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DECEMBER, 1947 Page 3

PERSONALS DAVID BLACKALLER, ’34, has returned with his

family after eight years in India. H e is a t pres- ent rector at Creston.

J O H N TOM SCOTT is living in Oak Park, Illinois, and works for the Meat Institute of America in Chicago. H e is in their Public Relations Depart- ment.

ELIZABETH HEBB CRAIG, ’42, is 1ivin.g in May- wood, Illinois. Her husband, CHARLES CRAIG, is on a U.S. Public Health Fellowship for studying the Grolvth and Development of the Human Head. Next year he will take a post- graduate course in Orthodontia. He is at the University of Illinois.

K E I T H P O R T E R a n d his wife ( M E R L E T U R N - BULL, ’37) have gone to Toronto, where he works with Lever Bros.

BILL LINDSAY, Sc. ’41, is now practising optom- etry in Chilliwack.

house aga,inst f i re for $4,000; I‘ve covered my car for ”Yes,” he went on, ”I’m sold on it. I’ve covered my

$1,000; I ve covered my furni ture for $2,000; I’ve got some nice antique stuff, you know.”

if you have a fire?” I asked. ”Do you reckon you’ll be able to replace the damage

“Just about,” he said. “And by the way, I”ve got a l i fe assurance policy, too.”

“Splendid,” I said. “And, if it’s not being imper- t inent, how much l i fe assurance have you?”

“Five. thousand bucks,” he said proudly, grinning all over his face..‘

“And you‘reckon that will replace the damage if you die?” I asked, perhaps a little grimly.

When th inking of his house, his car, his furniture, he Of course, my friend had made a common mistake.

quite properly figured their value before he insured.

$5,000 looked nice on paper. It was better than nothing, But when it came to his own life, he just thought that

of course, but it didn’t take him long to realize that he was worth more than “five thousand bucks.”

You too, are probably worth more life assurance than you now carry. Think it over-then give me a call. I will gladly discuss-in confidence-any problems con- cerning your l i fe assurance arrangements.


PAcific 5321

ALUMNI The Evening Citizen.

The Editor : Ottawa, Ontario, Please change my address from Queens Uni-

versity to the above. I lectured in history at Queen’s for three sessions after leaving the K.C.A.F., but am now on the editorial staff of The Evening Citizen.

I note with some puzzlement that you refer to me as a “nuw-famous alumnus.” Well, I have per- haps one claim to distinction-I’m probably the only person in the country to have been defeated in Federal elections on both coasts, having been CCF candidate in Nanaimo (1940) and Yarmouth (1945). RONALD GRANTHAM, ‘31.

West Vancouver, B.C. The Edi tor :

May I reply to a few points in Dr. Pyle’s letter in the October number?

He says that a man would “feel literally foolish or stupid” not to accept a large American salary instead of a small Canadian one. To be literally stupid is to be in a stupor and devoid of feeling, and therefore to feel literally stupid is impossible. This is not a mere quibble. I t indicates that Dr. I’yle’s logic can be as fuzzy as a Canadian’s. A lot of highly intelligent Canadians feel anything but silly about accepting certain challenges that Dr. Pyle rejects. If I may so express myself, they do not feel at all corny to refuse the alien corn.

He says that money is not everything and then talks as if it. were. He says that a man’s value is indicated by his salary. H e implies that one dollar will buy the same things in the States that it will buy here. Actually; of course, there are only a very few standard values in this world and not one of them has the faintest connection with cash. Even the price of Dr. Pyle himself must vary from town to town, from company to company, and from boss to boss throughout the U S A .

He says that promotion is faster in the States, and that younger and younger men get bigger and bigger jobs. This may well be true, but is this exclusively American? And does Dr. Pyle prpose to take smaller and smaller jobs as he gets older? And at what age will he decide that there really isn’t so much in this theory that men grow stupider as they mature? At 40 or 45 he will be depressed and not exhilerated by such a system. He says he speaks from his own experience. But surely ac- cording to his theory, the more experience a man has the less he knows ?

He says there is no opportunity in B.C. to do big things in a big way. But the greater the diffi- culty, the bigger the deed. You are hardly doing big things in a big way if somebody else is creating the openiiygs for you. I t seems to me that a lot of graduates hint that they will return to B.C. when those who have stayed home have done the spatfe- work. I am not the keeper of their consciences. I’d merely like to bat a few of their arguments hack at thml. Yours faithfully,

DAVID BROCK (Arts ’30).

‘Page 4



LETTERS Dear Editor:

I lvish to thank you very much for your thought- fulness in sending me the copy of the Chronicle containing the tribute to my husband. It pleased me very much indeed, and seemed to exact1:y right.

Yours very sincerely, F L O R E N C E T. SCHOF‘LELD.

COMMENT Sir Charles Sherrington, O.N., F.R.S., ce!ebratecl

his 90th birthday Nov. 27. H e was Dr. 1Vesl)rook’s classmate i n medicine at Cambridge and he harbor- ed most of U.B.Cl.’s library acquisitions from Europe in his Laboratory of Physiology at Oxford ‘during \\‘orld IVar I . t I c . added one or txvo prixe items when they came out U.B.C. when shippin, was safe. In 1038 he sent out as a memorial to Dr. IVestbrook one of the oldest Drinted books. the “Elegentia” of Laurentius Valia, 1476.

The Edi tor : Still vigorous mentally, Sir Charles has recently On behalf of the Pre-Medical Underg-aduate finished a remarkable life of Jean Fernel, the great

Society, I would like to thank YOU for your excellent early 12renc11 Scholar, the first physiologist and resume of the Medical School situation as it exists pathologist. today. I believe your editorial strikes at the root of the problem: the feeling that there is dissention where there should be unity, apathy wher’e there should be enthusiastic, cons6ruci-ive action. In that respect I agree with you.

However to make as general a statement as “. . . irresponsible apathy on the part of under- graduates of U.B.C. . . .” is to go too far \vithout basis for fact. The record will show that the under- graduates have been in the front rank of active supporters of what we have believed, and believe now, to be a far-sighted, workable policy: that of building a medical school and a teaching hospital on the campus. If any apathy has been displayed by our members individually, its source must be the contagion spread by a seemingly disinterested government, and our helplessness in the face of misinterpretation of the University’s and our own program by almost all publicity sources.

Permit me to make one fact clear with respect to our policy. We, too, believe that “. . . the start’s the thing . . .”, but the start we mean is the be- ginning of a long-range, sound plan. Inevitably, such planning must include government actioa of the most positive kind.

It is quite conceivable that two years of medicine could be taught on the campus in a modest way. But the government must guarantee that the capi- tal and maintenance funds needed to 0peraf.e four full years of a Grade A Medical School will be made available when required.

W e do not subscribe to the much publicized idea that the government has spoken, and that the University authorities must now make their tle- cision. We, as a body, feel that the Univcrsity’s policy, unchanged since last winter’s unequivocal stand for a Grade A Medical School on the campus, is still valid and needs no further amplification. Tt does need further publicity and a firm restate- ment, for which the initiative is the responsibility of the University authorities, but i t requires n o ammendment.

We firmly believe that this policy is right. More. i f this policy receives the support it so richl!. \varrants therc is reason to expect that a n early start 011 medical education could be made.

A workable solution to the medical school pruh- lem has been &fore the cabinet for almost at year. Let the cabinet act on it.

Yours very sincerely, JACK FAGHIN, President, Pre-bled. Undergraduate SOC.

16 Po All artirlca are 10 k ~ . gold”Ta1 extra.


DECEMBER, 1947 Page 5

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GRADUATE CHRONICLE Published by the Alumni Association of

The University of British Columbia

Edi tor: ORMONDE J. HALL, B.Comm.

Associate Editors: MARY M. FAILIS, M.A.



A i ~ r ~ m i Association Eseclctive President ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ ... .RICHARD BIBBS, B.A.Sc. First Vice-Presidcrlt .... WINSTON SHILVOCK, B.Comm., B.A. Secretary-Manager- ~~~~~~~ FRANK TURNER, B.Comm., B.A. Treasurer ~ .... JACK STEVENSON, B.Cornrn., B.A.


Bnsir~css Ofice ROOM 208, Y O R K S H I R E BUII.I)ING, V A N C O U V E R , B. c.

Vol. 1, Number 4 December, 1947


Page Dr. Bi l l Gibson ~~~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 9 U.B.C. Models ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ . . ”. ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ~ 22 Memoirs ~~~ 27

Pwblished in Vanrmtver, British Columbia, and authorixed a second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.

The Chronicle wishes to thank: The Vancouver Daily Province The Vancouver Sun The Ubyssey

for generously loaning many of the pictures appearirg in this issue.


COVER PICTURE The beautiful girl on the cover is Beverly Rotjerts,

Ar ts ’49, one of the University of B. C. undergraduates and grads who are making a name for themselves in the downtown modelling world. Bev is 20 years old, and a daughter of alumnus Aubrey Roberts ’23.

A story on U.B.C. Mannequins appears in thir; issue on page 22.


