Chorrosive Manual

Version 1.0.0 ©2005 BetabugsAudio


BetaBugs manual for Chorrosive plugin

Transcript of Chorrosive Manual

  • Version 1.0.0

    2005 BetabugsAudio

  • Welcome

    Thank you for downloading this fine plug-in from BetabugsAudio. Theone-knob ideal is in full effect for this BetabugsAudio plug-in, but don't letthe apparent simplicity fool you.

    Chorrosive is a simple device: it accepts audio in, runs it through varioustypes of battery acid, and drops it out the other side. Nice.

    The aforementioned 'Battery Acid' is comprised of a chorus unit, band passfilter and transistor emulation, applied to the incoming audio in varyingdegrees. Common usage is via the Large Friendly Dial on the front. Turn itup to stir the acid; turn it down to retrieve your original signal.

    One knob hardly requires a manual, but a few important notes and tips liein store, so please read this brief manual to get the most out of Chorrosive.


    Chorrosive has a basic license:

    1. Chorrosive is freeware. This means that you are free to distribute it,give it to friends, or otherwise share it around. However, only theentire unaltered archive, including this document, may be re-distributed.

    2. Copyright of the code and the finished plug-in remain the property ofBetabugsAudio and Chorrosive's author, Duncan Parsons.

    3. This plug-in is provided at no cost; therefore the author andBetabugsAudio assume no responsibility for any damage that mayoccur to the end user or the equipment used to run the plug-in.

    4. Magazine editors are free to include the plug-in on covermount CDs orsimilar media; however, we request that you inform a member of theBetabugsAudio team by e-mail in order to advise us. We'd also bepretty hard-pressed to say no to a few copies of the publication!

    2005 BetabugsAudio

  • Feedback / Bug Reports

    We are always eager to hear feedback or have bugs reported. The easiestway is to visit the Bughouse user forum, found at


    Further Possibilities

    The best way to make the most out of Chorrosive is to use the variouspresets as a starting point, and then chorrode them to taste. However,fine tuning and custom creation of presets is possible by accessingChorossive's internal modules and parameters via VST automation.

    2005 BetabugsAudio

  • Version History

    Version Date Notes1.0.0 12/03/05 First public release


    GUI and all other graphical elements: Mully ( Programming and code: Duncan Parsons Documentation: Greg Pettit VST technology Steinberg GmbH VSTname and logo are trademarks of Steinberg GmbH Thanks to Frederick Vanmol ( and Tobybear

    ( for the Delphi VST SDK template and translation. Thanks to Peter Morris for the excellent DIB controls.

    ( Cheers to Gustavo Huffenbacher Daud for the TPNGimage library.

    2005 BetabugsAudio