1 CHRIST’S UNITED’S NEWS & VIEWS april 2016 PASTOR’S PARAGRAPHS COME, LORD JESUS! COME, HOLY SPIRIT! As we continue in the liturgical season of Easter and approach the Day of Pentecost, we are called to respond in faith to the presence of the Risen Christ and the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our communities. The Holy Spirit is, theologically speaking, one person or aspect of the Trinity- God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Biblically, the Holy Spirit is understood as both God’s Spirit and the Spirit of the Risen Christ. In both Hebrew and koine Greek, the word for spirit is the same as the word for wind and breath (pneuma/ruah). New Testament writers understood the power and the evasiveness of God’s Spirit as they understood the wind. In Acts, the Holy Spirit descends upon the church like that of a dove, quite possibly evoking a symbolism of heavenly grace and peace. The writer of Luke/Acts understands the Holy Spirit as the powerful presence of God who assisted, guided and protected Jesus in His earthly ministry, and following Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, serves the will of God by empowering and equipping people with faith. For this writer, the Holy Spirit draws people to believe that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ who suffered and died for the sins of humanity and now, as the active presence of the Risen Lord, enables believers to trust in God’s forgiveness and follow the way of life established by Jesus himself in the world- in short, the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith, in order to honor God by becoming servants who live their lives by acting like Jesus. For the apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit is the authoritative power of the Risen Christ that continuously and continually reveals God’s way of grace and hope within the world. The Holy Spirit evokes faith, witnesses to the effectiveness of a selfless sacrificial love exemplified in Christ, and reveals the hope of entering God’s promised future of peace


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As we continue in the liturgical season of Easter and approach the Day of Pentecost, we are called to respond in faith to the presence of the Risen Christ and the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our communities. The Holy Spirit is, theologically speaking, one person or aspect of the Trinity- God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Biblically, the Holy Spirit is understood as both God’s Spirit and the Spirit of the Risen Christ. In both Hebrew and koine Greek, the word for spirit is the same as the word for wind and breath (pneuma/ruah). New Testament writers understood the power and the evasiveness of God’s Spirit as they understood the wind. In Acts, the Holy Spirit descends upon the church like that of a dove, quite possibly evoking a symbolism of heavenly grace and peace. The writer of Luke/Acts understands the Holy Spirit as the powerful presence of God who assisted, guided and protected Jesus in His earthly ministry, and following Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, serves the will of God by empowering and equipping people with faith. For this writer, the Holy Spirit draws people to believe that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ who suffered and died for the sins of humanity and now, as the active presence of the Risen Lord, enables believers to trust in God’s forgiveness and follow the way of life established by Jesus himself in the world- in short, the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith, in order to honor God by becoming servants who live their lives by acting like Jesus. For the apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit is the authoritative power of the Risen Christ that continuously and continually reveals God’s way of grace and hope within the world. The Holy Spirit evokes faith, witnesses to the effectiveness of a selfless sacrificial love exemplified in Christ, and reveals the hope of entering God’s promised future of peace

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and salvation. Paul understands the Holy Spirit as the powerful presence of the Risen Christ which guides, directs and protects followers of Christ to be obedient to His Lordship while, at the same time, aiding them in their understanding of their new freedom won by Christ’s actions on their behalf and received by God’s grace. The Holy Spirit enables believers to honor and worship God apart from the futile attempts of being able to gain God’s favor through particular “works,” religious, moral or otherwise. This Spirit also intercedes for the faithful in times of trial, testing and persecution at the hands of evil. For Paul, only by the Holy Spirit can believers resist evil and walk by God’s grace. In the Gospel of John, Jesus refers to the Spirit as the “paraclete.” In the Greek known to John, “paraclete” could mean advisor, counselor, comforter, consoler, or helpmate/guide. All these meanings could apply to the way Jesus saw the Spirit acting in the world on His behalf. In John, the Holy Spirit reveals the light of Christ over against the darkness of the world and draws people to the truth of God. The Spirit enables believers to be “born from above/ born again” and enter into eternal life by believing that Jesus is the “truth and the life.” The Holy Spirit elicits faith in Jesus and guides the faithful to do the very works (indeed even greater works) of Jesus. In John, the Spirit acts in Jesus’ absence/nearness to educate, inform and guide believers to live by faith in the here-and-now as the Risen Jesus prepares and establishes a future for all whom are drawn into God’s eternal promise. For all the biblical and theological references of the Holy Spirit, are we in a faith position today to talk about how and when the Holy Spirit is active in our lives? Are we able to articulate what the Holy Spirit is doing in and through us, our communities, and throughout the world? Are we able to make the connection between the work and activity of the Holy Spirit, the presence of the Risen Christ and our lives of Christian faith? Are we cognizant of and do we understand the grace-given interconnections of baptism, believing and being sealed by the Spirit? Are we able to “see” the work of the Holy Spirit as something beyond having a good conscience, being morally centered, and/or having sound, practical reasoning? Are we aware of when, where, and how the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we are at a loss for words and actions? How are we to understand the connection between our “spirituality” and the active presence of the Holy Spirit? The question is: Do we “feel” and are we able to recognize the life-changing and life-enhancing presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, in our church now? Are we able to notice the ways in which the Holy Spirit is continuously drawing us into God’s truth? Are we able to “see” the manner in which the Spirit helps us to resist evil and the ways of idolatry and mark the many and various ways the Spirit protects us from harm and danger? Do we “feel” the Spirit’s comforting presence in times of suffering and hurt? Can we attest to the Spirit leading us to the unity that Jesus prayed for? Are we aware of the manner in which the Spirit directs and guides our prayers when we are unsure

