Choose a Good Supplement v6

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  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    (Pg. 3) Who I am and Why you Should Read this Report!(Pg. 4) 10 Reasons Why You Should onsider a"ingSupplements!(Pg. #) What is a Supplement$(Pg. %) &ood hings to 'oo" or in a Supplement(Pg. ) *iggest Red +lags When hoosing a Supplement(Pg. 11) Ingredients to ,-oid in Supplements(Pg. 1 ) ,dditional Steps Someone /an ta"e to Prote/t hemsel-esrom a arm ul Produ/t(Pg. 13) o to a"e a Supplements(Pg. 14) What Supplements to a"e or 2arious onditions(Pg. 1#) +at plained

    (Pg. 15) ,ll ,6out 7ulti82itamins(Pg. 15) 9osage 'a6els(Pg. 1%) 4 +at Solu6le 2itamins as Well as the Re/ommended ,mount(Pg. 1:) : Water Solu6le 2itamins as Well as the Re/ommended ,mount(Pg. 1) % 7a;or 7inerals ith 9osage ,mounts(Pg. 4) ra/e 7inerals ith 9osage ,mounts(Pg. %) o /an Supplement ompanies &et , ay ith heatingonsumers$(Pg. :) 9oes the +9, Routinely ,naly his Statement has not 6een -aluated 6y the +9,.his Produ/t is not intended to 9iagnose? reat? ure? or pre-ent

    any 9isease>$(Pg. 31) What to do i you ha-e &otten heated When Pur/hasinga Supplement(Pg. 31) 'egal In ormation(Pg. 3 ) Where to &et 7ore In ormation

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking Supplements!

    1) Poor +ood Fuality G 9ue to the /hemi/als? pro/essing? geneti/ modi i/ation? soildepletion are ood doesnEt ha-e the nutritional Huality li"e it on/e used to? and you /an read more a6out that right here.

    ) Poor 9igesti-e Systems G 7ost people donEt /onsume enough resh ood ith theen

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    What is a Supplement?

    Supplements are something that is added to someoneDs diet to impro-e health. he most/ommon ones in/lude -itamins? minerals or her6s and they /an either /ome in a pill?liHuid or /apsule orm? and /an 6e la6eled as a supplement.

    Vitamins G are de ined as 6eing a su6stan/e that is organi/ and is needed 6y thehuman 6ody to per orm a -ariety o un/tions.

    , /ommon e ample o this ould 6e something li"e -itamin ? hi/h I am sure you areamiliar ith.

    *a/" in the 15 th to 1: th /entury a disease /alled s/ur-y hi/h is /aused 6y a la/" o -itamin as popular amongst sailors on long o/ean -oyages. S/ur-y is a disease hi/h/auses 6leeding pro6lems? paralysis? irrita6ility and e-entually death.

    ,nother amous -itamin is something /alled oli/ a/id or also "no n as -itamin * . What ma"es this -itamin so important is due to the a/t that ithout it a oman /anin/rease her /han/e o ha-ing /ertain 6irth de e/ts 6y as mu/h as %0C.

    *esides -itamins someone /an also ta"e a supplement to get minerals.

    Minerals G are really inorgani/ elements hi/h donDt /ontain a /ar6on hile -itamins are organi/ that do ha-e this /ar6on mole/ule.

    ,nother ay that these t o are di erent is 6e/ause minerals are mu/h simpler in/hemi/al orm than -itamins? 6e/ause they /ontain atoms o the same element.

    ,n e ample o a mineral ould 6e something li"e al/ium. Ane o the reasons that/al/ium is important is 6e/ause it strengthens 6ones. *elie-e it or not alling do n isone o the top reasons or death in the elderly. a"ing a /al/ium supplement /an 6e a -ery good ensure someone is getting enough and not 6e/ome de i/ient and ha-e ragile 6ones.

    Ma or Minerals ,re present in large amounts in the 6ody and are essential

    or 6ody operations. 7ore than #0 7& are needed. Tra"e Minerals ,re needed in mu/h smaller Huantities less than 0 7& a

    day are needed. 7ost tra/e minerals are 6ound to organi/ /ompound ortransportation and ood. Just li"e a 'amprey ish hit/hes a ride on a hale.