Canada’s logical successor to Stephen Leacock is IJ.l3,C‘.’s Eric. Patrick Nicol. \vho is 1)etter kno\vn tu 1J.nivcrsity 13.C. and graduate audiences a s Jabez . . . t1lc.w arc not sentilnents tlreallletl 111) by the editor o f your alumni scandal sheet, I)ut the growing collsensus of rtlitors and writers a11 over the 1)on~inion who are 1,eginning to recognize nha t g rads h : l ~ - c b knoxvn for years . . . that Nicol is the most prolific. Lvritcr of hutnour loose at a type- Ivriter in this country today . . .

Nicol has rrcently put together a ne\v collection of his writings i l l 1)uok form \vhich is appearing OJI

the ne\vsstanlls cmtitled Sense and Nonsense. ’l‘he book is cotnposetl o f Mummery Columns I\ric xvrute i n the UI)ysse!* and is characteristically cledicatetl “To my mothcr and father and to their only child. ni thout \ v h o I n this book couldn’t have been Ivrit- ten.” The prolc)gue is by Dr. G. G. Sedgewick, and is tlescril)wl as “The L u l l Uefore the Lull.”

Nicol as a11 illtlivitlualist is quiet to a point of shyness, I)ut he’s al\\ays been more than crdinarily 1)right ant1 after a successful high school career. went on to J7arsity and won, Ileiore the \var, first class honors a l l 4 the French Government Silver Medal. l i e \\-olltlers, though, \vh(~ther the extra study \vas xvorth it, since nobody wants to hear al)out his honors, and the metal roughly the size ant1 weight (of ;I discuss, cannot I)e \vorn on a suit \\ithout the danger o f its tearing the, be- si(lcs I)ucl.rling- thr knees of the o \ v ~ ~ c r .

Nicol’s ~ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ c c I - \\-as interrupted b y thrce )-cars i n the l<.C.:i.I~. \vilere. :IS he puts i t , he “rose like a clea(1 fish to tllc rank o f flight sergrant.” Iiis nlost nota1)le I)attlv 1 1 ~ considers \vas t h n t “fought with :I (‘NII trainmaI1 near Trenton.”

Since tlischarge he has been instrl1cting a t U.13.C. -while completing his M.A.

TTe has take11 a detached attitude to\vartl lvrit- ing, treating i t more of a sideliue than an,)-thing else while completing his education, h u t the (lis-. interest has varied as his financial standing and in the course of the past ten years has turned out quite a volume o f “nonsense.” He wrote his fatnous Mummery Column in the Ubyssey, featuring such quaint characters as Homer Quincy from Moose- groin, Saskatchewan, freelanced about generally. and did nen-spaper work with the Vancouver News Herald. Recmtly he was engaged by the Canadian pictorial maga;:ine New World, the poor man’s Life, to run excerpts from his ne\\’ 1,ool~ The columns appear i n the .New World under the column head, News in Nonsense.

Asked for his personal statistics the reticent (orally any\~ny) Nicol summed up by saying, “I \vas born in Killgstun, am 27 years old, single and I tlon’t smoke or che\v.”

Look for t h r . name of Nicol, Eric Patrick in the future of Canatlian Letters . . . not with the idea of seeing the works o f a U.B.C. lvriter going d o \ w to posterity, h u t just to keep up with the doings of IIonler Ql1incy, . . . it \vi11 1)r Ivorth Tvhile . . .

Page 7

P L A N N E D lighting means bctter light, less fatigue- more production. B. C. Electric offers a free advis-

ory service on commercial and industrial lighting and wiring. An Illumination Engineer will make a survey, blueprints will be prepared and every assistance given to improve light- ing conditions in your establishment.

Whether you are constructing a new building or remodelling your present structure, B. C. Electric offers this service free-- without obligation. Just call PAcific 1212 and ask for Light- ing Service.

This Planned Lighting Scrvice I S available also f o r private residences-make use of it .


Doctor Bill Gibson Goes to Australia By ORMY HALL

Dr. U'illiam Gibson, Arts '33, 011e of Citnada's outstanding young neuropathologists. will leave for LA~~stralia early next year to take a chair in Neur- ology at the University of Sydney.

Behind this simple announcement is an amazing story of a young medical researcher \vho has travel- led all over the world in search of medical know- ledge. Hut to hear him tell of it, it all ha:ppenetl I)ecause Britain went off the gold standard in 1931.

Rill Gibson was freshly over from Victoria College in 1931 still i n the Commerce Faculty ant1 ;L little unsettled hecause he had a hankering for Aleclicine. The yearning for medicine was develop- ing, but he needed a shove to get him into it.

The push came during Pat Carrothers' first lecture i n RIoney and Banking. Iiritain that (lay decided to go off the gold stantlard and Rill c'lecitletl that as far as he \\.as concernetl, that \vas all for economics.

H e u x n ' t too sure \\.hen he saw \\.hat clrganic chelnistry hat1 i n store hut with such \votlclerful men a: Ur. Fraser antl Dr. Hutchinson and their associates i n Biology to give encouragemcnt, he was soon 011 his way.

Bill Gibson \vas a good student hut eclnipment at U.B.C. \vas on the short side in those day:< what with the budget cut i n half antl hay gro\ving in front of the Library. But the \\'est Point Grey School \vas long on first class instructor.;, antl tlepressioll or 110 tlepression. nntl despite the fact t h a t H i l l :111(1 Inost o f his contenlporaries had to lvork part til11e on the side, they learned much i n those days.


111 fact, D r . (;ibson today feels that it was largely his training uncler I'rofessor George Spence:r that stood him i n g c d stead later and opened the lvay for his research i n the nlicroscopic anatonly oi the ner\-ous system, \rhich has given him rank 2s one o f this country's brilliant young medical researchers.

l>r . Gibson graduatecl iu 1933 antl entered RLcGill Atetlical Sch~~ol. .liter completing first !-ear he t)ccame intercsted i l l the histor>- of the ncrvou: system a n t l \vent to the Montreal Seurological Institute to \\.ark under Dr. \%-ilder l'enfieltl, as a research fello\v, taking his XI.%.

Scho1arshil)s follo\vetl and he \\.ent to Ox iu rd as a teaching- f e l l o \ ~ in the I lepar tn~ent of L'hysi- 010gy under the wing of the famous Sir Charles Sherrington. Sir Charles had been U.B.C.'s Dr. \\.esbrook's classmate at Cambridge i n medicine, fortunately fclr (yril)son, and he could not do enough for anJ-one \ ~ . h c r came from U.B.C.


FLASH : A baby boy arrived Saturday, Novem- ber 8, at the Dr. Gibson household in Montreal. He's David Baird Penfield Gibson.

Young- Bill Gibson was nlaking real progress n u ~ v and in Ilis vacations he realized an ambition by travellit~g to Spain to study nith Rio-Hortega, the world's outstanding neuropathologist at that time. Hoxyever. his s t a y there \vas cut short when the Civil I' h o k e o u t in Spain. He got out of the country 011 the USS Oklahoma when further study and w o r k there was impossible.

I n the sum111er of 1937 the Osler Trustees sent Clil)son to German)-, Holland. the Scandinavian countries a n t l Russia to studJ- their research meth- ods. I n 1938 he finished his PhL). a t Oxford antl returned to ~lcGi11 to complete his medical course.

I he terrilic hurry i n pursuing his life's interest took its toll t h e next year, however, and a I)out Ivith rheumatic iever laid him up for a year, part of which he spent i n Mexico.

He graduated from McGill i n 1931 with his M.D., and \vent to the University of Texas I-iospi- tal to intern at Galveston. Following this period he joined the 'Royal Canadian .\irforce Iiledical hranch i n Llecwnber of the same year at Vancouver and jvas f o u r years in the high altitude rexarch group, co\rerillg Canada from Y;trmouth to the Queen Charlottes.

:\t the entl o f the lvar he married Harbara Uairtl. .\rts '33, \ v h o \\-as nursing in lTontreal, T I I ~ re- turned to the LIontreal Neurological Institute as Resident i n Scllrology. He graduated from AIcGiII with a c1iplol:l;t in Senrology this month a n d is packing for t h e l (~ng trip to SydneJ-. A4utrnlia \\here his ne\\ ' pwition \vi11 find him teaching ant1 (loing research I\ ork i l l ne\\- metlicnl celltre there. Tlw LJniversitJ- o f SJ t l n e ~ - n o ~ v has the I:trg:-est Illctlical school i t 1 the ICmpire x n t l xrc ra1)icII;; ( l e - \ tbloping- :L N:\ti1111:tl lIe(lica1 C'entrc. arountl tlleir UIliversitJ-.

Continued on Page 32

r \

Page 9


Ormond \A7ilson (Orme) Dier, ;\rts '42, has heen a p 1)ointetl vice - consnl at Chicago.

1)ic.r is a foreign service officer a t the I_)epartnlent o f I<x- tcrn;ll .\ll;tirs i n Ot- taxva. That depart- ment states he jvill assist J l t l l n o n t l 'l'ur- cotte. editor of the F r e 11 c 11 language ne\vspper Le Can- ada, i n l 'lontreal, who is appoi .ltetl consul - general i n Chicago.

