Childhood Seizures

Childhood Seizures Michelle D. Blumstein, MD * , Marla J. Friedman, DO Division of Emergency Medicine, Miami Children’s Hospital, 3100 SW 62nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33155, USA A seizure is defined as a paroxysmal electrical discharge of neurons in the brain resulting in an alteration of function or behavior. The area of cortical involvement, the direction and speed of the electrical impulse, and the age of the child all contribute to the clinical manifestations of the seizures [1].A seizure may be short and self-limited or prolonged and life threatening. Most seizures are followed by a period of confusion, irritability, or fatigue known as the postictal period [2]. The length of this period generally corre- sponds to the length of the seizure activity. A diagnosis of epilepsy is made only after the occurrence of two or more seizures without evidence of pro- voking factors. An epileptic syndrome is a cluster of signs and symptoms that is associated with specific neurologic and electroencephalographic (EEG) findings [1]. Continuous seizure activity lasting longer than 30 min- utes or two or more seizures without a return to a baseline level of con- sciousness between events is referred to as status epilepticus [1]. Seizures are the most common neurologic disorder of childhood and one of the most frightening. Seizures occur in approximately 4% to 10% of chil- dren and account for 1% of all emergency room visits [3,4]. Children under 3 years of age have the highest incidence of seizures. The incidence decreases with increasing age [5]. Each year, 150,000 children experience an unpro- voked, first-time seizure and 30,000 of those children ultimately develop epilepsy [3]. Patients with seizures present frequently to the emergency department, and emergency physicians should be comfortable and proficient in the rec- ognition and acute stabilization of these patients. It is imperative that emer- gency department physicians differentiate between true seizures and events that mimic seizure activity to provide appropriate treatment, parental reas- surance, and safe patient disposition. A thorough knowledge of long-term * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.D. Blumstein). 0733-8627/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.emc.2007.07.010 Emerg Med Clin N Am 25 (2007) 1061–1086


Childhood Seizures

Transcript of Childhood Seizures

  • Emerg Med Clin N Am

    25 (2007) 10611086Childhood Seizures

    Michelle D. Blumstein, MD*, Marla J. Friedman, DODivision of Emergency Medicine, Miami Childrens Hospital,

    3100 SW 62nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33155, USA

    A seizure is defined as a paroxysmal electrical discharge of neurons in thebrain resulting in an alteration of function or behavior. The area of corticalinvolvement, the direction and speed of the electrical impulse, and the age ofthe child all contribute to the clinical manifestations of the seizures [1]. Aseizure may be short and self-limited or prolonged and life threatening.Most seizures are followed by a period of confusion, irritability, or fatigueknown as the postictal period [2]. The length of this period generally corre-sponds to the length of the seizure activity. A diagnosis of epilepsy is madeonly after the occurrence of two or more seizures without evidence of pro-voking factors. An epileptic syndrome is a cluster of signs and symptomsthat is associated with specific neurologic and electroencephalographic(EEG) findings [1]. Continuous seizure activity lasting longer than 30 min-utes or two or more seizures without a return to a baseline level of con-sciousness between events is referred to as status epilepticus [1].

    Seizures are the most common neurologic disorder of childhood and oneof the most frightening. Seizures occur in approximately 4% to 10% of chil-dren and account for 1% of all emergency room visits [3,4]. Children under3 years of age have the highest incidence of seizures. The incidence decreaseswith increasing age [5]. Each year, 150,000 children experience an unpro-voked, first-time seizure and 30,000 of those children ultimately developepilepsy [3].

    Patients with seizures present frequently to the emergency department,and emergency physicians should be comfortable and proficient in the rec-ognition and acute stabilization of these patients. It is imperative that emer-gency department physicians differentiate between true seizures and eventsthat mimic seizure activity to provide appropriate treatment, parental reas-surance, and safe patient disposition. A thorough knowledge of long-term

    * Corresponding author.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (M.D. Blumstein).0733-8627/07/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.emc.2007.07.010

    mailto:[email protected]://

  • 1062 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANseizure management including antiepileptic medications, other therapies,and their various side effects is necessary.


    A seizure is not a diagnosis itself but rather a symptom of a process thatresults in a hypersynchrony of neuronal discharges. During a seizure, oxy-gen and glucose consumption and lactate and carbon dioxide productionare all increased. If normal ventilation is maintained, the increase in cerebralblood flow is generally sufficient to compensate for these changes. As a re-sult, brief seizures rarely cause long-term neurologic damage. Seizures witha longer duration may result in permanent sequelae.

    During a seizure, sympathetic discharge results in tachycardia, hyperten-sion, and hyperglycemia. Additionally, patients may have difficulty main-taining a patent airway. In patients for whom ventilation is inadequate,hypoxia, hypercarbia, and respiratory acidosis may occur. If seizure activityis prolonged, the risk of lactic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemia,hyperthermia, and hypoglycemia increases.

    Seizure classification

    There are many possible etiologies of seizures (Box 1). The determinationof a pathologic cause should always be attempted so that the diagnostic andtreatment process can begin with the classification of the seizure. Classifica-tion systems have been developed to standardize the terminology used todescribe seizure activity. Two overall seizure types exist: partial andgeneralized.

    Partial seizures originate in one cerebral hemisphere. This type of seizurehas also been referred to as a focal or local seizure. Partial seizures are fur-ther subdivided based on whether they result in an altered level of conscious-ness. A simple partial seizure has no impairment of consciousness, and mostcommonly manifests as abnormal motor activity. Autonomic, somatosen-sory, and psychic symptoms can also occur. When an alteration of con-sciousness is present, the seizure is classified as a complex partial seizure.An aura consisting of abnormal perception or hallucination often pre-cedes this type of seizure [1,2]. These seizures may present with lip smacking,a dazed look, or nausea and vomiting [3]. Both simple and complex partialseizures may ultimately become generalized. Generalization occurs inapproximately 30% of children [6].

    A generalized seizure involves both cerebral hemispheres and mayinvolve a depressed level of consciousness. Generalized seizures are eitherconvulsive, with bilateral motor activity, or nonconvulsive [2]. Various typesof generalized seizures can occur, including absence (petit mal), myoclonic,atonic (drop attacks), tonic, clonic, and tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures

  • 1063CHILDHOOD SEIZURESBox 1. Etiology of Seizures

    InfectiousFebrile seizureMeningitisEncephalitisBrain abscessNeurocysticercosis

    Neurologic/developmentalBirth injuryHypoxic-ischemic encephalopathyNeurocutaneous syndromesVentriculoperitoneal shunt malfunctionCongenital anomaliesDegenerative cerebral disease

    MetabolicHypoglycemiaHypoxiaHypomagnesemiaHypocalcemiaHypercarbiaInborn errors of metabolismPyridoxine deficiency

    Traumatic/vascularChild abuseHead traumaIntracranial hemorrhageCerebral contusionCerebrovascular accident

    ToxicologicAlcohol, amphetamines, antihistamines, anticholinergicsCocaine, carbon monoxideIsoniazidLead, lithium, lindaneOral hypoglycemics, organophosphatesPhencyclidine, phenothiazinesSalicylates, sympathomimeticsTricyclic antidepressants, theophylline, topical anestheticsWithdrawals (alcohol, anticonvulsants)Idiopathic/epilepsyObstetric (eclampsia)Oncologic

    Data from Friedman M, Sharieff G. Seizures in children. Pediatr Clin North Am2006;53:25777.

