Transcript of CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द...

Page 1: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म




Page 2: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म
Page 3: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म


Page 4: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म
Page 5: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म


1. अखब�र (सम�च�र पत )स� क� छ मज�द�र च�टक� ल� इकट�� कर� और उनक� एक च�ट� पर लग�ओ|

2.अपन� पररव�र क� सदस"# क� न�म ललखकर उनक� म�ब�इल न%बर "�द कर&|

3. वर�म�न क�ल म& ह�ई छ� ट*ट"# म& आपन� अपन� म�र�-पपर� क- ककन-ककन क�"/ म& सह�"र� क- उनक- स0च1 बन�इए और उनह& पवसर�र स� ललखखए ,इस1 ररह आप र�ज क- *दनच"�� क� ब�र� म& भ1 ललख&ग� कक आप अपन� म�र� पपर� क- ककन-ककन क�"/ म& सह�"र� करर� ह5|4. क�ई (10) पक्षि"# क� चचत बन�इए और उनक� ब�र� म& द� -द� व�क" ललखखए | उनम& स� क�ई 4 पक्षि"# क� ऊपर 8 प%ककर"# क- कपवर� (सवरचचर) ललख&|

Page 6: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

5.घर म& रख� ह�ए अन�प"�ग1 स�म�न स� स�%दर स� स�%दर स� झ0मर बन�ए और उस पर पवल�म शबद ललख&|

6.स�ल�ख क�"�

1) अनवर झटपट उ� ,चल उपवन रक चल|

2) छ�र� इधर रख ,कमल� म�ल� पहन ब�ज�र ज�|

3) चचडB"� द�न� ल�ई ,कपवर� लसर�र मर बज�|

4) म�लC तररलC क� उB�, मछलC जल क- र�न1 हE|

5) क� स�म ग�ल�ब उ�� ,"ह ल�ल र%ग क� हE|

6) स0रज तनकल आ"� ,म0लC मर ख�l

7) प�B हर� हE, श�र ज%गल म& घ0म रह� हE|

8) थEल� फल स� भर� हE, बEल इधर आ रह� हE|

9) अ%ग0र खटट� -म1�� ह5, ब%दर न�च रह� हE|

10) क� आH इधर हE ,प�न1 भर|


" उपर�कर *दए गए व�क"# क� पतर*दन एक व�क" क� 5 ब�र ललख& और पढन� क� अभ"�स कर&"|

7.इस1 ररह आप अपन� म�र�-पपर� क- सह�"र� स� पतर*दन एक न"� व�क" 5 ब�र ललख& और उस� पढन� क� अभ"�स कर& |

Page 7: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

CLASS IIISubject-Hindi

1.)अपने दादा दादी जी से बाात करे और उनसे पूछे कक उनके समय म ेघर के अददर बाैठकर कौन-

कौन से खेल खेल ेजाते थे और उन म ेककतने खिखलाड़ी हहोते थे ,ककन्ीद चार खेलहोद के बाार ेम ेआप चारचार वाक कलख|े

2.)कहोई पादच पहेकलयाद कलख ेऔर याद करे और उन्े मछली के आकार म ेसजाएद उससे एक सुददर सा तहोरण बानाएद |

3).करहोना वायरस सदक्रमण से बाचने के कलए कहोई 4 उपाय कलख|े

4).अपने पालक गण(parents) की सहायता से (कहोई 4)फलहोद के मुखहोटे बानाओ और उन्े ( West material )

से सजाओ|

5)."आपके घर म ेजहो अनुपयहोगी सामान हहो उससे आप गम् के मौसम म ेकमलन ेवाल ेककन्ीद (पादच )

फलहोद के कचत बानाएद और उनक ेनाम कलख ेऔर फलहोद से हहोने वाल ेलाभ भी कलख ेऔर अपनी पसदद के ककन्ी पादच फलहोद के ऊपर (स्वरकचत ) 8 पदखि्तियहोद की ककवता कलख|े

6. सचा कमत( कहानी)------- रमेश तथा सुरेश नाम के दहो कमत थे |एक बाार व ेदहोनहोद जदगल म ेघूमने गए |अचानक वहाद एक भाल ूआ गया |भाल ूकहो देखकर दहोनहोद दहोस बाहुत डर गए |व ेसहोचने लग ेअबा का करे |तभी रमेश तेजी से पेड़ पर चढ गया ,पर सुरेश कहो पेड़ पर चढना नहीद आता था |उसन ेसुरेश से कहा "कमत मेरी मदद करहो मुझे पेड़ पर चढना नहीद आता "|लेककन रमेश ने उसकी बाात नहीद सुनी |सुरेश ने कुछ सहोचा औरआदखे बादद करके जमीन पर लेट गया| भाल ूउसके पास आया ,उसे सँूघा और उसे मरा हुआ समझकर चला गया| बााद म ेपेड़ से उतरकर रमेश ने सुरेश से पूछा ,"भाल ूतुमार ेकान म ेका कह रहा था?"सुरेश बाहोला ,"भाल ूने मुझसे कहा कक तुमारा कमत सचा कमत नहीद है ,उस से कमतता छहोड़ दहो |

कशका --"जहो कमत मुसीबात म ेसाथ ना दे वह सचा कमत नहीद हहोता|"पारे बाचहोद, कजस तरह मैंने आपकहो (कशकाप्रद )कहानी दी है उसी तरह की कुछअन कहाकनयाद आप ढूूदढूेऔर उन् ेकनत प्रकतकदन याद करन ेका अभास करे और कलखन ेका अभास करे |कहोई(2 )कहाकनयाद आपकहो कलखनी है और याद करनी है| उन कहाकनयहोद से हम ेका कशका कमली यह भी कलखना है |

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Sub- IT

Page 9: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Sub- EVS

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Sub- English

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Page 12: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

SUB- English

1- Draw map provided above� � and answer the questions given in it .