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    'astly? someone /an get something /alled her6s in their diet to impro-e their health.

    #er$s G are de ined as 6eing small plant ingredients that ha-e leshy parts.

    he 6ig di eren/e 6et een her6s rom -itamins and minerals is that someone /ane perien/e some ma;or health pro6lems i they la/" /ertain -itamins and minerals.er6s on the other hand are really ta"en or an added health 6onus.

    , great e ample o an her6 ould 6e something li"e res-eratrol. Res-eratrol /omes romthe s"in o grapes and lately has gotten popular due to popular 2 sho s li"e 507inutes? Aprah? 9r. AB and +o Ke s.

    , 6ig reason that res-eratrol is popular is 6e/ause it has 6een sho n to e tend li e in/ertain li-ing organisms 6y as high as %0C. It has also 6een pro-en to 6e -ery e e/ti-e ith ighting /an/er and helping ith rin"les. o e-er? itDs important to "no thatmany o these studies ha-e 6een per ormed on animals and unguses and not onhumans.

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    %ood Things to &ook 'or in a Supplement

    Whether it is a multi8-itamin? omega 3? eight loss? itness? or her6al supplement thereare a e "ey things that /an in/rease the /han/e o it 6eing -ery good Huality. *elo aresome great points that /an help someone ith their shopping.

    ,s you might 6e a6le to already guess a top thing someone /an loo" or hen/hoosing a supplement is the age o a /ompany. he longer a /ompany has 6eenin 6usiness? the less ris"y it is to pur/hase rom them.

    ,lso as I mentioned a6o-e i a /ompany has 6een in 6usiness o-er 10 years thanthat is a really good sign? 6e/ause they ill pro6a6ly stay around.

    hoose a multi8-itamin that has all the -itamins and mineral dosage that isreHuired. You /an use the guide that I pro-ided in this report to /he/" to see i amulti8-itamin has the dosage reHuirements o the important -itamins and


    his /an end up sa-ing you money rather than pur/hase ea/h ingredientseparately. ,lso? i you /an ind one that not only /om6ines -itamins andminerals? 6ut her6s as ell then this /an sa-e you e-en more money as ell asma"e it easier to /onsume. ,lso itDs important to "no that some nutrients or" 6etter hen ta"en ith other nutrients? su/h as /al/ium and magnesium.

    nteri/ /oating is good or -itamins and minerals? 6ut might not 6e or someher6s and not ish oil. nteri/ /oating is an e pensi-e pro/ess that prote/tsnutrients rom stoma/h a/id so they /an 6e 6etter digested in the intestines.

    Without this pro/ess some o the nutrients ill get destroyed.+ish Ail on the other hand is 6est a6sor6ed in the stoma/h. ompanies might useenteri/ /oating to mas" ran/id odors? rom a spoiled produ/t.

    nteri/ /oating on her6s really is depended on ea/h her6. Sin/e this topi/ is so -ast IDm going to go o-er it later.

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    Seal o appro-alDs /an 6e good. Su/h as SP ( nited States Pharma/opeia)? KP,?Kational Produ/ts ,sso/iation? onsumer'a6s. Yet I ha-e read they all reHuirelots o money to use their seal? so the /onsumer does pay or it.

    'oo" or a 6rand that /omplies ith pharma/euti/al &7P /omplian/e. Kearly

    e-ery /ompany is going to say that their 6rand is the 6est? and might ha-e somegraphs to support it.

    he a/t is that itDs not o6;e/ti-e? and itDs 6iased. hird party testing is al aysmore relia6le or this a/t? and &7P /omplian/e uses go-ernment -eri i/ation.&7P /omplian/e not only helps -alidate the Huality? 6ut most importantly it illhelp ma"e a supplement less ris"y hen it /omes to 6eing 6ad or someoneDshealth.

    I a supplement has a /erti i/ate o analysis then that is another really good thingto ha-e. his is another third party test to see that the ingredients on the la6el

    a/tually mat/h hat is inside. Without this la6el youDre ta"ing the /ompany at its ord that youDre getting hat you thin" youDre getting.

