Choose the Correct Answer for Each of the Following Sentences

8/14/2019 Choose the Correct Answer for Each of the Following Sentences 1/12 Khóa h c LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Th Mai Ph ng Ph ng pháp làm bài t p t v ng – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 1 - Choose the correct answer for each the following sentences. 1. When you have thought ……. what I have said, you will understand. A. of B. over C. about D. again 2. To come ….. means to meet by chance. A. into B. across C. between D. up 3. I could tell he was pleased …. the expression on his face. A. by B. for C. at D. in 4. It isn’t quite certain that he will turn … at the meeting. A. up B. back C. down D. on 5. One of the primary causes of skin cancer is overexposure …. the sun without the use of sunscreen. A. in B. under C. with D. to 6. You’ll get a better …… of exchange at another bank. A. rate B. value C. worth D. charge 7. Science has a language that is ….. in every country. A. alike B. similar C. same D. the same 8. I lost too much money betting at the races last time, so you won’t …. me to go again. A. convince B. impress C. persuade D. urge 9. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a better….. A. product B. impress C. amount D. crop 10. The shop assistant was … helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice. A. entirely B. exactly C. quite D. totally 11. It’s an awful ….. Jane couldn’t come. I was looking forward to meeting her. A. harm B. sorrow C. shame D. shock 12. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ….. new procedures to save time and money. A. restore B. control C. establish D. manufacture 13. I like his essay because it is very …. A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imagination 14. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have …. any solutions. A. looked into B. thought over C. got round to D. come up with 15. I don’t know what was wrong with her this morning. She is usually quite …. A. glad B. pleased C. cheerful D. satisfied 16. The air in the house felt cold and … after weeks of bad weather. A. wet B. moist C. damp D. satisfied 17. He has a very ….. temper and often says things he regrets later. A. angry B. quick C. warm D. bad 18. Don’t forget your appointment. You’d better put it in your ….. A. agenda B. diary C. calendar D. directory PH NG PHÁP LÀM BÀI T P T V NG (BÀI T P T LUY N) Giáo viên: VŨ TH MAI PH NG

Transcript of Choose the Correct Answer for Each of the Following Sentences

Page 1: Choose the Correct Answer for Each of the Following Sentences

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 1 -

Choose the correct answer for each the following sentences.

1. When you have thought ……. what I have said, you will understand.A. of B. over C. about D. again2. To come ….. means to meet by chance.A. into B. across C. between D. up3. I could tell he was pleased …. the expression on his face.A. by B. for C. at D. in4. It isn’t quite certain that he will turn … at the meeting.A. up B. back C. down D. on5. One of the primary causes of skin cancer is overexposure …. the sun without the use of sunscreen.A. in B. under C. with D. to6. You’ll get a better …… of exchange at another bank.A. rate B. value C. worth D. charge7. Science has a language that is ….. in every country.A. alike B. similar C. same D. the same8. I lost too much money betting at the races last time, so you won’t …. me to go again.A. convince B. impress C. persuade D. urge9. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a

better…..A. product B. impress C. amount D. crop10. The shop assistant was … helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice.A. entirely B. exactly C. quite D. totally11. It’s an awful ….. Jane couldn’t come. I was looking forward to meeting her.A. harm B. sorrow C. shame D. shock12. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ….. new procedures to save time and money.A. restore B. control C. establish D. manufacture13. I like his essay because it is very ….A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imagination14. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have …. any solutions.

A. looked into B. thought over C. got round to D. come up with15. I don’t know what was wrong with her this morning. She is usually quite ….A. glad B. pleased C. cheerful D. satisfied16. The air in the house felt cold and … after weeks of bad weather.A. wet B. moist C. damp D. satisfied17. He has a very ….. temper and often says things he regrets later.A. angry B. quick C. warm D. bad18. Don’t forget your appointment. You’d better put it in your …..A. agenda B. diary C. calendar D. directory



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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 2 -

