
Nuestros Peque os Hermanos International Opened: 1954 Children living in home: 720, Total child population: 822 Mexico Natalia age 13 I live with 600 of my brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Mexico is very big and some people thinks it’s all desert, but where we live it’s actually more tropical. In my house there are only 25 girls so those girls are really my closest sisters. Because there are so many of us in the home, it’s important to have responsibility and that everyone in the home shares in doing the chores. Every morning I make my own bed and then carefully put my stuffed penguin on the pillow – he’s my favorite because my grandma gave him to me before I came to NPH and this year at Christmas, the other girls and I even designed our pinata like a penguin! Every day after school, we all eat lunch together and it’s my favorite chore to serve lunch especially when it’s one of my favorite foods. I love potato cakes and I also like the beans and tortillas we eat most days. At our home, there is a whole room for making tortillas. Because there are so many of us, you can just imagine how many tortillas it takes to feed all of us! After lunch I always wash my school uniform and hang it to dry so that it’s clean for the next day. Then I start on my homework right away because like I said, I have lots of dreams and education is very important. Really, of all the activities at school, not including math, dance is my favorite. I work hard at everything I do and enjoy it, but dancing zumba is the best because I get to channel all my energy into it. Zumba is a dance that is set to Latin music and has all kinds of dances in it like salsa, merengue, bachata, and mamba. I also like arts and crafts, soccer, volleyball, and basketball and sometimes it’s hard to do all the things I like to do in one day! Math is my favorite subject in school, I think it’s the easiest and I love numbers. If I get good grades, I can become whatever I want when I grow up. I don’t know exactly what I want to be because I like too many things. I want to learn more about everything before I make a decision. But if I really had to chose right now, I’d be an astronomer. Stars are beautiful and a mystery.


Transcript of Child_Posters_(feb-11)

Page 1: Child_Posters_(feb-11)

Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Opened: 1954Children living in home: 720, Total child population: 822

Opened: 1954


Natalia age 13 I live with 600 of my brothers and sisters in

Cuernavaca, Mexico. Mexico is very big and some people thinks it’s all

desert, but where we live it’s actually more tropical.

In my house there are only 25 girls so those girls are

really my closest sisters. Because there are so

many of us in the home, it’s important to have

responsibility and that everyone in the home

shares in doing the chores. Every morning I

make my own bed and then carefully put my stuffed

penguin on the pillow – he’s my favorite because

my grandma gave him to me before I came to NPH

and this year at Christmas, the other girls and I even

designed our pinata like a penguin!

Every day after school, we all eat lunch

together and it’s my favorite chore to

serve lunch especially when it’s one of

my favorite foods. I love potato cakes

and I also like the beans and tortillas we

eat most days. At our

home, there is a whole

room for making

tortillas. Because there are so many of us,

you can just imagine how many tortillas it

takes to feed all of us! After lunch I always

wash my school uniform and hang it to dry

so that it’s clean for the next day. Then I start

on my homework right away because like I

said, I have lots of dreams and education is

very important.

Really, of all the activities at school, not

including math, dance is my favorite. I

work hard at everything I do and enjoy it,

but dancing zumba is the best because

I get to channel all my energy into it.

Zumba is a dance that is set to Latin

music and has all kinds of dances in it like

salsa, merengue, bachata, and mamba. I

also like arts and crafts, soccer, volleyball,

and basketball and sometimes it’s hard to

do all the things I like to do in one day!

Math is my favorite subject in school,

I think it’s the easiest and I love

numbers. If I get good grades, I can

become whatever I want when I

grow up. I don’t know exactly

what I want to be because I like

too many things. I want to learn

more about everything before I

make a decision. But if I really

had to chose right now, I’d

be an astronomer. Stars are

beautiful and a mystery.

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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

orlin age 10 When I was five, I moved from Talanga to NPH, which

isn’t far away. I am happy to have so many kids around all the time because we

get to play soccer and baseball. Soccer is easier to play because all you need

is a ball. I like to watch the Honduran

teams play, but baseball is also fun

and if we don’t have a bat and a

ball, we use a wooden plank or the

end of a broom and a tennis ball.