    I a /ompany uses standardi

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    I a produ/t uses natural -itamins rather than syntheti/ then you ound ane /ellent produ/t? and I ill e plain more a6out this later.

    (iggest Red )lags When Choosing a Supplement

    his list is going to 6e ;ust a little di erent rom the one a6o-e. *elo are ;ust some redlags that /ould indi/ate danger hen shopping or a 6rand. he list a6o-e goes o-ersome things that in/rease a produ/ts Huality.

    hey are similar and o6-iously i a produ/t doesnDt ha-e any red lags? than this ouldin/rease the Huality. I a produ/t doesnDt ha-e any o the ideas on the list a6o-e than itDspotentially a 6ad produ/t.

    I a produ/tDs la6el mentions that it is ne and impro-ed or 6a/" 6y populardemand. hese are /ode ords or it 6eing dangerous the irst time. ,gain i aprodu/t is dangerous the irst time it ;ust in/reases the ris" or it 6eing harm ul.

    I the pa/"aging is in a oreign language than this /ould 6e a 6ad thing.

    Kot inding the /ompanies name? e6site or phone num6er on the la6el is ;ust a 6ad sign and not really orth the ris".

    I the produ/t la6eling has misspellings or grammar on it is a red lag. I the/ompany is not /are ul ith the la6el? do you thin" they are /are ul ithmanu a/turing o the produ/t$

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    I the produ/t has /laims that ;ust seem too good to 6e true. Su/h as losing eight 6y s allo ing a pill is ;ust another arning sign.

    I a produ/t mentions that it is an alternati-e to a +9, appro-ed pres/riptiondrug or has similar e e/ts. *est to ta"e pres/ription drugs under a Huali ied

    physi/ians /are. I the produ/t mentions that it in/reases testosterone or estrogen. his really has

    to do ith supplements to enhan/e athleti/ per orman/e? and /an not only ma"esomeone ail a drug test 6ut /an /ause some un anted side e e/ts su/h as a/ne? 6aldness? dia6etes? permanent li-er damage? prostate damage and /an/er.

    *e are o /heap produ/ts that are -ery lo in /ost 6e/ause it in/reases the/han/e o 6ad Huality.

    In the ingredients se/tion a-oid too mu/h sugar? preser-ati-es? and additi-es li"e

    shella/? /hlorine and ragran/es. I the produ/t doesnDt ha-e an air tight seal or i itDs 6ro"en than that is not good

    and you shouldnEt pur/hase it.

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    *dditional Steps Someone "an take to ,rote"t Themsel+es 'rom a#arm'ul ,rodu"t

    he/" ith the +9, to see i the produ/t has 6een re/alled. o see i a produ/tthat youDre interested has 6een re/alled or posing a health ha

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    #o- to Take a Supplement

    You may 6e tempted to o-erloo" this se/tion in the report? 6ut sometimes the most 6asi/o in ormation is the most important.

    a"e a supplement at the same time e-ery day in the morning. his may soundli"e /ommon sense ho e-er I ha-e 6een guilty o doing this. here is no point inta"ing all the time to /hoose a great supplement? in-esting your money and timeto ail in not ta"ing it.

    It ta"es a6out a ee" to 10 days or something to 6e a ha6it and in that time itDs -ery easy to orget to ta"e the produ/t. So or the irst 10 days remem6er to ta"ethe supplement at the same time e-ery day so that it ill orm a ha6it and you ill 6e doing it ithout e-en thin"ing a6out it.

    I you are going to ta"e a pill itDs -ery important to irst drin" some liHuid tolu6ri/ate you throat. hen ill up a6out hal o your mouth ith some type oliHuid (that is sa e to drin") put the pill in your mouth and s allo .

    ,gain this may sound li"e a no86rainer? ho e-er nothing is orse that /ho"ingon a pill. Plus someone ill asso/iate ta"ing a supplement ith pain? and that isnot a good thing at all.

    When it /omes to -itamins and ell as her6s? ta"ing hal o the pills in themorning and the other hal in the e-ening is al ays the superior /hoi/e. hereason or this is 6e/ause ater solu6le -itamins li"e -itamin get lushed out osomeoneDs system? and it /an help ith a6sorption.

