Chilliwack Times September 4 2012



Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

Transcript of Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

Page 1: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012
Page 2: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012



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Sunday, September 9, 2012Sunday, September 9, 2012Chilliwack Public LibraryChilliwack Public Library

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Open House with story telling, historic footage, archival images and documents.Open House with story telling, historic footage, archival images and documents.Refreshments will be served.Refreshments will be served.

Page 3: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012
Page 4: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012


The Times

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BY TYLER [email protected]

Two-tonne shadows zipdown the road beside her asGabrielle Bond strides confi-dently across the busy inter-

section, the nub of her white caneskitting across the pavement. Just tothe right of the legally blind 13-year-old Vedder middle school student,other shadows sit waiting, and full ofpotential energy—and danger.

Gabrielle is three-quarters of theway through the crosswalk when shefirst hears the robotic, monotonevoice:

“Four. Three. Two. One.”Gabrielle climbs the ramped side-

walk.“It sounds like a bomb,” she says in

mock fear as she punches the cross-walk button to begin next test: VedderRoad.

Gabrielle has come here, to theintersection of Vedder and Keith Wil-son roads, with Katie DeVries, an ori-entation and mobility specialist withthe CNIB (formerly the CanadianNational Institute for the Blind). Thisbusy Friday afternoon is just the latestin a series of sessions meant to teachGabrielle how to navigate intersec-tions.

While legally blind, Gabrielle hassome vision and can make out someshapes and shadows. Fiercely inde-pendent, she hopes to eventually beable to walk to the Garrison CrossingSubway along with her friend AnnaRegamey, who lives nearby and iscompletely blind.

But doing so will require a keensense of hearing, a lot of courage andmore than a rudimentary knowledgeof current urban planning principles.

Sense of hearing heightened

For most pedestrians, crossing astreet is easy. You walk when the littlewhite man is displayed, and waitwhen an orange hand is showing. (Orat least, you’re supposed to.)

If you’re blind, though, it’s not sosimple.

Consider, for example, the advancedgreen that allows designated lanes toturn left.

Gabrielle stands perpendicular toKeith Wilson Road, waiting for the sig-nal to crossVedder.

“Your shoulders are square, that’sgood,” DeVries tells Gabrielle. “Andwhat traffic are you tuned into?”

Gabrielle points north, up Ved-der Road, from where traffic hadbeen coming. She can hear the carsapproach from her left, speed by justmetres in front of her, and then con-tinue off to her right, their noise disap-pearing behind a wall of new sounds.

Her back erect, her head pointedsteadfastly ahead, Gabrielle quickly

notices when the shapes stop theirprocession in front of her. She caninfer, thus, that Vedder Road has a redlight.

Gabrielle can hear traffic begin tomove slowly beside her, from KeithWilson Road into the intersection.

“There’s a quietness and there’s asurge—a very quiet surge,” describesDeVries.

Gabrielle can also make out shapesmoving the opposite way. There hasbeen no audible signal, but Gabriellealso knows that it only sometimesworks at this intersection. The light isgreen, and Gabrielle can start crossingthe street, right?

Wrong.The cars entering the intersection

turn left. If Gabrielle could see the sig-nal, she would see what drivers on Keith

Wilson see: a red light, with a green leftarrow. But, of course, she can’t.

Fortunately, Gabrielle hasn’t budgedand DeVries is within arms reachbeside her.

Eventually, the cars stop turning leftand DeVries and Gabrielle stride con-fidently across the road, safely reach-ing the opposite side.

“It sounds like that signal is not soreliable and most of the time doesn’tcome on,” DeVries says.

“It’s really annoying,” adds Gabrielle.(The audible signal has since beenrepaired by the City of Chilliwack.)

Gabrielle’s goal is independence

While the goal is independence,Gabrielle isn’t quite there yet. Butthen, she’s still only 13.

Many parents hesitate when the

time comes to allow their child toventure into the world without anadult escort. But parents of blindchildren, like Gabrielle’s parentsMonique and Frank, have even morereason to worry.

To illustrate the reason for herapprehension, Monique Bond talksabout an incident last year, when afellow student’s warning was the onlything that stopped Gabrielle fromstepping in front of a dump truck.

Gabrielle wants to be independentand permitted to walk home fromschool. But Monique is wary, mainlybecause of the road, but also becauseof other dangers.

“She thinks its not fair that we won’tlet her walk to school alone or to theShell gas station by herself at thispoint,” Monique says. “She probablycould, but I just kind of think she’stargeted when she has a white cane.”

At the same time, Gabrielle—whorides her bike and rollerblades on herquiet street—has already surpassedmany of her parents’ expectationssince she was first diagnosed withtwo conflicting eye disorders at theage of two.

“She does more than we thought,because she’s very outgoing,”Monique said. “We were told she’dnever ride a bike.”

Some spots tough to cross

Chilliwack is not a perfect placeto be a blind child, but it could beworse.

Several intersections, but not all,have audible signals to assist the visu-ally impaired; the sometimes-func-tioning audible signal at Keith Wilsonwas installed at the request of Anna’sparents, who live nearby.

Other intersections are less friend-ly: DeVries and Anna both cite thelight at Thomas and Vedder roads asa particular challenge to navigate.

But Gabrielle and Anna are alsofortunate to attend school in theChilliwack school district, which hasa contract with DeVries and CNIB tohelp five visually impaired students.

“They’re one district that’s a goodexample of providing this regular ser-vice to their students,” DeVries says.“There’s a lot of school districts thatdon’t get that service.”

Good memory helps with navigation

After navigating the Keith Wilson/Vedder intersection, Gabrielle and

Blind ambitionBlind ambitionFor the visually impaired, gaining

independence comes with a lotof hard work and persistence

See BLIND, Page 5

Tyler Olsen/TIMES

Gabrielle Bond navigates a Chilliwack

road under the watchful eye of Katie

DeVries, an orientation and mobility spe-

cialist with the CNIB (formerly the Cana-

dian National Institute for the Blind).


“Get in on the Buzz”

Young Street South








J. Adam& Sons

Page 5: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

DeVries take a tour through the GarrisonCrossing shopping market.

To an observer, it’s quickly becoming clearthat a good memory is as important to a blindperson as a cane and keen ears. While fullysighted people can use their vision to reaccli-matize themselves to a familiar place, Gabri-elle uses her memory of past visits to navigatea road, sidewalk or building. Each visit fills ina little bit more of the map. But the map alsochanges, without warning.

So throughout their trip, DeVries is describ-ing her surroundings in order to allow Gabri-elle to better utilize the small amount of visionshe has.

After locating the Subway store, the pair ven-ture across an unmarked parking lot. Gabri-elle detects no movement, hears no cars andstrides confidently across the lot.

She climbs a curb, easily navigates a narrow

gap between a coffee shop patio crowded withchairs and patios and several vehicles, crossesanother piece of parking lot roadway and findsherself in front of the Coopers grocery store.

Retracing their steps, DeVries and Gabriellecome to a crosswalk in the parking lot, just as ablack GMC SUV does the same. If neither stop,there will be trouble.

But the SUV comes to an easy halt, as doesGabrielle. She waits a fraction of a second. Shemonitors the black shadow just to her right,listening for the roar of an engine.

And then, her shoulders square, her postureperfect and with confidence and self-assur-ance, Gabrielle takes another step through herblurry world, towards independence.


BLIND, from page 3 Always filling ina mental map

BY CORNELIA [email protected]

AChilliwack grad whosetrade skills have takenhim all over Canada

and as far afield as Englandand China is working to passon his know how to the nextgeneration.

When Michael Christensenwas a Sardis student in 2010,he won national gold formechanical CADD (comput-er-aided drafting and design)at Skills Canada in Ontario.

A year and a half later hewon the medallion of excel-lence at the WordSkills com-petition in London.

And last month he travelledto China with group of youngCanadians to the Asia-Pacif-ic Economic Cooperation(APEC) Youth Skills Camp,which drew 100 students from21 other APEC countries, likethe United States, Japan andMexico.

Considering he’d nevertraveled much before his firstSkills Canada competition, hisexperiences are a testimonyto just how far the trades cantake a talented young personthese days.

But he wants others tobenefit from his experiencestoo, so this year Christensenwill help train a successor atSardis: Braedon Bainbridge,who won gold in mechanicalCADD at the BC Skills Com-petition last year.

Christensen hopes Bain-bridge will follow in his foot-steps, win gold at nationalsnext year and earn a ticket toWorldSkills in Madrid in 2014.

Christensen’s own life hasbeen very busy since he wongold at Skills Canada in 2010.

He spent a year and a halftraining for WorldSkills, forc-ing himself to work throughvigorous computer trainingexercises at Starbucks or theCottonwood Mall to preparehimself for the crowds inLondon.

“It was an open event, soyou were working in areaswith 100,000 people com-ing through per day,” he said.“It was very busy. There wasalways people looking at you,trying to talk to you even, tak-ing photos and videos andeverything else.”

He ended up taking sev-enth place in a field of 25international competitors. Healso earned the medallion ofexcellence, which meant hewas within 10 per cent of thewinning score.

While he prepared forWorldSkills, he launched hisown company, 5.0 Design Co.

The call inviting him to Chi-na in July was a surprise.

“I was very excited. It wasnot expected whatsoever,”Christensen said.

The point of the APEC campat the beginning of Augustwas to promote vocational

skills training and generate anawareness of the importanceof skilled trades to economiesaround the world.

Christensen and fellow del-egates toured manufactur-ing plants, including an MGMotor factory, an LG factory,a piano factory and a waterheater factory, and learnedabout China’s trades trainingprograms.

After hearing about China’sprograms and talking to del-egates from other countries,Christensen said there aresome things Canada could dobetter when comes to skilledtrades.

“The biggest thing is work-place training,” he said. “Wedo have it in some places, butnowhere near to the level thatthey have in other countries.In other countries, you can getyour degree while working.”

Christensen would like tosee more workplace oppor-tunities in Canada for entry-level workers who start out“sweeping the shop” to moveup through training and edu-cation they get while they’reon the job.

That being said, he doesn’t

think China’s training pro-grams would be an ideal fitfor Canada—or for him per-sonally.

“Over there it’s very rigid,very structured. You climb theladder. You do tests, re-evalu-ations and you move up. Thepaths are very much set, andit’s something that you woulddo for your entire life, fromstart of working to retire-ment,” he said. “I couldn’thelp but think, at this stageof my life here, four years outof high school, I would still beat the very bottom and notbe given the opportunity tomove up as fast as I had.”

Christensen, who will startan engineering degree at UFVthis fall, said the youth campin China was “life changing”and, whenever he gets thechance, he urges other youngCanadians to see where acareer in the skilled tradescould take them.

“Think about picking up awelder. Think about becom-ing a chef. Not everyone hasto be a doctor or a lawyer,”he said. “There are so manyother opportunities out thereand so much more fun.”

Skills opened the doors

Submitted photo

Michael Christensen, far right, hoists the Skills Canada flag at the Great Wall of China with fellowCanadian delegates to the APEC Youth Skills Camp in August.

Now MichaelChristensenwants to dothe same forhis successor





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Page 6: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

Stream’s customers—which includecompanies in personal computing(hardware and software), businesscomputing and home entertain-ment— because they insist on confi-dentiality.

“The technology market is verycompetitive these days,” he said.

The jobs his company is looking tofill this week involve providing tech-nical and customer-service supportand sales.

In the past, similar recruiting drivesat Stream Chilliwack have drawn asmany as 1,000 applications.

Though applicants needn’t be able to“take a computer apart and put it backtogether,” Robinson said, they shouldbe technically savvy and know somecomputer, network and Internet basics.

“With that knowledge and a strongcustomer-service orientation, ourtraining can help build out that knowl-edge to really understand how to trou-bleshoot a customer’s problem.”

For Robinson, who is back at Streamafter a six-year stint at Electronic Artsin Burnaby, it’s dealing with peoplethat makes work at the local companyrewarding.

“The thing I’ve always like aboutStream and continue to like today is it’sa people-focused business,” he said.

◗ The open house and career fair willbe held at Stream’s Chilliwack servicecenter at 7955 Evans Rd.


Cornelia Naylor/TIMES

Stream Chilliwack site manager Mike Robinson says his company is determined to get the site running at its 1,000-employee capacity.

Competitivetech marketSTREAM, from page 1


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Page 7: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

want to wait until I’m tottering on a canebefore I leave.”

Les said elected officials “have an obligation”not to leave early and said he’ll serve out theremainder of his term. He promised to workhard to elect his successor.

Beyond that, he said he’ll be spending muchmore time with his six children and 16—soonto be 17—grandchildren.

“They’ve never known anything but that I’vebeen in politics,” he said. “It’s going to be inter-esting to explore other options.”

While Les said he has no intentions ofreturning to politics, he added, “One thing I’velearned over the years is never say never.”

With finance minister Kevin Falcon, educa-tion minister George Abbott and children andfamily development Minister Mary McNeil allannouncing their departure this week, therehas been talk of an exodus from the Liberalranks in the face of polls showing the partyheading for defeat next spring.

But Les was more positive about the party’sprospects next spring, and praised the leader-ship of Clark.

“I think Christy Clark is a great leader,” hesaid. “I’ve really honestly enjoyed my timeworking with her the past year and a half.

“She’s different from Gordon Campbell andthat’s fine.”

Even as he announced his departure frompolitics, Les took the opportunity to take sever-al swings at the NDP, who he said damaged theprovince’s economy while they were in power.

“It’s going to be a rough and tough battle;there’s no question about it,” he said of theupcoming election.

In a press release sent to media Thursdaymorning, Les said, “I trust I have been able torepresent the people of Chilliwack well andhope they will forgive any shortcomings onmy part.”

Later that morning, he said the comment

reflected his Calvinist upbringing: “I, like mostother people, was not perfect.”

But he said it had nothing to do with regretor a B.C. Supreme Court Justice’s commentsWednesday that condemned the “pro-devel-opment” culture of Chilliwack City Hall duringLes’s tenure. Les said Thursday he hadn’t seenthe Justice’s comments, and hit back at thosewho would criticize the actions taken to rap-idly grow the city during his time as mayor.

“If somebody wants to criticize me for beingpro-development, go ahead,” he said. “That’s acriticism that I’ll take with honour.

“I’m quite unapologetic as to having adopt-ed a pro-growth attitude both [during] mytime on council and as an MLA.”

Indeed, as he talked about the highlightsof his time in office, he pointed to milestonesthat either helped Chilliwack grow or adapt togrowth.

In particular, he cited the development ofCanada Education Park after CFB Chilliwackwas closed, and the growth and expansionof the University of the Fraser Valley. He alsolooked back fondly on his time leading theFederation of Canadian Municipalities and hisrole in creating the Fraser Valley Regional Dis-trict.

And on the day he forecast his departurefrom public office, he gave credit to those whohelped him over the years.

“Most especially, I wish to thank my familyfor joining me on this extended journey,” hesaid in his release. “Political life is demandingand exacting, but it is with amazement I cansay I have never lacked for complete supportevery step of the way. Many thanks are due tomy wife Mattie and our six children. As well,my constituency assistant since 2001, PamWhite, has provided loyal and dedicated ser-vice, for which I am grateful.”

NewsLES, from page 1 Proud of legacy




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Page 8: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

Excerpt from A Journal of theSpider Wars.

Monday, Aug. 20. I came homefrom work to find a good-sizedwolf spider scuttling across the liv-ing room floor. He must have beenan inch and a half across. I swear,these hairylegged monsters aregetting bigger every year.