2- Write some steps to Maintain cleanliness of your colony as a child how would

you contribute.Use your good manners skills.

3- Write paragraph on good manners about 150 words .

4- Find out 10 words from the paragraph and write their synonyms, antonyms.

Page 13: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

5-Mark all the punctuation marks in sameh paragraph with different colours / any

other creative ways .Write capital letters also creatively.

[ Do your English holiday H.W in a separate copy..or u can do your work in pages

also_;then you have to arrange all the pages in a file or file folder.]..your work

should be neat and proper...if you have any may contact us

freely..� �...THANK YOU

Sub-Social Science

1-learn and write all the India's states names and their capitals names also.

2- Some people help us in the society .The person maintaining cleanliness in your

area during lockdown is providing great service to the community - Say thanks to

him /her. Share your old toys with them as showing gratitude. Write your

experience and share in class when schools open.

3- Draw a family tree and paste pictures into it , make greeting card with this as

well as write thank you notes and gift to your elders of your family.

4- Take a political map of India mark directions into it .

With the help of compass in your parents mobile find out different directions in

your home .Write your observations and share with elders of your family to help

them to avoid their boredom during lock down.

5- Collect few pebbles and ask your mother / grand mother about any old games

they played with them and write your observations .

Sub- Hindi

Page 14: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Class -VSub- Maths

1- Find out any creative method of writing tables from YouTube and write tables of 2-20.2- Conduct survey of your atleast 10 relatives .Ask them following questions:a) How many times in a day you wash your hands?b) How many steps of washing hands. Do you follow?c) How do you wash vegetables now a days as due to corona infection these can be infected.Write your observations in Roman numbers.3- Collects seeds from watermelon .Draw different geometrical shapes and paste these seeds to make out line of shapes and fill colours inside .This way make a collage with different shapes and enjoy eating watermelon with your family.4- Ask from your mother about the weight of different vegetables and grocery items bought by her upto one week. make a list with their weight .Observe which item is measured in whatquantity and write your observations eg.Kg, g , litre etc.5-Prepare conversion values on a chart.6- Use addition and subtration in our daily affairs lie what you buy from the market , how much your parents spend, how much you save etc. Note down all the calculations and make equations for multiplying them by making pair of two-two.Solve atleast 5 equations. Convert your observations of Kg into gram .

Sub- ENGLISH1- Write any story /poem about your favorite food .Find out it's nutritious value and write it.

2- Design a poster and write slogan to spread awareness to help animals/birds amongst people3- Find out 5 idioms about any food items and frame sentences with their help.

4- Write the steps to wash vegetables and fruits during corona infections and share your ideas by writing one paragraph .Send to atleast your 5 relatives.

5 - Use any creative way to decorate the punctuation marks in same paragraph.

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Sub- Hindi

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Class -VISub-Sanskrit

Sub- Maths

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Sub- IT

Sub- Science

Page 19: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Sub- Hindi

Sub- S.St.

Page 20: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

1. Map work :- Show the top five best performing cities in Swachch Survekshan 2019 on the map of India 2. Do the following questions:- Who is the inspiration behind the concept of Swachch Bharat Mission? Which ministry initiated the Swachch Bharat Mission? What is the tag line of Swachch Bharat Mission? Which award is given by Indian government to cities andvillages for cleanliness? Draw the logo of Swachch Bharat Mission. 3. Write in your opinion who are responsible to keep neighbourhood clean? Also suggest atleast five ways to keep your neighbourhood clean. 4. What are the components of personal hygiene? Paste the picture of any three personal hygiene. 5. Difference between cleanliness and hygiene( Any two points). 6. Suppose you a doctor and you are treating a patient suffering from COVID-19 disease. So what all measures will you suggest to your patient to improve his health and hygiene? Explain in points. 7. Learn chapter-1 ‘Diversity’, Civics .

Sub- French

Class VII

Page 21: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Sub- French1- Prepare vocabulary related with nature (birds , flowers,plant, tree river, etc )and design a poster related with environment .2- write five lines on cleanliness in your surroundings.

Sub- Science

Sub- English

Sub- Sanskrit

Page 22: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Sub- IT

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Sub- Hindi

Sub- S.ST.

Page 24: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Sub- Maths

Page 25: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Class VIII

Sub: French

1- Prepare a tweet on the topic -Why washing hands is important ?

2-What are the necessary steps for washing hands Write a message and forward

to your Five friends , relatives or neighbours.

3-Write recopies of any dish which you can prepare ,take photos and send

through any mode of social media of your choice.

4-Write a slogan -Take precautions while forwarding any messages on what's app

5- Write an email to your friend how you are spending your time during


Sub- English

1. Take two paragraphs of lesson 1 of your textbook and summarize it in the form of tweet that is in not more than 140 characters.