19. You know I’ll always stand …. you if you are in trouble.A. by B. with C. for D. up20. The taxi drew ….. at the gate promptly at six’s o’clockA. up B. along C. outside D. over21. I’ve been trying to ring him all evening but I can’t ……A. get over B. get through C. get across D. get by22. The doctor …. him to smoke a few cigarettes each day.A. let B. made C. stopped D. allowed23. Father would not … us to go there for the weekend.A. let B. permit C. agree D. consent24. Grandfather has never really …. from his nervous breakdown.A. mended B. cured C. repaired D. recovered25. All traffic is being ….. because of the military parades.A. diverted B. converted C. changed D. altered26. Angela has grown up but she hasn’t …. her shyness yet.A. got through B. got under C. got over D. got away from27. Your progress will be ….. in six months’ time.A. counted B. valued C. admired D. evaluated28. The little girl ….. over stone and fell flat on her face.A. tripped B. dripped C. stepped D. walked29. There was so much noise that we could hardly ….. what the speaker was saying.A. take in B. take up C. bring in D. bring up30. I am sorry to hear that Peter and Dick have ….. They were such good friends.A. fallen against B. fallen out C. dropped out D. dropped against.31. Paul was so …. with his examination results that he didn’t smile all week.A. disappointed B. delighted C. proud D. satisfying.

32. She smiled ….. at the joke.A. loudly B. strongly C. quietly D. widely33. Which would you ….. have, the red or the blue one?A. better B. prefer C. rather D. choose34. We’re going on a day …. to the island tomorrow.A. visit B. voyage C. journey D. trip35. The article was …. the front page of the newspaper.A. on B. at C. in D. of36. I’ve always posted my letters first class, ….. it costs more.A. because B. since C. while D. although

37. When I first started work, I found her advice …..A. priceless B. invaluable C. worthy D. irreplaceable38. In other to achieve the desired result in this experiment, it is necessary that he … as fast as he can.A. work B. works C. worked D. will work39. I am sure we can believe her. She is usually very…..A. true B. truthful C. trustful D. trustworthy40. The number of …. in the factory has increased so much that the police have been asked to investigate.A. thieves B. thefts C. robbers D. robberies

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 3 -

41. The smell of floor polish still brings …… memories of my old school.A. up B. on C. back D. over42. Youths have to ….. military service in our country.A. do B. make C. join D. attend43. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually….A. lowers B. drops C. falls D. reduces44. Your room is a mess! … up at once.A. Arrange B. Make C. Do D. Tidy45. That song …. me of my childhood.A. recalls B. reminds C. remembers D. recollects46. When you retire, you will receive a(n) ….. from the government.A. allowance B. benefit C. grant D. pension47. The proportion of elderly people in the population is steadily …. as they live longer.A. growing up B. rising C. falling D. raising48. Early retirement is a ….. of reducing the workforce while avoiding redundancy.A. growing up B. source C. proposal D. means49. In the …. of proof, the police could not take action against the man.A. shortage B. lack C. want D. absence50. My uncle took … golf when he retired from work.A. up B. over C. on D. after51. For my birthday I was given a writing ser …. two pens, envelopes and notepapers.A. comprising B. involving C. holding D. consisting52. One condition of this job is that you must be ….. to work at weekends.A. available B. capable C. acceptable D. accessible53. I am going to …. my dress dry-cleaned.A. make B. send C. get D. take

54. Don’t …. to bring a hairdryer. I’ll lend you mine.A. mind B. bother C. forget D. worry55. The building was badly … in the fire.A. hurt B. wounded C. damaged D. injured56. He is unhappy because his parents do not …. very well.A. get over B. get off C. get on D. get away57. …. a wrong number, it is important to apologize before hanging up.A. You dial B. Dialing C. If you dial D. If it is dialed58. Lost of people … yoga to relax.A. practice B. take up C. give up D. take in

59. Even though she hated the food, her mother …. her eat it all.A. let B. made C. forced D. allowed60. The twins look so ….. their father.A. like B. alike C. likely D. liking61. It took him ages to …. living in the new town.A. use to B. get used to C. used to D. accustomed62. Maybe we should …. Mr. Smith to see his rose gardenA. call at B. call on C. call for D. call out

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 4 -

63. Drunkenness is …. for many road accidents.A. guilty B. responsible C. cause D. faulty64. The police are said to be looking ….. the matter.A. for B. into C. up D. over65. If you park there, you will have to pay a ….A. fee B. ticket C. fare D. fine66. Having finished the report, …..A. is was submitted to his boss by himB. he submitted it to his bossC. his boss was submitted it by himD. he had submitted it to his boss67. Oil ….. if you pour it on water.A. floated B. has floated C. will be floated D. floats68. Modern buildings should ….. with the surrounding area.A. blend B. fit C. match D. join69. The Government have ….. an inquiry to investigate bribery in local elections.A. set out B. set to C. set about D. set up70. The water workers’ claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under …. by the Government.A. application B. consideration C. inquiry D. regard71. Mr. James Smith retired early ….. ill health.A. on account of B. on behalf of C. in front of D. ahead of72. A man’s pay usually …. from the number of hours he works in a week.A. results B. depends C. starts D. earns73. Dentists will always try to save teeth rather than take them …..A. off B. over C. out D. down74. What he told me was a …. of lies.

