CHILE – Top to Bottom A Luxury Adventure for Nature Enthusiasts · 2019-09-27 · CHILE – Top...

CHILE – Top to Bottom A Luxury Adventure for Nature Enthusiasts November 10-21, 2020 575 Pierce Street, Suite 604 • San Francisco, CA 94117 • +1 (415) 626-5678 [email protected]

Transcript of CHILE – Top to Bottom A Luxury Adventure for Nature Enthusiasts · 2019-09-27 · CHILE – Top...

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[email protected]•

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§FLIGHTSAsChileis2,500mileslongwe’llbetakingafewflightstogetusaround.VentureOutwillbooktheseinternalflights,andthepricingforthemwillbeseparatefromthetourcost(seeabove).TheflightsareoncomfortablejetssuchasBoeing737sorAirbus320s.Approximateflighttimesareasfollows:Day3 SantiagotoCalama 2hoursDay6 CalamatoSantiago 2hours SantiagotoCastro 1hour45minutesDay8 PuertoMontttoPuntaArenas 2hoursDay12 PuertoNatalestoSantiago 3½hours(*)(*)PleaseNote:Whenbookingyourairarrangementsto/fromChileyoushouldbookyourarrivingflightintoSantiagoandyourreturntripshouldoriginatefromPuertoNatales.Itmaybemorecost-effectivetopurchasethePuertoNatales-to-Santiagosegmentseparately.Oryoucouldlookatincludingitinyouroverallbookingandseewhatthatdoestotheprice.Ifpurchasingitseparatelyfromyourotherflightsitcouldbecheapertopurchasearound-trip(andnotusethereturn)thantopurchaseaone-way.Again,youhavetoplaywithdifferentscenarios.>>Important:Thisitineraryisbeingpublishedmorethanayearinadvanceofthetour.DomesticflightscheduleswithinChilearenotyetknown,butwearebasingtheflowofthisitineraryonhowtheflightsoperatecurrently.OncetheflightsforNovember2020areannouncedthereisthepossibilitythatchangestothisitinerary,includingthedatesofthetour,willhavetobemadetoconformtothedomesticflightschedules.Pleasedonotpurchaseyourinternationalairarrangementsuntilyouhavethego-aheadfromVentureOut.§GROUNDTRANSPORTATIONInadditiontotheflightswealsohavegroundtransferstogetusto/fromouraccommodations.Thesearetheroadtraveltimes:Day3CalamatoSanPedrodeAtacama1hour15minutesDay6SanPedrodeAtacamatoCalama1hour15minutesCastro,Chiloétoourlodge30minutesDay8ChiloélodgetoPuertoMontt3hours(including1-hourferry)Day9PuntaArenastoPuertoNataleslodge3hoursDay12PuertoNataleslodgetoPuertoNatalesairport10minutes

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