Orme Dier was well knon.11 in cam- pus ne\\.spaper circles beforc. his enlistment and also playcd on the U.B.C. hockey team. He is a meml)er of Phi Kappa P i .

H e enlisted in the .-\rmy i n July, 1942, antl served i n Canada and Europe, ant1 \\.as discharged i n Septen1ber, 1945 xvith rank o f captain. Dier marreitl Sheila Josephine Nesbitt in August, 1943.

U.B.C. BOOSTER CLUB. University of British Columbia's Boosters Clul)

\vas formed this Fall with the aim of aiding U n - versity Athletics in any \\.a?- possible. The tempo- rary officers, pending adoption of a constitution are-

Chairman-Jack Stevenson \.ice-Presitlellt-Kalpll Henderson Sec.-Treasurer-Luke Rloyls Program Director-Frank Turner

So far, the Clul~ has concentrated on the Amcri- can footl,all problem, but the Club plans to study a l l phases of athletics and attempt to assist Uni- versity authorities wherever possible.

Information re meetings can be had by phoning 1:rank Turner (AI,. 3044).



1526 West Broadway BAyview 1842

Page 10



0 25th cairn anniversary

fall congregation

physics building ceremony

Three well-known grads of other years, Tommy Williams, the man who once scored four touchdowns against Alberta in one game, Ralph "Hunk" Henderson of football and basketball renown, and sports editor Bill Dunford, talk over old times in front of the Stadium at the Homecoming American football game.

DECEMBER, 1947 Page 11



The spirit tvhich sparked the great student cam- paign of 1922-23 was very much in evidence at Hotel \'nncouver on \Vednesday, October 29, 1947, \vhen nearly 200 gratluates met at dinner celebrating the sil\,er anniversary of the trek to Point (;rey.

I t \vas a happy antl enthusiastic gathering. Eight tnetnlwrs o f the campaign committee were "tlecoratetl" \ v i t h cairn pins hy Grant Livingstone, I'resitlent of the :lima Mater Society.

The eight honored were: J. A. Grant, Arts '24, Seattle ; R. L. "Brick" McLeod, Arts '23, Spokane : Miss Marjorie Agnew, Arts '22; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Clyne, Arts '25; Dr. John Allardyce, facult)- repre- sentative on the original committee; J. F. Brown, Jr., Arts '23, antl Aubrey F. Roberts, h r t s '23.

Three 1netnl)et-s of the committee who \\'ere ~111-

Dr. Joe Kania (B.A..Sc. '26, M.A. '28) al)le to attend sent messages-Dr. A. E. Richards, :\grit. '23, President o f the Alma Rlater Society \ v h o

led the songs at the Silver Anniversary \ vas also chairnl;lrr o f the campaign committee : AI Cairn Banquet. Buchanan, -4rth '23. n o \ v \vith the l:,cononlic ant1

Head Table guests a t the Banquet were Immediate Past-President of the Alumni Darrell T. Braid- kood, B.A. '40, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Grant and Grant Livingstone, U.B.C. Alma Mater Society Presi- dent. Mrs. Grant (Helen Turpin) and husband Jack graduated together in '24. Jack is now circula- tion director of the Seattle Times and recalls the days when he was Chairman Manager of the Publici ty Commit tee of '22.

Vice-president Marjorie Agnew poses wi th Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clyne at the Cairn. All three were prominent members of the group who marched to Point Grey. Jack spoke a t the actual Cairn ceremony, recalling many of the incidents of twenty-five years ago,

Scientific Section, SCAP, in the Pacific; and Dr. ‘Percy M. Barr, Science 2’3, now professor of forest- rJ- and assistant t o the president of the IJniversity o f California a t Berkeley.

Marjorie Agnew, xvho \vas sccrctary o f the 1922 committee, recalled some o f the Ili~l1li~:hts of the campaign, aut1 suggested t h a t it \vas time f o r a I ~ C \ I .

Miss Marjor ie Agnew (B.A. ‘22, M.A. ‘23l, new Alumni 2nd Vice-president and Secretary of the Publicity Campaign of ‘22, delivered the keynote address at the Cairn Banquet. On her r ight is Chair- man Joe F. Brown, Jr., ‘23,. another member of the original committee. Marjorie called for alnother campaign . . . “to get Alumni in the Legislature.”


mittee (John Brown, Aulxey Roherts and others) presented to the Alma hlater Society two huge rc- productions of scenes at I’oint Grey 011 October 29, 1922.

Remernher the photo showing the trekkers draped over the skeleton o f the science building- and the huge U.B.C. formed on the ground for thy newsreel cameras? Well, they’re hanging in the Hrock now as a constant reminder of historic days.


The Class o f ’22. whose twenty-fifth anniversary in the early sunlmer l v ; ~ such a spontaneous suc- cess. has estal)lished a “Silver Anniversary” tradi- tion among U.B.C. Alunlni. Already the Class o f ’23 is planning a similar event next year.

Mrith genial Les McLennan (Les antl his attrac- ti\.e lvife Cora (maiden name. hletz) came up from I<erkeley for the occasion) acting as Chairman, the

‘tssmates o f yesteryear. together lvith F’resident- Ifmeritus L. S. Klinck, Dr. C,. G. Sedgenick, a n t l other n1eml)ers o f the Faculty twenty-five years ago, had a n enjoyable evening. Trrepressi1,le Johnny AIcLeotl kq)t Ilr. Sedge\\-ick on his toes !

. .

Continued on Page 3 2

Dr. L. S. Klinck, President Emeritus of U.B.C., gave the ‘Toast to the University.“ M i s s Agnew and Dr. Norman A. M. MacKenzie, President of the Uni- versity, who replied to t he toast, enjoy Dr. Klinck‘s humourous remarks.

Point ing to the Cairn, Aubrey F. Roberts (Arts ’23) reminisces with three other U.B.C. grad- uates who served on the publ ici ty campaign committee during the Fal l of 1922, when present campus buildings were a dream rather than a real i ty. Lef t to right, the onlooking trio are: Frank E. Buck (Arts ’231, now Honorary Professor in Horticulture and supervisor of campus de- velopment, Joseph F. Brown, Jr. (Arts ’231, and Miss Marjor ie Agnew (Arts ‘22, M.A. 231, now a lecturer at U.B.C., who was the committee secretary.


This year‘s Fall Congregation marked the f irs6 t ime the Alumni Association was officially repre- sented at the ceremonies on the campus.. Pictured above during a lull between events are Shenvood Lett, Honorary Life Member; Margaret Haspel, Past Vice-president, and Darrell Braidwood, Imme- diate Past President.


Freddy French lis pictured scoring on a pass from Dougie Reid as the U.B.C. American footbal l team appropriately won its f irst game in two years a t Homecoming by defeating Lewis and Clark College.

Page 15 DECEMBER, 1947


Premier John S. Hart, who looks resplendent in his new Doctorate hood (received a t Fall Congregation), stands with the Hon. Eric W. Hamber, O.B.E., Chancellor of the University. This was the occasion on which the Premier officially opened the new Physics Building.

FALL CONGREGATION Congregation had a new meaning for University

of British Columbia alumni this fall, when on Oc- tober 29 for the first time their association was for- mally represented i n the academic procession that honored the awarding of honorary tlegrees to l'retn-. ier John Hart and four distinguished scientists, ant1 the conferring of 305 degrees on graduate and un- dergraduate candidates.

Alumni Association representatives were 1946- 47 president Darrel T. Braidwood, Dr. Sherwood Lett , Airs. Margaret (Haspell) McCaughey and secretary-manager Frank J. E. 'l'urner.

At the conclusion O E formal graduation cere- monies, which included an address by Toronto edi- tor B. K. Sandwell, the full procession moved to the Cairn for a Twenty-fifth :inniversary Ceremony. There, tribute was paid to organizers of the 1922 drive to build the University at Point Grey. Cam- paign committee members were introduced, and alumnus Jack V. Clyne spoke briefly on the tradi- tion of the Cairn.

The procession continued to the new !f2WO,OOO Physics Building for its formal opening by Premier Hart. After the government leader handed the keys to Chancellor Eric W. Hamber, one of the distin-

Page 16

President Emeritus L. S. Klinck and Premier John S. Hart are caught over a cup of tea discussing the University.

guished scientists, Dr. I:. 0. Lawrence of the Uni- versity of California, praised the high calibre of U.B.C. physics graduates.

Dr. Lawrence had earlier received the honorary

degree of Doctor of Science (luring Congregation ceremonies, as had Dr. Id. A. I )ul<ridge o f Cal. Tech, Dean C. J. Mackenzie, prvsiitlent o f the National. Re- search Council. aut1 1)efense licsearch heatl, Dr. 0. M . Solxndt.

R. H. Mdrlow Vancouver's Eminent


Assignments by appointment

MArine 6041 i



Senate elections \vi11 Ile held i n the near future. the exact (late to be determined by the Senate \\.hich \vi11 meet for this reason i n December.