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and uncertain of what to say? Come, Holy Spirit! that we may stay true to God’s word in all that we say and do, as the church, as sisters and brothers in Christ. --Pastor John


Bible studies resume on the regular schedule, with them taking place at Christ’s United on the following dates:

10:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. April 4 April 6 April 11 April 13 April 18 April 20



A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.

By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.

Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.

Eat one live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.

The unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.

Everyone smiles in the same language.

When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.

The best things in life aren’t things.

If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.

It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.

It’s not hard to meet expenses ... they’re everywhere.

Politeness is a small price to pay for the good will and affection of others.

You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

The most powerful force in the universe is gossip.

The most precious thing we have is life. Yet it has absolutely no trade-in value.

The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required on it.

The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.

Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to get along without it.

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DATE – April 30, 2016 TIME – 3:00 – 6:30 p.m.



All kind of help is needed with this fundraiser…to sell tickets, wash dishes, cook the chicken, serve the dinner, clean up, peel potatoes, work in the dining room, etc.., etc... Can we count on your help? On the bulletin board are sign-up sheets which you can use to sign up to donate the following items Brown Sugar Butter Cupcakes Cash Celery Decaf Coffee Eggs Ketchup Sugar

Great Northern Beans CIDER Vinegar

LUCKY LEAF Applesauce BLUE BONNERT Margarine

HELLMAN’S Mayonnaise MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing

DAILY’S Orange Concentrate

The sign-up sheets indicate the size and amounts needed. Please have donated items here by the following dates:

Cupcakes – April 30 (by noon) All other items – April 24



We are also in need of soda flats to be used as carryout trays. If you can provide any, please put them in the small fellowship hall. If you know of places to distribute or hang posters, there are some available on the bulletin stand.

Also, there are workdays scheduled for April 28 & 29, for which help is needed. If you are available, look for start times in the bulletin and show up to lend a helping hand as you are able. If you have general questions about the barbecue, talk to Maurice Clouser. If you are available to help cook the chicken at the pit, call Eugene Hassinger. If you can help peel potatoes for potato salad, call Maurice Clouser or Ben Wenrich. If you are willing to help serve, wash dishes or clean up the day of the barbecue, call Maurice Clouser. If you are available to help in the dining room on the day of the barbecue, call Tom Catherman or Don Fornwalt. If you have questions about cupcakes or would like to help with them, call Barbara Clouser. If you are willing to help sell barbecue tickets, call Janet Spurr. Currently tickets are available from: Dave Bickhart, Jim & Florence Boop, Kim Blyler, Bev Catherman, Maurice Clouser, Drew Christy, Mike Flickinger, Eugene Hassinger, Lee Spangle, Janice Wenrich, Ben Wenrich, Idella Zimmerman and the Church Office. Only a limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

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Sewing Days

Christ’s United’s morning Sewing Circle meets monthly to lovingly craft quilts, that are then donated through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to Lutheran World Relief for disbursement to refugees and people in need around the world.

On Tuesday April 12, 8:30-10:30 come and help with Lutheran World Relief quilt making. You don't have to be able to sew to help. You can also help with cutting material into squares, as well as pinning the quilt sandwiches together. Come and help us make more than the 60 quilts we sent last year.

If you cannot get to a workday, but would still like to work on a quilt at home, or if you would like more information, talk to Judy Mecouch or Georgetta Bowes.

NOTE! The ladies can always use material to use for the quilts. If you have material left over from sewing projects, old curtains, sheets, etc. bring it in for the ladies to use. And don’t throw out that old mattress pad. Bring it to the church and we can use it for filler for the quilts. It will help to keep someone warm when it is distributed by LWR. Every piece helps.