    +ollo the dire/tions on the la6el hen ta"ing supplements. Some nutrients /an 6e harm ul hen someone /onsumes too mu/h.

    se the supplement 6e ore the e piration date. Some nutrients lose their poten/yo-er time.

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    What Supplements to Take 'or Various Conditions

    ere is a ;ust a list o -arious health pro6lems and ideas on some supplements to treatit. Ko o /ourse there are additional her6s and supplements that /an help ith ea/hpro6lem? 6ut these are some ideas that ill at least get you on the right dire/tion.

    Impro-e Immune System G *la/" umin Seeds? /hina/ea? Ali-e 'ea tra/t?Fuer/etin? leuthero? urmeri/.

    eart 9isease G &in"go 6ilo6a? Poli/osanol? a thorn? &arli/? oH10? Amega 3?*il6erries and ,l al a.

    Weight 'oss G &reen ea tra/t? '8&lutamine.

    ,rthritis G Amega 3? urmeri/? 'i/ori/e? &lu/osamine? &inger Root? 9e-ilEs la ?S,78 ? hondoitin Sul ate.

    7emory G &in"go *ilo6a? &inseng? a eine L '8theanine? reatine.

    *etter Sleep G 7agnesiumM al/ium? 7elatonin? 'a-ender? '8theanine? 2alerian.

    ye Sight G *il6erries? 'utein? Bea anthin.

    9igestion G Pre6ioti/s? Peppermint oil? Pro6ioti/s (in yogurt)? hamomile? '8&lutamine? &inger.

    ,thleti/ Per orman/e G 7agnesium? Amega 3? 2itamin ,? 9? * and oH10.

    S"in are G oH10? 2itamin ,? ? ? Bin/? Selenium.

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    )at ./plained

    here are 4 di erent types o ats.

    rans +ats G ,re man8made and should 6e a-oided li"e the plague. Instead ohealthy ats 6eing used in /ell mem6ranes this su6stan/e is added? and itdamages /ells.

    It has also 6een lin"ed to all "inds o health pro6lems li"e /an/er? heart disease? ,l

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    *ll *$out Multi Vitamins

    here are 15 -ital minerals that play an important role in our daily li e. % are7a;or hile are tra/e minerals.

    here are 13 ma;or -itamins that play a /ru/ial role in the de-elopment o thehuman 6ody.

    2itamins /an 6e 6ro"en do n into either ater solu6le and at solu6le. hedi eren/e is that ater solu6le -itamins get lushed out o someoneDs systemeasily? hile at solu6le -itamins /an get stored in someoneDs at.

    +at solu6le -itamins are -itamin ,? 9? and @ Water solu6le -itamins are the * /omple ones hi/h there are : as ell as

    -itamin .

    osage &a$els

    R9, 8 Re/ommended 9aily ,llo an/e G Is the amount o a su6stan/e thatsomeone really should get to not 6e de i/ient? and run the ris" o healthpro6lems.

    ,I G ,deHuate Inta"e G Same as R9, or re/ommended daily allo an/e.

    92 G 9aily 2alue G his is the num6er that someone should re/ei-e rom a -itamin or mineral. his is the amount that is most o ten listed on the la6el. ,great tip in /hoosing a supplement is to loo" or a 100C 92 on all the importantnutrients. ,lso the 92 /an 6e the same as the R9, or it /an 6e di erent.

    ' G olera6le pper Inta"e 'e-el G is the ma imum dosage that is /onsideredsa e hen it /omes to ingredient ithout ris"ing a negati-e side e e/t. he highersomeone goes a6o-e the ' then the greater the ris" is.

    7& G 7illigrams G 1000 milligrams eHual 1 gram.

    7 & or & G 7i/rograms G 1000 mi/rograms eHual 1 milligram.

    I G International nit G 7easures a/ti-ity o -itamins and drugs.

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    2 )at Solu$le Vitamins as Well as the Re"ommended *mount

    his topi/ is al ays going to 6e up or de6ate and the in ormation /an /hange. I used the+9, or these amounts? and statisti/ally some -itamins and minerals are going to 6emore re/ommended than others. ,lso there is a general range hen it /omes to thedosage amounts. he amounts 6elo are or adults. hildren and oman ho arepregnant should al ays /onsult a do/tor.