Every morning we wake up so early

(at 5:00 am!) because we have a

lot to do before school starts. First

we have to sweep, mop and take

out the trash and make our beds,

and then we eat breakfast. I like

breakfast and we usually eat beans

and rice with sour cream, or a cooked egg with a cheese.

On Sundays we get cereal or granola and a banana and of

course we always drink milk.

After breakfast when we are all dressed,

we start walking to school. My

favorite subject in school is math. In

the afternoon we do our homework

and I like to work in the farm to

get fertilizer for the plants and

collect the eggs. It’s cool because then we eat all the food we grow

and even the milk we drink is from the cows in the fields even

though they kind of scare me because they are so big.

When we are done, I take

a shower and then I make

sure that I washed my school uniform and I

shined my shoes for the next

day. Then we get to eat dinner

and then I play with my

brothers in my home and with

my caregiver.

At Christmas we do a big

bonfire and people dance and

eat tamales and receive little

bags of candy. But on normal Saturdays we have dances or talent shows

and if it’s not raining then we sometimes watch a movie on the side

of the building, but it’s my favorite when we get to have competitions

between all the houses.

Sundays are good too because I get

to play all day. If I could decide, we

would go to swim at the water dam

and then I would climb a mango tree

and pick the mangos, or tamarindos

because those are good too. Some

day, when I am all done with school,

I will become a car mechanic and I

can even learn how to do that here

at the ranch. Then I will learn to drive

a car too but I will still like soccer,

swimming and eating mangos.

Opened: 1986Children living in home: 475

Total child population: 607


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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Victoria age 6 Rice and Beans. I love rice and beans.

And sometimes we get to each chicken too with vegetables but

mostly we eat beans with rice, or corn, and that’s OK because

it’s my favorite! It’s everybody’s favorite, right? Oh, and I like

sweet porridge too. We eat that at night and sometimes in the

morning. We also get to eat mangos sometimes which are good

but very messy and sometimes we eat fried bananas.

I also love hugs, and singing and dancing and playing soccer. I like

playing with my friends, sisters and brothers, mostly the girls, but the boys

are OK sometimes too. I laugh all the time, but really don’t like to play

hopscotch. I prefer hugs. We also make our own kites out of plastic bags.

School is fun especially because

I didn’t get to go before I came

to St. Helene. But we have to get

out of bed very early to be ready

on time. And it’s cold in Kenscoff!

Most people think Haiti is very

hot, but in the mountains where

we live, it’s rainy and cold. But I

have nice warm jackets and a nice

warm bed and I have lots of dolls

on my bed – they are my favorite toys. I make my bed every morning, take

a shower, eat, clean the dishes, then we go to school. There we learn math,

French and songs. I like French, but Kreyol is better. When I grow up I don’t

know what I want to be. I am only six.

After school I get to play with my friends on the

playground where the older kids are, or we play

in our house with our toys. Then we have to

make sure everything is clean and we work

on our schoolwork. Then we eat dinner and

go to sleep. Sometimes at night we get to

drink sweet

milk which

I like and


we get to

watch a


On Sundays we walk to the town for

church which is far way and takes about

an hour to get there and then we have

to walk back up the big hill to get back.

But I like going there because then I get

to see the cows and the trees and the

mountains in our town. I like church

too because we sing lots of songs and

when Father Rick is doing the mass at

St. Helene, we get to stay and watch the

kids dance. Sometimes I get to dance

too, and sing in front of everyone.

Opened: 1988Children living in home: 746 Total child population: 3,767

Victoria age 6


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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Kerry age 10 I am in third grade and this year I was second best in

my class so the house director gave me a backpack and new shoes as a reward.

In English class I received a diploma for a project on life in the

city. In my spare time I like to play our national sport baseball.

I play soccer as well and like to play games such as Memory

and love to ride a bike. My older brother Alex is my favorite

playmate, apart from him, Kenny is my best friend. I like to play

hide and seek with both of them.

