Children of the Dream Excerpt

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  • 7/31/2019 Children of the Dream Excerpt




    By Arnold Greenberg

  • 7/31/2019 Children of the Dream Excerpt


    All Rights Reserved Clayfield Books 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Children of the Dream Excerpt


    For David

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    The Coming

    Chapter 1

    The day of Davids Bar Mitzvah not only marked his coming of age,

    it marked the beginning of a strange journey into a mysterious realm

    beyond rational explanations--a place that would change his life forever.

    This was a non-traditional home-made Bar Mitzvahone that his father,

    Peter, suggested because his own was so meaningless, given in Hebrew

    which he didnt understand, but when he explained the purpose and

    significance of the ceremony, David thought it was a good idea and

    wanted to do it.

    He had on his new blue suit. He had his speech. He had the

    animated movie he had made based on the story of David and Goliath.

    This was part of the lesson he would teach, but he had no idea when he

    arrived to help set up chairs that Saturday morning in April that he

    would meet someone special--a man like no one else. The Bar Mitzvah

    was being held in the school cafeteria. Since they didnt belong to a

    synagogue, they were able to rent the cafeteria for a small fee if they

    made sure it was left just the way they found it. The school had just

    hired a part-time maintenance man and Davids father made

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    arrangements to have him help with the setting up and taking down

    since he knew where everything belonged. The Bar Mitzvah was to begin

    at ten o clock.

    When they drove into the school parking lot, David noticed a beat

    up black pick-up truck next to the dumpster. He saw the sign painted on

    the door, Jesse--the Handy Man. David opened the back door of his

    dads Volvo and took out the paper bag with the two challas they had

    baked the night before. His dad liked to bake and thought it would be a

    good symbolic touch if David learned to make the challas to celebratethis day. He also got the bottle of kosher wine out and handed it to his

    father. Peter had his laptop in a black case.

    I sure hope their LCD projector works with my laptop, his father

    said. We should have checked it out.

    David touched his pocket just to make sure the disk with his movie

    was there. It was the fourth time he checked it since leaving home.

    Before they went into the school building, his father looked at David,

    putting his hands on his shoulder and smiled. Well, here we go into

    manhood, right, he said, straightening his sons tie.

    I guess so, David answered, shrugging his shoulders.

    When they walked into the school building, it was 8:30. They went

    into the cafeteria and saw that the flowers had already been

    delivered. The table for the food was alongside the wall waiting for the

    table cloth that his grandmother was bringing. The cake would be

    delivered at 9:30 from the bakery. A large coffee urn was on the floor

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    next to the table. David was involved in all the planning and they had

    the sequence of the ceremony all worked out.

    David and his father stood in the doorway, looking around and saw

    a tall thin man setting up chairs, his back to them. He had long brown

    curly dreadlocks sticking up from his head going wildly in all directions

    and wore faded jeans, a long sleeved blousy white shirt and sandals.

    When he turned around and saw David, he stopped, bowed his head

    slightly and smiled. David noticed he had light brown skin, almost tan, a

    small thin beard and a simple beaded necklace around his neck. But itwas not the tight curly dreadlocks or the color of his skin that caught

    Davids attention. It was his eyes. David was immediately struck by his

    radiant blue eyes and the way he looked at him.

    Im Jesse, he said, smiling.

    Hi, Im David. He looked at Jesse, suddenly drawn into his eyes.

    Ive never seen blue eyes like that, he thought as their eyes met.

    Im Peter, his father said raising his hand in greeting.

    Jesse then walked over to the wall and got four more folding

    chairs while David went over to the table on the other side of the room

    and put the bag with the challas down. His father walked over with him,

    placing the bottle of kosher wine next to bread and the laptop.

    I never saw anyone with hair like that, David said, wanting to say

    something about Jesses eyes but didnt.

    Oh the dreadlocks, his father chuckled. There are some

    interesting stories about dreadlocks, Ill tell you sometime. He smiled at

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    David. But right now we should help Jesse set up the chairs. Mom will

    be here soon and everything should come together.

    When David went to the other side of the room and picked up two

    chairs, Jesse looked at him and smiled. Their eyes met briefly, but David

    suddenly turned away. Those eyes are so blue, David thought. I feel

    weird when he looks at me.

    David walked in back of Jesse carrying two chairs. He looked at his

    dreadlocks sticking out in all directions and thought about his eyes.

