Chloe's Fight Social Media Marketing Portfolio

Social Media Campaign for Chloe’s Fight Foundation Management & Leadership Jessica Bue Nicole Stevens Clare Healy Nate Stanoch Ryan Joynes Derrek VanLith Chloe’s Fight Social Media Campaign, 1


A portfolio detailing the conceptualization, implementation and proposal for continued use of Social Media marketing for Chloe's Fight Foundation.

Transcript of Chloe's Fight Social Media Marketing Portfolio

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Social Media Campaign for Chloe’s Fight Foundation

Management & Leadership

Jessica Bue Nicole StevensClare Healy Nate Stanoch

Ryan Joynes Derrek VanLith

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Table of Contents

Chloe’s Fight Overview……………….……………………………. Page 3

What Worked with Facebook…….……………………………... Page 3

Challenges of Facebook…………..….………….………………… Page 4

What Worked with Twitter……………………………..………… Page 4

Challenges of Twitter……………………..…………………………. Page 5

What Worked with Proposal…………..…………..……………. Page 5

Challenges of Proposal………………….…………..….………….. Page 6

Authentic Leadership………………….……….….………………. Page 6

Servant Leadership………………………………….……………….. Page 7

Situational Leadership…………………………….………………... Page 9

Team Leadership…………………...……………………..……….. Page 10

Appendix A: Team Contract………………….………..……… Page 11

Appendix B: PowerPoint Slides………………..…………….. Page 12

Appendix C: Proposal: Twitter…..…………………………….. Page 14

Appendix D: Proposal: Facebook..……………………………. Page 16

Appendix E: Proposal: Instagram..…………………..………. Page 18

Appendix F: Proposal: Website…..…..………………………. Page 19

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Chloe’s Fight Overview Erica and Philip Barnes founded Chloe’s Fight Foundation in 2010 after losing their daughter

Chloe to metachromatic leukodystrophy. Chloe’s Fight Foundation is dedicated to supporting research

that focuses on finding and implementing effective treatments for rare, neurological diseases that affect

children, such as metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) and other lysosomal diseases affecting the

nervous system. In the past, the Chloe’s Fight Foundation has focused its core fundraising efforts on a

5K Run/Walk. Now, the foundation is looking to expand its mission and efforts using a strategic social

media platform to increase awareness and followers and promote research on cures for all rare,

neurological diseases affecting children.

What Worked With Facebook Facebook allowed us to create a new page dedicated to Chloe’s Fight Foundation to emphasize

the transition from a 5k to a foundation. After the creation of the page our team attracted hundreds of

new followers to the page. One tool that was particularly effective in attracting a consistent audience

presence was the staff profiles. Each week, we would ask a board member to answer five questions. The

questions included:

What motivated you to join the organization?What other community initiatives are you involved in?What responsibilities do you have as a board member?What is most rewarding about being a part of Chloe’s Fight?If you could advance the message of Chloe’s Fight in one way what would it be?

Each day of the corresponding week for a particular board member, we would post one of the

questions and answers on Facebook. This allowed the page’s followers a more personal glimpse into the

lives of the board members and also served as a persuasive strategy to visit the page in the future.

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Challenges of Facebook: When we took on the challenge of creating the Facebook page, the most effective way to

demonstrate the transition from a fundraiser to a non-profit, was by creating a new page.

Unfortunately, you cannot transfer the 407 likes the 5K page had to the new page. This was frustrating

for our team because the users who liked the new page were new to hearing about Chloe’s Fight.

Although this is good, the decrease in likes makes it appear as though we failed to capture new

members to join the fight.

Another challenge during the Facebook process was having six authors. To minimize this

challenge we decided to have two people run the page. This creates less stress about the differences in

writing. The challenge once we split up our team was how to divide up the posts. Jessica and Nicole

decided the best way was to alternate weeks. This alleviated stress and avoided the possibility of

repetitive posts.

The last major challenge we had was how to create the posts. During our original discussions

with Erica, she was struggling with how personal she wanted to go with the new page. She explained

telling her story makes people listen, and prevents her daughter’s death from going unnoticed;

however, she also wants to create a level of professionalism and recognize other families who have

suffered from rare diseases. We decided to use a few pictures from the old page; however, we refrained

from using personal stories in our posts.