Looking Ahead

May 15 – Table Communion & Brunch May 29 – Church Service, Picnic & Block Party @ Mifflinburg Park

June 11 – Spring Theme Event August 3-9– West End Fair August 27 – Corn Roast

September 11 – Fall Kickoff October 2 – Harvest Home/Blanket Sunday/Homecoming

October 16 – Senior Member Dinner November 5 – Potpie Supper December 8-10 – Christkindl Market

Mark your calendars now and watch for more information on these events as it becomes available.

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March 15, 2016

Communication to the Congregation from Council:

1. This year, our church will help with camping costs. We will pay $100.00/camper for any camp. Parents of interested campers must contact Barry Spangler (church camperson). Additional information will be supplied by Barry or Pastor John.

2. The following ministry meetings are scheduled to meet in the small fellowship hall

Inreach Ministry: Tuesday, April 5, 7:00 p.m. at the small fellowship hall.

Outreach Ministry: Wednesday, April 13, 6:00 p.m. at the small fellowship hall.

Facilities & Administration: Stay tuned. A meeting will be announced.


Parking Lot Loan Balance $15,816.85 Heating System Balance $3,507.36


An irate customer called the newspaper office. “Where’s my Sunday paper?” she demanded. “Ma’am this is Saturday,” the customer service agent said. The Sunday paper won’t be delivered until tomorrow, on Sunday.” After rather lengthy pause the customer replied in a sheepish voice. “Well I guess that explains why no one was in church this morning.”

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ALTAR FLOWERS The 2016 altar flower chart is on the bulletin board outside of the sanctuary for use by anyone wishing to provide flowers for a service next year. Dates that are still available to sponsor altar flowers this year are: April 24; May 29; July 10, 17 & 31; September 4; October 2; December 11. The cost of the flowers is $35.00 per week and is payable to the church. FREE ENERGY CREDIT

There is a free energy credit available to the church. If you want help to lower the church's electric bill, and save money on your own electric bill contact Greg Shuck for details.


Please talk to Dianne Shuck, Al Pantaleo for information on how to obtain a reimbursement for expenses you may have for the church.

COFFEE CANS NEEDED We are in need of coffee cans to be used to send altar flowers home following a worship service. If you have any to spare, please drop them off at the kitchen or in the office.


We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions: 1. Baby News Correspondent

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When a new baby is born to a member of the congregation, the responsibility of the baby news correspondent is to contact the family and get “vital statistics” and then write a short article for the newsletter. Talk to Margie if you would like to tackle this position.

2. Greeters, Lay Readers, Communion Assistants, Ushers and Sound System Operators. Our list of people willing to do these jobs keeps dwindling. Will you help? Sign up on the attached “volunteer form” and drop them on Margie’s desk or put them in the offering plate. 3. Someone to sharpen pencils and replenish communion cards and comment cards in the sanctuary. COMMUNIONS Communions for all confirmed members must be recorded in the parish register annually. If you do not commune on a regular basis, we ask that you fill out a communion record card (one per year is all we need) so we know you have communed. The cards are located in the racks on the back of the pews. Cards may be put in the offering plate or handed to an usher.


The following memorabilia items are still available for anyone interested in purchasing anything:

Wooden Miniatures of the Church - $10.00 Church Prints - $20.00

Blankets - $10.00 Christmas Cards - $10.00

12 cards per box feature a winter picture of the church

Talk to Bev Catherman if you have questions about, or would like to purchase, any of these items.


We like to publish news about our members in the newsletter, but we need your help to do so. If you know of interesting information about any of our members (youth or adult), i.e. an award or recognition, a funny tale or exciting adventure, please let Margie know about it so we can include it in an issue of Christ’s United’s News & Views.

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DO WE HAVE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS? If you have an e-mail address that you have never given to us or if it has changed,

please fill out the following and drop it off on Margie’s desk or give her a call.


Name________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address_________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Over the past few years, some of you have been requesting favorite hymns and gospel songs and for that we give many thanks. Because of U.S. copyright laws, we do not have permission to reproduce or copy all of our favorites. You may choose selections from the following hymnals: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW), Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) and With One Voice (WOV). We are also permitted to use hymns that are in the “Public Domain”. It’s all very complicated. So, keep your suggestions coming and we will be happy to sort out and use all of your suggestions. Give any requests to Gary Hackenberg, Margie or Pastor John. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hymn Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL/FELLOWSHIP REQUEST

If you have any ideas or suggestions for social/fellowship activities, drop a note on Margie’s desk. Social/Fellowship Events:

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The Prayer Chain is a group of men and women of Christ’s United who pray for the concerns and requests of Christ’s United’s members and friends. Someone in need of prayer calls the church office and requests to be put on the Prayer Chain. Each member of the Prayer Chain then receives either a phone call or an email notifying them of a prayer request. The prayer chain member receiving the phone call then calls one other person and so on down the list. Those notified by email do not have to pass it on. Would you be willing to pray for someone in need? It is reassuring to know that you are supported by the prayers of others and not alone with your concern. If you would like to be a member of the Prayer Chain, fill out the following and put it in the offering plate or on Margie’s desk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prayer Chain Calling List I would like to be included on the prayer chain calling list. Name____________________________________ Telephone Number__________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Do you know of any physical problems (or potential problems) that should be addressed by our property committee? Your insight is important. Maybe you have seen something that no one else has noticed yet. You can talk to Pastor John, any council member or Margie if you know of something that needs attention, or fill out the following and put it on Margie’s desk or in the offering plate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building & Ground Needs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Shriners

Can Tabs (give tabs to Maurice Clouser)

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Our family of faith is saddened upon the death of Sam Diehl, 86, who passed away on March 13 at Evangelical Community Hospital. He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Shirley, one son and daughter in law, Gary & Kris Diehl of Millmont; two daughters, Terry Diehl of Mifflinburg and Joy Diehl of Lewisburg; 6 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. We shall miss him.

We also extend our deepest sympathy to Kris & Carla Ruhl and family following the death of his mother, Anita Ruhl, 92, at her home on March 18. Please keep these families in your prayers as they deal with their loss. Birthdays

April 1 – Mike Flickinger Joseph Zimmerman 4 – Steven Moyer 5 – Dylan Yost 6 – Kiersten Klose (Ryan & Cortney) 10 – Ellary Bunting (Eric & Brenna) John Hosterman 13 – Isaac Marshall (Justin & Jodi) 18 – Courtney Veley

20 – Dennis Boop Matthew Zimmerman 21 – Steve Krawec 22 – Doris Lukens (Mrs. Robert) 24 – Susan Wenner (Mrs. Stephen) 25 – Corrin Zechman 28 – Betty Goss Al Pantaleo 29 – Katherine Hassinger (Mrs. Eugene)

Anniversaries 2 – Tom & Karen Watters (1977) 6 – Steve & Susan Wenner (1974) 21 – Greg & Teresa Shuck (1990) 22 – Andrew & Daphne Clouser (1995) 23 – Jason & Brandi Zimmerman (2005) 30 – Donald & Renda Shively (1977)

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Remember In Thought and Prayer

Please help us keep our prayer list current by letting us know of any names that should be added or


Our Members Jim & Florence Boop Pearl Gemberling Gary Hackenberg Vickie Kahler Shirley Kerstetter Max Miller Diane Reamer Teresa Shuck Chuck Spurr Stacey Veley Arletta Zimmerman

Our Friends & Relatives Tobias Catherman Leslie Cooper Linda Katherman Gerald & Thelma (Liz) Lloyd Jeanne Meckley Helen Metz Pat & Candy Mitchell Vicki Newman Ruth & Donald Raker Bill & Shirley Smith Mark Troup Barry Ulrich Leslie Valentine David Woods

Our Shut-Ins Carolyn Bowersox Barbara Grimooris Leona Hackenberg Shirley Kerstetter Pat Korman Betty Lauf Eugene Phillips Harold ‘Hap’ Sampsell Myron ‘Mick’ Sampsell Richard Schnure Connie Wagner Betty Wallace Caroline Wenrick Debra Wilson The Men and Women Serving In the Military Brandi Gemberling

In an effort to keep our prayer list up-to-date, we are going to clear the current list on a quarterly basis. New lists will begin in January, April, July, and October. If you want to continue an existing prayer request or have a new prayer concern, please contact Margie.

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355 Mt. Luther Lane, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 Telephone (570) 922-1587 Fax (570) 922-1118

E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Parents, Campers, and Friends:

We welcome everyone to come experience our programs! Regardless of where you are from, what you look like, or whether you go to church or not we want you to experience Mount Luther! We are in the mountains, nearly surrounded by the Bald Eagle State Forest where you will see wildlife as you visit our trails, campsites, worship sites, fields, pool, and pond. We provide well-trained staff to lead you and are accredited by the American Camp Association. This means that we meet the highest standards of the camping industry, including safety. But what is more important about the camp experience is the changes you find after you return home. Camp gives a legacy for your life; so, consider all the growth that could happen:

Grow socially. At camp, social interactions are important. We practice small group camping, with a cabin of boys working with a cabin of girls and their counselors. We model how to treat one another when you meet someone new. We expect good group living skills as we build communities. We teach conflict resolution when disagreements occur. You will probably leave here with new lifelong friends and memories of how to work and live together in healthy ways.