    When David placed the chairs next to the ones Jesse was unfolding, hecouldnt look at him. Why am I afraid to look at him? David thought,


    His father carried four chairs and lined them up next to Davids.

    Everyone worked quietly, thinking, the metal folding chairs clanging as

    they opened, forming the rows. At one point, Jesse and David were

    walking in opposite directions. Jesse had four more chairs. David looked

    down at the floor, but could hear Jesse humming to himself, as they

    passed each other.

    Once the chairs were lined up in a semi-circle with an aisle down

    the middle, Peter counted them, announcing they had sixty chairs.

    I have the music stand I was told you needed, Jesse said and

    went over to the corner and set it up in front of the chairs. Hows

    that, David? Is that where you want it? Jesse asked and smiled, looking

    into Davids eyes.

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    Thats good, David answered. He couldnt help but look at Jesses

    blue eyes. It was more than a twinkle that David saw. It was more like

    a glowing light.

    Davids mother arrived at nine with his two little brothers Dan and

    Joe and his sister Jenny. Since his parents separated, the children were

    always going back and forth between their mothers apartment down

    town and the house. It was decided that the children spend most of

    the week with their father because it was closer to school and most

    weekends with their mother, Anita. It meant a lot of time on the traingoing down town, but they adjusted to the shuffling back and forth and

    the train conductors knew them well--often joking with them.

    Davids mother came over and hugged him. She had a white rose in

    her hair and wore a simple white dress with several rows of beads. She

    had dangling earrings and her brown hair was pulled up on top. So my

    little baby is ready to be a man, she said, smiling at him. And dont you

    look handsome in that suit, she added, stepping back to look at him.

    I tied the tie myself, David said. Dad showed me, but I hate


    Jenny stood next to her mother, looking up at her big brother. She

    wore a gauzy white dress with black pom-poms hanging from the waist

    and the neckline. She also had brown leather boots that came up to her

    knees. How do I look? she asked, putting her hands behind her and

    swaying slightly.

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    I know youre nine but you look sixteen in that dress, David said,

    smiling down at her.

    David glanced over at Joe with his finger in the soda machine

    change return and laughed. Joes being Joe, he said to his mom,

    always looking for money.

    Dan had a matchbox truck and was running it along the windowsill

    in the corner of the room making the sounds of a truck.

    Jesse brought a small table and put it in the middle of the aisle. He

    placed the schools LCD projector on it and plugged it into an extensioncord. Peter put the laptop down next to it and said to David, Hook her

    up and well make sure everything is set.

    Jesse taped down the extension cord with duct tape, humming while

    he worked. Fortunately the walls of the cafeteria were painted white

    and they could show Davids movie without needing a screen. David put

    in his DVD and was relieved that everything worked.

    So you made a movie for your Bar Mitzvah, Jesse said to David as

    he taped down the wire. I wish I could have done something like that

    when I had my Bar Mitzvah, he added, his blue eyes looking into Davids


    Really, David responded, looking down at Jesse, noticing his brown

    skin, surprised to hear he was Jewish. What is it about his eyes? David

    asked himself, fascinated by Jesses wild hair and how strange he

    looked. Hes really different looking.

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    Davids grandparents arrived and came over to him, You look all

    grown up, Mortimer, his grandfather said, shaking Davids hand, smiling


    Dan and Joe ran over to him and he greeted them. Hello, Zeke he

    said shaking Joes hand vigorously. And how are you there, Alfonzo? he

    said to Dan.

    That suit looks good on you--very nice, Davids grandmother said,

    smiling, then went to the table, spreading the table cloth, smoothing it

    out with her hand. She had a wooden bread board and put the twochallas on it with a sharp bread knife next to them. She also had a

    container of butter and one of cream cheese.

    While standing next to the table, several people came up him and

    handed David envelops. Mazel Tov, one man said, Here buy yourself

    something nice, another said.

    Davids cousin, Kevin and his Uncle Gene came and shook Davids

    hand. So you think youre going to be a man--is that what I hear? his

    uncle said shaking his hand and grinning at him.

    So far none of the kids from his class had arrived and he kept

    looking at the door. David looked up at the clock and saw it was nine

    fifty- five. He took his speech out of his suit pocket and unfolded it. He

    glanced down at the title, David and Jonathan--The Meaning of

    Friendship. Walking over to the music stand to put the speech there, he

    took the white yarmulke from his pocket and placed it on his head. His

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    father put his yarmulke on too then placed a tallis on Davids shoulders.