What Worked with Twitter Twitter is a very interactive environment. Holders of Twitter accounts are most effective tweeters

when a push and pull method is used. This method means that users both push messages out to their

followers and pull messages from them. We made sure to use this method on the account we set up for

the foundation. Using our own personal Twitter accounts, we were able to follow @Chloes_Fight. Using

the posts made on our personal Twitter accounts, we used the foundation’s account to respond to those

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posts. In doing so, the foundation’s account was both pushing a content message to the Twitter world

and pulling either a response, retweet, or like from the account-holder that we messaged.

In addition to using the push and pull technique, we also used an inexpensive marketing tool that

Facebook offers. After posting a message on our Facebook page about our new Twitter account, we

“boosted” the post. For five dollars, we were able to boost the number of people who saw the post. At

the time, our Facebook page had roughly two hundred likes. In the end, our paid marketing boosted the

views from the expected two hundred to over two thousand views. While we cannot prove direct

causation, our Twitter followers increased to over thirty after we boosted our post on Facebook.

Challenges of Twitter As stated above, Twitter is a very interactive platform of pushing and pulling content with fellow

accounts. When we first met with Chloe’s Fight, we asked for a list of groups and organizations that they

had worked with in the past. The objective of obtaining this list was to contact (“follow”) the

organizations that have existing knowledge of the foundation. Unfortunately, this list was never

provided, so we had to find followers in other ways. The alternative way that we found followers was

through posting on our Facebook page and inviting our personal friends to follow the account. While

this method was mildly successful in gaining followers, it was not an effective, sustaining way of

obtaining followers. The followers that we got know little about the foundation and require the account

to push too much information into the Twitter world. The followers we want are those who know about

the foundation and are willing to help us push our message out into the world of twitter through an

interactive relationship."

What Worked with Proposal One major concern our team had going into this project was what would happen after we

presented to the board and the semester ended. We were wary of starting up a social media presence

for Chloe’s Fight and then handing over the passwords and logins with no further instructions. We

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decided the best way to ensure continued productive use of their social media would be to write up

proposals for further use. Presenting the Board with three total proposals (one for Facebook, Twitter

and the Chloe’s Fight Website) will enable them to follow the guidelines we have set for the most

impactful use of each site.

Challenges of Proposal Writing a proposal is no easy task. We discovered this when it came time to begin outlining each

document. There are many aspects that compose a formal, yet understandable proposal. We decided to

keep all three proposals uniform and include these sections: Purpose, Explanation of Opportunities,

Implementation, Cost, and Conclusion. Including detailed guidelines, these sections will give a

comprehensive overview of why continued use of social media is necessary, what they can hope to gain

from using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and their website effectively, any costs that will be associated

with running these platforms and a detailed plan for using each.

As a team we also struggled with the number of authors. Like with the launch of each social

media, we split the work so one team member would write each proposal in coordination with the team

members working on each individual site. This allows us to ensure the writing has continuity, and the

formatting is consistent.

Authentic Leadership:Working in our team, we all discussed the importance of working together to achieve the best

possible outcome for the organization. Our team exerted interpersonal authentic leadership. Erica and

Philip Barnes are the leaders and our team demonstrates the followers. Together we worked on

achieving the best outcome for the organization. Because of our communication and combined efforts,

we were able to see a successful end product.

Authentic leadership was demonstrated in Chloe’s Fight Foundation through the multiple

characteristics it exemplifies. Passion is shown by the existence of the organization. The organization

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works every day to try and find a cure for rare diseases, which validates the passion Erica has for the

non-profit. As a team we also demonstrated passion by working together to increase their awareness of

social media.

Values are demonstrated through the mission of the organization. They are not only focused on

finding a cure for the disease that took Chloe’s life, but for all rare neurological diseases. Since values

are so important to Chloe’s Fight, we worked as a team to ensure the posts created were meaningful

while staying true to the values of the organization.

Philip and Erica’s strong values allows them to build relationships and connect with numerous

persons. They have contacts with other organization across the country that are also in pursuit to find

cures. Erica and Philip also reach out to other families afflicted with rare diseases, researchers, friends,

family, and anyone willing to listen. As a team we continued to build these relationships by reaching out

to our friends, family, coworkers, and other individuals we may know in order to spread the word about

Chloe’s Fight.