    You /an loo" at other sour/es i you li"e? and here is an easy -itamin /on-erter that /ane-en help /on-ert di erent -itamin amounts.

    Vitamin * R * is 300 MC%

    Role= his nutrient is responsi6le or helping someoneDs -ision as ell as s"in/are. *elie-e it or not it is estimated that 6et een 300 G #00 thousand /hildren

    go 6lind e-ery year 6e/ause they donDt /onsume enough -itamin ,.

    Sour/es= Arange? ripe yello ruits? lea y -egeta6les? /arrots? pump"in? sHuash?spina/h and li-er.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= *eing 6lind at night? hyper"eratosis hi/h is a s"indisorder.

    Vitamin R * is 4 10 MC%

    Role= his -itamin has 6een getting some attention in the ne s lately and orgood reason. Someone /an get this -itamin rom the sunN ho e-er ith morepeople or"ing indoors in/luding the in-ention o the /omputer and 2? it seemsless and less people are getting this -itamin.

    It /an help in/rease the immune system? redu/e in lammation and help ith thea6sorption o /al/ium or 6one health.

    Sour/es= Sunlight? ish? eggs? li-er and mushrooms.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= he lu? ea" mus/les? dia6etes? /an/er? gum 6leeding?

    heart ailure.

    Vitamin . R * is 14 M%

    Role= an impro-e the health o someoneDs 6rain as ell as their mus/les.

    Sour/es= , lot o ruits and -egeta6les.
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    Symptoms o de i/ien/y G Wea" mus/les? dry hair or hair loss? impoten/e in men?leg /ramps and slo tissue healing.

    Vitamin 5 R * is 160 MC%

    Role= his su6stan/e is most "no n or 6lood /lotting? hi/h /an pre-entsomeone rom 6leeding to death? pre-ents harm ul 6a/teria and -iruses romentering someoneDs system.

    ,nyho there are tons o other things that this -itamin /an do li"e strengthening 6ones? and pre-enting /an/er.

    Sour/es= 'ea y green -egeta6les su/h as spina/h? egg yol"s and li-er.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= asy 6ruising? 6leeding in gums? nose 6leeding and 6lood in someoneDs stools.

    7 Water Solu$le Vitamins as Well as the Re"ommended *mount

    here are : * -itamins and oli/ a/id is among them.

    Role= hese -itamins ha-e tons o uses and most importantly they are used ith/ell meta6olism? hi/h means the reprodu/tion o /ells.

    ells dying are a normal pro/ess in a/t someone loses around 30 to 40 thousands"in /ells e-ery hour hile 6rain /ells /an li-e or many years.

    hey are also used to maintain mus/les? impro-e the immune system? ner-oussystem? as ell as promote red 6lood /ell gro th and /an help ith /an/er. heyare airly important right$

    ,s you pro6a6ly remem6er oli/ a/id is responsi6le or redu/ing the /han/e o 6irth de e/ts 6e/ause a lot o /ells reprodu/e themsel-es in early /hildde-elopment.

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    Vitamin (1 8Thiamine9 R * is 1:6 M%

    Sour/es= Por"? oatmeal? 6ro n ri/e? -egeta6les? potatoes? li-er and eggs.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= Weight loss? emotional pro6lems? irregular heart6eats?pain in limps and heart ailure.

    Vitamin (6 8Ri$o'la+in9 R * is 1:; M%

    Sour/es= 9airy produ/ts? 6ananas? pop/orn? green 6eans and asparagus.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= Sensiti-ity to sunlight? /ra/"s in the lips? sore throat andin lammation on the tongue.

    Vitamin (; 8

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    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= igh 6lood pressure? depression and /ardio-as/ulardisease.

    Vitamin (> 8(iotin9 R * is ;0 MC% ?

    Sour/es= Ra egg yol"? li-er? peanuts and /ertain -egeta6les.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= Ko symptoms in adults? 6ut /an /ause all "inds opro6lems or in ants li"e impaired gro th and neurologi/al disorders.