A. load B. pack C. mod D. flock75. We can only give you the …. number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.A. suggestive B. indefinite C. approximate D. unclear76. This ticket …. two persons to the show.A. delivers B. includes C. admits D. enters77. Trains stop here to …. passengers only.A. get off B. pick up C. get past D. get on78. It isn’t quite …. that he will turn up at the meeting.A. certain B. exact C. right D. sure79. Many difficulties have ….. as a result of the changeover to the new system

A. raised B. been raised C. arisen D. experienced80. The …. of the lake is covered with reeds and rushes.A. beach B. coast C. shore D. bank81. I was not …. by his many arguments so finally we agreed to differ.A. convinced B. persuaded C. concerned D. assured82. All the children have gone ….. mumps.A. along with B. down C. out with D. through with83. After waiting an hour he realized that the bus was …. to come.A. improbable B. impossible C. uncertain D. unlikely

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 5 -

84. When Rosemary is concentrating she ….. me of her grand mother.A. reminds B. recalls C. revises D. remembers85. He refused to give up work, …. he had won a million dollars.A. even though B. despite C. as though D. however86. We are …. him to arrive at any moment.A. wishing B. hoping C. expecting D. waiting87. The house still remains in after the hurricane.A. good condition B. a good conditionC. good conditions D. the good condition88. My uncle is in ….. of 60 engineers and workers.A. management B. leadership C. direction D. charge89. If they aren’t careful with their money, they’ll get into …..A. loss B. problem C. debt D. missing90. When we arrived at the campsite, it was …. with rain.A. running B. pouring C. falling D. dropping91. He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without ….A. fail B. failure C. trouble D. mistake92. Many scientists are sure there is …. on other planets.A. existence B. creature C. people D. life93. People who are unemployed can receive the …..A. pension B. dole C. scholarship D. allowance94. Some workers earn more money by working……A. overhours B. over C. overtime D. extra time95. Before he lift school, his father told him to start thinking about choosing a ….A. profession B. career C. work D. occupation96. You can’t smoke in here. It is …. the law.

A. anti B. against C. opposite D. according97. She …. her work by being careless.A. threatened B. spoiled C. stained D. puzzled98. You need a special …. to go into this part of the area.A. permit B. permission C. allowance D. agreement99. Write to me and tell me ….. about your holiday in ChinaA. every B. much C. some D. all100. The dentist told him to open his mouth …..A. broad B. much C. greatly D. wide101. I walked away as calmly as I could …. they thought I was a thief.

A. in case B. or else C. to avoid D. owing to102. the stolen jewels were …. a lot of money.A. valued B. cost C. worth D. priced103. The children loved …. the old castle.A. exploring B. discovering C. hunting D. detecting104. …. being tired, I went for a picnic with my family.A. That B. Since C. Although D. Despite105. Armstrong is not very fit. He doesn’t ….. any exerciseA. practise B. have C. take D. make.

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 6 -

106. Patrick has got a yacht and a helicopter. He …. be extremely rich.A. can B. must C. should D. may107. Why didn’t you do it? You promised you …., for certain.A. could B. must C. would D. might108. They left only an hour ago. They …. hardly have arrived yet.A. can B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. may109. I can’t see my umbrella anywhere. I ….. have left it in my office.A. can B. must C. should D. would110. Have you heard about all the complaints? It ….. have been a pleasant holiday for them.A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. mayn’t111. There’s a chance that he’ll arrive in time for supper, but he …. be a lot later.A. would B. must C. should D. might112. We waited for you for over an hour. You really … have telephoned to say you were not coming.A. can B. must C. might D. need113. You didn’t have to come all the way by bus. We … have gone to the station in the car to pick you up.A. could B. must C. would D. should114. You …. have told that joke. Everybody has heard it too often.A. can’t B. mustn’t C. should D. might115. The Mercedes overtook us at a very high speed. It …. have been doing more than 150 k.p.h.A. could B. must C. should D. might116. He was clearly …. to see her again.A. delightful B. delighted C. cheerful D. cheered117. It was a very …. evening. Nothing really happened.A. dull B. fed up C. bored D. disinterested118. I am not really …. this kind of music. I prefer music you can dance to.A. in B. for C. into D. with

