Water Heaters, New additions, re-models. Insured and bond-ed. For all your plumbing needs call 615-232-9051. P 11-18

l998 Porsche Boxer, Sil-ver, convertible. 52K miles. Manual, AM/FM/CD. New tires, brakes & timing belt. Gorgeous car. Will sacrifi ce $10,500. 773-8096. I 11

CASH FOR GUITARSamps, keyboards, drums, etc. call Ray 615-512-1989.

Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned; De-siring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affi rmI Timothy 1:4-7

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009, Page 15

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Page 16: chronicle 11-11-09 edition

Page 16, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, November 11, 2009

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