    Vitamin (3 8)oli" *"id9 R * is 200 MC%

    Sour/es= 'ea y -egeta6les? pasta? 6read? /ereal and li-er.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= /ardio-as/ular pro6lems? igh in/rease in a 6irth de e/tregarding pregnan/y.

    Vitamin (16 8Cyano"alamin or Methylo"alamin9 R * is 6:2 MC%

    Sour/es= 7eat and other animal produ/ts.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= pale s"in? pain in the stoma/h? rapid heart6eat? diarrheaor /onstipation? memory loss? tingling or num6ness in ingersMtoes.

    Vitamin C 8*s"or$i" *"id ) - RDA is 90 MG

    Role= his -itamin is most amous or "eeping someoneDs immune system strong.Ane o the irst things that I do hen I start to eel a si/"ness /reep up on me is todrin" a lot o orange ;ui/e.

    Sour/es= 7any /itrus ruits li"e grape ruit? oranges and tangerines.

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    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= 9ry hair and s"in? eight loss? mood s ings? atigue?mus/le pain and in e/tions.

    > Ma or Minerals -ith osage *mounts

    Cal"ium R * 1 400 M%

    Role= Is needed or the heart? mus/les? 6ones? digesti-e system? and ith 6lood/ells.

    Sour/es= 9airy produ/ts? eggs? ish? green -egeta6les? to u? thyme? oregano?/innamon and nuts.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= 9ry s"in? mus/le /ramps? an in/rease in P7S symptomsor oman and 6one ra/tures.

    ,hosphorous R * is >00 M%

    Role= Phosphorous is yet another important mineral in-ol-ed in the ormationand maintenan/e o strong and nutritious 6ones and teeth. It also helps to deli-er

    energy to e-ery /ell ithin the 6ody and is needed to a6sor6 numerous -itamins.Sour/es= meat? poultry? ish? mil"? /heese? nuts? seeds and hole grains.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= , de i/ien/y in phosphorous is airly rare ho e-erNsymptoms ould in/lude ea" and pain ul 6ones and teeth? sti ;oints? tirednessand a loss o /al/ium rom the 6ody.

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    Magnesium R * is 260 M% 'or *dult Men and ;60 M% 'or Woman:

    Role= ,n important mineral that is /ontained in our 6ones. It /an 6e ne/essary to/hange 6lood sugar le-els into energy? /ontrol mus/le and ner-e un/tion?maintain a normal heart rhythm and 6lood /lotting.

    Resear/h has pro-ed that magnesium prote/ts and treats heart disease? lo ershigh 6lood pressure? /an ease asthma atta/"s and P7S in omen.

    Sour/es= Whole grains? lea y green -egeta6les? sea ood? nuts and 6ananas.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= he potential ris" o /ardio-as/ular disease and dia6etesis in/reased and /an also /ause heart6eat pro6lems? /on usion? mus/le /rampsand "idney stones.

    Sulphur 700 to 1 000 M%

    Role= Sulphur is an important part o numerous amino a/ids? hi/h are neededto orm proteins in the 6ody. It is also really good at puri ying and eliminatingany to ins rom the 6ody. Sulphur may hold o the ageing pro/ess? and the onseto any age8related diseases.

    Sour/es= ,nimal and -eggie proteins or e ample meat? poultry? 6eans? pulsesand shell ish.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= , de i/ien/y is rare and may in/lude s"in pro6lems ordisorders? mus/le pain? ner-e disorders? /ir/ulatory trou6le? arthritis?in lammation? damages resulting rom ree radi/als? stress? in e/tion?/onstipation and rin"les.

    Sodium R * is 1 400 M%

    Role= elps to retain mus/les and ner-es in e e/ti-e or"ing order. ,lso or"stogether ith potassium /ontrolling the liHuids ithin the 6ody.