I squished him under a papertowel as he was trying to hideunder the couch. I wonder if thereare any more down there?

Mental note: move couch,sweep underneath.

Thursday, Aug. 23. Another bigspider in living room. This onewas bigger than Monday’s! He hidunder the TV for a while, but cameout, no doubt looking for tastycrickets to eat, and found the heelof my shoe, instead.

Why are all these spiders sneak-ing into the house this year? Is itthe weather? What do they thinkthey can find to eat in here?

Sunday, Aug. 26. Biggest spiderso far, nearly three inches across,if you stretched out his hairy legs.Squished him with a napkin.

I could almost swear he made alittle noise when he died. Not thecrunchy noise they all make, but asort of squeak. Like a little scream.

Friday, Aug. 31. Almost calledAnimal Control today. I trappedthis one in an empty peanut but-ter jar. I thought for a minute thatthe kids next door had let their pettarantula loose when I saw it, justsitting on the couch. It’s at least

five inches across. How does awolf spider get this big?

It’s definitely making somekind of noise in the jar. A sort ofscreeching, cooing noise.

I’ve decided not to poke airholes in the lid.

Wednesday, Sept. 5. I finallymoved the couch, and alongwith the dust bunnies, I found acrack between the wall and thefloorboards. And another one wassqueezing through. I beat it todeath with a claw hammer.

I think it swore vengeance onme as it died. That must be myimagination, right?

Friday, Sept. 14. In the pastweek, I’ve killed nine moreintruder spiders (I suspect they’rescouts), despite sealing up everycrack and crevice. I glanced outthe window yesterday and spot-ted a foot-long one jiggling thedoorknob with its pedipalps. Itwas smoking a Marlboro.

Saturday, Sept. 15. They aren’tsmart enough to avoid bear traps.Take that, arachnids!

Sunday, Sept. 16. They are nowsmart enough to avoid bear traps,and also to reset them. I need to

buy more gauze at the drug store.Wednesday, Sept. 19. The

local garden spiders are now ontheir side as well. I opened mydoor to find a web reading “Your[sic] dead, buddy.” They need towork on their spelling. For somereason, I now have a craving forbacon.

Friday, Sept. 21. Two of themtried to get in by pretending to beMormon missionaries. It wasn’tvery convincing. Real missionar-ies are nice and polite, and don’tlunge at you, encircle you inbristle-coated limbs, and attemptto sink their chelicerae into yourneck. Also, they wear ties withthose white shirts.

Date unknown. I may not havemuch more time. My flame-thrower’s fuel is almost exhaust-ed. The spiders have taken theVenezuelan oil fields and lootedFort Knox. I move by day, but anyof my fellow refugees could be aspider in disguise. I saw a manstrung up for winning at pokerwith a pair of eights.

The spiders conduct sweepsby night, wrapping humans insilk and spiriting them away totheir hidden lairs. They are grow-ing stronger, and larger, andtheir new political party has justformed a minority government.

I fear that this could have beenprevented. If only I’d swept underthe couch sooner!◗ Matthew Claxton is a reporterwith the Langley Advance.

Could saveby payingfor pillsT

he Canadian Medical Associa-tion’s recent call for better drugcoverage for low-income house-holds is one Canada should

consider seriously, as much for economicreasons as for humanitarian ones.

The CMA called for the change in thewake of a poll that suggests one in fourCanadians earning less than $30,000annually has stopped or put off tak-ing prescription drugs because of theexpense.

While few observers would pretend thisis an acceptable situation, many wouldargue—not unreasonably—that taxpay-ers can’t be the ones to remedy it; muchas we might wish otherwise, there areonly so many new burdens an alreadystrained health-care system can support.

But to dismiss the idea as unafford-able out of hand is shortsighted. In manycases, the medications in question helpmanage conditions that would otherwiseworsen and become more complex—andas such they can be a good investment.

A patient who can avoid publiclyfunded surgery by staying on heart medi-cation will not only save themselves grief,but also the system money—a lot of it.Add to that their continued ability towork, and a subsidy of some kind startsto make economic sense.

Rather than shrugging off the CMA’ssuggestion, our provincial and federalgovernments should give it some carefulanalysis.

It’s possible that by paying more of thecost of certain medications for the mostmarginalized Canadians, we can lightenthe burden for them and for taxpayersalike.

Opinion◗ Our view

◗ Opinion

A lot of spiders this year, eh?

This week’s questionDo you think we should pay for the new PortMann Bridge with tolls?


◗ Your view

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Page 9: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

An open letter to my constituents:After almost three decades of

public service, I will not seek re-election as MLA in the May 2013provincial general election.

Since first being elected topublic office as an alderman in1983, as Mayor in 1987, and subse-quently as Member of the Legisla-tive Assembly in 2001, there havebeen countless rewarding andfulfilling experiences, making mydecision to leave all the more dif-ficult. However, all things come toan end, and for me, it just feels likethe right time to turn the page andmove on.

In leaving, I want to pay tributeto the two premiers with whomI’ve had the pleasure to serve,Gordon Campbell and ChristyClark. Both are incredible peopleand both have made great contri-butions to British Columbia. I’vebeen honoured to serve in variouscapacities under both of them:Parliamentary Secretary to the Pre-

mier, Solicitor General, Ministerof Small Business and EconomicDevelopment, as well as caucuschair and numerous LegislativeCommittee chairmanships.

Politics is not a solo endeavour-it’s a team effort. It is thereforefitting that I acknowledge all ofthe people who have assisted me,my fellow caucus members, the

legislative and ministerial staff,my riding association executive,and also the best constituencyassistant one could hope for, PamWhite, who has worked with mesince 2001. It was a real pleasureto work with everyone to build abetter British Columbia over thepast three terms. While we didn’talways agree on all issues, therewas always a unity of purpose anddirection that sustained us.

Most especially however, I wishto publicly thank my family, bothimmediate and extended, for theirsupport and understanding. Politi-cal life is demanding and exacting,sometimes exhilarating, some-times unpleasant. My mother, mywife Mattie and our six childrendeserve special thanks for theirunwavering support and encour-agement.

I also want to thank the votersof Chilliwack who have repeatedlyplaced their confidence in me. Itrust I have been able to represent

you well and hope you will forgiveany shortcomings on my part.

Chilliwack is a growing andthriving community. It is nowhome to the Canada EducationPark, which includes a new cam-pus for the University of the FraserValley, the Pacific Regional Train-ing Center of the RCMP, trainingfacilities for the Canadian BorderServices Agency and the JusticeInstitute. As well, many new pri-vate sector businesses are buildinga future in Chilliwack, providingmany new and expanded employ-ment opportunities. Four newschools have been provided toensure we have the capacity toprovide a first-class education toour children.

And, what is true for Chilliwack,is equally true for the province,which went from worst to firstand is now one of the leadingjurisdictions in Canada, a remark-able achievement made possibleby Premier Campbell’s focus on

economic opportunity and growthas well as investments in schools,universities, hospitals, highways,airports and ports.

Premier Clark continues to buildon these achievements with her“Jobs Agenda,” in particular herfocus on LNG and resource devel-opment with the huge economicopportunities that can flow fromthese initiatives.

British Columbia’s economicperformance today is remarkablygood, particularly in light of a veryfragile global economic environ-ment. It is important therefore thatwe stay the course and I will workhard in the future, in whatevercapacity, to ensure we continue tobuild a strong future for our prov-ince. To that end, I will assist myeventual successor in every waypossible.

Once again, to the people ofChilliwack: Thank you!

John LesMLA

MLA says thanks for placing confidence in him

Chilliwack MLA John Les


The tooth and nothing but the toothEditor:

This letter is addressed to veteri-narians and dog owners.

First I’d like to validate myselfas a lay dog expert pertaining toownership and the use of veterinar-ian services. I have owned at leastone dog and up to three at everyperiod of my 61 years, so that is a fairnumber of dogs.With the exceptionof one, which was hit by a car as apup, they all lived to at least a happy15. This probably meant I did some-thing right.

I’ve had many occasions to visitthe vet with my dogs. Fierce dogfights and gaping wounds, shot bya hunter’s carelessness, infections,speargrass in the ears, vestibular dis-ease, routine work . . . you name it.

I’m writing this now because I’venoticed an apparent distinct changerecently, in the way that veterinarymedical service is provided.Yearsago I can remember convincing avet, using local freezing, to stitch upmy dog’s face which was bared tothe bone, while I held him down onthe table. This would be unheard oftoday.

Often I would take my dog infor an examination and we wouldleave with ears cleaned and teethscaled. Now if I go to some vets anddirty ears are noted, a subsequentappointment must be made to cleanthem and scaling a dog’s teeth is outof the question without knockingthem out and turning it into majorsurgery.

Presently one of my dogs is alittle Jack Russell. She had her teethscaled a few years ago by the vet Ihad for years in another town. Sheactually seemed to enjoy it, kind oflike horses enjoy getting their teethfiled…eyes closed in bliss. Sincemoving to the Chilliwack area, I’vebeen searching for a vet who mightscale her teeth without knocking herout. I try to describe to them howgood a dog she is and that she evenseems to enjoy having her teethscaled. No dice…every one of themsaid she must be anethsetized. Indesperation I phoned my old vet, a

four hour drive away and even hesaid he would likely knock her outfor the procedure.

The procedure! My goodness peo-ple. It is just cleaning a dog’s teeth.

I am perplexed that people wouldrather administer a very harsh anddangerous drug called ketaminethan put up with some minorcanine fidgets and apply some dog-gy skills. How do I know ketamine isharsh and dangerous? It was givento me as an anesthetic and painkiller for surgery. The immediateside effects of dizziness, weaknessand gastrointestinal cramps lastedfor a month. The memory loss waspermanent.

Is this what you want to subjectyour dog to? For teeth cleaning!?

Anyway, back to my currentsituation. My poor dog’s teeth werealmost black on one side with tarterbuild up so I determined to pur-chase a scaler to scale them myself.I spent some time on the Internetlearning about it and that is how anangel entered my life.

I came across a place called Rain-ing Cats and Dogs in Chilliwack soI phoned to ask if they knew some-one who could scale dogs’ teethwithout anesthetic. The woman onthe phone said ‘sure just bring yourdog in tomorrow morning and askfor Courtney.’ I was skeptical butshowed up there the next morning.I waited out front while Courtneyfinished bathing a dog. She cameout, looked at the teeth and scoopedup my dog, Dori, saying ‘give me two

minutes’.There is a window where one can

look into Courtney’s workspace. Iwatched as Dori sat calmly with aloose loop around her neck whileCourtney scraped off the layersof tarter. I was blown away by herexpertise in both doing the job athand and handling the dog. It didtake longer than two minutes but itwas a severe case.

The results were every bit as goodas what my vet had done severalyears ago. My hat is off to Courtneyand I encourage all dog owners toweigh your options carefully.

Tim WilsonChilliwack

Losing Paramount,losing our heartEditor:

To me a quote such as “to real-ize the full vision of the downtownrequires patience” equals “we arebulldozing an iconic piece of archi-tectural history,” the Paramount.That quote represents the inabilityand desire to reflect the core sensi-bilities, and heart of what Chilliwackis about.

Chilliwack was in the GuinnessBook ofWorld Records for having thehighest amount of churches percapita. There might be a chanceof Chilliwack getting back into thebook for being the only commu-nity that tears down its few historic

buildings disguising its actions aspatience.

Chilliwack is a thriving idyllicfarm community with wide-open,breathtaking landscapes, sur-rounded by a back drop of stunningmountain scenes. Chilliwack oozescountry lifestyle, harmonizing apeace loving, hardworking, artistic,professional, multicultural and chal-lenging population—and only ashort drive fromVancouver.

If you want an impersonal con-crete jungle with tiny spots of colo-nial history or historic sentiments,go to Singapore. However, Chill-iwack’s downtown core does nothave the infastructure to go nearwhat Singapore is. So it will beleft with a mish mash of sterilebuildings spotted with a few heri-tage buildings in jeopardy of beinggone forever.

Forever might mean differentthings to certain people, but the onlydefinition I can understand is “oncethe Paramount is gone, it will nevercome back with even less chances ofChilliwack maintaining any hope ofrescuing its unique innovative coun-try charm.” I really liked one reader’ssuggestion of turning the buildinginto a dinner theatre. But I do nothave the means either to financesuch an endeavour and sadly that iswhat it all boils down to.

Jacqueline de BestChilliwack

It’s not the sign,

it’s the buildingEditor:

So Mayor Gaetz wants to save theParamount sign. “People love thatsign,” she is quoted as saying. “It’s afamiliar landmark to all of us.”

Surely, Madam Mayor, you jest.You go on to say that perhaps atleast “pieces” of the sign “will beincorporated into the new build-ing that still bears the Paramountname.”

For goodness sake it’s not the sign

that the people of Chilliwack want topreserve—it’s the building. Puttinga piece of the old sign onto a newbuilding would be like adding saltto a wound. “It’s nostalgia, and it’sbeautiful.” How patronizing.

You mention that the process ofdowntown revitalization requires“patience: one of the recommen-dations of the Downtown TaskForce”—who are these peopleagain?—“is to assemble pieces ofland in the downtown and makebold moves to take down buildingsthat cannot be remediated.” But justwhat is this “bold new vision” for thecity centre to which you refer? I don’trecall seeing any plans for same.Wehad a plan at one time: to preservethe architecture and ambience ofone of B.C’s first incorporated cit-ies, whose downtown core oncehummed with activity—one onlyhas to look at the archival photosof a vibrant downtown core, whichnow crawls along, a gutted shadowof its former self.

Mayor Gaetz you were quoted assaying that having empty storefrontsand open spaces where buildingsused to be is something that everycommunity goes through.You saythat the land has to be assembledby private owners, that “it’s goingto be beautiful when it’s finished,with greening, and trees and publicspace, all the lovely things that makea neighbourhood.”

How absurd. Buildings, people,familiar shops, preserved facades,densified business and restaurantswith outdoor patios which give aplace atmosphere and activity—thisis what makes a city neighbour-hood.What’s that Coun. Huttema,planter boxes of veggies on the gut-ted theatre site? This is ChilliwacknotVancouver, we just don’t needa downtown veggie garden, we arecovered for veggies thanks. Are yousure you live locally?

With the exception of Jason Lum,I will not be voting for any of you inthe next election.

Gail HampsonChilliwack

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Page 10: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

AChilliwack company hasreceived funding from theprovincial and federal gov-

ernments to help develop biofuelfrom used horse bedding.

GreenScene AgriTek Inc. wasawarded $146,600 under the Can-ada-B.C. Agri-Innovation Programas part of an investment to exploreturning agricultural waste intoquality biofuels, which could createrevenue for farmers, according to ajoint Canada-B.C. press release.

“This investment in new technol-ogy will help B.C. farmers improvetheir competitiveness as well astheir environmental sustainabil-ity,” federal agriculture ministerGerry Ritz said.

GreenScene AgriTek recent-ly built a used horse-beddingreclaiming and recycling plant inLadner. The byproduct created atthe facility is used as animal bed-ding at surrounding farms.

The company aims to expand

the use of this recycling and recla-mation technology to create a bio-fuel. The goal is to develop a modelfor future commercialization thatwill take this waste product andreclaim the wood component toproduce a quality biofuel that canbe used in greenhouse boilers andfor electricity co-generation.

Initially, the target market fortheir biofuel will be greenhouseoperations in the Metro Vancou-ver/Fraser Valley area. These facili-

ties could save significantly ontheir annual heating costs.

The project will support the sus-tainability of the equine sector bychampioning the use of agricultur-al waste as a value-added product.