Fifteen of the nearly forty nzetnbers o f :Senate will be elected from nominees of that ne’l)ulot1s group kno\vn as Convocation antl they will I ) ? elect- ed by the votes of the members o f convocatioll.

This is our representation 011 the Uni\:rrsit!- Senate.

In years past we have had excellent representa- tion 011 Senate, \vith some of the most il1u:;trious names in the Uui\-ersity’s history bringing to the Senate the vieLvpoint of the graduates. As far as the individual meml)ers o f Senate representing con- vocation are concerned. there is a1)solutely no criti- cism, antl, on the contrary, o n l y the highest o f praise.

Unfortunately, however. because o f the .Ipathjr o r disinterest o f the men1lm-s o f convomcation. very few nv\v nominations h a v e I)een ~nat le 1 ) ~ . graduates ?very threts !’ears \vhcn the Senate elec- tions come :trountl.

The result has bee11 that the fifteen convocatiou members o f Senate have tended to perpetuatt then- selves. 1:1Irthermore, these men1l)ers have 11c.en i n th majority of the teaching profession a n t 1 :IS that profession has adequate representation in the fact that Senate is largely composed of the variou?, heads o f nearly every acatlen1.ic group in B. C. anyway, there is a grave lack of proper representation on that body.

For instance, out of roughly forty men1l)crs of Senate, only about eleven of them are not directly concerned with teaching.

As mentioned above this is no cricitism of those menlbers of Senate who are teachers. They recog- nized the problem ahead of auyone antl they are anxious to right the situation.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that practically all members of Senate are from Vancouver or the near vicinity. At the last elections three years ago. Dr. C. A. I I . Wright of Trail by his election. be- came the first member of Senate who was both from nut of Vancou\-er and not of the teaching profession.

In recent years so few nominations have come in from the members of convocation that on occa- sion all fifteen convocation memlxrs of Set1at.e have been elected by acclamation and in some ca:;es the Registrar has neglected even to send out the list of nominations.

One obvious correction is needed. As it stands the Dean of Women is not automatically given a place on Senate and practice has heen for her to be elected as one of convocation’s representatives. The Dean of Women is entitled to ;L place on Senate other than by election and if she were, that would leave another nomination open to a member of cow vocation who was not connected with education.

The fault lies oljviously with nlembers of con- vocation xvho have not Iwen interested cnough to




for\vard the nalnes o f cantlitlates who represent all phases of social nnt l econolnic life throughout the 1)rcn-ince.

So \\-hen notice o f Senate nominations is an- nounced this year, every graduate should interest himself to the extent of making sure that the Senate Nonlinations (‘vlnlnittee receix-es the nonlinations of g-ratluates \ v I \ u I-rprcsent these various groups throughout E. C .

The Ullivcrsity of Uritish Colun1bia is rapidly approaching i 1 l l l tnaturity, but in order for it to do this, its C~Jl1\.(Jc;ltiOn must grow up with it aud shoulder its f u l l responsibilities.



IZt. Hon. T’incent LIassey n.hile being installed as Chancellor o f t.he University of Toronto recently sounded a w;trning that should be heeded by all universities i n Canada.

Speaking at a special convocation at Toronto, Chancellor Al:t,<sty criticized the ‘‘curse of Iligness” and the “ovcr-emphasis of vocational courses,” which he tern1c:tl were two of the outstantlilg as- pects of the nlcdern university.

Chancellor IZJ assey said, “If nlCJderI1 democracy is to be \vel1 >cr\-ed, the education of future Icaders should surely Ilot be impaired by the presence with- i n a univerhit). of those who are not intellectually qualified for it:; privileges, and whose very numbers make it irnpossil,le for others to receive the ;:ltten- tion they cleserve.”

His remarks are timely in the light o f ccmtlitions in Canadian Ilniversities since 1914. Iununtlated with a flood of students from the ranks of dis- charged war veterans, most Canadian universities only vaguelj- resemble their pre-war selves.

In the efiort to do the “right thing for the I~oys,” the universities have exposed themselves to a great danger of getting a u x y from the traditions of higher educational teaching and many classes are attended ant1 lectured in much the same fashion as battle training classes in the navy. nrnly and air force.

’rhe c.mljhasis is on “spec(l” :tnd “getting through” \Titi1 the result that examination .marks are tleceivilIgly high bltt the al,sorl)tion o f I .< I IOW- ledge is lnw.

Continued on Page 3 2

Page 17



The campus was still turllirlg uu t beautiful girl> as personified 11y this year’s Fall Ball Queen Bev- erley Burley . . . last year it \vas \Ve.stern College’> Beauty Queen Maricm ;\lbert, \ Y ~ C J recently elope(l and this year it is Miss Burley, third year physical education tlelnrtment student, w h o sets the boys to dreaming . . . she is the daughter of Nornl Uurley, well knolvn Canadian Football player an(1 coach of other seasons. . . .

Elspeth Munro, one of the brightest of the 194.2 graduates, \vas admitted to the I3ar of British Co- lumbia last month and promptly became a partntbr of alunlnus John Stanton . . . Elspeth will practice in Sanaimo . . .

nnother female hit the nelvs i n the person o f Nancy Miles of Cranbrook . . . Nancy l ~ c a m e one of the few \veaker sex editors in Canada, taking over the editorial top-slot ot tht . tri-lveekly Cran- brook Townsman . . .

Bob Prittie, 27-year-old C.U.C. graduate, joinecl the gathering throng of British Columbia gradu- ates in Ottawa . . . Bob has been appointed to the Dept. of External Affairs . . .

A. E. “Dal” Grauer antl Lloyd Easler, a couple ( ~ i 20’s grads Ivere on opposite sides of the fence in the recent H.C.E.I<. strike . . . Grauer, at 41, is head of the U.C. Electric, \vhile ISasler is President o f the Street Railwaymcn’s Iocal 7101 . . .

Les Bewley didn’t knon. what he was starting recently when he instigated a plan to raise a mem- orial to Jabez (Eric Sicol) on the campus. Jabez said he was retiring so Uewley launched a campaign t o erect a memorial i n honour of the fuuster who has for years Ileen the brightest attraction on the Ubys- sey ’s editorial pages . . . xvandcring about the student armories after I1.V.X. pay day with tin cans, Ue\vley and his upporters received over 1200 individual supporters and collected a total of $61.81 i n pennies, nickels and dimes . . . OfYicial sanction for the memorial has been given by the Students Council antl the unveiling will take place next St. V-alentincs Day . , . the Jabez Memorial Fund skyrocketed for a moment the next day but fell xvith a thump . . . a contributor had sent in a cheque for $ S O 0 0 made out to the Fund . . . but had om- nlitted to sign the checluv . . . total gain, horn-ever: one four cent stamp . . . TRAVELOGUE:

Bruce Smith, Arts ’37, has practical knoLvledg-e that overcro\v(letl medical colleges in Canada drove C.H.C. 1Jre-nletls far afield in search of medical studies last year . . . Smith, \vho investigated the nlrdical school set-u]) last spring, and found he I t a t l little h o 1 ) r o f gaitling admittance to a known school. turnetl t o the ()rient a n t l linally got himself ~) lace t l . . . i n far a\\. ; t>. 1’eil)ing. China . . . Smith h x ( l heartl that then. \\‘:IS an American Medical C‘ollege at 1 ’ v i I ) i n g through ;I fricrltl ant1 he applied for entrance . . . he \\‘:IS accepte(1 and on Septetnber 21 st he l)oartletl a n A2nlerican clipper plane and left Seattle ou a onc-tla?- trip to the Chinese city . . . he’s n o ~ v settling dolvn to an accredited course covering four trn-month terms . . .

Allistair Drysdale, globe trotting LTBC Illining graduate oi i(131, turned 1 1 1 , o n the campus i l l N o v - rmber after :L so- journ in Bolivia and reported that prom- nent among the ex- tra-curricular nctivi- ties of T,atin-:\n~eri- call stutlents :Ire as- sassinations :tnd re- \.elutions . . . Drys- tlale, since 1943 has Ixen employed by the Siglo V e i 11 t e 111 i n e in Bolivia, cJ\vned by jvorld tin- king Don Simone Patio . . . the high- . . . GLOBE TROTTER light of his expezences i n South America \vas the popular revolution in 1946 in which university students took part i n the overthrow of the govern- ment of President Villarroel . . .



* P E R S O N A L I T I E S Irving C. Smith,

Vice - President of Laucks Ltd.. h a s been appointed as- sistant manager of RIonsanto Chemical Co.’s western divis- ion i n Seattle.

University of B. C. students reaped the rewards of motlcrn educational thin k- ing, denied earlier U. B. C. untlergratls, this Xmas semester, when the polvers that be decreed the abolition of Xmas exams . . . the bogey that robbed Univer- . . . EXECUTIVE sity teams of its star athletes, gave 18-year-old beauties rings 1111tle1- their eyes, and pushed up the sensoI1:ll Sale (of COffe:. i n v7ancoL1yer, is no more . . . formal exams a t Xmas are a thing of the past . . . no\v the llntlel--

grads take series of tests throughout the . . . more of them but less concentratctl than thc o l t l terrors . . .

