Child Support to Third Parties

Child Support to Third Parties


In some cases parents have to pay third parties child support. In other cases they do not. Review the case of Rodriguez and find out when parents have to pay and when they do not.

Transcript of Child Support to Third Parties

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Child Support to Third Parties

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P lum a s County DCS S v. R odrig ue z

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P lum a s County DCS S v. R odrig ue z

Dis s o : 1993 P rima ry c us tody o f s on to M F orde re d to pa y $565 a m onth c h ild s upport S on live d with M until 2005 2005: M a nd F a g re e th a t s on would m ove to M’s

b roth e r’s h om e , until s on fin is h e d h ig h s c h ool

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P lum a s County DCS S v. R odrig ue z

After son moves in with uncle, F continues to send payments to M, who forwards the money to her brother.

M also voluntarily sends an additional $165 to her brother.

August, 2006: M stops sending brother voluntary payments.

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P lum a s County DCS S v. R odrig ue z

Brother asks the Department of Child Support Serves (DCSS) for help.

DCSS files an action againg M for $576, based on a formula that assumed her brother was the custodial parent.

T/Ct: M was the custodial parent, and had no obligation to pay child support absent a contractual agreement, and brother lacked standing.

DCSS appeals. Your Ruling?

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P lum a s County DCS S v. R odrig ue z

Court of Appeal: Affirmed County argued M had a parental duty per

F.C. 3951 to support child that did not end when child stopped living with her.

Court disagrees: M not required to compensate other parent or a relative, for the voluntary support of her child, without an agreement for compensation.

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P lum a s County DCS S v. R odrig ue z

Rationale: M had not acknowledged a support obligation and one had not been adjudicated.

Important Lesson: Brother should have sought a written agreement.

N.B.: Compare this case where child support is sought by a foster parent or legal guardian.

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