Christ It Up Magazine

C.I.U Page 1 Vessel’s Note Third Issue!!!! Yeahhh Boy!!! I am so on fire right now. The 1 st 2 issues (which were a combo issue) did well. My church family was so supportive. Shout out to Lighthouse Cathedral! To my Pastor Maurice C. Trent and 1 st Lady Mary Trent (who is in the photo with me). I hope you enjoyed issues 1 & 2, here’s 3. As always hit me with comments, suggestions, etc. [email protected] or Darnica Gordon To God be the Glory! .


Spreading the Gospel in a fresh way Issue 3

Transcript of Christ It Up Magazine

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Vessel’s Note

Third Issue!!!! Yeahhh Boy!!! I am so on fire right now. The 1st 2 issues (which

were a combo issue) did well. My church family was so supportive. Shout out

to Lighthouse Cathedral! To my Pastor Maurice C. Trent and 1st Lady Mary

Trent (who is in the photo with me). I hope you enjoyed issues 1 & 2, here’s 3.

As always hit me with comments, suggestions, etc.

[email protected] or

Darnica Gordon

To God be the Glory!


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Pittsburgh’s Own

DJ Uncle E

Check out D J Uncle E live @

And also on 92.1fm WPTS 5PM-7PM every Friday starting 5-6-11

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I’m not pretty….or cute….or fine. These are man’s labels.

Instead I have beauty divine. From the one creator who enables me

I'm pretty? What kind of pretty? Ugly, pretty plain, pretty pitiful?

nah, I’m beautiful

I’m cute? As a what? A button, a puppy, cute as a kitten? Hey, look at me, you gotta be kiddin’

I’m fine? How am I? Like sand, like print, like fine wine?

Dude, don’t waste my time.

Pretty, cute, fine? None of the above apply, I live not by the standard of man.

But by the standard of the one who can supply.

No, not a hot mama, or a baby girl, boy you’re a mess but my children shall arise call me blessed,

because my heavenly father say so.

Not thick, or stacked, or built with brick house bricks but my body is the temple of the living GOD,

and while you judge me with earthly eyes to GOD, I’m the perfect fit, I’m the perfect size

don’t have rapunzels pony tail, or goldilocks’ weave

but my hair is my glory, can you even perceive?

Don’t need you to holler, or even to spit game my way but a blessing would be nice as i go throughout the day

and why real quick, for a second or a minute?

Can’t you take the time to know me, put some effort in it?

Dude you shouldn’t even bother, so how would you answer this, do you even know my Father?

And no, I’m not a ride or die chick, nor am I willing to be.

And no I won’t tell a lie. Or let you lie on me.

And just cause I tell the truth, it doesn’t make me a snitch and don’t even shape your mouth to call me a b......

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and what u mean move in, can’t we first get hitched? So that you won’t leave me alone without a stitch,

in a ditch, what do you mean, we’re gonna be rich? You expect me to fall for that lame pitch?

I’m glad that I can follow the master’s plan, created by my GOD

who came as a man, and left his spirit as my comforter.

So you expect some applause? For what cause?

Cause you were nice, showed some respect?

Cause you do what you should and what I expect of you?

Ok, I will say thanks but your true reward is on reserve, heaven or hell? God will give what you rightly deserve.

Trying to come at me with that sorry line,

so let me warn you for next time

My name is Beautiful and I don’t respond to pretty, cute, or fine.

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“A Touch of Elegance”

By Mary Hill

Full Service includes:

Wedding Planning

Floral Arrangements


All for a low price of $300.00

(Plus the cost of Flowers)

The Purchase of Floral Arrangements Alone- $150.00

(5+ arrangements)

Contact Mary Hill @ 412-969-6673


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This book was an awesome

read. Not

only did

the author

open up

about her

past and

how God

had to

work on

her, but

she opens

your eyes to view situations in

another light.

Where do I go is an awesome

book about a woman who is use

to doing


for her


his way





like dirty

until she

comes across a homeless

woman ,which leads her to a

homeless shelter, where she

ends up working. In finding

this job she not only finds

herself but God.

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Words of the Lord

Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it

produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been

trained by it.

See being out in the world it’s all about money. You’re always trying to find new

ways to get more. Sell this, play the lottery, use payday loans and close your bank

account. Even cash checks that you know are not real.

For example, I received a check in the mail that said I had won a sweepstakes of

some sort for $4000.00. Now me being a babe in Christ I was struggling with

cashing it or ripping it up. So I folded it up and put it in my purse. For days I was

struggling with cashing it or not. I asked my husband as well as some ladies from

my church. Long story short against my better judgment and what God was telling

me to do I cashed the check. It was as if I had no self-control. At first I took out

like $200. God told me to put it back. I tried to reason with him. “I’ll just spend

this $200”. “No Nica, put it back”, God said. I didn’t listen. I believe in the course

of 2 days, I hit the back of some lady’s car; I got pulled over for a bald tire even

though I was parked, and the cops were looking for ME for an unrelated situation.