2. Write a short poem on ‘Mailbox’.

3. Write a paragraph in 100 – 120 words on ‘Would you quit Social Media and Why’?

4. Write an e-mail to your friend on ‘How Social Media has become an addiction to you’.

5. Write a diary entry in not more than 100-120 words based on the given topic.“Technology helps us to connect with the world but separates us from our family and friends”.

6. Write a speech in 100 words on “Facebook kills face to face communication skills”. You are Anu / Anurag.

7. Search any 5 Buzzwords like ‘Meme’, ‘Viral’ etc from the internet. Write their meanings and prepare a flash card of it.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘Is Social Media making us more Narcissistic’?.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

9. Write an essay on ‘Who is your favourite YouTube star ’ in 120 – 150 words.

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Sub- S.St.

1. Prepare a model of soil profile, use waste material for making and share itwith your friends through whatsapp.

2. Find out some of official announcement of government related to lockdown and paste their cuttings in a handmade file.

3. Write in your opinion how is the social media playing an important role in the lives of people during lockdown period in the wake of COVID-19?

4. Find out when did Britishers start first train, postal services and telephone in India. What were the modes of long distance communication and press? Compare that with present methods especially with reference to social media. How far it is?

5. Find out modern tools of agriculture? How computers and other equipments can be implemented in agriculture. Discuss it with your friend byusing any mode of social media you generally use( eg: Whatsapp, FB, Telegram) and write your answer in conversation( chatting) pattern.

6. Map Work:- i. On physical map of India mention some sites having some minerals in those areas (eg. Iron, Bauxite, Coal, Petroleum, etc). ii. With the help of thematic map show the cybercrime cases occurred in different states and UTs in India in 2017.

7. With reference to chapter understanding secularism make greeting cards(any two) for your friends of different religion and wish them their festivals recently celebrated ( eg: Baisakhi, Holi, Ramdaan Kareem, Chetichand etc). You can also make ecards.

8. Learn chapter-1 “Resources”, Geography.

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Sub- Science

Sub- Sanskrit

Page 28: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Sub- IT

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Sub- Maths

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Sub- Hindi

Page 31: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

Class- IX

Sub- Science1)To Prepare :

a) a true solution of common salt , sugar and alumb) a suspension of soil , chalk powder and fine sand in waterc) a colloidal solution of starch in water and egg albumin

/milk in water and distinguish between these on the basis of :i)Transparency ii)Filtration criterion iii)Stability

2) To prepare :

a) a mixture b) a compound

using iron fillings and sulphur powder and distinguish between these on the basis of:

i)appearance, i.e. , homogeneity and heterogeneity ii) behavior towards the magnet

iii) behavior towards carbon disulphide a solvent

iv)effect of heat

3) To prepare stained temporary mounts of (a)onion peel (b)human cheek cells and to record observations and draw their labeled diagrams.

4) To identify parenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues in plants , striped muscle fibers and nerve cells in animals , from prepared slidesand to draw there labelled diagrams.

Page 32: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

5) To establish relationship between weight of a rectangular wooden block lying on a horizontal table and the minimum force required to just move it using a spring balance.

NOTE : These all should be written in lab manual . WORKSHEET

1) Write down the comparison of properties of solids , liquids and gases.

2) Write two similarities / dissimilarities between Boiling and Evaporation.

3) What are characteristics of the particles of matter ?4) Write the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells . 5) Write the differences between plant cell and animal cell .6) Why is cell called the structural and functional unit of life .7) Differentiate between the diffusion and osmosis .8) Differentiate between distance and displacement.9) Define the term: a) speed b) velocity

10)Give the detail description of uniform and non-uniform acceleration .

Note: Students please remember to draw diagrams with each and every question as it is mandatory .

Sub- English1.Read lesson 1 of Beehive and prepare flash card of 10 word meaning.

2. Make 5 diary entries before you go to bed about the things you like and dislike during the day.

3. Read story no. 1,2 and 3 from supplementary reader book ‘Moments’ and write their summaries in short (80 words). Also make a dictionary of difficult words in the most impressive way you can.

4. Write the process of the preparation of tea or Cold Coffee on a A4 size sheet and paste the picture.

5. Collect any five news items on the given topic. Paste them on a chart. Comment on any two in 100 words.

Indian Culture and Tradition

6. Create a Comic Strip or Story Board to summarize specific lines or the main points and meaning of the poem. ‘The Road not taken’.

If you are creating Comic Strip then along with pictures you have to write dialogue.

And If you are making Story Board then with pictures you have to write detail description related to the poem .

Page 33: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म

7. Write an essay on any one of the following topic in 200 words. Indian Heritage: A Gift from the Older Generations

Our Heritage our pride

8. Write an article in 100-120 words stressing upon the need to protect our cultural heritage. You are Vansh / Vaishali.

9.Write character sketches of the following in your copy. (Any two) Margie (lesson 1)

Bismillah Khan (lesson 2)

Evelyn Glennie (lesson 2)

10. Write a short Bio – Sketch of ‘Robert Frost ’ in a scrap book. Follow the format Name and age




Main personality traits

Mention special Awards and recognitions


Why people like him?Note:- Paste the pictures of Robert Frost and show your creativity.

Subject:- Social ScienceA. Activity:-

1. Find any five heritage sites of India which are included in world heritage sites. Paste their pictures. 2. Suppose you are visiting Sanchi Stupa where you find a tourist who is spitting at the side of one of the pillars. So as a responsible citizen what are duties and how will you stop that tourist from doing so and make him understand about the importance of such historical sites? 3. If you get the chance of free travelling anywhere across the country then which heritage site/ monument you would like to visit? Also write what all outfits you will carry with yourself suitable to the climate of region you arevisiting.