Dr. Paul Trussell has been appointed new head of the biological division of the B.C. F.esearch Coucil . . . Dr. Trussell, who has been directing research n.clrk for a Montreal firm for three years, is well kno\\x for the fact that under his direction streptomycill was first produced i n Canada.

Harvey Allen, U.B.C. American football player, broke his leg during the home-coming grid battle with Lewis and Clark College, and he is blaming a football-minded dog for the whole thing . . . the dog ran interference for the American laddies while Allen carried the ball . . . Allen encountered the dog and sn.erving to avoid (it?) ran into a pile o f players . . . his broken leg sent him to Shaugh- nessy Hospital . . .

U.B.C. grads came in for a bit of well earned praise at the opening of the new physics building in October , . . Dr. Ernest Orlando Lawrence of the Dept of Physics, University of California, in- ventor of the cyclotron used in atomic studies and 1939 Nobel I’rize winner in Physics declared at the ceremor??. that our graduates can hold their own xvith the graduates of any other University on the North American Continent . . . Dr. I,a\v- rence should know . . . after his name are tacked degrees A B , A M , I’hl), and Scll).

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DECEMBER, 1947 Page 19


I n recent Inonths construction o f various ne\v I)uiltlillgs on the c~~rn~~~ls-l 'hysics, Library wing, .-\1q)lie(I Scicnce, and so on-has resulted in large (luantitirs o f Iuml)er, granite hlocks, reinforcitlg 5tc.c.l a ~ ~ t l similar contractors' I)laythitlgs' Ileing scat- a n t 1 tlum1)rd i n every free space, so that stu(lents rulllling- from classroom to classroom are tre;ttctl to an extempore ol)stacle course that is nlore f u n than having all your teeth pulled, even. I I ( J \ \ . the current graduates \ \ r i l l stack up intellectu- ~ 1 1 ~ . I-clllains t o be seen. hut \ve need never t l o u h t th ; t t thc.\.'ll I)e thoroughly trained commandos, ;LC-

cll\tolne(l to leal~ing ditches. crawling through 1nu(1, s\\,inging on ivy, a n t l squirming through se\ver 1)ilws \vith ;L f u l l luuchbag.

l : o ~ - older nlembers of the staff, holvever, this x c a l i n g antl I)roatljunlping antl logrolling en route to a Ircture leaves something to be desired. Con- 5itlc.r. for exalllple, my own path to the glory o f an I;,~~glish 205 lecture, 11.30 a.m. every Tuesday, I l ~ u r s d a y ant1 Saturday. M y objective is Me 100 (11ot an aircraft but a strucural fault i n the hfechani- cal l{llginerring lluiltling into which chairs have 1)ec.n insertwl). At 11.15 a.m. 1 test the cinches OII I I l J I)riefc;lse, shake hands sileutly 5vith the other illstructors i l l the office, a n t 1 1)lunge into the (111ad. Obstacle Race :

Zigzagging south, 1 hit the first obstacle-a ragged h u m l ) of t\vo-by-sixes flanking the foulItla- tions o f the new Applied Science Building. Hy junlping on one end of a two-by-six at the same Illonlent as a heavier person jumps on the opposite end it is possible, I have discovered, to rise some tlistance in the air, describe a rather graceless arc, ;111(1 l a n d on the bridge of the nose.

Eeyond the two-by-sixes lies a' lagoon of mud Imrderetl \ v i t h creepers, some bvith \vheelbarro\vs,. others xvithout, but all union men. JIopping nimbly from pothole to pothole, I reach the powerhouse ;mtl lose myself i n a maze o f iron pipes whose tlesig-n is changed daily in case any of us should l i n d the secret of getting out. Once past the pipes. hoxvevcsr, I have clear sailing to the classroom, into \vhich I limp triunlphantly. to the intense dis- :lppoilltnlent of the class.

I!ut the battle isn't over yet. As soon as I open my mouth to expectorate the first pearl, a little 111an guns his cement mixer outside the window. O n the days when he can't make it or the cement Illixer is out of order, he is very considerately re- I)lacetl I)y a gentleman with an air hammer. After I have closed all the windo\vs in an eflort to have Illy words reach the first row of students, an un- seen agent releases a surge of heat in the radiators. so that the eyes hefore me gradually glaze over, hodies slump bouelessly in seats, antl the roonl takes on t he heavy, prostrate look o f a Shanghai ol)ium den.

Staff as well as students are therefore looking eagerly to completion of the building pro- gram. Ixfore our legs ant1 wind give out. In the meantime, we'll continue to stumble forward on this battlefield o f Expansion, hoping t ( J God we aren't cxpendnble.

Page 20



When Grads first graduate and fee l Release f rom all the mental strain 7'hey of ten find a n urgent need For something to relax t h e brain, And if there ' s nothing t h y can find The mental cogs are apt to seize: Keaction superz.enes and makes T h e m pale and shaky at the knces - Old Grads slwztld tender good adzic-e 7'0 help tb rm through t l i s awkward time. And that 's e.~actly wl??) I take M y pen in Imnd and ?;rite t h i s r h ~ m e . Some find it best, when through exams 7'0 drape the head will) packs of ice And drink some h c f l y slugs o/ g i n W i t h which, they say, results are nic.e. Hut otbers of a Spartan type Affect to scorn this simple plan 7'beJ*'d sooner g o / o r g o l J , or lie Upon sonu bearb, absorbing tan, And though t l ;e metbod's somewhat slow liventm11?1 t h e tortured brain (,'ools down, s t o p s Ileazing, and resumes I t s normal /unctions once again, Wl;ile some, conversely, say it 's brsl 7'0 throw a party long and late :lnd claiw the change of atmosphere Returns the mind io normal state. .Such cures are good, I don't den?', Hut each sbould firstly ascertain The k ind of treatment best designed 7.0 suit the individual brain; And so next t ime I strain m y m i n d , Although I know 'twould be a sin, 1'11 let the ice-packs go, and try M y luck with1 nothing but th'e gin.

--s. K . f'0KKES.r.

- "

SCHOOL There's never an ill-lost dollar O r ill'-gained wife. No sorrow's costly, clamaging unduly, For to the willing scholar All of life Acts the Instructor, teaching well and truly. But let a humble stutlent make submission : 'I'here seems an a\vful lot o f repetition.

Maybe the Gentleman was Sarcastic, See?

"Our hest hains all drift southward, And not north, east. antl \vest."

How can you call them best? Still, i f the drift's an error,





Is -everything enough? - -13.H. 13

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DECEMBER, 1947 Page 2 1

M e r y l e Shields Pdved

Wdy for Vdrsity Gir ls


Imported Linens China Antiques

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ment store's foul--tinles-a-\reeE; iashion sho\~- . 1 he motl.elling led to a summer position in the

advertising department under Mr. Selwyn I<. I3eltlen, then advertisin:: manager and director of the fashion sho\\.s. Mr. I(elt1en has since joined the executive staff of Dxvid Spencer 1,imitetl as merchandising manager.

I n her final year at Li.H.L'., lferyle became direc- tor o f the Ray's fashion sl1on.s and did the com- mentatory for tvvu years. LYhen she married antl moved to Toronto last year she did fashion writing and advertising for the Robert Simpson Co. T h e hirth of a daughter recently put an end to her busi- ness career, temporarily at least.

Because of Meryle's success i n the Bay's fashion shows a number of other University students got a Ixeak there, too.

Mrs. Frank 1:rancis (Royden McConachie, R.A. 1941), was a regular model for a couple o f years as was Lorna Shields (Arts ' 4 6 ) , Meryle's sister, ~ v h o now has a secretarial position in Toronto.

Then came Maxine XlcC'lung. Arts '48. who fol- lowed in Meryle's footstells. She became the "col- lege model," arranging her lectures so that she cou!d he free for regular afternoon fashion shows. She modelled for two years antl when AZeryle \vent east AIaxine took over as commentator.

Quite a transformation took place every after- noon when the college girls in l)ol)l)y sox, skirt and slveater turned into a sophisticated commentator with upswept hairdo.

Maxine, nolv in her fourth year, does a weekly fashion ad for Spencer's, using a different Varsity girl as model each time. The ads are a popular feature of the .Ubyssey and command high reader-

r \


623 West Hastings Street



ship. In the summvr hlaxine lvorked Xvith rhe local office of Cockfield Brown C% Cn., national advertis- ing agency.

Other 1Jniversity girls \vho h a ~ e I)ecn nlodels include Edlin d'Easuln, Sursing '49; Mary Pat- ricia Cro\\-e, Arts '49, and 13evcrley Koherts, also Arts '49, who first motlelletl \vhilc i n her final year at Prince of Wales [High School and continued for severeal seasons under both Rleryle antl Maxine. Beverly has also done some modelling for Cole of California in B. C.