119. It’s …. for people to get depressed if they are out of work.A. normal B. everyday C. ordinary D. typical120. He deals with the … matters in the office, his boss deals with the important ones.A. everyday B. average C. usual D. standard121. House prices …. greatly from one area to the next.A. contrast B. vary C. distinguish D. differentiate122. Eighty kilometers is the …. fifty miles.A. equivalent of B. equivalent from C. equal of D. equal to123. She is quite …. and is certainly capable of doing a more demanding job than the one she is doingnow.

A. wise B. bright C. practical D. sensible124. I read a (n) …. of the accident in the newspaper.A. material B. effort C. account D. event125. She quit her job because she was not … with her salary.A. contented B. delicate C. serious D. grateful.126. The … of the air has certainly brought great benefits to man.A. conquer B. conquest C. conqueror D. conquering127. More …. should be given to these people to continue their studies.A. courage B. encourage C. encouraging D. encouragement

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 7 -

128. It is essential that the Professor …. warmly welcomed at the airport.A. is B. be C. will be D. would be129. People who live in cities spend their lives in an atmosphere of …. noise.A. continuous B. continual C. continuing D. continued130. We walk in streets where the noise of traffic is almost …..A. deaf B. deafening C. deafened D. deafness131. If trouble breaks out, they may be arrested and event ….A. prisoned B. imprisoned C. imprisonment D. imprisoning132. Retirees now have all day in which to disease the …. things they always said they never had time todo before.A. numberless B. numbering C. numerous D. numerical133. Travelling in big cities Is becoming more …. every day.A. troublesome B. trouble C. troubled D. troubling134. To be successful, an artist must show great ……A. origin B. origins C. original D. originality135. It’s good news: the factory’s … has increased considerably this year.A. output B. input C. put-in D. put-out136. The hall was very crowded with over fifty people …. into it.A. pushed B. packed C. stuck D. stuffed137. The teachers at the school ….. with flu one after the other.A. went down B. went off C. went out D. went under138. To promote him so quickly you must have a very high …. of his ability.A. view B. opinion C. idea D. feeling139. He was born during the war, which would … him about 50 now.A. give B. make C. age D. calculate140. The noise got ….. as the car disappeared into the distance.

A. smaller B. fainter C. weaker D. slighter141. I had to be up early he next morning, so I …. myself and left the party.A. refused B. thanked C. excused D. apologized142. The … part of the week is always busy for me.A. front B. start C. early D. near143. When you come tomorrow, why not …. your brother with you?A. fetch B. take C. bring D. carry144. We had to drive carefully because the road was icy in several…….A. blocks B. places C. pieces D. bits145. The hotel receptionist said she would …. what she could do about the dripping tap immediately.

A. find B. try C. see D. look146. He … very quickly after a long illness.A. covered B. uncovered C. discovered D. recovered147. As his car had broken down, she gave him a …. to work.A. drive B. carry C. lift D. passage148. It didn’t take the inspector …. to solve the murder.A. time B. much C. lot D. long149. His face has rather a sad …..A. aspect B. look C. visage D. light

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 8 -

150. As it was so hot in the office he …. his tie.A. tightened B. let out C. slackened D. left.151. I can’t make …. who it is. He is too far-away.A. out B. in C. for D. up of152. I am in charge when Mr. Smith is …. . I took over from him on June 1 th.A. out B. in C. off D. away153. There are other harmful drugs … alcohol and nicotine.A. except B. from C. beside D. besides154. She wasn’t paying attention and crashed … a parked car.A. with B. down C. into D. over155. This is the coldest winter … years.A. since B. in C. for D. after156. He left he was badly let …. by his best friend.A. down B. off C. out D. away157. They took … his passport so that he wouldn’t leave the country.A. up B. off C. out D. away158. The bank can make loan …. individuals, organizations, governments, and businesses.A. with B. for C. out D. to159. I was besides myself with joy when my father said the car was … my disposal.A. at B. of C. with D. into160. Spacemen have to practice living in weightlessness before they fly … outer space.A. out B. out C. to D. into161. No longer …. to do all her housework with her hands because our family now owns some new laboursaving devices.A. my mother has B. has my motherC. did my mother have D. does my mother have