B. Project work:-

Collect the following information about Disaster Management and write:- 1. What is Disaster Management? 2. Role of disaster management committee at - National level - State level - District level 3. Role of government/ non government functionaries in Disaster management 4. Generate Awareness on Disaster management with the help of poster. 5. Identify and write ant three safety measures during disasters - Earthquake, Floods, Landslide, Cyclone.

C. Map work:-

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Sub- Maths1. Locate five heritage sites on the map of India. 2. Show the earthquake prone region onthe physical map of India.

D. Learn Chapter-1 “The story of village Palampur”, Economics.

1. Visualize 3.756 on the number line, using successive magnification

2. Represent √3.5 on the number line

3. Express

1. 3 2 + 0.35 as a fraction in simplest form. (166/99)

4. Express 0.1254 in the form p/q (69/550)

5. If x = 3+2√2, find the value of x2 + 1/x2 (34)

6. If x = 2 + √5, Prove that x2 + 1 = 18 X2 7. Rationalise the denominator 1 √6 + √5 - √11

8. If a and b are rational numbers, find a and b

a) √2 + √3 = a + b √6 (a=2, b=5/6) 3 √2 - 2√3 b) √5 – 2 - √5 + 2 = a + b √5 (a = 0, b = - 8) √5 + 2 √5 – 2

9. Simplify: a) 1 + 1 + 1 1 + √2 √2 + √3 √3 + √4 (1)

10. If a = √3+√2 and b = √3 – √2 , find the value of a2 + b2 (98) √3 – √2 √3 + √2 2

11. If a = 9 - 4√5, find the value of a – 1/a (320)

12. If x = 1 - √2, find the value of x – 1/x (8)

13. If x = 3 + 2 √2, find the value of √x - 1 (8) √x

14. If x = 0.125, find the value of (1/x) 1/3

15. If x = √3 + √2 then find the value of x2 (49 + 20√6) √3 - √2

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16. If x =

1 , find the value of x3 – 2x2 – 7x + 5 (3)

2 - √3 17. Find four rational numbers between

3/5 and 4/5

18. Find two irrational numbers lying between √2 and √3

19. Find two rational and irrational numbers between 0.3101 and 0.3222

20. Simplify the following: a) 576 - 1/2 b) 343 -1/3 c) (-1/27) - 2/3 d) (0.008)4/3 e) (729)- 1/6 625 1000

21. Simplify and express the result in the simplest form: (25)3/2 x (243)2/5 (1125/512) (16)5/4 x (8)4/3

22. Find the value x, if 5x -3 x 3 2x – 8 = 225 (x = 5)

23. Solve: a) 49 x 7x = (343)1/3 (x = -1) b) 2x = (128)1/7 x (√2)4 (3) c) If 3x = 9 , find x (1/2) 27x d) (1/7)4 – 2x = √7 (9/4)

24. Evaluate: a) 125 -1/3 x 271/3 (62 +82 )1/2 (6) b) (172 – 82)1/2 (15) c) 641/3 (641/3 – 642/3)

25. Simplify: a) √45 + √80 - 3√20 (√5) b) 7√6 - √252 - √294 + 6√7 ( 0 ) c) 4√28 + 3√7

26. Give an example of two irrational numbers whose: (A) Sum is rational (B) product is rational (C) quotient is rational

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Sub- Computer Application

Sub- Sanskrit

Sub- Hindi

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Class – XNote: Holiday homework is same for all the subjects except Science (Science homework is given for Section A and Section B)

Sub- Social Science

1. Choose any one of the following topic and collect information and write in

your last year's notebook: a) Sustainable Development b) Consumer Awareness c)

Social issues

2. Collect information about the various movements or case study related to

above mentioned topics.

3. Write the role of students and society in the above mentioned topics.

4. Write the various steps taken by the government for it.

5. Learn and prepare the two chapters of geography. a) Forest resources and

wildlife b) Water resources


1) History of mathematics : The role of the mathematicians such as

Aryabhata,Ramanujan, Pythagoras, Euclid in the development

of mathematics.

2) Create an order menu for 5 different dishes,5 types of beverage

and 5 different desserts. The project can get along with simple adding

of prices of dishes to calculating the price of 3 people ordering

different dishes. It all depends on how innovative you can get with

menu by giving 10% senior discount or you can include GST for the entire

order as you like.

Sub- English


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Sample Question: Write a dialogue between you and your teacher about

importance of learning English. →Ans: A dialogue between a teacher and a

student about the importance of learning English/ necessity of learning English.

Student: Good morning sir, how are you? Teacher: I am fine, how are you?

Student: I am fine too. Sir, I want to know about necessity of learning English.

Teacher: Thank you for your curiosity. We know that English is an international

language and communication defends on the language. Student: But, why shall

we learn it? Teacher: If you want to serve in a post office, in a foreign office, in an

airport and to study higher education, you must know English. Student: Now, I

think that everybody should learn English. Because we can not progress in life

without learn it. Teacher: I hope that you have understood properly it. Student:

Thank you sir, for your advices.

Q.1. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on your preparation for the

Board Examination.

Q.2 Change the following dialogues in indirect speech of narration.