Marigold Mackerlzie, Arts '49, is a Rose Marie Reid model Ivho has gone ahcatl rapidly since her first \vork i n P'ebruary. 1947. She is us;c(l :t:< a pho-

711 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, B.C. PAcific 6624



Studio of Furs

Granville a t 15th BA. 1771, BA. 8311

DECEMBER, 1947 I Page 2 3



(Alumni Secretary-Manager


Manufacturers of


1461 West 5th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. BA. 6010

for arranging that excellent Silver Anniversary Event. . . . “Those people (Cairn Alumni) certainly showed LIS a real University spirit,” ohserved an impressed Don Ferguson, F:tlitor-in-Chief of the student “Daily Uhyssey”. . . . Student Councillor Bob Bagnall did a terrific j o h Of organizing the stu- dents’ assistance i n the event, which inclutled de- signing and presenting unique Silver :\lllli\.ersary pins as well as Souvenir Booklet (produced I)> . .Alumnus Norm Klenman). . . . Heading least SUIIIC-

time soon i n an Iixecutive capacit\‘ xvith l’hilco will be Wilfred (Wilf) H. Jeffery (13.A.Sc. ’35). ’I‘oron- to Branch please note. . . . Alumni Office visitors ( i n our new ant1 more spacious quarters i n the Brock Uuilding’) inclutletl Jimmy Lee from Oliver Tvith potential Alumnus, son James. . . . Among the many “making their mark” in new positions is A1 Young (Arts ’39), erstwhile football star. and a member of the ’39 English I<,ugger Wonder Team. AI’S now with Cope Electric 111 Vancouver as Man- ager of the Factory Division . . .Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Willard (Bill) Ireland, Provincial Archivist, in arranging for a quiet perusal of the original peti- tion signed by 53,000 citizens of the Province in 1922.. . . Best wishes to another member of the Vic- toria group, Rod Poisson (B.:l. ’35, M.A. ’39), who is Head of the Naval Training Division in Victoria College. . . . Back home to U.U.C. came Robert M. (Bob) Thompson (li.:\.Sc. ’11. Al.A.Sc. ’43), replete with a new Ph.11. 1301)’s o n the Geology staff and plays with the b’aculty J:ield ITockey team.

Alumni are reminded that the Hoxing Day Dance is always a sell-oilt. I h l ’ t miss o u t . . . a n t 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY N E W YEAR!

I ~ VOGUE.. . Very newest style GauEN-trim and chic. ~ Yellow gold filled. 15 jewels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29.75

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Our Congratulations and Best Wishes



11 BELL & MITCHELL LTD. // 541 W. Georgia Vancouver, B. C.



As a result of the Annual General Elections, the Alumni i\ssociakion has a ne\\' set o f officers and executive members--\\-ith mure than the c1inimum changes provided in the constitution.

New officers include \Vinstou (\Vin) Shilvock (B.A. '31, J3.Comm. ' 3 2 ) , as IGrst L;ice-Prcsitlent; Miss Marjorie Agnew (R.A. '22, h1.A. ' 23 ) , a s Sec- ond Vice-President, ant1 Ilr. Vernon (Bert) Hrink (B.S.A. '34, M.S.A. '3h) , as Third Vice-Presitlcnt. John (Jack) Stevenson (B.A., R.Comm. ' M ) ) , mem- her-at-large of last year's executive, is our ne\v Treasurer, succeeding hartl-\vorking. I lr . Lyle S\vain

Con~pleting the rostcr o f officers 011 the esecu- tive are Richard (1)ick) Hil)l,s (H..A.Fc. '4s). our new President. ; Ormonde (Ormy) Hall (B. Comm. '42), Editor o f Craduate Chronicle," ant1 Darrel T. Braidwood (13 .A. '40, M.:\. '41). 1;rank J. E. Turner (B.A., B.Comm. '39), ;IS the Associ- ation's Secretary-nranager, is also a11 ex-officio

(~3.~4. '31, nr.4. ' 3 3 ) .

~ ~~~

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Past President’s Report 1946-47

,, I I I C , n l o h t I)leasi11g feature o f 111)’ rrport t o tllc 111er111~crship i s that this report is directed to a mrnl- twrship greatly increased i l l n11tnher:, over prt‘retl- Ing >.cars.

The grolvth i n our .ksociation in the past year has heen most gratifying both i n total memhtrship a n d i n ne\v branches formed.

I t has heetl my pleasure to visit, accontpanietl I)!, >‘our Secretary-Manager, a number o f these branch- es. including the very active one in Victoria. I also had the privilege o f meeting with groups in I’ort- Inncl, Sa11 P‘rancisco and Los Angeles and I must say that I obtained a new appreciation of Alumni work from meeting with these people so far away from home and so enthusiastic ahout their parent uni\-ersity.

I should like to pay tribute to the \ .cry fine work clone by the “Graduate Chronicle” ably edited by Ormontle J. Hall. This organ is the most vital link i n our chain of contact with Alumni and from the information which I obtained while attending the .\merican Alumni Council Annual Convention at San Francisco, the “Chronicle” is second to none in ~ I l u n ~ n i publications on this continent.

You \vi11 note from the Treasurer’s Report that our financial position is more sountl this year than a t any other time in the past and this is due in no large measure to the increased interest i n the Asso- ciation as represented by fully paid up members.

The Association has played a large part in the past year o n such matters as the question of theo- logical teaching at the University and the proposed lfedical School. W e have at all times attempted to co-operatct tvith the University and in return are


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Y M E M O I R S *

. . . "0, I swear I never saw him in my life before. . . .

t rue that t h i j children's hymn has the same tune as the old (krman drinking song, Crambambuli. Hut the hynlll is modern and the drinking song is old, so u-ho is to blame for the incongruity?

Other things were made fun of besides the $25 hue, of course. There were a good many irreverent ditties about various professors. In older colleges there is often ;L tratlition permitting the composition of flippant s011g.i alwut unfrivolous professors. But a t U.B.C. (in tlluse days at least) there was not even a tratlitic~,ll of light verse on any subject, let alone the subject of our elders and betters. And thus it \vas wi1.h something of a gasp that the audience heal-cl tlozens of verses like this :

Continued on Page 32

I ,




"We Gift Wrap and Mail"

709 Burrard Street .. .

. "" (Opposite Hotel Vancouver) '

* W O M E N y

DECEMBER, 1947 Page 29


D. 0. (“Ozzie”) Durkin, ,Arts ‘40, is director oi an extension course in pu1)lic relations at the Uni- versity of Toronto this winter. The course, which is the first academic course in public relations ever of‘fered i n a Canadian ulliversity, is jointly span- st~retl Ily the Association of Canadian Advertisers and the ’l’oronto Ad antl Sales Club. “0zzie”- xvho is now known as l.>oug-is i n charge of public relations for the (hodyear Tire & Rubber Company o f Canada, a position he has held for the last t w t ~ and a half years.

* * * J. T. “Jack” Wilkinson, also with Goodyear, has

been promoted to the position of Chemical Develop- ment Manager for the company’s new plant at St. Malo, Quebec City. Jack married Eleanor Bell Charp of Kamloops, in 1941”and they are parents of a four-year-old boy. Incidentally, Jack is secre- tary-treasurer of the ’l’oronto Branch alumni.

* * * Elliot Creelman, Sc. ’45, who was a member of

the Toronto Branch executive till a short time ago, has left his job with General Electric in ’l‘oronto. His friends on the coast Ivil l be able to reach him i n Xew U7estminster, where he has taken a job with a small but successful engineering firm.

* * * John Sumner, Sc. ’35, Vice-Presidmt of the To-

ronto Branch, is now living in ?IIimico. Ontario, \vith his Ivife Eileen (nee navies, Nursing ’35) and their t\vo children. John is xvith Canadian National Carbon, antl spends most of his time on the road f ( ~ r his company.

* * * Wally Gillespie and Pierre Berton are now arri-

vals on the journalistic front in Toronto. Wally is a feature writer for the “Financial Post,” and Pierre is an associate editor of McLean’s Magazine. Mrs. Burton (nee Janet Walker), has traded her typewriter for a skillet.



Always Oven-Fresh




SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Kenneth C. Ross (.Arts ’39) is Health 13ucation

Ilirector for the San 1)iego County 1‘ul)erculosis antl Health Association, California. He received the tlegree of Master o f Pt1l)lic I-Iealth at the University o f California last year.

1 wo U.U.C. alumni have recently heen a1 pointed t o prominent positions i n Southern California lib- raries. Donald C. Davidson (Arts ,33) is Librarian c ~ f the Santa Barbara College of the University of California. Albert C. Lake (Arts ’38) is 1,il)rarian o f the Riverside Public Lilx-ary.


Elizabeth H. Birnie (Arts ’40) is now teaching High School i n South Pasadena. She received her M.M. from the University of Southern California last spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ralph Follick have recently moved from San Diego to Los Angeles, Mrs. Fol- lick was Margaret Isobel Hurry of Arts ’27.

Science men are well represented in industrial positions in Southern California. Arnold M. Ames (Sc. ’37) is with the C. F. Braun Company, Al- hambra; Guy Corfield (Sc. ’24) with the Southern California Cas Company. 1,os Angeles; William A. Gale (Sc. ’22) and Allan J. Anderson (Sc. ’23) with the American Potash antl Chemical Corporation. Trona; Walter H. Goodwin (Arts ’42, Sc. ’43) with W’estern Gear Works, Lynwood; Fred L. Hartley (Sc. ’39) with the Union Oil Company ; and Orville M. Ontkean (Sc. ’44) xvith Bireley’s Incorporated.