Grow physically. At camp, we do a lot of stuff outside and are active all day. Our food service staff provides meals that are nutritionally balanced. Rest time is encouraged each day. We also model how to effectively use leisure and recreation time. When you have free time at home, maybe you’ll remember your time at camp and want to be outdoors, playing in nature. Recreation can be re-creation for our bodies, minds, and souls.

Grow mentally. At camp, real learning takes place. When on the field of play, you’ll learn sports skills. At crafts you’ll learn techniques such as hand/eye coordination. You’ll have opportunities to meet staff and campers from places and cultures that are different than their own. You can try new things and gain some

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knowledge and skill in areas that you have not yet explored. Camp is also great at developing leaders.

Grow spiritually. At camp, we believe that faith is caught, not taught, so we spend time Gathering and Reflecting On God’s Word through readings, songs, games, and demonstrations. Camp can change your relationship with God and can make your life even better than you imagined! Our program is faith-based so what we do is grounded in experiences to strengthen your faith and give you the ability to make choices in life based on a set of core values.

Look through the brochure to learn more about our adventure, base, classic, day, extreme, and family camps. We have something for everyone! If you are a returning camper, I hope you’ll consider bringing a friend who has never been to camp. Make sure that if you have a cabinmate request, you put it on your registration form. We assign your cabinmates based on your program, age, and your requests! See you this summer!

Chad Hershberger, Executive Director

PLEASE NOTE! This year, our church will pay $100.00/camper for any camp. Parents of interested campers must contact Barry Spangler (church camperson). Additional information will be supplied by Barry or Pastor John

Adventure Camps

Canada Adventure: July 1-10 - Get your passport ready! This camp is for those who like extreme adventure. Eighth through twelfth graders will canoe, hike, and whitewater raft on the Ottawa River in Canada. This camp is being held in conjunction with Camp Krislund.

NYC Mission/Adventure: June 26- July 1 - This camp is a new offering and is for the person who wants to make a difference in the big city. Seventh through twelfth graders will travel with other campers from a Presbyterian camp to the Big Apple, New York City, for a few days of service most likely in a New York soup kitchen. There may also be time to explore the city, too, after your days of hard work.

Rock, Raft, and Roll: July 31- August 5 - This new camp is for those in Grades 7-10. You’ll travel to the Lehigh Valley to do some rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and bicycling. There may even be some caving! Trip leadership will be shared by Mount Luther, Krislund, and Wesley Forest camp staffs.

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Scuba Adventure: July 24-29 - This camp will allow campers to practice scuba diving and by the end of the week be a certified scuba diver. You’ll do this at both Camp Krislund, a local Presbyterian camp, and in the Susquehanna River. For ages 12 and up.

Base Camps

APPLE/CORPS: June 19-24; June 19-21; June 22-24 - Who says camp is just for kids? APPLE/CORPS is for adults to enjoy a time of rest, unplug from the “real world” and get re-rooted in faith. Come for the whole week or a half-week session from Sunday to Wednesday noon or Wednesday 3 p.m. to Friday 6 p.m. Cost: Use half-week base camp fee for half-week sessions; classic camp fee for full-week program.

CML Base Camp: July 31- August 5 - For juniors and intermediates who want camp with a twist. Come to Base Camp when we DO NOT go on an overnight camping trip but rather sleep in cabins every night. You’ll still get the traditional camp activities but won’t have to sleep out in the woods!

Empty Nesters: June 29- July 1 - This camp is for adults who don’t have any children at home. Come for three days and two nights and participate in our program that week and spend time with other adults, growing in your faith and spending time outdoors. Cost: Use half-week base camp fee.

Explorers: June 26- 28; July 10-12 - “Explorers” is our new name for the former three-day “mini-pioneer” camp. Come experience Mount Luther for a shorter stay. Our June session features extra water activities for you to do. Our July features these holiday celebrations: New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Patriotic Days. Cost: Use half-week base camp fee.

LEADS: July 5-8 - This year, we have three different programs for Senior High campers to KNOW, GROW and GO! This is the “know” camp, where you will learn about leadership and planning. Come to LEADS and X-Teen and you’ll have close to ten days at camp (you’ll just have to go home for the weekend!) Cost: Use half-week base camp fee.

Sprouts: July 10-12; July 31-August 2 - This three-day camp is for campers in grades 3-5 who want to experience a shorter Mount Luther stay. Spend half a week making new friends your age, doing crafts, nature activities, swimming, playing games, and growing in faith. If you come July 10-12, you’ll be part of our Holiday Celebration week. Cost: Use half-week base camp fee.

