Christmas by a fireplace


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Page 1: Christmas by a fireplace

Christmas by a Fireplace

Author : Henri Kalm

Christmas is in my opinion the best holiday season, and not because of the presents. I love Christmas

because it is the time of the year when all of the family can get together. The tradition in our family for

the past five years has been that everyone gathers in our house to celebrate Christmas. The reason

for this is because everyone just loves the jolly and festive atmosphere in our home, mainly due to our

lounge room with a cozy fireplace, which sets the mood for the whole Christmas.

The rather new tradition to celebrate Christmas in our home started exactly five years ago, after we

had a Thanksgiving dinner and spent the whole night in the warmth of a fireplace which we had

gotten only one week before Thanksgiving. After that people started to consider our home as the

perfect place to spend time together and celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. And I actually enjoy

people coming over, also because everyone is considerate and never leave the preparations just to

me, but always come early and we share the tasks.

Every Christmas we have about 25 to 30 relatives and close friends coming over. We usually start

with some eggnog and ginger bread cookies, then we have the festive dinner with all kinds of

delicacies and then we go to the lounge room where the Christmas tree with all the presents

underneath it is located, not forgetting about the gift socks that hang from the fireplace. There we

spend the rest of the evening unpacking gifts and chit chattering merrily.

I have found that the fireplace we have has brought a lot of happiness and joy into our lives, and I am

not only talking about my immediate family, but also about our relatives’ and friends’ families. I am

greatly thankful to the experts at Uunisepät who helped us find and install the perfect fireplace that is

the cherry on top in our house. If you wish to get a fireplace and have it chosen and installed without

any hassle, I definitely advise you to turn to Uunisepät – you won’t regret it.

The Perfect Idea How to Celebrate New Year

Page 2: Christmas by a fireplace

Author : Henri Kalm

Many of us feel unease when people start asking about the plans for New Year’s Eve already in

November, and also share their great plans of welcoming the New Year either with kissing under the

Eiffel Tower or joining the parade in New York City. At that point one usually starts stressing about not

coming up with grand enough plans for New Year’s Eve. I definitely recognize myself as the one who

hears about great plans but in the end finds it hard to come up with something that would suit me and

my family and our budget, of course. When we didn’t have kids yet, we spent some New Year’s Eves

at house parties either at our house or at our friends’ houses, few times we have welcomed the New

Year abroad (in Perth, Australia, and Berlin, Germany) and some eves we have spent in night clubs,

which didn’t differ in any way from a usual night out. After getting kids, we have spent most New

Year’s Eves at home. It has been nice but it did lack something.

About three months ago when unexpectedly bumping into some New Year’s photos, I started to think

about the next up-coming celebration of New Year. So, I went online and typed “New Year’s Party

Ideas” in Google and pressed Enter. In no time I had millions of results before my eyes and I started

going through them, starting with the first hit.

After few hours, and as we all know time does fly when going something, I had looked at probably

hundreds of pages concerning New Year’s Eve celebration. Most of the ideas weren’t suitable for a

family of four on a budget. However, I did find an idea which I absolutely adored: a New Year’s Eve

celebration with your loved ones in the allure of a Uunisepä t fireplace, playing new fun games I had

found and eating Chocolate Cinnamon Popcorn bars. So, all I was missing was a fireplace – might be


Not afraid of the extra input, I picked up the phone and called Uunisepät, a fireplace producing

company our family friend successfully used. Maybe my wishes will come true after all.

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