    The prayer shawl is important, he said.

    David looked up and saw several of his friends arriving. Keira came

    in with a girl named April and waved at David. She smiled as she took

    her seat.

    Damian and Jason came in and sat next to each other. They were

    identical twins except Jason had recently cut his hair short. Julie and

    Monica came in and sat in the front row. David smiled at them, lifting

    his hand in greeting. Brian sauntered in with his hands in his pocket andstood in the back of the room leaning against the wall. He had his i-pod

    and ear phones plugged into his ear and wore a sport jacket with a red

    tee-shirt and baggy black pants.

    When Keira saw Jason, she turned around in her chair and waved

    to him. Jason waved back and smiled. Damian waved too then noticed

    Patti had just arrived with her girlfriend, Sharon and remembered what

    Keira had said to him recently about Patti having the hots for him.

    Jesse stood beside the doorway of the cafeteria and leaned against

    the wall, his hands folded in back of him. He looked around the room,

    observing everybody. Several people glanced at Jesse because of his

    dreadlocks. Keira kept glancing at him and when their eyes met, he

    smiled, his blue eyes greeting her eyes.

    Finally, it was time to begin. Peter stood in front of the music stand

    and welcomed everyone. You are about to participate in the Bar Mitzvah

    of our son, David. This is a home-made Bar Mitzvah. For the last six

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    speaking. When my father asked me if I wanted to have this Bar

    Mitzvah I didnt even know what it was, but then he explained it and I

    thought it was a cool idea to make up our own ceremony and here we


    David looked out at the audience clenching his fists, trying to hide

    how nervous he was. He looked at his father beaming and his mother

    looking at him, listening and smiling.

    Im supposed to teach a lesson to my community--thats what bar

    mitzvah boys did except they read from the Torah in Hebrew. Hepaused. Im not going to do that but I am going to tell you about the

    friendship between King David and Jonathan because thats who Im

    named after--my middle name is Jonathan. After that, Im going to show

    you an animated movie I made about David and Goliath.

    David touched the yarmulke on his head to make sure it wouldnt

    fall off.! The movie took me over five months to make but it onlytakes a minute to show.

    He stopped, took another deep breath and looked around the

    room. He saw his grandmother smiling at him. Julie and Monica were in

    the front row looking up at him, his uncle Gene in the second row with

    his arms folded. His sister, Jenny and her friend, Jessica sat next to his

    grandmother. His grandfather sat next to them looking at David with a

    broad smile. Dan and Joe looked up at their brother.

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    David saw Jesse leaning against the back wall, smiling. Their eyes

    met. David looked away from Jesses eyes but somehow felt drawn back

    to him before he continued.

    And then he began his speech, saying the title, The Meaning of

    Friendship. He glanced at the audience then began. A long time ago,

    David was a shepherd but he became a hero when the army of King

    Saul was fighting the Philistines. Things werent going well because the

    enemy had a great warrior named Goliathhe was a giant.

    David looked up again, trying to tell the story rather than readingit. When David killed Goliath with his sling shot he became a big hero

    and he was brought to King Saul where he met Sauls oldest son,

    Jonathan. Well, David was very beautiful and Jonathan was impressed

    with Davids words and presence. Jonathan immediately felt a great bond

    with David and gave him some of his rich clothing and even gave him his

    sword and his bow. A great love grew between David and Jonathan and

    they spent a great deal of time together. One day Jonathan said,

    Everything I have is yours. This was meant to show that they were

    devoted to each other. As time passed, David became a real hero to the

    people and everyone loved him because they could tell he was special.

    King Saul began to get jealous of how much people loved David

    and he felt threatened by his popularity. He also saw how much his son,

    Jonathan, loved David and felt angry and jealous. Saul was emotionally

    unstable, I think. Anyway, Saul feared that people loved David more

    than they loved him. Davids popularity continued to grow and Sauls

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    dislike of David grew. He also feared the friendship between David and

    Jonathan and began thinking they might plot against him. He had heard

    of the covenant that Jonathan and David made. A covenant--thats a

    promise or vow to love each others souls as if the soul was his own

    thats a deep love almost like a marriage.

    Jonathan urged David to escape before King Saul killed him. The

    real problem came when King Saul ordered his son to go in to the field

    and find David and kill him. Jonathan was now caught between loyalty

    to his father and his loyalty to David. It was a moral dilemma butJonathan knew he could not kill his best friend.

