chpt 7P Pathgoal

8/8/2019 chpt 7P Pathgoal 1/15 1 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 - - Path Path-Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach © 2003 Jan Krieger SAGE SAGE Publications Publications P ath P ath--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach P ath P ath--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach Leadership Leadership Theory and Practice, Theory and Practice, 3/e 3/e Peter G. Northouse, Ph.D. Peter G. Northouse, Ph.D. William Kritsonis, PhD William Kritsonis, PhD Presenter Presenter

Transcript of chpt 7P Pathgoal

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

P athP ath--Goal Theory ApproachGoal Theory ApproachP athP ath--Goal Theory ApproachGoal Theory Approach

LeadershipLeadershipTheory and Practice,Theory and Practice, 3/e3/e

Peter G. Northouse, Ph.D.Peter G. Northouse, Ph.D.

William Kritsonis, PhDWilliam Kritsonis, PhDPresenterPresenter

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

Path-Goal Theory Approach P erspective Conditions of Leadership MotivationLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsTask C haracteristics H ow Does the P GT Approach Work?


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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

P athP ath--Goal Theory ApproachGoal Theory Approach


P athP ath--Goal Theory ApproachGoal Theory Approach


G oal G oal -- T o enhance employeeT o enhance employee

performance and satisfaction byperformance and satisfaction byfocusing on employee motivationfocusing on employee motivation

Premise Premise -- S ubordinates will beS ubordinates will bemotivated if they believe: (a) they aremotivated if they believe: (a) they arecapable of performing their work;capable of performing their work;(b) that their efforts will be(b) that their efforts will berewarded; and (c) that the payoff rewarded; and (c) that the payoff will be worthwhilewill be worthwhileC hallengeC hallenge -- T o use a leadership styleT o use a leadership stylethat best meets subordinates¶that best meets subordinates¶motivational needsmotivational needs

PathPath -- goal theorygoal theorycenters on howcenters on howleaders motivateleaders motivatesubordinates tosubordinates toaccomplish designatedaccomplish designatedgoalsgoals


PerspectivePerspective DefinitionDefinition


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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

C onditions of Leadership MotivationC onditions of Leadership MotivationC onditions of Leadership MotivationC onditions of Leadership Motivation

I t increases theI t increases the number number andand kindskinds

of payoffsof payoffsPath to the goal isPath to the goal is clear clear andandeasily traveled witheasily traveled with coaching coaching andanddirectiondirectionO

bstacles and roadblocks areO

bstacles and roadblocks areremoved removed T he work itself is personallyT he work itself is personally

satisfying satisfying

Leadership generates motivation when: Leadership generates motivation when:

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristicsS ubordinate CharacteristicsS ubordinate Characteristics

Directive LeadershipDirective Leadership

Leader who givesLeader who givessubordinates task instructionsubordinates task instructionincluding:including:

What is expected of themWhat is expected of them H ow task is to be doneH ow task is to be doneTimeline for task completionTimeline for task completion

D ogmatic & authoritarian D ogmatic & authoritarianC larifies path to the goal,C larifies path to the goal,making it less ambiguousmaking it less ambiguousAuthoritarian types feel moreAuthoritarian types feel morecomfortable when leader comfortable when leader

provides certainty in work provides certainty in work settingsettingE xternal locus of controlE xternal locus of control - -outside forces control their outside forces control their circumstancescircumstances

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

S ubordinateS ubordinate


S upportive LeadershipS upportive LeadershipR efers to being friendlyR efers to being friendlyand approachable as a leader:and approachable as a leader:

Attends to subordinates¶Attends to subordinates¶wellwell--being beingSupportively attempts to makeSupportively attempts to makework environment pleasantwork environment pleasant

Treats subordinates as equalsTreats subordinates as equalsand with respectand with respect

N eed for affiliation N eed for affiliationF riendly and concernedF riendly and concernedleadership is a source of leadership is a source of satisfactionsatisfaction

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

S ubordinateS ubordinate


Participative LeadershipParticipative LeadershipLeader who invitesLeader who invitessubordinates to share in thesubordinates to share in thedecisiondecision--makingmaking

Consults with subordinatesC onsults with subordinatesSeeks their ideas & opinionsSeeks their ideas & opinions Integrates their input intoIntegrates their input into

organizational decisionsorganizational decisions

I nternal locus of control I nternal locus of control Allows subordinates to feelAllows subordinates to feelin charge of their work in charge of their work Makes them an integral partMakes them an integral partof the decisionof the decision- -makingmaking

process process

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

Leader Behaviors & SubordinateLeader Behaviors & Subordinate

C haracteristicsC haracteristics

S ubordinate CharacteristicsS ubordinate CharacteristicsAchievement O rientedAchievement O rientedLeader who challengesLeader who challengessubordinates to performsubordinates to performwork at the highest levelwork at the highest level

possible possible Establishes a high standard of E stablishes a high standard of excellenceexcellence

Seeks continuous improvementSeeks continuous improvementDemonstrates a high degree of Demonstrates a high degree of confidence in subordinates¶confidence in subordinates¶ability to establish & achieveability to establish & achievechallenging goalschallenging goals

H igh expectations & need to excel H igh expectations & need to excel I n ambiguous task situations,I n ambiguous task situations,subordinates feel their effortssubordinates feel their effortswill result in effective performancewill result in effective performance

