Children SSY1111111111

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Transcript of Children SSY1111111111

  • 8/18/2019 Children SSY1111111111


    Children SSY Quotations:

    1. I am great.I do great things.2. I complete what I start.3. I take responsibility for creating what I want & I do what is

    needed.4. I am responsible for everyone.5. I am responsible for maintaining my house school country

    and my world.!. I want everything to be right in my house.if it is not right I

    will make sure that it is right.If I can"t do it I will re#uest

    others to do it.if they don"t do itI am still responsible.

    $. I am great and I build other great men.%. veryone is great and I want everyone to realise their own

    greatness.'. I give 1(() of myself to the end.1(. I am always courageous.11. I stand for what is good for everyone & I include

    everyone.12. I know people are good and I always deal with their

    goodness.13. I take the responisibility for maintaining my India neat

    clean & beautiful.14. very task is important.15. I learn from each step.1!. I reach for perfection.1$. I bring people together to do what is needed.