The organization also demonstrates compassion. Chloe’s Fight is not only geared

towards finding a cure for MLD. This shows the compassion they have for other parents and children

going through hardships. Compassion in our team was how we worked with Erica. We knew talking

about her daughter was going to be difficult so we needed to be compassionate when having project

meetings with her; however, we also needed to get the information necessary to be successful in

spreading awareness.

Servant Leadership Working with the board members of Chloe’s Fight gave us the opportunity to practice servant

leadership. Servant leadership focuses on being attentive to the needs of the followers, empowering

them and helping them develop their full human capacities. According to Spears, there are 10

characteristics of a servant leader: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion,

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conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building

community. Working with Chloe’s Fight allowed us to practice all of these characteristics. First, we

recognized the crucial role listening played in our leadership duties. As servant leaders, it was important

for us to carefully listen to what Erica Barnes and Carey Walberg (Marketing/Social Media Contact,

Volunteer Coordinator) desired for the foundation’s social media efforts. Jessica served as the contact

person between Erica, Carey and the team to ensure their social media perspectives were validated in

our efforts. Second, we understood an empathic attitude was essential, especially when meeting and

conversing with Erica, since she and her husband and been personally touched by MLD. Third, our team

cared about the personal wellbeing of one another, as well as the individuals we were working with at

Chloe’s Fight. We knew that to be effective in our leadership efforts, we had to create an atmosphere of

environmental safety. Fourth, awareness was a critical component of our leadership efforts since

increasing the awareness of Chloe’s Fight was one of our main goals. To do this effectively, we each had

to recognize the individual strengths we brought to the group and strategize on how to best pool our

strengths together for the greater good of the organization. Fifth, we had had to be persuasive in our

social media efforts and determine as a team the best way to accomplish this. Sixth, we focused on

conceptualizing our efforts to the board members of Chloe’s Fight. To do this, we constructed proposals

describing how frequently Facebook and Twitter should be used, what posts on these sites should entail,

and future plans for Instagram and blog use. These proposals also involved using careful and thoughtful

foresight, the seventh characteristic of servant leadership. Eighth, we understood the high level of trust

the board members of Chloe’s Fight gave to us and took ownership for our responsibilities to the

organization. This involved numerous group meetings and conversations on the best and most effective

manner to achieve the goals the organization had established for us. Lastly, and most importantly,

working with Chloe’s Fight allowed us to commit to the growth of people. By advancing the mission of

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Chloe’s Fight, we are not only serving the community, but also helping those who will benefit from the

foundation in the future.

Situational Leadership Throughout our experience serving as social media coordinators for Chloe’s Fight, we often

utilized the situational leadership approach in order to ensure that we were as effective as possible. The

situational approach suggests that leaders can become effective in many different organizational

settings involving a high number of individual tasks. From the beginning of the project, this concept was

apparent within the structure of our group. Since we were tasked with optimizing and improving the

social media components of Chloe’s Fight Organization, we discussed three main deliverables that we

wanted to complete: an improved Facebook page, a new and exciting twitter profile, and a proposal for

future use of their new social media pages with suggestions for the implementation of other mediums

like YouTube and Instagram. Originally we believed that we should all work as a team and complete

each consecutive task together. However, we realized that we would not be able to devote enough time

and expertise to each individual component. Therefore, we split the group up and assigned each

member an individual role in developing one aspect of a specific social media medium according to

strengths and experience in order to achieve the best results possible. We believe that this was very

instrumental to our success as a group.

Our decision to create these subgroups within our team allowed us to utilize the supporting

approach to situational leadership and have a high supporting-low directive atmosphere. We wanted to

give each individual subgroup freedom to explore their creativity while developing their portion of the

project, however, when we all came together, we gave each other constructive feedback in order to

facilitate any problems or issues that may have surfaced. This helped to create a supportive and

effective environment for our group. This also allowed us to maintain a “D4” level of development

throughout the entire experience. By splitting up our subgroups based on area of knowledge and

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expertise, we ensured that each individual task was handled by the most “competent” person in our

group. This allowed each group member to stay excited about their portion of the project and, thus,

maintain a high degree of commitment to achieving the final goal of providing Chloe’s Fight with the

best deliverables possible.