Ankit: Where are you going?

Atul: To the airport.

Ankit: May I drop you there in my car?

Atul: Thanks a lot. It will be a great help to me.


Q.3 Read the following paragraph carefully and fill in the blanks with appropriate

form of verbs given in brackets:

Four persons ______ (arrest) when they ______ (try) to flee after firing two rounds

at a police team on Wednesday afternoon. When a policeman______ (approach)

their car, for checking which they______ (park) near a hotel. One of them______

(fire) at him. All the four______ (sit) in the car at that time.

(i) (a) arrested (b) were arrested (c) arrest (d) was arrested

(ii) (a) tried (b) try (c) were trying (d) was trying

(iii) (a) approaching (b) approaches (c) approached (d) was approached

(iv) (a) had parked (b) parked (c) parks (d) parking

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(v) (a) was fired (b) were fired (c) firing (d) fired

(vi) (a) were sitting (b) sat (c) was sitting (d) sits


Q.4 This passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Find the

error and correct it:

Incorrect Correct Educationist today are overwhelmingly a. ________

________ concern about the future of the youngsters. b. ________ ________

The common complaint is students doesn’t c. ________ ________ study;

they are not interested. Some blames d. ________ ________ exposure to the

media, others feel that the present generation are not serious enough.

e. ________ ________

The CBSE expresses this concern of f. ________ ________ reviewing the

syllabus for the time. The g. ________ ________ idea is to build a

complete personality of an individual. h. ________ ________


Q.5 There is one word missing in each line. Write the missing word along with the

word that comes before and after. Before Missing After Buddha taught

people many Eg: people in many different ways. He taught

children telling (a) ______ ______ ______ stories. He gave detailed

explanations the (b) ______ ______ ______ path to wise. To others,

taught without (c) ______ ______ ______ speaking any words all. He always

(d) ______ ______ ______ talked with kindness and love.

Q.6 Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your views for

concern over impact of social media on youngsters.

Q.7 As the picture depicts, how the doctors are working hard to save the lives of

the people from the dangerous coronavirus. This time they are holding a great

responsibility and doing a challenging task. Their efforts are praiseworthy. Write a

letter to the editor discussing about the Coronavirus crisis, sacrifice of doctors

and police.

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Q.8 Write a paragraph in about 100-150 words how can we fight against

coronavirus. Also write about the ways to keep busy and stay happy during



Q.9 Fill in the blanks searching the words from the box given below:

Fossil Fuels are made from ______ and ______ that died millions of years ago. They

became ______ and eventually turned into Fossil Fuels. Example of fossil fuels are

______, Natural gas and ______. Coal is used for all sorts of things including ______,

tar for roads and dyes. It is also used to make ______. Electricity is made by

burning the coal to heat water, which makes ______, which turns a turbine. When

gas is burned, it gives off ______. It is used to cook food and to heat houses and

offices. WORD BANK

Plants Animals Buried Petrol Medicines Electricity Steam Heat Oil Clothes out

Pollution coal Plastics Q.10 With the help of stapler and waste pages make a

small diary and showing your creativity draw the picture of poem 1 – Dust of

Snow and write only different literary devices used to beautify the poem.

Repeat the same process with chapter 1 - Letter to God. Sketch the picture of the

story and write its short summary. You can decorate your diary using the material

available with you.

Note- All the work should be done in a neat and clean way in any copy available

with you or in the copy you are doing your english written work. (Except Q.10)

Subject: CA ( Computer Application)

1. Create a PowerPoint presentation on "Cyber Safety" using following subtopics.a. Cyber Crimeb. Cyber Ethics.c. Software Licensingd. Secure Data Transmissione. Conclusion

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2. Collect the suitable information including graphics and images from theINTERNET to be used as the content for different slides and apply animations tothe inserted objects and slides to make an attractive presentation on a Chart.3. Make a useful thing using waste electronic materials like CD, unusedelectronic cable, unused charging cable of mobile etc.4. Draw the Diagram of Motions blocks in Scratch.5. How to use public WiFi safely. Design a chart to explain it.

Note: Holiday homework is same for all the subjects except Science (Science homework is given for Section A and Section B)

Class X B

Subject :Science


Q1) Studying the dependence of potential difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing through it and determine its resistance. Also plotting a graph between V and I .

Q2) Determination of the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series and parallel .


Q1) Finding the pH of the following samples by using pH paper / universal indicator :

a) Dilute hydrochloric acid b) Dilute NaOH solution c) Dilute sodium ethanoic acid solution d) Lemon juicee) Waterf) Dilute sodium hydrogen carbonate solution

Studying the properties of acids and bases (HCI and NaOH) by their reaction with :

a) Litmus solution (Blue/Red)b) Zinc metal c) Solid sodium carbonate

Q2) Performing and observing the following reactions and classifying them into :

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(a) Combination reaction

(b)Decomposition reaction

(c)Displacement reaction

(d)Double displacement reaction

(i) Action of water on quick line

(ii) Action of heat on ferrous sulphate crystals

(iii) Iron nails kept in copper sulphate solution

(iv) Reaction between sodium sulphate and barium chloride solutions


Q1) Preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata .

Q2) Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.

NOTE: Students please remember to write these practical experiments in their respective lab manuals.



Q1) An electric bulb draws a current of 0.8 A and works on 250 V an average 8 hours a day . If energy costs rupees 3per Kwh, calculate monthly bill for 30 days.

