Christian Tour in the Holy Land

This is Jesus Prophet of Nazareth in Galilee A Tour of the Holy Land


""This is Jesus"is a comprehensive Christian sights'tour of Israel

Transcript of Christian Tour in the Holy Land

Page 1: Christian Tour in the Holy Land

This is Jesus Prophet of Nazareth in Galilee

A Tour of the Holy Land

Page 2: Christian Tour in the Holy Land

“He was revealed in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among Gentiles, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.”

TIM 3:16

Day 1 – Welcome to the Holy Land Today you embark on a journey both physically and spiritually. Walk-

ing in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to gain a better understanding of

his life, his teachings and our own road to salvation.

Landing in Ben-Gurion Airport you will be greeted by our staff and

together head out to your hotel.

The Seasons Hotel Netanya is a boutique hotel located along the coast

and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The hotel, perched on an ele-

vated cliff, offers a soothing panoramic view of Netanya's enchanting

beaches that will allow you to rest from the flight, before embarking on

your exciting adventure into the past.

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“Now it came about in those days...”

LUKE 2:1

Day 2 – A Journey to the

Past “Now it came about in those

days” (2:1). How simply the story

begins, yet how im-

mense the influence it has had on mankind. What were

“those days” like? What unique set of historical, political

and religious circumstances were significant to the birth of

our Savior?

We start of at Ceasrea, this sea-side marvel is nothing short

of a gigantic time capsule from the days of Herod the great.

As we stroll through the ruins of a hippodrome, temple and

theatre we will understand what political turbulence Jesus

was born into and how eventually it would play a role in

his violent demise.

We will enjoy a time travel light show, thrusting us

through 3000 years of history through the eyes of an an-

cient port city.

We drive to Nazereth,

now an Arab city it was

once a Jewish village un-

der Roman Rule. We will

see the site of the Annun-

ciation where Gabriel

announced the birth of

Jesus. We will visit a re-

construction of Christ’s

childhood streets and find

the influences and inspi-

ration that spawned a

new faith.

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Day 4 – Jerusalem – Christ’s Final Hour The divine magnificence of Jerusalem has such an overwhelming effect on

people that it has been known to trigger religious epiphanies.

Just as Jesus walked first to the Holy Temple so shall we. Today we will travel

to the Western Wall which still stands as a remnant of this once glorious place

of god. We will leave our prayers neatly folded and tucked in-between the

2000 year old stone walls.

We will walk the streets of stone to the miraculous Pool of Bethesda, where

Jesus healed a bed ridden man, and enabled him to walk.

Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the

man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked"

- John 5:1-9

Our next stop is the Via Dolorosa where we will walk on the very stones on

which Jesus took his final steps

as a mortal being. The end of this

pebbled road is truly the begin-

ning of our salvation. Here at the

Holy Sepulcher the lord gave his

only son to deliver us from our


“And he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple. And when he had looked around at every-thing

MARK 11:11

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Day 5 – Jewish Life Jerusalem is believed to be a city in the

heavens but it is underground where it holds

its truly magnificent ancient treasures. Be-

neath the bustling city streets lay the time-

less passageways that lead into the past to

the kingdom of David and Solomon.

We will emerge in the southern excavations

500 years later when Herod ruled the land.

Here we will see a 3D model of the city as it

once was, vibrant and holy with god’s temple at its core. We will see the site

of the second temple and visit the Dome of the Rock with its golden dome that

dominates the skyline it marks the original site of the holy of holies. From

here the world was created and Isaac was bound by Abraham as the ultimate

sacrifice to god.

In the Jewish Quarter we delve into our religious roots by visiting a synagogue

that dates back to the time of the second temple.

“...behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying,Where is he that is born King of the Jews?”


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“For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”


Day 6 – Spread the Good Word Some believe the epic of tribulations prophesized by Jesus had al-

ready arrived in the 20th century. Yad Vashem, the world re-

nowned WWII museum has been visited by nearly all

the world's leaders. Like the good word, the lessons

of history, xenophobia and genocide point out the

necessity for tolerance and love. This message

is as relevant today as it ever was.

The Jews have constantly been persecuted.

Such was the case when Joseph and

Mary heard of Herod’s plan to kill every

new born infant. According to Mathew

they fled to Egypt stopping on their

way in Bethlehem where Jesus would

be born.

We enter Bethlehem’s Mager square

and can immediately spot the church

of nativity standing over the cave

where Jesus took his very first breath.

From the cave of Nativity we will con-

tinue to the cave where St. Jerome in-

spired by divine presence translated the

New Testament from Greek to Latin, thus

enabling the good word

to spread throughout the


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Day 7 – the Apocalypse The Mount of Olives is not only an ancient burial

ground; it is a panoramic vantage point that overlooks the whole of Jerusalem.

The clean mountain air and smell of pines provokes a feeling of vitality. Per-

haps it was no coincidence that Jesus chose this setting, somewhere between

the living and the dead for his Olivet Discourse.

Here Jesus foretold the end of the world warning us of

great tribulations before the triumph of the kingdom of


We drive past the desert landscape to Messada. The Jew-

ish people that had once settled this desert fortress were

proud and zealous. They believed in an apocalyptic end

that would follow a battle between good and evil. Their

ideas would have an effect on Christianity and on Juda-

ism. For them their last battle occurred here on this

scorched earth. With the Roman siege closing tightly

around them they took their own lives – What was their

message in their last troughs?

We drive further into the desert. In its dry and lifeless

heart lays a spring in the known as Ein Gedi where David

hid from Saul and his prophecy. From there we drop in

altitude. The Dead Sea is a salty oasis and the lowest place on earth. The min-

erals in the mud and waters are said to have miraculous medicinal powers. The

waters are heavy from salt and minerals and will allow us an enjoyable effort-

less floating experience – almost like walking on water.

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...”

MARK 13:8

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Day 8- Resurrection and Ascension According to some Christian scriptures, Jesus ap-

peared before two of his followers in Emmaus after

his resurrection. We will visit the ancient town with

its 2000 year old Aqueduct. The two followers ran

back to Jerusalem to tell people of what they have

seen. While describing the events, Jesus appeared

again to all who were there, giving them a commis-

sion to evangelize. Then he took them out as far as

Bethany and blessed them before ascending back into


We will ascend

back home.

"Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me."


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