Chris Thomas Avalon 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2



    The Fourteenth Faction#hrs $homas ,#$: ts actuall" a !t of a strane su!ject. 0now the

    whole thn wth the alens and the 1elon races s a strane enouh

    su!ject to start wth2 !ut the 3ourteenth 3acton s just a lttle !t

    further out there2 thn0 . ut ts certanl" somethn that the A0ashc

    has recorded ver" clearl". And ts had a major mpact on the Unverse

    as a whole. ut t also partcularl" had an mpact on Earth2 and the

    events that have occurred on Earth.

    And ths certanl"2 as far as can trac02 s the orn of ths concept of

    there !en eptlan races. Ever"one seems to have latched onto for

    several "ears now2 there7s eptlans ever"where2 the eptlans are

    controlln ever"thn what was t that ueen El9a!eth was

    eptlan2 was t?

    o!ert tanle" ,: ;es2 t was ute an mportant aspect of all of ths

    alen materal.

    eople 0eep comn up to me sa"n2 @ was told that am a eptlan
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    uantum ph"scsts2 wa" of tal0n F the" don7t reall" e=st. ut what

    mean s2 ph"scal unverses do e=st.

    The signi"cance of our #ni!erse is e$ploring the thought % a

    sort of &hat (f)* % so you ha!e this +reationary ource rolling

    around whate!er space he*s in going hat would happen

    if ( did this)/ and that7s what the Unverse s set up to do. ts

    lterall" an ener" envelope that allows that thouht to !e e=plored.

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  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    were, got caught in the blast, and basically they were

    contaminated by the energy patterns of that other uni!erse.

    o into a #ni!erse that is built around energy patterns of

    &freedom of choice*, these souls % that is, 11,222 of them

    altogether, on their way to arth, got caught in a blast which

    allowed them to take &freedom of choice* away. hich is not

    !ery good when it comes to a uni!erse of &freedom of choice*.

    Iow2 !ecause t s a Unverse of Jfreedom of choce72 these 11,222

    had a choice of whether they made use of those energy

    patterns, or not. And most of them ddn7t2 am lad to sa"2 or we

    would have had some even !er pro!lems than we have now. ut

    onl" a few of them dd2 and most of them ddn7t come to Earth for a

    ver" lon tme. Io!od" 0nows where the" went2 once the" ot cauht

    n ths !last. $he" seemed to dsappear for a whle and o

    somewhere. And ts proven mposs!le to trac0 down precsel" where

    the" went.

    Ale=ander - 3otably, 4ne of the First of e!eral Thousand5(nfected ouls5

    to Manifest on arth 6 #se the 5Fourteen Faction5 nergies.

    o2 the "rst signs we e!er saw of it on arth was with

    7le$ander the 8reat. 9e was the "rst person e!er to con:uer, if

    you like. f "ou loo0 to human hstor" F proper human hstor" F don7t

    mean the ru!!sh that we et told n school the wa" we lved was

    we lved n sort of tr!al socetes2 shall we sa"2 frendl" socetes2

    suppose F e=tended famles2 l0e frends2 f "ou l0e. $hat was then a

    clan vllae2 and a clan had a terrtor"2 whch had ts resources for

    rown food % huntn % water supples % ever"thn. e !ery

    rarely had any con;ict between neighboring clans, and

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    because each of them was aware of the resources that they

    had, and running around killing people was not part of their


    f "ou loo0 !ac0 nto the 0nd of cultures we had then2 then "ou7re

    loo0n at sa"2 if you did something against the tribal rules,

    then you were made to work for the society % for the family for

    a certain period of time almost a period of imprisonment, as

    it were.

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    because they basically followed 7le$ander the 8reat*s pattern,

    and then you ha!e the Vatican who*s been doing the same

    thing for the last @A22 years % trying to control e!eryone on

    the planet. And then "ou have thns l0e the European monarchs

    ta0n over terrtores % nter-terrtoral wars2 and all that sort of stu.

    (t all comes from people using an ability to remo!e

    people*s &freedom of choice*, because ob!iously, if

    you went around killing people, you*re not allowing

    people to choose how their life is.

    $hat7s how reall" t !ean.

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    behind the (ndustrial ?e!olution, who are really the ones who

    started to make full use of this biDaar energy of the Fourteenth


    o these are these souls who got caught in the blast that

    occurred, became contaminated by the energy patterns that

    the Fourteenth Faction brought with them.


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    material' comes from, particularly % these non physical beings,

    these pure soul energy beings, who ha!e a purity to them % all

    those si$ races were created about a hundred million years

    ago. o basically, the !ast maEority of people that e$ist on

    arth are a hundred million years old.

    $hen "ou have the semi-physical races, there are se!en of those2

    altoether. $he sem-ph"scal races do have ph"scal !odes2 ph"scal

    structures2 to each other the" are as ph"scal as we are to each other.

    ut2 to us2 we mht et an mae of them2 an mpresson of them2 !ut

    for most people the" wouldn7t even et that2 unless these !ens of the

    sem-ph"scal races made a choce to alter ther ener" patterns so

    that the" dd !ecome ph"scal to us. $hs s onl" when U3Os turn up n

    our solar s"stem F sometmes we can see them2 sometmes we can7t

    and sometmes wh" we can see an" of them2 and sometmes wh" we

    can7t. t7s !ecause ts a >ueston of what the" are don wth ther own

    ener" patterns.

    o to sa"2 what do wth people s read ther ener" patterns. o2 what can see wthn some!od" s where the soul orn s F so2 are the" of

    one of the s= non ph"scal races2 or are the" of the seven sem-

    ph"scal races. $hs s wh" can sa"2 !ecause of m" own e=perence of

    over (5 "ears of wor0n wth people n ths wa"2 that reall"2 we onl"

    have seven sem-ph"scal races that e=st n reons that would re>ure

    craft to travel around n F l0e U3Os.

    o2 the confuson that most people have s that2 spea0 of the seven

    sem-ph"scal races2 !ut for other people F the" have2 "ou 0now2 how

    man" thousands of other races that are ven to them !" ds-

    nformaton throuh channeled messaes. And so2 can see wh"

    sometmes t would !ecome a !t confusn2 when can see what7s

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    on on wthn people % wthn the A0ashc2 as to wh" people would2

    then2 et a !t confused as to what7s on on wth2 Lwell - where7s all

    the other races one % where do the" come n?L

    o2 what people tal0 a!out when the" tal0 a!out alen races F reall"2

    the" just do not e=st. ut to ve "ou an e=ample let7s sa"2 there7s a

    varous of !ens who come from the star s"stem that we call the

    leades so the" are 0nown as leadeans most people have heard

    of the leadeans. Iow2 7ve had people come to me and told me that

    the"7ve done some research2 or the"7ve !een told that ther soul orn

    s Ummte2 or somethn l0e that.

    Iow2 there are a race of !ens that do call themselves Ummtes. n

    fact2 the" dd contact a lot of people on Earth some "ears ao2 !"

    wrtn ver" polte letters to them2 !eleve t or not. Ummtes are one of

    the races recon9ed !" U3O watchers.

    L$he snature-stamp s2 as the" sa"2 the s"m!ol of ther planet.Lmae ource

    ut from m" pont of vew2 what see wthn them s the ener"

    patterns2 ther ener" snature2 f "ou l0e2 of where the" ornate

    from. And where the Ummte ornate from ornall" are from the

    leadean race. o the Ummtes are leadean n soul orn2 !ut the"

    happen to lve on a planet that s not necessar" a part of the leadean

    s"stem. t !ecomes even more confusn n some respects. ut from

    m" pont of vew2 what tr" to do s to stc0 to the soul orn F the soul

    ener" snature that these !ens have2 !ecause then2 t s a lot

    easer to understand who the" are2 where the"7re from2 and what ther

    ntentons are.

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    tend to nore all the thousands of other !ens that are out there2

    !ecause of that pro!lem that most people have n recon9n who %

    what these !ens are2 or whether the" e=st at all.

    o!ert tanle": n what "ou wrote to me n "our most recent emal2

    you said that the black holes were collapsing hy is


    #hrs $homas: ht. O0a" F well2 ths comes down to the 3ourteenth

    3acton2 n the wa" n whch the" functoned. They broke into this

    #ni!erse to obtain as much energy from our #ni!erse as what

    they could possibly take. 3ow, in order to do that, they

    brought with them ( could only describe as implosion

    de!ices. These are strange looking things. They*!e ne!er been

    seen before within this #ni!erse. 3obody has e!er de!eloped

    anything like them. ome of them are :uite large, ( mean, the

    ones free-;oating in space were se!eral hundred feet long,

    se!eral hundred yards long, something like that. 7nd what

    they were was an energy shell which contains nothing (

    mean, absolutely nothing. o, you*re looking at a state of

    nothing, there were no energy patterns within this de!ice %

    Eust an energy shell.

    o2 f someone approached one of these shells to Gnd out what t was2

    t would mplode. And what t dd2 was to use the ener" of that soul2

    so t would lterall" destro" that soul. And n don so2 would create a

    !lac0 hole2 !ecause !lac0 holes dd not e=st wthn ths Unverse

    !efore these other !ens turned up.

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    And that7s a ood one to tr" to et "our head around F that one F when

    "ou thn0 of those scentsts descr!e !lac0 holes "ou 0now the"7ve

    !een tal0n recentl" a!out ever" snle cell nsde the human !od"

    has a !lac0 hole n the center of t and all ths other stu. Io F Iot


    ut f "ou o !ac0 to tephen aw0n7s wor02 for e=ample2 on !lac0

    holes2 whch s how he made hs name n scence. e descr!ed them

    >ute well2 n sa"n the" are !ascall" Jhole tu!es72 and what the" do

    the wa" that Ensten wor0ed wth them he was actuall" the Grst one

    to wor0 wth !lac0 holes2 thn0. And wth hs space-tme theor"2 that

    !ascall" a !lac0 hole was a collapsed star that attracted nto t2

    !ecause ts ravtatonal pull was so hue2 that t attracted nto t

    an"thn that was n ts rane. o2 an" of the star materal ener"

    patterns whatever t was2 that was n ts rane2 ot suc0ed nto ths

    !lac0 hole and chuc0ed out somewhere else. E=cept2 nobody e!er

    identi"ed where the &somewhere else* was.

    ut what these !lac0 holes actuall" dd was to do e=actl" that F t drewas much ener" as t poss!l" could nto tself and dschared t at a

    pont F the collecton pont2 f "ou l0e2 where the 3ourteen 3acton

    could ma0e use of them and transport t !ac0 to ther unverse.

    o!ert tanle": o t s a hole2a wormhole, from this

    #ni!erse to the other uni!erse so that they can drain

    energy out % like a parasite % they*re Eust sucking

    energy, speci"c types of energy out.