“Projects like these demonstrateour commitment to the AgrifoodsStrategy by making agriculturemore environmentally sustainableas well as putting more money inthe pockets of B.C. farmers,” saidB.C. Minister of Agriculture Don

McRae.GreenScene was one of two

companies to receive the fund-ing. The other, Diacarbon EnergyInc., received a similar amount fora project to convert agriculturalwastes such as anaerobic digestate,poultry litter and spent mushroomsubstrate into biocoal. Using aninnovative process, they will alsoresearch the use of this biocoalas an industrial fuel and energysource.


Funding will help develop horse bedding biofuel


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Page 11: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

BY TYLER [email protected]

Twenty years is a longtime—long enough formany of the Chilliwack

Giants’ first players to grow upand enroll their own children inthe sport.

And yet, even as Giants MinorFootball prepares to celebrate its20th birthday later this month,two decades seems like a rela-tively short time, given the orga-nization’s impact on Chilliwack.

When Wayne Bjorge, KeithCurrie and Don Wiens helpedlaunch the city’s first junior ban-tam team in 1992, the programthey created filled a void amongfootball lovers. The responsefrom the community was imme-diate, even if some of the facili-ties were lacking at the time.

In the early days, the teamwould play on Friday nights ona Sardis field. In order to con-tinue playing as the sun dippedbeyond the horizon, the Giantsrented five portable construc-tion lights. As players scrambledaround the field, parents woulderect the lights, and start up thegenerators that powered them.The resulting noise was consid-erable and the light still a littledim—especially when the skies

opened up and the rain fell.Fast forward two decades and

the Giants now have more than300 players and an army of vol-unteers who gather every Satur-day at a beautifully lit artificialfield at Townsend Park.

Bjorge, president of the club,said he knows of no other cityin the province with as manyfootball players given their pop-ulation. He credits a fun-firstatmosphere for the success.

“We try to make it fun foreverybody so more come back,”he said.

The club has also developedits flag football program, whichhe said has led to a substantialincrease in players over the lastseven years.

Bjorge is also proud of theclub’s ability to keep costs downfor parents. The Giants provideall football gear except cleats toplayers. And it charges relativelylow fees—just $150 for a playerstarting out in atom.

The Giants have been ableto keep the costs down, and atthe same time collect $350,000worth of football gear, he says,because of great fundraising andthe support of corporate spon-sors.

“If we didn’t have that type offundraising, our costs would be

triple what we have now and wewouldn’t have near as many kidsplaying,” he said.

As Bjorge looks out overTownsend Park and talks aboutthe growth of the Giants, he alsogave credit to the City of Chilli-wack.

“The city has done very wellmatching that growth by puttingin artificial turf fields.”

As the field issue has resolveditself, the organization has hadto deal with an even more seri-ous topic.

In recent years, football orga-nizations around North Americahave been forced to confront theconsequences of concussions.That has led some to questionthe safety of the sport, and evenits long-term existence.

Bjorge himself notes that atti-tudes have changed substantiallyin the last 20 years. Where once aplayer would just take a coupleplays off after “having his bellrung,” the Giants and their train-ing staff now have a concussionprotocol to ensure that playersaren’t sent back into a game aftersustaining a head injury.

But Bjorge is adamant thatfootball remains a great—andrelatively safe—pastime.

Phone: 604-792-9117 • Email: [email protected] • Fax: 604-792-9300Sports TylerOlsen

Tyler Olsen/TIMES

The Chilliwack Giants are celebrating 20 years of minor football later this month.

Pictured above is co-founder and current league president Wayne Bjorge.

Celebrating 20 yearsCelebrating 20 yearsChilliwack Giants football is always fun first

See GIANTS, Page 12





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Page 12: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

“We have far more kids who get concus-sions away from football than at football,”he said. “Football, for the full contact sportthat it is, you get very few injuries.”

Bjorge wears two provincial champion-ship rings, won by the Giants’ midget team,proudly on his left hand. At the same time,though, he emphasizes the importance oflosing too.

“It’s always great to win, but you have tohave that balance in life,” he said. “As longas the kids have fun and enjoy themselves,that’s what this program’s all about.”

The Giants’ regular season kicked off Mon-day. After a break next weekend, Townsend

Park will host football action every Satur-day (and some Fridays) through until Nov.3. The highlight will come on Sept. 22, whenthe Giants have a day long party planned tocelebrate the organization’s 20th birthday.There will be bands, entertainment for chil-dren and football throughout the day.

The Giants have invited the whole city,and Bjorge hopes former players come outto join in the celebration.

“We’re just hoping everybody comes out,”he said. “We’re about our community andthat’s why it’s all free.”

Day long partyGIANTS, from page 11


‘Vandy’ wears Giants ‘C’BY ELLIOTT PAP

Vancouver Sun

It took a sheepish Van-couver Canucks coachAlain Vigneault about

three years before he couldtell twins Daniel and HenrikSedin apart.Vancouver Giantscoach Don Hay has a similardilemma with his new cap-tain Wes Vannieuwenhuizen,who hails from Chilliwack.

Hay has trouble pronounc-ing Vannieuwenhuizen’stongue-twister of a last name,even though the hard-rockdefenceman is in his thirdseason with the WesternHockey League club.

“I just call himWes orVandy,”a chuckling Hay said last weekat Giants training camp in Lad-ner.“That’s easiest for me.”

V a n n i e u w e n h u i z e nexplained that the familyname, which literally means“from the new house” inDutch, was originally twowords.

“I’m pretty sure the normalspelling is ‘van’ with a lowercase ‘v’ and then ‘Nieuwen-huizen’ with an upper case ‘N’and a space in between,” hesaid. “But my family spells itas one word to keep it simple.That’s the way it is on both mypassport and my birth certifi-cate.”

Whatever the spelling, Van-nieuwenhuizen has battledhis way into Hay’s heart. He’s6-2 and 215 pounds andtougher than a night in jail. Hefought 19 times in his rookieWHL campaign and another19 times last year. It’s not hisskill package — think AndrewAlberts of the Canucks— but rather his work ethicand team-first attitude thatprompted Hay to appointhim captain.

“We drafted Wes as a 15-year-old so he’s been to ourtraining camps and he knows

the Giant way,” Hay said. “Ithink he’s a quality youngman and a real warrior. Hewas a surprise when he madethe team as an 18-year-oldand he just kept on surpris-ing everybody. He kept onshowing his leadership skills.He wouldn’t cheat on any-thing. He wouldn’t cheat ondrills and he wouldn’t cheaton his off-ice workouts. Sohe’s a really good example foryounger guys to follow.”

Vannieuwenhuizen under-stands he has been handed

significant responsibility. TheGiants are considered a mar-quee franchise in the WHLand there are standards to beupheld.

“To be the leader of thisorganization is really some-thing else and I’m proud ofthat,” said Vannieuwenhui-zen. “I’ve been an assistantcaptain here for a year and ahalf so I know what it’s about.We learn a lot about leader-ship and stuff like that aroundhere and it’s more than justhockey.”

Steve Bosch/PNG

Vancouver Giants Wes Vannieuwenhuizen, a Chilliwack native,has been named the club’s captain for this year.


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Page 14: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

Car clubbers wantedThe Chilliwack Chapter of theVintage Car Club of Canadameets the first Tuesday ofeachmonth (Sept. 4) at7:30 p.m. at the AtchelitzThreshermen’s building onLuckakuckWay. Newcomerswelcome. For details call Barbor Ross at 604-824-1807.

Friends of the LibraryThe Friends of the Chilli-wack Library meet the firstWednesday of every month(Sept. 5) from 2 to 3 p.m. Newfriends are always welcome.

Fun friendsIs your child struggling withanxiety? Joy Health andReserach Centre hosts a play-based program that helpschildren aged five to sevenbuild resilience, develop con-fidence andmanage anxiety.The program starts Sept. 10at 7 p.m. andmeets in themeeting room at PromontoryHeights elementary commu-nity school. Register by Sept.5 by contacting Joy at 604-791-7792 or [email protected].

Woodworkers meetThe Fraser ValleyWoodwork-ers Guild meets at RobertBateman secondary school’swood shop, 35045 ExburyAve., Abbotsford, from 6:30to 9 p.m. on the firstWednes-

day (Sept. 5) of eachmonth.The group shares projects,information and enthusiasmand learns from specialists.All are welcome. For moreinformation visit

Orchestra musicians neededThe Chilliwack MetropolitanOrchestra andYouth Orches-tra is looking for newmem-bers. Serious musician areneeded whomust be able tocommit to practice. PracticesrunWednesday evening forthe CMO and SaturdayMorn-ings for the CMYO. For CMOinformation email [email protected]. For CMYO infocontact [email protected].

Camp River socialThe Camp River CommunityHall Society sponsors a cornand chili social Sept. 5 at 6p.m. at the Camp River Com-munity Hall, 50246 Camp Riv-er Rd. Besides corn and chilithere will also be hot dogs,pie, coffee and juice. Admis-sion is $7. Children under six

free. Everyone welcome. Formore information call 604-794-7177.

Prostate cancer group meetsChilliwack’s Prostate CancerInformation and AwarenessGroupwill hold their regularmonthly meeting Sept. 6 at7:30 p.m. at theMt. CheamLion’s Hall at 45580 SpadinaAve. Dr. Ron Laye, a clini-cal psychologist, will speakabout the stress related tocancer diagnoses and aboutrelationship issues. There willalso be an opportunity to dis-cuss any prostate issues andto visit with PC survivors afterthe presentation. Everyoneis welcome. Call Dale Eriksonat 604-824-5506 or SeanAuguste at 604-858-7706.

Peer counsellors neededVolunteers are urgentlyneeded to visit lonely andisolated senior citizens in theChilliwack area. ChilliwackSenior Peer Counsellors willbe starting its 16-sessiontraining course Sept. 11 at

9:30 a.m. in the board roomat 45938Wellington Ave. Thecourse is free but the book is$10. Call 604-793-7204.

SchuetzenfestThe Chilliwack GermanCanadian Club on 45910Alexander Ave. hosts thisyear’s Schuetzenfest Sept. 8at 6:30 p.m. (doors open at5:30 p.m.). Pre-sold tickets($20 for members, $25 fornon-members) include thetraditional Schlachteplatteand are available at Val-lee Sausage on AlexanderAvenue. “Dance-only”ticketsare also available at the doorfor $14. Call Gerhard for tablereservations at 604-858-3021.Music by the Rheinlaender.Call Hans at 604-857-5000 orUta 604-798-7315.

End-of-life careThe Chilliwack Hospice Soci-ety hosts Your Choice, YourLife: Having ConversationsAbout End-of-LifeWishesSept. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 12p.m. at the Chilliwack Cul-tural Centre. Tickets availableat the cultural centre boxoffice. Lawyer Ed Kaye, pallia-tive-care physician Ron Bull,and Fraser Health advancecare planning co-ordinatorCari Hoffmanwill speak. Theevent is the first in a four-partseries about life, love, lossand death.

Community eventsTo include your event, contact Tyler Olsen at [email protected]. Put your event on our digitalcalendar by visiting



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Page 16: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

1250 Hotel Restaurant1250

ANNOUNCEMENTSAll advertising published in this newspaper isaccepted on the premise that the merchandiseand services offered are accurately describedand willingly sold to buyers at the advertisedprices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions.Advertising that does not conform to thesestandards or that is deceptive or misleading,is never knowingly accepted. If any readerencounters non-compliance with these standardswe ask that you inform the Publisher of thisnewspaper and The Advertising StandardsCouncil of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: Thepublishers do not guarantee the insertion ofa particular advertisement on a specified date,or at all, although every effort will be made tomeet the wishes of the advertisers. Further, thepublishers do not accept liability for any lossor damage caused by an error or inaccuracy inthe printing of an advertisement beyond theamount paid for the space actually occupied bythe portion of the advertisement in which theerror occurred. Any corrections or changes will bemade in the next available issue. The ChilliwackTimes will be responsible for only one incorrectinsertion with liability limited to that portion ofthe advertisement affected by the error. Requestfor adjustments or corrections on charges mustbe made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration.For best results please check your ad foraccuracy the first day it appears. Refundsmade only after 7 business days notice!

OTIS - Michael JosephMikey Born July 15, 1948 in Hull,Quebec, one of 10 children.Mikey passed away at the youngage of 64 on August 21st at theCardiac Surgery Intensive CareUnit at Royal Columbian. Evenwith Mikes challenging life heblessed all of us with hiswonderful sense of Optimism, hishumour, his kindness and hisloyalty of true friendship. We willmiss his everyday contagioussmiling face his huge heart andhis gifts of many that he gave soeffortlessly. Mikey was a brilliantguitarist, loved kids, and was thebest friend a person was blessedto have. Memorial service to beheld at the Chilliwack Unitedchurch on Sept 7th at 11am.

1170 Obituaries1170MOL, MaryAnn(nee Skirzyk)

Oct. 22, 1952 - Aug. 24, 2012M a r y A n n p a s s e d a w a ypeacefully with her devotedhusband of 42 years, Thor, byher side. She is survived by herdaughters Tracy and Brandie,grandsons PJ and Steven, andgreat-grandson Michael. Alsoby her mother Olga, sisterGloria, brothers Brian andButch and countless nieces,nephews and extended familymembers. MaryAnn had battledseveral health issues butthrough them all she broughtsmiles and laughter to thosearound her. The fami lygreatfully declines flowers ordonations in kind. Yourpresence at a Celebration ofLife for MaryAnn is gift enough.It will be held on Sunday,September 9, 2012.There willbe a short service at the CultusLake Memorial Church (74 FirStreet) at 1:00 pm with areception to follow at the CultusLake Community Hall (4220Columbia Valley Highway).MaryAnn believed in GuardianAngels and we now believe sheis one of them watching overus.

1170 Obituaries1170

Margit passed away on Monday, August27,2012 at Valley Haven Guest Home inChilliwack at the age of 84 years.She was born on December 1, 1927 in Pecz,Hungary and then moved to the Netherlandsas a young child. She loved to read, listento music, and watch the old classic movies.Margaret was fluent in Hungarian andGerman and taught herself English prior toimmigrating to Canada in 1968.Margaret is survived by her children, John,Rita, Tony, Marge, Susan, Joan, Burt and Gary.She will also be missed by her extended family members and numerousgrandchildren and great-grandchildren.She was predeceased by her first husband Hubert Smeets and her secondhusband Herman Tibben, her parents and two brothers and one sister.A visitation for family and friends will be held on,Sunday,September 9th,from 7:00PM- 9:00pm at Henderson’s Funeral Home in Chilliwack.A funeral mass will be held at 10:00 AM on Monday, September 10,at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Chilliwack. Cremation willfollow the service with an interment of cremated remains to held be ata later date at St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery.Donations to the SPCA in Margaret’s name would be greatlyappreciated.The family would like to express their heartfelt thank to Dr. Jan Kroeze andthe wonderful caregivers on the 2nd floor at Valley Haven Guest Home.Online condolences may be left at www.hendersonsfunerals.comHenderson’s Funeral Home & Crematorium entrustedwith the funeral arrangements. 604-792-1344.

Tibben, Margit (Margaret) 1031 Coming Events1031Centennial Senior Secondary

Class of 197240 YEAR REUNION

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1085 Lost & Found1085FOUND ON Young Rd in front ofPawn Shop I.D. including driverslicense, etc. Ph. 604-791-1997

1122 Birthday Greetings1122

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Your Boys,love You, Always.