  • 1064 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMAN[2,6,7]. Absence seizures are characterized by sudden, brief (30 second) star-ing spells associated with lapses in awareness. Most patients are not awarethat a seizure has occurred. Simple (typical) absence seizures are character-ized by sudden cessation of activity, a blank stare, and no postictal drows-iness or confusion. Complex (atypical) absence seizures last longer, havea more gradual onset and resolution, and are often associated withmyoclonic activity in the face or extremities [5,6,8].

    Myoclonic seizures may occur hundreds of times daily and are character-ized by a sudden head drop and flexion of the arms (jackknifing). Atonicseizures result in a sudden loss of consciousness and muscle tone. General-ized tonic-clonic seizures are the most common seizure type in children.These seizures begin with a tonic phase during which pallor, mydriasis,eye deviation, and muscle contraction occurs. This period is followed byclonic movements including jerking and flexor spasms of the extremities.Bowel or bladder incontinence is common. Tonic-clonic seizures can be pre-ceded by an aura in some children but occur suddenly and without warn-ing in most cases [5,6]. Following this type of seizure, the child mayexperience a transient weakness or paralysis of one area of the body knownas Todds paralysis. This weakness is self-limited and requires only support-ive management [2].

    Certain epilepsy syndromes are specific to children and are classified byetiology. One fourth of epilepsy is due to an identified preceding neurologiccause and is referred to as symptomatic epilepsy. In cryptogenic epilepsy,the cause is not identified but an occult symptomatic cause is assumed.The term idiopathic epilepsy is reserved for syndromes that are presumedto be solely genetic [9].

    Infantile spasms (Wests syndrome) present with sudden jerking contrac-tions of the extremities, head, neck, and trunk in patients between 4 and 18months of age. The jerking often occurs in clusters and rarely during sleep.Mental retardation is present in 95% of children with Wests syndrome, and25% of these children have tuberous sclerosis. This syndrome carries a 20%mortality rate. The characteristic pattern of hypsarrhythmia (random high-voltage slow waves with multifocal spikes) is seen on EEG [5,6]. Patients aregenerally treated with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or prednisone[10,11]. Valproic acid, lamotrigine, topiramate, vigabatrin, and zonisamidehave been successful as well [10,1214].

    Children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome present between the ages of 3and 5 years with intractable mixed type seizures, including tonic, myoclonic,atonic, and absence seizures. An irregular, slow, high-voltage spike patternis seen on EEG [5,6]. Typically, these children are mentally retarded or havesignificant behavioral problems. Attainment of seizure control is difficult,although multiple medications have been used. Valproic acid is the mostcommon; however, felbamate, topiramate, lamotrigine, and zonisamideare other alternatives [10,12]. The ketogenic diet has been successful insome children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome [15].

  • 1065CHILDHOOD SEIZURESBenign rolandic epilepsy is a genetic syndrome with an autosomal dom-inant mode of inheritance. Patients with this syndrome present between theages of 3 and 13 years with nighttime seizures. They begin with clonic activ-ity of the face (grimacing, vocalizations), and often wake the child fromsleep. The EEG shows a characteristic pattern of perisylvian spiking. Thesyndrome typically resolves spontaneously by early adulthood, and therapyis generally not indicated. If seizures are frequent, carbamazepine is thetreatment of choice [3,5,6,10].

    Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy of Janz is also inherited in an autosomaldominant fashion and presents with myoclonic jerks, most commonly onawakening. Tonic-clonic and absence seizures occur in 80% and 25% ofthese patients, respectively. The syndrome most often presents between 12and 18 years of age and can be provoked by lack of sleep, hormonalchanges, alcohol, and stress. EEG findings include a pattern of fast spike-and-wave discharges. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy of Janz is most commonlytreated with valproic acid, but lamotrigine, topiramate, felbamate, andzonisamide can also be used [3,5,6,10].

    Special considerations

    Neonatal seizures

    The immature neonatal brain is more excitable than that of an olderchild. This excitability allows for synaptogenesis and learning but decreasesthe threshold for seizure activity [16]. Organized epileptiform activity is dif-ficult to sustain in the immature cortex. The resulting seizures may be subtleand difficult to discern from other normal newborn movements or activities[16]. Lip smacking, eye deviations, or apneic episodes may be the only man-ifestations of seizure activity in this age group. This presentation contrastswith the more recognizable shaking movements in older children. In new-borns, apneic episodes, jitteriness, and autonomic alterations may alsooccur in the absence of seizure activity. These events must be differentiatedfrom true seizures [16]. True seizures cannot be stopped with passiverestraint alone and cannot be elicited by moving or startling the child [17].

    In neonates, seizures are the most common neurologic manifestation ofimpaired brain function. Seizures occur in 1.8 to 3.5 of every 1000 newborns.Although studies have shown that seizure activity causes little direct braininjury in neonates, some data suggest that neonatal seizures may predisposethese infants to learning difficulties and increased seizure activity later in life[16]. Low birth weight infants have a higher incidence and worse outcomesfollowing seizure activity. It is not known whether this is due to the seizureactivity itself or to an initial cerebral insult [16].

    Initial evaluation may include EEG and cerebral imaging studies such ashead ultrasound, CT, or MRI. Laboratory evaluation includes glucose, elec-trolytes, calcium, magnesium, a complete blood count, blood culture,

  • 1066 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANurinalysis, urine culture, and toxicology screens. Cerebrospinal fluid culture,cell counts, and herpes simplex virus (HSV) polymerase chain reactionshould be considered. Further testing including blood amino acids, lactate,pyruvate, ammonia, and urine organic acids should be added if the diagno-sis of an inborn error of metabolism is considered.

    The causes of neonatal seizures are listed in Box 2 [1,1821]. Perinatal orintrauterine hypoxia accounts for 50% to 65% of neonatal seizures. Intra-cranial hemorrhage accounts for an additional 15%. Five to ten percentof seizures result from infection, metabolic abnormalities, and toxins[1,19,20].

    Benign familial neonatal convulsions and benign idiopathic neonatal con-vulsions are additional types of seizures that present during the neonatalperiod. They are considered benign, have no known etiology, and carry

    Box 2. Causes of neonatal seizures

    Perinatal or intrauterine hypoxia/anoxiaIntracranial hemorrhageIntraventricularSubduralSubarachnoid

    InfectionGroup B streptococcusEscherichia coliTORCH

    ToxoplasmosisOther (syphilis, hepatitis B, coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus,

    varicella zoster, parvovirus)RubellaCytomegalovirusHSV

    Metabolic abnormalitiesHypoglycemiaHypocalcemiaHypomagnesemiaPyridoxine deficiencyInborn errors of metabolism

    OtherToxins/drug withdrawalCentral nervous system abnormalitiesNeurocutaneous diseases

  • 1067CHILDHOOD SEIZURESa favorable prognosis. Patients with benign familial neonatal convulsionspresent in the first 3 days of life and usually have a family history of neona-tal seizures. This syndrome resolves spontaneously by 6 months of age[1,21]. Benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions are also known as the fifthday fits because they present on day 5 of life and generally resolve by day15 [1,21].