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Trail Blazers: June 15-16; July 21-22 - Our youngest campers (Grades K-3) can spend time in God’s creation with the security of a loved one here! Camp starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. the next day. Pack all the fun and adventure of camp into 28 hours and don’t forget to bring a parent or grandparent with you. Special Cost: $100 per child or $150 for parent and child. If you’d like to do another time instead of these dates, contact the camp office.

Classic Camps

Juniors and Intermediates: June 19-24 Pioneers, Juniors, and Intermediates: July 10-15 This is the camp for those who want to get a taste of all Mount Luther has to offer. Swimming, games, crafts, an overnight camping trip, electives, campfires, and GROW Time are essential parts of the typical week. During the July 10-15 week, we will be observing Holiday Celebration week. Each day, we’ll celebrate different holidays including Christmas!

X-Teen: July 10-15 - This year, we have three different programs for Senior High campers to KNOW, GROW and GO! This is the “grow” camp, where you can grow emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. LEADS campers will plan some of this week, you’ll have a say in what you do plus we’ll have some special activities, including celebrations of holidays!

Day Camps

Daily Theme Day Camp: June 12-16 - Pioneers and juniors attend camp during the day with a different daily theme! Royalty, pirate, rainbow, and superhero days will add to the normal day camp experience. This day camp will run from Sunday (2:45-8:00 p.m.) and then Monday to Thursday (9-4) with an optional overnight stay on Wednesday.

“Pick Your Days” Day Camp: August 1-5 - Preschoolers (at least three and potty-trained) through third graders can come to camp for just one, a couple, or all five days of this offering. The day will run from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Campers must also bring a bag lunch each day. Cost: $25 per day; come all five days for the price of four ($100). No other discounts apply.

APPLE A Day: August 1-5 - This is a new program for adults to come to camp for a day away from 9:30 to 2:30! Come yourself, bring a few friends, or even drop your child off for “Pick Your Day” Day Camp and stay for good food, GROW Time, crafts, and

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activities geared to adults. Cost: $25 per day; come all five days for the price of four ($100). No other discounts apply.

Extreme Camps

CLAWS: June 26- July 1 - Juniors and intermediates can join us for a week where you will have time to engage in Crafts, Legos, and Wild Sports! If you have craft projects, Lego projects, or an idea for a wild sport, bring it along! Express your creativity during this program! There will also be some time to learn the basics of sewing and you’ll put together your own sewing project!

Fishing Camp: June 12-16 - Those in Grades 4-6 can sign up for this program and spend time on the camp pond, local streams, and even visit a few hatcheries. We’ll even supply the worms and a limited amount of rods. Please bring fishing equipment if you’d like. Special Discount: $50 off of normal extreme fee due to the shortened week.

Guppies and Minnows: June 26- July 1 - Get your feet wet as you enjoy a week of fun in one of God’s most exciting resources- water! We’ll have extra swim time, water games, fishing, and more. Bring a few bathing suits and a few towels!

Hammock Haven: June 12-16 - A new offering for intermediate campers, this camp will create a hammock village at one of our campsites, where the campers will sleep each night and work to spruce up the campsite. Please bring your own hammock. Special Discount: $50 off of normal “extreme” fee due to the shortened week.

Intern: July 31- August 5 - This year, we have three different programs for Senior High campers to KNOW, GROW and GO! This is the “go” camp, where you will take the skills you learn and put them into practice! Learn what it’s like to be a counselor and help in all aspects of the week, including planning, GROW Time, games leading, and supervising campers.

Morning Glories: June 12-16 - New this year, a camp offering for those who aren’t night owls, but like to get up early in the morning! Junior campers will get up before breakfast and do activities like watch the sunrise, take morning hikes, polar bear swims, or a 7:00 a.m. Gaga Ball game! Special Discount: $50 off of normal “extreme” fee due to the shortened week.

Night Owls: July 17-22 - During this week, junior and intermediate campers will stay up later each night and do nighttime activities like flashlight tag, star gazing, night hikes, Capture the Flag, and maybe even a drive-in style movie or sleeping in the field

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and a night of electives! We’ll also use glow sticks and look for things that go bump in the night!

Family Camp - We proudly present the family vacation everyone can enjoy from July 5-8, 2016! Singles, couples, grandparents, and anyone who wants an inspirational vacation should come for GROW Time, camp activities, family time, and nap times! We’ll be using a Western theme this year and are expanding our time together as Family Camp will be a Tuesday afternoon to Friday evening time frame this year.

