China 2010 and beyond

China 2010 and beyond Ilan Maor Managing Director (Israel), SHENG-BDO China B.D. Vice President, Israel Asia Chamber of Commerce

Transcript of China 2010 and beyond

Page 1: China 2010 and beyond

China 2010 and beyond

Ilan MaorManaging Director (Israel), SHENG-BDO China B.D.

Vice President, Israel – Asia Chamber of Commerce

Page 2: China 2010 and beyond

China Today - The Transformation

Page 3: China 2010 and beyond











• 9.9 million sqm

• 1.3 billion people

• 23 Provinces / 5 AR / 4 cities

• New (1949) but Ancient (5,000 years)

Country => Continuity & Nationalism

• The Era of Post Communism

• Changing & developing society: Culture,

Religion, Technology and Economy…

China – The Awakening Giant

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GDP: 4.99t US$ (+ 9.1%)

WB 2010 exp.: +10%

FDI: 90b US$ (-2.3%)

1-8/10: 65.96b US$ (+18%)

Foreign trade: 2.21t US$ (-13.9)

1st Global Exporter

3rd Global Importer

Trade balance: +196b US$ (-34.2%)

1-8/10: + 104b US$

FOREX Reserves: 2.65t US$ (2006: 1t)

China – Economic Figures (2009)

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China 2010 – The Industry

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Strong & Developing Industrial Sector

Diversified Manufacturing Base:

* International OEM & Local brands

* Traditional & Technological products

* Targeting local market & Export

China 2010 – The Industry

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The Chinese State Sector have set a list of strategic

sectors: Energy efficiency and saving

New energy

Biological sector

Information Technology

Advanced machinery manufacturing

New materials

New energy powered vehicles

* The investment in the above seven sectors grew

67% in the first half of 2010.

China 2010 – Preferred Industrial Sectors

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National & local level effort to improve

technological capability through intensive

support to R&D projects.

2nd largest national investor in R&D. 15-20%

annual growth.

352,000 new engineers graduate every year.

32.7% growth in processed inventions patent

applications in 2009 (total: 194,850)

24% growth in international patent registration

requests in 2009 (total: 6,000)




China’s share in the

global R&D investments:

From Global Factory to Technology

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• Global corporate

R&D spending were

cut in 1.9%

• China’s corporate

R&D spending were

increased in 40%!

(EU/JRC report


Industrial R&D on the growth


in 2009




+27.8%1.33b€Huawei Technologies45

+27.4%1.01b€Petro China54


+194.0%527m€China Railway Construction106

+11.4%390m€China Petroleum & Chemicals143

+43/9%213m€Dongfeng Motor232

+59.8%177m€China Communications Construction 263

+68.8%173m€China South Locomotive269


+42%148m€Metallurgical Cooperation of China289

NA146m€SAIC Motor293

+15.5%130m€China Coal Energy 322



+11.8%111m€Shanghai Electric Group372


+106%65m€China Railway551

+29.3%65m€Dongfang Electric561

+11.2%56m€China Telecom634

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63b US$

Inbound vs. Outbound Investments (2006 - 2009)



16b US$



90b US$



56.5b US$


China Today – Two Ways Investments

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China's No. 1 personal computer maker.

China's leading telecom vendor. 45 carriers clients

2009 sales reached 22.3b US$ (+19%)

Number 13th on the list of global highest Int’l

patent filing companies (up 24 places from 2005)

Leading manufacturer of home appliances & electronic

equipment. Largest global supplier of refrigerators. Has

30,000+ outlets around the world.

Re-Branding China

Build Your dream (BYD) was established in 1995 as a

batteries vendor with 20 workers, invested by Warren

Buffer in 2008, and is now a leading electric cars

vendor with 200,000 workers.

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Re-Branding China (cont.)

BrandZ Top 100 – 2010 Report

Millward Brown Optimor

BrandZ Top 100 identifies the

world's most valuable brands

measured by their dollar value.

(2 out of the 10 new brands

added this year are Chinese:

PetroChina & Baidu)

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China 2010 – The New Consumers Market

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Fast growing middle class, estimated

at 250-400 million people

Rising purchasing power, growing

awareness to brands, quality &


More than 130 billionaires (2nd

concentration after US).

The Consumer…

China is expected to be the world's

4th largest country with wealthy

households by 2015,(wealthy

households: having an annual

income in excess of 250,000 RMB).

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420 million internet subscribers (2010)

120.6 million broadband users (2010)

142 E-commerce clients (2010)

39 billion US$ E-commerce sales (2009)

823 million mobile subscribers (2010)

60 million 3G subscribers (est. 2010)

The New Consumer : ICT Services

2.27 billion bank cards (twice the U.S.)

200 million credit cards (2009)

1 trillion US$ purchasing (2009)

Page 16: China 2010 and beyond

Source: JD Power * Under 6 tons


China Car Sales






• Expected auto sales in 2010: 17 million (+25%)

• 199 million vehicles on China’s roads (including more than

85 million cars).

• 144 million Chinese holds

driving license (22 million

new drivers every year).

• The number of cars in China

is expected to reach 200

million by 2020.

Car Industry – Industrial & consumer Growth

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The unemployment (2009: 4.6%)

Potential real-estate bubbles

Stock market reform needed

Need to constantly develop infrastructure, logistics, energy

Growing environmental issues (past and current damages)

Growing gaps between poor/rich & rural/urban (1:3.28)

Need to rebuild the social security and health systems

The color of grey…

China 2010 – Internal Issues

5 Years: +164%

2010: - 6.2%

Shanghai Index

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The global financial crisis and the reduces demands

IP issues

Branding & QC

Market opening (WTO)

Yuan (RMB) exchange rate

China 2010 – External Issues

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Main points for discussions:

IP in China – A period of transformation?

The Chinese business legal system – about a contract in

China a more…

Technological & investment cooperation with China –

the new main path?

China as an R&D partner.

Gateway China Panel – Myths and reality…

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From an old Asian saying…

3 basic rules of doing business in China:

1. It is very difficult to do business in China.

2. With great efforts, patience, and good

connection you can succeed in China

3. If you feel you are making progress and all

goes well – please read rule no. 1 again…

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A bit about cultural differences…

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The rule of the Party /


Stability & Security

* Duties *

Tradition, Repetition,

Slow Changes

5000 Years of History

Classmates & Guang Xi

The Rule of the Law

Freedom to Choose

* Rights *

Invent yourself…

“Time is Money”

Business X friendship

The Chinese way Western / American Concept

When East Meet West

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The Boss!


Dealing with an



an opinion


your anger ?!

The kids...