T. W. McKenzie “The Fraser Valley Map Man”


Tnsurance Of All Kinds FIRE AUTOMOBILE



MArine 6171 211 Rogers Bldg. Vancouver, B. C.



+By BILL DUNFORD ------- As altvays, there were many tales of athletic

tlerring-do-some of it garhletl. much ( ~ f it emhel- lishetl--\\hen the Grads got to talking over the g~~o t l o l d (lays during Homecoming at British Cc~lun1l)in.

This always happens. 13y the time the l:latls get around t o telling junior al)out their athletic days, scratch singles hecome game-ninning horneruns, and quarterback sneaks ficltl long tonchdo\vn runs i n thr final minutes.

However, over the past 20 years that 1 recall thc. local sporting scene there have heen many campus teams, individual athletes or particular feats that stand out. Just ask any grad, fau or sport.; scribe what he rates as top in past performances and you not only start an interesting conversation but rake over a lot of memories.

T o most people who have been close to the local and University scene, the late Howie McPhee’s 10.5- yard rugby run against Vancouver Reps is the memory standout.

I can still see that track and rugger great stantl- ing by the goal post as Vancouver attacked. Sud- denly he lunged and intercepted a pass, swerved antl was off for that line a fieltl-length away. No one laid a hand on him antl only Referee Malcoltn Lange kept any\vhere near h i m i n that brilliant burst.

A popular second choice for exciting moment> was that “desperation” heave o f Art Willoughby’s in the Dominion final series against IJTintlsor Fords. The easterners \Yere leading by a 1)oint when Art let one fly. The final gun sounded \\hen the I n l l was i n the air, antl the scorc changed from a one- point loss into a one-point win when the shot plunked home.

The late Leo Nicholson, the “voice of sport,” rated that moment as the most exciting in his long and varied career a s n radio announcer.

For laughs, there \vas the famous trardy Cup game played i n the fog, \\here reporters anti. oppos- ing quarterbacks could sneak into huddles lrith im- punity. And I recall escorting E(1 Kendle’s girl out to see him on the field after hall time, antl the game startetl-or at least we heart1 the “plnnk’‘ o f the kickoff.

Bowel1 McDonald Motor I Co. Ltd.

Dealers for


615 Burrard St. Vancouver, B.C.

C)r the 1 9 3 1 game when Varsity stopped Mani- tolxl 4-3 on a 1 1 Athletic Park pitch that was so muddy that I l ( J t only were the playc?rs impossible to tell apart. but the ball actually disal)peared into the goo on one p h y .

It wasn’t . 4 o funny to the central figure in this story. Kanji RIattu, who gained fame this year as mentor of thr. 13lue Bombers, the first IVestern Jun- ior Foot1)all clmnpions from this sector, picked up a loose ball i n a rugby game at Rrockton and pow- ered for the line. The opposition didn’t stop him hut the goal post did. He split the upright \vith his head and n.oke up sometime Sunday asking the score.

Back in ’31, too, Varsity won their first national basketball title. They were eight points down at half time in the second game of the txvo-game, total- point series and Arnold Henderson had spent the half-time interval practising free shots.

But a young kid who had come up from Inter- mediate cranks that season, stepped in to spark the drive that defeated St. Catharines. His name was Tony Osborne.

The firehouse gang of ’41 that blazed to a Dom- inion crown i n straight games, was another fine crexv. Pat 1:Iynn and Doug Pedlow never came back from the wars to carry on their promising car- eers on the Inaple courts. Art Willoughby antl Ceorge Pringk are missing from the ’37 champions, too.

Men like George Pringle, a real team man, and stars like Tom Williams, Johnny Pearson, Johnny Bird, Jim I3nrtlsley, Howie Cleveland, Oliver Cam- ozzi-they’ll l)e remembered in the sport hashover.

British Columbia is young as colleges go; but the hot stove league still has plent?. of fuel for talk- fests when somt‘one starts “Remember when . . .?”

A Completely Modernized Store to Serve You Better

Society Brand Clothes Warren K. Cook Clothes

657 - 9 Granville St. MA. 0737 -


Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals for Assay Offices, Educational, Hospital

and Industrial Laboratories

567 HORNBY ST. MArine 8341

D F C F M H E R , 1947 Page 3 1

DR. BILL GIBSON Continued from Page 9

L41though Dr. Gibson is happy at being given the ol)portunity of working in the new Medical Centre at Sydney, he still yearns to return to the LTnivt’rsity of Eritish ColurnI,ia antl is one of the strongest advocates for a Aledical School on the L‘ni\-crsity campus. H e consitlers his ace in the hole \vas his U.U.C. training Ivhich, despite lack o f Cquipmmt and limited material back in 1930 and 1931, developed some pretty good pioneer methods. The allility to make things do \vas of t he g ra t e s t help to him later.

This brilliant young 1 1 1 a t 1 hopes that the same insistnnce on learning a su1)ject from the ground up will characterize U.B.C.’s medical school \\.hen it develops. There is no University he knoxvs in his wide experience which has U.B.C.’s future and no province which can rival B.C.’s resources.

H e believes that “The extent to which these potential assets are turned into realities depends largely on the guidance and support given U.B.C. by its graduates and friends.”

At last there is no graduate or friend more earnest in his desire to help U.R.C. than 1)r. William Gibson.

Perhaps some day, this young mall, well on his \vay to making himself a world reputation in his chosen field, may come back to U.B.C. to take his place among the mentors o f the great University o f B.C. Medical School of the future, which lies in the hearts of many U.T<.C. graduates.

MEMOIRS Continued from Page 2 7

Professor Soward once set out an(l said that

The culture of the children in the high schools

The children all adnlittetl the professor was no

For the tests revealed the culture o f Professor

I remember the fourth and last show particw larly vividly, for various reasons. One of them is the disgraceful costume adopted by the producer. who was also author and leading man. His basic garment was a heavy suit of woollen underclothing, reaching his ankles and wrists. Over this was an enormous corset, suitably padded with a couple o f grapefruit, and from the garters of this corset there dangled an alarm clock, a small hatchet, a Iilly-can, and such things as an enthusiastic Boy Scout might attach to his straining belt. Horril)le enough. but his antics were worse. They remindrtl me of the Royal Nonesuch in Huck Finn. 1Vell. this buffoon's own brother was sitting in the autli- cnce i n a cold sweat and a hot flush. A student next the brother leaned over and said “For the love o f hlanketty hlank Moses, who is that guy ?’ . 4 n d the brother groaned and said “I don’t know. No. I swear I don’t. Honest I don’t.” The shows folded up because the producer left town for some years. He djdn’t leave because of this disloyalty nf his hrother’s, nor from a proper sense of shame. But either reason might have been a good one, a t that.

he would test

o f the west.


F. I-I. Soward.

Page 3 2

CLASS OF ‘22 PARTY Continued from Page 14


A special committee, consisting o f Dr. Blythe Eagles as Chairman, llriss Marjbrie Agnew as Sec- retary, and Mr. George Clark as Treasurer, with representatives from Science and Aggie classes, was selected to act for allsent Permanent Class officers.

\Vith Treasurer Clark reporting that approxi- mately $500 (\vaived caution money in ’22) was still on hand, and with the announcement by Miss Mar- jorie Agnew that about $382 had heen contributed by members of the class thus far this year, the

1:inal decision \vas to he made prior to December 31st. 1947-after further suggestions had been re- cei\,etl by the Committee from out-of-tonx class- mates.

“’2””’ discussed possible gifts to the University.

EDITORIAL Continued from Page 17

> , I hat is not a contradictory statement because there is a concurrent tendency to lower examination standards to include in the pass list the average stu- dent of a not too bright group and an almost com- plete neglect of the rnbre brilliant who must take the pace of the average.

Also with every department of the university overLvorketl. its instructors are not at their best. The strain of teaching hig classes, antl more of them, is fatiguing.

There is n o criticism of the University of B. C. Irhich is representative of all Canadian colleges. It has ;I reputation of turning out a high grade calihre o f graduate antl i n the past three years, untler the circumstances, R.C. has done a wonderful antl hon- ourable joh i n accommodating the war veterans.

But next year when conditions return more or less to normal, a start should be made to gear up the university to its pre-war standards and de- emphasize the vocational courses, eliminate all but the worthy students. and turn out graduates who can*THINK, not those \vho have managed to pass a few examinations.

As an outstanding British educationalist puts it, “overcrowded classrooms antl overcrowded curricu- la breed intellectual slun~s.”


“Everything i u Music”

570 Seymour St. PA. 9548 ____~

WOMEN Continued from Page 2 8 3"

Margaret Ecker Francis, '36. has been honoured a second time in receiving the Canadian Women's Press Club memorial award for the year. Her winning story, "Nostalgia," told of the post-Lvar homv- sickness for farplaces of former service men and women. It appeared in the Cha- telaine Magazine i n November, 1946.