Open House April 23 12:00-4:00 p.m. New campers should plan to join us on Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 12:00-4:00 p.m. for a Spring Camp Festival and Open House. You can ask questions, tour camp, and see what it’s like to be a camper! First time campers who are not yet registered for the summer and who attend the event can get a $25 discount on their summer registration! More details will be shared on our website at! You will need to buy a ticket if you want to eat at our fundraising meal that day, so please check the website to see how to register! Bishop's Open Golf Classic May 9, 2016 The annual Bishop Open's Golf Classic is set for May 9, 2016, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the Susquehanna Valley Country Club in Shamokin Dam. The tournament benefits Camp Mount Luther and the camp’s annual fund. A flyer/bulletin insert containing information and registration form is available on the camp’s website at The camp’s golf tournament committee is currently looking for hole sponsors, door prize sponsors, silent auction items, and golfers. If you can help, please contact the camp office at 570-922-1587 or [email protected]. Congregations are also encouraged to become hole sponsors. Get involved and help our synod’s outdoor ministry!

CML Spring Work Day May 14, 2016

Practice stewardship through service at Camp Mount Luther at their Annual Spring Work Day on Saturday, May 14, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. They need your help getting the camp grounds and facilities ready for summer. There will be plenty to

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do and everyone in the family can help! Please bring supplies to do cleaning, mulching, raking, and light construction projects such as step ladders, buckets, rakes, etc. A light lunch will be served. RSVP by May 6 if staying for lunch to [email protected] or 570-922-1587. Want to know about camp and its programs? Contact them at:

355 Mt. Luther Lane, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 Telephone (570) 922-1587 Fax (570) 922-1118

E-mail: [email protected]



Attention Married Couples: Thousands of couples have learned that taking some time to “tune-up” their marriages pays huge dividends. Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends are designed to strengthen and revitalize marriages whether you have been married a year or 60 years. We’re sorry that the April 8-10 Weekend in Lancaster is now full. (Feel free to contact us about the waiting list.) There is, however, currently still room for you at the April 22-24 Weekend at State College’s premier conference center, the Penn Stater. If this date doesn’t work for you, registrations are also being taken for the two fall Weekends at lovely, hotel-style retreat centers: September 16-18 Weekend at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in the Poconos or October 21-23 at Olmsted Retreat Center in Ludlow, PA. All costs for 2 nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and supplies are covered by a $100.00 per couple registration fee plus a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish that you are given the opportunity to make toward the end of the weekend. To register online, go to:, or for further information, contact Fred & Julie Schamber, PA Directors, at: [email protected] or 724-325-3166.


A weed is simply a plant that wants to grow where people want something else. In blaming nature, people mistake the culprit. Weeds are people's idea, not natures.

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“Volunteers are gold”. Volunteers are the most valuable commodities in ministry. Without them, nothing would get done in our churches. We are fortunate to have the kind of dedicated people that we do. Do you know anyone who should be given a pat on the back and a “Thank You” for the contributions they make in and around the church? Let Margie know.

THANK YOU TO… …Everyone who helped with the banquets & Lenten breakfasts. …Everyone who donates clothing, food and financially to Hope’s Haven and all those who give of their time to sort and bag food, sort clothing and who help distribute the items. …Janet Hileman who goes above and beyond to obtain items to be distributed by Hope’s Haven …Maurice Clouser for picking up Weis Market donations for Hope’s Haven. …Dianne Shuck for serving as treasurer and Al Pantaleo for doing the financial posting …Bev Catherman & Kim Blyler for coordinating funeral meals, as well as everyone who helps with them …Everyone who helped with our Easter egg fundraiser …The Members and Friends who volunteer to pick up things from Weis, Sam’s Club, Coles, etc. for our fundraisers, meals, Hope’s Haven, and church needs I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to my church family for all of the prayers, thoughts, inquiries and cards during and following my recent hospitalization for spinal fusion surgery. Special thanks to Pastor John for his support and prayers prior to and during my hospital stay. God is truly at work in our congregation and his work is demonstrated daily by all of you supporting those of us in need. While my recovery will continue for the next few months, I am happy to say that I have been able to again begin participating in the life of Christ's United. I miss being able to be at the

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organ on Sunday mornings and expect to be back on schedule by the last Sunday in April. Once again, thank you for all of your support.