1240 GeneralEmployment1240


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Greek Islands IIChilliwack

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1250 Hotel Restaurant1250J Beethovens Pizza

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1266 Medical/Dental1266P T D e n t a l T e c h n i c i a nAssistant/Receptionist requiredin Abbotsford. Dental background& Punjabi an asset. Email resumeto: [email protected]

1310 Trades/Technical1310ALBERTA BASED COMPANYl o o k i n g f o r q u a l i f i e d &e x p e r i e n c e d : E q u i p m e n tOperators, Mulcher, FellerBuncher & Processor Operators.Out of town & camp work. Safetyt ickets & drivers abstractr e q u i r e d . E m a i l r e s u m e :[email protected] 780-488-3002.

AWESOME OPPORTUNITYfor a Parts and Accessory SalesPerson. We’re looking for anindividual that has operating andmechanical experience withmotorcycles and ATVs, computerskills, and an ability to work withthe public. Located in the FraserValley. Email resume to:

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CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANSWANTED for growing northerncompany. Competitive wages andbenefits. Safety tickets needed.Fax 250-775-6227 or email:

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1310 Trades/Technical1310CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTSNEEDED for growing northerncompany. Competitive wages andb e n e f i t s . S a f e t y t i c k e t snecessary. Fax resume to2 5 0 - 7 7 5 - 6 2 2 7 o r e m a i l :

[email protected]

1240 General Employment1240


FACEBOOK PAGE: Stream Careers, Chilliwack

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Page 17: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, columnand box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues alreadyprovided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


ACROSS1. Lion sound5. Pictural tapestry10. Many not ands13. Largest known toad species14. Truth15. Places an object17. Small mountain lake18. Scomberesocidae fish19. A N.E. Spanish river20. Selleck TV series22. Strong, coarse fabric23. Nestling hawk24. Macaws26. Decorate with frosting

27. The bill in a restaurant30. Sea patrol (abbr.)31. Used of posture33. Basics34. Having no fixed course38. Radioactivity units40. Star Wars’ Solo41. Water filled volcanic crater45. Initialism49. A shag rug made in Sweden50. Yemen capital52. Atomic #7954. CNN’s Turner55. A priest’s linen vestment

56. Returned materialauthorization (abbr.)58. Blood clam genus60. Raging & uncontrollable62. Actress Margulies66. Burrowing marine mollusk67. Port in SE S. Korea68. Swiss river70. Mix of soul and calypso71. Area for fencing bouts72. Canned meat73. Myriameter74. Long ear rabbits75. Requests

1. Tell on2. Medieval alphabet3. Surrounding radiant light4. Open land where livestockgraze5. Quench6. Strays7. Chickens’ cold8. Heart chamber9. Timid10. Oil cartel11. Statute heading12. Severely correct16. An amount not specified21. It never sleeps

22. Indian frock25. Soak flax27. Mariner28. Arabian outer garment29. Binary coded decimal32. European Common Market35. 17th Greek letter36. Norse sea goddess37. All without specification39. Diego or Francisco42. Products of creativity43. Yes vote44. Radioactivity unit46. Credit, post or greeting47. Computer memory

48. Land or sea troops50. A way to travel on skis51. Tenure of abbot53. Fiddler crabs55. Rainbow shapes57. Bird genus of Platalea58. Having winglikeextensions59. Squash bug genus61. Islamic leader63. Former Soviet Union64. Small sleeps65. Iranian carpet city67. Auto speed measurement69. Ambulance providers



Sept. 4/12

1A5?% @?#' 9#'A;5?% @?#' 9#'A

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1410 Education1410

EDUCATION1403 Career Services/

Job Search1403COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPINGCertificate Program. GPRCFairview Campus, Alberta.Extensive study of beekeeping,queen rearing, & honey business.Paid work experience. Affordableon-campus residences.

Starts January 7, 201-780-835-6630

KNOW SOMEONE with a WCBclaim? Retraining for a high-paidcareer with Canada’s best heavyequipment operator school, jobplacement assistance, $70K+ pery e a r . L i m i t e d s e a t i n g ,government licensed. Talk to yourWCB worker about funding then


LEARN FROM HOME. EARNF R O M H O M E . M e d i c a lTranscriptionists are in demand.Lots of jobs! Enrol today for lesst h a n $ 9 5 a m o n t h .

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Why bother with the time & hassle of a garage sale?

eS lZ^ rqUZr nqnlkq]ij S`Sk^ iOpS ^qa TqnZiSY

donateZnT WS QkSSY

dcfcg uaUsZsaUs eZ^RPOrrO_ZUs b o\gdm Xd[Ng\\[tqnY N hZiY VZp N VlphanY fgZp N \lp

GARAGE SALESGarrison Crossing


Sat. Sept 8th8am-noon

#23 - 45550 ShawniganCresent.

Household miscellaneous,dressers, desks, wood bed

frames and more.

2020 Auctions2020


“Let us help you.”Call us to discuss:Consignments, Estates,

LiquidationsWe Welcome QualityAntique Consignments.We will Buy Sell & Trade

Contact Brenda604-795-4006

2035 Burial Plots2035OCEAN VIEW Cemetery PlotBurial plot in Calvary 6 section

of Ocean View Cemetery.Plot will hold 1 casket plus

1 urn or 2 urns. $9800.Call: (604) 557-0506

2035 Burial Plots20352 SXS Burial Plots in ValleyView Memorial Gardens, Gardenof Last Supper area. Priceincludes plot, vault, and openingand closing for each site. Asking$7000 each. Call: (778) 574-0717 email: [email protected]

VALLEY VIEW MemorialGardens Burial Plots

2 SxS burial plots in Valley ViewMemorial Gardens, Garden ofFour Prophets. Each plot can be1 burial and 1 urn or 2 urns.Currently selling at Valley Viewfor $6500 + HST each. Asking$5500 each. Call: 250-769-3895email: [email protected]

2055 Food Products2055


Persian & Mediterranean Foods22351 Selkirk Avenue,

Maple Ridge, (604) 477-2070

2060 For Sale -Miscellaneous2060

ALL-SEASON CAR tires 13’’ onrims, slightly used, all 4 $150604-997-2416

CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIRlike new, complete soft top forTracker excl cond. 604-858-3581

COMPOST FOR SALEComposted cow manure.

Great for gardens. $5 per yardCall: (604)-854-0669Call: (604) 798-3498

5X9 Snooker/Pool table inc allaccessories Beautiful Red

Mahogany 5x9 Snooker Table$1200. must sell! (604) 943-9642

email: [email protected]



Abbotsford Campus:Abbotsford Campus:





CPA Certified/Payroll Practitioner Certificate

2105 MusicalInstruments2105

BUESCHER SOPRANO $2500;Super King 20 Alto $2500; ConnBaritone $1500; Alto Bueschersilver origion $750. 604-534-2997

2135 Wanted to Buy2135STAMPS wanted Collector

looking to buy stamp [email protected]

2135 Wanted to Buy2135CALLING ALL QUILTERS

We’re looking for quality fabric inexcellent condition. Want toclean out some of your stash?email: [email protected]

2135 Wanted to Buy2135MILITARY Medals &Collectibles Bought especiallycollections of Canadian & BritishCommonwealth medals, orders,badges, swords, etc. $250,000+available for immediatesettlement. Research &Appraisal Service. Collectingsince 1975. Member MCC of C,OMRS. Call 604 727-0137

2060 For Sale -Miscellaneous2060

DODGE CARAVAN radiator for a93 - 95, 2.5L 4cyl or 93 - 95, 3.3V6 $90 604-792-9848

GAS TANKS 83 - 85 S10 $65,80 - 83 Bronco - FS $65, 82 - 86Chev LWB $65 604-792-9848

LOVESEATS FLORAL $350/prSM deep freeze $100, Oak bdrmset $200 evenings 604-824-6286

MATES BED w headboard & matt$200 Mates bed w matt $125 bothex cond 604-997-2416


Call us to discuss:Consignments, Estates,

LiquidationsWe Welcome Quality

Antique Consignments.We will Buy Sell & Trade

Contact Brenda604-795-4006

SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 -MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEYwith your own bandmill - Cutlumber any dimension. In stockready to ship. FREE Info & 1-800-566-6899 Ex-t:400OT.

STEEL STORAGE Hoppers (11)2 cubic yards each. Top/Bottomlids, $30 each. Call 604-313-7111

WINDOW A/C with remote worksgd $30, bread machine $24,Bionar Humidifier $28. 604-795-4277

2075 Furniture2075

45’’ ROUND glass tablewith 4 chairs $200.Call 604-858-7553

MOVING - Excellent Furniturein Great Condition Solid 48"Oak Dining Table, leaf + 4 chairs$425; Almost new 8’ cotton sofa$275; Queen Solid Pine 4-posterbed $200; Solid Oak MediaCentre $25; New bone low-flotoilet - not used $50; DoubleMaple Bed $25; 18 SpdMountain Bike $40 email:[email protected]

MAPLE TABLE $350, fourchairs $235; Garden Harvestdishes, 64 pcs $175.

Call: (604) 307-0404KING SIZE mattress & box springas new $275. Queen also avail604-794-9817, 604-791-9147

GORGEOUSBuffet and Hutch: $1450.

Gorgeous all wood Buffet andHutch, 85" high, 73" wide.Classic style: will work with anyfurniture you already [email protected]

QUEEN SIZE Mattress SetBrand New. Original Plastic.

Never Used.Must sell $200

Call: (604) 790-0021

2100 Tools &Equipment2100

10' drill press $100, 12' Ridgidcop saw w/stand $100, portercable biscuit joiner $125, quickgrip clamps $50, craftsmen router& bits $45, Stanley mobile work-stain $60, wood working stand$25, 8' Dado blade set $75, 6.5'skill ciruclar saw $20. 16ft extladder $40, obo, 604-847-3370


To advertisecall


Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, columnand box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues alreadyprovided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


ACROSS1. Lion sound5. Pictural tapestry10. Many not ands13. Largest known toad species14. Truth15. Places an object17. Small mountain lake18. Scomberesocidae fish19. A N.E. Spanish river20. Selleck TV series22. Strong, coarse fabric23. Nestling hawk24. Macaws26. Decorate with frosting

27. The bill in a restaurant30. Sea patrol (abbr.)31. Used of posture33. Basics34. Having no fixed course38. Radioactivity units40. Star Wars’ Solo41. Water filled volcanic crater45. Initialism49. A shag rug made in Sweden50. Yemen capital52. Atomic #7954. CNN’s Turner55. A priest’s linen vestment

56. Returned materialauthorization (abbr.)58. Blood clam genus60. Raging & uncontrollable62. Actress Margulies66. Burrowing marine mollusk67. Port in SE S. Korea68. Swiss river70. Mix of soul and calypso71. Area for fencing bouts72. Canned meat73. Myriameter74. Long ear rabbits75. Requests

1. Tell on2. Medieval alphabet3. Surrounding radiant light4. Open land where livestockgraze5. Quench6. Strays7. Chickens’ cold8. Heart chamber9. Timid10. Oil cartel11. Statute heading12. Severely correct16. An amount not specified21. It never sleeps

22. Indian frock25. Soak flax27. Mariner28. Arabian outer garment29. Binary coded decimal32. European Common Market35. 17th Greek letter36. Norse sea goddess37. All without specification39. Diego or Francisco42. Products of creativity43. Yes vote44. Radioactivity unit46. Credit, post or greeting47. Computer memory

48. Land or sea troops50. A way to travel on skis51. Tenure of abbot53. Fiddler crabs55. Rainbow shapes57. Bird genus of Platalea58. Having winglikeextensions59. Squash bug genus61. Islamic leader63. Former Soviet Union64. Small sleeps65. Iranian carpet city67. Auto speed measurement69. Ambulance providers



Sept. 4/12

@place ads online

Dreaming ofa career in


Find it in thecalssifieds!

Page 18: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012


Location: 7426 Shaw Avenue

Owner: Four Bee’s Investments Ltd.

Purpose: To re-designate the subject property, from RM (Medium DensityTo re-designate the subject property, from RM (Medium DensityResidential) to CG (General Commercial), to facilitate the rezoning of theproperty.

2. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2012, No. 3874 (RZ000769)

Location: 7426 Shaw Avenue

Owner: Four Bee’s Investments Ltd.

Purpose: To rezone the subject property, from an R1-A (One Family Residential)To rezone the subject property, from an R1-A (One Family Residential)Zone to a CS-1 (Service Commercial) Zone, to allow the property to beintegrated into the existing Canex Masonry development for a storageyard use.


Location: 8289 Lickman Road

Owner: Columbia National Investments Ltd.

Purpose: To redesignate the subject property, from IG (General industrial) to CDATo redesignate the subject property, from IG (General industrial) to CDA(Comprehensive Development Area) Zone.

4. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2012, No. 3876 (RZ000746)

Purpose: A proposed text amendment to create a new CD-23 (ComprehensiveA proposed text amendment to create a new CD-23 (ComprehensiveDevelopment-23) Zone, to facilitate One-Family Residential, Two-FamilyResidential and Multi-Family Residential development.

5. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2012, No. 3877 (RZ000746)

Location: 8175, 8289, 8295 and 43455 Lickman Road

Owner: Columbia National Investments Ltd.

Purpose: To rezone the subject properties located at 8175, 8295 and 43455To rezone the subject properties located at 8175, 8295 and 43455Lickman Road from an HR (Hillside Residential) Zone to a CD-23(Comprehensive Development-23) Zone and 8289 Lickman Roadfrom a CD-12 (Comprehensive Development -12) Zone to a CD-23(Comprehensive Development-23) Zone, to facilitate One-FamilyResidential, Two-Family Residential and Multi-Family Residentialdevelopment.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.Council Chambers

8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P

Due to notification requirements not being met, the Public Hearing meeting for the belownoted addresses has been cancelled and will be re-scheduled.

Karla D. Graham, CMCCity Clerk

3010-03 Music/DanceInstruction3010-03

Age Appropriategroups designedfor preschool to3rd grade.

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3507 Cats3507

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4020 Health Products& Services4020

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TRUE ADVICE! TRUE Clarity!TRUE PSYCHICS!1-877-342-3032 or

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4515 Camping4515THOUSAND TRAILS PlatinumMembership, all USA + CultusLake; $3000. HOLIDAY TRAILSMembership (Canada only);$2000. obo. 604-882-1246

4530 TravelDestinations4530

GREAT FALL SPECIAL3br - 1700ft - Perfect Getaway inthe Valley of Sun! (Phoenix, AZ)Accommodations: House,3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths (Sleeps 6)Located in the wonderful GardenLakes community of 2000 homes,located in a spectacular setting 12miles west of Downtown withgreat access to interstate 10 andhighway 101. Great location closeto all Major Sporting arenas. NHLCoytoes, Nascar, NFL Cardinals,and MLB Diamondbacks. Not tomention close to lots of golfcourses, shopping and numerousother outdoor activities.TheGarden Lake community boastsgreat walking trails, North Lakeand South Lake. This wonderfulfully furnished 3 bedroom 2bathroom home is located on acorner lot with its own privateoutdoor pool and patio!Great rates this fall from $2500per month! - Perfect for thesnowbird!

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5017 BusinessServices5017

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5035 FinancialServices5035

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Avail in North Vancouver★ with DEALERS LICENSE ★

■ all equipment included■ Ready to operate■ Established business

Serious Inquiries onlyCall OWNER604-612-5536

for further information.


