Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment Discover natural treatments for chronic fatigue! Click on the link below for a free video guide to using dietary supplements and alternative medicine!


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Transcript of Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment

Page 1: Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Discover natural treatments for chronicfatigue!

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Page 2: Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment

Today I'm going to talk about chronic fatigue syndrome treatment and share some ideas that will give you more energy to enjoy life. Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS for short is not an excuse to be really lazy and it's really a medical condition.

This condition takes place when a person is abnormally tired for 6 months and they usually have cognitive problems. This includes things such as trouble remembering people’s names or faces and getting distracted very easily. A person could also experience head pain and even some depression.

One of the best ways to treat any medical condition is to figure out what is causing the problem. Just like a relationship eliminating what is causing problems can improve the relationship right?

Unfortunately the smartest people in the science community have had a challenging timefinding the real culprit to this disease, but they do have some ideas. One idea would be problems to a person's disease fighting capability and this is causing CFS. Another idea has something to do with hormones.

Medical researchers have noticed that people with this health problem sometimes make fewer hormones, such as cortisol and this might negatively influence the immune system. In a nutshell the immune system is acting up.

The best way to deal with CFS, improve the immune system and give yourself more energy has to do with your lifestyle. Drinking water is huge for your body's defense system and your energy levels. A lot of health experts recommend the 8 by 8 rule. Drink 8 glasses of water that are 8 ounces in size. Another idea is food.

Sugary foods, energy drinks, greasy or fried foods can all sap a person's energy like a hot summer afternoon, as well as harm the immune system. The next idea that I'm going to throw your way is vital for life and some people don't get enough of them. Do you have any idea what it is? Yep being deficient in a vitamin, can easily cause problems to your health. I highly recommend a high quality multivitamin supplement to ensure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals.

Next up uncontrolled stress can hurt the immune system and someone's quality of life. Treatments such as deep breathing, yoga, counseling and acupuncture can all help.

When it comes to herbal remedies there are tons that can boost a person's immune system and help with fatigue. Something called ginseng is a really good one to take for CFS. In the medical journal Plos One researchers took 90 patients suffering from chronic fatigue and split them into 3 groups.

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One group received placebo pills, the second group took 1 gram of panax ginseng, and the third group received 2 grams of the same ginseng. The end result was the groups thattook ginseng had significantly better mental performance compared to the placebo group. Unfortunately physical symptoms did not improve with this herb.

Another idea is something called coq10. In an article published by Neuroendocrinology Letters, researchers noticed that coq10 levels were significantly lower in individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome. A person can increase their levels of coq10 through a dietary supplement.

To sum everything up to treat chronic fatigue syndrome drink at least 8 glasses of water that are 8 ounces in size. Also try to stay away from sugary foods, energy drinks and fried foods. You could to ensure you're getting all the vitamins you need, take up yoga, acupuncture as well as counseling. Lastly you can try ginseng and coq10.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, health, tired, exhaustion, wellness, vitamins, water, dehydration, cortisol, immune system, coq10, co enzyme q10, ginseng, herbal remedies, alternative health

There are natural treatments when it comes to chronic fatigue syndrome. Discover what they are as well as 2 dietary supplements that can really help.

Supplements and alternative medicine can be confusing and even harmful. Make things really simple and give your body a HUGE edge by viewing a free video guide I created at

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Page 4: Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment

Click on the link below for a free videoguide to using dietary supplements and

alternative medicine!