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    #hrs $homas: Cell2 o!vousl"2 havn ths !9aar race turn up n our

    Unverse2 bringing with them energies made of the e$act

    opposite of the energies that this #ni!erse is made from was

    not a good idea as far as this #ni!erse was concerned. 7nd

    really, nobody had an answer to it. There was no way of

    "ghting them, because all they had to do is say &34* you

    know, because they could remo!e &freedom of choice*. 7nd so,

    it took a long time to work out a way of dealing with them 6

    the problems they brought with them.

    And nto ths2 7m afrad2 comes tme2 and tme s prett" !a9aar stu.

    Iow can7t reall" e=plan all the connectons n terms of tme

    se>uences2 !ecause there just doesn7t seem to !e a wa" of

    unwrappn them. 3or e=ample2 when the wormhole was Grst created

    n our Unverse2 that was (.5 mllon "ears ao. ut2 at the same tme2

    to protect our solar s"stem F !ecause there s somethn ver"2 ver"

    specal a!out our solar s"stem.2 the Unverse2 as t were2 shut o an"

    access nto our solar s"stem to prevent the 3ourteen 3acton from

    ann an access to t. And that happened2 n human hstor" terms2that occurred 82DDD "ears ao. o somehow2 or other2 events on Earth

    happenn 82DDD "ears ao relate to an event occurrn wthn the

    Unverse (.5 mllon "ears ao.

    o2 f "ou could Gnd a wa" of e=plann that one2 reall" would l0e to

    0now2 !ecause haven7t !een a!le to et to the !ottom of that one.

    have !een tr"n to wor0 that one out for >ute a few "ears and reall"

    can7t. mean "ou could e=plan t to a certan e=tent !ecause n order

    for us to !e ph"scal2 and the planets we lve on to !e ph"scal wthn

    our solar s"stem2 then ener" patterns are hhl" condensed. And2 we

    see lht traveln M )862DDD mles per second2 !ut once "ou et

    outsde of our solar s"stem2 then the ener" patterns are not as

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    condensed as the" are wth us2 so lht travels at much2 much faster

    speeds. And therefore2 tme e=sts at derent levels % at derent

    forms wthn n the reons of the unverse2 dependn on how the

    ener" patterns wthn that reon wor0.

    o2 events that occur on Earth that2 sa"2take @22 years as far as

    we*re concerned, for the semi-physical races can take a

    thousand years, but for the non physical it can take a million

    years.o2 n relaton to each other2 a mllon "ear event wthn the

    realms of the non ph"scal races would2 as far as we are concerned2 or

    the" would e=perence t as !en somethn l0e )DD "ears here on

    Earth. o2 the" e=perence tme2 n some respects2 much faster than

    we e=perence t. ut at the same tme2 because they are

    e=ecti!ely immortal, or at least they will last as long as this

    #ni!erse lasts, then to them time also happens much more


    ,end of pt)



    o!ert tanle": 7d l0e to have "ou e=plan2 #hrs2 f "ou could2 what

    does it look like when you are reading the 7kashic ?ecord. ow

    could "ou descr!e that?

    #hrs $homas: t7s a vorte=. (t*s a !orte$ of energy. ach e!ent

    creates a !orte$ within the space-time continuum if you think

    of a fabric of space, then an e!ent that is recorded within the

    7kashic is recorded as a !orte$ of energy. That in!ol!es a

    number of interconnected dimensions.

    Iow2 aan2 dmensons s somethn whch most people don7t reall"

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    understand. A dmenson s an ener"2 f "ou thn0 of a rado dal2 then

    "ou have statons that e=st at certan ponts around the dal. And the"

    e=st at certan mar0ed fre>uences. $he fre>uenc" !etween one spot

    on the dal and the ne=t spot on the dal2 "ou can thn0 of that as a

    dmenson. o a dmenson contans all the ener" patterns that went

    !eneath that dmenson2 !ut doesn7t connect to all the ener" patterns

    that o a!ove that dmenson.

    o!ert tanle": N0e a note on a scale?

    #hrs $homas: ;ep2 that would !e another ood wa" of puttn t. o

    each of those notes has a fre>uenc". And that s all a dmenson s a

    set of fre>uenc" that add up to one note. And then the ne=t note has a

    !unch of fre>uences that add up to tself. And that7s all a dmenson s.

    o2 f "ou loo0 at the Unverse as a whole2 what we have wthn the

    Unverse2 n dmensonal terms2 s an ener" potental of ( to the (th

    dmensons. ascall"2 t7s the num!er ( wth ( 9eros after t. $hat s

    how much ener" s contaned wthn ths Unverse. And then "oucompare that to our solar s"stem2 we have an ener" !u!!le around us

    to compact the eneres that ma0e us relate to ph"scal fre>uences2

    and that ener" !u!!le contans (6 dmensons.

    And that7s the 0nd of lmtatons that we operate under2 whereas

    outsde of our solar s"stem2 then the ener" patterns to dmensonal

    levels avala!le to us var" dependn on where "ou are2 what reon of

    space "ou7re wthn.

    And ths s what the A0ashc does s F for each reon of space2 the

    ener" patterns of an event mprnt themselves nto a vorte= form

    wthn the ener" patterns wthn a partcular reon. o2 each reon of

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    space has ts own A0ashc. ut the" also nter-ln0 toether then nto2 f

    "ou l0e2 the all Unversal A0ashc.

    o!ert tanle": Chat 7m curous a!out s: ow would "ou descr!e the

    appearance of t? Chen "ou7re readn t2 what are "ou seen n "our

    mnd7s e"e?

    #hrs $homas: ht. $hat7s a lttle more dPcult to descr!e

    f "ou are a ps"chc2 for e=ample2 and "ou are use to havn ps"chc

    awareness there are a lot of ps"chc her!alsts out there2 shall we

    sa"2 who are a!le to loo0 at a plant % the" can tell "ou mmedatel"

    what ts propertes are % how t wll help heal the human !od". Iow2

    the" don7t o nto that plant and nvestate % o @Oh well2 ts ot ths

    chemcal2 ths chemcal % that chemcal. $he" 0now nstantl" what that

    plant s2 !ecause eectvel" the" are communcatn wth that plant.

    $he plant s sa"n to them2 @ have these propertes.B

    o2 when o nto the A0ashc2 then that7s what et2 s a smlar

    response. $he A0ashc sa"s to me2 @Chat s t "ou are loo0n for?Chat2 what nformaton are "ou loo0n for?B And then can solate

    that reon of hstor"2 or an event wthn the hstor". And2 0now what

    ts a!out2 0now what t has to sa". o2 t7s a 0nown2 as opposed to a

    readn. Once an event has !een recorded wthn the A0ashc2 t cannot

    !e ta0en out. Ior can t !e altered out. $he ener" patterns once

    the"7re set2 the"7re set. $he" cannot !e vared or altered at all.

    o!ert tanle": $hs rases another >ueston: are they Gthe 7kashicH

    absolutely permanent) 4r, if this #ni!erse dissipates at some

    point, will those records be lost)

    #hrs $homas: Cell2 f "ou thn0 of the Unverse as !en the

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    creatonar" source whatever "ou want to call t2 ts not male or

    female2 ts an t. f "ou encompass all the ener" patterns that could

    ever !e2 then "ou can onl" !e an t

    o2 the Unverse e=sts !ecause t wants an answer to the >ueston t

    as0ed. Chch means t !rouht ths Unverse nto e=stence to e=plore

    that >ueston. $hat7s what the A0ashc s there for2 and wh" the

    A0ashc s a permanent record. ecause ths s the answer that s on

    !ac0 to the creator2 as % when ths Unverse collapses.

    $hat s what the A0ashc actuall" s t s the memor" of ths Unverse2

    to sa"2 @Cell2 ths s what we e=plored on "our !ehalf.B ts not even an

    understandn2 !ecause there7s no there7s nothn added to t.

    $here7s no crt>ue of t. ts just purel" Jthese are the events that


    o!ert tanle": do have a >ueston from one of m" audence

    mem!ers2 and thn0 alread" 0now "our answer2 !ecause we tal0ed

    a!out ths !efore2 !ut 7m on to as0 t an"wa"

    O0a"2 she7s as0n me a!out what you think about time

    manipulation,there s some!od" who sad that somethn was

    on to occur on eptem!er th. don7t 0now f "ou7ve heard a!out

    ths 7llegedly an ?F(I was found in 3apolean*s kull. This is

    something that reportedly was placed there by people

    tra!eling back in time.

    ave "ou heard an"thn a!out ths?

    #hrs $homas: Io2 haven7t heard ths one 7n ?F(I chip in

    3apolean*s skull, aye that could e$plain a lot.

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    o!ert tanle": NON - ;es2 this could e$plain why he was a bit


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    happened. Therefore, you can tra!el back in time % there is

    something to tra!el to. Theoretically, what you can do is to

    tra!el from the time you tra!eled back to to the present

    point where you left, in theory. The Velon couldn*t manage

    that. They actually stayed on arth in that A222 year time


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  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    watchers call $he lues. trane lttle !ens2 !ut the"7re >ute

    fascnatn. $he" wor0 wth a lot of healers on Earth2 !eleve t or not2

    nterested n healn % enetcs. And the" wor0 ver" closel" wth the

    Kra"s. $hen "ou have a #r"stallne race. $he" e=st n two forms F f

    "ou thn0 of a ant >uart9 cr"stal2 just em!edded n the landscape2

    that7s the 0nd of forms that the" ta0e.o the soul is literally within

    that crystal.$he other form the" use s the" lve n collectves2 so f

    "ou thn0 of a cr"stal lasa,? ,cr"stal cluster where "ou have a

    num!er of souls lvn wthn that lasa,? ,cluster as a collectve


    O!vousl"2 the" don7t travel around ver" much2 the" don7t use shps2 or

    an"thn l0e that. ut what the" do s: the"7re ver" ood at astral

    projecton2 as t were. o the" can ps"chcall" project themselves to2

    vrtuall"2 an"where the" want to wthn most of the Unverse2 not all of


    $hen there7s a race that comes from star s"stem we7ve cataloued as

    IK# 584. dd have a name for t that came up wth recentl"2 !ut

    can7t remem!er t. An"wa"2 all that means s ts star s"stem *584 n

    the @Iew Keneral #ataloueB ,IK#2 whch we don7t have a proper

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    name for. $he"7re the alens that have had more contact wth Earth %

    the lfe on Earth than an" other of the races. n appearance F f "ou

    thn0 of a two "ear old chld2 the heht2 the head s proportonatel"

    larer than the !od" F that7s what the" loo0 l0e.

