Christmas 2016

CHRISTMAS 2016 By Ken Jensen

Transcript of Christmas 2016

PowerPoint Presentation

CHRISTMAS 2016By Ken Jensen

Christmas is an extremely important time of year!During Christmas, people have good will to others, and they tend to enjoy giving to others. It doesnt matter what religion you are, there is usually a great holiday this time of year.

The holiday season is an excuse to be happy, and be with your familyIt is an excuse to stuff yourself. You diet all year round, so take this time to make yourself fat, and tired due to overeating and relaxing.

The holidays are an excuse toquiet yourself downContemplate the personal, emotional, physical, and religious ideals that make this time of the year great.

Christmas is a time to observe the amazing things people are doing Watch the good will others are giving to each other. People show how much good can be done by the human race.

Theft / Burglary are rampant during this season, but this is how to protect yourself.

Always leave a light on in your home.

Use an LED faux TelevisionYou can make it look like an insomniac is at home with an LED box that flashes in such a way, it looks like there is a TV on. A good one would be theFake TV FTV-10 Burglar Deterrent.

Lock your car while shopping

Hide your purchases

Check your entrancesLock all the doors of your home and cars. Use 2 inch screws on your strikeplates and locks to provide frame strength against mule kicks.

Check your garage securityLock your garage and disable the manual pull. This can be used by thieves.

Lock your balcony doorsLock your balcony doors and jam them. This is an easy entry point to the athletic.

Secure your Windows

Homeowners, Renters, Car InsuranceYou are the best driver on the road, but everyone else sucks. Dont get into an accident without insurance.

Know what you have, so you know what is taken

Use theAllstate Digital Lockerapp to organize your personal property by room, category, by item. You can also photograph items and attribute a cost and quantity to each one.

The Biblical Story of ChristmasAngels were huge and terrifying Everyone was afraid when angels showed up. They were huge, awesome, and battle ready!

The Manger was Mangy It was disgusting and bug infested with animal borne diseases all around.

What was the deal with the 3 wise men, who were they and when did they show up?The wise men were considered the scientists of the age. They were known as wise and wealthy. They were not at Jesus' birth. They were there after the fact.

Christ wasnt born on December 25th, so why do we celebrate Christmas then?The 3rd Century Non-Christian Roman Empire celebrated the rebirth of the Unconquered Sun (Natalis Solis Invicti) where theyhonored the sun god Mithras on December 25th because the return of longer days after the winter solstice.When was Christ's birth really? It wasnt December 25th!Jesus was conceived six months later after John (Luke 1:24-31). So he was conceived in December, making his birth the month of September.

Christmas is NOT an American Christian holiday.It used to be banned! Protestant Reformers were against this Catholic Ritual They considered Catholicism just alittle better than paganism.

The Historically Accurate Story of Santa Claus, aka Saint NickHe lived in what is now modern-day Turkey in the 3rd or 4th century and was a devout Christian who served and helped poor people.

Saint Nicholas was actually Bishop Nicholas.St. Nicholas was an Archbishop during a violent Christian persecutionHis death on December 6th, gave way to a new tradition gift giving, which was actually done on New Years Day but Queen Victoria began giving gifts on Christmas Eve in the Mid-1800s.

Your idea of Santa Clause was generated by a poem and Coca-ColaA Visit from St. Nicholas in the 1800s was the first attribution to the modern visual representation Santa Claus.

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