I also have another brother,

Kessler, and three of us brothers

live in the My Little Angels section

in the home. We also have two

sisters, Anai and Khadija and they

both live in the baby house. I like

to walk but I also like to ride bikes

or go to the beach to look for small

crabs. One day, Kessler even found

a small turtle! That was before,

though and now we live in a new

home that is not close to the beach. It is called Casa Padre Wasson. It’s not on

the Island of Ometepe like the old house; it’s in Jintope on the mainland. All the

kids are at the same home now and there is a lot more space, which means a

lot more space to play.

My favorite sport is baseball,

but I can only play when I

am done with my chores.

We all have chores and we

switch which ones we have

to do. I like mopping but I

really don’t like sweeping. I also love chess. The only kid

who can beat me is my brother Alex but one time I even

beat one of the tios!

My favorite food to eat is

Gallo Pinto (spotted rooster).

It has that name because

there are rice and beans

and the beans on the rice look like polka-dots.

I also love guiso, it’s a stew with cheese and


Opened: 1994Children living in home: 256

Total child population: 373



Page 5: Child_Posters_(feb-11)

Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Fidelia age 13 Guatemala, my country, is very beautiful. We have

volcanoes, rivers, lakes, many trees, and a beautiful blue sky. NPH Guatemala

is located in the highlands of Guatemala. This means that during the days

the weather is hot, but at night it is cool.

In my home, I live with 16 other girls all of whom are my age

so they are my house sisters in addition to my other three

sisters. I like living here. My section is very cool and I always

have friends around me. My best friend is Susana. We like to

joke together a lot and play soccer.

Every morning we wake up early at 4:30 am because before

school, we get dressed, eat and do our morning chores. Our

chores in the morning include sweeping, mopping, washing

dishes after breakfast, cleaning the bathrooms and the stairs outside the section.

Finally when we are all dressed in our school uniforms, we eat

breakfast and I especially like when we have plantains. This year my

uniform has a red and blue plaid skirt with a white shirt and a blue

sweater, but in October I will finish sixth grade and graduate from

primary school. That means that next year in January I start middle

school and I will wear a different uniform, it will be a blue skirt but

still with a white shirt and blue sweater. My favorite subject in school

is history – I love to learn about our ancestors. After I finish school, I

want to become a lawyer because I want to defend

innocent people.

At 11:00 every morning we get a short break from

classes for recess. I like to play soccer or

basketball and enjoy a snack of bread, fruit,

or atoll (a popular drink made of corn flour

and water). Soccer is definitely my favorite

sport and my favorite team to cheer for is

Argentina. After recess, we go back to class until 2:00 when we go

home to eat lunch. My favorite lunch at NPH is rice with chicken and

salad with cucumber, tomato and lemon. But, if I could choose to have my

very favorite lunch, it would be pizza with ham and a lot of cheese! We make them here in

our own bakery.

After lunch we do our homework until

we go to dinner at in the main dining

hall with everybody from the whole

house. My favorite dinner is black beans

with sour cream and platains. After

dinner I have free time with my friends

until we go to bed. I like to listen to

music and study.

On the weekends, I like it when our

section walks to the nearby town of

Parramos. There, I like to walk around the

park, attend mass, watch the people, and buy

snacks. Mostly, I just like to spend time with

my friends and I am so happy that I have so

many who are always around me.

Guatemala, my country, is very beautiful. We have

volcanoes, rivers, lakes, many trees, and a beautiful blue sky. NPH Guatemala

is located in the highlands of Guatemala. This means that during the days

In my home, I live with 16 other girls all of whom are my age

so they are my house sisters in addition to my other three

sisters. I like living here. My section is very cool and I always

have friends around me. My best friend is Susana. We like to

joke together a lot and play soccer.

Every morning we wake up early at 4:30 am because before

school, we get dressed, eat and do our morning chores. Our

chores in the morning include sweeping, mopping, washing

dishes after breakfast, cleaning the bathrooms and the stairs outside the section.