Team LeadershipOur team leadership and the relationship it built for our group was one of the most important

tools for the overall success of our project. In terms of our team dynamic and leadership techniques we

noticed our groups balanced priority towards task and relational as well as the internal and external

communication we used. Our group was very conversational and relationship focused, even before we

started the Everest simulation. We continued to balance our relationship focus without losing sight of

our task with Chloe’s Fight. To maintain this healthy team dynamic we utilized excellent internal

communications by using a texting application, emails and Google Docs. These applications allowed us

to communicate quickly and effectively what we had to get done so we could spend more time working

on our actual tasks.

We also displayed several of the team leadership competencies mentioned in our textbook. We

displayed our competencies extremely well during the start of the project and developed a trusting

team environment based on our division and completion of our goals for the project. Throughout the

project we maintained a high standard for the work that we did, we were always looking for what we

could do to better the organization and we contributed things that they will hopefully use for years to


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Appendix A: Team ContractMGMT 382, Spring 2014Leadership Portfolio Team ProjectOrganization Partner: Chloe’s Fight- Social Media TeamName tag color: Purple

Team Members (print – ensure correct spelling of names)*______Clare Healy______________________ ________Nicole Stevens____________ _______Ryan Jones __________________ ________Nate Stanoch______________ ________Jessica Bue____________________ ________Derrek VanLith_________ *Be sure you each exchange contact information for each other!!

What is your team’s GOAL?To create a strategic social media presence to increase awareness for Chloe’s Fight, metachromatic leukodystrophy and other rare neurological disorders found in children.

How will we STRUCTURE the work that needs to get done? Create a list of tasks that need to be accomplished.1) Determine who will be the “Organization Contact Person.” Limit communications with the service learning organization to/from this student so as not to overwhelm that person. Feel free to carbon copy (cc) the rest of your team on your communications to this contact person and/or forward your team their replies and information.Jessica Bue2) What other roles does your team need? Meeting facilitator? (this could be rotated). Meeting note taker (also could/should rotate)? What else??Alternating roles when meeting in teams3) How often will you have meetings? Where will these meetings be?Bi-monthly meetings to ensure timeline efficiency and extra meetings when deemed necessary.4) Will you make use of online collaboration tools? Google Groups, Skype, etc.?Use of Google Docs, social media platforms and personal communication.(you may wish to add one or more pages which outline your structure….attach these when you turn in your contract to Professor Diehn)

Competent Team Members: List 1-2 strengths of each team member:Clare: Social Media, Human skillsJessica: Writing, previous social media development experienceNicole: Communication, organizationRyan: Presentation skills, professional writingNate: Planning, organizationDerrek: Human skills, team relations

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Unified Commitment: Teams do not just happen: they are carefully designed and developed. You need to develop a sense of unity or identification. A team name might help in this….how else might you build team cohesion (as previously discussed earlier in class)? Chloe’s CrusadersWrite out your collective ideas:Group textingDelegation of roles by skill and competenciesNot focusing solely on business when meetingCollaborative Culture: How will you ensure that ALL members of your team actively participate in discussions, decisions, and the work that needs to be done? How will you evaluate each other’s contributions? Agree on these ahead of time. Write this out below to formalize this contract.Rotating meeting positions: Facilitator, Secretary, Social Media Focus person (depending upon handle- Twitter, Facebook, Kickstarter, etc.)

Standards of Excellence: What expectations do you have for team conduct? This includes group norms (i.e., on time to meetings? Call/text if you are going to be late, etc.)ProfessionalismEqual ContributionPsychological Safety

External Support: What additional information do you need? How will you get it? When and How will you ask for help if you need it? Who will you go to first, what is your process?First Step: Other team membersSecond Step: Group ResearchThird Step: Professor DiehnFourth Step: Erica Barnes, Chloe’s Fight board of directors

Appendix B: Presentation Slides

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Appendix C: Proposal for TwitterPurpose

The use of social media in organizational marketing is on the rise in this age of technology.

Specifically using Twitter, Chloe’s Fight can network with other similar organizations and work with

volunteers and other stakeholders to advance the mission and vision of Chloe’s Fight Foundation. By

“tweeting” relevant links, information and organizational updates, Chloe’s Fight will reach a large

population to market to.