    Apart from the #r"stal ones2 the"7re all !ascall" humanod. ut the

    IK# 5842 the" have a red-sh /ra" s0n2 predomnatel" red2 sort of a

    !rownFred color. $he" are an nterestn !unch. $he" are master

    enetcsts. Ch" sa" the"7ve !een connected wth the Earth a lot s

    ta0e2 sa" the dnosaurs2 for e=ample2 and the Earth wants to

    e=perment to see what ant half-mammals / half-reptles would loo0

    l0e2 the IK# 584 would come to Earth % the" would wor0 wth the

    enetc patterns of lfe that e=sted here2 and essentall" create new

    lfe forms2 to seed2 whatever2 Earth2 as a conscousness2 chose to have

    lvn on the planet.

    $hat7s the wor0s the" do wthn the Unverse. $he"7re e=ceptonall"

    ood at t. ut the" don7t have an" aenda. $he" onl" do t !ecause

    the" love don t. $he"7re not don t l0e the dot enetcsts we haveon Earth. $he" do t2 the" 0now how to do t2 and so the" wor0 ver"

    closel" wth planets. o2 an" planet wthn the Unverse that re>ures a

    lfe form2 the IK# 584 are a!le to help wor0 wth them to suppl"

    whatever form t s.

    o!ert tanle": s ths what our ancestors mht have called the Iature


    #hrs $homas: Io. Iature prts are essentall" the Jdhe7 % the

    3aere on Earth. $he dhe are !ascall" the manaement of the 3aere.

    They*re nature spirits, they work with plant life on the planet

    to maintain the integrity of the plants. 7nd so, they*re nature

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    spirits, as it were. 3o, the 38+ AN are a semi-physical being

    who literally create life, or create plants, create animals, to

    whate!er conditions there are on the planet that re:uires new

    life to li!e on it.

    n connecton wth that2 the Earth2 for e=ample2 f "ou loo0 at the

    dverst" of lfe on Earth2 more forms of lfe on Earth e=st than the rest

    Unverse put toether that7s what the Earth s.

    o!ert tanle": $he funn" thn s that there7s !een so man"

    e=tnctons2 and "et there7s so much dverst"2 so there has to !e

    somethn ver" specal wth ths place.

    #hrs $homas: t s2 "es2 ts totall" un>ue. Events on Earth determne2

    to a ver" reat e=tent2 what happens throuhout the rest of the

    Unverse. ts reall" that mportant.

    o!ert tanle": ts l0e a catal"st2 s what "ou7re sa"n?

    #hrs $homas: ;es2 f "ou thn0 of the Unverse !en constructed to

    answer >uestons. $hen the Earth has !een used to answer most of the

    >uestons that were as0ed !" the Unverse.

    o!ert tanle": Cell2 #hrs2 that would e=plan wh" the 1elon want to

    ta0e t over

    #hrs $homas: ts one of the man reasons2 "es. #ertanl"2 the"

    followed an ener" pattern that was amed towards Earth2 and was

    amed at Earth for a specGc jo! of helpn us throuh chanes we7re

    on throuh at the moment.

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    o!ert tanle": #an "ou tell me2 do "ou 0now what these !alls of lht

    that show up. Chat2 n "our respectve2 what or who are these !ens

    of lht that loo0 l0e a !all?

    #hrs $homas: Cell2 there are several wa"s of loo0n at that2 mean

    can ve the standard U3O putdown2 whch s that t s Qarsh Kas. ts

    true to a certan e=tent2 !ecause f "ou o nto hstorcal answer thns2

    "ou Gnd the tal0 of jac0-o-lanterns2 marsh !alls2 all of these 0nds of

    thns do e=st2 pure % smpl" as llumnated ener". ;ou et the as

    formed that s llumnated. $hen "ou et !all lhtenn. o2 that can

    account for some of t.

    ut a lot of t F no. $he"Hre ener" patterns that are enerated !" the

    Earth2 herself. And a lot of them are communcatn devces. $hn0 of

    crop formatons2 or crop l"phs2 s what the" call them these da"s

    and2 0now 7m on to upset a lot of people !" sa"n ths2 !ut crop

    formatons are not formed !" alens. ome are2 !ut ver"2 ver" few of

    them are actuall" created !" alens. $he vast majort" of them are

    created !" the Earth2 herself.

    o!ert tanle": " the Earth ts tr"n to communcate to us?

    #hrs $homas: artl" t7s a communcaton to us and partl" t s to the

    sem-ph"scal races - !ens outsde of the Earth. $here was a classc

    case a couple "ears ao the E$ roject F earch for E=traterrestral

    ntellence2 the" !eamed a messae out nto space % sad t2 @Oh well2

    ts on to thousands of "ears !efore t answers !ecause ever"thn s

    so far awa" % rado waves onl" travel so fastB 2 or whatever. ut then a

    few "ears ao2 the repl" turned up2 n Cltshre n rtan. t was n a

    Geld rht ne=t door to a rado telescope that s ln0ed to E$ . o the

    answer came !ac02 and the" all lauhed t o. $hat s a perfect

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    e=ample of crop formaton specGcall" formed !" an alen race as a

    communcaton. Chat the Earth does s communcate n the same wa"2

    !" creatn some of these patterns. mean2 some of these crop

    formatons are !reathta0n n ther comple=t". ut the messae s

    amed outwards2 as much as an"thn else. $hat7s the prmar" reason.

    o2 that7s what those !alls are F most of those !alls are ener"

    patterns enerated !" the Earth herself. mean "ou seen !

    collectons of them over Gssures that have volcanc actvt"2 and "ou

    have an ener" release. And "ou et a lot of !alls formn over that

    rupture n the Earth7s surface. o ts an Earth ener".


    L#rop 3ormatons are Iot 3ormed !" Alens...

    $he vast majort" of them are created !" the Earth2 herself.L

    Lartl" t7s a communcaton to us and partl" t s to

    the sem-ph"scal races - !ens outsde of the Earth.L

    o!ert tanle": o #hrs2 "ou sad there was RR !llon 1elon souls2 are

    there stll? Or2 what happened?

    #hrs $homas: ;eah2 the" have !een evcted from the Unverse.

    o!ert tanle": $o where? Chere would the" have !een evcted to?

    #hrs $homas: Outsde the Unverse.

    o!ert tanle": Oh2 o0a"2 "ou7ve mentoned ths !efore. o2 ther not

    allowed to come !ac0?

    #hrs $homas: Cell2 ts ets a lttle !t complcated2 !ut essentall"2

    what normall" would have happened well2 sa" Jnormall"7 !ecause
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    no!od"7s ever !een evcted from the Unverse !efore. o2 what do "ou

    do wth them? uantum entanlementB.

    o!ert tanle": One of the thns that 7m personall" ver" curous

    a!out "ou s: At what ae dd "ou start to recon9e what "ou were


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    #hrs $homas:ntall"2 t was at ae '. ut2 l0e most chldren who

    e=perence2 or show2 an" 0nd of ps"chc capa!lt"2 m" mother !eat t

    out of me2 !ascall". o2 t too0 me a few "ears to sort of come !ac0

    from that. o2 t was onl" reall" n m" had a touch of t throuh m"

    teenae "ears2 !ut then reall" dd lose n m" earl" RD7s when reall"

    went nto t2 started loo0n at t properl"2 and nto t full tme as full

    tme as could.

    o!ert tanle": Cere "ou careful a!out dvuln what "ou were seen

    at that pont2 or dd "ou just tell ever"!od"?

    #hrs $homas: ddn7t tell an"!od" at all2 ntall".

    o!ert tanle": Untl what ae?

    #hrs $homas: t was radual then. o2 once wor0ed out what t was

    was actuall" connected to % what was seenand2 then found

    people came to me and as0 me >uestons2 spontaneousl"2 even thouhtotal straners would come up to me % as0 me a >ueston for

    somethn. And2 would sort of thn02 @well2 that7s oddB2 !ut somehow

    7d have the answer.

    Chat also dd was to start chec0n ever"thn poss!l" could to

    ma0e sure the 0nd of answers was ettn were as accurate as the"

    could !e. o2 wherever poss!le2 would chec0 throuh hstor" !oo0s2

    whatever nformaton could Gnd a!out a partcular su!ject2 to see

    what correlatons there were2 or f was puttn some 0nd of

    nterpretaton onto t. And2 over the "ears2 t led me to !eleve that

    what receve from the A0ashc s accurate % correct. And an awful lot

    of what s wrtten n hstor" !oo0s s just a load of ru!!sh. mean2 "ou

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    0now2 7ve !een wor0n wth t actvel" for (5 "ears2 and over that

    tme perod2 then 7ve !ecome stll chec0 ever"thn. 0now that ts

    accurate2 !ut at the same tme want to ma0e sure that ts that

    present what see as accuratel" as poss!le.

    ts l0e IK# 5842 when Grst encountered them2 had no dea that

    there was a star s"stem called IK# 5842 !ut just 0new that these

    !ens ornated from that star s"stem. t too0 me a!out (-4 "ears to

    actuall" trac0 down that there was a Iew Keneral #ataloue ,IK#

    and there was a star s"stem called num!er 584 wthn t. And t related

    to what could see as !en where these !ens ornated from.

    o2 as sad2 tr" and chec0 ever"thn as much as poss!l" can to

    ensure that am vn an accurate answer.

    !erything from the Theosophical ociety is Velon


    o!ert tanle": o2 #hrs2 how man" of the 1elon souls are left2 f an"2

    n our Unverse2 or were the" all evcted?