    David stopped a minute and looked at the audience. What is the

    meaning of this story? he asked, looking out at the audience and could

    see they were captivated by the story. He felt the silence in the room,

    saw all of their eyes focused on him and felt like he had a strange

    power he hadnt realized before.

    Theyre really enjoying this, he thought. This is good. I like how

    theyre listening to me. He felt inspired to share with the audience what

    the story meant to him--to really teach a lesson. He repeated the

    question, feeling confident, What does this story mean to me? What

    does this kind of friendship and loyalty mean?

    He paused again, letting his question sink in and noticed Keira

    looking at him with her mouth opened and how Damian sat on the edge

    of his seat, his eyes on David. He saw Jason nodding, listening and how

    Brian had taken the plug out of his ear, holding his I-pod at his side. He

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    looked over at his father proudly smiling at him then glanced at Jesse

    standing in the back, his blue eyes beaming. When their eyes met, Jesse

    bowed slightly, smiling at David.

    To me this is a story of unconditional love--to love someone as you

    love yourself. It is about giving your heart completely to another. It is

    about devotion. The words came spilling out of Davids mouth as if

    someone else were speaking. He had no idea he felt so strongly about

    the story. The love between David and Jonathan is about the strongest

    bond possible. He paused again. I hope that one day I am able to havea friendship with some one like the friendship of David and Jonathan. To

    me this story is about the importance of love and that love sometimes is

    more about giving then receiving--giving of your self. Thats what

    Jonathan meant when he said, I love you as I love my own soul.

    When he stopped speaking, the room was silent again. No one

    moved. David had spoken with such sincerity he felt tears swelling up

    inside of him. He hadnt realized how much the story meant to him until

    he started to explain it.

    When he finished speaking, he took a deep breath and looked out

    at everyone. Okay, its time for the movie. And then after the movie, I

    would like everyone to share their thoughts and feelings. I want to open

    this ceremony up to all of you.

    David walked down to the table with the projector and laptop. He

    turned and asked Jesse to turn off the light since he was standing right

    next to the switch. The projectors light shone on the wall. David moved

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    David, you made me cry with your story, his moms friend Alice

    said. That was beautiful.

    After several more comments, David smiled, nodding. Thank you all

    for coming.

    His mother hugged him, You were wonderful, David. Im so proud of


    His father put his hands on Davids shoulder, Youre quite a


    So are you, Dad. You really taught me a lot. And they hugged.As people went over to the table to get coffee and tea, David cut

    the cake that said, Happy Bar Mitzvah David.

    His mother was next to him handing out the slices of cake then his

    grandmother came over, David that was marvelous. Im very proud of

    you, she said, wiping a fleck of dust from his shoulder.

    Keira came over, I loved your speech. It was inspiring, really!

    Jason stood next to Keira, I liked it too. Monica was on the other

    side of Keira. I liked your cartoon and the corny ending.

    While everyone was eating and talking, David went over to his

    father, Im going outside for a few minutes. I need some fresh air.

    Go ahead, you deserve it. But come back soon.

    When David walked out the side door of the school building and

    saw all the cars in the parking lot, he was amazed at how many people

    came to celebrate this day. Standing there, he hadnt noticed Jesse

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    sitting on the steps and was startled when he heard, You were

    impressive, David.

    Oh thank you. David responded, looking down at Jesse.

    Sit with me a minute, Jesse said, patting the step next to him.

    David sat down looking at Jesses blue eyes but didnt speak then

    looked away. Both were silent. Finally, Jesse spoke in a soft voice. David,

    I want to tell you something that will surprise you.

    What? David asked, looking at Jesse.

    We have been together in another lifetime. He looked deeply intoDavids eyes.

    David was stunned by that statement and didnt speak at first but

    just looked at Jesse. What? he asked, his eyes widening. Another

    lifetime--what are you talking about?

    I know that sounds strange, Jesse said. But its true. You and I

    were together long ago, he repeated, looking into his eyes.

    How could that be? What do you mean?

    I cant say too much more, but now that you are thirteen, you will

    have special dreams. You will learn who you are and why we have met


    When David looked at Jesses eyes, he felt he was looking deep

    inside him, like he was seeing something.

    You have strange eyes, David said.

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    So I have been told, Jesse said, smiling then looked away gazing

    up at the sky before turning back to David. They have seen much and

    have brought me many visions--also much sadness and pain.