Avail in North Vancouver★ with DEALERS LICENSE ★

■ all equipment included■ Ready to operate■ Established business

Serious Inquiries onlyCall OWNER604-612-5536

for further information.White Rock Tea & Giftshop

$60K + InventoryCall Jeff 604-889-9164 for info

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-02 Abbotsford6008-02

IMMACULATE TOP fl 963sf 2br condo, insuite laundry, +55building, $124,900 604-309-3947see id5565

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-02 Abbotsford6008-02

TOP FLR 762sf 1br condo, in-stelaundry, 45+ building Mt. Bakerview $89,000. 778-822-7387see id5553

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

HIGHGATE RIDGE 1 levelground fl tnhse, 845sf 2br 2baw/lge backyd $420K 604- 376-7652see id5550

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

NR EDMONDS sk/train stn. 788sf2br 2ba condo across from Taylorpk $388,900 604-764-8384 id5571

6008-06 Chilliwack6008-061 BDRM Condo in Chwk, 780sf,55+ bldg, reduced to $85,000.604-219-8485 or 604-583-2510

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-06 Chilliwack6008-06

PROMONTORY MASSIVE 2522sf 3br 2.5 ba 3lvl main fl master br,view $289,900 id5411

Ads continuedon next page

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-06 Chilliwack6008-06

IMMACULATE 984SF 2br condoinsuite laundry, mountain view40+ bldg $95,300 604-703-3839see id5543

LARGE 2200SF 3br 2.5ba reno’d3 lvl tnhse w/unique loft on 3rdfloor, $269,900 604-799-0213see id5578


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Page 19: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

GUILDFORD, 1584SF 3br 3baprivate byard w/hot tub, indoorpool $239,900 604-581-0419see id5558


6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-08 Coquitlam6008-08

$149,000 1 Br corner ground levelsuite with private patio, laminateflrs, crown molding, in desireableAustin Hts. Quiet secure building,nr Blue Mtn park, shopping etc.P r i c e r e d u c e d . M o v i n g .604-619-3444 or 778-233-6046

6008-12 Langley/Aldergrove6008-12

REDUCED TO sell 1536sf 3br2.5ba 1 owner end unit 6 yr oldtownhome $319K 604-833-4246see id5549

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-12 Langley/Aldergrove6008-12

NICOMECKL RIVER hiking trailsnr this1279sf 2br 1.5ba tnhousew/pool, $224,900 778-240-3699see id5512

RENO’D 770SF 2nd fl w/brandnew appliances, insuite laundrypets/kids ok $191K 604-530-6247see id5584

WALNUT GROVE, Langley Newreno’d, 2 BR, 2 bath, 1200sf,Greenbelt, Strata $188mo. 319,000obo. 604-882-1081 / 604-802-5678

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-12 Langley/Aldergrove6008-12

WALNUT GROVE quiet 1311sf3br 1.5ba w/private back yard$297,800 778-565-5082 id5539

6008-14 Maple Ridge/Pitt Mead.6008-14

IMMACULATE 2446SF 4br 4bat/h. Incredible view, huge masterbr $419,900, 604-466-3175 id5226

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-18 NewWestminster6008-18

OWNER SELLING Newly Reno1236sf. 2BR & den, 2 baths,7appls, pets ok, NWest concretehi-rise. (#806 The Woodward)Direct secure access to RoyalCity Ctr Mall. $429,900 obo778-238-1056, 604-271-0777

TOP FLOOR quiet side of bldg650sf 1br+den condo nr Hosp,& Sky train $259K 778-241-4101see id5580

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-22 NorthVancouver6008-22

LONSDALE & 4th, 180° ViewsSouthwest corner condo,impeccable apt, updated qualityconcrete bldg. Modern comfort,a l l a m e n s , $ 3 6 7 K o b o ,604-980-3186

3BDRM/2.5BTH #46 - 728West 14th St, North VanRooftop patio with fabulousmountain views to the Northand city/water views to theSouth. Only 4 years old,Ceasarstone in kitchen &bath, S/S appliances, 2 prkgstalls. V951636. $565,000Call: (604) 377-9906

6008-26 Port Moody6008-26

INLET & Mtn views, reno’d 928sf2 br condo, insuite laundry rentalsok $228,500 604-936-7547 id4642

6008-28 Richmond6008-28

STEVESTON VERY large 1284sf 2br 2ba top fl condo amazingmtn views, $455K 604-618-8362see id5376

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

$10K BELOW assessment, 2br+Den or 3br, 2ba 1083sf condo,Nr SFU $339,900 604-866-7326see id5557

CLOVERDALE UPDATED 696sf1br condo, private yard insuitelaundry $99,500 604-341-9257see id5500


NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 892 of the Local Government Act, the Fraser Valley Regional Districtwill conduct a Public Hearing with respect to:

Fraser Valley Regional DistrictOfficial Community Plan for Electoral Area “E”, Bylaw No. 1115, 2011

[hereinafter referred to as Bylaw 1115]

The Public Hearing will be conducted on:

Wednesday September 12, 2012, 7:00 PMFraser Valley Regional District Offices - 4th Floor

45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BCThe purpose of the bylaw is to adopt a new official community plan (OCP) for FVRD Electoral Area “E”. The OCP isa broad statement of objectives and policies which guide planning and land use management decisions. The OCPcontains policies and map designations respecting various land uses, the environment, services, public facilities,parks, hazards, resources, water and other matters. Bylaw 1115 would also establish development permit areasfor the protection of development from hazardous conditions, the protection of the environment, and the form andcharacter of resort development. The area subject to Bylaw 1115 is Electoral Area “E” of the Fraser Valley RegionalDistrict which includes Chilliwack River Valley, Columbia Valley, Cultus Lake and surrounding areas as outlined witha thick black line on the map below.

The public hearing on Bylaw 1115 is to be held by a delegate of the Board. A copy of the Board resolution making thedelegation, copies of Bylaw 1115 and a variety of related materials are available for public inspection until September12, 2012 at the Fraser Valley Regional District, 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Monday to Friday) and also online at For further information, please contact the FVRDPlanning Department at 604-702-5000, toll free 1-800-528-0061, or by email at [email protected].

At this public hearing, all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw willbe afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the Bylawwhich is the subject of the hearing.

Written submission may also be submitted to Fraser Valley Regional District prior to the hearing. They must bereceived no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the hearing. All written submissions will be entered into the publichearing record.

Dated this 29th Day of August, 2012.George MurrayChief Administrative Officer 13




GUILDFORD 650SF 1br 3rd flcondo, pool, exercise rm, partyrm etc, $213,900 778-834-8224see id5576

GUILDFORD QUIET 905sf topfl 2br condo, recent flooringpaint etc $186,900 604-496-3397see id5593

NEWTON 723SF 1br groundlevel w/private entry, insuitelaundry $139,900 604-984-8891see id5546

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

NEWTON HUGE 2017sf 3 or 4br 2.5ba tnhouse w/double sxsgarage $393,000 778-218-0389see id5320

SENIOR’S ALERT 1200sf 2br2ba upper level tnhousew/chairlift $219K 604-951-7738see id5547

6008-32 Tsawwas.6008-32

BLOWOUT PRICE like Venicelagoon lvl 935sf 2br 2ba insuitelaundry $299,999 604-948-6805see id5567

6008-34 VancouverEast Side6008-34

MOVING INTO VANCOUVER?104-2600 E 49th Ave. $312,500.2 BR, 845 sf Great loc, nr bus/shops Pat Ginn, Sutton Call forfurther details 604-220-9188 oremai l [email protected] HOUSE Sun Sept 2nd2pm-4pm

6008-40 W.End/Down/Yaletown6008-40

FORECLOSURE SALEDistress sale. Receive free listw/Pics $2 Mill and up.

6008-42 S. Surrey/White Rock6008-42

EXECUTIVE LIVING gated1864sf 4bedroom 2.5bath, mainfloor master bedroom, 19+ adultcomplex $568,900 604-575-7636see id5552

HUGE 2650SF 4br 3.5ba 2 yr old3 level tnhse, double sxs garagerec room $649,500 604-560-4109see id5555

PARTIAL OCEAN view, 920sf2br+den 2ba quiet condo, kids,pets ok. $310,000 778-294-2275see id5575

PARTIAL OCEAN view, large1270 sf. 2 br + den 2 ba in a +45building $295,000. 778-809-0769see id5574

6015 For Sale byOwner6015


2400 sq.ft. 5 bed, 2.5 bath, suite. Private back yard.$390,000 obo. (250) 702-3415

6015 For Sale byOwner6015

LANGLEY [WILLOUGHBY]Now $577,000! neg. Open plan,granite, ss appl. vaulted ceil. 3bdrm, 3 bath det. 604-721-4414

MLS Listing #: X2381132

2BDRM/2BTH, $274,90038 19797-64 Ave, LANGLEY

Superb location updated upperend unit townhome w/vinyl-

plank flr, bths, appls, paint, newroof. 2 sundecks, s/s+intrcm,

garage. 604-533-6652

Lower Lonsdale, Spacious BR,S.West corner, 180° Views,modern, comfort, 4blks toSeabus, updated concrete bldg.$367K, obo Info 604-980-3186

VIEWS! 3BD/2.5BTH Top WVancover Location, Lifestyle,Kitchen, Cherrywood Floor, LikeNew, Just Gorgeous $1,599,000.Interlink Realty (778) 882-8381

REAL DEPARTURE Bay-Nosteep stairs on cliff front. Just 2blks to sandy, usable beach. 8min to ferry, shopping closer.2,600 sq ft, 2 bdrm suite, activeviews, 3 full baths, sep. laundries.Oversize corner lot w/ access toRV pad behind house. $439,000.Drive by 2895 Fairbanks (cnr BayS t . ) N a n a i m o . V i e w b yappointment. 250-585-1111,250-729-7420

2BDRM/2BTH#308-10186-155 Street

Move in ready! Designer colors,custom bar. Near transit, mall,park. $216,000 (604) 808-6847

[email protected]

GREAT Family Home.South facing 3861 sq ft customhome on a 6028 sq ft lot inFleetwood/Tynehead, Surrey.One owner, built in 2001. 6bedrooms, study, 3 1/2bathrooms, maple kitchen.Master bedroom has a largewalk-in closet, soaker tub, andmountain views. Nice neutralcolours, bright and lightthroughout. Sweeping, doublesided staircase. Basement suitehas 2 bedrooms, dishwasher,maple kitchen, laundry, separateentry and a large games/mediaroom, or possible 3rd bedroom.Landscaped garden, largeprivate back yard, covered patio,hot tub, cedar deck. Primaryschool is a 5 minute walk, SurreySports & Leisure Centre is a 2min drive. $699,800

Call 778-227-6253

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Build Results

Page 20: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

CHILLIWACK BUILD 5000sfHome, 10,742sf serviced flatbldg lot $279K 604-798-5050see id5536


CUL-DE-SAC IN CLOVERDALEExcellent location in desirable

neighborhood. Close to schools,transportation and shopping.Bright open plan. $552,000.

Call: (604) 575-4686

THOM CREEK Ranch - House forSale By Owner. In Chilliwack’spremier retirement complex. 2090sq ft finished plus 294 unfinishedready to model. In the top row withsuperb, unspoilable views of theCity, mountains and way beyond.Excellent Clubhouse. Friendlyneighbours $419,900 negotiable.No HST. 604-824-1892

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01

★ 10 BEST BUYS ★

Free list with picturesof 10 Best Buys in

your specificprice range

& desired location.10BestBuysinTown.comCentury21 Coastal Rlty • 604-582-1111

★ 10 BEST BUYS ★

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(265K - $930K)FindMustSellHomes.comCentury21 Coastal Rlty • 604-582-1111


• Fixer Uppers• Distress Sales

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6020-02 Abbotsford6020-02


Price Reduced ★$419,000★

4 level split, 3 BR., 2 ½ baths,double att. garage, large dble. lotfully landscaped with large work/garden shed. Updated throughoutincl. oak floor and pot lights in thekitchen, new en suite, newwindow coverings, new paintinside and out, new roof andcompleted basement with wet barplus intercom/radio system upand down. Great for medium tolarge family – lots of room toinstall pool or play area in thebackyard. Good neighbors whohave lived on this street for years– well looked after properties.$419,000 (this price includes allappliances) and some furnituren e g o t i a b l e . P l e a s e v i s i and key in#5458 to view the property.

Call for appointment to view604-855-7033 or 604-807-8441.For sale by owner. No realtors

EAST, STUNNING Mt Baker view2850 sf 5br 3ba bungalow, mn flrMaster, $454,900 250-656-0549see id5456

6020-06 Chilliwack6020-06

BELOW ASSESSMENT 1280sf3br 1.5ba ½ duplex, large 4480sf lot $232,900 604-792-9287see id5511

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-06 Chilliwack6020-06

CHILLIWACK LK 1250sf rancherw/guest cabin, .5 ac lot, 2km tolake, pool $360K 604-824-5687see id5561

CULTUS LK gardener’s dream1160 sf 2 br 1.5 ba rancher, a/c50+ complex $68K 604-858-9301see id5400

OWN THE land, 1092sf 2brrancher style mobile home, kidsOK, $179,900 604-824-7803see id5541

WOODBINE ST, CHILLIWACK45+ Rancher in Quiet GatedCommunity, 2 BR, 2 f/bath, allappls, 1200sf, dble garage,maintenance free yard, strata fee$136mo. Free Hold Land. MustSell $229,900. Mint Condition!Move in Ready. 1 604 625-3498.

