CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and...

CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015, 9:30AM-NOON, HIGHLAND SHORES CHILDREN’S AID, 363 DUNDAS STREET WEST, BELLEVILLE IN ATTENDANCE (39): Theresa Kennedy (Co-chair), Kelly Allan (Co-chair), Chris Little, Darlene Stuckless, Martha Palm-Leis, Jessica Anderson, Tanya Grierson, Cherie Hardie, Vicky Van Roie (Recorder), Garry Laws, Lynette Cumming (MCYS), Caitlin Heino, Rose Marie Reid, Debbie Milne, Leah Morgan, Bonnie Perrigard, Pam Kent, Beverley Bell- Rowbotham (Data Analysis Coordinator), Mark Kartusch, Diane Gregory, Andréanne Beauchesne, Ruth Ingersoll, Hélene Cadotte-Gagnon, Anne-Marie Murphy, Susan Stoddard, Melanie Reynolds, Tamara Kleinschmidt, Nancy McGeachy, Linda Seeley, Melanie Dunlop, Susan Seaman, Maribeth deSnoo, Kellie Brace, Mark Fisher, Susan Quaiff, Kathy Kennedy, Wendy Anderson (Coordinator), Terri Slack (Guest), Tina Jones (Guest) REGRETS: Rachelle Blanchette (MEDU), Julie K. London, Mark Hill, Jackie Whittingham, Susan Sweetman, Linda Duffy-Brown, Amy Watkins, Brandi Hodge, Bianca Sclippa- Barrett, Maggie Flynn, Colin Leaver, Ann McIntosh, Sarah Dunkley, Lisa Binns, Will Manos, Tami Callahan, Margo Russell-Bird, Brandi Hildebrand, Cathie West OUR VISION: Children, youth and families living in HPE easily access a responsive service system that meets their needs. MANDATE: To create an effective, integrated and seamless community service system for children, youth and families that maximizes resources through collaborative and informed planning. ITEM DISCUSSION/MOTIONS ACTION (including Person Responsible and Completion Date) 1. Welcome a) Review vision, mandate, and meeting objectives Kelly Allan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Kelly reviewed the CYSN vision, mandate and meeting objectives. Benefits of Membership Slideshow Summary attached

Transcript of CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and...

Page 1: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education



IN ATTENDANCE (39): Theresa Kennedy (Co-chair), Kelly Allan (Co-chair), Chris Little, Darlene Stuckless, Martha Palm-Leis, Jessica Anderson, Tanya Grierson, Cherie Hardie, Vicky Van Roie (Recorder), Garry Laws, Lynette Cumming (MCYS), Caitlin Heino, Rose Marie Reid, Debbie Milne, Leah Morgan, Bonnie Perrigard, Pam Kent, Beverley Bell-Rowbotham (Data Analysis Coordinator), Mark Kartusch, Diane Gregory, Andréanne Beauchesne, Ruth Ingersoll, Hélene Cadotte-Gagnon, Anne-Marie Murphy, Susan Stoddard, Melanie Reynolds, Tamara Kleinschmidt, Nancy McGeachy, Linda Seeley, Melanie Dunlop, Susan Seaman, Maribeth deSnoo, Kellie Brace, Mark Fisher, Susan Quaiff, Kathy Kennedy, Wendy Anderson (Coordinator), Terri Slack (Guest), Tina Jones (Guest)

REGRETS: Rachelle Blanchette (MEDU), Julie K. London, Mark Hill, Jackie Whittingham, Susan Sweetman, Linda Duffy-Brown, Amy Watkins, Brandi Hodge, Bianca Sclippa-Barrett, Maggie Flynn, Colin Leaver, Ann McIntosh, Sarah Dunkley, Lisa Binns, Will Manos, Tami Callahan, Margo Russell-Bird, Brandi Hildebrand, Cathie West

OUR VISION: Children, youth and families living in HPE easily access a responsive service system that meets their needs.

MANDATE: To create an effective, integrated and seamless community service system for children, youth and families that maximizes resources through collaborative and informed planning.