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  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    messaes from the deceasedB And so2 "ou 0now2 "our reat aunt

    des2 or "our parents de or "our randmother des2 whatever A lot of

    people o!vousl" reve a reat deal and the" want to 0now f the soul

    of the dearl" departed s o0a"2 f the" had recovered from whatever

    the pro!lems the" had on Earth that made them de n the Grst place.

    And ( ha!e to say in my e$perience that, generally speaking,

    those channeled messages ha!e not been interfered with

    because they are soul to soul communications between the

    medium 6 the soul of the departed. o, those, generally

    speaking, seem to be untouched as far as the Velon are

    concerned, because they can*t really break into that form of

    communication because its too personal. (ts only when it

    becomes impersonal, then the problems begin.

    o!ert tanle": $he 1elon2 does ther manpulaton e=tend nto


    #hrs $homas: Io - not as such. From the Vatican !iewpoint,

    they used Fourteen Faction energies to take control 6

    spread the messages the other religions belie!ed

    whate!er they belie!ed. The one religion they did try

    to in;uence was Rudaism, the Rewish religion. 7nd

    the what*s his name Secharia itchin, the

    translator of the 7nnunaki material, the 7nnunaki is

    one of a sub race of the Velon, he always claimed inhis books that the 7nnunaki story forms the basis for

    the 4ld Testament. o, the 4ld Testament material, he

    claims, is based on the 7nnunaki story.

    Iow2 that sn7t true2 !ecause2 there7s a hue archeolocal d on on

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    n outhern $ur0e" at the moment F has !een for a!out )5 or RD "ears2

    somethn l0e that. Sust down the road from KT!e0l $epe2 a!out R

    0lometers from there2 s the ancent !!lcal ct"2 Ur of the #haldees2

    whch s where A!raham came from2 accordn to !!lcal stores.

    7braham is the root to three religions % Rudaism, +hristianity 6

    (slam. They are all based on, or ha!e their root with... what's

    his name... J7brahamK... and he li!ed 6 worked with the what

    was that % 8obekli Tepe. 3ow what they found at 8obekli Tepe

    are records of instances of how these people li!ed their li!es.

    Iow2 the reon s !etween the $rs % Euphrates vers. $here7s

    Iorthern ra>2 outhern $ur0e" % $ur0manstan2 thn0 t s2 where

    those !orders meet. 7nd the people who li!ed there called the

    region &den*. 7nd they were in!aded, as it were, by a group of

    beings they called The Tall hite 3ortherners/. o if you

    think of the people li!ing in the area, they would be as the

    people in the Middle ast look now.

    o all of a sudden2 ths roup of !ens move nto the area2 who are tall

    % !lond % pale. Iow2 ts poss!le the" were from the candnavancountres2 or ts poss!le that the" were a left-over from an earl"

    human form called JKantopthecus72 !ecause the" were descr!ed as

    Jver" tall7. And2 so what s sad % wrtten n the Old $estament s the

    hstor"2 f "ou l0e2 of that reon % what occurred. o it was the

    god*s multiple mated with human women and produced hybrid

    children % which is what the 7nnunaki story is based on.

    o the7nnunaki mi$ed together human history and the history

    of their own solar system 6 merged it together into this fake

    story it*s a fantasy story

    hat the 4ld Testament is based is the actual history of e!ents

    that occurred from 8obekli Tepe, when those peoples left

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    &den*, tra!eled south through umeria, through

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    #hrs $homas: The Fourthteen nergy 'they' Jthe VaticanK used.

    As far as can Gnd out2 and as far as have !een a!le to trac02the

    Velon ha!e ne!er been e=ected by Fourteen energies. They

    Eust ha!e made choices of their own, and mo!ed in directions

    of their own, which ha!e acted in a way to remo!e &free

    choice*. The Velon don*t ha!e anything to do with the

    Fourteenth Faction at all, they are entirely separate.

    o!ert tanle": ht2 but you said that they are the ones JThe

    VelonK that are behind this false narrati!e % that we are going

    to ascend 6 essentially abandon the arth for some other

    home, or other dimension, right)

    #hrs $homas: ;es2 so that is 'their' Jthe VelonK agenda.

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    The (ndustrial ?e!olution - i.e. 7 +onse:uence of

    Fourteenth Faction nergies. This olar ystem is the

    most important part of this #ni!erse. !erything that

    occurs on arth has an impact outside of our solar

    system. The arth was protected from these

    Fourteenth Faction energies for a long time, because

    nobody wanted the resources of the arth, and the

    life that e$ists on arth, to be destroyed by these

    other beings. o, the "rst mo!e to literally destroy

    the planet was with the (ndustrial ?e!olution. And we7ve

    contnued on that process ever snce up untl ver" recentl" ecause

    it only !ery recently people ha!e really are saying stop

    they*!e had enough of it things ha!e really gone too far.

    The +oncept of a There

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    o!ert tanle": O0a"2 "our tal0n a!out people on Earth2 !ut also

    you*re saying that there some group or entities that are

    protecting the olar ystem, or is it Eust the +reator that has

    put some sort of protection around us)

    #hrs $homas: Io2 not the +reator as such, the en!elope of our

    #ni!erse is made up Thirteen

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    across one of these people who had decided to use the

    Fourteenth Faction energies, then they would appear 6 feel to

    you to be ?eptilian.

    And so2 ths s where ths whole confuson a!out eptlans races !en

    ever"where on the planet2 and all the rest of t2 has come from. 3one

    of the races out there look ?eptilian, no race within this

    #ni!erse has a ?eptilian appearance. 4nly this race coming

    from a di=erent uni!erse has that ?eptilian appearance.

    Ever"!od" wthn ths Unverse s umanod2 n varous forms F

    essentially 9umanoid in form, and none of them look like a

    ?eptile. ts onl" the ener" patterns that came n from ths other

    unverse wth the 3ourteenth 3acton that have an mprnt of a eptlan

    ener" form. And ts people who have used the" chose to use those

    eneres that the 3ourteenth 3acton !rouht wth them to remove

    Jfreedom of choce7 of people on Earth.

    Lou can say it began with the (ndustrial ?e!olution 6 has

    continued e!er since. Lou know the Transnational +ompanies,to a certain e$tent, made use of Fourteen Faction JenergiesK.

    eople who took on those energies had the same life span as

    e!erybody does, so whilst in body, they would do whate!er it is

    to forward their aims, they died, lea!e the body, reincarnate

    again into a new body, and make use of those energies again.

    o, you ha!e a series of lifetimes being li!ed by these people

    where they attempt to take control 6 strip resources from the


    Iowfortunately, a way was found to deal with the Fourteenth

    Faction. And2 aan2 don7t as0 me to e=plan the tme se>uences !ut

    the answer was found on arth, belie!e it or not. 7lthough we

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    were protected as much as we possibly could be from the

    Fourteenth Faction the closest they came to arth was about

    P1 8ala$ies distant % something like that, so they ne!er really

    came that close to our 8ala$y, or our olar ystem.

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    ntervew art4

    lac0 oles Are #ollapsn

    o!ert tanle": ut2 what a!out !lac0 holes2 thouh2 #hrs? Chat are

    we seen there?

    #hrs $homas: That e!ent that remo!ed the FourteenthFaction, in our time frame it occurred in >22>, it was

    actually March >22>, that that happened. 22>, what you

    ha!e from cosmologists, :uantum physicists 6 all the

    rest of it, is photographs taken by 9ubble shows

    black holes emitting matter. 3ow black holes can*t

    emit matter, they can only attract matter in one

    direction. This is all they*!e been obser!ed to do e!er

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    since instein, or e!en 9ubble himself, ( suppose, it

    might ha!e described back mid @22s, early @P22s.

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    ut also the same atttudes have chaned on Earth. ;ou 0now2 when

    poltcans sa" somethn2 people use to just fall for t n the past2 or

    when a monarch would sa" somethn2 people would have to o alon

    wth t. Chereas now2 people are turnn around and sa"n2 @Ch"?

    don7t want to do thsW Ce don7t want to do thsW Ce don7t need to do

    thsWB ht up to here F loo0 what7s happenn n "ra. ;ou 0now2

    resdent O!ama2 two da"s ao2 turned around and sad2 @Cell2 we7re

    on to !om! "rans reardless of what an"!od" else does.B And

    ever"!od" n the rest of the world s standn around and sad2 @Ch"?B

    And2 toda"2 O!ama had to sa"2 @Cell2 we can7t2 we7re not on to

    !om! them untl we have a mandate from the Unted Iatons.B

    e*!e had a massi!e shift in policy because people ha!e

    turned around and said, e*re not going to accept what

    you*re telling us any longer./ Chereas2 )D "ears ao2 )R "ears ao2

    RD "ears ao2 5D "ears ao whatever f a poltcan n resdent

    O!ama7s poston had sad that2 then ever"!od" would have sad J;es7.

    3obody would ha!e :uestioned it, because they could use the

    Fourteenth Faction energy.

    o!ert tanle": ;es2 ts further evdence of what "ou7ve just stated2

    a!out the nXuence of the 3ourteenth 3acton s wann2 rht?

    #hrs $homas: 1er" much so. (t*s !irtually gone, not entirely, but

    its !irtually gone. Lou know, you*!e got a lot of the industrial

    heads, and politicians 6 some monarchs still trying to make

    use of that energy 7nd, to a certain e$tent people are so

    used, so accustomed, to being pushed into a direction, that

    they go along with it. 7 growing number of people are

    recogniDing that those energy patterns no longer e$ist, and

    therefore they can push back. 7nd this is what we*re seeing, a

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    massi!e mo!e in that direction.

    $houh2 n terms of eptlan races % eptles n uman form2 the" no

    loner e=st F all those ener" patterns are one. And2 "ou 0now

    mean ths s on to ma0e me sound more mad2 !ut( can con"rm

    Ia!id (cke*s obser!ation % the Uueen Mother had ?eptilian

    energies. ( ha!e no doubt of that.

    o!ert tanle": Ch"? ecause of what "ou have seen ps"chcall"?

    #hrs $homas: ;es.

    o!ert tanle": ChoaW

    #hrs $homas: Cell2 from what understand of readn a lttle !t nto

    the hstor" of the ro"al faml" % what7s !een on on2 and ever"thn.

