
How Social Media Affects Mental Health | Chris Williams


The virtual world has detached you from reality! If you ask Chris Williams Lafayette La, about his opinion on the same, he would say that ‘You might have thousands of followers or friends on social media but ask yourself, how many people you can actually count on?’

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How Social Media Affects Mental Health | Chris Williams

How Social Media Affects Mental Health

| Chris Williams

The virtual world has detached you from reality! If you ask Chris Williams Lafayette La, about his opinion on the same, he would say that ‘You might have thousands of followers or friends on social media but ask yourself, how many people you can actually count on?’ Moreover, this one question is enough to understand the negative impact of Social media.

The contemporary generation has become so addicted to social media that it has become difficult for them to differentiate real-life from virtual life.

The social media influencers have already made the users believe that there is something wrong with them. The fitness influencers will make you believe that you need to shed some weight, the fashion influencer will manipulate you into believing that you need to buy that expensive dress.

Amid all these things, the users are left with a sense of unworthiness that affects their mental health. While on one side, the influencers have made you feel conscious about your body and dress-sense.

‘Carol Smith, Health and Wellness professor at Elon University have verified the effect of social media on mental health.’

Here’s how social media affects mental health

Ask yourself a question today! How much time you spend on social media and how much time do you spend on indulging in any social or physical activity.

Track your time and note it down on the paper.

Don’t be surprised if you realize that you are spending maximum of your daytime scrolling through your favorite social media apps. In addition, while you are doing it, you sit in your room, all alone! Humans are social creatures, we are not made for isolation.

Promote Anti-Social Behavio

Spending too much time in isolation deteriorates mental health.

So, next time when you find yourself feeling low or irritated without any reason, take a break from your social media and take a walk in the garden or meet your friends.

Even SMILE ex-CEO Chris Williams believes that spending too much time on social media makes you miss out on important moments of life and pushes you towards social isolation.

Affects your self-esteem

Get a reality check, your favorite influencer does not #wakesuplikethat. And when you think that these influencers with the best skin and body are enough to make you feel inferior, social media apps provide you with ‘Filters’.

The selfie culture promoted the use of these filters. Ask someone to click a picture without using filters and the answer would be ‘No’. The filters would make you look anything but the real you. Social media feeds on your insecurities and sells perfection.

This is when your self-esteem starts getting affected and you start feeling bad about yourself.

Impact your sleep schedule

Your sleep pattern has a direct impact on your mental and emotional health. Not getting enough sleep can make you feel irritated and fatigued every time. These negative emotions affect your mood, perceptions and your decision making power. Not only this, but the light that emits from your smartphone screen have a bad impact on your eyesight. In either case, you are harming your body.

Social media has become an important part of our lives and it becomes impossible to completely shut it down and stay away from it. But restricting the overuse of social media can help you to save yourself from its harmful effects on your mental health.

Choice is yours! Social media is here to stay, but humans are mortal, make better choices and do something productive for yourself.

thank you


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