Explanation of the Opportunities

A presence on Twitter gives Chloe’s Fight Foundation the opportunity to market their

organization in a free, user-friendly way. By following other similar organizational Twitter accounts,

Chloe’s Fight will expand their network and notoriety. This recognition will attract both donors and

volunteers who will continue to work to fund research for children’s’ rare neurological disorders.


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The first consideration for successful Twitter marketing is finding a target audience. For Chloe’s

Fight, the target audience would include similar nonprofits and people who are commonly interested in

nonprofits or volunteering. One way to find niche audiences is the use of hashtags. These hashtags allow

a user to follow trending topics and find other uses with similar interests.

The next consideration for success on Twitter is analytics. Setting goals and meeting them is

crucial to social media marketing and measuring your impacts with statistics is the best way to track

your goals. A few metrics to keep track of, according to Twitter Business, include:

· Follower growth

o How many new followers you get every day, week or month.

· Follower quality and engagement

o How many users interact with your account.

· Reach

o How many users favorite or retweet your Tweets.

· Traffic

o How many users go to your site.

· Conversion

How many users sign up for your service or buy your product.

To monitor these metrics, businesses use programs that track their statistics automatically. Twitter

offers a list of certified products that include Adobe Social, Hootsuite, ScribbleLive, Sprout Social, and

more. There are also third party programs not endorsed by Twitter like Twitonomy. Deciding upon which

metrics tracker to use involves considering price, user-friendliness, and social media goal. Some

products are more difficult to use and extensive in statistics. For Chloe’s Fight a free, easy-to-use,

Twitter-designed program like TweetDeck is most likely the best option.

Finally, begin to Tweet. The most important feature of Twitter is the ability to interact with your

followers and other users. By tweeting organizational updates, pictures and information from events,

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research news updates and more, Chloe’s Fight will keep a strong relationship with their stakeholders

and ensure that they are building a community that will support one another and Chloe’s Fight as well.


Costs associated with running a successful social media campaign depend upon how much time

and effort Chloe’s Fight is willing to invest. The only direct costs incurred would include any third party

programs used to measure Twitter impact in the form of statistics. However, if using a program like

TweetDeck, which is free, the only costs include indirect costs like labor hours and materials.


Social Media Marketing is one of the fastest growing business trends. By targeting a specific

audience, setting goals and using analytic tools like TweetDeck will allow Chloe’s Fight to effectively

utilize Twitter to further the Chloe’s Fight mission to fund research for rare neurological disorders in


Appendix D: Proposal for Facebook


The frequent use and utilization of Chloe’s Fight’s Facebook page will bring users together from

all over the United States. Facebook allows you to share photos, videos, status updates, events, and

news of exciting breakthroughs in rare disease research all in one place. Facebook truly is the “one stop

shop” for users to discover everything that they should know about Chloe’s Fight.

Explanation of the Opportunities

Facebook provides a plethora of opportunities that are truly unique and advantageous to any

organization. Facebook instantaneously allows users from all over the world to stay up to date with all

things relevant to Chloe’s Fight Organization. You can also build relationships with your supporters,

engage them through posts, updates and comments, and invite them to events and volunteer

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opportunities. The Chloe’s Fight Facebook page will even be one of the top search results if a supporter

searches for “Chloe’s Fight” on Google. Facebook truly is a social media medium that all organizations

should take full advantage of.


1. Continue to post statuses about all things relevant to Chloe’s Fight and events that are coming up.

People love to stay in the loop with charities, especially one as unique and exciting as Chloe’s Fight.

2. If there is a new study posted about a breakthrough in rare disease or stem cell research, share it

on the Chloe’s Fight Facebook page. This will allow fans of Chloe’s Fight to not only stay connected to

the organization, but also to the mission as well.

3. Create events, such as the 5k, using the “events” tab on the Chloe’s Fight Facebook page and invite

all people who have liked the page to the event. Not only is this free and effective advertising for

upcoming Chloe’s Fight events, it also allows you to get a realistic number of how many people to expect

at each event.

4. Run promotions and giveaways to upcoming events. In the case of the 5k, say that whoever

“shares” the status regarding the upcoming event has a chance to win free entry into the race. Not only

will this get people excited about the 5k, it will also allow you to increase exposure to people who have

not yet liked Chloe’s Fight’s Facebook page as well.