I ended up using the couple dollars that I took out for the bald tire and the

unrelated situation. Once I got everything “squared away” I still didn’t feel like it

was done. Once I figured out why I was like, “NOOOOO”. I had to tell my husband

all that had happened and I so didn’t want to. But once I did I was able to exhale.

I was being punished for being disobedient and not practicing self control. I could

have easily ripped that check up and threw it away but I didn’t and had to learn the

hard way that I should have just listened.

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hese three ladies (the fourth, Krystal Peek, not photographed) let me in on a

little secret. They love God and love showing it through their gift, rapping,

but they feel there is a lot of division in the ministry. Even though they go

harder than the next the ladies agreed on one thing. They have a hard time up

against their bothers in Christ. They have said that it’s hard being a female rapper

even under God. Excel and Ladi Order agreed that they have to prove themselves,

showing they have a right to be on the mic as well. Ranika doesn’t experience this

problem as much being as though she is a spoken word artist, but still gets the “Oh

here come this female, what she bout to bring?”, attitude from people.

In having a husband that does music ministry I see a lot of guys who rap for the

Lord, but not as many ladies. I’ve been to a handful of events and I believe these are

the only ladies I have seen. So Ladi, Excel, Ranika, and Kryse…STAND UP!!!


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Shampagnne Ladi Order Humphries,

Born and raised here in Pittsburgh,

I'm the oldest of my mothers’ five

children. At the

tender age of eight I

was removed from

her care along with

my siblings. We

were all placed in

various foster

homes throughout

the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas.

It was at that moment my life began to

spiral out of control. Coping with the

absence of my parents was one of the

hardest things for me. I spent a

sufficient about of time in my early

adolescence trying to fill the void of not

having them in my life. I attempted to

fill the void with drugs, alcohol and

bad relationships. After several failed

attempts I finally reach the point of

understanding that it was impossible. It

was then I cried out to God with

everything that I was, everything I

wasn't, and everything I wanted to be.

Immediately I felt his presence.

Through his presence I have found my

purpose. I have no greater joy then

when I am praising the Lord with my

words. Rather it's spoken word, rap, or

a song writing has become my ministry.

I have even been giving the privilege of

ministering with my son and fiance.

God has indeed blessed me and I have

every intention on continuing to be a

blessing for I truly believe that I was

born for my brothers/sisters day of


Krystal Peek

I had always been aware that there was

a God. The problem with that was I had

no fear of Him. I never acknowledge

him in His power or authority over me.

At one point in my life I realize that

there was something more that I

needed. It was no

longer alcohol or

boyfriends. It had to

be something that

wouldn't drain me

until I was

completely empty

and depressed. I

then began to run into numerous

Christians who were not ashamed to be

young and saved. The young and saved

part really made me think that it wasn't

for old people. God really began to

change my life because I no longer

wanted to be around what I used to find

comfort in. I wanted to be around

Christians. I had really seen the Glory

of God. In his "amazing position" He

had made time for me. Time to love me,

and reveal his word to me. With an

amazing savior willing to lay down His

life for my sin, why would I not make

myself available to Him.

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Ranika Chaney

Motivational Speaker & Spoken Word


My name is Ranika Chaney. I’m 26

years old and I am originally from a

little place called Saint Rose, Louisiana,

right outside of New Orleans. Praise

God my mom took me to church when I

was a little girl. I’m not sure where I

would be if it were not for youth groups

and Sunday school. I was 5 years old

when I accepted Christ as my personal

Savior and got baptized at

Mt. Zion Baptist church in

my hometown.

In 2007, I graduated from

Loyola University New

Orleans in New Orleans,

Louisiana. However, I

would say that after

Hurricane Katrina in 2005, my

relationship with God changed in an

incredible way. Like everyone else in

New Orleans during that time, I had to

leave the city. I attended Saint Louis

University for one semester before

returning back to New Orleans. In Saint

Louis, I had one mentor, in particular,

who accepted me with open arms and

taught me more about Christ than I

could ever expect. She helped me

evaluate if I was living a life fully unto

God’s glory. It was also in Saint Louis

where I began to express myself more in

the form of spoken word and poetry. I

attend Bible studies and would share

the Gospel and personal experiences

through spoken word.

Upon returning to Loyola New Orleans,

I realized more and more the

importance of living a life fully for God

and not just in parts. I began a Bible

study with about 4 other friends that

year (spring 2006). It was evident once

we all returned from our different

places after Katrina that we were

seeking something much more to hold

onto. We were looking for


Furthermore, I decided to use

my gifts even more so for God’s

glory by taking an internship in

Pittsburgh, Pa. So, for the

summer of 2006 I was working

with inner city youth, teaching

them the love of Christ, and caring for

them. It was also there that I met my

husband. That’s an amazing story in

itself, also. After graduation, I returned

to Pittsburgh, Pa to live. That was a

difficult time for me—leaving my family

again, beginning seminary and

eventually leaving seminary to work in

youth ministry. It was also a difficult

time being newly married and soon

after becoming pregnant with our now 1

½ year old, hilarious baby girl. I praise

God for it all because He is showing me

more and more—through good and

Cont. on Pg. 16

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Melvin Jones

Sophomore Video

“Movin’ on up”

Directed by Lamar Godson

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difficult times—that I am His and not

my own. I belong to Christ Jesus, and

it’s not the Ranika show, as I like to say.