DISCUSSION/MOTIONS ACTION (including Person Responsible

and Completion Date)

1. Welcome a) Review vision, mandate, and

meeting objectives

Kelly Allan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Kelly reviewed the CYSN vision, mandate and meeting objectives.

Benefits of Membership Slideshow Summary attached

Page 2: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

2. Roundtable Introductions

Co-chairs, Kelly Allan and Theresa Kennedy CYSN members introduced themselves and what agency they represent.

3. Review Agenda a) Declaration of Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interest was declared.

4. Consent Agenda a) Motion to approve minutes from

April 23, 2015

MOTION to approve the consent agenda – Bonnie Perrigard Seconded – Linda Seeley All in favour. Carried

5. Lead Agency Report a) Financial update from April 1 to

May 31, 2015 b) 2015/16 CYSN Service

Description schedule with MCYS

Maribeth deSnoo reviewed the financial update that was included in your package. Maribeth noted that:

Looking at prior year revenue and anticipated revenue from membership fees – suggested that the CYSN consider investing in an interest bearing account

CYSN members now have both 2015/16 service description schedules – MEDU & MCYS – in April and June packages

6. Databit Follow-up to High School Graduation Rates

a) How the CYSN Can Support Student Success Strategies

Terri Slack, ALCDSB and Tina Jones, HPEDSB collaborated on Student Success Strategies to support graduation from high school.

Roundtable discussion:

Presentation attached

Page 3: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

It is important to have connections between school boards and community programs. Community partnerships may need to find out if students grades 7-12, have access to these student success programs, advocate for them, giving them strategies.

Collaboration of community services is key; as well as supporting parents to be engaged in their child’s secondary education.

Mark Fisher – restructuring service delivery model, for whatever reason we have reached the maximum level of support, and need help connecting with community support - finding barriers to community support, they reach a certain point and then student does not know what is happening.

Community partners are seeing the connections they have to students’ success.

Kathy Kennedy posed the question - Is there a formula to connect students to success supports? In response, Mark Fisher noted a restructuring service delivery model within the HPEDSB.

Maribeth DeSnoo noted that there are resources needed for the softer things; i.e., Food for Learning provides snacks to summer students, or through the student emergency fund could support the cost of enrollment to certain programs if there was a fee required.

Coordination Team to plan a process for school boards and community programs to make better connections to support student success.

7. Coordinating Team Report a) Governance Process Update

Kelly advised that the ad hoc group is looking at the role of co-chairs, coordinator and banker and is investigating items such as responsibility for insurance, etc.

Page 4: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

b) CYSN Co-chair Election

Wendy Anderson advised that the CYSN co-chair position is a two year commitment. Kelly Allan will be stepping down, Theresa Kennedy will stay on one more year, for continuity. Our one nominee is Tamara Kleinschmidt from the Trenton Military Resources Centre. Call for any nominations from the floor. There were none. MOTION to acclaim Tamara Kleinschmidt as CYSN co-chair for a two-year term, effective September 2015 – Susan Stoddard Seconded - Maribeth deSnoo All in favour. Carried

8. Five – Minute Stretch Break


9. Provincial Initiative Updates a) MEDU Child Care and Early Years

Act, 2014

b) MEDU Francophone Best Start Network

c) Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS)

a) Pam Kent presented the highlights of the Child Care and Early

Years Act, 2014 which are contained in the document, “What Providers and Parents Need to Know” included in your package. Please share this document with colleagues and families – available online at

b) Helene Cadotte-Gagnon, the CYSN representative on the

Francophone Best Start Network, provided some history and an update. The Network has a new Coordinator – Joannie Caron. Volunteers are required to deliver a Francophone program for young children at the library in Quinte West.

c) Lynette Cumming – no announcements today. There will be an identification process for service agencies, to be in place for September 2015.

Presentation attached FSAD roundtable report update coming from Lynette in September 2015

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d) MCYS Ontario Special Needs Strategy

d) Nothing to report at this time.