    Initial seizure management in neonates is similar to that in older children.Immediate priorities include stabilization of the airway, breathing, and cir-culation, as well as therapy to abort seizure activity. Phenobarbital is thetreatment of choice in these patients. Phenobarbital and phenytoin haveshown equal efficacy in many studies, although neither has been particularlysuccessful [16]. Phenytoin exerts a depressive effect on the newborn myocar-dium and has a variable rate of metabolism in newborns; therefore, it is notoften used as a first-line agent [20,21]. Benzodiazepines should be used cau-tiously due to the risk of hypotension and respiratory depression in this agegroup [2022]. In refractory seizures, a trial of pyridoxine is indicated totreat the rare cases of pyridoxine deficiency, an autosomal recessive disorderpresenting in the first 1 to 2 days of life. This disease does not respond toconventional therapies [21]. Electrolyte abnormalities should be rapidly cor-rected, and therapy for underlying infection should be instituted. Long-termanticonvulsant therapy usually includes phenobarbital or fosphenytoin.Both topiramate and zonisamide have been effective as well [17,18].

    Febrile seizures

    A febrile seizure is defined as a convulsion that occurs in association witha febrile illness in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. Thepeak age of occurrence is between 18 and 24 months. Between 2% to 5%of children will experience at least one febrile seizure before the age of 5years, making it the most common seizure type in young children [3,23].Febrile seizures are either simple or complex depending on their clinical fea-tures. A simple febrile seizure is brief (%15 minutes), single, and generalized.A complex febrile seizure lasts longer than 15 minutes, recurs during a singleillness, or is focal. Simple febrile seizures are more common and account for80% of all febrile seizures.

    Although the exact pathophysiology is unknown, it is believed that feverlowers the seizure threshold in certain children. It is unclear whether seizureactivity is related to the absolute height of the fever or to the rate of rise ofthe temperature [2325]. It is evident that some genetic predisposition exists.Between 25% and 40% of children with febrile seizures have a family his-tory of febrile seizures [26].

    The vast majority of children who experience a febrile seizure will have nocomplications and no long-term neurologic effects [2325]. Recurrence offebrile seizures occurs in approximately 33% of children, with the highestrecurrence seen in children who experience their first episode before 1 year

  • 1068 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANof age [27]. Less than 10% of children have more than three seizures [24].Recurrences tend to occur soon after the first febrile seizure, with 50% oc-curring within the first 6 months. Seventy-three percent occur in the firstyear and 90% in the first 2 years [27]. Children with higher temperaturesat the time of their febrile seizure are less likely to have a recurrence, butit is unclear whether the type of initial seizure (simple or complex) hasany bearing on the risk of recurrence [3,28]. In children with no additionalrisk factors, the overall risk for nonfebrile seizures in the future (1%2%) isnot statistically greater than for the general population (0.5%1%) [1,24].An abnormal neurologic examination before the seizure, a complex febrileseizure, or a family history of epilepsy increases the risk of epilepsy to be-tween 9.6% and 13% [24,27].

    A patient who presents to the emergency department during a febrile sei-zure should be treated in the same fashion as a patient with any other type ofseizure. Attention should first be directed at controlling the airway, breath-ing, and circulation, and then at stopping the seizure activity. As is true forother seizure types, benzodiazepines are the first-line therapy, followed byfosphenytoin and phenobarbital. In addition, treatment to control andreduce the temperature is indicated [24].

    Due to the self-limited nature of febrile seizures, children are usually pos-tictal or have returned to baseline by the time they arrive in the emergencydepartment. In these children, a thorough history and physical examinationalong with an age appropriate search for the source of the fever are appro-priate [23,29]. The risk of serious bacterial infections in these children is thesame as in children who present with fever alone [25,29,30]. In cases in whicha cause of the fever has been identified, viral infections are the most commonsource. Both influenza A and human herpes virus 6 (roseola infantum) havebeen linked with an increased incidence of febrile seizures [31,32]. Routineexaminations of glucose, electrolytes, calcium, blood urea nitrogen, and cre-atinine are not necessary in children who have returned to baseline, have norisk factors for epilepsy, and have a normal physical examination [23,27].

    The need for routine lumbar puncture in children with a first febrile sei-zure has generated much controversy. It is universally accepted that a lum-bar puncture is required in all children in whom meningeal signs are present.The inability to perform a reliable examination in postictal or very youngchildren has led to considerable variability in the approach to these children.American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines recommend the strong consid-eration of lumbar puncture in children younger than 12 months of ageand consideration in those younger than 18 months of age [23]. Becausethe incidence of meningitis in children who present with a first febrile seizureis low, recent research recommends that routine lumbar puncture based onage alone is not necessary. These new suggestions rely more strongly on clin-ical findings in addition to the childs age when making the decision to per-form a lumbar puncture. A lumbar puncture should be considered inpatients less than 18 months of age who present with a history of irritability,

  • 1069CHILDHOOD SEIZURESlethargy, or poor oral intake. Additionally, those with an abnormal mentalstatus, slow return from the postictal state, bulging fontanelle, headache, orother meningeal signs should have a lumber puncture performed. Patientswhose seizures have complex features, or those who have been pretreatedwith antibiotics should be considered for lumbar puncture [25].

    Emergent EEG is generally not helpful and will be abnormal in approx-imately 95% of patients shortly after a febrile seizure. It may be useful inpatients with an underlying neurologic disorder [27]. Emergent cranial imag-ing is not necessary in children with a simple febrile seizure and is also notlikely to be necessary in well-appearing children with a first complex febrileseizure [28]. Complex febrile seizures may require further neuroimaging ona nonemergent basis.

    Prophylactic antipyretic therapy is not effective in the prevention of futurefebrile seizures, and long-term anticonvulsant medication is generally notindicated in these children. Prophylactic antiepileptic medications may beconsidered in patients with neurologic deficits, focal or prolonged seizures,or those with a family history of epilepsy. Phenobarbital has been effectivein the prevention of future febrile seizures, but its use is limited due to behav-ioral and cognitive side effects. Furthermore, for it to be effective, phenobar-bital must be given continuously and cannot be used only at the onset offever. Valproic acid is as effective as phenobarbital, but the occurrence ofhepatotoxicity and pancreatitis in young children has limited its use. Otherantiepileptic medications such as carbamazepine and phenytoin have beenevaluated without success. Oral or rectal diazepam (0.5 mg/kg/d) given every12 hours from the onset of fever has been shown to be as effective as contin-uous phenobarbital in the prevention of febrile seizures. Side effects includelethargy, irritability, and ataxia [27]. Antiepileptic therapy decreases therecurrence of seizures but does not influence the development of epilepsy.

    Most patients who have experienced a febrile seizure may be safely dis-charged home once sufficient reassurance and parental education hasoccurred. Patients with features of a complex febrile seizure, those with pro-longed seizure activity, or those whose seizure activity fails to stop on itsown should be admitted to the hospital for further observation.