    The Uueen Mother had a !ery gentle % &e!erybody*s

    grandmother* public persona with the image she presented,

    whereas pri!ately, she was an absolute tyrant 6 totally ruledthe family and that*s re;ected in making use of the

    Fourteenth Faction energies.

    ut now the" can7t. ecausethose energy patterns ha!e been

    destroyed F the" have !een totall" removed from ths Unverse. This

    is what we*re seeing politicians can no longer get away with

    anything, or the way monarchs can no longer get away with

    anything, because people are recogniDing, or realiDing that

    there isn*t that demand that they can remo!e &freedom of

    choice* left anymore. (ts gone.

    o!ert tanle": Cell #hrs2 "ou reall" made m" da". mean honestl".

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    #hrs $homas: thn02 underneath t all2 ever"!od" real9es there7s

    somethn l0e ths on on. $he" haven7t !een a!le to nvestate t

    for themselves2 for whatever reason. o2 t ta0es dots l0e me to turn

    up2 and tr" to come up wth these 0nds of answers.

    o that7s what was tr"n to sa" tonht reall" wth our tal0. ;es2

    there ha!e been problems from ?eptilian life forms, they ha!e

    created ha!oc on arth, but they ha!e now gone.

    Also2 ?eptilians, because they are not solid in any shape or

    form, they cannot reproduce. o, where people ha!e seen

    ?eptilians life forms inside people, it*s because of this

    Fourteen energies.

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    gone, totally % they no longer e$ist anywhere in this #ni!erse,

    those energy patterns ha!e been totally remo!ed or

    destroyed. The !ast maEority no not !ast maEority but 7QQ

    channeled material, talking about the good, the bad, the light,

    the dark, whate!er Ath dimension, 7scension, all the rest of

    it is Velon originated.

    o!ert tanle": ;es2 1elons

    #hrs $homas:7nd, therefore, they are working to their own

    agenda. 7nd, therefore, it should be ignored. 7ll of it is dis-

    information 6 misinformation. (t is deliberately designed to

    mislead people away from what our true purpose is, which is

    this soul reintegration. 7nd so, all that needs to be ignored.

    e also got new energy patterns working with us to try to help

    us with this. 7 friend sent me an e$tract from somebody*s

    website, recently. (t*s a newsletter from the person who runs

    the website. (t says, hy ( am 3o Qonger a Qightworker/.

    o!ert tanle": ;es2 that7s m" frend2 #ameron

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    o!ert tanle": nterestn. #hrs2 alwa"s fascnatn spea0n wth

    "ou2 and than0 "ou for sendn me those artcles that "ou7ve wrtten.

    0now "ou have some !oo0s ow do people Gnd "our wor0?

    #hrs $homas: Cell2 as sad !efore2 Ama9on has eectvel" !anned

    m" !oo0s2 "ou can7t et them throuh Ama9on

    $he !est place would !e a mal order !oo0 clu! compan" called

    #"nus oo07s nternatonal Qal Order ervce2 the" are on Y


    o!ert tanle": ow man" !oo0s do "ou have % what are ther names?

    #hrs $homas: Eleven oo0s all toether.

    $here are 8 !oo0s a!out Earth stor" % ( !oo0s a!out ealn.

    ). $he Sourne" ome

    R. $he 3ool7s 3rst teps

    (. lanet Earth F $he Unverse7s E=perment

    4. $he Unversal oul

    5. $he uman oul6. roject uman E=tncton F $he Ultmate #onsprac"

    '. $he Annuna0 lan % $he uman lan

    8. "nthess

    . $he ealn oo0 ,ealn #ourse

    )D. Ever"thn ;ou Alwa"s Canted to [now A!out ;our od" ut

    Io!od" was A!le to $ell ;ou

    )). $he e>uel $o Ever"thn ;ou Alwa"s Canted to [now A!out ;our


    o!ert tanle": ave "ou found that each oran has ts own t"pe of


  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    #hrs $homas:ach organ works with a particular emotion2

    suppose would !e the smplest wa" of e=plann t. $here s a #hnese

    s"stem as well2 whch s slhtl" derent to what we e=plan n our

    !oo0s. am not entrel" certan for the reason for that.

    ut out of the thousands of people have wor0 wth over the last (5

    "ears2 no!od" have ever wor0ed wth falls outsde the pattern

    descr!ed n the @Ever"thn ;ou Ever Canted to [now A!out ;our

    od"B !oo0. o ever" chapter relates to each oran. $here are slht

    derences n the #hnese s"stem. ut the" are onl" slht

    eople have come !ac0 to us and sad that the"7ve read these !oo0s %

    have cured themselves of whatever the pro!lem s. t can !e done F no


    ,end of part4




    \8 trul" l0e the person of #hrs and enjo" readn what he sa"s. ut do

    have a pro!lem wth a !t of hs themes. 3or e=ample2 he sa"s that the

    Grst e=ample of the 3ourteenth facton was Ale=ander the Kreat

    con>uest2 Ale=ander havn !een the Grst to do mass 0lln of the sort.

    Cell2 Khens [han was deGntel" a predecessor to Ale=ander and hs

    con>uest were covern half the earth lterall". mane the sprt n

    those tme2 to con>uest half the earth wth horses and arrows.

    $here have !een con>uest2 mass 0lln2 etc much !efore. ame wth

    not turnn aanst the planet !efore the )8DD centur". t ma" !e just

    !ecause we dd not have the technolo". ut what have seen n

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    hstor" !oo0s reardn how we ot rd of Amercan ndans startn n

    the )6DD centur" s deGntel" not for the wea0 of heart. Ce were

    a!solutel" !ar!arous. $hs was mass 0lln.

    would trul" l0e to compare the A0ashc !oo0s sources !ecause

    somethn seems odd to me.

    owever2 must sa" that he sends a !ree9e of fresh ar.


    ;ou mht want to do a lttle more research on Ale=ander $he Kreat

    and Kenhs [han. e-read a!ove:

    uote o2 that7s the 0nd of culture that there was2 and all of a sudden

    nto that came Ale=ander the Kreat who all of a sudden decded what

    he was on to do was to start con>uern half the planet2 or as much

    of the planet that he could et hold of. $hat was a!out (RD #2 thn0

    that7s when t was. o he started tr"n to ta0e over massve areas of

    the planet2 so that he could control ever"thn that occurred. 7nd thatreally is the "rst time in human history that we had seen

    somebody with that kind of intention % using energy patterns

    that literally alien to life on arth.
  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    Ale=ander the Kreat

    And then follown that2 of course2 we had the oman Empre !ecause

    the" !ascall" followed Ale=ander the Kreat7s pattern2 and then "ou

    have the 1atcan who7s !een don the same thn for the last )5DD

    "ears F tr"n to control ever"one on the planet. And then "ou have

    thns l0e the European monarchs ta0n over terrtores % nter-

    terrtoral wars2 and all that sort of stu. t all comes from people usn

    an a!lt" to remove people7s Jfreedom of choce72 !ecause o!vousl"2 f

    "ou went around 0lln people2 "ou7re not allown people to choose

    how ther lfe s.

    Iot that C0peda s a !aston of facts2 t s a decent startn place:

    uote Kenhs [han ,/]^_`^s ]0bn/ or /]d_`^s ]0bn/24V5V Qonol:

    t`^s =a`V ,lsten #hns/#hnhs 0haan ))6R? F Auust )RR'2

    !orn $emujn2 was the founder and Kreat [han ,emperor of the Qonol

    Empre2 whch !ecame the larest contuous empre n hstor" after

    hs demse.

    Ale=ander s the predecessor...

    aree wth "ou on the terr!le fate of the Iatve Amercans. Iot prett"

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    to freel" choose ther actons. $here s onl" one unversal law2 f "ou

    wll2 whch s: "ou cannot act n such a wa" as to remove some!od"

    else7s freedom to choose. o2 essentall"2 ever"thn s allowa!le2 as

    lon as "ou don7t !rea0 that one rule.

    As sa"2 there are other unverses2 and the unverse nearer to ours

    e=plores the e=act opposte F @Chat f ever" soul that e=sts wthn that

    unverse has the a!lt" to remove Jfreedom of choce7 F how does that

    wor0. t doesn7t wor0 ver" well2 as t turns out2 from what can Gnd out

    a!out t2 that unverse s n a state of collapse !ecause ts Gnshed2

    essentall" ts just mplodn n on tself.

    ut some tme ao2 the !ens who e=st n that unverse F some of

    them2 found a wa" to !rea0 nto our Unverse !" constructn what

    ph"scsts would call cosmolosts would call the wormhole2 whch s2

    theoretcall"2 !ac0 to !ac0 !lac0 hole2 so ts essentall" a two-wa" tu!e

    that connects two reons of space toether.

    o what these !ens manaed to do was to create a wormhole ntoour Unverse to tr" and o!tan as much ener" as poss!le from our

    Unverse to mantan ther poston n ther unverse whch the" 0new

    was n a state of collapse. And that7s what the" dd was to !rea0 nto

    ths Unverse.

    thn0 see #hrs $homas referencn the 1elons on nto the past

    ,over and over??. Iow at Lths tmeL the" have !een removed.

    Qchael $ "ou thn0 what he sa"s here has an"thn to do

    wth what #$ sa"s?


    n the hher denstes2 the Iame of the Kame s #onscousness. $hs

    smpl" means that the hher denstes of e=stence2 whether postve

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    or neatve n orentaton2 all recon9e that the !usness of all !en

    and e=stence ever"where s alwa"s that of #onscousness... !ecomn

    more and more LAware.L 7wareness is related to 5density5 of

    consciousness, so to sa". The T Ger!ice To elfH way of

    achie!ing 5density of consciousness5 is to 5gain weight5 by

    assimilation of other consciousness units. This is generally

    promoted as 57ll is 4ne5 and refers to 5e!il5 as a 5rebellion5 or

    a fault or something that will ultimately be 5done away with.5

    T4 Ger!ice To 4thersH, on the other hand sees 5gaining

    weight5 in a di=erent way. (t sees that an acknowledgement of

    the consciousness of 5other self5 as e:ual to its own

    consciousness, in spite of completely di=erent manifestation of

    that being, is the way to 5network5 the consciousness so that

    the hole is greater than the sum of the parts.

    $he derence s that the $O u"s recon9e conscousness as !en

    an LnteratveL actvt" of mutual networ0n and nterdependence

    !ecause they !iew all others as self, e!en if they are di=erent,and therefore seek to help and assist because the other ( self

    in an absolute internal sense. n ths wa"2 A!solute #onscousness2

    or Kod s LlorGedL !" a marvelous dverst" of !en f "ou wsh to put

    t n those terms.