10. Recommendations and Updates from Teams, Committees and Working Groups: a) Aboriginal Planning Working

Group - MOTION to approve 2015/2016 Early Child Development Plan

b) Advocacy/Awareness Ad Hoc Group

c) Communication Team

d) Community Indicators and

Measures Committee

On behalf of the Aboriginal Planning Working Group, Wendy presented the highlights of the Aboriginal service plan that was included in your package. $3,000 has been assigned to projects. The balance of the $8,790 budget will go towards coordination and travel. MOTION to approve the Early Child Development – Aboriginal Planning Template – Debbie Milne Seconded – Mark Kartusch All in favour. Carried Anne-Marie Murphy repeated the call for volunteers to present pre-prepared deputations to 17 councils and both social services committees in January/February 2016. The work plan shows that our campaign is consistent with the Healthy Communities Declaration that all municipalities signed last year – what’s in it for them! Maribeth suggested that the CYSN sign on to the declaration as well. On behalf of the Communication Team, Wendy introduced a new testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested parties to submit by mid-July – to be posted on the CYSN website. Ruth Ingersoll advised that funding is still being sought for the data repository.

Wendy to submit approved plan to MEDU prior to August 31st CYSN will preview the presentation in November Wendy to email declaration – CYSN to discuss endorsement on September 24th Attached form can be submitted to Wendy anytime

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e) Fresh for All Red Flag Working


f) Early Childhood Development

Red Flag Working Group

g) Service Pathway/Community Engagement Committee – MOTION to approve 2015/16 Family Engagement Plan

h) Terms of Reference Review Ad

Hoc Group

Ruth Ingersoll announced that the campaign has been officially launched with the media. To participate, visit and post and distribute print materials. Beverley Bell-Rowbotham provided an update on the success of the “Make Room for Play” campaign which ended on June 1st. Melanie Dunlop summarized the plan, included in your package, which will involve members supporting each other with their own family engagement best practices, tools and resources. Opportunities for discussion will take place at future CYSN meetings. A family engagement primer video was viewed - MOTION to approve the 2015/16 Family Engagement Plan – Jessica Anderson Seconded – Susan Quaiff All in favour. Carried Nothing to report at this time.

Please pick up posters at United Way, 55 Harriett Street and post them everywhere! Summary attached Service Pathway Committee will move forward on the approved work plan

11. Community Issues and Partnership Connections

Nothing at this time. Coming this fall – Ontario Youth Suicide Prevention Plan Presentation

12. Completion of Meeting Evaluations

Page 7: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

13. Infomercials An opportunity for members to introduce service gaps, new services, issues, etc.

Family Space Grand Opening: Saturday, September 19th, 10am-1pm in collaboration with Quinte Pediatrics and others. Details to follow. John Howard Society of Belleville now has a new website - The Quantum program has seen- great success and is currently accepting referrals for September. First Adventure Child Development Centre will celebrate 40 years of service on Sat., October 3rd. There will be tours and an evening event for adults at the Belleville Yacht Club - [email protected]. The Hub Child and Family Centre: Children’s Garden Project grand opening is being planned – Susan Quaiff will share details through Wendy. Food for Learning: Feed students in schools! However kids are still hungry in July and August. They have partnered with social housing in the community to help close the gap, but there are still many children who do not receive summer support. Please contact Kellie Brace to fill the summer gap – [email protected]. Food for Learning supports programs with an education component. Linda Seeley from COSP would like to determine if the Positive Alternative Student Support (PASS) program, running the first week of July, would qualify. Similarly, Diana Gregory from Quantum and Kelly Allan from Family Space. Child care programs would not qualify since they are already being funded to provide meals and snacks.

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YMCA: Outreach for youth program is helping to inspire youth in the community. Martha Palm-Leis is looking to connect with agencies -

[email protected]. Beverley Bell-Rowbotham – With regards to the upcoming report card brochure update and deputations to municipalities, there will be information available in November 2015 regarding food insecurity data for 2013, as well as 2015 Early Development Instrument (EDI) results on December 15th.