    Differential diagnosis

    Many clinical entities have features that mimic seizure activity (Box 3).Disorders that result in an altered level of consciousness, those with abnor-mal movements or posturing, psychologic disorders, and some sleep disor-ders have features in common with seizures. Often, a thorough historyand physical examination are all that is necessary to differentiate these enti-ties from true seizure activity. A complete description of the event froma witness is invaluable in making this distinction. Other historical and phys-ical examination findings are also helpful. It is useful to recall that most

  • 1070 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANnonepileptic conditions will not be followed by a postictal period. Addition-ally, seizure activity cannot be stopped by passive restraint alone [17]. Thedifferential diagnosis changes depending on the age of the child.

    Breath-holding spells occur in approximately 5% of children between theages of 6 months and 5 years and resolve spontaneously. In cyanotic breath-holding spells, the child first cries vigorously in response to anger or fear.The child then holds his or her breath, becomes cyanotic, limp, and may ex-perience loss of consciousness and jerking of the extremities. The episode isbrief, and the child returns to normal activity rapidly. Pallid breath-holdingspells are also brief but generally occur after a minor trauma. In these cases,the child cries, becomes pale, and loses consciousness and motor tone. Nei-ther type is followed by any postictal behavioral changes.

    Syncope is defined as a brief sudden loss of consciousness and muscletone and may result from a variety of causes. Typically, the patient is

    Box 3. Pediatric conditions often mistaken for seizures

    Disorders with altered consciousnessBreath-holding spellsApnea/syncopeCardiac dysrhythmiasMigraine

    Paroxysmal movement disordersTicsShuddering attacksBenign myoclonusPseudoseizuresSpasmus mutansAcute dystonia

    Sleep disordersNight terrorsSleepwalkingNarcolepsy

    Psychologic disordersAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderHyperventilationHysteriaPanic attacks

    Gastroesophageal reflux (Sandifer syndrome)

    Data from Friedman M, Sharieff G. Seizures in children. Pediatr Clin North Am2006;53:25777.

  • 1071CHILDHOOD SEIZURESupright before the event and reports the sensation of lightheadedness ornausea. Signs of increased vagal tone such as pallor, diaphoresis, and dilatedpupils are often observed. Syncope is more common in adolescents[5,6,33,34]. Like syncope, narcolepsy presents in adolescence; however, itis significantly less common. It presents with sudden uncontrollable periodsof sleep during waking hours. In 50% of cases, it is associated with a suddenloss of muscle tone following an emotional outburst known as cataplexy.These events may be mistaken for atonic type seizures [2,5,6,33,35].

    Benign shuddering attacks are characterized by rapid shaking of the headand arms lasting only a few seconds with immediate return to baseline activ-ity. Tics are another movement disorder that may mimic epilepsy. They arebrief and repetitive, are partially repressible, and are often induced by stress.Infants with Sandifers syndrome present with back arching, writhing, andcrying associated with vomiting episodes. These manifestations of gastro-esophageal reflux disease may be confused with seizure activity. Spasmusnutans is characterized by head tilting, nodding, and nystagmus and pres-ents between 4 and 12 months of age. Dystonic reactions may be mistakenfor a tonic seizure and most often are a side effect of medication. During thereaction, the child experiences sustained contraction of the neck and trunkmuscles, abnormal posturing, and facial grimacing. They experience no pos-tictal period [5,6,33,36].

    Multiple sleep-related paroxysmal events may be mistaken for seizure ac-tivity. Sudden jerking of the extremities, usually on falling asleep, is referredto as benign myoclonus. Night terrors are usually seen in preschool-agedchildren who wake from sleep crying, confused, and frightened. These epi-sodes are self-limited and last only a few minutes, after which the childhas no recollection of the event. School-aged children may also experiencesomnambulism (sleepwalking). During these events, the child wakes fromsleep and wanders around aimlessly for a short period of time before return-ing to bed [5,6,33,36].

    Pseudoseizures are most commonly seen in patients with a known seizuredisorder or who have a family member with epilepsy. They are often difficultto differentiate from true seizures. Characteristics of pseudoseizures includesuggestibility and moaning or talking during the event. Injury, incontinence,and postictal drowsiness are notably absent. When the diagnosis is unclear,an EEG or video EEG monitoring can be helpful in distinguishing these par-oxysmal events from true seizures [5,6,33,36].

    Evaluation and management

    History and physical examination

    The history and physical examination are invaluable elements of theseizure evaluation. Often, they alone can distinguish between true seizureactivity and other paroxysmal disorders of childhood. Furthermore, an

  • 1072 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANaccurate description of the event can lead to appropriate differentiation be-tween seizure types. The underlying cause of seizure activity may be uncov-ered during these steps in the evaluation process (see Box 1).

    A thorough history of possible precipitating factors should be sought.These factors include fever, current systemic illness or infection, a historyof neurologic disease, trauma, possible ingestions, other medications, recentimmunizations, and a history of seizures. In patients with a history of sei-zure disorder, the investigation should include questions specific to previousantiepileptic treatment and seizure type. It is important to determine which,if any, seizure medication the patient is taking, and if there have been recentchanges in the medication or dosing. The childs baseline seizure frequencyas well as how the current seizure compares with past seizures are crucialhistorical points. It is helpful to know whether the child has traveled recentlyor has a family history of seizure disorder. Certain comorbid conditions,such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, mental retardation, and au-tism, are associated with a higher incidence of seizure disorder, and a historyof these conditions should be sought [37].

    In addition to these historical features, it is extremely helpful to receive anaccurate description of the event from a reliable witness. Events leading upto the seizure, as well as the presence of an aura, are important. The dura-tion of the event, types of movement, eye involvement, loss of conscious-ness, the presence of incontinence, focal abnormalities following theseizure, and the length of the postictal period should be determined [6].

    A thorough physical examinationmay yield clues to the cause of seizure ac-tivity. First, a complete set of vital signs should be obtained and evaluated.Thechild should be examined for signs of infection, meningeal irritation, signs ofelevated intracranial pressure (bulging fontanelle, changes in vital signs), headtrauma (bruising, retinal hemorrhages), and focal neurologic deficits. Otherless obvious clues to the cause of seizure activity include hepatosplenomegalyassociated with glycogen storage diseases and skinmanifestations of neurocu-taneous diseases (cafe au lait spots, ash leaf spots, and port wine stains) [6].

    Laboratory testing

    As in febrile seizures, there is no routine panel of laboratory studies in theevaluation of a first-time unprovoked afebrile seizure. Laboratory testingshould be based on the history and physical examination and should at-tempt to elucidate a treatable cause of seizure activity. A bedside glucoselevel should be obtained in all patients. Electrolyte abnormalities are morecommon in actively seizing patients, those younger than 1 month of age,and those with hypothermia (!36.5C) [38]. The presence of hypothermiais the best predictor of hyponatremic seizures in children younger than 6months [39]. Patients with a history of diabetes or metabolic disease, dehy-dration or excess free water intake, prolonged seizure, an altered level ofconsciousness, and those younger than 6 months are also at an increased

  • 1073CHILDHOOD SEIZURESrisk of electrolyte disturbances. Determination of the white blood cell countmay be helpful if an infectious cause of the seizure is suspected. Based on theclinical picture, laboratory evaluation may also include toxicology screens,serum ammonia levels, urine amino acids, and serum organic acids [34].Subtherapeutic anticonvulsant levels are a common cause of seizures in chil-dren with known seizure disorders. Serum anticonvulsant levels should beincluded in the evaluation of these children [7].