--Gary Hackenberg I want to thank my family at CULC for the prayers, phone calls, visits and flowers since I returned home and while I was a patient in the hospital and nursing home. A special thanks to Pastor John. God bless you all. --Shirley Kerstetter Thank you for your cards, condolences and prayers during the loss of our mother and mother-in-law, Anita Ruhl. --Sincerely, Carla & Kris Ruhl I would like to thank everyone for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of my ordination. It was a very wonderful day with family, friends, and a congregation I care for deeply. You all are very special to me as a family in Christ. God’s blessings to each and all. --Pastor John


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ALTAR GUILD June Wenrich GREETERS 3 – Ben Wenrich 10 – Linda Smith 17 – Bonnie Greeney & Winnie Aikey 24 – Al & Sue Pantaleo LAY READERS 3 – Mike Flickinger 10 – Greg Shuck 17 – Doug Gemberling 24 – Bonnie Greeney


USHERS Drew Christy Doug Gemberling MUSIC PROVIDERS 3 - Paula Christy 10 - Diane Valentine 17 - Dave Swartz 24 – Gary Hackenberg COMMUNION ASSISTANTS 3 – Tom Catherman 10 – Greg Shuck 17 – Janice Wagner 24 – Judy Mecouch


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If you would like to be added to our list of volunteers to help with one or more of the following positions,

please fill it out and return it to the church office.


I/we will serve as an usher




I/we will help with children’s





I/we will operate the sound


Name_____ _______________________________



I/we will serve on the altar





I/we will serve as a

communion helper




I/we will serve as greeters




I/we will serve as a lay reader



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Christ’s United Lutheran Church 13765 Old Turnpike Rd Millmont Pa 17845 570-922-1860 church’s e-mail: [email protected] pastor’s e-mail:

[email protected] website:

Office Hours: Mon-Thu – 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Fri – Closed

STAFF The Congregation ........................................ The Ministers The Rev. John D. Yost ............................................ Pastor Margie Dunkle ................................................ Sec/Asst Tr Dianne Shuck .................................................... Treasurer Janet Hackenberg ...................................................Asst Tr Al Pantaleo ....................................................... Data Entry Tom Catherman ................................................. Custodian Paula Christy & Gary Hackenberg ...................... Organists

Diane Valentine & Karen Zimmerman .................. Pianists


Officers Lee Spangler, President

Drew Christy, Vice President Barry Spangler, Council Secretary

Ministry Assignments


(deals with property, personnel and stewardship)

Jim Boop, Tom Catherman

Eugene Hassinger

Inreach (focus on ministry

within the congregation)

Greg Shuck Lee Spangler Janet Spurr

Outreach (related to ministry

beyond the congregation)

Drew Christy Dianne Shuck Linda Smith






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Meet – we meet each other as sisters and brothers in Christ Invite – we invite and welcome others into the body of Christ Share – we share the good news of Jesus and our gifts with all Support – we support each other as we walk in the ways of Jesus Imagine – we imagine life filled with God’s purpose and grace Offer – we offer ourselves to God through faith, hope and love Nourish – we nourish one another in the Word, by the Spirit

Christ’s United Lutheran Church is a community of faith, gathered, empowered and entrusted with the good news of Jesus Christ to bear witness that we are one body in Christ as together we worship God in all praise and thanksgiving and we serve one another with unconditional love and mercy.

PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE… …when a member of your family is sick or is admitted to the hospital, so that visits can be made and the proper people notified. …when your address and phone number is changed, so the church records can be corrected. …when you move—out of town or locally. …when a new baby arrives in your family or in the family of another church member. …when a member of your family leaves home for college or to establish a new residence. …when a new family moves into your neighborhood. …when your class or group plans to have a meeting, so that it can be cleared and placed on the church calendar. …when something good happens to you or your family. …when you feel the church can assist you in any way

April 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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Even in our messes God blesses.


BSA Chicken




BSA Chicken


3 9:00 Worship 10:00 Sale Committee 10:00 Koinonia Kafe 10:15 Sunday School


10:30 Bible Study


7:00 Inreach Ministry

6 10:00 Hope’s Haven

7:00 Bible Study

7 8 9

10 9:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School


10:30 Bible Study

12 8:30 Quilting Workday


10:00 Hope’s Haven 6:00 Outreach Ministry 7:00 Bible Study

14 15 16

Fellowship Hall


17 9:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School


10:30 Bible Study

19 7:00 Council

20 10:00 Hope’s Haven

7:00 Bible Study

21 22 23 8:00 Betty Wallace Public Sale

24 9:00 Worship 10:15 Sunday School



Fellowship Hall


27 10:00 Hope’s Haven

28 29

Chicken Barbecue



3:00 Chicken


When there's nothing on TV, most people will watch it anyway.

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APRIL 30, 2016

3:00 – 6:30 p. m.

Take Outs A Limited Number

Available of Walk-In Meals

will Be Available

Includes: Ticket Prices:

½ Chicken (¼ child’s meal) Adult Platter $8.50

Choice of Potato Salad or Applesauce Child’s Platter $4.00

Baked Beans Chicken Half $4.50

Buttered Roll


Drink (not available with take-outs)


966-4091 or 922-1860

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