[email protected]

6020-08 Coquitlam6020-08

OFFERED AT assessed value1000sf 3br 2ba home on huge10,000sf lot $414K 778-859-0717see id4272

RANCH PARK 3136sf 7br 3.5bafabulous vu, below assessmenton CDS $699K 604-498-2616 id5595

6020-14 Langley/Aldergrove6020-14

ALDERGROVE SXS DUPLEX65K below assessment. $3K/morent income $535K 604-807-6565see id3428

6020-26 NorthVancouver6020-26

2490 CALEDONIA, North VanOPEN Sat 1-4pm, Sun 1-3:30pm

or by appointment.One of the Best Views in Deep

Cove - $1,390,000Beautiful 3 bedroom cedar homewith stunning, pristine 240 degreeviews over Deep Cove and 2marinas. 3 floors on rare,landscaped 10,000 sq ft lot withstream. 350 sq ft deck. $2,100mth luxury suite to help pay themortgage. Steps to the forest trail,Deep Cove and just 20 mins toDowntown. Lovingly renovated

www.deepcovehome.comCall Deanna 778-829-6993

6020-34 Surrey6020-34

BOLIVAR HTS beautifully up-dated 1600sf 3br rancher, 7830sf view lot $399K 778-394-0228see id5562

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-34 Surrey6020-34

CEDAR HILLS 2140sf 5br 2baw/bsmt suite, huge 7200sf lot,updates, $549K 778-320-7506see id5568

CHIMNEY HTS 3600sf 7br+den6ba w/2 suites quiet cul-de-sac4600sf lot $669K 604-866-3515see id5597

CHIMNEY HTS like new 4100sf8br 6ba w/main floor bedroom,2 suites, $659K 604-441-9652see id5563

CLAYTON IMMACULATE 3523sf 5br 3.5ba w/bsmt suite acrossfrom park $648K 604-575-7636see id5551

CLOVERDALE 3765SF 4br3.5ba, on quiet cul-de-sac, suitepotential in basement, $575K604-619-0603. See: id5559

CLOVERDALE 3850SF 6br 5ba3lvl 2/suite potential on 1/2ac GDlot, $849,900 778-549-2056 id5564

FLEETWOOD ACROSS fromSchool, reno’d 2600sf 6br 5baw/suites $579K 604-434-3482see id5577

GUILDFORD MAGNIFICENT4952sf 10br 6.5ba back on creek,main floor master br, $789K

604-581-5541 id5506

NEWTON NEW 2200sf 5br 3.5ba½ duplex with 2br bsment suite$475K incl. HST 604-728-1419see id5591

TYNEHEAD 3800SF 5br 4.5baexecutive home 12,077sf lot, withside suite, $879K 604-575-7311see id5350

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-42 WestVancouver6020-42

1118 Hillside Road,West Vancouver (BritishProperties) Luxurious new

7978sqft 7 bdrm VIEW homein prestigious British

Properties. Open planlayout, h/w floors, hugemaster, theatre, wet bar,

pool, hot tub, Smart Wired.Too much to list!$7,588,000

Call: (778) 867-7243 email:[email protected]

6025 Industrial/Commercial6025

COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL2300sf home w/suite above 3Comm units $985K 604-882-6788see id5533

VANC DNTOWN medical office672sf+188sf common area nearSt Pauls hp $375K 604-572-2785see id5509

6030 Lots & Acreage6030

6015 For Sale byOwner6015

LANGLEY BUILD your dreamhome, secluded 5 ac view ppty,well inst $649,900 604-825-3966see id4513

LANGLEY NR town fully reno’d2474sf home on 5ac ppty, bsmtsuite $1,270,000 604-825-3966see id5582

6035 Mobile Homes6035


1-800-339-5133New and Used HomesPark spaces availableService work available

NEW SRI 1152 sq ft, 3 BR, dblwide $77,900. Full gyproc singlewide $66,900. Repossessions1974-2007. Call 604-830-1960

CHILLIWACK PAD for new SRI,single or double. Adult/Family.Pet ok. Chuck 604-830-1960

ABBOTSFORD 1100SF 2br 2badouble wide, must be moved offsite $28K OBO 604-850-6498see id5315

6035 Mobile Homes60352001 14X70, 2 BR, 1 bath, inCedar Grove, $69,900, pad$515/mo, Pet/Family ok. 1978 -1344 sq ft, dbl wide, 2 BR + den,2 baths, in good cond, $49,900.Call Chuck 604-830-1960

6030 Lots & Acreage6030

LANGLEY WALNUT Grove 10acSubdividable,w/4400sf 3br 4bahome $1,295,000 604-961-8878see id5569

PRINCETON, BC 15.78 acresPanoramic views, hydro, well,pumphouse, & septic installed.$384,900. [email protected]

SURREY TYNEHEAD 1ac dev.ppty into 5.5 lots starting Jan2013, $1,399,000 604-951-8777see id5566

6040 Okanagen/Interior6040

1996-30 ft. Corsair 5th Wheel.#20 in South Valley RV Park,7th Ave. across from ChristiePark on Skaha Lake. Steps tobeach. Great lot , lease$389/mth. R.V. $15,900 Call:778.867.8735

EXCEPTIONAL LAKEVIEWLots from $140,000. Nice trees.No time limit to build. Ownerwants to retire. Will carry financing.Also: 1 spectacular 3 acre parcel$390 ,000 . 1-250-558-7888

KAMLOOPS ENERGY efficient3432sf on 77acres $20K underassess $495K 250-819-6175 id5596

LIVE ON Mayne Island2 lots,one Turn Key house

all for $380.000, 250-539-5011


MERRITT HERITAGE style 3070sf 4br 5ba on 9.9ac lot detachedshop, view $949K 250-378-8857see id5592

6050 Out Of TownProperty6050

1.6 ACRE OCEAN VIEWPROPERTY, in Town, Sointula,Malcolm Island, N.Vanc Island.Assessed $132,000, Se l l$129,500. 5 pm 604-628-4592

BIRCH BAY WATERFRONTHome. Quality cust 3 BR, del mstrste, 2 f/p, lrg deck/balc, priv beachw/stairs, amazing views/sunsets!$619,889. Windemere Real Estate

RANDY WEG • 360-305-5704

6050 Out Of TownProperty6050

COZY 2 bdrm on 10 acres in LoneButte, barn, 2 car garage, new, nosteps, complete reno, oak beamsin L/R, large deck, drilled well,outbuildings. Close to Horse,Watch and Green Lakes.$278,000. Call 604-467-7144 or604-250-1668

CRANBROOK 2060SF 4br 3bareno’d home w/side suite on 2lots $239,900 778-887-4530see id5304

HOPE, PRICE reduced, large2376sf 3br + den 3.5ba on .23acre lot, large workshop, view,solarium $299,900 604-869-7554see id4889

IS IT TIME?Think of moving away from theCity? Here is a 20 acre propertywith 1km of salmon creek, anorchard, greenhouse, garden, allwithin the Comox Valley Citylimits. Small and lovely 2 bdrmhouse, self contained cottage,studio, workshop & chicken coop.Meander along the many trails, sitby the pond, walk to the ocean.Much loved land but time to passit on. $778,000. Agents welcome,finders fee. For more [email protected]

MEXICO SAN CARLOS BeautifulExecutive retirement home 5 hrsfrom Arizona! 3000sf incls sepguest hse. $229k 604-364-6441

NANAIMO, OCEAN View 1283sf3br 2ba 4yr old home on .11 aclot $339,900 604-308-8266see id5556

OCEAN FRONT Lux Contemp.private home on 2.73 Acres-Quadra Island.

PORT ALBERNI reno’d 2000 sf5br 2 ba with 2 br basement suite2 laundries $210K 604-542-1995see id5537


Anacortes - Biz Pt.$899,000 USD

4,100 sq.ft. on .5 acres, 5 br within-suite bath, oversized 4 cargarage 38’ long x 16’ High RV

garage. Custom home ICFexterior walls, geothermal heat

system. MLS# 313575Alan Weeks

3688 Birch Way, Anacortes,ZIP 98221-8440(425)691-9515

[email protected]

6052 Real EstateInvestment6052

90FT WATERFRONT, SointulaGuest Beach House Malcolm Is.N. Vanc Is. 2 BR, water, sewer,hydro. $229K.

LANGLEY RENO’D sxs duplex+1/2ac lot, rental income $2,200/month $489,900 604-807-6565see id3186

TRIPLEX- SOINTULA B&BGuest House, Malcolm Island,N.Vancouver Island. New reno,on view half acre. cost $900,000,sell $525,000. 5pm 604-628-4592

6060 Real EstateWanted6060

REAL ESTATE INVESTORlooking for, All Types of Property& Fixer Uppers. Calum (604) 532-1923 oremail: [email protected]

6065 RecreationProperty6065

CULTUS LAKE beautiful year roundRV site grt location, low fees, allament., $117,500. 1-604-795-9785


Exclusive & Private Lake ShoreCottage, for all info: $329,000★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

GET AWAY or PermanentLiving close to Manning ParkCommunity, wilderness & rec, 3BR, 1.5ba, 6appls, sleeps 12+,$250K by owner, 604-795-3663

HATZIC LAKE 1 hr drive fromVanc, 2 vacant lots 1 is lakefront$70K is for both 604-240-5400see id5588

HATZIC LAKE Swans Point, 1 hrfrom Vanc incl lot & 5th wheelski, fish, $148,500 604-209-8650see id5491

LOT & Trailer. This little gem islocated 120 miles from Van, pool- C.H, hiking, fishing, history of1860’s gold rush. Caretaker,maint $775/yr, $40,000 obo. Lot33 - 30860 Trans Canada HwyYale BC. Ph 1-604-792-6764

OCEAN FRONT boat access only2 yr old 1600sf 3br 2.5ba 30minfrom W Van $799K 778-998-9141see id5424



suites &partial houses


homestayshared accommodationTo advertise in Rentals

call 604-795-4417

Page 21: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

2004 CHRYSLER Crossfire byMercedes, blk, loaded, immac,53K, $14,900, 604 723-5288

We have 2 Playgrounds for your kids!And are “Pet-Friendly”

NEWLY RENOVATED$990 per month + utilities

3 BR + 1½ Baths – 2 Levels1,100 sq ft and a fenced back yard

For more info call Ingrid 604-792-8317 or 1-877-515-6696or Email: [email protected]

WOODBINE TOWNHOUSES 9252 Hazel St.Chilliwack, BC Move-In Incentive!

Our Gated 5 acre Complex is Quiet and Family-Oriented!

6605 Townhouses - Rent6605

RENTALS | 604-793-22001 bdrm 2 level. . . . . . . Twnhse, 650 sq. ft. F/S – $550

1 bdrm Agassiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . F/S, coin laundry – $495

1 bdrm condo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 appl, gas incl’d – $700

1 bdrm suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F/S, heat incl – $550

1 bdrm+den condo . . . . . . . . .6appl., gas incl – $750

1 bdrm+den suite. . . . . . . .F/S, W/D, util. incl – $800

2 bdrm suite . . . . . . . F/S, util incl, 1200 sq.ft. – $1100

3 bdrm condo . . . . . . . . 6 appl, A/C, 2 baths – $1100

3 bdrm hse . . . . Sardis, N/S, No Pets, 4appl. – $1300

4 +den hse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.5 bathrms, 6appl. – $1450

FairhavenAPARTMENTS9340 Corbould St.

• Affordable (55+, no pets)• 1 bdrm & 1 bdrm + den, $620-$725/m• F/S, W/D, micro hood fan in each suite• Close to Leisure Ctr + Hospital• On-Site Manager

Trudi: 604.392.5684 • Bill: 604.991.1777


ALERT TO ALL SENIORSBrand New (Move in Now)

6508 Apt/Condos6508

6505 Apartments &Condos6505


2Br/2Ba luxury apt. Quiet, topfloor great balc view. Granitekitchen, in-suite laundry, 2 carun’ground pkng. Mgr site 24 hrsecurity. Close to UFV Shops Nosmoking. No Pets $925/month.Sept 1. Call: (604) 866-4177 oremail: [email protected]

6508 Apt/Condos65081 Br $530up 2 BR, $695 up heat& h/w, garbage incl, no pets,Chwk nr amens. Resident Mgr.Member of Crime Free Multi-housing, 604-792-8974 msg

1 BR beautiful condo, WhiteRock, secure u/g prkg, insuitew/d, large patio for bbq, gas fp, nrall amen. $1000/mth. Located atOcean Bay Villas condos, seephotos. Call 1-250-951-4740

6508 Apt/Condos6508

• Residential area• Elevator • Adult Oriented• Sparkling Renovations• 1 Bdrm No Smoking From $590

9530 Fletcher St.793-9572

• Residential Area• Elevator • Adult Oriented

• Sparkling Renovations• 1 Bdrm from $600

Harrison Hot Springs 1 br, balc,furn, bright, clean quiet, new flrs,across Lake, ns/np, $675includes cable 604-853-4273

Quiet Adult Bldg 2 BR: $700, 1BR $600, 5appls, cntrl to alla m e n s , r e f ’ s , N S / N P604-795-9949, 604-792-1959

6515 Duplexes - Rent65152 BR sxs, 4 appl, storage/carportn/s, pets neg. nr amens/bus, $800Oct 1st 604-745-0015

6530 Halls6530CHILLIWACK SENIOR RECCENTRE HALL FOR RENT. Forany wedding, fund raiser, staffpartiesor special events. For fullinfo 604-792-4549 Mon - Fri 10am to 4 pm and ask for Jim

6540 Houses - Rent6540★ CULTUS LAKE ★

2 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appls, pets neg,ns, partially furn. 1-604-813-8761

STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWN● No Qualification - Low Down ●

CHILLIWACK - 9557 Williams, 3Bdrm, 1 bath, Cozy HOUSE on49’x171’lot, Exc Investment. $888/MRICHMOND - 8031 Ryan Rd, 3BrCondo, Quiet, Spacious Top Flr,Cental, Convenient Area...$888/MSURREY - 10707 - 139th St. Nice2Br, CONDO, Lrg patio, Hot waterincl. Quiet, Central Area, $1,088/MSURREY - 13828 - 116th Ave. 4bdrm w/1 bdrm suite HOUSE on1/2 acre lot, cul-de-sac. $1,188/mCLOVERDALE - 18898 65th Ave,HOUSE, 3900 sqft, 5bd & 2 suites,quiet neigh, great location $1,888/MCall Kristen today (604)786-4663

6590 Rooms65902 FURNISHED rooms, $140/wk hy-dro inc per. Suitable for workingperson. Lge home Columbia Valley,quiet remote area. 604-858-4085

6595 SharedAccommodation6595

6595-17 Chilliwack6595-17ROOM AVAIL in home on AirportRd. Share kitchen/bath, $450, nopets, refs, NOW 604-392-7000

6602 Suites/PartialHouses6602

1 BDRM Sardis, n/s, n/p, quietmature person, nr bus, incl utils/cable. $525. Ph 604-316-1875

1 LGE bd Promontory d/w, kitchenw/island, f/p, storage rm, Heat,hydro, int incl, $800. 604-791-8166

2 BR Sardis, grd lvl 1100 sf, largeview patio w/yard, 6 appls, a/c,Promontory/Sylvan, $1,000 inclutil, avail Sept 1 604-847-0595

ADULT ORIENTEDlarger 1200 sq ft suiteabove quiet business4 appl, util incl $750

SUTTON GROUP604-793-2200

4 BDRM, 2 bath, new house,appl, w/d, ns/np $1500+util778-254-1714 or 604-792-0329

1BDRM/1BTH SARDIS GREATneighbourhood, priv entry, ownw/d, n/s, n/p, Refs & criminalrecord check req’d, $650 utilsincl. Avail now. 604-824-0340

COZY STUDIO cabana with patioclose to CEP. suits single quietmature student. refs req’d availSept 1. $500/m. 604-819-7783

9102 Auto Finance9102

NeedNeed aVehicleaVehicle??

O.A.C. DL#61030O.A.C. DL#61030




Guaranteed Auto Loans Here!Guaranteed Auto Loans Here!

W A N T A V E H I C L E B U TSTRESSED ABOUT YOURC R E D I T ? C h r i s t m a s i nSeptember $500 cash back. Wefund your future not your past. Allcredit situations accepted.



9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1987 ROLLS ROYCE SilverSpirit, Blue, 1 owner, low miles,LIKE NEW, Asking $30,000.Langley. Ralph. 778-988-2055

9125 Domestic9125

1976 THUNDERBIRD, 1 owner,no accidents, serious inquiries.only. Call 604-465-7997

1989 CHRYSLER New YorkerLandau special model, like newloaded. $7000. 604-534-2997

1998 Dodge Stratus ES144,000 kms 4 dr. auto,air pwrwindow and locks, runs greatgood tires and brakes $2,500Call: (604) 626-2439

2000 Pontiac Sunfire GT, 185KKms, 5 spd, no accidents origowner, $3,300. 604-746-4142

2002 BUICK Century 3.1 ltr,115K, garage kept, showrm cond,loaded, $3800, 604-467-9536

2003 LINCOLN Town Car,63,000 org miles, garage kept,immac, $8,800. 604-534-0242

2004 DODGE SX 2.0, 127,000kms, aircared, air, sunroof, tiltsteering, p. windows, like newinside & out, 600 kms per tank,lady driven & owned since new.$5000 OBO Call 604-794-7426

2005 FORD Mustang convertible,auto, low kms, red beige int, pwrpkg, $12,500. 604-997-0554

2005 Ford Focus, ZX4 -Low KMs Great deal: only

75,000 kms! 5 spd. manual /1 owner/exc. condition/fully

maint. (w/ proof). $7500.Call Zahir: (604) 721-6227

2005 PONTIAC Sunfire 84,900kms, Mint, 2Dr, 5 spd, Blackbeauty, $3995 778-908-5164

2006 CHEVY MALIBU, veryclean, auto, a/c, 4 cyl, 100k, runsgood, $7,500. 778-855-5206

9125 Domestic9125

2006 CHRYSLER SEBRINGTOURING (2.7L), 96,000kms,Fully loaded: auto, air cond., p/w,tilt/cruise, keyless entry, pwr.driver seat, am/fm CD, dualairbags, fog lights, new battery.No accidents / good cond. Asking$7,500 (Surrey) 604-715-7469

2006 Ford Freestyle Ltd Blackleather interior - 7 Pass. 114Kkms. LOADED WITH OPTIONS.$12,500. Call 604-786-6001

2006 FORD Fusion, 73,000 km, 4cyl, grt cond, 2nd owner $8800.604-852-0533 * 778-241-3528

2006 LINCOLN LS, 1 owner29,000K, garage kept, immac,loaded, dark wine colour ext, blkleather int, $16,900. Call604 584-4704 or 778 228-2721

2008 CADILLAC Escalade EXT$39,888. (604) 626-4548 #30576

2008 CHRYSLER SebringConvertible. Grey interior/greyexterior. Loaded, priced to sell.$11,900. Please call Richard,778-222-0140 or 604-454-4000.