14. Adjournment 12:07pm

15. Next Meetings Please mark your calendars - all member organizations are encouraged to attend: Date: Thursday, September 24, 2015 Meeting: 9am-noon Location: Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, 156 Ann Street, Belleville Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015 Networking: 9-9:30am Meeting: 9:30am-noon Location: Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, 156 Ann Street, Belleville

The objective of our next meeting will be to revisit the CYSN Vision and Mandate and, through this process, bring clarity and a common understanding to our “Commitment to Working Together.” If you wish to bring an issue forward to engage members and put ideas into action, please complete a Community Issues and Partnership Connections form and submit to the Coordinating Team c/o Wendy Anderson.

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Have a voice on issues that affect services for children, youth and families.

Contribute to and participate in system-wide change through collaboration.

Advocate to increase awareness and gain support for service system priorities.

Receive updates on provincial initiatives.

Learn about and act upon local data.

Access No Wrong Door, Family Engagement and other resources.

Network, build relationships and develop partnerships.

Stay informed about professional development opportunities.

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Student Success SupportsJune 2015

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Specialist High Skills Major

SHSM’s are bundles of 8-10 courses that allow students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while earning their diploma.

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Cooperative EducationCooperative Education is a program that combines classroom and workplace learning. Students can earn two co-op credits towards their compulsory diploma requirements, with no limit on earning optional co-op credits.

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Dual Credits

Students have more opportunities than ever to earn both their high school diploma and a college diploma using dual credits as a stepping stone.

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TransitionsEducation and career/life planning, orientation programs and extra help for students as they move from grade to grade and school to school.

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Student Engagement

Students now have the voice and influence to positively change their school environment, become more involved in the life of the school and achieve their goals.

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Student Success Teams

At each school, a dedicated team with a principal, teachers and a guidance counsellor provides extra attention and support for individual students.

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South East Regional

French Language

NetworkRéseau régional de langue française du Sud-Est de l’Ontario


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What is this Network?

French Best Start Network for the South East region

17 members of different organizations/agencies from across the region (Community representatives, Ministries, Early Years and Child Care Centres, School boards, Francophone community organizations, Military Family Resource Centres…)

1 coordinator supports the network

Page 19: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

The evolution of the Network

The network was established in 2007

along with French Best Start networks

across the province

Funding for the network is transferred

to the Ministry of Education each year

in april

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Our mission

Helping francophone children to get the best start

Increasing services for francophone families


Informing and advising local networks about the needs of Francophone families

Increasing access to services and supports in French

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Our roles

Bringing partners together to share our experiences and enhance the services across the region

Supporting community partners who provide French services

Increasing the visibility of and access to French services and activities for families

Page 22: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

Highlights of our successes since

our beginning in South East region

In the spring of 2009, the network welcomed

80 participants to the first early childhood symposium

held in French in Eastern Ontario

Surveyed francophone parents across the region to

support the development of a strategic plan for the

network. Two priorities identified by parents:

Need for French resources in local libraries

Preference to learn about French Language Services on-line

In March 2015, the first French Storytime

« Heure de conte » have taken place at Carleton Public

Library in Carleton Place

In May 2015, the network collaborated with

United Way during the Success by 6 Week

Page 23: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES NETWORK MINUTES · testimonial form, distributed at the meeting, and asked interested ... economic sector while earning their diploma. Cooperative Education

Highlights of our successes since

our beginning in Hastings &

Prince Edward

Fall 2009: Survey of francophone parents

The pre-kindergarten program « Petits pas à trois » began

in 2010-2011, at the Catholic elementary school L’Envol in


The pre-kindergarten program « À trois, on y va! » began

in 2010-2011, at the public elementary school

Cité-Jeunesse in Trenton

Early in 2010, the Trenton Military Family Resource Centre

began offering the program « Les livres dans ma valise »

(Books in my Suitcase) in Belleville, Frankford and Trenton

Since 2014, the Public School Board of Eastern Ontario

operates the « Centre éducatif Cité-Jeunesse », at

the public school Cité-Jeunesse in Trenton

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Our projects

Library strategy:

We created an inventory of French resources in the public libraries across the region

We developed a strategy to support these libraries in their efforts to promote French services