    A lumbar puncture should be considered in patients with meningeal signs,altered mental status, a prolonged postictal period, or in neonatal seizures.Patients who have returned to their baseline level of activity followinga first-time afebrile seizure do not require a cerebrospinal fluid evaluation [34].


    As is true for laboratory testing, the decision to perform emergent neuro-imaging should be made on a case-by-case basis. Although MRI is moresensitive in the detection of certain tumors and vascular malformations,CT is often more readily available [6,7]. Brain CT scan should be performedin patients with a history of trauma, neurocutaneous diseases, ventriculoper-itoneal shunt, or exposure to cysticercosis. Those with evidence of increasedintracranial pressure, focal seizure activity, focal neurologic deficits, ora prolonged postictal period should also be imaged. Imaging should alsobe considered in patients with hypercoaguable states (sickle cell disease),bleeding disorders, or immunocompromised states (HIV, malignancy)[40,41]. Following a first-time, unprovoked, nonfebrile seizure, most well-appearing children will have none of the previously mentioned risk factors.These children can be safely discharged home without emergent neuroimag-ing once follow-up is ensured [34].


    Emergent EEG should be reserved for patients in whom the diagnosis ofnonconvulsive status epilepticus is suspected or in those with refractory sei-zure activity. Well-appearing children who present to the emergency depart-ment with a first-time unprovoked nonfebrile seizure do not require anemergent EEG. These patients can be referred for outpatient EEG analysisincluding recordings in the sleep and wake states as well as during periods ofpatient stimulation [6,7]. An EEG during seizure activity is most beneficial.Although positive EEG findings are an important predictor of future sei-zures, a negative EEG does not rule out a seizure disorder [42].

    Initial management

    Most seizures are brief and self-limited. As a result, patients generallypresent to the emergency department after seizure activity has stopped. Pa-tients who are actively seizing on presentation are generally in a prolonged

  • 1074 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANseizure state, and the diagnosis of status epilepticus should be considered.Seizures that last longer than 10 minutes are unlikely to stop on their ownand become increasingly refractory to antiepileptic drugs with time [43].

    The initial management (Fig. 1) includes evaluation of the airway,breathing, and circulation, with interventions as necessary. Attention may

    Time Line Intervention

    Lorazepam SL, PR Diazepam PR Midazolam IN, buccal

    5 min Prehospital medications

    10-20 min ED Arrival:ABCs, O2, dextrostick,

    IV/IO access

    Consider IV glucose**, naloxone**,pyridoxine** based on clinical situation

    seizure persists x 3-5 min

    Give benzodiazepinerepeat 1-2x

    buccal*seizure persists x 5 min

    Phenytoin or Fosphenytoin 15-20 mg/kg IV

    seizure persists x 15 min

    30 min Phenobarbital 20mg/kg IV

    assess airway/consider intubation seizure persists x 20 min

    60 min intubation / general anesthesiacontinuous EEG monitoring

    Lorazepam IV, IM* Diazepam IV, PR* Midazolam IV, IM, PR, IN,

    Fig. 1. Status epilepticus management algorithm. ABC, airway, breathing, circulation; ED,

    emergency department; ETT, endotracheal tube; IO, intraosseous; SC, subcutaneous; SL, sub-

    lingually; PR, rectally; IM, intramuscularly; IN, intranasally; IV, intravenous. *Lorazepam,

    0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg IV/IM (maximum 4 mg/dose). Diazepam, 0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg IV (maximum

    10 mg/dose) or 0.5 to 1 mg/kg PR. Midazolam IV: 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg/dose (maximum 6 mg/

    dose for !6y, 10 mg/dose O6y), IM: 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/dose (maximum 5 mg/dose), IN: 0.2to 0.3 mg/kg/dose (maximum 7.5 mg/dose), PO: 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/dose (maximum 20 mg/

    dose). **Dextrose, 2 to 4 mL/kg/dose D25% IV. Naloxone, 0.1 mg/kg/dose IV/IM/SC/ETT

    if !20 kg, 2 mg/dose if O20 kg. Pyridoxine, 50 to 100 mg/dose IV/IM.

  • 1075CHILDHOOD SEIZURESthen be focused on the prevention of secondary injuries. Supplementaloxygen should be provided and the airway maintained. Airway positioningis usually sufficient; however, an oral or nasal airway may be required. Allnecessary medications and equipment should be at the bedside of activelyseizing patients because intubation is sometimes required. This access isparticularly important after the administration of certain anticonvulsants.If possible, intravenous or intraosseous access should be obtained.

    A dextrose bolus (24 mL/kg/dose of 25% dextrose intravenously)should be given in all cases of documented hypoglycemia. Empiric dextroseadministration should also be given in cases in which rapid glucose testing isunavailable. Empiric dextrose should be avoided in children on theketogenic diet because administration may interfere with the ketogenic stateand worsen seizure activity. In patients with suspected opioid intoxication,naloxone (0.1 mg/kg/dose given intravenous/intramuscular/subcutaneous/endotracheal tube if !20 kg, 2 mg/dose if O20 kg) should be given.Additionally, pyridoxine (50100 mg/dose intravenous/intramuscular)should be administered to neonates and in those with isoniazide intoxication[26,4346].

    Benzodiazepines are the initial drug of choice in acute seizure manage-ment. They can be administered via multiple routes. Initial medicines mayhave been given by pre-hospital care providers, and this history should beobtained whenever possible. Lorazepam (Ativan) has an onset of actionof 2 to 5 minutes and a half-life of 12 to 24 hours. For these reasons, it isthe preferred agent. It can be given either intravenously or intramuscularlyat a dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg (maximum 4 mg/dose) and may be repeatedevery 5 to 15 minutes; however, its effectiveness decreases with subsequentdoses. An alternative medication is diazepam (Valium), whose half-life isless than 30 minutes but with an onset of action similar to lorazepam. Be-cause of its short half-life, an additional agent for long-term seizure controlshould be added when diazepam is used. It can be administered at a dose of0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg intravenously (maximum 10 mg/dose) or 0.5 to 1 mg/kgrectally. The rectal dose may be given by instillation of the intravenous for-mulation or through the use of preformed rectal gel suppositories [26,47,48].Rectally administered diazepam has a longer onset of action than the intra-venous form and is less successful at controlling seizures [49]. Midazolam(Versed) can be administered via various routes including intramuscular, in-travenous, intranasal, oral, and buccal forms [26,48,50,51]. The intranasalform has been shown to be more effective than rectal diazepam and as effec-tive as its intravenous form [49]. This preparation may be useful when intra-venous access is difficult to obtain or in the pre-hospital setting. Dosing ofmidazolam varies based on the route of administration (by mouth: 0.250.5mg/kg [maximum 20 mg/dose]; intravenous: 0.050.1 mg/kg/dose [maxi-mum 6 mg/dose for !6y, 10 mg/dose O6y]; intramuscular: 0.10.2 mg/kg/dose [maximum 5 mg/dose]; intranasal: 0.20.3 mg/kg/dose [maximum 7.5mg/dose], rectal: 0.51mg/kg/dose [maximum 20mg/dose]). Benzodiazepines

  • 1076 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANmay cause respiratory depression, sedation, and, rarely, hypotension. Theseeffects are more common with multiple doses. Attention to the airway iscrucial.