2008 Chrysler SebringAutomatic 32,400 kms. Granniesummer driven. No accidents.

Reduced price! $13,900.Call: (604) 820-1002

2010 AWD 2.4L Pontiac VibeGreat condition. No accidents.Power locks, sunroof, windows.24,000 miles / 39,500 km. antitheft system. About 30 mpg.Blackbook value $14,500.

Call: (778) 990-0611

2011 FOCUS S SEDAN 4DRSDN silver $ 11,950 #1109552AWWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM

1-866-549-8503 301 StewardsonWay, New Westminister

1998 Dodge Neon 175,128 kmsRuns great. Orig. owner. Noaccidents. Automatic. $1,300Call: (604) 807-2685

2007 Ford Mustang GTConvertible fully loaded,automatic, 140,000km, local.$17,000. (604) 721-8411.

www.BurrellAuto.com3094 Westwood St, Port Coq

604 945-4999.2925 Murray St, Port Moody

604 461-7995.

Ads continuedon next page

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1964 FORD FALCON 289, auto,2 door, hardtop, totally restored,$6,900. Call 604-585-2397

1964 IMPALA Super Sport. Rare.133,000 miles, 283 motor.$19,500. Ph 604-392-3950

1966 FORD Thunderbird. 390,rebuilt trans. Lots done, littleneeded, runs great. M.Ridge.$6600 obo 604-710-5192

1968 THUNDERBIRD 429 quadrajet, 2 dr cpe, reblt mtr, new brakes&lines & paint, $9,500 604-376-8363

1969 FORD Falcon Futura 302auto, fully restored, immac paint &body, numerous high perform-ance options. $13,500. Photos

Call 604-307-0201

1973 MERCEDES BENZ 350 SLSoft/Hard tops 170kms, MayTrade $6900 obo. 778-908-5164

1976 MGB Roadster. Britishracing green colour. 4 speed.New top and carpet. Engine workdone. $7,400. 604-591-8566

1977 OLDS Cutlass, RareCollector plates, 350, T-Roofs, 1owner, newer paint. 93,000mi.$11,900 obo. 604-530-2855

1979 Chevrolet CorvetteCoupe Auto,152,000 kms,asking

$10,000 OBO. 604-492-2220

1979 MERCEDES Convertible350SL, totally rare model w/4sp,good cond, $8400, 604-795-5068

1985 CHRYSLER 5th Ave, newtires & alt, aircared rwd 318,$1500. no rust. 604-510-2559

1986 CHRYSLER New Yorkerw/collector plates, 66,000 orig km,loaded, $3,500 obo 604-855-0633

1986 CHRYSLER TC WoodyWagon, Town & Country, allo r i g iona l , l oaded . $2400604-534-2997

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1986 PONTIAC FIREBIRD, red,v6, 2 dr, 50k, a/c, auto, exc int, 1owner, $6500. 604-533-3191

1 9 8 6 P O N T I A C F i r e b i r dTransAm, in good cond, all bells &whistles. 305 motor. Sharp unit,collectible, $2950. 604 534-1855

1987 OLDS Delta 88 V6, 209,000 k’s,a/c, a/cared, collector plate. Mint cond$2900 obo Will Deliver. 604-392-3950

1988 FORD Bronco XLT, 5L, 5spd, 1 owner w/serv records, norust. $8900 obo. 604-530-2855

1988 FORD Mustang LX HB, 4cyl, 1 owner, 40,000kms, likenew! $4700 obo. 604-530-2855

1989 JAGUAR XJS coupe, V12159 K, pristine cond $7,500 obo.Priv sale, call Bob 604-986-8516

1989 PORSCHE 944 Turbo,white on burgundy, all rcrds, newexhaust, 5 spd, a/c, Ltd slip, greatcond! $15,900 Call 604-943-0945

1981 LINCOLN Town car,signature series, stock, collectorplates, $3500 obo 604-792-6367

1970 Jaguar E-TYPEIn excellent shape and ready togo for sunny summertimedriving. Too many upgrades tolist. Pictures and invoicesavailable. REDUCED - $64,[email protected]

9112 Commercial/HeavyDuty Trucks9112

1981 GMC DUMP TRUCK,storage bin, propane, great forlandscaping, tree trimmingbusiness. $4500. Call Val604-792-0518

1994 TOWMASTER trailor w/hydraulic tilt, 20 FT length, 7500lb axels god for 7 tons. Exras incl$4800 obo 604-997-0427

9125 Domestic91251988 PONTIAC Convertible, red,excellent shape, ready for Col-lector Plates, low mileage, $1200offers, Call 604-514-0535


Page 22: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

2002 Toyota SequoiaAutomatic 305,000 kms 1 owner,top condition, all records, newMichelins. $8700. 604-224-6184

1987 JAGUAR XJS Cabriolet, 1owner, lady driven, V12, ps, pb,pw, rebuilt ac, new tires, $8900obo, Don 604-826-7012

2000 JAGUAR XJR, with vdptrim, navi, full load, $6,900.604-771-0656 or 604-325-3200

2001 Chrysler Sebring LXICoupe Automatic w/ manualmode 108,000 kms, rare, rubyred pearl coat, 3.0 ltr V6, fullyloaded, leather, 4 stack CD,Infinity Speaker system, $6,000.604-467-9348

2001 CORVETTE Z06 black onblack, absolute mint cond, 55k.Must sell! $32,000. 604-574-7629

2005 ASTON Martin DB9. 'JamesBond style car!' Silver metallic.23,000 km. 6.0, V12, 450 hp. Newtires. 1 owner. You deserve thebest! $86,980. 604-781-7614.

2007 BMW 525I, black, loaded,leather, sunroof, very clean,122K, $24,900. 604-999-4097

1993 Mazda MX-6 LSAutomatic 171,000 kms.Restored. V6, Auto, AirCrd, Ladyowned. Receipts, too much tolist. $4,500. Call: (778) 689-6094

1999 BENTLEY Arnage Stunningsapphire on cream interior. Quick4.4L twin turbo. Non smoker, Noaccidents. Mint. Looks new!$49,900. Call 604-889-2525

2007 BMW 335 coupe62km 1 ownr, mint cond,

leather, auto, sunroof,Sports Package & Prem

Package $28,900. 604-616-7727 [email protected]

2003 Mercedes-Benz CLK430Cabriolet 84,000 kms Black onblack, AMG package, windscreen, wheels, spoiler,Bosestereo! Mercedes serviced fullrecords, garage kept, $18,900Call: (604) 916-7402

2009 Audi Q7 3.6 Automatic80,000 kms, silver ext, black

leather int, sunroof, tow hitch,nav, bluetooth. $40,000.

Call: (604) 913-9221

9130 Motorcycles/Dirt Bikes9130

1983 HONDA CM250, approx20,000 mi, low cost transport,dependable, new tires, saddlebags $1450. 604-880-9073

2004 KAWASAKI Vulcan Nomad1500cc, Vance/Hines pipes, lotsof chrome, heated storage,service records, 30,000 miles,new tires/clutch, lots of extragear, $7500 firm. 604-761-7491

9130 Motorcycles/Dirt Bikes9130

2006 HARLEY Fatboy, 88', fuelinj, 5sp, stage 1, 19K km, loaded,$15,999 obo, 778-896-8850

2006 SUZUKI Boulevard 1500cc,flex pipes, new tires, lthr bags,w/screen $4995 1-604-791-1865

2007 KAWASAKI Vulcan 900,new saddle bags/batt, w/shield,bike cover. $5,500. 604-209-1039

2007 YAMAHA RI- Dark Red & Black- Double & Single seat cover- 12600 KM- Custom Front & Rear Lights- Twin Black Carbon FibreAkrapovic Exhaust

- Very fast and awesome,Mint Condition (Cloverdale)

$8500 OBO Call 604-788-0060

2008 HARLEY D, Nighttrain, 11K, cost $31K, ask $20K,604-847-9353 (Chill) after 5pm

2008 HARLEY D, Sportster,1200low, 4400km, cost $14K, ask$10K, 604-847-9353 Chill aft 5pm

2010 TRIUMPH American Motor-cycle, 900 cc, never driven,$8700. 604-533-4962 morn/eve

9135 Parts &Accessories9135

GREY CANOPY, 3 sliders, fitsFord p/ups 1988 to 1994 models.Gd cond $375obo. 604-581-6511

9145 Scrap CarRemoval9145

Has your vehiclereached the end of

its useful life?Have it recycled properly

Pick A Partis environmentally

approved and meetsall BC government

standards forautomotive recycling

We will pay up to$30000

for most completevehicles


Pick A Part Used Auto Parts43645 Industrial Way

Chilliwack BC V2R 4L2604-792-1221

Hours: 8:30am-5:00pm7 Days A Week


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9145 Scrap CarRemoval9145


604-790-39002 HOUR SERVICE

9150 Services &Repairs9150

DISCOUNT AUTO GLASS FreeMobile & Same Day ServiceGuaranteed Lowest Price

Life Time WarrantyDon (604) 218-6770

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

1971 CHEVY SUBURBAN, 3DOOR 350 automatic, body workall done, needs paint and interior,a i r c a r e d . $ 2 9 0 0 o b o .604-769-4799.

1977 GMC Suburban SierraClassic Mint Cond, Low kms,garaged, no winters, 454 V8, auto,like new $4995 obo. 778-908-5164

1988 FORD TRUCK, dual fuel,good running cond, air cared, newparts, $1100. 604-531-5345

1993 FORD Explorer Ltd. 6' lift on35' tires, running gear dannastraight front axel, fully rebuiltw/chrome molly inner and outeraxel shafts, new universal &brakes, motor replaced with anewer less km V6 that runs great.All leather interior with powerseats, $4800 obo. 604-220-0910

1995 Land Rover Discovery203K kms ex. con; new batt,tiresno accid. $3,999 (604) 926-3052

1996 CHEVY Silverado 2500,extended cab, bed liner, cloth int,ps pb pw, incls tow kit, exc cond$4500. Don 604-988-0170

1997 Jeep Cherokee Sport4WD 239,000 km, trailer hitch.$1000. Peter 604-986-0018

2001 Suzuki XL-7 4x4, Auto,197k, 7 pass, V6, AC, new tires$4,400. Call: (604) 792-8763

2002 Ford Escape Black w/Grey Auto, V6, 2 WD, A/C 6 discCd, 199,500 Kms Clean GoodCond. $6,500. (778) 772-5513

2003 FORD F250 4x4 XL $8500o b o , 1 8 7 , 0 0 0 k m , a u t o ,604-323-3662 or 604-315-9384

2004, FORD F350, Super Duty,Lariat 6L diesel, 8 ft box, f/loaded,leather, trailer tow pack. Newtires, brakes, rotors, windshield, 1full yr bumper to bumper warrantyremaining. 82,700km $22,500,604-339-9427

2006 BMW X3 2.5i Auto,117,000 kms, AWD, Premium

Pkg, $17,000 negotiable,Phone 604-760-3390

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

2006 NISSAN XTRAIL Black, 4dr,alarm, all power, good cond, 167kkms, $13,900. 604-440-2662

2008 FORD F150, p/u, 2 wheeldrive, 8ft box, auto, 4.2l, 14k,silver, $10,500 Firm. Call604-538-4883, 604-329-6225

2008 FORD Pickup Lariat,49,000km, loaded + +, $37,500Must Sell! 604-313-2763

2009 DODGE p/u 150 hemi SLT,loaded, matching canopy, rhinolined, show room cond. 8,000 orgkm ’s, $25,000. 1-604-613-37271-604-796-9060

2012 LEXUS RX350, V6, fullloaded, 6/mo, no accidents, navi,rear camera, top model, 6 yr wrty,$52,800, obo, 604-925-3111

2004 GMC Yukon XL, auto,244,000 Kms, 2WD, p/s, p/w,cruise.$8,350. 604-377-5751

2006 Chevrolet Equinox LTAutomatic 86,000 kms 6cylinder,leather seats,sunroof,airconditioning 5x cd player 6 waypioneer speakers $12,250.

Call: (778) 859-7204

2003 Nissan Xterra, 162,000kms, 5 Sp. A/C Power Grp, NewTrans/Clutch, New Exhaust, NewBrakes, 17" Wheels, Tow Pkge.$7,900 Call: (604) 218-5460

2005 Ford F-350 Lariat SuperDuty, Crew Cab, Dually

Automatic 84,000 kms, DVDPlayer, Fully Loaded $25,900.Call: (604) 780-2696 or email:

[email protected]

2011 Dodge Ram 3500 LOWKMs, DIESEL $42,990. (604)

780-2696, [email protected]

9129 Luxury Cars9129

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1990 Acura Integra 5 spd, veryreliable,great on gas.Some rustbut looks good in and out. 288kkm. $1,100 obo. (778) 227-4999

1991 MERCEDES BENZ 300C.Auto, new tires. 111,000 km. Exccondition. $7,800. 604-786-6495

1994 MERCEDES C280, 85K,grey, fully loaded, extras, exccond, $10K obo, Ladner604-940-6460

1994 MERCEDES E320. Silver,blue leather, 269K km. Aircared, 4snow tires. $4,500. 604-521-0691

1994 PONTIAC Trans Am GT redwith grey int., well maint., ladydriven $4800. Serious inquiresonly. Ph 604-997-2583

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1996 ACURA RL. Always dealerserviced very good cond new tires/brakes. $3,400 obo 604.926.8047,[email protected]

1997 ACURA TL, 3.2, 190K, 4dr,sunrf, srs/abs, exc cond, loaded$4900, 604-984-4229

1997 TOYOTA Camry LE. 4 drs,4 cyl, auto, a/c. Well maintained.Aircared. $3,500. 604-936-1270

1999 VOLVO, red sedan, leather,sunroof, auto, $4500. Langley.R a l p h . 7 7 8 - 9 8 8 - 2 0 5 5

2000 AUDI S4 2.7T, 6sp, 4wd.Black with black leather interior.Upgraded exhaust, turbos, andmore. 219,000 km $9800778-229-0283

2000 MERCEDES E55 AMG,beautiful, exc cond, 113K, price tosell, $12,900, 778-846-2933

2000 VW Jetta 1.8T 5 spd, newclutch & susp, 191,000km, noacc. $4,300 OBO 604-988-9275

2002 INFINITY I35 4 dr auto,Luxury model, 1 owner, loaded,exc cond. Moving must sell.$7,800 obo. Sry 604-541-0018

2003 INFINITI M45,excellentlocal, no accid, loaded, luxury,V8, auto, $9,995, 778-995-3862

2003 MAZDA Protege 5, 5 spd,140K km, new water pump, timingbelt & front wheel bearings,sunroof, pwr windows, locks,cruise, nice cond. $7,500.778-227-2010

2004 MAZDA 3 GS, auto, exccond, 143k, aircared Sep2013,$7200. N.Delta. 604-594-6787

2005 AUDI S4. Quattro (AWD).102,000 km. Blk leather. Incl 2 setof wheels & tires. 6 speed. Powereverything! Exc cond. $19,500.Call/text Rick @ 778-847-2975.