    David looked at Jesse but had no words. He sat in silence

    bewildered, thinking about what Jesse just said about sadness, pain and

    another lifetime.

    Jesse rested his hands on his knees and looked down at the

    ground, shaking his head then cocked his head to the side, looking at

    David, a slight smile on his lips, When I saw you come into the cafeteriathis morning, I felt something familiar about you, a vague sense that we

    had met but couldnt quite place where. And then when you ended your

    lesson about David and Jonathan and unconditional love, it all came back

    in a flash.

    What came back?

    My dreams--you were in my dreams about another time--the time

    long ago when we were together.

    I was in your dreams? David looked at Jesses face, his eyes.

    What do you mean I was in your dreams? How could I be in your

    dreams? And what do you mean we were together a long time ago? This

    all sounds crazy.

    I know this must sound crazy to you, Jesse said. Its crazy to me

    too. I cant explain it.

    This is too weird for me, David said, shaking his head.

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    I saw you looking at my eyes and I could tell you were


    Thats true. I felt weird when I saw your eyes.

    Thats because you were remembering.

    Remembering? What was I remembering?

    Have you ever heard of Atlantis, Jesse asked.

    No whats Atlantis?

    All I will tell you is that Atlantis was a lost continent that

    disappeared under the ocean about twelve thousand years ago.Really, a lost continent, what happened and how do you know


    My dreams, he paused. And your dreams will teach you about

    Atlantis and much more.

    My dreams, what are you saying?

    Certain people when they turn thirteen begin remembering through

    their dreams about their life from another time--thats when my dreams

    began. And your dreams will tell you what you need to know. You will

    learn that we were together at another time--a very important time.

    Just then Davids father came out, Come back in, David. People are

    beginning to leave and want to talk to you. His father glanced down at

    Jesse, Hi there Jesse.

    Jesse nodded his greeting, smiling, Hes quite a young man--very


    Thanks, I think well keep him, Peter said.

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    By the way--dont worry about the taking down of the room. I can

    handle it. Enjoy the day.

    Thanks, thats nice of you.

    David followed his father into the building, but glanced back at

    Jesse. Their eyes met and Jesse smiled, but it wasnt a happy smile.

    David could feel deep sadness in Jesses eyes when he looked at him.

    In the cafeteria, David smiled at the guests congratulating him,

    shaking hands as people left, but his mind was on the conversation he

    just had with Jesse. He smiled, thanking people for coming, nodding,listening, but Atlantis, dreams, knew each othertogetheranother

    time went through his mind, taking him away from where he was.

    Damian and Jason came up to David, We have to go. Our dad just

    came to pick us up. See you in school on Monday.

    Thanks for coming guys, David said, unaware that the twins were

    having dreams about Atlantis though he remembered hearing something

    about them getting in trouble a few weeks ago for disobeying the


    Finally everyone was gone.

    Jesse was taking the folding chairs and stacking them against the

    wall. David carried the presents out to the car and came back in to get

    the last of them. The bare table was still standing on the side of the

    room and the music stand was in place at the front.

    Davids mother hugged him. Dont grow up too fast, she smiled then

    left with Jenny, Dan and Joe. Ill see you next week, she added.

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    Jesse had a few more chairs to put away. I just have to sweep up

    and Im out of here, too, Jesse said to David and his father as they

    stood in the doorway. See you around, David, he said casually, his eyes

    looking into Davids as if saying something more serious.

    I guess, David responded, but he wanted to ask questions; he

    wanted to say what he was feeling, but no other words came.

    When they got home, Im going up to my room to rest, he said. I

    need a nap.

    Good idea. I might just sit down here and read for awhile. Imbushed.

    David went upstairs to his room on the third floor. He took off his

    tie and jacket then his shoes and sat on the edge of his bed, looking

    down at the floor and thought about Jesse.

    This is insane, David thought. Maybe hes a psycho. How could we

    have known each other long ago?

    He crawled up his bed, putting his head on his pillow and looked up

    at the ceiling. This was quite a day, he thought then remembered a line

    from the bible his father told him, When I was a child, I thought as a

    child. But now that I am a man, it is time to put away childish things.

    He thought about those words and his Bar Mitzvah then the

    mysteriousness of Jesse. After a few minutes, he yawned, closing his

    eyes and soon he was asleep, about to enter the new realm.