Finally when we are all dressed in our school uniforms, we eat

breakfast and I especially like when we have plantains. This year my

uniform has a red and blue plaid skirt with a white shirt and a blue

sweater, but in October I will finish sixth grade and graduate from

primary school. That means that next year in January I start middle

Opened: 1996Children living in home: 334

Total child population: 439

Fidelia age 13


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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Opened: 1999Children living in home: 415

el salvador

Azuncena age 10 I live in El Salvador and I used to live with my family,

but two years ago I moved to the NPH home so now I have a lot more brothers

and sisters than I used to which means I have a lot more kids to play with. This is

especially good because I love to play

soccer and now I always

have enough people to play

a real game with. We even

get to play in tournaments

sometimes where we all

wear the same uniform

and get to travel away from


After we play a lot of soccer, my favorite treat to eat is french

fries. They aren’t Salvadoran and I like Salvadoran food

too like tortillas, beans and chicharron (pork ground into

a paste) but I like french fries the best, who doesn’t? If I

had to pick, and most of my brothers and sisters would

agree, I would eat fast food all the time – hamburgers,

french fries and Coke! Pupusas are the typical dish in

El Salvador and at our home. It is a thick hand-made

tortilla filled with beans, cheese and sometimes pork.

I am in the fourth grade and my favorite class in

school is English and maybe someday I will be able

to travel to a country where they speak English so

I can practice. I hear that the United States has a

lot of fast food so I would like to go there. I like to

study after school, because if I

work hard and try to remember

everything I learn during the

day in school, then when I get

older, I can become an English

teacher. It would be a good job. As a teacher, I would get

to teach the kids not only the material, but how to have

good manners too because it is very important to be

polite to everyone you meet. Going to the computer

lab is fun too. We learn the different programs and get

to practice our typing skills. When we are done with

our work, we can play a game.

When I am done studying after school, I also like to hang

out with my friends and sometimes we play soccer too.

At our home we have a lot of room to play. We have sport

courts and big fields too. We also can walk to a river that

runs right through the middle of our land! In addition to

Soccer, I also like to dance and sing. Some of my friends

are part of our home’s dance group and they get to dress

up in traditional

Salvadoran dresses

and travel all over

the country to

perform. Looks like

fun, but I think I

will stick to sports

and school.

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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Estrella age 1 1 When I grow up, I would like to be a dentist, an actress or the host

of a television program. I like to act because I like expressing myself through theater. I also

like playing baseball; it is the Dominican sport. I like to play dolls and babies with the other

girls who live in my house, and I have a lot of toys on my bed, but my favorite things to do

are singing and dancing.

Music and dance are very important in my culture. I like listening to

hip-hop, reggaeton and meringue music with my friends. I think

I am a pretty good dancer, but most Dominican people are,

and I am part of the folkloric dancers group at my home. We

get to perform for visitors in the home - I like to dance for the

visitors to show them what I do and what I know how to do.

I also like to sing. I go

to church at my home

with my friends every

Wednesday and Sunday

and I have been in the church choir for five months. My favorite

part of going to church is singing. I like singing because it is for

God and it makes me happy.

I am a good student

and am at the top of my class. My favorite subjects are

Mathematics and Information Technology (IT). But school

is great because it’s so close that it only takes me a few

minutes to walk there from my home. I am in the seventh

grade and I am also studying English, Spanish, social

and natural studies, science, French, agriculture, sewing

and dance. I think education is important because if I

didn’t study what would I do? What would I learn and

what would I give to my family? Like, I take agricultural

classes where we grow fruit and vegetables that we actually eat!

When I go to school I wear my school uniform. When I need to dress up, I wear jeans and nice tops.

My everyday clothes are very different to what I wear when I go out; they are basic.

It is very hot here so I have to wear clothing

that allows air to come in. I do all types of

chores to help around the house; I do the

dishes, I mop, I sweep and I clean.