Q2) How can three resistors of resistances 2Ω , 3Ω , and 6Ω be connected to give a total resistance of (a) 4Ω (b) 1Ω ?

Q3) Calculate the number of electrons constituting one coulomb of charge .

Q4) Write Joules law of heating .

Q5) Why does the connecting cord of n electric heater not glow while the heating element does ?


Q1) How is a chemical equation balanced? Discuss with the help of an example.

Q2) What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reactions. Write equation for these reactions ?

Q3) Give one basic difference between rusting and burning.

Q4) Write and explain different types of chemical – reactions .

Q5) What do you mean by the term – Corrosion and Rancidity .


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Q1) State differences between Arteries and Veins .(5 points)

Q2) Differentiate between Respiration and Photosynthesis .(3 points)

Q3) Differentiate between Aerobic and anaerobic respiration along with points of basis .(parameters)

Q4) What is nutrition? Explain briefly the two major kinds of nutrition .

Q5) What are the functions of liver ?

Class -X ‘A’

Sub- Science

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Sub- Hindi

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Class- XII(Science)Sub-English

1. Select any two poems from the syllabus and highlight the presence of listed literary devices. Explain the literary devices and cite suitable examples from selected poems in a sheet/chart. Given below is a list of literary devices that you can look for in your poem.

Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration Repetition Oxymoron Enjambment Refrain Hyperbole Onomatopoeia Irony Allusion

2. Read the lesson no. 1 and 2 from the supplementary reader book ‘Vistas’ and write the character sketches of the following in your notebook.

Charlie Sam Tiger King Dewan

3. Cut and paste two advertisements from the newspaper on ‘Situation Vacant’ and write application for jobs in response to them.

4. You have read about the disappearance of bird habitat from city forests and parks. Write an article in 120 – 150 words stressing upon the need for bringing back the birds to the city on a chart. You are Aditya/ Aditi.

5. Prepare a write up on the poetess of ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’. Also write the theme of the poem in your own words ona A4 size sheets.

6. Prepare a debate on any one of the following topic : ‘Exams only measure the memory of the students not their learning’.

‘Brain Drain is not a bane for a country like India’7. You are Anuj, a social activist. Design a poster to observe ‘Wildlife Protection Week’ in your city in not more than 50


8. Write a letter to the editor on the following topic (Any one):- Unhygienic condition in local hospitals. Misuse of Internet

Create an informational booklet showingo ‘Punctuation Rules’ (Roll No. 1 to 10)o ‘Figurative Language’ (Roll No. 11 to 21)

Cut and paste 4 newspaper reports on accidents or pandemic like corona virus or fire in the market place etc and write the answers to the following questions.

o What happened, where , wheno Howo Eye witness accounto No. of casualties o Who is the culprit?o Action taken

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o Any grant by the govt.Vocabulary – interesting words used


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Projects in mathematics1) project on history mathematicians: It may include history of any 3 Indian mathematicians and history of any 3 foreign mathematicians.

2) Study the nature of mathematics and make a project showing where three aspects of nature of mathematics-formalism,logic, intuition is applied in the development of mathematics.

Sub- IP1. Create a presentation on " Cyber Crime & Cyber Safety".

2. How to use vedio conferencing safely. Suggest a way of protecting from virus using vedio conferencing Applications.

3. Create a chart to define "Online Fraud and It's categories".

4. Write a Python program for calculation.

5. Write and learn any 50 Command of SQL and MYSQL with example.


Q.1-Learn the notes and practice questions of Chp-6,14,15 and16. (taught and explained)Q.2-Solve the given worksheet.(che. Register)1.How do antiseptics different from disinfectants?2.Define anionic detergents ,broad spectrum antibiotics, antioxidants.3.Write the structures and names of the monomers of the following. polymers- Dacron,Nylon 6,Buna-N,Buna-S,Melamine formaldehyde polymer. 4.To have practical applications,why are cross links required in rubber? 5.What is meant by-(1) peptide linkage (2) glycosidic linkage 6.Name the vitamin whose deficiency causes- Rickets ,convulsions, bleeding of gums, night blindness, Beri-beri. 7.What is the difference between native protien and denatured protien. 8.Write the principle behind the following: a.Vapour phase refining b.Chromatography c.Froath floatation process. 9.Write the role of the following: a. CO in the purification of Ni. b. Graphite rod in metallurgy of Al. c. Iodine in the refining of Zirconium. d. NaCN in the extraction of gold from gold ore. e. Depressant in froath floation process. 10.Write the limitations of Ellingham diagram. Q.3- Complete practical file work(Explained to students) SACRED PUB.

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Q1. Learn the notes and practice questions of chp. 1,13,14,15 and 16. (Taught and explained)Q2. WORKSHEET(Write the answers in bio register)

1. Differenciate between gametogenesis and embryogenesis.2. What are vegetative propagules?Name any four along with the help of

examples.3. Explain with the help of suitable examples the four different ways by

which organisms overcome their stressful conditions lasting for short duration.

4. Highlight the differences between: competition,predation,commensalism and ammensalism.

5. Justify the importance of decomposers in an ecosystem.6. Differenciate between primary and secondary succession with example.7. Explain giving three reasons,why tropics show greatest level of species

diversity.8. A) Define endemism.

B) “Alien species are a threat to native species. “Justify taking example of animal and plant species.