I see how much God loves me and

everyone He has created. He loves us all

so much.

Today, I am a motivational speaker and

spoken word artist, speaking at

churches, colleges, youth events,

concerts and other places spreading the

Gospel of Jesus Christ through spoken

word and music. I also work for Hip

Hop on Lock in Pittsburgh, Pa. It is an

arts education and mentoring program

that teaches kids how to create positive

music, digital and video recording.

There, I serve as a writing mentor. In

addition, I am a writer for one of

Pittsburgh’s magazines called “Soul


One of my most exciting ministry tools

is the web. I use my website,, to spread the

Gospel of Jesus through spoken word,

music and a weekly blog. I use the blog

as a way to confess my sins, allow

others to open up and point to Christ

Jesus for everything. My desire is that

it can also help those who do not, yet,

know Christ Jesus. My prayer is that

they would come to know Him, and

accept Him as the Master and Lord of

their lives. There is also a Prayer Requests

section on the website where people,

including, myself post personal prayer

requests, prayers for America and our

world. I make sure I spend time in

prayer as each request comes in. The

hope and belief is that others reading

the site will also be praying for one


In the end, I can speak all over the

world, have millions of people going to

the website and serve thousands of

children, but if it’s not for Christ, what’s

the point? The point in everything is to

give God glory and to do the work of

my Father in heaven. And well, it all

begins at home—doing the things

people can’t see—calling on Jesus as His

child, as a wife and as a mother. That’s

where the work begins. Only with


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Michelle "Excel" Foster, soon to be

Coleman, was born in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania the McKeesport area. She

along with her brothers and sister, had a

rough time throughout their childhood.

Facing the

hardships of low

income, having

drug addicted

parents who

separated while

she was two, and

dealing with child protective services

the 7 year old Michelle had only her

siblings to rely on. She was introduced

to Jesus Christ, at the age of 11, by her

older brother Michael. Michelle recalls

the many days and nights she, and her

brother Michael, would pray together

for the lives of their parents and family.

With a mind filled with confusion and a

loving heart drowned in hurt and pain,

the now 12 year old Michelle expressed

her emotions through poetry; which

was the root to her love for rap.

Michelle has been rapping since she

was 13, but started to minister the

Gospel of Jesus Christ through rap at

the age of 16. She got the name “Excel”

from her brother in Christ “Purpose”,

who is also a gospel rapper. He gave

her the name due to her drive for


From city, to state, to the world... I give

you, "Excel!"

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Dear Sister Doris,

I am an overweight woman that was told that being fat is sinful. Is

this true? Can I go to hell for being fat? I follow God’s word, but I

am concerned that my love for cupcakes, gyros, and Chi-Chi’s two

for $20 will send me to hell. Please help me.

Thank you,

Fat in the Burgh

The Burgh,

Thank you so much for taking the time out to talk to Sister Doris. Let me get the pot off the

stove then we can chit chat.

Well Ms. Burgh, is it ok if I call you that? Ms. Burgh, the LORD loves you regardless of your

size or weight. When people are dancing in church, my momma used to call it “Catching the

Holy Ghost.” Now with that said, because you are carrying so much weight, you might have a

hard time dancing for the Lord when you “catch the Holy Ghost.” You may have a hard time

walking the streets evangelizing. You may even have unnecessary health problems because of

your poor diet. But I have not read a scripture that says “fat people go to hell.”

Now, what I do know is that we are supposed to be disciples for Christ. In order to be disciples,

we must be disciplined. A disciplined life doesn’t only mean that you do not live a sinful life,

but being disciplined in all areas of your life. That includes, being on time, watching what we

eat, and governing what we watch on TV. We gotta keep the flesh in submission to the Spirit.

There is also the issue of gluttony. Proverbs 23:21 states for the drunkard and the glutton shall

come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe [a man] with rags. Drowsiness is what we call the

“Itis.” If Gluttony is your issue, you consume lots of food or drink just for the sake of eating it

(not because you are hungry), then that needs to be dealt with quickly. We are to be stewards

over what God has given us. Gluttony will have you spending unnecessary money and trying

to fill voids with food instead of with the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is supposed to fill you,

not cupcakes. Let the Word of God fill voids and you can save the dollars you would spend on

Coffee with Sister Doris

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gyros for the up building of the Kingdom of God and your retirement. I hope our talk helped. I

pray that the next time I see you; you are in a healthier place both spiritually and physically.

Until next time, Sister Doris will be praying for you all.



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