    If seizure activity persists despite repeated benzodiazepine dosing, phe-nytoin or fosphenytoin should be used. These medications are unique inthat they do not cause sedation or respiratory depression. Fosphenytoin isa rapidly metabolized prodrug of phenytoin that can be rapidly deliveredwith fewer systemic and local side effects. The loading dose of phenytoinis 10 to 20 mg/kg intravenously but must be given slower than 50mg/min. Fosphenytoin is given as phenytoin equivalents at the same dosewithout the time constraints of phenytoin. It may be infused at rates upto 150 mg/min. Intramuscular fosphenytoin is also available. Patients re-ceiving chronic phenytoin therapy require a smaller loading dose to achievetherapeutic serum levels. In these cases, a typical starting dose is 5 to 10 mg/kg. The serum concentration increases by 1 mg/mL for each mg/kg given.Patients receiving phenytoin should be placed on continuous cardiac moni-toring, because the drug may result in hypotension and cardiac dysrhyth-mias. Phenytoin will precipitate in the intravenous tubing when given witha dextrose-containing solution, but fosphenytoin will not [7,26,43,52].

    Phenobarbital is the next antiepileptic drug to be added if seizure activitypersists. It is given at a loading dose of 20 mg/kg intravenously over 5 to 10minutes and requires 15 to 20 minutes to take effect. It has a duration of ac-tion lasting between 12 and 24 hours. If intravenous access is unavailable, itmay also be given intramuscularly. Phenobarbital is the initial drug ofchoice in neonatal seizures [43]. Phenobarbital, especially when used in con-junction with benzodiazepines, can lead to significant respiratory depres-sion, sedation, and hypotension. Intubation is frequently necessary at thisstage in management [7,26,4446]. Valproic acid can be substituted for phe-nytoin or phenobarbital in status epilepticus at a dose of 25 mg/kg/dose.Patients on chronic valproic acid therapy should receive 10 mg/kg/dose toraise serum drug levels [2].

    If seizure activity persists longer than 30 to 60 minutes despite these in-terventions, continuous infusions of pentobarbital, midazolam, or propofolmay be necessary. A few patients may require general anesthesia and neuro-muscular blockade. These patients require continuous EEG monitoring, andmedication doses should be titrated to achieve a flat line or suppression pat-tern on EEG [6,4446].

    Long-term management

    In addition to seizure control, therapeutic goals include improving thequality of life for epileptic patients. Patients with seizure disorders havea high incidence of depression and suicidal ideations [37]. These factors,although not often addressed in the emergency department, may havea role in compliance and may influence treatment decisions.

  • 1077CHILDHOOD SEIZURESIt is uncommon to begin long-term antiepileptic therapy in the emergencydepartment. Antiepileptic medications may decrease the risk of a second sei-zure but do not decrease the incidence of epilepsy. For this reason, they aregenerally not initiated following a first-time afebrile seizure in otherwisewell-appearing children. When necessary to begin treatment, these drugsshould be given in conjunction with the pediatrician or neurologist whowill provide the patients long-term care. The decision to begin therapyshould consider the patients age, seizure type, comorbid conditions, andrisk of seizure recurrence [34,42,53].

    Many antiepileptic drugs exist (Table 1), and the decision of which to usecan be difficult. A few basic principles can guide proper selection. First, oneshould choose a drug that is appropriate for the patients seizure type. Ifmore than one appropriate drug exists, one should choose the one withthe least side effects. Second, one should begin with a single agent at thelow end of the dosing range. Doses should be titrated up until seizuresare controlled or side effects become intolerable. Medications should notbe changed until the drug has been allowed to reach a steady state. This levelis generally five times the half-life of the medication. A second drug shouldbe added if seizure activity continues. The ultimate goal is to wean to a singledrug if possible [6,15,55] When choosing an antiepileptic medication, it isalso necessary to consider the patients comorbid conditions. Certain antiep-ileptic agents have either beneficial or detrimental effects on other conditions[37]. It is important to inform families that although 75% of patients willachieve seizure control with a single drug [35], dose or medication changescould be necessary before seizure control is obtained.

    Carbamazepine (Tegretol) is a first-generation antiepileptic drug recom-mended for use in the treatment of simple and complex partial seizuresand generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Additionally, it is the treatment ofchoice for benign rolandic epilepsy [5]. Interestingly, carbamazepine inducesits own metabolism and decreases its own half-life from 30 to 10 hours.Drug absorption is slow and irregular, resulting in erratic serum drug levels[55]. Dose-related side effects include drowsiness, diplopia, and lethargy.Other side effects include rash, hepatic toxicity, leukopenia, and aplasticanemia. Its use may interfere with the effectiveness of oral contraceptivemedications. Carbamazepine exerts some positive effect on mood stabiliza-tion [56]. Other medications, including macrolide antibiotics, isoniazide,cimetidine, verapamil, and diltiazam, may interfere with carbamazepine me-tabolism and result in toxic serum levels. Therapeutic serum levels rangefrom 4 to 12 mg/mL. Dosing begins at 10 mg/kg/d and is increased by5 mg/kg/d every 3 to 4 days to maintenance dosing (usually 1040 mg/kg/ddivided twice to four times daily) [53,54,57].

    Phenytoin (Dilantin) is another first-line antiepileptic drug whose use isindicated in the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic seizures and simpleand complex partial seizures. It is used in status epilepticus and possiblyin neonatal seizures as well. Significant side effects are associated with

  • Table 1

    Common a

    Drug Miscellaneous

    Carbamaz d Possible mood stabilization,


    Clonazepa g/d

    Ethosuxim d

    Felbamate d

    Gabapenti d


    nd on



    Possible mood stabilization

    Levetiracet d

    Oxcarbaze Possible mood stabilization

    Phenobarb Inexpensive, readily






    nticonvulsant agents

    Indication Side effects Maintenance

    epine (Tegretol) Generalized tonic-clonic,

    partial, benign rolandic


    Rash, hepatitis, diplopia,

    aplastic anemia,


    1040 mg/kg/

    m (Klonopin) Myoclonic, akinetic, partial

    seizures, infantile spasms,


    Fatigue, behavioral

    issues, salivation

    0.050.3 mg/k

    ide (Zarontin) Absence GI upset, weight gain,

    lethargy, SLE, rash

    2040 mg/kg/

    (Felbatol) Refractory severe epilepsy Aplastic anemia,


    1545 mg/kg/

    n (Neurontin) Partial and secondarily

    generalized seizures

    Fatigue, dizziness diarrhea,

    ataxia, weight gain

    2070 mg/kg/

    e (Lamictal) Simple/complex partial,

    atonic, myoclonic,

    absence, tonic-clonic,


    infantile spasms

    Headache, nausea, rash,

    diplopia, Stevens-

    Johnson syndrome,

    GI upset

    515 mg/kg/d

    (doses depe


    of medicati

    am (Keppra) Adjunctive therapy for

    refractory partial seizures

    Headache, anorexia,

    fatigue, infection,

    behavioral problems

    1060 mg/kg/

    pine (Trileptal) Adjunctive therapy for

    partial seizures

    Fatigue, low Na, nausea,

    ataxia, rash

    545 mg/kg/d

    ital (Luminol) Generalized tonic-clonic,

    partial, myoclonic

    Sedation, behavioral issues,

    sleep abnormalities, rash,


    26 mg/kg/d

  • Phenytoin (Dilantin) Generalized tonic-clonic, Gum hyperplasia, 48 mg/kg/d Inexpensive, readily