    Sour/es= Salt? shell ish? an/ho-ies? dairy produ/ts espe/ially 6utter? yeaste tra/ts? pro/essed meats? a-o/ados as ell as o al.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= , de i/ien/y is -ery un/ommon yet /an 6e done throughperspiring? diarrhea or nausea. Symptoms in/lude si/"ness? di

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    ,otassium R * 2 >00 M%

    Role= Wor"s ith sodium to help ith messages that are 6eing sent 6y the 6rain. ,lso? is used ith /ontrolling a/ti-ity o the heart and mus/les.

    Sour/es= Parsley? 6asil? turmeri/? ad-o/ates? nuts? /ho/olate? seeds? 6eans andish.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= ItDs rare 6e/ause the "idney eliminates e /esspotassium? 6ut symptoms /ould in/lude ea" mus/les as ell as heart pro6lems.

    Chloride R * ; 200 M%

    Role= ReHuired or the organi

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    3 Tra"e Minerals -ith osage *mounts

    Iron R * 17 M%

    Role= Iron is ne/essary or the manu a/ture o haemoglo6in? the element o red

    6lood /ells that transports o ygen throughout the entire 6ody.

    It is also needed to produ/e myoglo6in? hi/h /arries o ygen to our mus/letissue. Iron /an easily a-oid tiredness? prote/t against illness and disease andpromotes a healthy loo"ing s"in.

    Sour/es= 'i-er? lam6? 6ee ? oysters? shell ish? /lams? mussels? 6eans? peas? yeast?dried ruits? orti ied 6rea" ast /ereals? molasses? heat 6ran and green lea y -egeta6les.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= It is not un/ommon or indi-iduals to ha-e an iron

    de i/ien/y in their diet. his might 6e the situation parti/ularly or ladies ithhea-y periods? non8meat eaters and sports athletes. he signs o a la/" o ironin/lude tiredness? atigue? poor /on/entration? 6eing prone to in e/tion?shortness o 6reath? anaemia? and heart palpitations.

    @in" R * is 11 M%

    Role= Bin/ is present in e-ery /ell ithin the 6ody su/h as someoneDs hair? nailsand s"in. It is needed to /onser-e a healthy 6odyEs de ense me/hanism? hi/h ill help in "eeping /ommon /olds as ell as the lu -irus at 6ay.

    Bin/ is ne/essary or a healthy reprodu/tion system and normal gro th. It /analso 6e ta"en to treat se-eral di i/ulties in/luding e haustion? s"in pro6lemsalong ith a sore throat.

    Sour/es= Aysters? red meat? poultry? eggs? shell ish? /heese? nut produ/ts?sun lo er seeds? 6eans and heat germ.

    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= oo little

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    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= his is e tremely un/ommon? 6ut a de i/ien/y ould 6ring a6out an enlarged thyroid gland? dry s"in and lo energy.

    Selenium R * is :044 M%

    Role= Selenium is an important antio idant? as it is identi ied to 6lo/" reeradi/als in the 6ody. It 6attles /an/er? heart disease along ith pre-enting/atara/ts rom gro ing. It might delay the gro th o ,I9S and de/reases theharshness o popular 6a/terial in e/tions and diseases.

    Sour/es= Sea ood? eggs? o al? dairy produ/ts? /itrus ruits? 6ra

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    Symptoms o de i/ien/y= , redu/tion in manganese /an lead to digesti-epro6lems? di

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    Sour/es= 'i-er? hole grains? yeast? pulses and green -egeta6les.

    he signs o de i/ien/y= , de i/ien/y /ould lead to 6reathing di i/ulties? andother allergi/ rea/tions.

    #o- "an Supplement Companies %et *-ay -ith CheatingConsumers?

    here are good /ompanies that manu a/ture supplements? and there are 6ad ones. A/ourse this is ith nearly e-erything in li eN ho e-er I ould argue that it is /ru/ial topi/" the right supplement /ompany. he reason or this is 6e/ause the produ/t is

    in;e/ted into someoneDs 6ody on a daily 6asis.

    Ane ay that supplement /ompanies /an get a ay ith /reating 6ad Huality produ/ts isthat they /an legally and routinely sell their mer/handi

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    oes the ) * Routinely *nalyAe the Content o' ietarySupplements?

    he +9, has limited resour/es to analy la6el andingredient list are a//urate? that the dietary ingredients are sa e? and that the /ontentmat/hes the amount de/lared on the la6el.

    he +9, does analy

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    oes the ) * e+er Regulate ietary Supplements and When?

