Chilika lake and ecotourism

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  1. 1. CHILIKA LAKE andEco-tourism Rashmiranjan MBA (Tourism)
  3. 3. CHILIKA LAKE Asia's largest brackish water lagoon i.e. It is Asias largest salt-water lagoon and is separated from the Bay of Bengal by a sandy ridge. Covers an area more than 1100 sq km along the east coast ofIndia in the state of Odisha. The water spread area of the Lagoon varies between 1165 to906 during the monsoon and summer respectively. A 32 km long, narrow, outer channel connects the lagoon tothe Bay of Bengal
  4. 4. CHILIKA LAKE Chilika lake is a designated Ramsar site in 1981 by TheRamsar Convention on Wetlands. Chilika is one of the hotspots of biodiversity and shelters anumber of endangered species listed in the IUCN red list of threatened species. Chilika lake is an important habitat and breeding ground forboth resident and migratory and aquatic birds. Migratory birds comes from Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, AralSea and Siberia parts of Russia, Kirghiz steppes of Mongolia, Central and southeast Asia and Himalayas. Best time for tourism activities Nov-March
  5. 5. Biodiversity in Chilika Lake Major biodiversities are: Migratory birds Irawadi Dolphins. Bottolnose Dolphins 726 species of flowering plants (496 genera and 120 families) 800 species of fauna. ( including 24 mammalian, 37 reptile species) Nearly 12lakh migratory birds comes in the peak season. The lagoon hosts over 160 species of migratory birds in thepeak migratory season. 45 percent of the birds are terrestrial in nature, 32 percent are waterfowl, and 23 percent are waders. The lagoon is also home to 14 types of raptors.
  6. 6. Eco-tourism in Chilika Scenic natural flora and fauna of the lake are anattraction for eco-tourism. Provide a degree of alternative employment to the localcommunity Generateenvironmental awareness, among local residents as well as visitors. Different conservation activities are taken by local well as other bodies with wise use of the lakes natural resources.
  7. 7. Eco-tourism activities at Chilika Bird watching Dolphin watching Boating. Fishing. Wetland viewing. Camping.
  8. 8. Eco-tourism points at Chilika Nalbana Bird Sanctuary and Island Satpada wetland and Dolphin view point. Mangalajodi conservation center Parikuda Island. Kalijai Island. Chilika Ecopark.
  9. 9. Threats to Chilika lake Siltation due to littoral drift and sediments from theinland river systems Shrinkage of water surface area Choking of the inlet channel as well as shifting of the mouth connecting to the sea Decrease in salinity and fishery resources Proliferation of fresh water invasive species and Migratory bird poaching. Excess commercialization and motor boat. Fights between fishermen and non-fishermen communities about fishing rights in the lake and consequent court cases
  10. 10. Conservation Activities In 1992, the Government of Odisha, set up theChilika Development Authority (CDA). The CDA was set up for restoration and overall development of the lake under the administrative jurisdiction of the Forest and Environment Department. To protect the Lake ecosystem with all its genetic diversity. To formulate the management plan for Integrated ResourceManagement and wise use of the lake's resources by the community depending on it. To execute multidimensional and multidisciplinary developmental activities either itself or through other agencies To collaborate with various national and international
  11. 11. Conservation Activities Local people are appointed as guard during the migratory season of birds. Plastics and other non degradable items are banned at the Islands. Provision of solar streetlight systems to island villages. Development of a ferry service for isolated villages Construction of landing facilities for fisher folk, as well as education and environmental awareness activities.
  12. 12. Irrawaddy DolphinBottle-nose Dolphin
  13. 13. Thank you