    1025 mg/kg/d

    0.51 mg/kg/d

    19 mg/kg/d Weight loss, migraine


    , 1060 mg/kg/d Inexpensive, readily

    available, possible mood

    stabilization, migraine


    50150 mg/kg/d


    28 mg/kg/d Weight loss







    partial, atonic,

    myoclonic, neonatal

    hirsutism, ataxia,


    syndrome, lymphoma

    Primidone (Mysoline) Generalized tonic-clonic,


    Rash, ataxia, behavioral

    issues, sedation, anemia

    Tiagabine (Gabitril) Adjunctive therapy for

    refractory complex

    partial (focal) seizures

    Fatigue, headache, tremor,

    dizziness, anorexia

    Topiramate (Topamax) Refractory complex partial

    seizures, adjunctive

    therapy for temporal lobe


    Fatigue, nephrolithiasis,

    ataxia, headache, weight

    loss, tremor, GI upset

    Valproic acid (Depakote) Generalized tonic-clonic,

    absence, myoclonic,

    partial, akinetic, infantile


    GI upset, liver involvement

    tremor, alopecia,

    sedation, weight gain,

    menstrual irregularities,


    Vigabatrin (Sabril) Infantile spasms, adjunctive

    therapy for refractory


    Weight gain, behavior

    changes, visual field


    Zonisamide (Zonegran) Adjunctive therapy for

    partial seizures, atonic,

    infantile spasms

    Fatigue, ataxia, anorexia,

    GI upset, headache, rash

    weight loss

    Abbreviations: GI, gastrointestinal; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.

    Data from Friedman M, Sharieff G. Seizures in children. Pediatr Clin North Am 2006

  • 1080 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANits use. Dose-related side effects that usually occur at supratherapeuticlevels include nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, ataxia, and nystagmus. Cos-metic effects include acne, gingival hyperplasia, and hirsuitism. Bloodand liver toxicity and drug-induced rashes (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) canalso occur. Therapeutic levels range from 10 to 20 mg/mL, but higher levelsmay be necessary in some patients. Dosing ranges from 4 to 8 mg/kg/ddivided once to three times daily. Changes between generic and tradeforms of the drug as well as small changes in dosing may significantly alterserum drug levels. Like carbamazepine, phenytoin has multiple drug inter-actions. Its levels may be increased with concomitant use of cimetidine,isoniazide, anticoagulants, estrogens, chlorpromazine, and chlorampheni-col. Phenytoin also alters drug levels of other antiseizure medications. Car-bamazepine, clonazepam, and primidone levels are lowered, whereasphenobarbital levels may be increased with concurrent use of phenytoin[9,26,53,54,57].

    Phenobarbital (Luminal) is effective against generalized tonic-clonic andpartial seizures, both simple and complex. It is used in the treatment of sta-tus epilepticus and is the treatment of choice in neonatal seizures. A signif-icant proportion (30%50%) of children experience side effects includinghyperactivity, lethargy, sleep and behavioral disorders, rash, and hypersen-sitivity reactions. Due to its low cost, it is often tried initially and discontin-ued if side effects are problematic. Therapeutic levels range between 10 to40 mg/mL. The phenobarbital dose ranges from 2 to 6 mg/kg/d dividedonce or twice a day [9,26,53,57].

    Primidone (Mysoline) is metabolized into phenobarbital and is useful inpartial (simple and complex) and generalized tonic-clonic seizures as well.The side effect profiles are similar. Serum drug levels of phenobarbital arefollowed for monitoring and should range between 5 and 12 mg/mL. Theusual maintenance dose is 10 to 25 mg/kg/d divided between two andfour times per day [53,54,57].

    Valproate (Depakote) is primarily used to treat absence or myoclonic sei-zures but is also effective in the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic seizuresand both simple and complex partial seizures. It is occasionally used in thetreatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy ofJanz, and infantile spasms [5,12]. Side effects include nausea, vomiting,drowsiness, alopecia, weight gain, and menstrual irregularities. Idiosyncraticpancreatitis and hepatic failure may occur, especially in children less than 2years old. Additional dose-related effects include thrombocytopenia, plateletdysfunction, and tremors. Beneficial effects include migraine prevention andmood stabilization. Administration of valproate may increase serum druglevels of phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, diazepam, clonazepam,and ethosuximide. Doses are started at 10 mg/kg and increased weekly by10 mg/kg. The usual maintenance dose is between 10 and 60 mg/kg/d andis given in two to four divided doses. Therapeutic serum concentrationsrange from 50 to 100 mg/mL [53,54,56,57].

  • 1081CHILDHOOD SEIZURESEthosuximide (Zarontin) is the last of the first-generation antiepilepticdrugs. It is most effective in absence seizure therapy. Side effects includenausea, vomiting, hiccups, and headache. Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and a lupus-like syndrome have been reported on rareoccasions. Its dose is from 20 to 40 mg/kg/d given in two divided doseswith therapeutic levels ranging from 40 to100 mg/mL [53,54,56].

    Clonazepam (Klonopin) can be used to treat myoclonic and atonic sei-zures as well as absence type seizures. Side effects include ataxia, drowsiness,and drooling. Therapeutic drug levels range from 0.02 to 0.08 mg/mL andare generally achieved with doses of 0.05 to 0.3 mg/kg/d divided from twoto four times per day [54,57].

    Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is indicated as adjunctive therapy in partial sei-zures, atonic, tonic, and myoclonic seizures in addition to Lennox-Gastautsyndrome. Lamotrigine monotherapy may be effective for generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures, but further studies are required [56]. Lamotriginedosing ranges from 5 to 15 mg/kg/d given once or twice daily. Because itinterferes with other anticonvulsant medications, its dosage must beadjusted when given concurrently. Side effects include insomnia, gastrointes-tinal upset, headache, dizziness, and diplopia and are more pronounced inpatients also receiving valproate. Lamotrigine has mood stabilizing effectsand may be beneficial in patients with depression or bipolar disorder[10,14,26,37,53,56,58,59].

    Felbamate (Felbatol) is most often used to treat refractory seizures, espe-cially those associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Its use results inincreased levels of phenytoin and valproate and decreased levels of carba-mazepine, and its side effects are intensified when used with other medica-tions. As a result, it is generally used as monotherapy. Side effects includeinsomnia, somnolence, anorexia, and vomiting. Its use has decreased sec-ondary to the incidence of aplastic anemia and hepatic failure. Childrenon felbamate should have liver function tests and blood counts monitoredfrequently. Dosing should start at the low end of the dosing range andbe increased every 1 to 2 weeks if tolerated. The usual dose is 15 to45 mg/kg/d divided three to four times daily [10,14,37,53,58].