    In A/to6er 1 4? the 9ietary Supplement ealth and du/ation ,/t (9S ,) assigned into la 6y President linton in the .S. *e ore this time? dietary supplements ere su6;e/t to the same regulatory reHuirements as ere other oods.

    his ne la ? hi/h /hanged the +ederal +ood? 9rug? and osmeti/ ,/t? /reated a nesystem or the sa ety and la6eling o dietary supplements.

    nder 9S ,? the /ompany is responsi6le or determining that the dietarysupplements it manu a/tures is sa e and that any /laims made a6out it ha-e adeHuatee-iden/e to sho that they are not alse or misleading.

    his means that dietary supplements do not need appro-al rom +9, 6e ore they aremar"eted. /ept in the /ase o a ne dietary ingredient? here pre8mar"et re-ie orsa ety data and other in ormation is reHuired 6y la ? a irm does not ha-e to pro-ide+9, ith the e-iden/e it relies on to su6stantiate sa ety or e e/ti-eness 6e ore or a terit mar"ets its produ/ts.

    Why do some Supplements ha+e Wording 8a is"laimer9 thatsaysB This Statement has not $een .+aluated $y the ) *: This

    ,rodu"t is not intended to iagnose Treat Cure or pre+ent anyisease ?

    his statement or >dis/laimer> is reHuired 6y la due to something /alled 9S ,

    (9ietary Supplement ealth and du/ation ,/t) hen a manu a/turer ma"es a /laim ona dietary supplement la6el.

    hese /laims des/ri6e the role o a nutrient or supplement ingredient intended to a e/tthe stru/ture or un/tion o the 6ody. he manu a/turer is responsi6le or ensuring thea//ura/y and truth ulness o these /laimsN and they are not appro-ed 6y the +9, (+oodand 9rug ,dministration.)

    9ue to this reason? the la says that i a dietary supplement la6el in/ludes su/h a /laim?it must state in a >dis/laimer> that +9, has not e-aluated this /laim. he dis/laimermust also mention that this produ/t is not intended to >diagnose? treat? /ure or pre-entany disease?> 6e/ause only a drug /an legally ma"e su/h a /laim.

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    Who +alidates "laims and -hat kinds o' "laims "an $e made ondietary supplement la$els?

    I you e-er do a &oogle sear/h on inding a good supplement you ill pro6a6ly indsome airly 6ig /laims on a -ariety o topi/s. he /hallenging part is trying to igure out hi/h /laims are true? hi/h are alse? and itDs sort o li"e 6eing a poli/e dete/ti-e.

    So the real Huestion is ho appro-es o these ild /laims? and hat type o /laims /an 6e made$ Well in the .S.? there are three 6ig organi

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    What to do i' you ha+e %otten Cheated When ,ur"hasing aSupplement

    here are a -ariety o things a /onsumer /an do i they eel li"e they ha-e 6een /heated.o e-er? itDs important to allo an organi

  • 8/13/2019 Choose a Good Supplement v6


    Where to %et More In'ormation

    his report has 6een a or" in progress? and I ha-e updated it at least # times.

    You pro6a6ly ha-e some Huestions as ell /omments. I 6oth el/ome and en/ourageeed6a/"? sin/e it helps ith my learning as ell. You ill 6e re/ei-ing another emailshortly that goes o-er more topi/s in this report. Instead o reading? I ha-e in/luded a -ideo ormat or your /on-enien/e.

    ,dditionally you /an -isit this site ips or the sa-- y supplement user= 7a"ing in ormedde/isions and e-aluating in ormation (in/ludes in ormation on ho to e-aluate resear/hindings? and health in ormation on8line)

    You /an also -isit the site /laims that /an 6e made dietary supplements? (pro-idesin ormation on hat types o /laims /an 6e made or dietary supplements).

    I really hope this report helps a e people? until ne t time? ta"e /are o your 6ody 6e/ause you only ha-e 1 (unless you ha-e igured out ho to get /loned parts).

    Sin/erely?@e-in Whitsitt