When I grow up, I would like to be a dentist, an actress or the host

of a television program. I like to act because I like expressing myself through theater. I also

like playing baseball; it is the Dominican sport. I like to play dolls and babies with the other

girls who live in my house, and I have a lot of toys on my bed, but my favorite things to do

Music and dance are very important in my culture. I like listening to

hip-hop, reggaeton and meringue music with my friends. I think

I am a pretty good dancer, but most Dominican people are,

and I am part of the folkloric dancers group at my home. We

get to perform for visitors in the home - I like to dance for the

visitors to show them what I do and what I know how to do.

I also like to sing. I go

to church at my home

with my friends every

Wednesday and Sunday

and I have been in the church choir for five months. My favorite

part of going to church is singing. I like singing because it is for

Estrella age 1 1

dominican republicOpened: 2003Children living in home: 209Total child population: 252

My favorite food is a dish of white rice, beans and spaghetti,

but we also eat “La bandera” which is a Dominican dish of rice,

beans and chicken. It is called “La Bandera” (the flag) because

the rice, beans and chicken represent the three different colors

of the Dominican flag. The other kids also like meat and fish but

I still like the rice with beans and spagetti best. “Habichuelas

con dulce” is my favorite dessert. It is a sweet bean liquid

dessert that we usually eat on Easter; it’s a Dominican tradition.

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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Cecilia age 14 When I grow up I would like to be an airline stewardess so that I can travel

the world and see new places. I am most interested to travel to

Mexico. No wonder my favorite subject is Communications

because I like to talk and spend time with my friends. My closest

friends at NPH are my three roommates, Triny, Leticia and Wilma.

I just finished fifth grade this year but we

are changing schools since we are moving

soon. I liked gym class the best because we learned

how to play volleyball which is fun for

me because I never played it before. We

have special gym uniforms that we wear on the day we have class. Our

other uniform is a skirt with a sweater because the mornings can be very

cold here but it warms up during the day.

When school is over we change out of our

school uniforms and wash them while we wait

for everyone else to return home from school.

My favorite food is fried rice, or spicy chicken,

but my favorite food that the cooks make

here at NPH is locro, a squash stew

with cheese and other vegetables. It

is served with white rice.

After lunch, we finish chores and

start on homework in the dining

hall or if we finish early we can

have free time. Going down to the

river that is in back our the house is fun

because we throw rocks into the water and pick

fruit like nances to eat. Sometimes we see people

going by on rafts.

Our new houses are almost ready to move into. This means our entire home

and staff will move to another town, 45 minutes away from where we are

now. We get to go to a new school and have brand new bedrooms.

I have three sisters, Maryluz, Anibel and Samantha. I

am the oldest. We have lived at NPH for a little over

a year. I have a necklace that my mom gave to me

which I wear all the time. It is of Jesus.

When I grow up I would like to be an airline stewardess so that I can travel

the world and see new places. I am most interested to travel to

Mexico. No wonder my favorite subject is Communications

because I like to talk and spend time with my friends. My closest

friends at NPH are my three roommates, Triny, Leticia and Wilma.

I just finished fifth grade this year but we

are changing schools since we are moving

soon. I liked gym class the best because we learned

how to play volleyball which is fun for

me because I never played it before. We

have special gym uniforms that we wear on the day we have class. Our

other uniform is a skirt with a sweater because the mornings can be very

cold here but it warms up during the day.

When school is over we change out of our

school uniforms and wash them while we wait

for everyone else to return home from school.

My favorite food is fried rice, or spicy chicken,

but my favorite food that the cooks make

here at NPH is locro, a squash stew

with cheese and other vegetables. It

Opened: 2004Children living in home: 68


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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

Anthony age 12 I love playing soccer every day with my friends. Also

in school we play volleyball, and get to run around the playground. I go to

the local school where I am in fifth grade. The NPH driver drops us off every

morning and then picks us up and we go back to the house to have lunch.

My favorite food is chicken and

when it’s your birthday and you

get to go into the city were we

get hot wings. You also get to go

to the movies or go shopping and

then have cake. Parties like Christmas and Three

Kings Day are my favorite at the home because

we get to eat special food and we each get a gift.