    Gabapentin (Neurontin) has been used as adjunctive therapy in patientswith refractory partial and secondary tonic-clonic seizures. It is relativelywell tolerated with side effects including weight gain, fatigue, dizziness,ataxia, and diarrhea. Maintenance dosing ranges from 20 to 70 mg/kg/d di-vided in three to four doses daily. It can be rapidly titrated if necessary andhas no interaction with other antiepileptic drugs [10,14,26,53,56,58].

    Vigabatrin (Sabril) is indicated for the management of refractory partialseizures and infantile spasms. In some children with infantile spasms, treat-ment results in the replacement of infantile spasms with partial seizures. Thiseffect is considered by most experts to be an improvement. In infants withtuberous sclerosis and infantile spasms, vigabatrin has been shown to beequally as effective as ACTH therapy [14]. Side effects include rash,

  • 1082 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANsedation, ataxia, behavioral changes, and visual field constriction. Gener-ally, dosing is started at 50 mg/kg/d given once daily or divided in two doses.It is increased to a goal of 75 to 150 mg/kg/d if some response is seen withthe initial dose. Patients who do not respond or who worsen with treatmentare considered resistant to the drug [10,14,26,53].

    Zonisamide (Zonegran) is an effective adjunctive therapy for partial sei-zures in patients over 16 years of age. It has also been used effectively in gen-eralized tonic-clonic, myoclonic and atonic seizures, infantile spasms, andLennox-Gastaut syndrome. Some recent evidence shows that it may beuseful as monotherapy in multiple seizure types including absence seizures[6062]. Side effects are more common early in treatment and include nau-sea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, ataxia, and rash. Dosing begins at 2 to4 mg/kg/d divided two to three times daily. It is titrated to maintenancedosing between 4 and 8 mg/kg/d [10,58].

    Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) is indicated in partial seizures as an adjunctivetherapy. Side effects may include nausea, ataxia, diplopia, somnolence, rash,and hypersensitivity reactions. Twenty-five percent of children allergic tocarbamazepine are also sensitive to oxcarbazepine. It is better toleratedthan phenytoin and may have mood stabilizing benefits. Use of this medica-tion may increase serum levels of phenobarbital and phenytoin. Dosing isstarted at 5 mg/kg/d and increased to 45 mg/kg/d divided in two doses[6,10,56].

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) is a useful adjunct in the treatment of partial sei-zures in children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. Side effects includebehavioral problems, somnolence, vomiting, anorexia, rhinitis, pharyngitis,otitis media, and gastroenteritis. Leukopenia has been reported in adults buthas not been observed in children. The usual maintenance dose is between10 and 60 mg/kg/d [10,56,58,63].

    Tiagabine (Gabitril) is an adjunctive medication useful for refractory par-tial seizures. Side effects include headache, mood disturbances, inability toconcentrate, fatigue, and dizziness. They are accentuated with multidrugtherapy. Maintenance doses range from 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/d titrated froma starting dose of 0.1 mg/kg/d [10,14,26,53,58].

    Topiramate (Topamax) is an adjunctive therapy in partial or general-ized tonic-clonic seizures, refractory complex partial seizures, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and infantile spasms. Its side effects include anorexia,weight loss, renal stones, headache, fatigue, diplopia, and metabolic acido-sis. Sleep disturbances, behavioral and cognitive effects, confusion, andspeech problems can also occur. A few recent studies have documentedhypohydrosis and intermittent hyperthermia occurring as a result of topir-amate administration. The effects were reversible and resolved shortly afterthe medication was discontinued [37,64]. Topiramate may be beneficial inpatients with migraine headaches [37]. Dosing begins at 1 mg/kg/d and istitrated to a maintenance dose of 3 to 9 mg/kg/d divided twice daily[10,14,26,53,58].

  • 1083CHILDHOOD SEIZURESThe ketogenic diet has been used with success in patients with refractoryseizure types who have failed standard medical therapy. It has been used inmultiple seizure types, including tonic-clonic, myoclonic, atonic, atypical ab-sence, infantile spasms, and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. A seizure reductionrate of 50% to 70% has been achieved in some studies [10,15]. Although ithas traditionally been reserved for patients with refractory seizures, someevidence suggests that it may be a valuable treatment option early in therapyas well [65]. The diet, which is low in protein and carbohydrates and high infat, induces a ketogenic state that results in a reduction in seizure frequency.At the start of the diet, patients are admitted to the hospital for approxi-mately 4 days to educate the family and closely monitor for side effects. Dur-ing the initial 48-hour fasting phase, these patients are at risk forhypoglycemia, vomiting, and dehydration and must be monitored closely.Long-term side effects include renal tubular acidosis, nephrolithiasis, consti-pation, growth retardation, weight loss, hyperlipidemia, hypoproteinemia,and an increase in hepatic and pancreatic enzymes. An increased risk of in-fection and prolonged QT intervals are other potential risks. An EKG anda thorough metabolic evaluation should be performed before initiation ofthe diet. Routine laboratory monitoring and vitamin supplementation arenecessary [6,10,26,66]. Some recent evidence suggests that a modificationof the popular Atkins diet may be as effective as and better toleratedthan the traditional ketogenic diet. This therapy eliminates the need for ini-tial admission and has fewer dietary restrictions than the traditional diet[66].

    In addition to the ketogenic diet, other nonmedical therapies are avail-able in certain cases. These therapies include anterior temporal lobectomy,corpus callostomy, and vagal nerve stimulation therapy. These methodshave considerable risks and side effects but are useful in carefully selectedpatients [37].

    Patients, especially adolescents, should be educated about lifestyle mod-ifications that may decrease their seizure activity. Alcohol consumptionshould be kept to a minimum, and patients should be encouraged to main-tain regular sleep-wake cycles because disruption to their circadian rhythmcan lead to increased seizures [37].


    Following a first-time afebrile seizure, well-appearing children can besafely managed on an outpatient basis. Adequate follow-up should beensured, and sufficient parental education and reassurance should be pro-vided. Additional work-up, including EEG, can be performed on an outpa-tient basis [6]. Very young infants, those with prolonged seizure activity,a prolonged postictal state, and who require anticonvulsant medicationswarrant hospital admission and further inpatient evaluation. EEG, whetherperformed in the hospital or after discharge, can help predict future seizure

  • 1084 BLUMSTEIN & FRIEDMANrecurrence. Patients with a normal EEG have a 2-year recurrence rate of28%, whereas the rate of recurrence in those with abnormal findings risesto 58% [67].


    The authors thank Ghazala Q. Sharieff, MD, of Childrens Hospital andHealth Center, University of California, San Diego, for her assistance onthis project.


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    Childhood SeizuresPathophysiologySeizure classificationSpecial considerationsNeonatal seizuresFebrile seizures

    Differential diagnosisEvaluation and managementHistory and physical examinationLaboratory testingNeuroimagingElectroencephalography

    Initial managementLong-term managementDispositionAcknowledgmentsReferences