9. Explain biomagnification .Mention ill effect of industrial waste water. 10. What is eutrophicaton ?How does a lake undergo accelerated eutrophication?Q3. Complete practical file work.(Explained to students) SACRED PUB.

Physical Education

PRACTICAL1. Complete Practical Record file.Record File shall include:

Practical-1: Fitness tests administration for all items.

Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for anytwo Asanas for each lifestyledisease.

Practical-3: Procedure for administering Senior Citizen Fitness Test for 5elderly family members.Practical-4: Any one game of your choice out of the list above. Labelleddiagram of field & equipment

(Rules, Terminologies, History , Famous Players , Major Tournaments ,Sports award & Skills).

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Subject physics

1 : Complete your Practical record (Lab manual)

2 : To learn and practice chapter 1 Electric charges and field and chapter 2 Electrostatic potential and capacitance.

Solve Worksheet

1 Explain how neutral bodies produce charges when rubbed with each other.

2 State Gauss theorem in electrostatics. Prove that no electric field exists inside a hollow charged sphere.

3 write coulomb s law in vector form. Also show that it obeys Newton’s third law of motion.

4 Two point charges having equal charges separated by 1 m distance experienced a force of 8N . What will be force experienced by them, if they are held in water, at the same distance?

5 why is repulsion the surest test for checking whether a body has a charge or not?

6 The electric field induced in a dielectric when placed in an external field is 1/10 times the external field. Calculate relative permittivity of the dielectric.

7 A regular hexagon of side 10 cm has a charge 5 micro coulomb at each of its vertices. Calculate the potential at the centre of the hexagon.

8 Can two equipotential surfaces intersect each other? Justify your answer?

9 Deduce the expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitance C havingcharges +Q and -Q on its plates.

10 What is an electrostatic shielding? What is its practical importance?

Sub- Hindi जन,रचनाए, मृतु और कपक्चर

1.जयशदकर प्रसाद ,सूयूर्यकादत कतपाठी कनराला , महादेवी वमाूर्य और सुकमतानददन पन मे से कहोई एक ककव का कहददी साकहत मे का यहोगदान है और उस ककवता से अपने जीवन मे का पररवतूर्यन लाना चाहते हैं।

एक ककवता उन्ीद ककव के दारा आलहोचना।

2. छायावादी ककवयहोद के नाम और उनके कपक्चर लगाके उनका पररचय देना ह

Class- XII (Commerce)

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Sub-Business StudiesQ.1)Write down notes of chapter 1 and 2 in notes copy.

Q.2)Project work- (any-1)

a)Principles of management.

b)Elements of Business environment.

c)Stock exchange

d)marketing management.

Students as you know that project is an essential part of your board classes so prepare one project with all the details discussed in the earlier classes and also the relevant information that you have got by your teacher.


1. Find out condition of rivers during lock down , Prepare case study of any Indian River .

2- Prepare Case study of ozone layer during lock down .

3- What are the instructions of RBI regarding using currency during lock down

4--Every day write any one news from newspapers about economy /economics .National or international .

5- Write question answers from NCERT book about chapter Money and Banking and Indian economy on the eve of Independence .

Sub- Hindi जन,रचनाए, मृतु और कपक्चर

1.जयशदकर प्रसाद ,सूयूर्यकादत कतपाठी कनराला , महादेवी वमाूर्य और सुकमतानददन पन मे से कहोई एक ककव का कहददी साकहत मे का यहोगदान है और उस ककवता से अपने जीवन मे का पररवतूर्यन लाना चाहते हैं।

एक ककवता उन्ीद ककव के दारा आलहोचना।

2. छायावादी ककवयहोद के नाम और उनक ेकपक्चर लगाके उनका पररचय देना ह

Physical Education

PRACTICAL1. Complete Practical Record file.Record File shall include:

Practical-1: Fitness tests administration for all items.

Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for anytwo Asanas for each lifestyle

Page 57: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म


Practical-3: Procedure for administering Senior Citizen Fitness Test for 5elderly family members.Practical-4: Any one game of your choice out of the list above. Labelleddiagram of field & equipment

(Rules, Terminologies, History , Famous Players , Major Tournaments ,Sports award & Skills).

Sub- IP1. Create a presentation on " Cyber Crime & Cyber Safety".

2. How to use vedio conferencing safely. Suggest a way of protecting from virus using vedio conferencing Applications.

3. Create a chart to define "Online Fraud and It's categories".

4. Write a Python program for calculation.

5. Write and learn any 50 Command of SQL and MYSQL with example.

Page 58: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म
Page 59: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म



Q.1 Write down a short paragraph on your

experiences about COVID-19. How did you feel

during the lockdown staying at home and

about your mental conditions during this time?

Q.2 Now a days we can see social media has

both advantages as well as disadvantages. But

still it is one of the fastest growing platforms in

our era. Write an article in about 200 words to

support this statement.

Q.3 You are Rohit /Rashi. As the secretary of

the Cultural Club of your school, you have

organized a cultural evening as a thanks giving

program on the last day of your school. Write a

notice for your school notice board giving

necessary information about this event.

Q.4 Today we are living in a digitalized world

and during this difficult time of COVID-19,

online working now has become an integral

part of our life. But teacher and students,

teaching and studies are also not deviant. Do

you think that virtual teaching can take the

place of physical classrooms? What differences

do you find between the two and how do you

feel when you are taught online? Give a short

write up on this.