2005 PONTIAC Sunfire 2 drcoupe stnd, 119,000k’s, $4800obo. Ph 604-798-0767 lve mess

2005 TOYOTA Camry LE, 95,000kms, local, excellent cond $8880.604-988-7812

2006 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT.46,000 km. Grey. 4 drs, auto, p/w,p/l, leather heated seats, sunroof,mag wheels. Good condition!$16,000 obo. 604-240-9912

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2005 Toyota CorollaExcellent condition, low KMsA/C with Cloth Interior $7900

Call: (604) 889-5237email: [email protected]

2006 ACURA 3.2 TL custom fullyloaded, 300 HP 6 spd. 125,000km on body, only 44,000 km onengine $15,500. 604-241-0357

2006 BMW 325i 79,000kmImmaculate condition!! $16000OBO - Moving & need to sell(778) 388-0007

2006 HYUNDAI TIBURON SE.103K km. Leather, mint, sunroof,a/c, CD, alarm. 2.0 L, 4 cyl. Noaccid. $9600. 604-839-6253

2006 NISSAN Altima 2.5SSpecial Edition 94,000 kmautomatic, spoiler, fog lights, newtires, winter mats. $10,888. Call604-819-9596 Chilliwack

2006 VW JETTA 2.0T 73k,original owner, hid headlights,auto, $14,900. 604-307-9159

2007 FORD MUSTANG GT, fullyloaded 22,000 kms, $29,500.604-721-4228

2007 KIA Rio 5, 5 dr, blk, 5sp, 1owner, 72K, exc cond, incls wintertires, $7500 obo, 604-603-2548

2007 YARIS 4DR SDN AUTOpw pl green $7,888 #2791785

WWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM1-866-549-8503 301 Stewardson

Way, New Westminister

2009 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE/BUG 35,500kms, automatic, fullyloaded, sunroof mfgr., warrantycar proof available, $19,000serious buyers please, Call604-836-1014.

2009 Volkswagen GTI Golf.DSG/18" rims/leather/powerS/R. New tires. 65,000 kms.Factory warranty. $21,600.(604) 731-9739

2011 NISSAN VERSA, 4 dr, h/b,auto, red, many options, 27k,$8600 Firm. 604-538-9257

2010 Ford Mustang GTPremium Manual 12,000 kmsLimited Edition Roush Stage 3,4.6 liter, 540HP, 510 ft/lb torque,warranty to 2016, mint condition!$46,000. Call: (604) 540-7036email: [email protected]

INFINITI G35 2003 Now $12,800one owner, exc. cond. power all,just 83,000 km. 604.721.4414

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2005 VW CABRIOLETautomatic, immaculate, no

accidents, 85500 km.$9,999 obo. 604-341-6543

2007 Volkswagen Rabbit129,000km Single owner. Fullyloaded, sunroof, heated seats,5speed $10,500 604-329-6735

2007 Acura TL Auto, 122,000kms. Financing Available

$16,880. Call: (604)780-2696

9172 Utility Trailers9172UTILITY TRAILER 6x4 S10 boxwith black canopy, rally wheels &spare $575 obo 604-392-4343

9173 Vans9173

1980 VOLKSWAGON Vanagon,sleeps 2, cabinet & table, 4speed. $1200 obo. 604 945-0376

1988 CHEV 20 work van, 3/4 ton,Aircared, original owner, goodrunning order $1100 obo604-986-2430 [email protected]

1995 Ford Windstar GL 7pass.165,500 kms,good

conditon, Air Cared, $2000.Call 604-347-8238.

2002 SIENNA 4DR LEgray $ 8,888 #2299506

WWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM1-866-549-8503 301 Stewardson

Way, New Westminister

2002 WINDSTAR (Ford) 140 kms,good cond., $3375. 604-846-8593after 4pm or all day wkends

2003 CHEVY Venture, 7pass,red, good cond, 128K, incls snowtires, $3500 obo, 604-946-4725

2003 KIA Sedona EX 2tone silver/grey, 3.5ltr,auto, pw/ps, am/fm,cd, 5dr, 7pass, cloth seats, roofrack, 171K, $4900 604-820-0486

2003 KIA Sedona LX 159kms,loaded, req tensioner belt, runsgood, $2500 obo. 778-908-5164

2004 TOYOTA Sienna CE. Auto.4 drs. Exc cond. Locally serviced.$7,995 firm. Call 604-787-0037

2005 FORD Freestar Ltd 7 pass,full load, 110,000 km, 4 new tires,$7900, no accid 604-825-3295

2002 Chevrolet Venture Noaccidents, $3,900. Call: (604)309-4208; [email protected]

Ads continuedon next page


Page 23: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012

2011 34 FT Allergo Class A,loaded, v10, auto jack, 3 slides,18k, $95,000. 604-856-6198

2006 GMC Savana Automatic190,000 kms 4.8l. Runs like new.Good Condition. Offers. $8,000Call: (604) 876-5015

2000 Dodge Caravan60,000 kms HANDICAP Vanwith Side Entrance Ramp.$18,000. Call (604) 294-6971

9515 Boats9515

1989 19’ Bayliner Capri Blue, 2.3litre IB Fresh water cooled Exccond. Well maint. Lots of extras,c/w trailer . $4,695. 604-837-7564

19FT SEARAY, 165 merc in-board, w/trailer, runs awesome,$5500 obo. 604-817-9004

2007 20’ Monterey, 95 hrs, skitower, extra stand up coverservice rec’d, tandem trailer, likenew $23,700. 604-796-9074

24’ RENNELL with trailer runsgreat, must see reasonable price$8500 obo. Ph 604-794-3920

Aluminum Boat Wanted, 10, 12or 14 ft, with or without motor ortrailer. Will pay $. 604-319-5720

BOAT FOR SALE 17’ bowrider/144hp io/ready to go $5,000Call: 604-703-0133email: [email protected]

1989 Prowler/Cooper 19’, 4.3Merc. inboard, dry-storage kept,loaded, like new, $18,000 oboCall: (604) 921-9433


UNBELIEVABLE DEAL! Praise the superhero

capabilities of this vehicle in 3 lines. Tights

and cape optional. Call 604-795-4417.

$491 private party photo auto ad,3 lines in 6 community papers.1 online auto ad,5 photos, many lines.It runs till you cancel,for up to one year.


Give us a call:604.795.4417Or place online:

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

02 PLEASURE Way B class Ford350, 5.4 V8 51,973k’s, N/S. Keptunder cover $44,500. 604-858-8046

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

’06 25’ Nash trailer, exl cond, micro,a/c, lge fridge, dble bed, nice layout,loaded. $13,900. 604-792-6943

1983 GOLDEN Falcon travel trail-er, 19.5’, works great. CultusLake. Terry 1-604-800-3230.

1988 CLASS A Triple EREGENCY motorhome, lenght 32ft, gmc 450, stored 4 yrs, updatednew michelins, bathroom fixtures,freezer, fridge, laminate flrs,carpet throughout, sell due tomedical cond. $15,000 must beseen. 1980 AQUA STAR ski boat115 hp evinrude, in exc cond, fullyequiped depth sound, sonar, shipto shore radios, water skis, wetline tubes for towing, new top towbar, remote docking all onshoreline trailor, sell due toh e a l t h , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l604-793-0124

TOYOTA HIACE CAMPERVAN90 2.8l deisel,auto, camp incomfort $15,400. 604-275-3443

1994 SPECIAL Edition Travelaire5th whl, 26.5, generator, lam flrs,$4600 obo (Abbot) 604-504-0408

1995 FLEETWOOD Coronado,very low miles, new tires, sleeps6, excellent cond. $13,950 obo,Call 778-822-2475

1996 29’ Seabreeze, 454 Vortec, O/Dtrans, 15mpg, 76,472 miles, loaded,incl. solar, $16,000. 604-791-3758

1996 SEA Breeze 31' (Class A)Heavy duty 460-7.5 litre Fordengine, Fully equipped, $19,900obo 604-746-5898. Abbotsford

9522 RV’s/Trailers95221997 30FT AIRSTREAM Mo-torhome 454 auto, 5000 wattgenerator, no slides, exc cond,81,000 miles, $21,900 obo.604-531-6875

1998 NOMAD 5th Wheel 25 ft.1 slide; Standup/walk aroundBdrm $12,000 604-796-2866

1998 SLUMBER queen 7.6’ Im-port camper 520 kg, new propane2011, folding alum steps & handrail, 3 brn stove, porta potti, forcedair furn, hyd jacks - hold downs,pressure 50 ltr water/ 3 wayfridge/freezer. Will fit short boxp/u or import. Excl cond $4500obo. Ph 604-858-5624 Chwk

2000 FLEETWOOD SouthwindClass A motorhome. Loaded! 33feet. Slide out wall. 1 owner. Likenew!! $34,000. 1-604-855-1335

2002 26’ 5th Wheel, rear entry,mid kitchen, f/load, exc cond newprice: $11,500. 604-929-2688

2003 NEWMAR Dutch Star, 3slides, 39’, 65,000mi, full paintfreight liner Chassis, 330 Catengine. Computer desk, soliddesk oak cabinets. $73,500. Ph604-846-5046 Chwk

2004 PLEASUREWAY PlateauM/H, Mercedes Benz diesel, Mi.61,588K, Immac cond & loaded.$54,900. Ph 1-604-220-5005

2004 TITANIUM model 32E37DS, 2 slides, mint cond,1 owner, $27,900. 604 535-8688

2005 FOUR WINDS Class C 30’sleeps 7, like new cond, 132,000km, $24,888 [email protected]

2005 SIERRA 5,000 kms 30ft5th wheel. Slide. N/S. OBO

$18,000. Call: (604) 888-7717

2006 ALFA Luxury Mtr Home 330CAT Diesel Pusher, 6 new tires,3 5 , 5 0 0 m i . E q u i p e d w i t heverything, too much to list! Exccond. $117,000. 604-767-3894

2006 GEORGETOWN XL, 35’ 9',3 slides, V10, 20k miles, tow caravail, $62,000 604-948-5048

2006 WILDERNESS, 260RL,stove & shower never used,queen bd/super slide, $13,900,604-476-1150, 604-626-8232

2007 PROWLER 5th wheel, 32 ft,grt family rv, fibreglass, slideout,bunkbeds, air/cond, sleeps 8$19,900. 604-824-1426

2008 ALPENLITE 31ck Ltd Edi-tion, 3 slides, ex cond, retail $80K,ask: $49,500, obo 604-814-5071

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

★2008 30’ 5th wheel. doubleslideout, lots of storage, new fronttires, very clean, 2 entrance bath.$20 ,500 . H i t ch inc luded .604-466-8116 or 604-760-2967

2008 ITASA SUNOVA 29RMOTORHOME 41,000 kmsV10 Ford engine, automatic HDShaw Direct satilite dish, 2 slideouts, Jensen entertainment 12volt HDTV, viper alarm system,2-80 watt solar panels, 2400 wattinverter, 2 awning curtains forback and side, front and sidewindow shields, ducted airconditioning with heat pump,excellent condition ready to go.$74,900 Call: (604) 755-0423 oremail: [email protected]

2008 NASH 25’ 5th whl, q bed,rear kitchen, 1 slide $19,000. Ph604-792-2201 Chilliwack

2008 WILDCAT 24ft 5th Wheel,slide, all auto, TOP LINE. MUSTSEE! $21,000. 604-534-4807

2009 24RKS Jayflt lk new, 3seasn, slps 6, 1 slide, slr pnl, allapps, $17250, 604-644-8663Chwk

2009 26’ Grey Wolf super lightbrand new trailer, 1 pull out, 3 pcebath, full kit, 15’ awning, used 4x.$16,000 obo. 604-532-0726

2009 OPEN Range 28ft 5th wheel3 slides, k/island, winter pkg,hitch. $33,000. 604-591-3868

2010 JAMBOREE Sport Class C25ft M/H, V10, 73k kms, E450,slide, slps 6, gen, awning, loaded.$49,500 obo. 778-388-7510

2010 JAMBOREE Sport Class C25ft M/H, V10, 73k kms, E450,slide, slps 6, gen, awning, loaded.$49,500 obo. 778-388-7510

9173 Vans9173

2011 ARTICFOX 8ft 11', winterpackage, 1 ton short box,includes slide outs, generator, ac,remote jack, sterio, fully loaded,$27,000, obo, 604-793-3399

2011 GEORGETOWN 337 ClassA M/H, V10 Ford, slides, king bed,full loaded, 8500miles! Full 3 yrse x t ’ d w a r r t y . $ 9 0 , 0 0 0 .604-888-1033 or 604-250-2396


9522 RV’s/Trailers95222011 JAYCO Flight trailer.Loaded! Sleeps 6. Used for only 2weeks - like new! $22,900.604-464-1385 or 604-944-8086

40’ MOUNTAIN Aire, Dsl pusherLike new. incl tow jeep. $79,000.Ph 604 795-9967

2008 Seville 38’ 5th. Top of theline-fully loaded. Winter pkg, 4slides. $38,000. 604-870-4799

FRONTIER 8FT 10 inch long,great cond, F/S, furnace, noleaks, $2000 obo, 604-799-0561

KODIAK 5TH WHEEL, & hitch,24ft, all fibre glass, nice cond,$8300 obo. 604-856-7603

LOT & TRAILER, closed inbalcony, Located in ParadiseLakes Country Club, Washington,20 mins from US/Sumas border,$25,000 obo. 604-531-7086

KEYSTONE 2 slide light lowkm, 2 qn beds, sleeps 8, extkitch,$14,900 Call:604-988-1408

SNOWBIRD SPECIAL 1999COMFORT trailer 24’ inside lgefridge, big oven micro, new queenmatt., priv. bdrm, 2 syklites, air,shocks on all wheels. Must see.$8900 obo. 604-824-0850 - Chwk


Rear bath, queen bed,new tires. New cond.

$11,950.Call: (604) 325-7871 or

email: [email protected]

REC Trailer 0 kms restored likenew. Sleeps 6. 18’ awning incl.$4,000 obo Call: (604) 255-7150

8058 ComputerServices8058


Laptops & PC’sLaptop recycling

Ted 604-997-0554Certified Technician


Laptops & PC’sLaptop recycling

Ted 604-997-0554Certified Technician

8060 Concrete8060

SCHOLSPlacing and Finishing Ltd.For ALL Your Concrete Needs− Big or Small we DO IT ALL −• Stamped Concrete• Breaking & Removal• Concrete Cutting • Site Prep• Bobcat & Excavating Work

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8080 Electrical8080YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 ser-vice call. Insured. Lic # 89402.Fast same day service guar’d. Welove small jobs! 604-568-1899

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Page 24: Chilliwack Times September 4 2012


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