We obtained a grant to purchase French collections for four libraries

We supported the first French programs at the Kingston Frontenac Pubic Library and helped them obtain a grant to expand their programs in French

We collaborated to the establishment of the French Storytime « Heure de conte » monthly program in Lanark

In 2015-2016:

We will continue to support and developFrench services in libraries acrossthe region

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Our projects

Virtual platform:

Innovation Fund grant from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to create an interactive website bringing together all French services and activities offered in Kingston and across the South East region

The site builds on, the 2011 site which arose out of a community survey indicating that Francophone parents want to access information and services on-line; this initiative was jointly delivered by the SE RFLN and the KFLA CYSSC

The creation of our own Web Sitein fall 2014

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E-platform of French Services:

Desire to collaborate on a single French community

website for Kingston and area families

Worked with communities to include up-to-date

family-friendly content on a single website

Gathered on one website all the available French

services and activities offered by community


Simplifies access to information in French

► Launch conducted on March 2014

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Project 2015-2016 - HPE

Continue to develop the RFLN’s projects in HPE

with our representative Hélène Cadotte-Gagnon

from the Trenton Military Families Resource


Mission: Making connections between the

Francophone community of HPE (needs/issues)

and the Regional Francophone Best Start table

Sit on the RFLN table (French speaking)

Collaborate with Quinte West Public Library in

Trenton to establish a French Storytime

« Heure de conte » monthly program

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The Communication Team is currently collecting testimonials from CYSN members. Plain language testimonials can be a simple but effective way to share information and improve awareness about membership, both within and outside of the Network. Your testimonials will be posted on the CYSN website and featured at our September 24th Network meeting.

If you wish to contribute, we would appreciate your feedback by July 15th. You are welcome to comment on anything you wish, or you may use the following question as a guide.

How has being a member of the CYSN helped support you and/or your organization in your work with children, youth and families?






Name: _________________________________________________________

Position: _______________________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________________

NOTE: The collection of testimonials will be ongoing. Please submit to

Wendy Anderson, CYSN Coordinator at [email protected] or fax to

613-968-1038 as the mood strikes!

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Make Room for Play Campaign Report to the CYSN, June 25, 2015

Presented by: Beverley Bell-Rowbotham, Data Analysis Coordinator

Background and Summary of Activity

The Early Childhood Development Working Group chose to target the high vulnerability of young

children in HPE on the physical health and well-being domain of the EDI

Strategy used was to piggy-back on the Participaction campaign to “Make Room for Play”

Campaign ran from the end of March till the beginning of June

o Posters (which were distributed at the last CYSN meeting) which you put up in your


o Social media: Facebook and Twitter: I know that Wendy encouraged CYSN members to post or

share at least one message each week

o Messages included:

Screen time is taking away play time

Too much screen time can lead to obesity, poor academics and behavioural issues

Kids need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily

Limit screen time, and connect through active play

During the 1st week of the campaign, additional funds were spent to boost the message on the Public

Health Facebook page : had over 17000 views, 839 clicks, 522 likes, 22 comments and 103 shares >>

activity decreased after that but there was still some activities

Jen Ronan also was interviewed by Sean Kelly on radio


An on-line evaluation of the campaign was made available (prize of a $50 grocery prize)

The Make Room for Play materials worked well in drawing attention to the importance of play, the need

for opportunities for active play and the fact that Canadian children are very sedentary

For the vast majority of the respondents, the Make Room for Play campaign caused them to think a lot


o decreasing screen time (both for their children and themselves)

o Including more active play in their child’s day and becoming more physically active

half said that they had actually started to include more active play into their child’s day

Where do we go from here?

More than ¾ of the respondents want to have more information about where they can take their family

to be more active

Half wanted information about what to do to become more active

The responses to the campaign were very positive; e.g., this is a valuable campaign to help make us

aware of our need to get off the screens and get out and play. Thank you!

Thank You

To all the members of the working group

To all members of the CYSN for displaying posters, posting messages on social media and talking to the

people you work with about the importance of active play and decrease screen time