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    small leather pouch where he kept a knife for carving. As the men got

    closer he could see they were wearing simple white tunics and wool

    shawls around their shoulders that came to their ankles. The sheep

    moved aside as the men walked up the steep hill towards the Cypress

    tree where the boy stood. He watched as they got closer.

    Whose sheep are these? the man in the center asked when they

    reached him. My fathers, the boy answered, noticing the strangers

    deep blue eyes and curly long brown hair.

    And who are you? the man asked.Daveed, he answered.

    Ah, then it is you we have come for, the man smiled, nodding.

    Me? What do you mean?

    I have been told you are a dreamer and ask questions, the man

    answered in a soft voice and smiled.

    Who told you that? Daveed asked, baffled.

    Is that true? the man asked, looking into Daveeds eyes.

    I dont know. I guess so. When I go to the Temple with my father, I

    always question the rabbi.

    Yes, so he told me.

    The rabbi told you about me, Daveed asked, looking at the two

    companions. What do you want?

    My name is Yeshua and this is Michah, he said, putting his hand

    on his companions shoulder.

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    I am Levi, the other man said bowing his head. Both men smiled

    at Daveed, their eyes meeting.

    After a silence, Yeshua looked at the boy, You are to come with

    me, he said firmly.

    Come with you! Why where? Daveed asked, startled, looking up at


    The rabbi told me about you and we are looking for boys like you

    to join us.

    But I cannot leave my fathers sheep, he said, glancing out at hisflock grazing.

    The rabbi has already spoken to your father. He knows how

    important it is for you to come with me and he sends his love and

    blessing. Its very important, Yeshua repeated.

    I dont understand. What is so important?

    You will learn to be a Keeper of the Holy Way and you will follow


    I dont know what you are talking about, Daveed said.

    I know you have no idea, but you will learn, Yeshua said. The

    rabbi told us you have a gift.

    Gift, Daveed responded. I am just a shepherd. I have no gift.

    Yeshua moved closer, taking Daveeds hands in his. He looked into his

    eyes. The gift is in you and will rise like the sun, Yeshua said, turning

    and pointed to the sun that was now rising above the hill.

    Come, we have quite a journey?

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    Where are we going? Daveed asked.

    To the hills just above the Dead Sea--you will join our community

    and begin.

    Begin? What will I begin?

    The rabbi was right, Yeshua said, turning to Michah and Levi, He

    does ask a lot of questions. He then faced Daveed. You will begin to

    find your gift and know what you are to do with it.

    Yeshua then put his hands gently on Daveeds head and closed his

    eyes. Daveed looked up at Yeshuas face and felt a warm feeling sweepthrough him causing his body to tingle all over. He closed his eyes

    enjoying the strange sensation, a feeling he had never experienced


    When he opened his eyes, he saw Yeshua smiling and looking at

    him. Come. There is not much time.

    David! his father called up the stairs. David! he called again.

    Opening his eyes, he didnt know where he was. He looked around

    his room hearing his fathers footsteps on the stairs then the door

    opening. David, are you awake?

    David sat up in his bed shaking his head from side to side.

    Hey, Im going to the store for a few things, should I pick up a

    movie for later?

    Dad, I just had the weirdest dream. His dad came in the room

    and sat on his bed, You look out of it, he said. Are you alright?

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    I dont know, David said, rubbing his eyes. Its like I was really

    there, a long time ago. I was a shepherd. Its not like any dream Ive

    ever had before. Its so real. Its like Im there.

    You say you were a shepherd.

    Yes and then these three men came and said I had to come with

    them to learn something important.

    Interesting, his father said, looking at David, stroking his beard.

    And Dad, this is really weird--you know that guy Jesse who works

    at school.What about him?

    He said something strange to me. I mean, really strange.

    Really, what did he say?

    You wont believe this but he said he knew me long ago--that we

    were together in another lifetime and we did something important.

    He said that! His father looked at David. He actually said he

    knew you from another time.

    Oh and he asked if I knew anything about Atlantis.

    Atlantis, you mean Atlantis in the myth--the continent that sunk.

    Why did he ask you that?

    I dont know. I never heard of Atlantis before. All I know is

    something weird is happening.

    David looked up at his father and didnt speak. His father looked

    back at David baffled by what he had just heard. Hmmm was the only

    sound he made as he thought.

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    And Dad--the eyes--there was something about the eyes of the

    guy in my dream that reminded me of Jesses eyes. You saw how strange

    Jesses eyes were, didnt you?