Jane Mackintosh, '47, has left for Lon- don to take up stud- ies at the London School o f Economics.

\&'hen Betty Augustine, '46, accepted a positio~l as a Dominion,Public Health Surse among the In- dians, she tookbver a district with an area of' almost 10,OOO square miles. Her headquarters are in Port Arthur, but she travels continually by car, o r plane. or dog sled, as the occasion arises. Her stopping. points are as varied as the forms o f transportation which she uses-sometimes she takes a sleeping bag and sets up her own camp in the open. As the first nurse i n the district she must educate her jsolatetl charges, who sometimes speak no English, i n mod- ern procedures in Public Health, especially T.13. x- rays and inoculations.

Daisy MacNeill, '35, is among the group at Teacher's College, Columbia University. She is studying Counselling and l'ersonnel Administra- tion.

Claire St. John, '39, became Mrs. (ieorg-e Vecic a t a story book wedding at Passau, Germany. Claire has been a social service worker in a Displaced Per- sons' Camp in Germany since her discharge from the C.W.A.C., and her husband, who is from Yugo- slavia, is also a social service worker. Their mar- riage vows were solemnized three times, once i n an English Protestant service, then at a Yugoslav Orthodox ceremony and finally by a German legal rite.

Rosemary Brough is at Cornell on a scholarship. Mardee Dundas is with the Provincial Health De- partment in Victoria. Dorothy Welsh, '46, with the Orthoptic Clinic at Shaughnessy Hospital. Margaret Sage, '41, with Psychiatric Social Service at S:haugh- nessy. Zena Urquhart, '36, who has been i n Lon- don for the last two years will arrive in Vancouver in February. Merle Campbell has just gone to the Hudson's Hay i n Vancouver t o (10 personnel lvork.

At the recent elections of the Vancouver Com- munity Arts Council, Mrs. Reginald Arkell (Elena MacDonald, '341, \\'as elected president.

ANNUAL BOXING DAY DANCE Commodore Cabaret December 26th, 1947


-l.J&& ~- Tickets-send your cheques to Alumni Office (please make cheques payable to the Alumni Association) (make your own table reservations at the Commodore.-if out- of-town, let Secretary-Manager know number in your party and he'll reserve for you). . . . Alumnus Art Collard will be on hand at the Com- modore to sell tickets from Dee. 19 to 24 inclusive, from 12:OO to 1:30 p . m . 4 x c e p t Sunday.

Chairman-Miss Molly Bardsley Business Manager-Cart Collard

Tickets-$6.00 per couple Entertainment Dancing 9:30 - 1 3 0

For the benefit of any Alumni who are un- able to get their tickets before the 25th or 26th, obliging Cart Collard has agreed to have any left over with him at home (1445 West 15th) on those two days. If all else fails, give Cart a ring (BAyview 1429-R).

- 1

Joe Brown A r t s '23

"" -

MARRIAGES . . . Alar). I<leanor (hx le l -ha l l l t o J O ~ I I :llexatltlcr

l'aulille Hills to Douglas Leslie I3ullt. Jean Rlizaheth I:oster (llelta (;atnmaj to Kell-

nrth Simpson Beaton. RIargaret Prances C'ornett t o I-Tu1m-t Iiyers ]:ill-

Ilegan. htary 1:raIlces b*lesher ( I k l t a ( ; ; L n I I I I ; t ) to 1,ieIlt.

I )onal(l ;\lesantlrr Robertsorl ( I ' h i K;tl)l):t Sigmaj. Elizabeth Anne Scott ( l i a l ) l ) a Ka1)pa ( h n l n l a )

to 1:rctlerich Ha\vthorne I~i(~trich ( P h i Delta Theta).

Denise Kostnontl Darliug ( 1)elta 6atnrna') t o Henry Drake iliacLachan (Phi Lleltaj.

Edith Marion MacRae to Rohert Cecil Cragg. Ena Henderson to Eduartl Philip Elias-to liyc

Muriel Fay Whimster to Donald Francis Grif-

Riarion Albert to Gilbert I<dwards (Psi Upsilon) Geraldine Evelyn Barker to Sanford Johnson

hfargaret Ellen Morrow (Alpha Phi) to James

Trene Betty Mc1,achan (Kappa Kappa Gamma)

Toan Anita Richards to Ceorge Alfred Rheumer. 13e17ee Enves to Grant Kohinson RIacDonald. Nancy I2lizal)eth Willis to James Francis Millar. Margaret Rae (Alpha Phi) to Malcolm Barrs

Rlarparet Rae, '38 (Alpha Phi). to Rlalcolm

Pcnelope Runkle to Frederick Walter Rurd. Doris Leona Thompson (Kappa Kappa Gamma)

Joan Virginia Frost (Kappa Kappa Gamma) to

Lillian Mjos to David Kenneth 1,ewis. Lois Isabel Goodfellow t o John Gilbert John. Doris Ribinson. '34, to Terry John. Marv Beth 1Tammontl (Kappa Alpha Theta) to

Sharon McKendry Bridge to Colin Henry Mac-

Mary Howtson to Donald William Gordon. Betty May Gosse to Dr. William John Charlton

Alice Margaret Tschantz to Albert James Healy. Nancy Elizabeth Gourlay to Leonard Albert

Marguerite Neil to Drew Ripley, '46 (l'hi Gam-

Ione Lillian Campbell to O\ven Kitchener Bratl-

Crau.fortl. Comm. '41.

in Holland.



:llexantler Reid (Phi Kappa Sigma).

t o Fretlcrick Charles Stex-enson.

(Alpha Delta Phi).

Barss. '37 (Alpha Delta Phi).

to James Benson Collins (Sigma Phi Delta).

Ian Malcolm Bell-Trving.

Peter William Craham (Zeta Psi).

Donald, Sc. '39.

(Phi Gamma Delta).

JIitten (Zeta Psi).

ma Delta).


ll-"" II

II Gifts for Baby

Needlework Knitting Wools

1 1 3010 Granville St. South BAY. 3606 ~1 Page 34

Robert Bruce Telford (Psi Upsilon) and his bride Frances Mary Flynn.

BIRTHS . . . To Rev. and Rlrs. Rohert Morris, a son. T o Mr. and Mrs. W . Braidn-ood, a son. To Dr. and Mrs. Ewald Goranson. a daughter. To Flight Lieut. and Mrs. Gorden Bell-Irving

To Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ayre (Frances Duck-

To Mr. and Mrs. J. G. L. Montgomery (Helen

T o Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison (Peggy Reid),

To Mr. and Mrs. Tir. H. Kemp Xdmonds, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Cleveland (Jeanne Bo-

To Mr. and Mrs. A41ex Fisher (Lois Tourtelotte)

To Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bicknell (Marian Sproule)

To Mr. and Rlrs. John Stevenson (1)oris Pratt),

'1'0 Mr. and Mrs. T h n a l t l Mc'l'avish, a son. 'Co Mr. and Mrs. R. W . L. Dunning (Joyce

'1'0 Capt. and Mrs. c;, :I. \Voocl (Mary hlorris),

To Mr. and Mrs. (;eorge Brunton (Irene Cole).

'1'0 Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams. a daughter. 'To Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Bacon, a son. 'Po Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Saba, a daughter. T o Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sager, a daughter. T o Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lock. a daughter. T o RIr. and hirs. Iiilliam Earl Mills, a son.

(Mary RIacDonald), a son.

worth), a son.

Anderson), a son.

a daughter.

gartlus), a dauphter.

a daughter.

a daughter.

a son.

Craig), a daughter.

it son.

a (laughter.


To Advance Your Interests

The importance of establishing a connection with a Bank prepared

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Newer in i t s history has there been a keener interest than there is today in w h a t British Columbiu has to offer. I t i s safe to say that the Province was newer in healthier- or more robust con- dition, that never has a keener or more soundly-based optimism prevailed. We a re en te r ing a new e ra hz which new demands wi l l be made upon u s ‘all. W face a fu ture of splendid promise to the young men and women of todaly. Business and industrial leaders are of one mkd-that this is the day and age of special ized knowledge, that the key positions, the worth-while posts , in t h e business and industrial world will go to those whose m.inds are trained akd disciplined by the ir years of study and researcb, whose perceptions have been quickened to grasp the intricacies of the new technjques.

THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

E. G. ROWEBOTTOM, HON. LESLIE H. EYRES, Deputy Minister. Minister.

DECEMBER, 1947 Page 3 5

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Because it prevents accidents, alleviates conges- tion and speeds the flow of transportation, modern traffic control-completely automatic-benefits every member of the community. It protects pedestrians, reduces noise from snarled traffic and releases police officers for other essential duties. It facilitates the handling of crowds in busy centres of shopping and amusement. Its red, amber and green lights mean greater safety, greater convenience for everyone. Prominent in the development of electric traffic control equip-

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signal systems, with long practical experience in towns and cities, large and small, their services are a t the disposal of all authorities interested in the installation and application of better traffic control. Whatever your problem may be, engi- neers at C.G.E. can advise on the best systems for yo& requirements and install signal lights which will give your city better traffic control. See our nearest office for further information.