    The negati!e guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms

    of domination, subEugation and absorption of other

    consciousnesses into 54ne.5 . ut2 they too, understand that

    the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly

    5absorb5 into their being these other 5consciousnesses,5 that

    the 5other5 must choose to become part of their 5self-

    aggrandiDement.5 7n unwilling 5food5 is, in essence, not

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    5nutritious5 so to say. (f the consciousness does not choose, it

    becomes a 5poison5 to the consciousness that seeks to 5eat it.5

    7nd so they must promote 54neness5 in a !ery particular way.

    Iote that both sides acknowledge 54neness,5 but in !ery

    di=erent ways.

    o2 we have to understand here that the true Ieatve ealm aenda

    s to Leat conscousness.L o2 ths actuall" prevents an overt Lta0e-

    overL n lteral2 ph"scal terms. f an LnvasonL was detected2 ths

    would mean that the vel would !e lfted and all would see the Lman

    !ehnd the curtanL and would !e dsusted and turn awa". Sust as n

    the LC9ard of O92L those u!" lppers have to !e o!taned 1E;


    Kathern the essence s an art of reat su!tlet"W $he Lneatve alen

    planL s2 n ts purest sense2 $AN[IK.

    The aim of talking is to create a completely controlledarti"cial en!ironment composed of thoroughly predictable

    human beha!iors - made predictable because they ha!e been

    programmed to respond to cues of conditioning Jinculcated

    through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the

    form of religionsK and all of this re!ol!es around a *story* that

    is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentati!e of the real

    negati!e aim.

    For centuries these programming signals ha!e been being set

    up - either because of time tra!el capabilities, or because of

    actual historical presence. 1arous prophets or relous leaders

    have !een nXuenced to preach2 or teach or prophes" phlosophes

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    desned to la" a foundaton for later ta0e-over - poss!l" n our

    present tme. hen people begin to get wise, the

    3egati!es simply go back into the past, add

    something more to the soup to 5co!er up5 the newawareness. This then act as a domino e=ect and

    in;uences our present. Time loops and all that. 7 lot

    of people think that the 5alien in!asion scenario5 is a

    ruse concocted by the go!ernment to create the

    impression that there is a forming 5threat,5 thereby

    enabling the institution of a 3ew orld 4rder. uenc" poss!le to receve OU#E creator level 0nowns and

    demonstrate them? ,we are a0ashHs partner?.

    e references that we are LanelsL ,earth anels. f we are part of

    N3E2 then we could consder ourselves the !earers of manatve

    poss!lt" n our realm.

    Our manaton cannot !e mned unless we aree. Ce can !e cajoled
  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    !" areements that can come from varous nformaton levels

    appealn to our level of apprecaton? for nstance we see that there s

    a Lsacred eometr"L and e=trapolate to laws and order. Ce apprecate

    certan LdealsL. Ce Gnd ourselves n a whole realm of thouhtforms

    promsn Lour dealL.

    $he realm of fre>uenc" !ens must !e vast.

    Ce must !e aware of the spectrum and how to navate t.

    f we L!rn nL channeled nformaton Gltered from the A0ashc2 t s all

    past thouhts. Ce seem to !e mprsoned n s the !readth of what we

    can mane.

    have to sa" that we cannot L!eleveL #$ an"more than an" other

    source. " the emotonal clearn2 we open up to a lhter v!ratonal

    fre>uenc". ma" not !e a!le to channel an"thn that s for an"one

    else. ecause of Glters2 he should just pa" attenton and e=pand as he

    does and as he encouraes us to do alsoWWW. do apprecate hm


    a" attenton to what oneHs nner voce s sa"n. e dedcated for

    clearn the wa" to a reater understandn of poss!lt". !eleve we

    can !furcate the present stream and chane tmelnes at an" moment

    to a new condton. Ce do create n the present what s seen n the

    future. $hat s somethn to consder readn and hearn ever"

    sentence from a source of nformaton.

    An Update On Our Evoluton !" #hrs $homas

    uote osted !"

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    shortcut whch !"passes/avods Gndn out for oneself from oneHs own

    e=perence. n other words2 Lto !eleveL s that whch s !orrowed

    nformaton ta0en as true.

    owever2 what someone else sa"s2 whch comes from ther e=perence2

    can !e used2 Gled awa"2 and later referenced2 n order to verf" that

    whch s found from oneHs own e=perence.

    n lstenn2 or readn2 what another e=perences2 there s the

    poss!lt" of that whch s sad2 % that whch s heard2 wll !e entrel"

    two dstnctl" derent thns from what was actuall" e=perenced !"

    the e=perencer. 3or2 the ornal2 so to sa"2 wll et Hlost n translatonH.

    And that can occur at !ascall" two ponts. ,) $he translaton whch

    occurs when the wrter/spea0er Gnds the chosen words to e=press that

    e=perence and ,R the translaton whch occurs when that whch s

    sad s ta0en n !" the one that receves that nformaton2 a.0.a. that

    whch s nterpreted !" the lstener / reader.

    n !oth cases2 the actual event s nether that whch s !en tolda!out2 nor s t that whch s read a!out2 or lstened to. As2 n the latter

    case2 emotonal !aae wll nterfere wth2 or act as a Glter that can

    dstort what s !en sad.

    uote osted !"

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    uote osted !"

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    ntrnsc wthn ths holoraphc spell s the noton that dualt" and

    polart" are natural aspects of lfe2 and that we must serve one sde ofdualt" or the other. $hs eleantl" smple !nar" mprnt has !ecome

    so promnent that we have lost sht of the larer holoraphc spell

    that spawned t. ndeed2 we have lost sht of the holoram all

    toether2 and come to !eleve that t s the sum total of realt".

    umans have !een condtoned to worshp the holoraphc decepton

    and the aents that perpetuate t. $hs holoram has !een called Qa"a

    !" the ndus2 and the Knostcs referred to t as the #orrupt

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    Hve read several of #ameron

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    preoccuped wth transposn the o!ert tanle" ntervew nto a

    wrtten format. And2 found wthn that ntervew that #hrs does !rn

    up #ameron uer the world2 followed !" the omans % later the 1atcan.

    3rom ths would suspect that the Archons are more a part of the 1elon

    aenda - n partcular2 wth those that traveled !ac0 n tme ,who later

    ot trapped there2 !ecause the" eectvel" altered the future to eect

    the hstor" of human !ens throuh the mplantn/dctatn ther

    Annuna0 3antas" stor" to a umeran ta!let ma0er. $hat stor"2

    em!edded wthn the umeran cla" ta!lets2 was later to !e found !"

    archeolosts2 and then iechara tchn would later pla" a 0e" role n

    ts translaton - .e. ts !een ndcated that he actuall" receved

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    channeled messaes from an Annuna0 entt" who had LhelpedL hm

    wth translatn those wrtns.

    n other words2 all references to Archons2 should !e understood to

    mean the 1elon. t s a ver" ood >ueston to pose to #hrs $homas2 as

    havenHt "et heard hm address ths partcular su!ject matter drectl".

    am just on throuh the ed ce #reatons ourR of the ntervew

    wth #hrs2 and would !e surprsed f enr0 almren ddnHt !rn ths

    partcular thn up.

    n that o!ert tanle" #hrs $homas ntervew2 #hrs also clarGes from

    where the dea of a eptlan race,s had come from. e states that the

    onl" eptlan race heHs come across that s recorded wthn the A0ashc

    s not from ths Unverse2 !ut connected wth the 3ourteenth 3acton2

    who came here from an altoether derent unverse. $he" have !een

    forcefull" evcted from ths Unverse ,as of RDDR2 and sent !ac0 to

    ther own2 whch s now n the process of on throuh a complete

    collapse !ac0 nto source... ,ths s also the reason2 accordn to #hrs2

    wh" we are presentl" seen wh" !lac0 holes appear to !e collapsn.

    ope ths helps...



    : An Update On Our Evoluton !" #hrs $homas

    $han0 "ou2 er!ert.

    was just now on throuh another #hrs ales / Andrew art9s

    ntervew ,Qa" R6 RD)(2 whle ma0n a lst of the terms Andrew was

    thrown out there2 and rather >uc0l" t was !ecomn >ute a rather
  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    lare lst of terms - approachn what could !e sad to !e2 lterall" - Ha

    !t overwhelmnH2 to sa" the least. Q" sense was telln me that t was

    ,aan a hue dstracton2 and far more complcated than what ths

    true realt" needed to !e. o dd a !t of dowsn on what was

    lstenn to... l0e calln t as0n Lm" oracleL... o as0ed Hm" oracleH

    several sets of >uestons: f ths nformaton was true... whether what

    was lstenn to was t false nformaton2 or was t just... manaton.

    And then2 at that moment2 somethn came !ac0 to me... somethn

    that remem!er readn a short whle ao came to mnd... and ths

    was a >uote reardn manaton. t oes somethn l0e ths:

    Lmanaton s a powerful facult"2 the most powerful. eason s just

    mpotent n comparson to manaton.

    7ll that happens, happens through imagination nothing

    happens through reason. First it happens through imagination

    then reason comes in and "gures it out, that*s okay. ?eason

    comes only secondary0 it gi!es e$planations, analysis, makes

    things clear, de-mysti"es things, but nothing e!er happensthrough reason.

    Sust the other da" was readn a!out Al!ert Ensten. e sa"s that hs

    theor" of relatvt" ddnHt happen throuh reason. e relates a ver"

    strane phenomenon. e sa"s2 Ht happened n m" !od"... t was

    0nesthetc.H he sa"s2 Ho!vousl"2 naturall"2 was ver" much pu99led.H

    e could not Gure out what was happenn. t was somethn of a

    !odl" sensaton and he could not even Gnd where to put t2 how to

    peon-hole t2 nto what cateor"2 and what concepts to use for t.

    3or months he remaned dsma"ed2 !ut he contnued to search and

    see0 to put t nto ratonal terms. ut ths s ver" strane he sa"s2 Ht

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    happened Grst n m" !od"2 a !odl" sensaton2 and then for months

    had to Gnd words and lanuae and mathematcal formulas to put t n


    All that happens s ntutve. t s "our power....