    No, Jesses eyes didnt seem strange to me at all. They seemed

    perfectly normal. His hair, I must admit is another story.

    David nodded, Thats interesting. His eyes were strange to me.

    David took a deep breath. Jesse said I would start having dreams and I

    would learn who I really am.

    Who you really are, his father repeated. Whats that supposed tomean?

    All I know is I just started having dreams like he said I would.

    Peter looked at his son. Both were quiet, thinking about what was

    happening. I dont know what to say, his father said, shaking his head.

    I need to think about this. He shook his head. Meanwhile, I have to

    run to the store. Do you want a movie or is your dreaming enough.

    Dad thats not funny!

    Sorry, his father said and put his hand on his sons leg. Ill be

    back in half an hour.

    When his father left, David sat on his bed and glanced at the

    presents he received. I dont feel like opening presents, he muttered. A

    pile of envelops lay on top of the packages. Ill look at all that later.

    He got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom and put a wet

    wash cloth on his face then looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at

    his eyes.

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    What did Jesse mean I recognized him and he recognized me?

    He shook his head, looking at himself. Whats happening to me?

    He went back to his room and thought about his Bar Mitzvah, My

    speech came out better than I thought. I liked how people listened and

    how I felt giving it. I felt like I was saying something that mattered.

    He picked up his jacket from the other side of the bed and took

    out the DVD of his movie. He put it on the small table by his bed and

    looked at it, remembering how people laughed at the end-- and thats

    how David got ahead.He took a deep breath and sighed. Im supposed to become a man,

    but after meeting Jesse and having this dream, Im not sure I want to,

    he said, shaking his head, but I dont have a choice.

    After sitting on the edge of his bed for a few minutes, he glanced

    over at his laptop on the desk in the corner of his room. I think Ill

    Google Atlantis and see what I can find out.

    He sat down and opened up the computer, pressed the button and

    watched it boot up, looking at the screen as it went through its steps.

    While waiting, he glanced at the black book he wrote in every night.

    Ive been keeping this journal for over a year now. He thumbed

    through it while waiting and saw the last entry. He read the last

    sentence, Im glad Dad suggested we do this Bar Mitzvah but now Im

    worried Ill blow it and make a fool of myself. I guess Ill find out.


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    He closed his journal and went into Google and wrote Atlantis.

    While waiting he thought how amazing Google was and suddenly a page

    of sites appeared. He read down and saw one that looked interesting,

    The Lost Continent of Atlantis.

    He skimmed the article at first and read, According to Plato,

    Atlantis was located beyond the Pillars of Hercules which means beyond

    the straits of Gibraltar. Many think it was a figment of Platos

    imagination used for his theories about Uutopia. Plato says he heard it

    from a young man named Critias who heard it from his grandfather, afriend of Salon, a famous Greek elder statesmen who said he heard it

    from the Egyptian priest Sais, scholars at the college of the goddess

    Neith, the protectress of learning confided there are records in their

    archives that are thousands of years old referring to a continent that


    David leaned closer to the screen as he read wondering if there

    was such a place and why Jesse asked me if I had ever heard of it.

    He continued reading, Atlanteans prized fellowship and friendship

    above worldly possessions and enjoyed an advanced form of socialism

    that meant no one lived in poverty

    Wow! No poverty, David thought, amazing. He continued reading,

    Their fields and orchards were owned in common and they had a

    moneyless society in which all the food was shared according to their

    needs. They had no weapons or merchants and children worked

    alongside of adults learning various crafts as apprentices.

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    I dont believe a place like this existed. No schools. No weapons.

    Nothing like that could work now, he thought.

    Just then he heard his father come in the front door. Wait til he

    finds out what Im learning about Atlantis, David said out loud. Ill just

    read a little more than Ill tell him about it.

    Plato said the Atlanteans became decadent in the last hundred

    years. David paused. I have to look up the word decadent. He

    continued. Followers of a priest named Belial took power calling

    themselves Leaders of the New Atlantis and they took over land andcreated an army that started taking over other countries and

    territories. The Atlanteans knew how to use crystals for healing and

    transforming minerals and metals. But the New Atlanteans made a

    weapon called The Great Crystal.

    Davids father called up the steps, Did anyone call while I was


    No. David shouted, unable to take his eyes off of what he was


    I got your favorite for dinner, his father called.

    David was reading and didnt respond.

    David, did you hear me? his father called.