162. Can you …. your papers with you when you come to see me, please?A. bring B. collect C. take D. get163. He gave listeners a vivid …. of his journey through Peru.A. news B. communication C. account D. tale164. She opened the packet and emptied the …. into a saucepan.A. fullness B. contents C. insides D. container165. High interest rates …. people from borrowing money.A. decrease B. decide C. disgust D. discourage166. The house stood by itself in the middle of a field. It was completely ….A. lonely B. isolated C. unaccompanied D. unsupported

167. The judge … the criminal to twenty years in prison.A. condemned B. punished C. inflicted D. sentenced168. He was an …. writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth of his ideas.A. ordinary B. influential C. unlimited D. accurate169. Workers who do not obey the safety regulations will be … immediately.A. refused B. rejected C. disapproved D. sacked170. He had to leave his family … when he went abroad to work.A. at a loss B. behind C. out D. at all costs

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 9 -

171. When I went to talk to the manager, he told me he could only …. me a few minutes.A. provide B. spare C. hear D. let172. Can you … the BBC World Service on your new radio?A. put on B. take in C. get at D. pick up173. A few hours after the injection the feeling of numbness in your arm will ….A. wear off B. fade out C. drop away D. fall through174. At first the children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty.A. went B. died out C. died down D. wore off175. What you say is true, but you could have … it more tactfully.A. talked B. phrased C. observed D. remarked176. The situation was further complicated by John’s …… .A. decision B. undecided ness C. indecision D. indecisiveness177. Duong’s mother gave him …. of sweets.A. a hand B. hands C. a handful D. a handful ness178. In his anxiety to make himself ….., he spoke too loudly and too slowly.A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understand179. Now that she has got a job, Huong is …. of her parents.A. dependent B. dependable C. independent D. depending180. It is quite …. to ask him again. He’ll never agreeA. point B. pointing C. pointed D. pointless181. If you behave with this sort of … to your customers, I don’t thick you’ll remain in business long.A. unpolite B. impolite C. impoliteness D. impoliteness182. The speaker showed his …. by constantly straightening his tie.A. nerves B. nervous C. nerveless ness D. nervousness183. Is there any difference between egoism and ….?A. selfish B. selfishness C. selfless D. selflessness

184. My son, now that you’re head of the family, you must take your …. place at the head of the table.A. right B. rightness C. rightful D. right-hand185. I need a new secretary. I want someone who is charming, efficient and absolutely …..A. trusting B. trustful C. trusted D. trustworthy186. In the past, most people believed that the world’s resources could never be used …A. up B. all C. whole D. at all187. I do not think that purple shirt …. with your yellow skirt.A. suits B. fits C. goes D. wears188. The main road through Salisbury blocked for 2 hours to day after an accident …. several vehicles.A. containing B. connecting C. involving D. including

189. The company directors asked the government to …. in the dispute and prevent a strike.A. intervene B. interact C. intercept D. interpose189. After the campaign a special medal was …. to all combatants.A. gained B. awarded C. earned D. deserved190. The usual reason for exemption from tax does not ….. in this case.A. apply B. impose C. regard D. concern191. We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no …. for them.A. request B. claim C. requirement D. demand

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 10 -

192. In the legal profession, men …. women by 5 to 1.A. outnumber B. supersede C. overcome D. gains193. I must take this watch to be repaired as it …. over 20 minutes a day.A. increases B. progresses C. accelerates D. gains194. That was absolutely delicious. Can you give me the ….?A. formula B. instruction C. prescription D. recipe195. The coins are …. to be over a thousand years old.A. described B. said C. told D. mentioned196. A large number of students in this school …. English fluently.A. speak B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken197. Tony’s boss doesn’t want him to …. a habit of using the office phone for personal calls.A. make B. do C. have D. increase198. You can’t enter this camp without …. from the General.A. a control B. a demand C. a permit D. an allowance199. Buy the new …. of soap now on sale; it is softer than all others.A. model B. brand C. mark D. manufacture200. The forecast predicted …. weather with snow, sunshine, wind and thunder and that is just what wehave had.A. differing B. various C. variable D. fluctuating201. That’s a nice coat, and the colour ….. you well.A. fits B. matches C. suits D. couples202. I can no longer afford the cost of … two cars, so I am selling one.A. managing B. running C. controlling D. operating203. You should …. a lawyer before you sign the document.A. consult B. counsel C. check D. communicate204. He could find a teaching …. in Vietnam without difficulty.