    $hat manaton wll create man" trou!les for "ou !ecause the

    manaton s there2 the power s there2 !ut f "ou are not "et n a

    state of medtaton2 f "ou have not2 as of "et2 e=perenced medtaton2

    manaton can !ecome ver" destructve f there s no medtatve

    >ualt" around t then t can o !erser0.

    $he same manaton can !ecome madness. Qadness s manaton

    one !erser02 thatHs all. Mad people are !ery imaginati!e people0

    they could ha!e been great poets or painters or in!entors or

    mystics. Many mad people ha!e the :ualities of the mystics,

    and all the mystics ha!e the :ualities of mad people it is the

    same imagination.

    manaton alone s danerous. manaton plus medtaton2 then "ou

    are n a rht !alance. $hen the medtaton wll never allow "ou to o

    !e"ond the lmt...L

    OU#E: 3ar e"ond the tars2 #hapter )6

    $hat s not to sa" Andrew art9s s poss!l" mad2 nsane2 or just

    some!od" wth an overl" actve manaton... ts just somethn that

    found on the nternet % remem!er readn. And2 t just ves me pause

    n consdern what have heard at one tme come from Keore

    [avasslas2 and2 more recentl"2 what hear comn from Andrew


  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    An Update On Our Evoluton !" #hrs $homas

    uote osted !" er!ert ,here

    $ur"a as0ed me to as0 #hrs $homas for hs ta0e on Andrew art9s.

    $hs s hs repl":

    ;ou are the Grst person to as0 me a!out Andrew art9s - Hve neverheard of hm !efore.

    dd ta0e a >uc0 loo0 on the net and was partcularl" unmpressed

    !oth wth hm2 as a person Gtoo much ego and glitD and as a

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2



    was surprsed that he ddnHt clam to !e ananda as well seen as

    ever"one else seems to these da"s.

    3or some "ears now2 the 1elon have !een clamn that the" have sole

    access to an a0ashc that s LhherL than the actual A0ashc and onl"

    the" have access to ths hher one.

    t s just ru!!sh. Virtually e!erything

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    have not made m" mnd up entrel" after tr"n some of hs

    revocatons. Hm stll open after pc0n out a lst of thns he sa"s

    whch put up Xas.

    ut please do share "our own perspectve.

    e" er!ert2 was thn0n that snce t was found that Andrew art9s

    s aPlated wth the Ashtar #ommand2 perhaps "ou should send #hrs

    $homas !ac0 an emal2 telln hm that heHs !een found to !e spot on

    wth hs remar0s concernn art9s... just to ve hm some feed!ac0..

    ts2 of course2 entrel" up to "ou.


    An Update On Our Evoluton !" #hrs $homas

    tHs >ute a whle snce have vsted so want to than0 Ealss for the

    ener" she !rns to the thread and all of us. Also than0s to Soe" for hs

    encouraement and thouhts whch o a lon wa" these da"s. Klad

    "ou were a!le to Gnall" post the entre $erje $oftenes ntervew $ur"a.

    Chen Ealss tal0ed a!out the hann lower lp of the Grst #ro Qanons

    who operated from a roup soul just could not help !ut thn0 of ll

    Qurra" n #add" hac0. :Y Csh 0new how to post that mae here.

    tHs a dra not !en ood wth computers.

    Iot sure whatHs !een on on wth #.$. !ut he sad he would tell me

    later. tHs just as well he ta0es a !rea0 snce we all 0now how loo0n

    outsde of ourselves for answers s the e=act opposte to where we

    should !e placn our attenton.

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    t s the nner chanes whch chane the outsde world. And #hrs does

    provde nstructon on how to access our hher selves and the A0ashc

    n hs last !oo0 "nthess.

    7ve otten a few reples from #hrs $homas latel" to >uestons whch

    needed clarGed to ensure that would not !e ms>uotn hm.

    Apparentl" some people clam to !e actuall" channelln #hrs $homas

    and others sometmes wll ms->uote hm whch can lead to ms-

    nformaton !en passed on !" those who do not o drectl" to hs

    essa"s and or !oo0s and ntervews.

    wll compact the essental %A to ma0e them clear.

    ueston *) from er!ert: eardn chumann esonance2 wh" are

    the Je=perts at Q$ sa"n chumann esonance has not chaned

    when "ou sa" t s movn up to (5DD ths "ear and alread" !eanjumpn n

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    it could impact arth energies !ery soon in >2@N. (s this wa!e

    for real) and if so, will these new energies "nally gi!e people

    the impetus to free themsel!es from those decepti!e, insidious


    Answer from #$ : $here are numerous !ands of ener" headn our

    wa" as we approach the pont at whch we reach (.5 [9.

    $he choce of who one channels s down to the channeler and ther

    hher self. $he source can as0 for access !ut cannot ma0e the choce

    for the channeler. $hese @nsdeousB channelns are the choce of the

    channeler. $here are a varet" of :!ens out there that have mschef

    n mnd. t s up to the channeler who the" channel.

    ueston *( from er!ert: (s there still an energy band around

    our solar system put there by the Velon to pre!ent clear

    communications into and out of our olar ystem and to

    pre!ent new energies from entering?

    Answer from #$:

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    mother earth, till the species human becomes obsolete./

    7t the astral0 following death 6 the usual e$perience be it

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    welcome "ou % shower "ou wth nrvana2 mnd wpe "ou % return "ou

    !ac0 to the c"cle of human foretfulness2 slaver"2 vctmhood %


    There really is 34 +7 tis the cyclic Eourney of the human

    which entombs our di!ine spark/

    er!ert2 than0 "ou for the 0ndness.

    Also than0 "ou for sharn the reples. Gnd t so refreshn that #hrs

    $homas s so drect and honest. Io weavn or Xu. e ma0es me

    lauh2 lol.

    7s for imon arkes. ( don't listen to people like him. (t is my

    belief that either he is consciously misleading people or he is

    being mislead himself and passing on the info without realiDing

    what he is doing. 7nd in general as soon as a person starts

    gi!ing me foggy, haDy, hokus pokus big word mumbo Eumbo

    descriptions that sounds 5super woooowwww5 to people, then

    ( am already out the door. (t is too much like a TV preacher. (

    know that is cynical but 5new age5 has pro!en itself to besmack full of lies and snake oil salesmen so ( approach

    e!eryone like they were used car salesmen or were trying to

    sell me insurance.

    admt that m" temper oes a !t... lol. orr". ut at least now 0now

    where that !t a!out Lmnd wpeL and evl heaven comes from. C;

    does an"one lsten? t s untrueW ;our detector was !an on.

    heard ths aes ao !tw... not sure what !elef s"stem t !elons to.

    One of the old 5Ds urus that tal0ed a!out eternal lfe2 thn0. art of

    the whole [rshnamurt2 Kurdje2 tantrc dance2 thn somehow. t s

    smpl" not true. LQnd wpeL. Krrrr. 34, we do not go 5blank5 and

    then get recycled. e are not metal parts from a car dump.

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    As tr" to remnd m"self of #hrs $homas advce to foret a!out the

    horrors n the world and focus on getting the whole soul into the

    body2 - as well as enne" erce sa"n that the chane happenn

    all over earth weather people want t or not2 ---- stll strule wth


    also e=pect a ' "ear worldwde famne f m" premonton dream s

    correct ,and the Qa"ans apparentl" aree !ut donHt have a specGc

    "ear for t.

    Earth... medtated and felt earth sa" to me that those who love earth

    wll lve and those who donHt2 wll de. !eleve that no matter what

    nsane trc0s the 1elons do2 the" wll de/!e sent awa" soon an"wa".

    $he" have no choce.


  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2



    Kon nto lht after death... or not?

    After our !od" des our e=stence contnues n non-ph"scal form. t7s

    !een often sad that there s a whte lht where we all should !e on.

    f we don7t o2 we are supposed to !e trapped n earth astral plane as

    @hostsB or lost sprts. owever2 have some serous dou!ts f ths s

    the whole truth n ths matter. First of all, ( don*t personally

    belie!e that our endless reincarnation cycle with karma/ and

    memory loss Gaka tabula rasaH is a natural state, but rather an

    arti"cial creation. " whom2 don7t 0now2 !ut most l0el" it*s a part

    of the control system of this prison planet.After we ph"scall"

    de2 our sprtual essence must !e collected somehow to !e prepared

    for the ne=t round n ph"scalt" wth erased mnd. suspect that the

    whte lht we supposedl" see after death s the actual means for ths

    @soul collectonB. ome wld speculatons even sa" that there s some

    0nd of machne n moon that stores our souls and puts them !ac0 nto

    the treadmll of (d ph"scalt".

    On the other handif you don*t go into the light. hat happens

    then) Lou miss the hea!en)$he ne=t level up from (d ph"scalt" s

    the astral plane.(f we ha!e a control system going e!erywhere, (

    doubt that the astral would be an e$ception. Following that

    logic, lea!ing earth astral plane freely would not likely be

    possible either.

    (f you are a person who doesn*t agree with being sla!e or

    controlled by any means, you might not like either of the

    options abo!e. upposedl" we have ven our areement to pla"

    these ames and et trapped nto the c"cle when we Grst arrved here.

    And supposedl" !" soul evoluton n aeons of tme we are on to et

    free from t. On the second thouht aren7t we free sprts now2 not after
  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    another half mllon "ears n an artGcall" created control s"stem wth

    !lan0 mnd? ome of "ou mht sa" that revolt s the certan sn of

    not !en read" to leave earth plane "et. eardless of that2 !eleve

    ac>uescence s a state of mnd l0e self soverent" s another. would

    l0e to have some dscusson a!out ths topc. 7re you going into the

    light) hy) hat other options there might be)

    f ths topc has !een dscussed alread"2 feel free to post the ln0.

    $han0s for readn.

    $he !ottom lne.

    s do "ou 0now what "ou are?

    Ever"thn else s entertann and has ts place2 !ut a dstracton f

    "ou are serous a!out enlhtenment--escapn the c"cle of !rth and

    death [arma etc.

    have never heard or read n a !oo0 !" an" commonl" accepted

    enlhtened one even one pararaph a!out ascended masters alens


    ;es Sesus mentoned2 Anels !reX" !ut the whole focus s a!out the

    reader realsn that the" are n fact Kod. ,Kod-realsaton---elf


    Iow assumn thousands of "ears2 eneratons of enlhtened teachers

    are rht2 then who needs ascended masters?

    $o "our own self !e true.