Q.5 Giving the reference of the story ‘The

Portrait of a lady’, aged people should not be

left behind and every effort should be made

that they live with their children and

grandchildren. This will inculcate a proper

understanding between the old and the new

generation Pen down your views for the given



CLASS-XI (Physical Education)

Each Question carry 5 marks (5x4=20)

Q 1. Explain in 100 words “Health is Wealth”

Q 2. Write any five Asana & their benefits.

Q 3. What are the basic things which you are

doing in Covid-19 to keep you fit & healthy?

Q 4. Write a brief description about your

favorite game & draw their Ground

measurement also.



Q 1. Write the scientific names of human, Lion,

Dog, Onion, Wheat, Brinjal, Rose, Pigeon &


Q 2. Describe seven obligate/ definite

taxonomic categories for classification of living


Q 3. Explain different taxonomic aids.

Q 4. What are the functions of “Herbariums”?

Q 5. What do you mean by “Biodiversity”?



Q 1. Write question answer of lesson 1 Micro

Economics (Economics and economy)

Q 2. Write any five news related with economy

during lock down with reference to India.

Q 3. Refer news telecasted by RBI Governor

during lockdown regarding using E- currency.

Q 4. Prepare budget of your home for monthly


Page 60: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म



Q 1. Define Business & write its characteristics.

Q 2. Give difference between Business

profession & Employment.

Q 3. Difference between Industry and trade

(Give case study).

Q 4. Define economic & non- Economic activity

with example.

Q 5. Explain Business- Risks along with its

causes (Give case study).




Q 1. The distance of a galaxy is of the order of

1025m. Calculate the order of magnitude of

time taken by light to reach us from the galaxy.

Q 2. If the unit of force is 100 N, unit of length

is 10 m and unit of time is 100 s, what is the

unit of mass in this system of units?

Q 3. What is ‘Physics’? Write the name of its

branches with brief description.

Q 4. Prove the validity of equation S= 𝑢𝑡 +

½𝑎𝑡2 by dimensional analysis method.

Q 5. Write the definitions of all fundamental

units in SI system.


CLASS-XI (Accountancy)

Q 1. Explain the meaning of Accountancy,

Accounting and Book- Keeping.

Q 2. Give the difference between Book-

Keeping and Accountancy.

Q 3. What are the essentials of Book- Keeping

and Accountancy?

Q 4. Explain the objective of Accountancy.

Q 5. Explain the following Terms: Prepare a

collage ( any 5):i) Capital ii) Discount iii)

Assets iv) Stock v) Drawing vi) Proprietor vii)

Bad debts viii) Voucher ix) Turnover x) Liability



Q 1.Write an article in about 150 words on the

topic “Man vs Nature – Race towards


Q 2. Compose a short poem on the theme –

“Life is a Journey” (at least 12 lines).

Q 3. Prepare an attractive poster to thank the

health warriors during the Pandemic period.

Q 4. Write a speech, in about 180 words on the

topic “Social media helps to engage, enlighten

and encourage”

Q 5. Covid- 19 has brought our lives to a halt.

As a result we have a lot of time at our disposal

which has given us all an opportunity to

unleash our hidden talent. Write a paragraph

in 100-120 words telling about how this

Quarantine period has changed your lives. You

can talk about any new hobby or interest you

took up to cope with these uncertain times,

your daily routine etc. Give an appropriate title

to you paragraph.

Page 61: CHRIST MEMORIAL HR. SEC. SCHOOL BAIRAGARH, BHOPALCLASS III Subject-Hindi 1.)अपन द द द द ज स ब त कर और उनस प छ कक उनक समय म



1.Write down the important roles of chemistry

in our daily life.

2.Express the following in scientific notation?

(i)0.0048 (ii) 234,000 (iii) 8008(iv) 500.0 (v)


(vi)2.2 x 104 × 3.3 × 105 (vii) 4.6 × 104

2.3 × 107

3.How many significant figures are present in

the following?

(i) 0.0025 (ii) 208 (iii) 5005(iv) 126,000 (v)

2.0034(vi) 6.608792

4.Define laws of chemical combination.



Q 1. IF 𝐴 = {1,2,3,4,5}, 𝐵 = {7,8,9,10}, 𝐶 =

{7,8,9,10,11} 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷 ={10,11,12,13,14}. 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑 (𝑖)𝐴 ∪ 𝐵 (𝑖𝑖)𝐵 ∪

𝐶 (𝑖𝑖𝑖)𝐴 ∩ 𝐶 (𝑖𝑣)𝐴 ∩ 𝐷 (𝑣)𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 Q 2.

𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝐴 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵 𝑏𝑒 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑛(𝐴) =

24𝑛(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) = 46 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) =

8. 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑 (𝑖)𝑛(𝐵), (𝑖𝑖)𝑛(𝐴 − 𝐵)𝑛(𝐵 − 𝐴)

Q 3.


= {𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐}. 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓𝐴. 𝐴𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐴.

Q 4. Write the following sets in roster form:

(𝑖)𝐴 = {𝑥: 𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 − 3 ≤ 𝑥 < 7}


= {𝑥: 𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑑𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑠 8}

Q 5. In a survey of 800 students, 200 were

listed as taking apple juice, 250 taking orange

juice 125 were taking both apple as well as

orange juice. Find how many students were

taking neither apple nor orange juice.