A. work B. occupation C. post D. employment205. If you deposit money in the bank, you get about 8% …..A. increase B. interest C. rent D. loan206. Which of the following is not right?A. a dozen ages B. a steak of meatC. a box of matches D. a bunch of bananas207. ….. the committee, I’d like to thank you for generous donation.A. According to B. On behalf of C. In addition to D. Thanks to208. I saw a very good … advertised in the paper yesterday.A. job B. work C. occupation D. career

209. She often wears a ring, a necklace and other ……A. figures B. documents C. monuments D. ornaments210. Which of the following things would help you see distant objects more clearly?A. spectacles B. a microscope C. a telegraph D. binoculars211. The …. in the north of Sweden is really beautiful.A. scenery B. nature C. view D. scene212. He was …. with robbery.A. imprisoned B. charged C. arrested D. accused

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 11 -

213. My uncle was …. ill last summer but fortunately, he is now making a slow but steady recovery.A. critically B. deeply C. fatally D. seriously214. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty …. paintings were destroyed, including two byPicasso.A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. meaningless215. If business was bad, they had to …. some of their staff.A. put down B. lay off C. take on D. hang up216. The workers decided to …. until their demands were met.A. stand up B. lie behind C. sit in D. sleep out217. The union threatened to …. the workers on strike.A. call out B. ask up C. hear out D. see down218. On an impulse he …. his job and went abroad.A. gave in B. put off C. threw up D. set down219. The staff …. in support of their pay claim.A. fell off B. walked out C. kept back D. turned off220. If orders keep coming in like this, I will have to …. more staff.A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on221. We got to the stop just as the coach was …..A. taking off B. making out C. setting down D. pulling away222. Once again poor Colin has been …. for promotion.A. stood by B. passed over C. locked out D. struck off223. If my working conditions don’t improve, I will …. my notice.A. give up B. fire off C. hand in D. give out224. We are looking for someone who can …. with the rest of our team.A. get up B. fit in C. act up D. work off225. It is good idea to see your doctor regularly for ….

A. a revision B. a control C. an investigation D. a check-up226. There is a fault at our television. Please do not …. your set.A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch227. He was in …. of a large number of menA. management B. leadership C. charge D. direction228. When he retired from his job, the director … him with a clock.A. offered B. pleased C. satisfied D. presented229. When I talked to the manager, he told me he could …. me a few munites.A. provide B. spare C. hear D. let230. He opened letter without … to read the address on the envelope.

A. worrying B. caring C. fearing D. bothering231. There was a big hole in the road which … the traffic.A. help up B. kept down C. stood back D. sent back232. The explorers walked all the way along the river from its mouth to its ….A. cause B. well C. source D. outlet233. He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a … on it on which he had written his name.A. badge B. mark C. label D. notice234. To our …., his illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A. anxiety B. eyes C. relief D. judgment

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Khóa học LTĐH môn Ti ng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Phương pháp làm bài tập từ vựng – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn:1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 12 -

235. The house that we used to live in is in a very state.A. neglectful B. negligible C. neglected D. negligent if236. We wanted to give him ...... help, but he turned us down.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little237. My brother always ...... at cards. No wonder he won every game.A. cheated B. lied C. tricked D. deceived238. He was so tired that he wasn’t capable ...... driving himself alone.A. to B. for C. of D from239. She went ...... a bad cold just before Christmas.A. down with B. in for C. over D. through240. She used to ...... her living by delivering vegetables to local hotels.A. earn B. gain C. get D. win241. That sweater looks ...... small for a five-year-old.A. bit B. much C. rather D. even242. Since I moved house, I haven’t had much ...... with those friends.A. connection B. contact C. business D. meeting243. The ship ran .................... on the beach near the harbour.A. afloat B. adrift C. aback D. aground244. I hope we will be able to avoid ...... anyone.A. cheering B. disappointing C. satisfying D. disagreeing

Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai PhươngNguồn :