    $eachers pont the wa" !ut nherent wthn ever" one s the $ruth--- "ou

    are One wthout a second.

    Sust a >ueston of realsn that--- not eas" !ut poss!le.

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    Kon nto the lht?---;ou are the lht

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    guidance in order that enlightenment and liberation

    occurs. The

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    At ths pont2 there are separate nstructons to !e read accordn to

    the sprtual condton of the person whle n lfe. 3or an ndvdual

    advanced n medtaton and other sprtual practces2 there s repeated

    over and over the same nstructons as at the moment of death2

    enjonn hm to recon9e hmself as the

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    f hs lfe on Earth was well lved2 he wll now !e n a state of purt" and

    race2 and he wll enter nto the jo" of the Kod and attan l!eraton. f

    on the other hand he has lved an no!le and mpous lfe2 the eects

    of hs !ad 0arma wll cause the ntense radant presence of the Kod to

    str0e fear and terror n hs heart2 and he wll !e drawn nstead to the

    softer lht of the

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    the soul to have no fear2 !ut rather to recon9e that the Crathful

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    $he soul who s stll not l!erated after the Sudment wll now !e drawn

    remorselessl" toward re!rth.

    $he lhts of the s= No0as wll dawn aan nto one of these worlds the

    soul must !e !orn2 and the lht of the one he s destned for wll shne

    more !rhtl" than the others.$he soul s stll e=perencn the

    frhtenn appartons and suerns of the thrd !ardo2 and he feels

    that he wll do an"thn to escape from ths condton. e wll see0

    shelter n what appear to !e caves or hdn-places2 !ut whch are

    actuall" the entrances to wom!s. e s warned of ths !" the te=t of

    the ardo $hodol2 and ured not to enter them2 !ut to medtate upon

    the #lear Nht nstead for t s stll poss!le for hm to acheve the

    thrd deree of l!eraton and avod re!rth.

    3nall" there comes a pont where t s no loner poss!le to attan

    l!eraton2 and after ths the soul s ven nstructons on how to choose

    the !est wom! for a favora!le ncarnaton. $he !asc method s non-attachment:to tr" to rse a!ove !oth attracton to worldl" pleasures

    and repulson from worldl" lls.

    $he Gnal words of the ardo $hodol are: LNet vrtue and oodness !e

    perfected n ever" wa".L

    Le not fond of the dull smo0e-colored lht from hell.L - $!etan oo0

    of the

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    t too0 me a lon tme to understand conceptonall" and stll a !t to

    o2 that we are not human !ens.

    Ce are conscousness n the dsuse of human form.

    #onscousness s formless and therefore nether male nor female


  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    Kon nto lht after death... or not?

    uote osted !" dpwsh" ,here

    uote osted !" 3nefeather ,here

    t seems pontless to me to attempt an" e=planaton of ths process n

    vew of the fact that we are all n derent states of awareness. was

    vn "ou m" opnon !ased on 4D "ears of O rescue wor0 have

    !een nvolved n. $hs wor0 nvolves !oth the lvn and the HdeadH and

    have helped people who have ded lterall" mnutes after the event. n

    all varants of ths e=perence have had2 have seen and !en n the

    presence of the hher self of the person nvolved and n all cases ths

    ta0es the form of a most !eautful whte lht whch draws the person

    to a place of 0nown and comfort.

    Areed2 some even hher than "ours.

    ut whos to sa" whos where and who 0nows what?

    eems l0e a ant eneral9aton to me.

    could spt out m" credentals also2

    !ut have no desre to seem an" more cred!le.

    $hs trap s"stem oes all the wa" up to the top m" frend2

    there are evolved !ens that are 1E; hhl" evolved n ths s"stem2

    that stll do not see t for what t trul" s.

    $he" are lost n the lluson just as much as lower !ens.

    Sust !ecause there are la"ers2 doesnHt mean t snHt a trap.

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    0now the lht "ou tal0 of !ut arue t s not the same as the lht

    construct that appears after death. $hs can !e !" passed and should.

    $hs s what ves us amnesa of our e=perences. f a Kod trul" wanted

    us to row and learn from our e=perences2 wh" would the" ve us

    such an ama9nl" short perod n a !od" n whch ts almost nearl"

    mposs!le to ever free "ourself or learn what we need to n one lfe to

    move on. $hen2 even f we et 8 of the wa" there n a lfe2 when we

    de we foret ever"thn. ;ou reall" thn0 ths s the creaton of the

    ource of Nove? ow lovn....


    $r" not to fall o "our horse as "ou race to all "our assumptons... was

    not vn "ou credentals... was vn "ou perspectve...and m"

    opnon !ased on t.

    have heard "our arument and vew man" tmes n lfe2 as well as

    here on ths forum2 and "ou wll contnue wth "our thn0n untl "ou

    see another sde of the stor"...f "ou do...n ths lfe... accept that...such

    s the nature of conscousness...!ut when we cease to see0 out

    truth...that s when stanaton causes the eo to nvent tHs own realt"

    !ased on tHs own assumptons.

    ;ou also ma0e the !est error when "ou assume that...and >uote

    "ou... Lthere are evolved !ens that are 1E; hhl" evolved n ths

    s"stem2 that stll do not see t for what t trul" s.L...dd the" tell "ou

    ths?...and f would "ou 0now what a hhl" advanced en

    0nows? would suest to "ou that the lluson les wthn "ourself and

    certanl" not wth them. ;our entre post s n m" opnon an

    assumpton !ased on "our own lac0 of 0nowlede and Grst hand

    e=perence...toether wth all the man" stores "ou have read !" those

    who have the same pont of vew as "ou ths pont n "our

    lfe...does that ma0e t rht?

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    $a0e care


    Allow me to nterject a !ref hstorc o!servaton nto ths de!ate.

    $wo thousand "ears after the death of the one alleed to !e called

    Sesus2 n )452 there was unearthed at Ia ammad2 E"pt a l!rar"

    of Gft" some Kospels and other assorted te=t. $hs l!rar" was wrtten

    around the turn of the #ommon Era. $hs N!rar" was unmolested2

    !ured n the desert for nearl" two thousand "ears.

    $hese $e=t tell a completel" derent stor" than the !oo0 0nown as the

    Iew $estament. $he" tell of a man who was crucGed !" the oman

    Empre. $he" descr!e a man who was not someone clamn to !e the

    on of Kod2 rather someone telln umant" that we are all a art of

    Kod. s name was ;eshua !en Soseph.

    Accordn to these Ia ammad $e=t2 ;ahweh ,Sehovah s the

    representaton of the

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    $hs lttle vew of our hstor" s a te=t!oo0 e=ample of how the Qass of

    umant" has !een led to snce the

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    s so mportantW $he" are preparatons to !e a!le to 0eep "our

    conscousness at the moment of death.f "ou can sta" conscous here2

    the Grst thn "ou should as0 for wthout hestaton s to as0 to

    e=perence "our Ltrue selfL. roram "ourself so that ths s the Grst

    thouht and onl" thouht that oes throuh "our mnd.

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    far !e"ond what we could conceve now2 so how could we poss!l" !e

    trc0ed? $hs level of realt" ,so to spea0 s a realm of lluson2 where

    ver" lttle s what t seems and decepton runs rampant2 !ut outsde of

    ths realm2 have have to wonder f there s an" such thn as

    decepton. Qan" people spea0 of ther e=traordnar" sprtual

    e=perences where the" have memores where thns are 0nown to

    them as soon as the" even formulate a >ueston to as0. o2 how could

    we !e trc0ed? Qa"!e we 0new \e=actl"\ what we were ettn nto.

    Chch2 n a wa"2 s an even more dstur!n thouht. t s sad that

    there s a thn lne !etween !raver" and stupdt"2 rht?

    Qa"!e !efore we came here2 we were the sprtual daredevls of the

    hher realms2 and ths tme we just ot a wee !t more than we

    !araned for. And ma"!e we suspected that would happen2 !ut ddnHt

    care. Sust a thouht. ut perhaps !ecause we canHt see the whole

    pcture2 t loo0s much more harrown than t s2 and perhaps ths dea

    of !en Ltrc0edL s a reXecton of a vctm mentalt" enerated !elef

    that could n some wa"s !e a hndrance2 !ut could n some wa"s !eadvantaeous - even f t were not entrel" trueW $hn0 of t as ma"!e

    an mprovn m"th. ersonall"2 tend towards the vew that we were

    not trc0ed2 !ut thatHs just what choose to !eleve.

    uote ;ou are put n a place where ts nearl" QONE to learn what

    "ou need to learn wthn a snle lfe to et LoutL.

    tHs funn"2 when read ths2 mmedatel" thouht of a vdeo ame Hve

    !een pla"n where have to >ueston f the level Hm on s actuall"

    wnna!le. thn0 ever"one who pla"s vdeo ames 0nows that feeln.

    N0e2 LC$32 are the desners of ths ame just trolln us???L ut then

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    "ou do t enouh tmes and Let n the 9oneL and aanst all odds2

    manae to - just !" a har - complete the level or msson. ChewW

    CasnHt so !ad. o2 suppose t could !e a matter of perspectve2

    especall" when consdern that we are eternal dvne !ens who

    have eternt" to pla" around n and et stuc0 n places l0e Earth2 for

    !etter or worse.

    uote Chen "ou de2 ever"thn "ou have learned s scru!!ed clean.

  • 8/11/2019 Chris Thomas Avalon 2


    that snHt reall" who we are2 !ut s reall" just a thm!leful of our reater

    !en. And oh2 the plht of the lttle vrtual realt" character who

    doesnHt 0now t s one. t mht !en to feel that there was some t"pe

    of malcous plot to cause t to !e 0ept n the dar0 and suer so

    terr!l"2 and ma"!e t would enerate a whole !elef s"stem !ased

    around ths feeln.

    uote And n don so2 the" wll real9e that the" have the power to

    pla" what ever ame the" choose collectvel". $he" were alwa"s

    choosn whch ame to pla" from the ver" !ennn2 the" were just

    manpulated n ther choosn. $he" were choosn to pc0

    unconscousl"2 thus were heavl" nXuenced !" outsde forces. $hs s

    were the technolocal snulart" comes n2 technolo" wll advance to

    a pont untl we real9e that we are that technolo" and them AQW

    !eleve our educaton s"stem2 relon s"stems2 poltcal s"stems2