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

Task C haracteristicsTask C haracteristicsTask C haracteristicsTask C haracteristics

U nclear and ambiguousU nclear and ambiguous - - LeaderLeaderneeds to provide structureneeds to provide structureH ighly repetitive H ighly repetitive -- Leader needs toLeader needs toprovide support to maintainprovide support to maintainsubordinate motivationsubordinate motivationW eak formal authorityW eak formal authority -- I f formalI f formalauthority system is weak, the leaderauthority system is weak, the leaderneeds to assist subordinates byneeds to assist subordinates bymaking rules and work making rules and work requirements clearrequirements clearN onsupportive/weak group norms N onsupportive/weak group norms --

Leader needs to help buildLeader needs to help build

cohesiveness and role responsibilitycohesiveness and role responsibility

Ta sk Situ a tions RequiringTa sk Situ a tions RequiringLead er InvolvementLead er Involvement

Ta sk Situ a tions RequiringTa sk Situ a tions RequiringLead er InvolvementLead er Involvement


T ask characteristics:T ask characteristics:

± Design of subordinates¶ task

± O rganization¶sformal authoritysystem

± P rimary work groupof subordinates

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

P athP ath--Goal Theory MatrixGoal Theory MatrixP athP ath--Goal Theory MatrixGoal Theory Matrix

Directive LeadershipDirective Leadership³ Provides guidance³ Provides guidance

& psychological & psychological structure´ structure´


Ambiguous AmbiguousU nclear rulesU nclear rules

C omplex C omplex

S upportive LeadershipS upportive Leadership³ Provides nurturance´ ³ Provides nurturance´ UnsatisfiedUnsatisfied

Need affiliationNeed affiliationNeed human touchNeed human touch

Repetitive RepetitiveU nchallenging U nchallenging

Mundane & mechanical Mundane & mechanical

Participative LeadershipParticipative Leadership³ Provides involvement´ ³ Provides involvement´ AutonomousAutonomous

Need for controlNeed for controlNeed for clarityNeed for clarity

Ambiguous AmbiguousU nclear U nclear

U nstructured U nstructured

Achievement O rientedAchievement O riented³ Provides challenges´ ³ Provides challenges´ High expectationsHigh expectations

Need to excelNeed to excel Ambiguous AmbiguousC hallenging C hallenging

C omplex C omplex




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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

H ow Does theH ow Does thePa thPa th--Go a l T heoryGoa l T heory

Approa ch Work?Approa ch Work?

H ow Does theH ow Does thePa thPa th--Go a l T heoryGoa l T heory

Approa ch Work?Approa ch Work? Focus of P ath-Goal Theory ApproachStrengths

C riticismsApplication

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

P athP ath--Goal Theory ApproachGoal Theory ApproachP athP ath--Goal Theory ApproachGoal Theory Approach

PathPath -- goal theory is agoal theory is acomplex but alsocomplex but also

pragmatic approachpragmatic approachLeaders should choose aLeaders should choose aleadership style that bestleadership style that bestfits the needs of fits the needs of subordinates and theirsubordinates and theirwork work

PathPath -- goal theorygoal theoryprovides a set of provides a set of assumptionsassumptions about howabout howdifferent leadershipdifferent leadershipstyles will interact withstyles will interact withsubordinatesubordinatecharacteristics and thecharacteristics and thework situation to affectwork situation to affectemployee motivationemployee motivation

F ocusF ocusF ocusF ocus Over a ll ScopeOver a ll ScopeOver a ll ScopeOver a ll Scope

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

StrengthsStrengthsStrengthsStrengthsU seful theoretical framework.U seful theoretical framework. P athP ath--goal theory is agoal theory is auseful theoretical framework for understanding howuseful theoretical framework for understanding howvarious leadership behaviors affect the satisfaction of various leadership behaviors affect the satisfaction of

subordinates and their work performance.subordinates and their work performance.I ntegrates motivation. I ntegrates motivation. P athP ath--goal theory attempts togoal theory attempts tointegrate the motivation principles of expectancy theoryintegrate the motivation principles of expectancy theoryinto a theory of leadership.into a theory of leadership.

Practical model. Practical model. P athP ath--goal theory provides a practicalgoal theory provides a practicalmodel that underscores and highlights the importantmodel that underscores and highlights the importantways leaders help subordinates.ways leaders help subordinates.

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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

C riticismsC riticismsC riticismsC riticisms Interpreting the meaning of the theory can beconfusing confusing because it is so complex and incorporates

so many different aspects of leadership;consequently, it is difficult to implement.

Empirical research studies have demonstrated only partial support partial support for path-goal theory.

It fails to adequately explain the relationshiprelationship

between leadership behavior and worker motivation.

The path-goal theory approach treats leadership as aoneone--wayway event in which the leader affects the


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Chapter 7 Chapter 7 -- Path Path--Goal Theory Approach Goal Theory Approach

© 2003 Jan Krieger SAGESAGE PublicationsPublications

ApplicationApplicationApplicationApplication PGT offers valuable insights that

can be applied in ongoing settingsto improve one¶s leadership.

Informs leaders about when to bedirective, supportive, participative,or achievement orientedThe principles of P GT can beemployed by leaders at allorganizational levels and for alltypes of tasks