In its simplest form, a Facebook page is completely free to own and operate. A free Facebook

page is sufficient enough to effectively keep Chloe’s Fight supporters informed and knowledgeable

about relevant news and upcoming events. However, if you wish to promote Chloe’s Fight to users who

have not liked the page, you have the option to do that. The prices frequently vary but, depending on

how many Facebook users you wish to have your ad shown to, the price of promoting Chloe’s Fight on

Facebook will be about $5-$25 per day.

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Frequent use and updating of a Facebook page is becoming essential for all organizations.

Facebook provides so many unique opportunities that are unavailable through other social media

mediums. As long as the Chloe’s Fight Facebook page remains consistently updated, supporters will

remain excited about the unique organization that is Chloe’s Fight.

Appendix E: Proposal for InstagramPurpose

The purpose of Instagram is simple: to share photos and build a personal brand. Through the

use of Instagram’s many filter choices, users can share stunning photos with followers. Like Twitter,

Instagram is a specialized social media medium that is becoming extremely popular with younger users.

Explanation of the Opportunities

Instagram will provide many opportunities for an organization like Chloe’s Fight. Instagram

allows users to post unique photos of past events, showcase new and exciting merchandise or products,

show exclusive “behind the scenes” photos or videos, and give a sneak peak of what is coming up from

the organization. Instagram’s many filters allow users to turn an ordinary photo into a stunning, unique

photo that followers will easily remember. Plus, Instagram is easily linked to a Facebook account which

will allow Chloe’s Fight to instantaneously share new photos through both social media mediums.


Since Instagram is not as essential as Facebook or Twitter, we did not create an individual

Chloe’s Fight Instagram account. However, if you choose to take advantage of this unique social media

tool, here are a few steps to get you started.

1. Create an Instagram account with the same username as Chloe’s Fight’s Twitter account

(@Chloes_Fight). This will allow users to easily find both accounts and avoid confusion.

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2. Link the Chloe’s Fight Instagram account to Facebook. This will allow you to share pictures on both

social media mediums in order to maximize exposure.

3. Invite all Chloe’s Fight Facebook fans to follow the new Instagram account.

4. Start sharing photos. If the 5k is coming up, share photos from last year’s event. Instagram’s filters

will allow you to edit the photos in order to make them more exciting and memorable. Users are much

more likely to share a photo if it is memorable and unique.

5. Share photos as often as you feel necessary. Instagram, although unique, is not as essential as

Facebook and Twitter and, thus, a strong presence on that site is not required. However, it can be



Instagram is completely free to all users.


Although not essential, Instagram is a great social media medium to take advantage of. The

many filters offered by Instagram allow users to share unique and exciting photos that supporters will be

excited to share and repost. Instagram allows you to be creative and show the more personal side of

Chloe’s Fight.

Appendix F: Proposal for WebsitePurpose

The website is the official face of the organization. It should display our message in a clean,

concise way and should motivate them to support our cause. The newly updated website looks fantastic

and gives us the opportunity to integrate our social media to build even more buzz around the


Explanation of the Opportunities

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We have the opportunity to build a greater link between the website and our other social media

outlets to grow our involvement base and reach out to more people in new ways. We would

recommend the installation of a widget similar to this one.

It is clear, concise, and it allows for our supporters to connect with us quickly.

We would also recommend the addition of a news feed widget on the side of the site that will

allow us to display what’s going on with us on Twitter and Facebook without our user having to leave

our site.

In terms of the Content, we would like to see an events tab to list date, ticket, and pricing

information for upcoming events beyond the 5k and Coffee Crawl. We also would like have a meet the

board page so people can learn more about the foundation and have a more personal connection with

the website.


The cost of the website lies mainly in its upkeep. If there is someone willing to volunteer their

time to maintain it, the website can stay current and represent the foundation well. If the board is

looking for a potentially easier way to maintain the website, we would suggest deviating from the

current WordPress format and moving the hosting to The templates are clean and

easy to maintain and are built to do things like accept donations and interact with social media, all at the

same price range.


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The new update to the website looks great and is an excellent step in the right direction towards

the ideal site for the foundation. With some tweaks and some added content we can further build the

website into the base of the foundation.

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