Lunch is our biggest meal and we have usually

have rice, vegetables or potatoes, soup and

sometimes fish or chicken. For lunch we

all eat together in the main dining hall.

Breakfast and dinner is served in our own

home. The food is much better here

than where I came from.

After lunch, the group that I live with, 14

of us, start on our homework and then

afterwards it is soccer time! Sometimes

we walk to pick mangoes or play games

or puzzles. Before dinner it is time for

chores and to wash our uniforms.

Our tias make cheese empanadas

which we can have for dinner or

breakfast. It is fun to help mix the dough. I know

how to swim because where the NPH house was

before we had a swimming pool. My twin brother

also learned how to swim and it is nice to have

him with me because we play together. We like to

sing Michael Jackson and to dance.

Also when we get the chance to

watch cartoons. My housemates

and I like Ben 10, a adventure

character with special powers.

I was thinking that I would like to be a police

officer or a professional soccer player when

I grow up. Or maybe a career that has to do

with math because that is my favorite subject

at school.

Opened: 2005Children living in home: 86

Anthony age 12


Lunch is our biggest meal and we have usually

have rice, vegetables or potatoes, soup and

sometimes fish or chicken. For lunch we

all eat together in the main dining hall.

character with special powers.

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Nuestros Peque– os Hermanosª International

rev. william bryce wasson

December 21, 1923 - August, 16, 2006

I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona where I attended St. Mary’s High School

and parish. My parents also had a home in Yarnell, Arizona which is about

1.5 hours outside of Phoenix. We would spend our summers in Yarnell, a

quiet, peaceful, retirement town.

When I was 30 years old, after I graduated from university,

I traveled to Mexico where I was ordained as a priest.

I was assigned to a small parish in the market district of

Cuernavaca, Mexico. I saw the immediate need for a daycare

for poor market children, who would spend all day helping their

parents sell goods. Then my first son arrived at our chapel.

Hungry with nowhere to turn, he stole money from the poor box.

After visiting him in jail, and discussing options with the local

judge, I won custody of him and eight other boys.

I try my best to do things according to the scriptures. That is how

I founded and named NPH, from Matthew 25:40, “Truly I tell you,

whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters

of mine, you did for me.” Hence the name, “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”, Nuestros Pequeños

Hermanos, was born in 1954.

My favorite foods are deserts; ice cream, fruit pies, custards and candy. I love

sharing these treats with the children. I always carry around a bag of goodies to

hand out wherever I am. Café latte is also my favorite drink.

My motto has always been, a child is only good because of somebody.

You can teach him all of the religion in the world but he is not going to

be good unless it is because of somebody in his life that he wants to copy

who is good. That is the only way to lead a child to goodness, because

of somebody.

Every night and every morning I pray for the children. I pray that God will

bless them and keep them close and lead them into a life of mercy rather

than justice and teach them how to be merciful to one another.

What I enjoy most is spending time with my children. It is important to listen with your

whole heart and being. It is also important to smile and be joyful. When I see a child

or someone with a serious or sad expression, I try to lighten their mood by smiling. I also

believe in only saying positive words. It doesn’t matter whether someone is rich, poor,

young, old, educated, uneducated, good or bad, you can have something in common

with every single person. Having a wit and a sense of humor is also helpful in being a

father to so many children. Some of my proudest moments are seeing when older

youths take on the role of being the older brother or sister to the

younger ones.

I love the scripture and study it with a passion. I also learned Arabic and

Hebrew and wrote three books based on the scripture. Other interests

I have are psychology, theology, geography, history, and cowboy

movies, which I love watching with the children. I also enjoy traveling

and taking the children with me so that they can experience new

cultures which can open their eyes to the outside world.

I grew up hearing

music. My mother Mary,

was a beautiful pianist

and my brother Barney

played the guitar. I

played the accordion

and in the early days

at NPH we would

have funny little talent

shows where I would be

persuaded to play and

the kids and everyone

would sing along.