    Yeah, my favorite, David responded. Hey Dad, Im reading

    something. Ill be down soon. David continued reading.

    A priest named Amelius warned the Priest Belial that if they

    continued their war- like ways Atlantis would be destroyed. A huge

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    asteroid would crash into the ocean and cause huge floods and Mt. Atlas

    would explode. He said unless they listen to the Keepers of the Holy

    Way, Atlantis is doomed. They must return to the old ways. They must

    remember the old ways.

    Suddenly David stopped reading, Keepers of the Holy Way. Thats

    what Yeshua said to the boy in my dream, how would he become a

    Keeper of the Holy Way, how could that be? David was stunned by the

    coincidence and then kept reading. He repeated the words, Keepers of

    the Holy Way, shaking his head in disbelief.Amelius had all the artists and scribes start copying all their

    knowledge to be taken to far off places so that everything would be

    preserved. He and other teachers started teaching young boys and girls

    the history of Atlantis and about the old ways. The young people were

    called, Children of the One and they had to keep the story of Atlantis

    in their memories.

    David stopped reading for a moment. Wow that would be hard to

    keep the history of Atlantis in their memories.

    He continued reading. The Mothers of All were women who

    preserved all the wisdom and truths. They knew the mysteries of life

    and the origins of Atlantis. They taught certain girls called Daughters of

    Atlas how to use a special necklace called the Stone of Truth and they

    would keep the truths and mysteries alive after Atlantis was gone.

    David sat back in his chair staring at the screen. I wonder if

    Atlantis really existed. He remembered Jesse asking him if he had ever

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    heard of Atlantis. I wonder why he asked me that, David thought. And

    I wonder how anybody knows all this stuff about Atlantis if it sunk.

    Just then the phone rang. David looked at the computer screen and

    thought about what he had just read.

    David, its for you. Its Keira, his father called up the steps.

    Thanks, Dad, Ill be right there. He then book marked that site as

    a Favorite, Ill read more later, he thought, closing his laptop.

    He ran down the steps to the kitchen wondering why Keira was

    calling him. He picked up the phone, noticing his father was takingsomething out of the refrigerator. Hi, Keira, whats up?

    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your Bar Mitzvah. It

    was so different.

    Thanks, David said, speaking into the cordless phone. Im glad

    you liked it. He didnt know what to say and paced then after an

    awkward silence, Keira, have you ever heard of Atlantis?

    Atlantis, Keira repeated, Yes, why?

    Well, I never did until today, David said. The guy with the

    dreadlocks who was helping us today asked me about it.

    You mean Jesse?

    Yeah, do you know him?

    No but I see him around school and love his dreadlocks. He looks

    really interesting.

    Something really weird is happening to me since he asked me about

    Atlantis and he said something really strange.

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    What? Keira asked. Tell me.

    He said we were together in another life time and that I would

    start having dreams.

    Dreams, he said that? Keiras voice was excited. I dont believe


    What? David asked. What dont you believe?

    David, this is too weird.

    What are you talking about? Whats too weird?

    You asking me about Atlantis and youre having dreams too.Too, what do you mean, too? Are you having dreams?

    Not me, and I promised I wouldnt tell.

    Is someone else having dreams about Atlantis?

    Keira was silent. David held the phone waiting for a response.

    Keira, tell me. What do you know about this?

    I promised I wouldnt tell anyone, but since youre having dreams

    too--maybe that changes everything.

    Come on, Keira, David pleaded. I need to know whats happening

    to me. I had the strangest dream.

    Okay. But promise you wont tell anyone.

    I promise. Now tell me!

    Jason and Damian have been having dreams about Atlantis. Jason

    told me everything. How they are Children of the One.

    Children of the One, David repeated, I dont believe it. I just read

    about Children of the One on this Atlantis site. They had to keep the

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    memory of Atlantis alive. David paced back and forth in the kitchen. He

    noticed his father looking at him, hearing the conversation. And Damian

    and Jason think they are Children of the One and theyre having


    Yes and Ive been reading everything I can find on Atlantis and I

    just started having funny feelings like Im seeing something.

    What do you think is going on? David asked, glancing at his

    father who was listening.

    I dont know. But I have to go. My mom needs to use the phone.Her cell isnt working.

    Okay. Im glad you told me about Damian and Jason. Ill talk to

    you soon. Bye.

    When David hung up he looked at his father. Dad, something really

    crazy is going on.